• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 2,141 Views, 131 Comments

A Two Pony Trick - BubblesOnMyButt

Dusk Star is a unicorn who develops a split personality which turns out to be more than it seems.

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Hatred and Corruption

"OOOF!" The hit compacted his ribs for a moment before they took shape and the hoof retreated. "Poly! What are you doing?!?!" Ursa had witnessed her friend hit another pony, now she had no clue what to think. Not to mention the pony she hit was the boy that she had mentioned that she had a crush on... "Dawn! What the hay are you doing here?" Poly took a step back from the collapsed Dawn and awaited his explanation. The few classmates who had witnessed the event and where too shocked to bother reporting the incident and secretly waited, hoping the action would continue. "Poly, let me explain," gasped Dawn as air filled his lungs once more, "Dusk and I have made peace." Poly's flank glowed green, this had just turned into an active 'PolyGraff' session.

"Go on..." Students who had not noticed the initial punch then notice the glow and their attention was swallowed whole. "Dusk is no good with physical matters so I offered to take over for him so he could study", the glow persisted, ", I swear I've been working for his best interests!" Ursa switched her focus between Poly and Dawn, "WaitwaitwaitwaitwaitWait WAIT!!!! What the hay is going on here?" Her crush was no longer a good guy and turned out to be an old enemy of Poly's, Dusk was apparently cohorts with him, Poly was ticked off enough to bring the willpower to throw a blow, and none of it made sense. "I'm sorry Shiny, but this matter goes way over your head. I know you think that just because you think you will be the first pony in space that means nothing is above your head but you are wrong. It is best if you let me handle this."

"Poly, please tell me what is going on! I can help! I don't care if it's over my head, I can still help." Poly turned completely away from Dawn as he attempted to pull himself up and placed her attention on Shiny, "No Ursa, you can't." Poly never called her Ursa, "And why not?" Poly drew threateningly towards Ursa, "I. Said. You. Can't. Help. Now. Leave."

Tears welled up behind Ursa's eyes; she wasn't sad, she hadn't been hurt physically, but the sudden flow of events was too confusing. Her friend had changed in the blink of an eye and now everything was changing faster than ever. "Perhaps... perhaps you're right. I guess you and your friend need to figure things out..." She began to back away and turn her head, as long as Poly was going to keep changing she didn't want to be anywhere near her. She wasn't the friend she remembered. She left the gym and let the tears flow freely, "I'll prove to you that I can help..."

The 'PolyGraff' session continued and the questions became more personal in hopes of catching a hole in Dawn's story. "Where is Dusk?"
"He's inside right now."
"What did you do after you disappeared?"
"I changed myself, I vowed I would not make anymore mistakes."
"What are you planning?"
"I just want to help Dusk learn as much as he can."

Green, green, green, all of the answers where coming up green. Poly couldn't take anymore of this, she knew there was no way Dawn would ever change. She hadn't known him long before he was sent away (a couple minutes to be exact) but the way everypony acted around him told her there was something not right about him. "One last thing." Dawn silently sighed, the years he had spent training his mind to go against what he knew worked well. He had twisted his answers so slightly that they slipped Poly's test, "OK, what is it?" Poly grabbed him by the collarbones and drew him right up to her face and she stared him down, "Let. Dusk. Out. Now." Her eyes were furious and erratic, the blue tint they once had was darkening. 'Oh no. I've been out to long.' Dawn grinded his teeth, "I can't."

The coach NOW noticed the silence, most of the class had stopped whatever they were doing to watch the famous 'PolyGraff' test in action. "Hey, all of you get back to work! Hey what is going on?" The words echoed in Poly's head, 'I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't. Is that all you can think of?' Poly retracted her hoof and prepared to make a second punch. "YOU LIE!!!" Her hoof shot forward and Dawn took the hit right in his jaw. 'Dusk, where ever you are, you best get back soon.' The crowd watched in horror for a moment before finally deciding to react.

Ursa returned with a large red stallion and not a moment too soon. Poly looked like she was going berserk as she pummeled Dawn and a crowd was gathering around trying to pry her away. Her eyes looked bloodshot and she was muttering garbled masses of words. "Oh my gosh... what is happening..." Poly was looking pale and the mutterings continued, she was growing more and more energetic, fighting off every single pony who tried to separate her from Dawn until the red stallion ripped her away and recruited help to hold her down. 'I need to get back soon, my plan is working too well.' Poly was still screaming, "You lie you lie, you lie, you lie!" Each time she yelled this her own mark glowed redder and redder.
She was lying.


There was nearly no color left in her, she had been drained grey.