• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 2,141 Views, 131 Comments

A Two Pony Trick - BubblesOnMyButt

Dusk Star is a unicorn who develops a split personality which turns out to be more than it seems.

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Change For the Better

Days passed since the evaluation, Morning had spent most off it working on easing Dusk into everyday tasks so she could get used to the practice. Her voice finally became the gentle instrument that it had been once before. Ever since Dawn had come and moved her comfort zones she had been trying to get it back once again. Dusk began to feel more at ease once the fear in her voice left and it began to soothe him once again. She still feared Dawn however and would often stumble over words when his name was mentioned. She knew that something was not right about him and she worried for Dusk's safety. Today was the day she would have to remove the safety net, however, and let Dusk return to school. Anticipation manifested as lightning in the air. "Dusk, remember to turn in all of your work today." Dusk nodded and made his way out the door. Today would be the first official day of dealing with two minds. Today they both faced the world.

Dusk walked the cobblestone steps to the school and the sharp clop made by each step brought him closer to the building. He had left home early once again in order to get back into the old routine that had been established before his retreat. He stood at the entrance and peered in, Ms. Green was writing on the chalkboard again. 'Dawn, remember what I had said before. If anypony gets hurt at all then you are going to get locked up for a whole week.' Through experimentation, Dusk had found that Dawn could not stand solitary confinement at all. The problem was that this technique only worked as long as Dusk was in control of his emotions, if Dusk was even remotely mad at Dawn then Dawn would be able to break the barrier and take over. When this happened, Dusk would have to wait until he either calmed down or Dawn dropped his guard.

Dusk walked calmly into the class and sat down at his desk, Ms. Green was writing on the blackboard at the front. Every time he showed up early she was there; he was glad that that had not changed. She turned and saw Dusk, "Dusk! It's nice to see you again! How have you been?" Dusk smiled slightly, although he still had bad memories of the class it was nice to see that at least one person missed him. "I've been OK but there are some things that I think you may need to see first." He got out of the desk and walked over to her before grabbing some papers out of his saddle and passing them along. She looked through the homework quickly before finally coming to a doctor's note. Dusk lowered his head, half in embarrassment and half in anticipation as he awaited her reaction. Her face became grim as she looked over the note. "Oh, Dusk... I am so sorry..."

Dusk raised his head, he would have to get over it sometime or later and he would not stand to mope about for the rest of his life, "It's alright. Did I miss anything important while I was gone?" She motioned to the seat that Goody Good had occupied, "Goody Good has transferred to a different school and somepony else should be transferring in today." Dusk suddenly straightened up and with barely contained excitement his thoughts spilled out of his mouth. "Goody Good is gone! Really!" Ms. Green was startled by his enthusiasm at first but quickly remembered why he had taken leave. "Yes Dusk, she is gone now. The new student will be sitting next to you in Goody Good's old seat. Maybe you two could become friends..."

Today was starting off better than he had hoped, everything was going well and getting better. He was half expecting something to turn his life upside down at this point but things were going too well for him to care, he was feeling happy again. Dawn could feel this, 'If things do turn out badly, I'm always here.'
'Ya, I know Dawn, I know, but don't forget our agreement.'

The school bell rang and all of the students waited in their desks. The desk next to Dusk was still empty and he was disappointed to say the least. The burst of energy that he had first felt when he had first arrived in town was revived. The enthusiasm to have a new friend, the new hope, all of it was revived. Class began, there would be no reason to wait for the missing student. "OK class, from this week on we will have a section of class completely devoted to trying new things to help all of you earn your cutie mark." The sound of hooves meeting stone sped towards the school building, the whole class turned with curiosity. "WAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!", a young, white earth pony with a sky blue mane ran into class. In the rush she tripped over herself and rolled to the front of class, right next to Ms. Green. "Ow..." The class broke into laughter with the exception of Dusk who stared in total disbelief.
'Oh my gosh, is she alright?
'HAHAHAHA! Hey Dusk, how come your introduction wasn't as interesting as hers?'
'Shut up Dawn, why don't you get a heart for once?'
'Can I have yours?'
'No, now shut up and pipe down. You aren't getting out.'

Even as the laughter continued Dusk examined her face looking for signs of pain, looking for a chance to lend a friendly hand. Instead she rubbed the back of her head and began to laugh herself. This confused Dusk, how is it she was able to laugh even as she became the laughing stock of the whole class. "Are you OK deary?" "Yes, I'm fine.", she chuckled to herself, even as she stood up she was still smiling.

It was a cute smile.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" The filly stood up and dusted herself off. "Ummm, oh yeah. My name is Poly, Poly Graff." She was still laughing to herself.

It was a cute laugh.

"OK, your seat is over by Dusk, he is the grey unicorn there." She began to prance forward excitedly, "OK."

It was a very cute walk.

She stumbled a bit on the way there. It looked as though she was a natural klutz.

It was a cute stumble though.

She sat down and smiled right at Dusk, "Hi, My name is Poly." Dusk stammered over his words, "H-Hi, I'm Dusk. P-Pleased to m-meet you." His cheeks became warm and full of life, he was blushing. She cocked her head, the way he was stuttering was funny.

It was a cute way of speaking actually.

She began to blush herself and they both turned their heads to the front of the class and straightened up as though nothing had happened.

'She blushed back... Oh crap! I've embarrassed her! I didn't want to do that! Oh no, she'll think I'm a jerk!'

'Quit your whining Dusk, she blushed because she likes you.'

'Dawn, I seriously doubt that is it.'

'Look, I know that you may think that you are some major genius, but I know emotion.'

'And why should I trust you?'

'I already told you, I know emotion. She likes you, but be careful. If you get too deep you may get hurt.' Dawn's tone turned serious, 'It may be best if you stay away from her.' Dusk cut off his communication with Dawn, he preferred to live in hope when he could.


'She still blushed back...'