• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 4,308 Views, 63 Comments

The Chronicles of Sunset: Crimson Promise - VioletNightWriter

Sunset is a vampire, plain and simple. When CHS receives a new student, Sunset will find she has feelings for them. But when an old enemy comes into town, she will have to protect her secret and the new student.

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Chapter 5: Stirring Feelings

Sunset felt a tingle go up to her spine as she recalled the kiss she gave Twilight. She was glad that it didn't seem to upset her. She smiled as she thought about seeing Twilight tomorrow.

She sped home on her motorcycle. She threw off her helmet as she rushed into her house. She saw that Starlight was watching some old films. She never understood what those old, dusty films meant to Starlight

"Hey Starlight, I am home. What are you watching? " asked Sunset. She sat next to Starlight on the couch. She saw that Starlight's cheeks were wet with tears. She wondered why Starlight had been crying.

Starlight wiped her eyes and cheeks dry as soon as Sunset notice the tears. She hadn't told Sunset that the films were of her family that had died a long time ago. She looked at Sunset after her eyes were dry. She could that Sunset was within close proximity of Twilight. She wondered what Sunset had done with her.

"What's up, Sunset? Anything exciting? " asked Starlight. She watched as Sunset beamed. She could tell that whatever happened between Twilight and Sunset had excited Sunset big time. She listened intently as Sunset began to speak.

"Well, Twilight and I have math class together, so I had a lot of fun talking with her. But of course, Trixie had to make fun of her. I wanted to kill her for that, but I didn't for Twilight's sake. Then after that, me and her hung out with my friends. She had asked me what happened between me and Trixie. I said that I would tell her some other time. After school, I drove her around town. She really enjoyed the tour. I had saved my favorite spot for last. I took her to the pier. " replied Sunset, without taking a single breath.

Starlight was amazed at how long Sunset continued to talk without breathing. She was amazed that Sunset and Twilight hung out and seemed to be growing closer. She looked at Sunset, raising an eyebrow.

"Is that all or is there a big finale after all that? " asked Starlight.

Sunset blushed. She hadn't suspected that Starlight would figure out that there was an epic ending to her day. She laughed with glee as she said,

"I kissed Twilight right after that! "She gauged Starlight's reaction. She saw that Starlight had the look of terror on her face. She worried that she shouldn't have kissed her. She watched as Starlight stood up.

"You did what?! How could you?! Do you realize that you could've just exposed yourself then and there?! "shouted Starlight. She was pissed at Sunset's careless action. She couldn't believe that Sunset would be that reckless. She had to keep herself from strangling Sunset.

She walked out to the backyard where she kept a punching bag filled with titanium pellets. The bag was built to stand Starlight's heavy blows. She kept hitting the bag as Sunset watched on sorrowfully.

"Sorry Starlight. I kind of got caught up in the moment. I couldn't resist the urge to kiss her. " replied Sunset.

She looked at Starlight apologetically. She then walked back into the house, grabbing a bag of deer blood. Sunset prefers deer to rabbit blood. But the rabbit was less messy making it ideal to bring to school. She finished the bag in a few seconds. She then carefully disposed of it.

She headed up to her room. Once she made sure that Starlight was still punching away at the bag, she pulled out her old leather diary. On the front cover was a sun split into two colors; red and yellow. She loved those colors and how they looked side by side.

She pulled out a feather pen. She liked the way it made the letters look fancy and old. It took her years to learn how to use it, but she was determined to learn how.

She began to pen out the date and the day's events. She relived the kiss with Twilight in her head. She herself still couldn't believe what she did entirely. She felt that some part of it had to be a dream. But the best part was that Twilight seemed to be feeling the same way. As she sat her desk, she scribbled away about Trixie.

Sunset couldn't believe that Trixie had the nerve to pick on Twilight. She couldn't understand what made Trixie want to do that. She decided that tomorrow she would ask Trixie what her problem was.

After she finished writing, she hid her diary once again. She made sure that Starlight wasn't going to find it. She didn't what to know would happen if Starlight ever found her diary.

Then she heard Starlight come in from her anger workout.

"Sunset! Please come down here. We need to talk. " called Starlight. She felt a bit better after burning off some of her anger. She was still shocked and concerned for Sunset.

She heard Sunset coming down the stairs.

"What's up Starlight? Are you still mad at me for kissing her? " asked Sunset, cautiously walking into the kitchen.

Starlight sighed. "No, I am mad that you risked exposure to someone that you barely know, " replied Starlight.

She looked at Sunset, her eyes showing signs of deep worry. She knew that Sunset had only been a vampire for a little while. But she needed to knew that she just couldn't go around risking exposure like that.

"Sorry. I wasn't thinking that I barely knew her. But she is such a beautiful girl. I get lost in love just by looking at her. " replied Sunset. She caught herself starting daydream in front of Starlight. She blushed as she looked at the floor.

"It's okay. I can tell that you care for her a lot. But remember what happened with Trixie? You didn't realize that you let your secret slip and it cost you your whole summer. " said Starlight, reminding Sunset of a painful memory.

Sunset hated that she had to make a deal to keep Trixie quiet. Sunset would've much rather preferred an old-fashioned death threat. She still considered doing that.

"Okay, you do have a strong point there. But I don't think she is anything like Trixie. In fact, Trixie is actually bullying her. I wish that she wasn't. " said Sunset. She had to admit that Starlight's statement raised a few questions about Twilight. She wondered if Starlight was right to be wary of her. She decided it was best to keep her interactions with Twilight limited.

Sunset decided to lay down for the rest of the day. She was told that vampires don't usually sleep. But she actually did because of her diet which allowed her to retain some strands of her humanity. As she laid there in her bed, she couldn't get Twilight's smile out of her head. She was truly captivated by her.

Sunset was awoken by Starlight.

"Sunset, wake up!!" whispered Starlight.

Sunset blinked as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She looked at Starlight, saying, "What do you want?" asked Sunset. She looked at Starlight as she spoke.

"Sunset, an enemy of mine has come back," said Starlight.

That news made Sunset jump out of bed. She immediately got dressed. She ran downstairs as she pulled her shirt over her head. She ran downstairs and saw two gentlemen dressed in suits.

She noticed their odd choice of candy cane colored hair. She knew that they knew of her and Starlight's secret.

"What do you want?" asked Starlight, her voice stern. The two gentlemen laughed as they heard Starlight speak.

"We merely came to ask for your help. We have a certain competitor by the name of Filthy Rich." replied the gentlemen.

Sunset looked at Starlight, wondering what her vampire friend was thinking. After a few moments, Starlight pulled Sunset aside.

"Did I ever mention Filthy Rich to you?" asked Starlight.

Sunset looked at Starlight, shaking her head no.

"Who is Filthy Rich?" asked Sunset. Starlight sighed.

"Filthy Rich is like us, a vampire. But he is much older than me, meaning that he is far more powerful then I am," replied Starlight.

Sunset gasped as she heard the news about Filthy Rich. She wondered if he was the one who turned Starlight.

"So, what are we going to do about them?" asked Sunset. She saw Starlight approach the two gentlemen, saying,

"Flim, Flam, we will help on the condition that you keep Filthy Rich out of town." Sunset looked at Flim and Flam as she awaited the response.

Flim and Flam looked at each other, before glancing back at Starlight.

"You have a deal, my dear Starlight," said Flam, kissing Starlight's hand. Starlight yanked her hand back, away from Flam's hand. After that, Flim and Flam said goodbye to Sunset and Starlight.

"Are we in danger?" asked Sunset. She looked at Starlight, hoping for a good answer. But she didn't get the answer she hoped for.

"Yes, Sunset, we are in danger. If Flim and Flam do not do as I told them, Filthy Rich will expose us for sure," replied Starlight.