• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 4,308 Views, 63 Comments

The Chronicles of Sunset: Crimson Promise - VioletNightWriter

Sunset is a vampire, plain and simple. When CHS receives a new student, Sunset will find she has feelings for them. But when an old enemy comes into town, she will have to protect her secret and the new student.

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Chapter 10: "I'm Sorry"

Sunset looked away. Seeing Twilight standing there was enough to make her heart race. She hated that Twilight had to see her holding Trixie by her throat.

"Hey, Twilight. Glad that you could join us," replied Rainbow Dash. She jabbed Sunset in her rib cage.

"Ow! What is that for?" whispered Sunset angrily. She glared at Rainbow Dash while rubbing her rib cage.

"Say something to her. It is the least you can do," said Rainbow Dash. She nodded her head in Twilight's direction.

Sunset groaned in pain. She didn't appreciate Rainbow Dash's methods of getting her attention.

"Rainbow, she told me that unless I want to confess my secret, she would rather I didn't talk to her," replied Sunset.

Rainbow looked from Sunset to Twilight and then looked back at Sunset.

"Really? She didn't mention it to Pinkie Pie," asked Rainbow Dash.

Sunset nodded. She recalled the moment in the bathroom as she explained it to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight, who busy gathering her food onto her tray.

"Wow. I can't believe you tried to pass off your growl as a ringtone," said Rainbow, seemingly ignoring the point of Sunset's tale.

Sunset looked back at Twilight, who was busy avoiding any eye contact. She sighed. She really did like Twilight, but she knew she had messed up too.

"Well, it was the only thing I thought of," replied Sunset, her annoyance clear in her voice.

Rainbow Dash got the point and backed off. They met up with the rest of the gang at a table not too far from the entrance.

"Hey, " said Rainbow Dash as she sat down. Sunset and Twilight joined her.

Sunset sighed. She noticed that Twilight sat on the opposite end of the table, opposite of her. She bit her lip as she saw Twilight glance at her.

"Hey Twilight, glad you could join us," said Applejack.

She sat in between Twilight and Fluttershy. She noted that Twilight seemed to be avoiding Sunset.

Twilight sat there, silent. She didn't feel too comfortable around Sunset and her friends. "Yeah, me too," whispered Twilight.

Sunset saw Rarity sit next to her.

"Sunset, what is wrong?" asked Rarity.

Sunset looked up at Rarity. She could hear Twilight move a little farther down the table. Sighing, she placed her head on her hands.

"Twilight heard me growl earlier, while we were in the bathroom. Then during the passing period, she saw me threatening Trixie," said Sunset.

Rarity looked at Sunset, her dark blue eyes saddened by Sunset's tale.

Rarity placed her hands on Sunset's shoulder. "I am sure she might give you a chance to tell the truth. But you have to be willing to tell her the real truth."

Sunset knew that Rarity's words rang true. Even Twilight herself had said it. She didn't want to talk to Sunset unless she was going to tell the truth.

"Okay. I will talk to her after school," replied Sunset.

After she said that, the bell rang, ending lunch.

Sunset went to her next class. She had this class with Trixie. She sat down in the only available seat; next to Trixie.

As Sunset sat down, Trixie said, "Hello again, Sunset."

Sunset grumbled in annoyance. She looked down at the table, her eyes shifting from cyan to red and back again. She knew her inability to control her anger was a problem. She took a few breaths, allowing her eyes to remain their cyan color again.

Meanwhile, across the room, Diamond Tiara watched as Sunset's eyes changed color. She gasped, having seen that same thing happen to her father. She grabbed her phone, making a mental note of what she just saw.

Trixie, who looked up, saw Diamond Tiara send a text. She knew that filthy Rich had some bad past with Starlight. "Psst. Sunset!" whispered Trixie.

Sunset looked at Trixie. "What is it now?" asked Sunset. She placed on hand on her hip.

Trixie sat back, noticing Sunset's posture. "Well, I think you should know that Diamond Tiara just saw your eyes go all red," whispered Trixie.

Sunset felt her heart drop in her chest. She couldn't believe that she may have just exposed herself to her enemy's daughter. She laid her head against the table. "Great. Just great. Now I have a spoiled rich brat to worry about! On top of that, I have to fix things with Twilight." thought Sunset.

For the rest of the class, Sunset wondered what she was going to tell Starlight. She only hoped that Starlight would understand that she hadn't meant for it to happen.

As the bell rang, Sunset ran to her locker which wasn't far. As she placed some of her books in her locker, she saw Applejack. Locking her locker again, Sunset walked up to Fluttershy.

"Hey, Sunset." greeted Applejack. She noticed that Sunset seemed to be in distress.

"Hey Applejack, can I ask for your honest opinion?" asked Sunset, her voice low.

Applejack nodded. She placed a gentle hand on Sunset's shoulder. "Of course, Sunset. I am your friend, and you can count on me to be there, no matter the situation."

Sunset smiled. She was glad to have Applejack as her friend. She sighed as she readied herself to ask the question. "Should I tell Twilight the truth?" asked Sunset.

Applejack looked at the ground. She wasn't sure how to say the answer. She hated that they had to lie to people, but if the opportunity to tell the truth arose, she would take it.

"Well, I would. But check with Starlight. She might even give you the house for the night. That is my suggestion." replied Applejack.

Sunset cringed as she heard Applejack say that she would. She wondered if she could truly tell Twilight the truth. She nodded back at Applejack's response, saying, "Okay, thanks for the advice Applejack."

Applejack nodded back, closing her locker. After that, she and Sunset went to their separate classes. She hoped that Sunset would tell Twilight the truth.

Meanwhile, Diamond Tiara was sitting in a class, next to Twilight. She noticed that the plum-haired girl seemed nervous.

"Hi, my name is Diamond Tiara. I am the girl whose paper that your glasses fell on," said Diamond Tiara, introducing herself.

Twilight looked up, adjusting her glasses as they shifted down. She noticed that Diamond Tiara seemed to be almost as pale as Sunset was. "Oh, hello. My name is-"

"Twilight Sparkle, I know. Ms. Cheerlie had mentioned it," said Diamond Tiara, interrupting Twilight. She smiled as she a nervous Twilight adjust her glasses again.

"Sorry for interrupting you. Would you like to be friends?" asked Diamond.

The question took Twilight by surprise. She hadn't suspected for Diamond Tiara to ask that question. She looked down, unsure of what to say back.

Diamond Tiara saw Twilight look down. She wondered if she had asked too much out of Twilight. She decided to not say anything until Twilight spoke.

Twilight looked up to see a hurt Diamond Tiara. She felt bad that she sent the wrong message to Diamond Tiara. "Yes. I would love to be your friend," replied Twilight.

Diamond Tiara smiled at her as she heard Twilight's response. "Thanks, Twilight. You're the first friend that I've made so far," said Diamond Tiara.

Twilight smiled back, nervously shifting in her seat. She couldn't shake the uneasy feeling she had around Diamond Tiara.

Meanwhile, Sunset and Rarity were sitting together in Mr. Sunbust's class.

"Hey Rarity, do you think Twilight will take my being a vampire okay? I am scared about revealing that to her," whispered Sunset.

Rarity looked at Sunset, her dark blue eyes full of sympathy. She said, "Sunset if Twilight truly cares for you, then she will look past you and your vampiric urges."

Sunset took what Rarity said to heart. She noticed that was what Pinkie had said the day they met Twilight. The rest of the class went without another conversation.

As the bell for the last class of the day rang, Sunset packed up her notebook. She looked up as she saw Fluttershy walked up.

"Hey, Fluttershy. You're just the person I wanted to see," said Sunset, smiling.

Fluttershy gasped. "Really? Why, Sunset?"

Sunset looked around, making sure no one was within hearing distance of them. "I need to ask you a question," replied Sunset.

Fluttershy winced slightly as Sunset grabbed her arm a little too tight. She was pulled into a quiet part of the hallway. "What is your question, Sunset?" asked Fluttershy.

Sunset looked at Fluttershy, her throat going dry as a desert. "Uhm, I was wondering if you had any suggestions for how I should tell Twilight that I am a vampire," said Sunset.

Fluttershy felt fear rise up and make her stomach tie into knots. She saw that Sunset's cyan eyes were full of distress. She gulped, pushing her own uneasiness aside.

Sunset looked down at her own shoes. She understood from Fluttershy's silence that she had asked too much of her. "Sorry, Fluttershy. I shouldn't-"

"No, I am glad that you came to me. I think you should tell her gently. Let her ask questions and do your best to tell the answers. And if she has any requests, see what you can do to meet them." said Fluttershy, interrupting Sunset mid-sentence.

Sunset looked at Fluttershy as she felt a firm hand on her shoulder. But before she could respond she was pulled into a quick hug. She hugged Fluttershy, surprised by the hug.

The bell rang, interrupting the hug. "Oh, Sunset! We better hurry before we're late to class," said Fluttershy.

Sunset watched as Fluttershy waved a quick goodbye to her. She hurried off to the last class of the day.

As she arrived at Ms. Harshwhinny's class, she noticed a few a students gave disapproving glares. She quickly took her seat before Ms. Harshwhinny turned away from the whiteboard.

"Hello, Ms. Shimmer. Nice of you to join us," said Ms. Harshwhinny, as she looked at Sunset.

Sunset shifted nervously in her seat. She noticed that as Ms. Harshwhinny looked at her, the class decided to join in. "Sorry, Ms. Harshwhinny." was all Sunset managed to say.

Ms. Harshwhinny went back to announcing the assignment. Sunset felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. She pulled it out, careful to not let anyone see it.

She saw a text from Starlight. She read the text.

'Hey Sunset, any plans for this weekend I should know about?'

Sunset sighed. She knew that was now was the time to tell Starlight her plan. She quickly texted Starlight, saying, 'Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I was hoping that maybe you would let me have the house tonight.'

She put her phone away as Ms. Harshwhinny walked by her desk. She breathed a sigh of relief when Ms. Harshwhinny didn't notice that she was on her phone.

Her phone vibrated again, letting her know that Starlight had messaged her again. She made sure that Ms. Harshwhinny wasn't looking before she pulled out her phone.

She saw the text.

'What pray tell requires me to let you have the house?'

Sunset looked at her phone, her hands starting to shake from fear.

'I need the house because, and please don't upset, I want to tell Twilight that I am a vampire.' Sunset sent the text.

She paid attention to Ms. Harshwhinny's lesson as she waited for a response back from Starlight. With each minute she watched pass, the anxiety in her chest grew. She had to keep from scratching the desk. Suddenly her phone vibrated.

'Sunset, I will advise you to think that decision through. I will let you have the house for the weekend. But you must promise me, that if you tell Twilight, that you make sure she won't tell.'

Sunset reread the text unable to completely process it.

She wondered if Twilight was completely trustworthy. She decided that she would give Starlight the answer after she talked with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

'I will have my answer soon. Thanks for the support.' was the last text Sunset sent before putting away her phone.

As class ended, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie rushed to Sunset's class. They wanted to know if Sunset was really planning on telling Twilight her secret.

As Sunset put her books in her locker, she spotted Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. She waved at them as they walked up. "Hey, guys. I am glad to see you. I need your guy's opinion on something." said Sunset, closing her locker.

"Us too, Sunset. Is it true that you're really going to tell Twilight your secret?" asked Rainbow Dash, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Pinkie beamed happily alongside Rainbow Dash. She wanted to know the answer as well.

"Yes. And that is what I wanted your opinion about. Do you guys think Twilight is trustworthy?" asked Sunset.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were shocked and surprised by Sunset's answer. Rainbow Dash was the first to regain her composure. "Yeah. She seems totally trustworthy. Not something that I expected from a Crystal Prep student." Rainbow Dash cringed as she said 'Crystal Prep'.

Sunset looked at Pinkie, waiting for her answer. She was glad that Rainbow Dash thought that Twilight was trustworthy.

"You know my answer, Sunset. I told you the day we met Twilight. I do believe she is definitely worthy of your trust." said Pinkie Pie.

Sunset smiled and pulled her friends into a group hug. "Thanks. You guys have really helped me," said Sunset.

As the group hug ended, Sunset spotted Twilight, who stood at her locker. She took a deep breath, making sure that her eyes were normal. She walked up to Twilight, saying, "Hey, Twilight. Can we talk?"

Twilight jumped as she heard Sunset's voice. She hadn't expected for Sunset to talk to her, especially since she specifically said that she didn't want to talk to her unless Sunset was going to tell her the truth.

"Is this about what actually happened in the hallway and the bathroom?"

Sunset cringed as she heard Twilight mention the hallway incident. She hated that Twilight had to see her that way. "Yes. I was hoping that maybe if you wanted, I could pick you up this Saturday evening."

That was all Sunset could say. She tried to say anything else but it just seemed to be useless. She just had to hope that telling the truth would be enough.

She looked at Sunset. She noticed that Sunset's eyes were red around the edges. "Okay. I will let me mom know that I am spending Saturday evening till Sunday evening at your house. But Sunset, if you don't tell me what is going on, I am really going to be hurt. I want to believe that you and your friends are better the students at Crystal Prep."

Twilight's words cut Sunset. She understood why she wouldn't trust her. She looked at Twilight's violet eyes, saying, "I will tell you everything. I just hope that when you know the truth, that it doesn't scare you away."

Twilight went to speak but Sunset stopped her. Before she could register, Sunset's lips were against hers. She could taste Sunset's strawberry lip gloss. As quickly as the kiss happened, it ended.

"See you Saturday, Twilight," said Sunset, before she grabbed her bag and walked away. She left an awestruck and nervous Twilight standing at her locker.

Sunset was just as nervous, if not more than Twilight. She reveled in the feeling of the kiss. She wanted to make it last longer. As she hopped onto her motorcycle, she hoped that come Saturday evening, Twilight would be her friend, if not more.