• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 2,142 Views, 131 Comments

A Two Pony Trick - BubblesOnMyButt

Dusk Star is a unicorn who develops a split personality which turns out to be more than it seems.

  • ...

Good Riddance

Dawn's back arched like a cat before coming to a rest; he set his eyes on Poly and began to walk over to her as nonchalantly as possible. "What's the matter Poly, don't you find this hilarious?" Poly was still backing up, making her way over to the staircase as quickly as possible without raising suspicion. "W-W-Why would I find this h-hilarious?" Dawn's mouth widened to a twisted smile that stretched across his mouth, "Because, your very best, bestest, bestiest friend in the whole world had a secret that he wouldn't share with you. He knows how much you like him but he still didn't tell you about me. Isn't that sad? He doesn't trust you." The words hit Poly like arrows but she felt just fine internally, she knew he was lying. Poly was near the stairs now, she was ready to make her escape when suddenly a voice broke the hardness of the air. "Poly wait! Don't go, I have him under control." She looked up and saw Dawn straining as if he were trying to hold himself back, "Dusk? Is that you?"

"Ya... Poly... I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I didn't want you to be afraid..." His voice changed again, "Dusk! How the hay are you still here? Back off! It's my turn to have your body! You shouldn't be here!"
"Wrong, you took over but you forgot to kick me out moron. I allowed you to assume your own appearance but I'm still in control in the end."

Poly ended her gradual retreat, "Dusk, what is going on?" Dusk/Dawn's face turned melancholy. "*Sigh* OK, a while back there was a pony in class named Goody Good, she was retched, mean, and oppressive. She and all of her friends would tease me and push me around constantly. Then one day, I snapped." Poly had pity in her eyes, she began to move toward Dusk/Dawn instead of away. "Dusk... that's horrible... I'm so sorry." Dawn came through again, "...And after you snapped you came here, saw the mirror, and met me. We get it. The point is Poly, Dusk made a deal with me. Whenever he became stressed I could come to the surface to protect him." Poly was confused, "Then why where you able to come out now?" Dawn smiled, "Because right now, you are a potential danger. I refuse to let you near Dusk for his own safety." Poly froze in place then lowered her head and looked back up at Dawn. She gave Dawn a glare that even sent a chill through his heart, fear was a feeling he had only felt a couple times before. "You're lying."

Dawn grew nervous with her statement, he tried to back up but Dusk held him in place. "I don't know what your talking about..." Poly drew closer and closer and it seemed that Dawn was too afraid to make eye contact. "DAWN!!! What does she mean you're lying? Why are you saying that Poly is a danger to me? ANSWER ME!!!" Dawn grew aggressive in that brief moment, he had a window of opportunity and he needed to turn the tables on this conversation. "You slipped up Dusk!" Dawn fed off of Dusk's rage and grew strong enough to throw Dusk back into his subconscious. "Poly! Run!", Dusk screamed before his presence faded away. Poly stood bravely even though the pony in front of her had control. She didn't know what to expect from him, but she had to be strong if she wanted Dusk back.

"You are ruining my plans Poly, I've worked too hard for you to mess everything up now." Poly gazed at him, unsure of what was next. "Surely, you are a bit curious about what I have planned, right?" He started to walk in circles around her. His movements were fluid, just like the way a snake would move; twisting his torso at turns, swiveling on occasion, bending in abnormal ways. It all seemed so unworldly to her and frightened her even more. "Y-y-yes, I do want to know..." He stopped in front of her and stared her down, whatever fear that she had placed in his heart earlier was gone. He began to laugh, "Well too bad. If I told you everything then that would spoil the fun wouldn't it? Life is too fun to be ruined by knowing what will happen! So I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

Poly had to stay brave, any fear would cause her to falter. She had to get him to lie, if she did she could exploit his weaknesses...
"Dusk is gone and there is nothing you can do to save him!"
'That was easier than I thought...'
"You're lying again." Her gaze hardened and Dawn lost his diplomatic footing.
"W-w-what are you talking about? He's gone! I've already told you this."

"I know that somewhere deep down Dusk is still there! I refuse to let you keep him locked down! Dusk is a good, kind-hearted pony who would never hurt anypony else! You do not belong to have his body!" Her words were forceful yet hollow, she was hoping that he would be intimidated by her tone. "And what are you going to do about it little girl?", Dawn asked, trying to hide his fear. There was something about her, something that made him lose power. She knew it too, that was why she kept pushing her luck.

Poly leap forward and embraced Dawn in an incredibly tight hug, "Dusk, I know you're in there. I know you can overcome this, please answer me." Her warmth and affection melted Dawn's control, Dusk was loosening.

Amidst a stormy black sea of shadows Dusk heard her voice once more, it came to him as a sun rising over the horizon. Just like last time. The dark sea seemed to part around Dusk and burnt up wherever the sun touched. Dawn was making his retreat, he was trying to go back into the recesses of Dusk's mind once again. 'Not this time.' Dawn focused as much as he possibly could into keeping Dawn away and slowly he began to push Dawn out of his mind. Poly kept hugging Dusk and now that Dusk was in control he began to hug back. With a bright flash of light Dusk felt a large energy seem to drain from his body and his horn began to glow.

Poly stepped back and Dusk's horn began to give off bright sparks, Dusk aimed his horn towards the mirror and focused the magic towards it. Dawn was gone.

It had been almost an hour after they had left and both Morning and Fona were becoming worried. A knock at the door caused both of them to jump. Morning opened the door to find Poly supporting Dusk as his head swayed. It was obvious he was about to pass out so Morning rushed him to his room. When she came back she asked Poly what had happened. "We went to this abandoned house and then Dusk started to act weird, he changed. He turned into somepony named Dawn and then Dusk's horn glowed and he passed out." Morning grew skittish, although the story seemed to be condensed it confirmed her fears. "Fona, I'm afraid to say this, but it may be best if Poly doesn't see Dusk for a while." Poly began to cry, "No! I can help him!" Fona grabbed Poly and began to walk out the door, "I think you may be right..." Poly kept screaming and wiggling around in Fona's arms until she broke free.

Poly rushed up the stairs and into Dusk's room where he was asleep on his bed. "Dusk please wake up! Dusk! Tell them that he is gone please!" Dusk's eyes cracked slightly and he saw Poly crying over his face. "Poly..." Fona grabbed Poly once again, "Young lady! You let him rest! Now come on, you need to forget about him. He's dangerous."
"No he's not! I know he's not!" Poly was still crying, it wasn't fair that her only friend was considered a danger, it just wasn't fair. Dusk tried to get up but Morning put him back down, "No Poly! Poly! One day we'll see each other again! I promise!"


He was telling the truth.


Somewhere in the darkness of The Other Side

'You can't hide forever Dusk, one day, we'll see each other again,


I promise...'