• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 4,308 Views, 63 Comments

The Chronicles of Sunset: Crimson Promise - VioletNightWriter

Sunset is a vampire, plain and simple. When CHS receives a new student, Sunset will find she has feelings for them. But when an old enemy comes into town, she will have to protect her secret and the new student.

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Chapter 6: Old Friends

Twilight walked into her house. She was immediately greeted by her mother. She gulped, knowing that she had arrived a bit later then she had said.

"Twilight Sparkle, what has kept you out later then you have said?" said Mrs. Velvet in a stern voice.

She looked down at the ground, playing with a rock on the floor. She didn't want to admit that she had kissed a girl she barely knew.

"Sunset, my friend I told you about, had gotten sidetracked. I had warned her that I needed to be home at a certain time. But I accept full responsibility for my actions." replied Twilight, her head hanging in shame.

Mrs. Velvet's stern expression quickly softened up as she heard daughter explain her reason for being late. She was glad that her daughter knew how to take responsibility for her actions, good or bad.

She smiled at her daughter as she took Twilight's backpack. "So did you have a good first day?" asked Mrs. Velvet.

She walked into their kitchen, which was pretty spacious. She could see Spike eating his dinner right from the living room couch. She sat down at the dining room table.

"Yes, it was pretty good. I am glad that I have some classes with my new friends," replied Twilight. Her mind wandered to the incident between Trixie and Sunset. She tried her best to forget that but to no avail.

Just as Mrs. Velvet went to speak, the front door opened then closed shut again.

"Hello, I am home," said Mr. Light. He was Twilight's father. As he entered the kitchen, he saw his wife cooking on the stove. He walked up and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hello, how is my beautiful wife?" asked Mr. Night. He then set his briefcase on the table. He looked at his daughter, saying,

"My darling daughter, was your first day of school great?"

Twilight blushed as her dad asked her that question. She loved her parents equally, though her dad was less picky about protocol. She liked that about him.

"My day went well. I had a few classes with my new friends," replied Twilight. She had helped set up the table. She fiddled with her fork as she waited for her mom to serve dinner.

Mrs. Velvet placed dinner on the table. Twilight saw that her mom cooked her a rare steak.

As she saw the red juice leak on to the plate, she thought about Sunset. She wondered if her assumptions were correct. "Could she really be a vampire?" thought Twilight. She decided to not think about that as she ate her dinner.

She finished her dinner not too long before she had to get to bed. She stayed up a little later that night doing her homework. But as she stared at her laptop, she kept thinking about looking up vampires. She wanted to know more about them.

No longer able to fight the urge, she opened her laptop and typed the word 'vampire' into a search engine. She scanned the results till she came across a genuine website. She clicked on it, almost immediately she saw a picture of Sunset with who Twilight figured was her mother.

She jumped back as she saw Sunset's eyes. They were not her normal cyan color but instead, they were a dark crimson red.

As Twilight looked at them she felt a shiver of cold fear run down her spine. She also thought that she saw a hint of human emotion in them. She wondered if this picture was real. She looked at the caption underneath it. It read, 'Picture of Sunset Shimmer (right) and her mother, Starlight (left)at the annual Halloween party last year.'

She breathed a sigh of relief as she read the caption. She was thankful that it was a costume. But her relief didn't last long because of as she began to read the article, she saw that the website talked about Sunset and her mother being vampires. She wondered if the website was as genuine as she first thought.

She exited out of it, realizing that she had to head to bed. She closed her laptop and got ready to sleep.

As she laid there in her bed, her mind swirled around the article and the picture. She couldn't ignore how realistic Sunset's eyes looked, even for a professional costume. They held an almost too real glimmer of emotions.

She tossed and turned in her bed, frustrated at her inability to sleep. She eventually felt sleep making her eyelids heavy. She fell asleep, the image of Sunset's crimson eyes still fresh in her mind.

The next day, at school, Pinkie and the rest of Sunset's friends received a text from her.

'Gone hunting with Starlight. Do not mention it to Twilight. Tell her I will return in a few days. Also, let her know that I do see her as a friend.' read the text.

Pinkie Pie looked at the gang just as Twilight walked up. Quickly hiding their phones, they greeted Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight did you enjoy your first day?" asked Pinkie Pie.

Twilight looked at the gang, she didn't see Sunset. She felt her heart stop for a split second.

"Where is Sunset? Is she avoiding me because of what happened yesterday?" asked Twilight, her voice revealing her concern. She looked down at the ground, the kiss between her and Sunset coming to her mind.

She wondered if she made Sunset uncomfortable. She looked up when she a hand on her shoulder.

"She is alright, darling. She just had to go somewhere with her mother," said Rarity.

Hearing Rarity say that made Twilight feel a bit better. But her heart wandered to other possibilities that she didn't think that Sunset's friends knew or even thought about.

She went to answer but the bell rang, interrupting her. She headed towards her first-period class, which she was supposed to have with Sunset.

As she sat in her usual seat, she noticed that Trixie took Sunset's seat next to her. She groaned as she now knew she was in for a long period. She did her best to avoid Trixie as class droned on.

Just as she returned to her desk after handing in her work, she heard Trixie ask her, "So where is your annoying vampire friend? I mean I swore not to tell anyone at this school, but you technically are still new." She gasped as Trixie said the word 'vampire'. She then shook her head and Trixie was suddenly just glaring at her.

"Did you say anything?" asked Twilight.

An annoyed Trixie shook her head no. She wondered why she had imagined that. She decided to talk to Rarity, which she was glad that she had her next class with.

As she entered the class, she noticed that Rarity was texting someone. She sat down next to Rarity, getting her stuff for the next class.

Once she was done with that, she asked Rarity, " Who were you texting, if don't mind my asking?" She waited for Rarity's answer as she watched Rarity put away her phone.

"Oh, no one important. I was just texting an old friend. No need to worry." replied Rarity, her voice shaky as she lied to Twilight.

She had the odd feeling that Rarity wasn't being entirely honest. Though she had the same feeling around Sunset too.

She knew that these girls were keeping something from her. She bound and determined to figure out what it was.

She had to admit that she was disappointed that her new friends were lying right to her face. She thought that she could escape the horrors she faced at Crystal Prep.

Soon class started, stopping her from asking further questions. She sat next to Rarity, her curiosity as to what Rarity was hiding burning a hole in her concentration.

She struggled to sit through the class. When it did finally end, she immediately left, not caring as to say goodbye to Rarity. She made her to her next class, which thankfully was a computer class.

As Rarity headed towards her next class, she thought about Twilight. She figured Twilight could tell she was lying. She hated having to lie, but she knew that she needed to protect Sunset's vampire identity. She remembered the drama of when Trixie found out. It took forever to get Trixie to keep quiet about Sunset.

She sat down, next to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. They greeted Rarity as she took a seat next to them.

"Twilight asked me who I was texting after I finished texting Sunset. Also, Sunset said that she should be back by Friday," said Rarity.

She watched as the teacher came in. She sighed, her mind wondering what Twilight was thinking. She prayed that Twilight would never learn of Sunset's secret, especially from Trixie.

Pinkie and Rainbow Dash exchanged glances of worry. They knew that lying was going to be part of protecting their friend. But they didn't expect Sunset and Twilight to become friends. Now they had to figure out how to keep Twilight from discovering her secret.

Class ended, allowing the student body to get some lunch. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity met up with AppleJack and Fluttershy. But they didn't see Twilight.

They waited for her for a little while, but their hunger got the better of them. They went in to get their lunch. Just as they sat down, they say her sitting alone at a table in the back of the cafeteria.

Twilight was glad her mom decided to pack her a lunch instead. She began to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She finished it as Trixie walked up to her. She gulped as she saw the smug look on Trixie's face.

"So where's your friend, Twilight?" asked Trixie. Her friends chimed in, saying, "Yeah, where is your friend?"

She looked down at her lunch bag. She was unsure of where Trixie was going with the question.

Just as she went to answer, Rainbow Dash and AppleJack walked up.

"Leave her alone, Trixie. She ain't done anything to you," said AppleJack.

Trixie scoffed at AppleJack. She decided to walk away, leaving Rainbow Dash and AppleJack alone with Twilight. Rainbow Dash sat next to Twilight.

"What's up with you avoiding us? Is something we said? Or is it just because Sunset isn't here?" asked Rainbow Dash. She was annoyed by Twilight avoiding them, without even saying what they did wrong.

Twilight sighed. She knew that she owed them an explanation for her odd behavior. She looked at AppleJack and Rainbow Dash.

"It's not that. Though, I do wish that Sunset was here. But it is the fact that you guys seemed to be lying to me about where she is." replied Twilight. She waited for their response.

Rainbow Dash and AppleJack exchange glances of worry. They knew that Twilight busted their lying. But they also needed to protect Sunset's secret at all costs. They looked down in shame.

"To tell you the truth Twilight, we are lying. But we have to because Sunset has a secret that is not ours to share," replied AppleJack, her voice barely louder than a soft whisper.

She was both stunned and shocked to hear that Rainbow Dash and AppleJack admitted that they were lying.

But she was most shocked to hear that Sunset did indeed have a secret that she was keeping from her. Her curiosity peaked as she tried to think about the fact that she knew that Sunset might just be a vampire.