• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 4,299 Views, 63 Comments

The Chronicles of Sunset: Crimson Promise - VioletNightWriter

Sunset is a vampire, plain and simple. When CHS receives a new student, Sunset will find she has feelings for them. But when an old enemy comes into town, she will have to protect her secret and the new student.

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Chapter 19: Searching for Sunset

Twilight got off the bus at her usual bus stop. She saw her mom glaring at her as the bus left. She gulped. She had promised to be home on Sunday evening but it didn't go as planned.

"Where exactly were you last night? I expected you home in the evening." said a stern Mrs. Velvet.

Twilight hung her head in shame. She knew that she had to tell her mother the truth. Sighing, she looked her mother in the eye.

"I wasn't here due to Sunset being kidnapped by a family friend," replied Twilight.

Mrs. Velvet looked shocked to hear the news. But her attention was drawn to the bandages on her daughter's head.

"Am I to presume that you were injured by the said kidnapper?" asked Mrs. Velvet.

Twilight looked down, nodding. She felt a hand reach under her chin. She saw that her mother was smiling at her.

"I am just glad you are safe and sound. I worry about you because it's my job to do so," said Mrs. Velvet.

Twilight smiled at her mother. She was glad that her mother was as kind and caring as she was. She hurried up to her room after giving her mother a quick hug. She wanted to finish her homework so she could search for Sunset later.

At the farmhouse, Sunset was getting restless. She was bored out of her mind. She had begun to count the number of times she blinked in an hour. Just as she was about to recount her blinks, she was startled by a loud bang.

She was about to stand up when the door to her confinement opened. She saw a red-eyed Diamond Tiara standing in the doorway. She was shocked to see Diamond Tiara looking so fearful.

"Can you explain why I broke a student's arm...like a twig?!" shouted Diamond Tiara, her voice rattling the glass window.

Sunset covered her ears as Diamond Tiara spoke. She looked at the girl whose eyes were just horrified at what she did. She felt sorry for her. She knew that Diamond Tiara didn't have any real support with her father being on his own agenda.

"You...are coming into your vampire side. You're slowly becoming half vampire. Enhanced strength and speed are a part of it." said Sunset, lowering her hands from her ears.

Diamond Tiara looked at Sunset, her eyes red eyes becoming her normal cornflower blue. She sat next to Sunset, silent tears falling down her cheeks.

As Sunset got close to her, she could smell Twilight's scent. She pulled away, her own tears threatening to fall. She avoided any eye contact with Diamond Tiara. She looked out the window.

"You okay?" asked Diamond Tiara.

She sat on the bed, wiping her eyes dry. She waited for Sunset to answer. She tried her best to keep from crying again.

"No. I miss my friend Twilight. The last I saw of her was when your father knocked her out. I hope she is okay." said Sunset.

Her voice trembled a little as she spoke. She couldn't forget the image of Twilight laying unconscious on the basement floor. She had felt horrible that she couldn't help her.

Diamond Tiara glanced at Sunset's figure. She could tell that Sunset was being starved due to her slightly bony figure. She looked at the carpet as she spoke.

"Well, it seems Starlight has patched her up. I broke the student's arm because it was one of Trixie's friends who was picking on Twilight," said Diamond Tiara.

Sunset turned to look at her. "Was Trixie a part of it?" asked Sunset.

Diamond Tiara shook her head. "No. In fact, it seemed due to the event between you and Trixie on Friday, they've abandoned her," replied Diamond Tiara.

Sunset was happy to hear that Diamond Tiara kept Twilight safe. She sat down next to her, placing her hand on Diamond Tiara's shoulder.

"If you want...I can show you how to control yourself," said Sunset.

Diamond Tiara smiled. She was glad that she listened to her mother. But a part of her worried that she and Sunset wouldn't get away from her father. Before she could say anything, Filthy Rich came in.

"Darling, please leave. Now," said Filthy Rich through gritted teeth.

Diamond Tiara did as she was told. She stole one last glance at Sunset. She hoped her mother was right about Sunset being able to escape.

Filthy Rich returned his attention to Sunset. His blue eyes were red with fury. He slammed the door behind as he entered the room.

"You let our location slip, didn't you? You gave them a clue, right?!" shouted Filthy Rich.

Sunset backed herself against the wall of the room. She knew she didn't have any strength to withstand any type of blow. She felt her canines extend as she spoke.

"No! I couldn't have done anything, let alone tell them my location" She growled as she slammed her fist against the bed, "I couldn't even send a single letter or anything to them." replied Sunset.

Filthy Rich stared at Sunset, seeing if she was lying. Her unwavering gaze told him she was being honest. Nevertheless, he still had to change locations. He grabbed the rope that previously bound her.

Yanking on the rope, he made sure the knot around her wrists was secure. Next, he tied her feet again, allowing her enough length to walk. He walked outside, checking for his daughter's presence. Upon not seeing or smelling her scent, he ushered Sunset out.

As Sunset was walked to the outside world, her skin burned slightly due to lack of blood nutrition. She blinked several times as her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight. She saw that Filthy Rich was going to drive a very old Camaro car.

"Get into the trunk. I don't want to ask twice," demanded Filthy Rich.

Sunset, unable to fight, listened to Filthy Rich's demand. She sat in the trunk, positioning herself to fit. She flinched as the trunk lid slammed down on top of her. She fell asleep, not wanting to be awake for the bumpy car ride.

Filthy Rich left a note on the bed which Sunset slept in for a few days. He hoped that Starlight would find it. He then locked the door and got into his car. He drove off to a secluded, broken-down church, with one pit stop on the way.

Sunset was jolted awake when the car stopped after what seemed to be a few minutes. She could smell hoards of people walking past the trunk. She bit her lip as her fangs extended. She hadn't fed in over 24 hours and her body was craving blood

She heard Filthy Rich get out of the car, slamming his door shut. She groaned as the vibration ran through the car. She pushed herself further into the trunk. She didn't want to hurt anyone.

Filthy Rich walked into Flam and Flam's store. He pushed past customers, walking straight towards the staff. He saw Flam grab the staff before he could get it.

"Flam, over here!" shouted Flim.

Flam threw the staff at his brother. Filthy Rich ran over to Flim and tackled him.

"Give me that staff!!" shouted Filthy Rich.

Flim let a smirk slide onto his face. He threw the staff and Flam caught it. Filthy Rich growled and slammed Flim's head against the floor, knocking him out. He then ran after Flam. He jumped over the counter, cornering Flam.

Flam looked at his brother. He saw that his brother was unconscious. He gulped and handed the staff to. Filthy Rich.

"Thanks. Now, I must be leaving," said Filthy Rich. He took the staff and ran out of the store.

He threw the staff into the passenger seat as he climbed back into the car. He sped off, jerking Sunset against the trunk lid.

Back at Starlight's house, the gang had started to arrive. The cold night air made it so cold, they had to have to jackets on. They all set their bags down by the living room couch. They were almost all there, Twilight was a bit late.

"Okay, mom. I will make sure to have them drop me off before midnight, alright?" asked Twilight.

Her mother raised one eyebrow. She placed a hand on her hip saying, "I will not let it slide again if you're not home by then."

Twilight nodded, getting out her mother's car. She walked into Starlight's house where she was greeted by a succession of hello's.

Starlight came downstairs as the gang finished talking to Twilight. She took a deep breath. She found it hard to handle being in a large crowd of humans from time to time.

"Okay, everybody's here, right?" asked Starlight.

Pinkie looked around, jumping from one side of the room to the other. She bounced back to her original spot.

"Yup! Everyone's here!" shouted Pinkie.

Everyone laughed as Pinkie jumped up and landed in a silly position on the couch.

Starlight grabbed seven flashlights. She handed each girl their own flashlight, keeping one for herself.

"Okay, I have mapped out the quickest route to the farmhouse. If we take that route, we should be able to get to Sunset," said Starlight.

The gang nodded and turned on their flashlights.

Twilight looked at Starlight. She wanted to know why Diamond Tiara's eyes were red like Sunset's when she was hungry.

"Starlight, Diamond Tiara's eyes were red when she broke a student's arm. Why was that? She didn't look anything like you or Sunset." asked Twilight. The girls looked at Starlight, expecting an answer.

Starlight sighed. "The reason for that is simple. She is half vampire," replied Starlight.

The girls exchanged looks of shock and surprise. They couldn't believe what they just heard.

"Okay, more on that later. Now, we have to save Sunset," said Starlight.

Starlight led them to a van that was big enough for them all. She turned on the ignition, thankful that the van roared to life.

They drove down the dark forest road. The bumpy road sent a few of the girls flying across the van. Twilight held on to her flashlight with one, the other was gripping the van wall tightly. She never got carsick but this was a very bumpy and curvy road.

The van came to a screeching halt after two hours of bumpy riding. All the girls were flung onto each other. They all started laughing seeing how silly they must've looked.

After they got off each other, they all clamored out of the van. Looking at their surroundings, they saw the farmhouse. They noticed that it was indeed from the 17th century.

"Sunset's scent is strong. She has to be here," said Starlight.

She ran ahead of the girls, breaking down the locked door. She followed Sunset's scent to the room she had occupied earlier that day. She found no sign of Sunset, other than a hastily written letter.

"Girls!! Get in here!" shouted Starlight. She picked up the letter.

The girls ran in, seeing Starlight holding a letter. They saw no sign of Sunset.

"It seems Filthy Rich caught onto us. He's already moved. And I'll bet I know where." said Starlight.

She read the letter out loud.

'Twilight, meet us at the old chapel. I am sure your friend, Starlight, will know which one.

Filthy Rich'

The girls looked at Twilight.

"W-why does he want to me at a chapel? Especially one that you would know?" asked Twilight.

Starlight sighed. She knew the very chapel Filthy Rich was talking about.

"The chapel Filthy Rich mentioned is the one I had my first wedding at. It still stands, even now. I have no idea why he wants you there. But I'll bet he wants you alone." replied Starlight.

Twilight gulped. She didn't like the sound of being alone with him. He'd already proven he was more than capable of killing her. She looked at Starlight, her purple eyes filled with fear.

Seeing that, Starlight took Twilight's hand. She watched as the girls all placed their hands on Twilight's shoulder.

"Twilight, we will never let you go alone. We will have your back. Trust me." said Starlight, her persian eyes slowly turning red.

Starlight quickly looked down as her fangs extended. She needed to feed soon. She took a deep breath, meeting Twilight's gaze again.

"Someone take Twilight home. I have to feed before I can be close to her," said Starlight.

Applejack nodded.

"Just drop Twilight and me off at the end of your street. I have my family's pickup parked not too far from there," said Applejack.

Starlight nodded. The girls all piled into the van again. Twilight sat near the back, keeping as much distance between her and Starlight. She did her best to hold onto the van. But one bump was a bit rough and Twilight landed right next to Starlight.

She gulped as Starlight let out a low growl. She quickly got up and moved back to her original position. She hoped that the bumps didn't get worse.

They finally made it back to the smooth road. Twilight and Applejack got out and began to walk to her truck

"Well, that was quite an eventful night, eh Twi?" asked Applejack.

Twilight nodded. She shivered in the chilly night air. She could see her breath every time she exhaled. She kept walking alongside Applejack.

"Sorry, sugarcube. I guess you must be a bit nervous after seeing Starlight go a little hungry." continued Applejack.

Twilight looked at Applejack. She smiled. She was glad that she had a friend she could really talk to.

"Yeah. That was a bit nerve-wracking. I wonder how you guys are so calm." replied Twilight.

They spotted Applejack's truck. Twilight saw that the truck was faded orange. It also had dents in certain parts of the cab. She also noticed that seemed to be an older model of a truck. They got in, closing the doors. As Twilight buckled in, Applejack turned on the heat.

"Oh, that feels so good. Thanks, Applejack," said Twilight.

Applejack smiled and turned on the engine. She buckled up herself before stepping on the gas. It wasn't a long drive from Starlight's street to Twilight's house.

They pulled up, seeing Twilight's mother standing on the porch. Twilight looked at her watch. She saw the time was 10:34 pm. She was glad that she made it home before midnight.

"Well, you're home, safe and sound." Twilight got out and grabbed her stuff, "See you tomorrow, Twi?" asked Applejack.

Twilight nodded. She walked up to her mother and gave her a hug. She waved bye to Applejack as she drove home. She and her mother went inside.

"I really hope Starlight's plan works." thought Twilight before she closed the front door