• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 2,142 Views, 131 Comments

A Two Pony Trick - BubblesOnMyButt

Dusk Star is a unicorn who develops a split personality which turns out to be more than it seems.

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"*So what did you see?*", whispered Poly as the teacher continued his lecturing. Most of the students where hard at work trying to write down notes but Ursa and Poly were in the back so they could talk as much as they wanted. "*What do you mean? And weren't you the one who got mad at me for ditching class? Why are you the one talking now?*" Poly was thrown back a bit by this, she wasn't used to being challenged by anypony else, except Shiny, but it would still shock her. Shiny smiled smugly, she knew just how to turn a situation around on Poly and did so often. "*Never mind that... So, what did you see?*" Poly's attempt to change subjects was frail but acceptable by Shiny's standards. "*I saw a colt, a REALLY cute one too!*" Poly smiled for her friend's sake, she knew that her friend had incredibly high standards when it came to who she liked. It wasn't often she mentioned anypony significant. "*So what did he look like? I won't say anything until you're done, I promise.*"

The teacher was continuing his speech, though on occasion he would glance back and give a stern gaze at Ursa and Poly. They never seemed to catch the hint though... "*He was in the middle of a fight with the hoofball quarterflank and he was winning! It was so amazing, a single freshman taking on a bunch of seniors!*" The sound of wind whistling neared until a piece of chalk shot right between Poly and Shiny's faces. It's impact against the wall caused dust to plume upward and both of the ponies straightened up and faced forward; they were too afraid to even blink. "Much better," the teacher chuckled, "Now as I was saying..." Shiny picked up her pencil and began to scribble some sort of macabre doodle of a pony. Poly cocked her head to the side and stared as the picture came into clarity and Shiny began to write, 'This is what he looks like." Poly looked at the dark mass that was smeared graphite and lack of art skill (no wonder her cutie mark was a red, white, and blue arrow pointing up and not some sort of art supply). 'Guess I'll have to wait until later...'

*RIIIIIING* The bell struck and ponies rushed from their seats into the halls. Shiny stood on top of Poly's back flapping her wings so her weight was not felt on Poly. This was her favorite mode of transportation for whatever reason and Poly never seemed to mind. Shiny raised her hoof above her eyes and began to squint as the sea of ponies ebbed and flowed with each individual's specific schedule. A grey horn stuck out of the crowd and what seemed to be the same color scheme of a mane was visible in the chaos of the movements of high school. Shiny knew he was a freshman, she had asked around and a pony who roughly fit her descriptions (not her pictures though) was confirmed as a freshman so eventually they would have a class together. "TARGET SIGHTED CAPTAIN. AWAITING ORDERS." The chaos was so enveloping that shouting only barely got the message to Poly and she decided not to respond. Next up for both of them was gym so she turned toward the building and set her path. Up above, Shiny saw the unicorn roughly in the crowd as he turned in their direction. 'YES! Please o please o pleeeease be going to gym!'

The chaos of the passing period enveloped Dusk almost completely, he even found himself jumping above the surface in hopes of getting a breath of air. Normal ponies found this to be a hassle but Dusk found it... calming. There was something about the way the chaos of the "ultimate machine" that just cradled him and helped him to calm down. Gym class was next for Dusk, he really didn't have a say in the matter because it was not something he could necessarily skip due to academic success. Normally he would loathe the class but now that Dawn was back, and more willing to work with Dusk, he could use that to his advantage. 'Are you sure about this Dusk? Isn't that considered cheating?' Dusk knew better than cheat but gym was just way too boring to him. 'Dawn, you know I'm more academic than anything. Besides, I thought you wanted me to focus on my studies a bit more. I figured I could do that while you do the class, after all you're always saying that you want out.' Dawn hesitantly agreed, he would have to be careful. If his cover was blown now it would be one of the worst things possible. The deadline was getting tediously close. Too close.

The changing rooms were even worse than the hallways. For whatever reason, putting on clothes just became awkward for everypony, regardless of whether they wore clothes or not. Some ponies would even take advantage of the awkward state many were in and antagonize them at the very moment they were at their weakest. Dusk listened to the screams of embarrassment as a group of "predators" mocked their "prey". The back area of the room was more empty than most so Dusk used this to find solitude and change. 'Hey Dawn? If I let you take control, would you be willing to help those guys who are being teased?' Dawn had to walk thin ice now, he had to find a way out, 'Sorry Dusk, but I'm here for you. Plus if you all of a sudden acted up then somepony might think something was up.' Dusk felt horrible now, he used to be the one who was teased (and still was) but he couldn't help them out. He just didn't know how, 'Oh, right. Anyways, it may be best if we switch off now while nopony else is looking.' His horn began to glow dimly and a familiar force of magic washed over him and it began to change his physical features. Dawn stretched and his bones and joints squeaked, "I really ought to get out more often..."

The changing room emptied and Dawn walked out and into the crowd of all the ponies in the class. "OK everypony, boys line up here and girls here. It should all be even so all of you should have a partner, if I find leftovers then obviously one of you messed up." The coach's voice echoed in through the gym and he waited for a nod of approval from everypony. "Sir? It's Blue Bird. He's absent today so there will be one extra girl." The coach sat back and thought for a moment, "Okay, ummm you two," he pointed at Ursa and Poly, "You two can group up into three. Now I'll count all of you off, when I'm done go find your partner." As he started from 1 and moved on the groups of colts and mares began to thin and Dawn began to feel an odd attraction in the air. Fate was being rewritten again, he could feel it on occasion and he knew what it meant. There would be no changing back to Dusk, there were too many witnesses. He was going to need to live this one through and tread carefully. "You're a 13", said the gym teacher before turning to the Poly and Ursa pairing, "and you're a 13."
"*I can't believe it! Poly! That's the colt I was talking about! He's the one from earlier!*" Her heart began to pump and rushed to a point where it nearly stopped. Her face grew pale, then red as a bright blush filled her expression. "I wonder what his name is?"

Poly began to move without telling hooves to go. She would have been frozen solid out of pure fear in normal circumstances but for whatever reason it felt like she was moving against her will. Her eyes sharpened to a razor-sharp scowl and she began to move at a more aggressive speed. "Dawn..." Ursa looked over at her friend, she looked mad. Poly never got mad, "Poly, are you OK? What do you mean 'dawn'?" Poly broke into a full charge and looked like she was ready to punch Dawn, beat him into oblivion even. Her face began to twist with rage; understandable due to the circumstances. After all, she was staring the one who was responsible for separating her from her only friend all those years ago. It was time for payback.

"Hello Poly." Dawn was trying to act cool even under pressure as Poly neared him with an obvious intent to do harm.


"Shut up Dawn." And with that she punched him right in the gut.