• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 4,308 Views, 63 Comments

The Chronicles of Sunset: Crimson Promise - VioletNightWriter

Sunset is a vampire, plain and simple. When CHS receives a new student, Sunset will find she has feelings for them. But when an old enemy comes into town, she will have to protect her secret and the new student.

  • ...

Chapter 29: The Aftermath

Starlight wanted to go after Twilight. But her pressing concern had to be Sunset. She told Applejack and her friends to help carry Sunset while Fluttershy and Rarity opened the doors. She could see that they were worried for Sunset. She shared their feelings of worries.

"Okay girls, let's get Sunset to the nurse's office, now!" shouted Starlight.

Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash and together they lifted Sunset. Starlight managed to make up for the lack of people. All three of them carried Sunset through the school hallways until they reached the nurse's office. Once they got there, they laid Sunset's unconscious body on the exam table. Starlight was the first to exam Sunset.

Starlight took off Sunset's bloodied dress. She gasped as she saw the deep gashes caused by Filthy Rich. She heard Fluttershy and Rarity gag. She saw that Rarity had ran to the bathroom, presumably to throw up. She regained her focus and decided to clean Sunset's wounds.

"Rainbow, give me some rubbing alcohol and a clean towel," said Starlight.

Rainbow Dash found the alcohol and towel. She handed them to Starlight. She kept her distance from Sunset. She was slightly disgusted at the wounds she had endured. She had to sit down as she felt lightheaded. She saw that Applejack sat next to her.

"How are you holdin' up, Rainbow?" asked Applejack.

"T-trying to not puke," replied Rainbow Dash, covering her mouth.

Applejack nodded. She sat back in her seat. She looked at her friend, her exhaustion showing. She pulled her hat over her head and closed her eyes. She wanted to catch some zzzs.

Starlight wet the towel with the water from the sink. She rung it out, not wanting the floor to be slippery. She used the towel to wipe the dried blood off Sunset's skin so she could see the actual wounds better. She had to rinse the towel after she finished cleaning Sunset's stomach. After a few more wash and rinse cycles, Sunset's body was cleaned off.

She saw that many of the wounds had started to heal. She left the nurse's office, heading to the cafeteria. She found Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy eating a cake.

"Where does Pinkie get all those treats?" thought Starlight.

She rolled her eyes and smirked. She figured that Pinkie always had them on her. Shaking the thought off, she approached the girls.

'Girls, I need your help." said Starlight.

Pinkie shoved the last of her cake into her mouth. She tossed her plate away and walked over to Starlight.

"What do you need?" asked Pinkie, swallowing the last of her cake.

Starlight looked at Fluttershy. She hoped that the task she had for her wouldn't make her uncomfortable. She turned back to Pinkie.

"Pinkie, I need you to help clean Sunset's wounds. Can you do that?" asked Starlight.

Pinkie nodded.

"Yessiree. What do I need to do?" replied Pinkie.

Starlight smiled. She was happy to have Pinkie's help.

"Just grab the cotton balls and I will be there in a few minutes," said Starlight.

Pinkie jumped up out of happiness. She gave Starlight hug.

"Okay, will do," said Pinkie.

Starlight watched as Pinkie skipped down the hall. She wished that she could be that happy. But her worries about Sunset weighed heavily on her. She shrugged off her thoughts about her own worries. She needed to be there for Sunset's friends. She walked over to where Fluttershy was sitting.

"Hey, Fluttershy. May I ask you to do me a favor?" asked Starlight.

Fluttershy ate the last small bite of her cake. She had been doing her best to ignore the events of the night. She was worried about Sunset, as were all her friends. But she didn't like seeing blood or her friend hurting. She sighed and looked at Starlight.

"S-sure. What do you need from me, Starlight?" replied Fluttershy.

Starlight looked at the table. She hoped that Fluttershy could handle the task. She didn't have anyone else to do the task. Rarity was busy throwing up in the bathroom. Applejack was exhausted from the night's events. Rainbow was busy trying to not join Rarity in the bathroom and Pinkie already had a task.

"I need you to...get the blood bags from my car. Can you do that for me?" asked Starlight.

Fluttershy gulped. She could feel her stomach wanting to push the cake back up. She fought against the need to throw up.

"Sure, Starlight," replied Fluttershy.

Starlight gave Fluttershy a thankful smile and handed her the keys to her car. She ran back to nurse's office. Once she got there, she saw that Pinkie had the cotton balls ready. She grabbed the alcohol and poured it on one cotton ball. She handed Pinkie the cotton ball and did the same for herself.

Together they did both of her arms. The trash can become full of bloodied cotton balls. Starlight went to empty it when Rainbow Dash got up.

"Let me. You need to keep helping Sunset. I hope she survives this." said Rainbow Dash.

Starlight nodded. She grabbed the spare trash can which was kept in the closet. She set it up and continued to clean Sunset's wounds. When Rainbow Dash came back, the second trash can was about halfway full.

"Oh my! I didn't realize the extent of the wounds Filthy Rich inflicted. Nor did I account for the sheer amount of them," said Starlight.

Pinkie Pie nodded in agreement. She was just about to finish the last cut on the top of Sunset's shoulder. She had been working from the wrist up. She was about to stop when she spotted several deep cuts on Sunset's underarm.

"Woah! Filthy Rich must've gone crazy. I just found some more cuts on her arm." said Pinkie.

Starlight looked under Sunset's left arm and sure enough, there were more deep cuts there. She was both shocked and amazed at how dedicated Filthy Rich was. She hadn't seen anything so thorough. She grabbed another cotton ball. She and Pinkie continued to repeat the process until they had reached her thighs.

Fluttershy came with the blood bags just as Pinkie was about to start on Sunset's right thigh. She stopped just as Fluttershy appeared.

"Here you go, Starlight," said Fluttershy.

Starlight took the blood bags from Fluttershy. She set them on the desk and walked back over to Fluttershy.

"Thanks, Fluttershy. If you want, you can lie down on the spare bed," said Starlight.

Fluttershy smiled. She was grateful for Starlight's kindness. She walked over to the spare bed and laid down. She was about to close her eyes when she saw Starlight hand her a blanket. She took it and laid it over her legs. She turned to her side and exhaustion took over. She was later joined by Applejack and Rarity, who was done throwing up.

Starlight and Pinkie managed to finish cleaning every wound Sunset had. Pinkie walked back to the cafeteria to get some more cake. She was famished after all the cleaning she did. She promised to bring one back for Diamond Tiara. But when she got to the cafeteria, she found that Diamond Tiara was already there.

"Hey, Diamond Tiara. What are you doing here?" asked Pinkie, skipping over to her.

Diamond Tiara jumped as she heard Pinkie Pie sit down. She wasn't expecting anyone to come in. She looked at Pinkie, watching as her friend grabbed a piece of cake. She couldn't help but laugh as Pinkie got some chocolate frosting on her cheek. She took a napkin and wiped it off.

"I was just getting some alone time. I can't believe what my dad was doing to your friend," said Diamond Tiara.

Pinkie giggled and smiled at Diamond Tiara.

"Our friend. She's your friend too. And besides, you helped save her and prove that she isn't a monster. I couldn't imagine what would've happened had the crowds thought that she was a monster." said Pinkie, placing a piece cake in front of Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara took the cake and took a bite. She smiled back at Pinkie. She could see how Pinkie's friends managed to stay hopeful even when the situation seemed dire. It was because they had her. She was their friendly neighborhood jokester.

"Thanks, Pinkie. Now, I have to get my blood bag. Starlight said it's in the nurse's office already. Wanna come?" asked Diamond Tiara.

Pinkie took another bite of her cake. She wanted to join Diamond Tiara. But she wanted to eat her cake. She decided that she would come by after she finished eating.

"No, I just came from there. You go, I will catch up. Come and get me if there's anything you need." said Pinkie taking another bite.

"Okay, Pinkie. Enjoy the cake," said Diamond Tiara as she left the cafeteria.

Diamond found the nurse's office after a few wrong turns. She realized that she wasn't used to the school. She opened the door, glad that she didn't have to admit she had lost her way a few times. She saw Starlight hush her as she closed the door. She was careful to not make much noise.

"Do you have the blood bag? My hunger is kicking up," whispered Diamond Tiara.

Starlight stopped wrapping Sunset's left arm with the gauze. She walked over to the desk and pulled the blood bag out of the cooler. She handed it to Diamond Tiara.

"Please, be quiet. These girls have had a long night. I know you did too, that's why I have reserved a spot for you" Starlight pointed to a spot on the floor which had two blankets sprawled out, "I know it's not much, but it was the best I could do." said Starlight.

Diamond Tiara sat on the bottom blanket and smiled.

"It's great, Starlight. Thanks," said Diamond Tiara.

Starlight nodded. She walked back over and continued to wrap Sunset's arm in gauze. Once she finished the left arm, she moved onto the right one. She was about to start wrapping it when a gentle knock came. She stopped and answered the door. She saw that Principle Luna was standing in the doorway. She walked out of the nurse's office, not wanting to disturb the sleeping teenagers.

"Sorry to disturb you, Ms. Glimmer. But I need to talk about your daughter," said Luna.

Starlight kept walking alongside Luna until they reached a set of lockers. She knew that Luna was probably going to discuss what to do with Sunset. She leaned against of the lockers and turned to Luna.

"Principle-" said Starlight.

"Just call me Luna, no need for formalities." interrupted Luna.

"Okay, Luna. You may call me Starlight. What exactly are you wanting to discuss that involves my daughter?" asked Starlight.

Luna placed a hand on Starlight's shoulder. She knew that the topic of her daughter was a difficult one, especially now. She wished that she didn't need to discuss it with Starlight, not when she just got her daughter back.

"I need to discuss if she's staying at CHS. A few details have been revealed tonight and I need to make sure that my staff and the students aren't in any danger," replied Luna.

Starlight looked at Luna, her anger making her red eyes glow. She understood Luna's concern. But she was getting tired of hearing people say Sunset was a danger to them. She had never seen any vampire with as much control as Sunset.

"I understand. But, as she said, she doesn't attack people or fellow students. If you would allo-" Starlight was cut off by Luna raising her eyebrow.

"Correct me if I am wrong, Starlight. But wasn't Sunset the reason for Twilight's absences last week?" asked Luna.

Starlight looked down at the floor. She couldn't say that it wasn't Sunset. She knew that Luna was right. Sunset had been the reason Twilight was out for a few days. She grabbed her elbow and growled in frustration. She was jolted back into the present when she heard Luna clear her throat.

"You're correct. She is the reason for Twilight's absences. But she wasn't quite herself. Filthy Rich had starved her and injured Twilight. He had planned the accident," explained Starlight.

Luna looked at Starlight. Her expression showed that she understood what Starlight said. But she also seemed worried still. She looked down and she rubbed her forehead.

"Starlight...do you think that it could happen again? I need to know that Sunset will be in control of her...instincts," asked Luna.

Starlight looked at Luna. She was shocked and bewildered to see the proud principal of the school look so...worried. She had never seen Luna this worried about anything before. She could see that Luna was doing what she thought was best for the students and faculty. She walked over to Luna and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I can assure you that I will talk with Sunset about this. I will make sure she keeps herself in control, at all times," replied Starlight, trying to reassure the worried principal.

Luna looked up at Starlight. She really hoped that she was right about Sunset. She wanted to believe that one of her brightest students could control her urges. She sighed and gathered herself again. She spotted a blood bag in the window of the nurse's office.

"Is Sunset going to be bringing her...meals to school?" asked Luna.

Starlight looked at the blood bag. She chuckled nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"She kind of...already has. I hope that you're not too mad," replied Starlight.

Luna kept her composure and started to walk back to the nurse's office.

"That's fine. But I must insist that she eat in a private room. I don't want to have students complain about her...diet." said Luna.

Starlight nodded.

"Okay. I think we can arrange something. Though, you think you can supply a private room for her and her friends to eat? I know she eats lunch with her friends every day." said Starlight.

Luna thought about the one room that was always cold. She hadn't been able to use that due to the fact it always seems to remain cold. She figured that it would be good enough for Sunset. She turned to Starlight as she got to the door.

"I am sure that I can find a suitable room. But I hope she won't expect any special treatment. She will still have to be treated fairly, like every other student." replied Luna.

Starlight nodded and shook Luna's hand.

"Okay, I will tell her that. Now, if you please, I must get back to attending to her wounds," said Starlight.

With that, Starlight and Luna said their goodbyes and parted ways. Starlight walked back into the nurse's office. She was careful to be quiet as she closed the door. She tiptoed around Diamond Tiara and the sleeping girls. She continued to wrap Sunset's abdomen in gauze.

She took a break and grabbed a blood bag. She went into the bathroom and closed the door. She sat on the toilet lid. She was exhausted and sore. She felt as though 3 semi trucks hit her straight on. She ripped open the bag and drank its contents. She emptied the bag in minutes. She tossed it away and sat back down.

She stared at her shadowed reflection in the barely lit bathroom. She could see her red eyes fade back into their normal color. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She laid her head on her arms as she felt her eyes grow misty. She let a few quiet sobs escape from her throat. She could see a few wet spots on her pants from her tears falling onto them. The stress and worry over Sunset and her safety had broken Starlight's calm composure.

Suddenly the office door opened. Starlight quickly gathered herself. She wiped the last few stray tears away from her cheek. She checked for any signs that might give away that she had been crying. Seeing none, she opened the bathroom door. She saw that Pinkie was sitting in the chair next to Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, Starlight. How are you feeling? I heard you crying." whispered Pinkie.

Starlight sighed. She knew that Pinkie always seemed to know when someone was down. She walked back over to Sunset and continued to wrap her thighs in gauze.

"I am feeling better. I just had to relieve some stress. But thanks for asking Pinkie." replied Starlight.

Pinkie smiled at Starlight. She looked at her sleeping friends. She tried to keep a yawn from escaping but to no avail. She let a big yawn go and she stretched afterward. She rested her head on the chair and let herself slip into sleep. She curled her legs close to her to keep herself warm.

Starlight finished applying the gauze to Sunset's wounds. She went into the closet. She wanted to see if there were any ace bandages. She wanted to wrap the gauze with something. She had searched multiple boxes until she found the one with the ace bandages. She grabbed 5 of the ace bandages.

Diamond Tiara was woken up by a dull thud on her head. She looked at the object which had disturbed her. She saw that it was an ace bandage. She looked to see that it was Starlight who had thrown it. She got up and handed Starlight the ace bandage back.

"What's the deal with hitting me with this?" asked Diamond Tiara.

Starlight took the ace bandage back and looked at Diamond Tiara.

"I needed to wake you without disturbing the others. But you, you require an elephant stampede or a least a rude awakening," replied Starlight.

"Okay, fair enough," said Diamond Tiara.

Starlight looked at Sunset's dress. She saw that were small tears all over it. She picked it up by the shoulder cuffs. She handed it to Diamond Tiara.

"Please, put that in a bag and place it the trunk of my car. I will have Rarity repair it once it's been washed," said Starlight.

Diamond nodded. She found a plastic bag in one of the drawers. She left the office and proceeded to do what Starlight asked. She folded the dress neatly and placed it in the bag. She then opened Starlight's trunk and set it next to a box which Starlight kept her books in.

As she went to walk back to the office, she saw her dad's unconscious body. She walked over and nudged him with her foot. He didn't stir, to her relief. She looked around and saw that no one was in the courtyard. She wanted to make sure her dad was finished. She didn't want him to ruin any more lives.

She saw a metal pole which was lying by the statue. She ran over and tried to pick it up. But it fell with a heavy clang. She looked over her shoulder to see that it didn't bother her dad. She sighed with relief. She tried again, and this time she used more strength. She managed to lift it off the ground. She sped over to her dad. She changed the pole's angle. She made sure no one would see her. Without hesitation, she drove the metal pole into her dad's heart. She watched his arms flinch as the pole dug into his body. Once she felt it go all the way through his body, she let go. She saw that it stood vertically straight up. She smiled to herself.

She dusted her hands off and walked back to the nurse's office. She quietly opened the door and walked in. She saw that Starlight had finished putting the ace bandages on Sunset's injuries. She had to keep from chuckling. She couldn't believe that Sunset looked like a half-finished mummy.

Starlight looked at Diamond Tiara. She put her phone away as she walked to Diamond Tiara. She could smell the scent of blood on Diamond Tiara. She wondered if was because of the blood bag. She decided that it didn't seem important.

"Diamond Tiara, I need you to keep an eye on everyone. Can you do that?" asked Starlight.

Diamond Tiara looked at the girls. She saw that they were all sleeping. She figured she could, for the time being.

"Yeah, sure. Where are you going, if I may ask?" said Diamond Tiara.

Starlight felt her phone buzz again as another text message came. She knew that she needed to respond. But she didn't want to involve the girls.

"I am meeting up with Royal Moon at the cafeteria. I just need someone to talk to, that's all," replied Starlight.

Diamond Tiara looked at Sunset. She wondered how she was feeling. She hoped that she was okay. She turned back to Starlight, but she was already gone. She sighed and laid back down.

At the cafeteria, Starlight saw Royal Moon walk in. She walked up to her friend and gave her a hug. She was relieved to see Royal Moon. She and Royal Moon walked to the table which had the cake.

"Star, I happy to hear that Sunset finally made it back to you. But why do you seem so worried?" asked Royal Moon.

Starlight sighed and rested her head on her arm.

"It's just that Royal Moon. I am worried about Sunset. You should've seen the injuries Filthy Rich inflicted. I have never seen so many injuries that were deep." replied Starlight.

Royal saw her friend's face darken as she talked. She placed a hand over Starlight's hand. She squeezed it in a comforting way. She felt Starlight pull her closer. She watched as she pulled away from the cake and towards her friend.

"Well, I am here for you. You know that right?" asked Royal Moon.

Starlight nodded and rested her head on Royal Moon's shoulder. She just wanted to sit there and enjoy her friend's company.

Back at the nurse's office, Sunset began to stir. She cracked open her eyes and blinked. She saw that there was a small desk lamp providing some light in the room. She looked around and saw that all her friends were sleeping. She caught sight of her arms which were wrapped in bandages. She tried to move, but the pain was too severe. She gave up trying and laid her arms back down.

She spotted the cooler which was on the desk. She felt her hunger grow as she knew what the contents were. She had been hungry since the fight with Filthy Rich. She looked at Diamond Tiara. She noted that she was the only one close enough to wake up. She grabbed one of the pens that were on the table near her. She threw it at Diamond Tiara. She winced as her arm stung.

"Psst. Diamond Tiara! Wake up." whispered Sunset.

Diamond Tiara felt a small thud hit her head. She sat up and saw that Sunset was awake. She got up and tiptoes over to her.

"Glad to see that you're awake. Now, what do you need?" asked Diamond Tiara.

Sunset looked at the cooler.

"Can you get me one of the blood bags? I am hungry," asked Sunset.

Diamond Tiara nodded and walked over to the cooler. She grabbed a blood bag. She carefully avoided tripping over Rainbow Dash's feet. She walked over to Sunset and handed her the blood bag.

Sunset tore the bag open. She lifted the bag to her lips, ignoring the searing pain in her arms. She drank the red liquid in minutes. She handed the empty bag to Diamond Tiara. She sighed, her hunger finally sated, for the moment.

"Thanks," said Sunset.

"You're welcome. Anything for a friend," replied Diamond Tiara, throwing away the blood bag.

As she went to walk back to Sunset, she tripped over Rainbow Dash's foot. She fell onto Pinkie Pie. She watched as Pinkie awoke from her slumber. She got off of Pinkie, just as Pinkie sat up.

"Hey Diamond Tiara. What's up?" asked Pinkie.

Diamond Tiara stepped aside and let Pinkie Pie see Sunset.

"She is," replied Diamond Tiara.

Pinkie squealed and jumped up. She ran over to Sunset. She went to give her friend a hug when she thought better of it. She looked around at her sleeping friends. She felt they needed to be awake.

"Hey everybody, Sunset's awake!!" shouted Pinkie.

Everyone bolted awake. Applejack, who was sleeping on the edge on the bed, fell off. She landed on the floor, hitting her head on the floor. She got back up and dusted off her dress.

"I'm fine, y'all," said Applejack, reassuring her friends.

Fluttershy was clutching Rarity's waist. She had been spooked when Pinkie shouted. She felt Rarity attempt to pull her off. She responded by gripping tighter.

"Fluttershy, dear, please let go. I am not feeling too well," asked Rarity.

Fluttershy, seeing Rarity looking green, let her go. She gave her a quick apology before Rarity ran to the bathroom. She sat up and looked at Sunset. She could see that Sunset's eyes were a mix of her normal cyan color and red. She hid behind her hair as she spoke.

"I am happy that you're feeling better, Sunset. I mean, you're feeling better, right?" asked Fluttershy.

Sunset could see that Fluttershy was struggling to keep calm. She understood why Fluttershy was nervous and scared. She knew that if she was in Fluttershy's position, she'd be feeling the same way.

"Yeah, I am. I'm still a bit sore, but as long as I have you guys, I know I will get there," said Sunset.

Rainbow Dash smiled at Sunset.

"We'll help get you back to being awesome!" shouted Rainbow Dash, throwing a fist in the air.

Applejack walked over to Rainbow Dash. She rested her arm on Rainbow Dash's shoulder.

"Rainbow's right. We'll be there, helping you get better," said Applejack.

Rarity walked out of the bathroom. She didn't look as green. She laid down behind Fluttershy. She didn't bother to say anything to anyone. She didn't feel like it, nor did she have the energy.

"Rarity...are you alright?" asked Sunset.

Rarity turned over and faced Sunset. Her eyes had small dark circles underneath them. She looked like she hadn't slept in over a week. Even her usually neat hair was messy and tangled in some parts.

"S-sunset, I am fine, darling. Just a bit sick. Must've been the...punch...dear..." said Rarity, drifting off to sleep.

Sunset watched as Rarity drifted off to sleep. She wished that her friend felt better. She looked around the room, and she noticed that Starlight wasn't there. She knitted her eyebrows in confusion.

"Guys, where's Starlight-did she leave?" asked Sunset.

"Last I checked, she was headed to the cafeteria. She said that she was meeting with Royal Moon," replied Diamond Tiara.

Sunset nodded.

"Can someone get her? I would really like to go home now," asked Sunset.

Fluttershy shook her head. She wanted to get out of the room. She could smell the blood from the blood bags. She was getting queasy the longer she stayed.

"I-I can do it," said Fluttershy.

Sunset held her hand out for Fluttershy. She looked at her friend and smiled. She was thankful, that through all the events of the night, she still had her. She wished that she could say the same for Twilight. She felt a tentative hand touch hers. She squeezed it gently.

"Thanks, Fluttershy. I am really glad that you stayed. I was worried that you were going to be scared. Sorry...for lying about my diet." said Sunset.

Fluttershy gulped. She could tell that Sunset's hand were cold and clammy. She looked at Sunset, noticing that her eyes were now they normal cyan color. She sighed.

"I-it's okay. I understand that you wanted to spare my feelings. And you're my friend, I wouldn't leave just because I was scared." replied Fluttershy, pulling her hand back as she stood up.

Sunset watched as Fluttershy left the office. She looked down at her wardrobe or lack thereof. She looked around, and she spotted a drawer labeled 'gowns'. She made an attempt to move. But her wounds sent searing pain throughout her whole body.

"Woah, Sunset. What are you tryin' to get?" asked Applejack.

"I am trying to get to that drawer," Sunset pointed to the one drawer, "I need something to cover me," replied Sunset.

Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash. She nodded in the direction of the drawer. She was glad that Rainbow Dash understood what she meant. She waited until Rainbow Dash handed her one of the gowns from the drawer.

"Here you go, sugarcube. Do you need one of us to help you?" asked Applejack.

Sunset nodded.

"Do want me to? Or someone else?" asked Applejack.

"I was hoping that maybe Rarity could, but she is out cold. So, yes, I would like you to, that is if you don't mind," replied Sunset.

"I won't mind. Now, Rainbow, Pinkie, please give me and Sunset some privacy," said Applejack, opening the door.

"But what about Rarity?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"She should be fine...just as long as she stays asleep." replied Applejack, shoving Rainbow Dash out the door.

Applejack turned to Sunset. She grabbed the gown and helped Sunset slip her arms through the sleeves. She tried to make it quick because she could see that Sunset was in pain. Next, she and Sunset had to tie the strings in the back. Applejack had Sunset lean forward. She hushed Sunset when Rarity mumbled in her sleep. Once they were sure she was asleep, Applejack quickly tied the strings.

"There you go, you're all done. Now, I better tell Rainbow and Pinkie to help you while I help Fluttershy get Starlight," said Applejack.

"O-okay, Applejack. Thanks for the help," replied Sunset.

After Applejack left, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie walked back in. They sat in the chairs, waiting on their friends to return.

Applejack saw Fluttershy sitting with Starlight and Royal Moon. She walked over and sat next to Royal Moon.

"Hey Applejack, how's Sunset?" asked Starlight.

"She's good. But I think she misses her own bed. And besides, I think it's time we all checked back in with our parents." replied Applejack.

Starlight looked at Fluttershy, who nodded in agreement. She figured they were right. It was time to head home and recover. She turned to Royal Moon.

"I believe she is right. We must be heading home. It's been a long night and I think we're all exhausted." said Starlight.

Royal Moon nodded and grabbed her bag.

"Yeah, I agree. I will swing by tomorrow and see if there is anything I can do to help Sunset, okay?" said Royal Moon.

"Yes, thanks," replied Starlight.

Royal Moon gave Starlight a hug. She waved goodbye to the others as she left the cafeteria. Once she was gone, the others had left, heading back to the nurse's office. Starlight opened the door to see Sunset drinking from a blood bag.

"That's her third blood bag, in a row!!" said Rainbow Dash.

Sunset looked at Starlight and chuckled nervously. She wasn't expecting for Rainbow Dash to rat her out. She finished the bag in her hand and tossed it to Rainbow Dash.

"Thanks for ratting me out, Rainbow," said Sunset.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. She wasn't about to lie to Starlight. Not when it came to Sunset's health. She tossed the empty bag away.

"It's okay. I am glad she said something. It's good that you're appetite is back," Starlight walked over to Sunset and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Now, tell me...can you walk?" asked Starlight.

Sunset took a deep breath. Gripping the edge of the bed, she sat up. This time, there was no pain. She smiled and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She took another deep breath, and she stood up. She almost lost her balance when Starlight grabbed her.

"Thanks, Starlight," said Sunset.

Starlight smiled. Once she was sure Sunset had regained her balance, she let go of her.

"Good. Now, try walking to Fluttershy," said Starlight.

Sunset nodded. She looked at Fluttershy, who held out her hand for her. She smiled. She cautiously took a step. It felt like she was trying to move a ton of bricks. But then her muscles started to get used to moving. She found herself holding Fluttershy's hand in minutes.

"Awesome! So, she can walk to the car. Can we go now? I want to get out of this dress." said Rainbow Dash.

Everyone laughed at Rainbow Dash's annoyed expression. But they all agreed with her. They wanted to go home and get out of their dresses.

"Yes, we can. Applejack, wake Rarity up. Do you think you can give her a ride home?" asked Starlight.

"Yep, I can," replied Applejack

"Good. Pinkie, carry the cooler. I will help Sunset walk." said Starlight.

Pinkie grabbed the cooler.

"Rainbow, please return the office keys to Luna," said Starlight.

Rainbow Dash grabbed the keys. She ran to Luna's office. She was glad to see that Luna was still in her office. She opened the door and walked in.

"Here are the keys, Principle Luna. Starlight and my friends are going home now. Thanks for letting us use the office." said Rainbow Dash.

"Okay, thank you for returning the keys. Also, one other thing, I have a room for you and your friends to eat lunch from now on. Here's the room key." said Luna, getting up, and handing the key to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash took the key. She waved goodbye to Luna before leaving her office. She made it back to the nurse's office and saw that everyone was walking towards her. She walked over to Sunset.

"Here," said Rainbow Dash, handing Sunset the key.

"What's this?" asked Sunset.

"It's the key to our private lunchroom. At least that's what Principle Luna told me," replied Rainbow Dash.

Sunset took the key and placed it into the gown's only pocket. She and the gang continued walking until they reached Starlight's car. Starlight unlocked her car and trunk. Pinkie placed the cooler in the trunk. She closed the trunk and said goodbye. Sunset watched as her pink haired friend left to go get her pink Volkswagen beetle.

Sunset got into Starlight's car. She felt a leather object in the passenger seat. She picked it up. She saw that it was her leather jacket. As she opened it, she heard something fall out of one of its pockets. She bent down and picked the object up. She realized it was the necklace she had made for Twilight. She felt her eyes burn as a few tears threatened to fall.

She looked at Diamond Tiara and Rainbow Dash. She wanted to ask a favor of them. She hoped that they would agree to do it.

"Rainbow Dash, Diamond Tiara. I have something I need you to do for me...please," said Sunset.

Rainbow Dash and Diamond Tiara looked at each other before looking at Sunset. They were unsure of whether they wanted to do what she wanted to ask of them.

"Please...find Twilight. I need to know that she's okay. And if you can...bring her to Starlight's place." said Sunset.

Rainbow Dash groaned. She wanted to go home, to get out her dress. She sighed. She also wanted to help Sunset. She finally decided to help Sunset. She knew that would be her choice, no matter what.

"Okay, Sunset. We'll look for her until dawn. But then, I say we call in reinforcements." said Rainbow Dash.

Sunset nodded. She watched as Rainbow Dash got on her skateboard and left. She saw Diamond Tiara doing the same. She grabbed her wrist and pulled her close.

"Please...if you find Twilight, give her this," Sunset placed the necklace in Diamond Tiara's hand, "And tell her...that...I understand if she hates me." said Sunset.

Diamond Tiara gripped the necklace.

"Okay, I will, I promise," said Diamond Tiara.

With those words, Diamond Tiara walked off. She turned right while Rainbow Dash turned left. Sunset hoped that her friends could find Twilight. She buckled her seatbelt as the passenger door closed. Starlight got into the driver's side. as the rest of Sunset's friends headed home.

"I am sure that they'll find her. Just have faith and a little hope," said Starlight.

Sunset stared out at the window. She remained silent as Starlight started the car. She really hoped that what Starlight said, was true.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was running down the street, going the opposite direction of Crystal Prep. She was calling Twilight's name, hoping for a response. But all she got were a few dogs barking and crickets. She sighed.

"Where are you, Twilight?" thought Rainbow Dash.

Diamond Tiara sniffed the air. She caught a faint whiff of Twilight's familiar rose-like scent. She followed it to a dog park. She looked around. At first, she didn't see anything. But as she went to leave, she caught sight of a figure.

"Twilight? Is that you?" asked Diamond Tiara.

The figure gasped and stood up. Diamond Tiara worried that figure would bolt. She raised her hands in the air.

"Twilight, it's me, Diamond Tiara. Everyone is worried about you, especially a certain flame-haired girl," said Diamond Tiara.

The figure looked at her. She saw that familiar rim of Twilight's glasses. She walked towards Twilight, making sure to not spook her.

"I-is she really worried about me?" asked Twilight.

Diamond Tiara nodded and sat on the bench.

"Yeah, she sent me and Rainbow Dash to find you," said Diamond Tiara.

Twilight smiled. She wiped a few stray tears that were falling. She had been crying heavily. She was doing what she could to keep the horrid images of the night Sunset attacked her, away. She was struggling to see past that.

"I'm sorry...for running away," said Twilight.

"I am not the one you should be apologizing to. That would be Sunset. She needed you...and ran out on her." replied Diamond Tiara.

Twilight looked at the ground. She felt a wave of guilt and pain wash over her. She had to fight to keep from crying. She knew that what Diamond Tiara said was correct. She had to apologize to Sunset. But she wasn't sure that she could look at her, not without seeing her as the hungry and starved vampire that attacked her.

Diamond Tiara looked at the necklace in her hand. She saw the beautiful dark purple sapphire. She hadn't seen a sapphire this color before She figured that it was a rare color. She looked at Twilight. She saw why Sunset chose the color and stone type. She could see that the necklace would look amazing on Twilight.

"Here," Diamond Tiara haded the necklace to Twilight, "Sunset wanted me to give this to you. She made it for you, you know?" said Diamond Tiara.

Twilight took the necklace. She loved the color of the stone. She recognized it as a sapphire. She wondered how long it took Sunset to make it. She smiled and squeezed her hand around the necklace.

"Did she...really make this?" asked Twilight.

Diamond Tiara nodded.

"Yes, she did. And I also know that you being afraid of her, is hurting her. She...thinks you...hate...her." said Diamond Tiara.

Twilight looked at Diamond Tiara.

"She thinks I...hate her?" asked Twilight.

Diamond Tiara nodded, unsure of what to say.

"Well, I guess I can't blame her. But you're right, I am afraid of her," said Twilight.

"Yeah, why is that? I mean, I get she attacked you. But you're not afraid of me or even Starlight. And we're vampires, like Sunset." asked Diamond Tiara.

"I guess it's because Starlight and you didn't hurt me, not like Sunset did," replied Twilight.

Diamond Tiara placed a hand on her hip as she stood up.

"So...? That doesn't mean she is bad. Give her another chance, let her show you that she isn't going to hurt you again, at least not intentionally." said Diamond Tiara.

Twilight remained silent. She knew what Diamond Tiara was saying was right. She had to give Sunset another chance. She had to forgive Sunset, at some point. She stood up.

"Okay, I will. By the way, how is she doing?" asked Twilight.

Diamond Tiara laughed.

"She is dressed kind of like a half-wrapped mummy who got lost at a hospital. But she is doing better. Do you think you're ready to see her?" asked Diamond Tiara.

Twilight nodded. She put the necklace on. She loved how beautiful it was. She was proud to be wearing it. She looked at Diamond Tiara and let a content smile show. She felt Diamond Tiara grab her hand. She walked with her friend, heading to Starlight's house.