• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 2,142 Views, 131 Comments

A Two Pony Trick - BubblesOnMyButt

Dusk Star is a unicorn who develops a split personality which turns out to be more than it seems.

  • ...

A War Revived


Flames licked the floorboards as Dusk's eyes fluttered and he fought the urge to disappear.
This word floated through the air and echoed in the house. "Hahahaha, no? No what? Are you saying that I'm not Discord?" Dusk ignored the pain and began to move shakily as he rose, "No." Discord crossed his arms and stared down at the trembling figure, "You really ought to articulate better if you ever want somepony to take your foolish little outbursts more seriously."

Dusk took a deep breath in and focused all of his anger into his voice, "I REFUSE TO LET YOU DECIDE OUR FATES!!!" Dusk's horn glowed violently and with one last scream he shot forward faster than the eye could follow and slammed right into Discord. The behemoth doubled over as the unstoppable force met the unmovable object and the age old answer was answered as Discord's feet began to slip and they lost their traction. Dusk drove forward until the two collided with the wall. Dusk was still moving forward but the wall held them still long enough for Discord to catch his bearings before they began to break through. Cracks formed at the point were the two were pressed before a section of the wall broke clear.

Bricks, dust, and Discord were flung out into the streets of Ponyville as well as among the crowd of passerbys who had gathered when lights and the sounds of screams ruptured the peace of the town a little while earlier. The denizens of the town screamed and ran in whatever they they could escape, in this aspect they reminded Discord of cockroaches before they were crushed... Discord stood slowly as he held his abdomen with his paw, "Clever little brat, but of course you didn't do it alone. Did he Evening." Dusk's silhouette was highlighted by the glow of the flames that flickered inside the house through the hole in the wall. His eyes glowed with a heavenly quality and his coat had turned a luminescent white. "He was never alone Discord and you knew it."



Inside the house Spike's eyes shook as he forced himself to wake up. Rarity lay unconscious in his arms, he had managed to save her from the brunt of Discord's attack at least. He put her to the side gently as he produced a quill and parchment from his flames. Watching the burning ichor that consumed the floor move towards the rest of their group, he hastily scribbled a note before igniting it with his own breath. He quickly moved to the edge of the flames and began to move the helpless members of his circle of friends before they came in contact with the mini inferno. From outside he could hear the screams of a panicky crowd and the unmistakable crackle of some intense magical energy gathering.


Discord pulled his fist back before dashing forward and slamming it into the ground where Evening stood a split second before. The cobblestone path erupted beneath the fist as each stone in a linear path became loosed from its mortar prison and flew through the air. Evening reared back to his hind hooves and slammed them down, the magic flowing through his body reinforced the blow just as Discord's did and their seismic warpaths collided. Evening moved as a blur of light as he did earlier and made it past the shock wave and into striking distance of Discord. In between the swings of hooves, the parries, and the near misses Discord found time to chat.

"Interesting concept you are applying here," Discord parried a hit and sidesteps as a follow up hit enters the fray, "Most unicorns teleport by focusing their positive magic at a separate point and allowing all the negative charges in their body to instantaneously combine, but you're just creating a path of energy to let you gain momentum." Discord clapped his hands and the stones that formed the street formed into claws that grasped onto Evening before he could move. "But I do have one question..." Discord pointed his hand at his prey and formed the shape of a gun before firing. Evening sent a pulse out of his body and the same wavelengths of Harmony that resonated in Poly turned his stone captors to dust before he dashed to a secondary point to avoid the attack. "And what is that?" Discord loosened his stance and scanned for where his little pest disappeared to, "Where did you get all of this magic? Last I checked, I emptied Dusk's wellspring." Evening's voice echoed in the darkening air, "I saved a little after I returned. Why?" A shadow shot from behind a house and towards Discord. The demon tensed all of his muscles and released with a roar so unmatched that all it was touched by was thrown upward. Evening stopped an inch from Discord's face and harmlessly floated there, "The keywords are 'a little'..." Evening attempted to move away but he was stuck in place, unable to command his own movements. Discord grabbed onto Evening's horn and pulled back.

A pale white aura streamed from Evening's head and into Discord's palm, Evening could feel his presence weakening as his magic was drained and Dusk was forced into control once again. His body turned grey and his his eyes rolled back before hiding behind his eyelids. Evening passed Dusk in his mind as they switched, 'I'm sorry Dusk, I tried...' Dusk nodded back, 'I know...' When Dusk opened his own eyes once again he saw Discord reeling back with a fist tightly clenched. "Good night, you little cretin."

The hit was quick and violent, most of it was directed downward so when Dusk hit the ground he felt ribs grind on the stone. He continued to skip along the ground as he was driven towards the fountain in the center of town. Dusk was already weak to begin with so every bounce only made it worse. Discord stared down at him and watched his chest rise and fall. "Just give up already, you have no hope of ever defeating me." Dusk struggled to wake himself but his fatigue was winning. Discord snarled disapprovingly and bent over to grab onto Dusk's mane, "Now look here boy, I work very hard to ensure that my chaos is of the highest quality and I won't just stand here and allow you to ruin it..." Dusk couldn't hold on to consciousness much longer and it was blatantly clear. "... Especially when we are only inches away from my very birthplace."

Dusk's eyes shot open and Discord chuckled, "I knew that would get your attention..."

Ponyville was ablaze from the fight that had taken place moments before, the buildings were crumbling into piles of fresh cut wood and doves would fly out of the rubble. The citizens of the town were ruining aimlessly in a mad panic, each hoped to somehow escape the nightmare but none knew how. The sky had turned a blood red, the moon looked as though it were about to intercept the sun. Discord smiled, "Though I'm sure that the Ponyville Public School System hardly teaches about the life cycle of a draconequus. You see, only one is ever alive at a time and when it dies it is reborn much like a phoenix." Dusk continued to struggle as he fought for the right to remain awake, "So?" Discord flicked him on the nose, "Don't interrupt... If the fact that only one is ever alive at a time isn't special enough, a newly reborn draconequus gathers the energy of the emotions of the inhabitants that live in the land and becomes the embodiment of it so to speak."

The synapses connected and Dusk understood what this rant was about. "So when you were reborn, you absorbed the chaos in the land..." Discord dropped Dusk in the fountain, the waves began to freeze slowly and Dusk found it impossible to move. Discord nodded. The ice began to drag Dusk beneath the frosty surface so Dusk quickened the pace of his questions, "Then what could cause the chaos needed to create you?" The blackening sky behind Discord rustled with the movement of two quickly advancing shapes. Discord closed his eyes dreamily as if the sweetest memory of his entire life, "In my past life I may have killed the high king." The ice began to grow along Dusk's neck, he had time for only one question. "And who was the high king?" The sun rose like a beacon though the sky and the moon followed until crossed over to form an eclipse. A strong voice tore through the growing night, "He killed our father." Discord's eyes constricted as they shot open and his mighty form shook, "It's about time you joined the party."


"Luna... Celestia."
His voice wavered slightly.
