• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 4,308 Views, 63 Comments

The Chronicles of Sunset: Crimson Promise - VioletNightWriter

Sunset is a vampire, plain and simple. When CHS receives a new student, Sunset will find she has feelings for them. But when an old enemy comes into town, she will have to protect her secret and the new student.

  • ...

Chapter 21: Recovering and Fighting

Sunset was in what appeared to be a dark room. She looked around, seeing an empty chair sitting in the middle. She looked around her, trying to see where she was. When she turned her attention back to the chair, Twilight was sitting in it.

"Twi, what are doing here? How did you get here...?" asked Sunset.

She stepped closer to Twilight. As she did, each step made Twilight's appearance change. Each step made Twilight look more and more decayed. She had tried to not gag as Twilight's skin began to fall off in certain places. She looked away as most of Twilight's hair and some of her scalp landed on the ground as she moved her head up.

"What's wrong, Sunset? Am I too dead for you?" asked Twilight, her voice becoming more distorted with each word.

Sunset backed away, her heart racing faster with each step. She noticed that Twilight was standing up from the chair. As she did, her legs snapped, bending in an inhuman way.

Sunset threw up as she heard another loud cracking sound. She looked to see that Twilight had fixed her legs. She saw that Twilight was staggering towards her. Sunset saw that Twilight's body fell apart a little more with each step. By the time Twilight was within five feet of her, she had lost almost all of her skin.

Sunset saw Twilight's rotting corpse began to decay even more. She saw Twilight's muscles deteriorate, leaving her walking with a limp.

"Twi-Twilight, what's happening to you? asked Sunset.

She stepped back, her hands feeling behind her. She felt a wall behind her. She looked around, hoping to find a door. She ran the length of the wall, hoping for a door handle to appear. But to no avail. She turned back to see Twilight limping after her.

She saw that Twilight's face was rotting away with each minute that passed. She threw up again at the sight of Twilight's eyes becoming glossy and gray. She looked up to see Twilight standing in front of her.

"Come on, Sunset. I just want a hug." said Twilight, holding out her rotting arms.

Sunset gulped, looking behind her. She saw that she was cornered. She squished herself against the corner of the wall.

"Twilight, no. I don't want a hug." said Sunset as calmly as she could.

But Twilight kept advancing. She looked around, seeing the chair in arms reach. She grabbed it. She swung it at Twilight's head. She knocked Twilight's head off her body, sending it rolling into the corner she was previously in.

She tossed the chair aside. She caught her breath, keeping an eye on Twilight's motionless corpse. She went to sit in a corner, wanting to take a nap. But as she started to walk, she heard a few grunting noises.

She turned to see Twilight's headless corpse crawling towards its head. She watched in horror as the body snapped the head back onto its spine.

"Sunset...that wasn't very nice. I just wanted a hug." said Twilight, her head swiveling around to face Sunset.

Sunset frantically spun around, trying to find a way away from Twilight. She grabbed the chair, holding in front of her like a shield. She watched as Twilight broke the chair in half, tossing it aside.

Sunset ran, but Twilight was too fast. She felt Twilight's rotting hands grabbed her wrist. She tried to pull away, but she just pulled Twilight's hand off her arm. She screamed and threw it off of her.

She tried to find the exit but there was none. She turned to see an angered Twilight charging at her, despite the limp. She screamed as Twilight snarled and launched herself onto Sunset.

Sunset sat up in the chapel, screaming, "Twilight, no!"

She looked around to see that it was just a nightmare. She breathed a sigh of relief. She laid back down on one of the benches. She tried to slow her racing heart. She had never had nightmares before.

"Must be because I drank Twilight's blood." thought Sunset.

She found it hard to fall asleep again. Her mind still flashed with pictures of Twilight's rotting corpse. She shuddered at the images. She turned onto her back, staring at the ceiling.

She thought about Twilight. She really hoped that she wasn't dead. She sighed. She sat back up as she heard the chapel door open. She looked to see Filthy Rich walk in.

"Ah, you're awake. Good. We're leaving for Ponyville, now." said Filthy Rich.

Sunset was confused by Filthy Rich's desire to leave so quickly. She was about to ask why when she felt his hand on her forearm. She was pulled out of the chapel once the spell trapping her was reversed.

She was pulled along the dirt road till they reached the end of it. She was then forcefully shoved onto the ground. She found that her wrists were being unbound. She was confused by that.

"Why are you untying my wrists?" asked Sunset, rubbing her sore wrists. She saw that her skin was raw from the chains rubbing against her skin.

Filthy Rich sighed. He didn't have time for this. He was worried that Starlight may already be tracking his movements. He needed to leave; and fast.

"I have untied you because I am trusting that you will not run off. After all, you could easily hurt someone if you don't get blood soon," said Filthy Rich.

Sunset felt her stomach clench at the mention of blood. She growled underneath her breath. She hated that Filthy Rich was right. She looked at him, sighing.

"Fine. You're right, I will hurt someone if I don't feed soon," replied Sunset.

She stood up, dusting off her jeans. She was glad that the night wasn't too chilly. She missed her leather jacket. She followed Filthy Rich down the road as they walked towards a beat up car.

She saw that it was from the late 60's early 70's. She wondered if Filthy Rich was trying to not draw attention to himself. She got into the old car. She could smell gasoline on the seats.

"Why do you keep changing cars?" asked Sunset, coughing from the overpowering scent of gasoline.

Filthy Rich started the engine which reluctantly roared to life. The sound of the engine startled a few birds from the trees. He looked out the rearview mirror. Seeing nothing behind him, he began to pull out.

"I am changing cars because I am a child kidnapper. And besides, I don't want to be recognized at Ponyville," replied Filthy Rich, his tone slightly sarcastic.

Sunset glared at him. She looked out the window, happy to not be stuffed in a trunk. She watched as the trees of the Everfree forest passed by her. She looked back at Filthy Rich, who was frantically checking his mirrors.

She looked back out the passenger window. She watched the sign for the town Ponyville past by. She sighed.

"Now we're in ponyville." thought Sunset.

Meanwhile, Twilight saw a white light as she stirred from her sleep. She felt exhausted still and her body was sore in certain places. She blinked several times, her eyes adjusting to the bright room.

She looked down at her arms. She saw an IV in her arm. She also saw that the bite mark from Sunset was bandaged up. She pulled the sheet off her legs. She saw a few stitches and butterfly bandages on the cut mark.

She remembered the bandages on her head. She reached up to feel that the bandages had been removed. She figured that the wounds had healed enough. She was glad that the bandages were gone.

She pulled the sheet back over her legs, not wanting to see the cut. She remembered the pain of the blade slicing through her skin. She looked around to see her mother sleeping on a chair. She wondered how long her mother was there. She looked on the other side of the room. She saw that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were also sleeping on chairs.

She wondered how she got where she was. As she thought about it, she didn't know where she was. She looked at her wrist to see a hospitalization band. She saw that she was at Canterlot General Hospital.

"M-mom?" asked Twilight, her throat felt raw as she tried to speak.

Mrs. Velvet stirred as she heard her name. She looked to see that her daughter was awake. She immediately bolted up and hugged her daughter.

"Oh, honey! I was so worried about you. When I got a call from Starlight, I came as soon as I could," said Mrs. Velvet.

Twilight winced in pain as she was hugged by her mother. She felt her mother let go as she winced. She sighed, glad that the pain was over. She heard Pinkie and Rainbow Dash wake up.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie," said Twilight as her friends woke up.

She braced herself as Pinkie gave her a hug. She was glad that Rainbow Dash was the only one who didn't give her a hug. She wasn't sure she could handle another one.

"I am glad you're awake. I was worried that you were going to sleep for a century," said Rainbow Dash.

Twilight chuckled a little at Rainbow Dash's joke. She was happy to see that her friends decided to stay. She looked back at her mother, who smiled kindly back at her.

"How did I get here? The last thing I remember is Sunset..." Twilight trailed off not wanting her mom to find out that Sunset was a vampire.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie shared worried looks. They decided to speak before Mrs. Velvet could question her daughter.

"We, uh, drove you to the hospital. You were badly injured," said Rainbow Dash.

Twilight nodded. She looked at her mother, who was eyeing Rainbow Dash suspiciously. She knew her mother didn't approve of lies. She sighed, wondering how she was ever going to explain what happened last night.

Suddenly the doctor came in.

"Oh, good. You're awake now Miss Sparkle. You seemed to have lost a lot of blood. It's a miracle that you're alive." said the doctor.

Twilight looked at his name tag. It read 'Dr. Cloud Star'. She found that name familiar. She just couldn't put her finger in it.

"So, is she going to be okay, Dr. Cloud Star?" asked Mrs. Velvet.

Dr. Cloud Star nodded. He checked Twilight's charts, saying, "She should be released sometime this evening."

Twilight was relieved. She wanted to go home and forget what happened with Sunset. She looked at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. She saw that they hadn't been able to go home.

"And Miss Sparkle, you should rest. No heavy activities for a few days," said Dr. Cloud Star.

Mrs. Velvet glared at her daughter. She raised one eyebrow at her as if she was saying, "I will watch you. I won't allow you to disobey the doctor's orders."

Twilight gulped. She knew that she wasn't going to be able to much other than go to school. She laid her back against her pillows, exhaustion taking over.

"Thank you, Dr. Cloud Star. I will make sure that she rests up," said Mrs. Velvet, shaking the doctor's hand.

The doctor left the room shortly after.

Mrs. Velvet looked at Pinkie and Rainbow Dash.

"Shouldn't you girls be at home now? I can drive you there if you want," said Mrs. Velvet.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie looked at each other. They had to go to Starlight's house after they made sure Twilight was okay.

"It's okay, Mrs. Velvet. We can take the bus from here. We don't live far." said Pinkie.

Mrs. Velvet nodded. Twilight watched as her friends disappeared down the white hospital hallway. She turned to her mother, saying, "Mom, I am tired. I going to sleep. Wake me when its time to leave."

Mrs. Velvet smiled and said, "Okay dear. I will do that."

Twilight nodded off to sleep. She felt herself slip into a deep state of unconsciousness.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Filthy Rich and Sunset were still driving around. Sunset was getting bored watching all the town shops pass by. She had started to doze off when the truck came to a sudden stop. She was thrown into the dashboard of the truck.

"And that's why seat belts were invented, Miss Shimmer," said Filthy Rich, yanking Sunset back into her seat.

Sunset glared angrily at Filthy Rich. She didn't much care to be called Miss Shimmer. She looked out the windshield to see the Golden Oak Library coming into view.

"Why are we going there?" asked Sunset.

She held on the door handle as Filthy Rich made a sharp turn, throwing her against the door. She released her grip once she felt the truck stop.

"I'm going in. You are staying in the truck," said Filthy Rich.

Sunset raised one eyebrow at his response. She scoffed. She placed a hand on his door, keeping her grip tight.

"As if I am staying here while you go in there and kill people," replied Sunset.

Filthy Rich grabbed Sunset's wrist and twisted it, breaking it. He smirked as Sunset cried out in pain.

"You forget that I am much stronger than you. Next time, I will break your spine," said Filthy Rich.

Sunset held her broken wrist in its proper place as the bones reconnected. She was amazed at how easily she healed, though her wrist was still sore. She sighed, sitting back in her seat. She watched as Filthy Rich masked his appearance.

She watched as his usual slicked back hair vanished under a country styled hat. Next, his clothes changed into regular farmer type of clothing. Last, his face became a bit more aged and chiseled then his usual appearance.

"Woah..." was all that came out of Sunset.

She hadn't seen that type of magic. She had wanted to talk about that with Starlight. But she was always told that she would have to wait until she was a certain age. She hated hearing that, especially when she was so curious as to what type of magic there was.

"Now, to do something with you," said Filthy Rich.

Sunset looked at Filthy Rich wide-eyed. She wasn't sure if that was a good idea. She backed up against her door.

"Me?! What exactly are you planning to do to me?" asked Sunset, her voice cracking a little as she screamed.

Filthy Rich chuckled to himself. He uttered a few words under his breath. Within seconds, Sunset watched as her hands and arms became see through. Soon her whole body started to become see through. She did her best to remain calm as she saw her face disappear in the side view mirror.

"Am I invisible? I thought only the most practiced vampire could pull off such a spell," said Sunset.

Filthy Rich rolled his eyes in annoyance. He sighed as he went to answer Sunset's question.

"I am at least 200 years old. That is plenty of time to practice such magic. So, yes, you are invisible." replied Filthy Rich.

Sunset tried to find herself. She couldn't believe what she was seeing or rather, what she wasn't seeing. She looked at Filthy Rich, waving a hand in his face.

"Can you see me? And you will change me back when we're done here, right?" asked Sunset.

Filthy Rich shook his head. "What has Starlight taught this girl?" thought Filthy Rich.

"Yes, I will turn you back. After we leave, and only then. And no, I can't see you, hence the term invisible." replied Filthy Rich.

Sunset sighed in relief. She was worried that Filthy Rich was going to leave her invisible for much longer. She watched as Filthy Rich got out of the truck. He looked in through the open window, saying, "Stay here. Do not move or I will do something that would make death seem merciful."

Sunset gulped. She wasn't sure she wanted to know what Filthy Rich meant by that. But she figured that it could possibly be much more painful than having her drink Twilight's blood.

"I can't see you, so I am going need to hear you-" Filthy Rich was cut off by a sound of a seat belt clicking.

"I will not move," said Sunset, crossing her fingers. She was glad that she was invisible.

Filthy Rich nodded and walked into the library. Sunset watched as his figure disappeared into several rows of books. She made sure his back was turned to the truck. She quickly jumped out after she undid the seat belt. She slammed the door quickly and darted back into the library.

She slipped in as a person opened the library door. She walked over to the farthest computer in the library. She looked at Filthy Rich, who was carrying a large pile of books. She hoped that he would be busy long enough for her to alert Twilight to her location.

She logged in, stopping only when someone passed by the computer. She was thankful, not many people were in this part of the library. She sat on the chair, hoping it didn't look too weird.

She found a website which allowed her to send text messages. She put in Twilight's number, thankful she asked for it. She took a deep breath. Her hands shook as she typed a message.

'Hey, Twi. I...am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please respond soon.’

Sunset sat back. She clicked send, ignoring her pounding heart which told her this was a bad choice. She waited as she watched the screen. She looked at Filthy Rich, seeing he was still immersed in the books.

Twilight was awakened by the sound of her phone vibrating. She opened her eyes, blinking as she was once again blinded by the bright light bouncing off the white walls.

She sat up as she grabbed her phone. She unlocked it and read the notification. She saw that she had received a text from Sunset. She hesitated on opening the message. She could still clearly remember the feeling of Sunset's fangs digging into her arm.

She shuddered. She shook her head, clearing away the memory. She looked at her phone. She decided to text back, her curiosity peaking as to how and why Sunset could text her.

'Sunset, is that really you? How are you able to text me?!'

Sunset saw three dots appear on the screen before a text from Twilight popped up. She immediately read it. She tried to calm her nerves as she read the text.

She looked around, trying to find Filthy Rich. She began to panic when she couldn't see him. She looked around until she saw his figure in the farthest book aisle. She sighed, relief washing over her.

'Yes, Twi. It's really me. And I am able to do this because I am in a library with Filthy Rich. But I don't know how long I can talk.'

Sunset sent the text. She caught sight of Filthy Rich holding an odd book. She sped over to the area he was in. She glanced at the book he was holding. She saw the cover title read 'Book of Ancient Spells'. She furrowed her brow in confusion.

Sunset went back to the computer before anyone noticed it was on. She saw that Twilight hadn't responded yet.

"What is Filthy Rich doing with a book of ancient spells?" thought Sunset.

Twilight felt her phone vibrate as she received Sunset's new text. She looked at her phone, reading the text. She was surprised Sunset had managed to use a computer with Filthy Rich keeping her under strict restrictions.

She saw her mom shift in her chair as she turned in her sleep. She sighed, glad that her mom wasn't awake. She went back to her phone, sending another text to Sunset.

'Okay. Tell me the name of your location. I will send it to Starlight.'

Sunset was about to type in the name of the library when a familiar figure walked up to her. She turned to see Filthy Rich standing behind her, his arms crossed across his chest.

"Well, I guess you figured being invisible would work to your advantage, eh?" said Filthy Rich, he kept his voice low to avoid any attention.

He grabbed Sunset's arm and pulled her out of the library. He used his super speed to make sure no one saw him. He then slammed Sunset against the truck.

Sunset yelled out as her body hit the metal truck at full speed. She turned to see Filthy Rich approaching her. In a panic, she ran towards the other truck which was conveniently parked next to her. She hid behind it, hoping she could remain hidden.

Filthy Rich reached in front of him. Finding the air empty, he growled. He mumbled the reversal spell for Sunset's invisibility. Sunset watched in horror as her body became visible again. She panicked. She was about to run around the truck when she bumped into Filthy Rich.

"Sunset, I am a reasonable person. But you, you are testing my ability to be sensible," said Filthy Rich.

He looked at the truck next to him. He let a devilish smile spread across his face. He grabbed the hood, denting the areas he had a grip on. He yanked the hood clean off the truck. Turning to Sunset, he swung the hood.

Sunset felt the heavy metal object hit her. She looked at Filthy Rich as her vision blurred and darkened. Then as she passed out, her body went limp. She hit her head again, against the hard pavement.

Filthy Rich picked up Sunset's body, slinging it over his shoulder. He made sure that no could see him as he loaded Sunset's unconscious body into the bed of the truck. He placed some ropes on her wrists and continued to use the same rope to tie up her feet. Then he placed a spell which kept the ropes magically bound.

Filthy Rich got into the cab of the truck. He started the engine, heading towards the house of Royal Moon.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Twilight woke up again. She realized that she had dozed with her phone in her lap. She checked for any messages from Sunset. But she didn't receive any. She saw that Sunset was online about 30 minutes ago.

'Sunset, you there? Where'd you go? And where are you?'

Twilight sent the text. She hoped that Sunset got it and would send her location. She gasped as her mom awoke from her sleep. She hadn't expected that to happen.

"Oh, hey honey. I believe we can leave now. I am going to sign the release papers, okay?" asked Mrs. Velvet.

Twilight nodded. Her mom left soon after. She pulled the sheets off her and swung her legs off the bed. She winced in pain as the cut stung from the movement. She gripped the edge of the bed, forcing herself to stand up. She groaned as her leg felt her weight.

She limped around to where her clothes sat folded up. She took off the hospital nightgown, revealing her purple bra and underwear. She shivered as her skin became bare. She quickly slipped on her bloodied shirt and torn skirt.

Twilight sat down as her mom came back. A nurse followed her mom into the room. She removed Twilight's IV and hospital tag. She also grabbed Twilight's used hospital gown before she left the room.

"You ready to go home, dear?" asked Mrs. Velvet.

Twilight stood up and leaned against the bed. She sighed, looking at her wrist. She was more than ready to go home. She just wanted to lay in her bed and forget what happened.

"Yeah. Let's go home, mom," replied Twilight