• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 4,308 Views, 63 Comments

The Chronicles of Sunset: Crimson Promise - VioletNightWriter

Sunset is a vampire, plain and simple. When CHS receives a new student, Sunset will find she has feelings for them. But when an old enemy comes into town, she will have to protect her secret and the new student.

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Chapter 4: Adjusting

Twilight sat next to Sunset just as Celestia walked in.

"Okay class, today we have a new student amongst us," said Celestia.

She gulped as Celestia said her name.

"Twilight, do have anything you would like to say about yourself?" asked Celestia.

She looked at Sunset.

"Go ahead. You can do it Twilight," whispered Sunset.

Twilight stood and said, "I love doing experiments and discovering how things work."

Everyone in the class was amazed at what Twilight said, including Sunset.

She sat back down nervously.

"Well, I am sure that our science teacher, Mr. Sunburst, will enjoy your company very much," said Celestia.

Math class went as usual for every student, except Twilight. She was very good at math, but she found that some students, like Trixie, were snickering about her. She found it very hard to focus.

Sunset looked at Twilight and glanced back at Trixie.

She had to stifle a growl before Twilight heard it. She went back to her work. She had to focus on her breathing so she wouldn't lose control of her hunger around Twilight. She saw how Starlight reacted to Twilight's scent.

Math class soon ended. Celestia pulled Sunset aside.

"Sunset, I would like you and Twilight to apply for honor roll together," said, Celestia.

Sunset nodded, saying, "Okay, we'll do that."

Both Sunset and Twilight went their separate ways.

Twilight kept thinking about Sunset. She wondered if Pinkie pulled Sunset away from her yesterday because she was a vampire. She shook the thought out of her head as she headed to her next class.

She was relieved to see that she had the next class with Rarity.

"Twilight! Come and sit with me," said Rarity, waving to Twilight. Twilight walked over to Rarity.

"Hey, Rarity. I am glad you and I have this class," said Twilight. She sat next to Rarity just as the teacher walked in.

"Okay class, today's assignment is a review of the civil war." said the teacher.

She looked at Rarity and smiled. She had an easier time focusing in class because Trixie wasn't in her second class. She was very silent and kept to her work.

Rarity noticed that Twilight was too quiet.

"Everything alright, darling?" asked Rarity. She was concerned for Twilight. She noticed that a few girls had been snickering at her.

As Rarity looked at the girls, she saw that they were Trixie's friends. She placed a comforting hand on Twilight's shoulder.

Twilight looked at Rarity. "Thanks, Rarity. Do you know who they are?" asked Twilight.

Rarity sighed, annoyance clear on her face. "They are Trixie's friends," replied Rarity. She knew Trixie was a bit stuck up. She hated how Trixie's attitude was all about her.

She looked at Rarity. "So Trixie was the one who has a math class with me and Sunset?" asked Twilight.

She wondered what she had done to make Trixie hate her. "Maybe Trixie hates me because I am from Crystal Prep." thought Twilight. She went back to her schoolwork as Rarity spoke.

"Yeah. Sunset isn't too fond of Trixie. There is a reason for that, but it is not my place to say what happened." replied Rarity.

Soon after that, the class ended. Twilight walked to the cafeteria. She was greeted by Sunset and her friends. They waved at her as she approached them.

"Hey, Twilight. How is your first day so far?" asked Sunset.

Sunset flung her arm around Twilight's shoulders as they walked into the cafeteria. She was glad that she had Sunset and her friends.

"My day is going better now that you're here," replied Twilight. She smiled at Sunset.

Sunset blushed as Twilight said that. She wondered about what Pinkie Pie had said the day before. "Could she really not care about me being a vampire?" thought Sunset.

She smiled back as they walked towards the lunch line, they passed Trixie. Sunset growled slightly at Trixie.

Twilight heard Sunset growl. She hid the fact that had made her jump. She looked down at the ground as she saw Sunset's eyes flash red. She watched as Sunset growled as they walked past Trixie. She began to wonder what happened between Sunset and Trixie.

She decided to ask Sunset what happened between her and Trixie.

"So...Rarity said that something had happened between you and Trixie. May I ask what happened?" asked Twilight. She heard Sunset sigh.

"It's not something that I want to talk about right now. Maybe later, okay?" replied Sunset.

Twilight mumbled a low okay under her breath. She wanted to ask more about the matter but decided that it was best not to. After all, she was afraid that Sunset might growl at her if she pressed the matter.

Twilight ate her lunch with Sunset and her friends. She sat next to Sunset. As she did so, she had a creepy feeling of fear that seemed to only be around whenever Sunset was around her. She tried to shake the feeling off but to no avail.

Soon lunch was over. Twilight and her new friends went to their separate classes. She found that she had the same class with AppleJack and Fluttershy.

"Hey, Twilight." greeted AppleJack. Twilight waved to AppleJack and Fluttershy. She sat next to them.

"I am glad that I have this class with you guys," said Twilight. She saw that Trixie also had the same class. She sighed. She knew that she was going to have a difficult time focusing. She avoiding looking in Trixie's direction.

AppleJack and Fluttershy exchanged looks of worry. They saw that Trixie was snickering as she pointed towards Twilight.

AppleJack had half a mind to tell Trixie what for. But she knew that Trixie would only torment Twilight even more. Fluttershy had been tormented by Trixie a few years back in middle school.

AppleJack knew Trixie was not one to stop bullying so easily. She knew that Twilight may have to turn to Principle Luna if Trixie didn't let up soon. Fluttershy placed a comforting hand on Twilight"s shoulder.

Fluttershy noticed that Twilight seemed bothered by Trixie and her friends.

"It's okay. Trixie just likes to make people feel bad about themselves. I would know. She picked on me for my middle school years. She only stopped when she realized that her insults didn't affect me anymore." said Fluttershy.

Twilight took a deep breath, thanking Fluttershy for her kind words.

Soon the teacher walked. Class began and Twilight did her best to push Trixie aside. She found that she had an easier time focusing in class. She that she had actually enjoyed the class because of AppleJack and Fluttershy.

Class ended, taking Twilight by surprise. She hadn't expected to enjoy the class so much. She waved goodbye to AppleJack and Fluttershy.

She saw Sunset waiting for her on a bright crimson and lemon Harley motorcycle. She was amazed that Sunset's parents let her drive that type of vehicle.

"Hey, Twilight. I was wondering if I could give you a ride? I figured I could show you around town if you want." offered Sunset.

Twilight looked at Sunset and smiled. "Sure. Just let me text my mom and let her know that I'll be a little late," replied Twilight. She quickly typed a quick text to her mom explaining where she was going and with whom she was going with.

After that Twilight grabbed a helmet that had a phoenix with fiery wings. She sat at the back end of the motorcycle. She placed her hands around Sunset's waist. She felt herself being jerked back as the motorcycle raced forward. She was glad that she had a hold on Sunset's waist.

They drove around Canterlot for awhile. She was amazed to see how different the country town looked compared to the city. Twilight found herself enjoying all the sights that they saw. She looked at the time and realized that she should head back home before her mom began to worry about her whereabouts.

"Sunset, drop me off at my place after this. I better head home before I am grounded for being much later then I said I would be. My mom is a stickler for protocol." replied Twilight. She saw Sunset nodded in acknowledgment.

She saw the one place Sunset saved for last. They had arrived at a beachfront pier. She removed her helmet as she got off the motorcycle.

"This is a wonderful spot to get an excellent view of a sunset or sunrise," explained Sunset as she removed her helmet. She took Twilight's hand as she led her towards the edge of the pier.

She watched as the sun's rays danced in Twilight's purple eyes. She saw a light that was almost heavenly glowing around Twilight and her as the sun began to set.

Sunset pulled Twilight closer to her body. As she smelled Twilight's scent she felt her canines wanting to shift into her fangs. She willed them to not change.

As she heard Twilight's heart race, she felt an overwhelming desire to kiss her. She turned the girl towards her. She gently caressed her cheek. Then she slowly leaned in, closing her eyes as she got closer to Twilight. She leaned in till her lips were caressing the girl's bottom lip. She pulled away, opening her eyes to see how Twilight felt.

Twilight felt surprised at the sudden action of Sunset kissing her. She smiled back at Sunset, showing that she too had enjoyed the kiss. She blushed as Sunset intertwined her fingers with Twilight's.

"Come on. Let's get you home," said Sunset, breaking the silence. She and Twilight got back on her Harley. They drove off to Twilight's house.

"Nice house," said Sunset as she pulled up to Twilight's address. She was amazed at how big Twilight's house seemed to be. Twilight took off her helmet, saying,

"Thanks. It is bigger then it looks on the outside." Twilight felt completely nervous around Sunset after the kiss. She hadn't expected that to happen.

"Well, I better head home," said Sunset. She wanted to break the awkward silence that now hung between her and Twilight. She grabbed her helmet, placing it back over the head. She waved a quick goodbye as she drove off back to her place.

She stood at her front gate for a few moments after Sunset left. Once she was able to move again, she headed inside.

"Hi, honey. How was your day? Anything exciting happens?" asked Mrs. Velvet.

Twilight looked at her mom, saying, "Yes."