• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 2,141 Views, 131 Comments

A Two Pony Trick - BubblesOnMyButt

Dusk Star is a unicorn who develops a split personality which turns out to be more than it seems.

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After 5 days the weekend came, the difference between this weekend and the first he had spent in this place was drastic. Now he had a friend, now he had something to do, but now he had an enemy worse than Goody Good as well. Dusk had grown to distrust Dawn ever since he had their discussion in art class, Dusk was afraid that their discussion had made Dawn hide deep in his mind. To cement Dusk's fears, there had been no communication from Dawn for a while. Dawn hated being trapped in Dusk's mind more than anything, yet it felt almost as Dawn never left or did anything. It was like he was waiting.

"Dusk honey, you need to eat your grass before it gets mold." Dusk snapped back to reality, "What, oh, right." Morning looked down at her son and silently hoped he was alright. "Is something wrong Dusk?" Dusk sighed and spilled his mind out to her, Poly had trained him not to lie within the first few days of him knowing her. "It's Dawn," Morning froze mid-bite, "I haven't heard from him but I know he is there." Morning finished chewing and offered her advice, "Maybe it's for the best, you've said that he had been starting to scare you as well. Right?" The fork clattered gently as Dusk put it down, "That's it though, he scares me more now than ever because I have no clue what he is doing. Plus," Morning waited eagerly for the next bit of his message, "He has been changing."

Morning gulped the mouthful of food that she had, "H-How so?" Dusk began to think back, "He was never this secluded or violent. He's becoming more and more unpredictable. I'm starting to fear that he may be plotting something." Morning stood up, her plate still had a lot of food, "I think I'm done, what about you?" Truth be told, their conversation had killed Dusk's appetite. "I'll take the plates." Balancing two, mostly full plates on top of one's head is no easy task but he was able to make it to the kitchen and place them on the counter. "Oh, and Dusk honey! I invited Poly and her mom over so you two can play while we talk." Dusk's cheeks warmed again and he forgot about the depressing conversation that they had earlier. "OK.", he had to answer plainly, he didn't want to sound too excited.

*Knock Knock Knock* Dusk ran to the door and opened it, on the other side was a little white pony and a taller grey pony. "Why hello Dusk, is your mother home?" Morning stepped around a corner and moved down the hall, "Hello Fona, it's nice to see you again." Dusk was confused for a bit until he remembered that all four of them had bumped into each other at the market and first met each other. "Dusk, why don't you show Poly around town while we talk?" Dusk nodded and Poly pranced to Dusk's side as he walked out the door. "So what do you want to see?" Dusk looked at Poly and hoped that the answer would mean that they could walk together for a while. "Why don't we check out the whole town!" Perfect.

Dusk walked her by all the stores, the food markets, restaurants, and many of the various buildings around town, occasionally they would stop to play at a park or open area. The whole tour didn't take long, their town wasn't big to begin with. "...And there you have it.", said Dusk proudly as though he had helped a lost filly find her way home. "Wow, this place is really cool huh?" Dusk turned to see what she was talking about. He had mixed emotions about the place, there was no denying that, but curiosity still grabbed at him. "Ya, I've been here once before. It wasn't a pleasant experience." Poly lowered her head, "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know..." Dusk cut in before she could finish, "It's alright... If you want to wait here that is alright. But I'm going to go in... There is something I need to see." Dusk trotted up the steps and disappeared through a hole in the front wall. Poly looked around nervously, she hated being alone. More specifically she hated being abandoned and with that she ran after him.

Dusk walked up the staircase and avoided the upturned steps and loose planks of wood. "Wait for me!" He turned and saw Poly running in after him. "Watch out for the first few steps, they are the loosest." She didn't care for his warning and just walked up each step without a single slip, fall, or tumble of any sort. Finally, she made it to the top with Dusk. "What do you take me for? A klutz?", she said with a smile and joking tone. Immediately she tripped over her own hoof and rolled across the room before smashing into the opposite wall. "Yes." Dusk walked over to help her up but stopped when he looked into a doorway on the other side of the room. It was the the bathroom where he had originally met Dawn, the mirror hung up still in the same place it was, the same cracks thrown across its surface. Poly was already up and she moved right next to him in order to see what he saw. "It's just a silly mirror... right?"

Dusk quivered for a moment, there had been a shift inside of his mind. Dawn was stirring, there was no doubt, but something was different. He was stronger. Dusk put on a calm mask and tried to hide his fear from Poly, "Ya, it's just a mirror." Poly became stern, "You're lying Dusk." He gulped and struggled to keep his hold on reality, Dawn was getting closer to his conscious mind, "OK, that mirror is where I met someone a while ago, someone who I hate very much." Poly was stepping back from Dusk, she was afraid. His mane was becoming ragged, his tail short, his eyes dark. "How did you meet someone through a mirror?", her voice cracked as Dusk strained himself and arched his back during his "transformation."


"Please Dawn, NO!!!"


"Hello, Poly. I think I can answer your questions." The pony in front of her was definitely not Dusk, he had his body but he gave off a threatening aura.


"Who are you?"


"Dawn Star, not that it really matters. You best be leaving now."