• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 2,142 Views, 131 Comments

A Two Pony Trick - BubblesOnMyButt

Dusk Star is a unicorn who develops a split personality which turns out to be more than it seems.

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"Dusk. Dusk! DUSK!!!"

His eyelids slipped open and light spilled into the cracks. "DUSK! WAKE UP!" Dusk shot up and his eyes opened as wide as they could. Other than dizziness and a powerful pain centered on the back of his head he felt alright, just wobbly. Most the class surrounded him and his mother was right next to him calling his name still and asking if he was alright. He couldn't remember what happened past the bell ringing, all memories past that point only arrived in quick blurs and flashes, and even then he could remember nothing important. As Dusk regained his thought process his mother called to him again. "Dusk! Answer me! Are you OK?", the usual calm that flooded over him whenever she spoke to him was not there this time and her panicked voice actually scared him more than the incident did. "I'm OK mom...", his face lowered and his head shifted in circles as nausea set it. "I think it is best if you take him home and let him rest," his teacher suggested, "he doesn't look so good." Morning took Dusk and place him on her back, "I think you're right." She moved with a shaky grace, a product of trying to appear brave to her son when in reality she was beyond terrified. Dusk noticed it in the quivering of her voice and the way her knees buckled with each step. Well, he thought with a depressed undertone, 'I certainly made an impression.'

He rested for the whole day but each hour or so his headache would spike and his mother would bring in some medicinal herbs that helped ease the pain and the resting would continue. Being that he was stuck with bed rest the only thing he could do was review his day and look for a cause as to what had happened. He could never think of much at a time, his thoughts were plagued by the jeers and malicious mocking of everypony inside of Goody Good's group of friends. Even his sleep was plagued by their scornful remarks, every time he fell asleep he awoke moments later because of a nightmare where the whole class stood over him laughing in distorted tones while he was laying on the floor. After hours of working through short periods of rest, reliving his horrible dreams, and combing his memory for evidence he remembered who had tripped him, or he thought he did. Goody Good was there and he was sure she did it, there was no proof of course, but he was 120% sure that it was her! He just didn't know why though and that was what troubled him the most...

The next day he would set his plan into motion, even if it meant giving up looking for anypony who would still want to be his friend after the embarrassment he had endured earlier. Until then, however, he needed his rest and hope the nightmares did not return. His mother woke him up gently the next morning. Her comforting smile reassured him with the promise of a better day and so far his mother had never been wrong. He hoped it would stay like that.

That day and all days past that he insisted on walking to school himself in hopes that his mother would never find out about the endless torment he received during the day, he was already a topic of ridicule and having ones "mommy" guard him would only worsen it. That being a given, he never told her of the ridicule that he faced as to avoid an intervention with his teacher which would only make the mockery subliminal and much sharper in comparison to what he dealt with now.

Every morning he would arrive early and carefully observe behaviors and actions of each and every filly and colt, especially Goody Good. Some of them would only act kindly to one set of friends and act unbelievably shy along with the next group, this angered him deep inside. Rage bubbled silently as he came to the notion that everypony in the room with him was a liar in their own way and any kindness would be false. Goody Good was an exception however. She was always a snobbish drama queen and had a powerful knack for avoiding trouble, she never changed. This especially stirred his young anger, but the feelings would always cool and turn to a depression as it was impossible to change any of it. Even still he studied everypony and eventually the anger of being lied to was transformed into the depression of not being told the truth.

Each day would be the same; wake up, ditch hope, go to school, learn about everypony, be ridiculed, do school work while being ridiculed, go to recess and be ridiculed, go back to class, be ridiculed, then rush home and put a cheerful face on as though nothing happened, then go to bed and suffer the same nightmare every night. He knew his mother was suspicious of something but he denied all accusations anyway and the topic would change afterwards. Sometimes it was as if she knew he was lying but only played along in order not to offend his efforts. The first week finally came to a close and he had learned about as much as he could during that time. His efforts had been wasted in trying to find out why Goody Good seemed to hate him, and the patient biding only left him feeling more depressed than he had in his whole life. Finally in desperation and as an act of defeat he just told himself that she hated him and that was that. As time passed he also began to believe everypony else hated him as well. When the weekend arrived he still had no friends and he spent the time indulging in memories of brighter days, back when he played with his friends in the country.

Times had changed and he felt he had changed as well.