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Chapter 9 part 2

Cassiel POV

I honestly have no idea why I'm helping these fools. Either run or grab any and every sharp object and kill these things, what's not to understand? Nevermore is fine, she's killing the Heartless with no trouble at all unlike the other guards who I've had to save 3 times now. Strangely enough I see hearts float up from the emblem Heartless, but not when she kills them. Is this part of what Faust meant when she said the keyblade is the only weapon capable of killing Heartless? Questions for later, clean up this mess, then deal with everything as it comes.

On the way to Town Hall, just before the turn to it anyway I heard a scream behind me. Nevermore was the first to react and turned to the source, I decided to follow just to see who thought it was a good idea to stop running to sanctuary when it was literally around the corner. I saw a heart disappear as a new Heartless appeared in it's place, joining two other Heartless in cornering Silver Spoon. The new Heartless leaped towards Silver just a second later.


That voice from earlier spoke again and without delay I repeated that exact word.

"Lightning!" Just before the new Heartless hit Silver, a lightning bolt just appeared on a cloudless day and struck it, killing it as Nevermore made quick work of the other 2.

"Are you alright little filly?" Nevermore asked her only to get a sobbing Silver to latch on to her, saying something about Diamond.

"Let me guess, Diamond is dead?" Makes no difference to me if she is.

"Mrs. Spoiled Rich just left us after knocking Diamond in here!" That confirms a lot of things I've said already, though how and why she died was certainly unexpected.

Nevermore (Raven) POV

I normally wouldn't think of doing this, but this Spoiled Rich will need to die. I ordered these Heartless to only kill if the heart was dark enough with the exception of Cassiel, unfortunately that filly fit the bill. What kind of parent willingly throws her own flesh and blood to the wolves to save herself??!! Vengeance will have to come later, this filly needs to get to safety and now.

"Are we going or what?" Cassiel asked. I turned back to the filly.

"Come with us and stay close alright." Her grip tightening was her response.

"I certainly didn't like Diamond, hell I don't even like anyone, but someone is going to pay for this." Cassiel said, small, barely noticeable wisps of Darkness already coming off of him as we guided Silver to the Town Hall.

Cassiel POV

I'm not exactly pissed, I don't even know what I'm feeling right now. I'm not mad at what happened, but who did it and why. I just want to have a 'polite conversation' with a mother who abandoned her own child and her friend to save her own skin. The Town Hall is in sight now and while there aren't too many Heartless left, 4 to be exact, there is at least a dozen guards.

"Lightning." I said, killing one of the 4, the closest one to me was taken care of by Nevermore and the last 2 were taken care of by the princesses who I didn't even notice were there. They flew to me the second they saw me as I despelled my weapons.

"Cassiel, what are you doing out of the hospital? You're supposed to be resting!" Celestia said. Nevermore raised her hand.

"That would be my fault your highness. I heard what you were all talking about in the hospital and thought it would be best to get his help so I gave him one of my Zebrican healing potions. If he truly is the only one capable of killing these 'Heartless' then wouldn't it be better to have him on our side?" Nevermore said, trying to let the blame fall on her.

"Even so he is just a colt!" Luna nearly shouted.

"This 'colt' has killed more Heartless in the past few minutes than any of you have in the past hour. Do you know how many guards I've seen it take to kill even one? How many I've saved? Or how about how many ran away when they were still more than capable of resisting? Now if you'll excuse me, I need to have a word with Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich." I said walking past them.

"And what could you possibly need to speak with them for?" Celestia asked speeding up to me.

"I have news for them and a question for one. Keep Silver out here for a moment will you?" I opened the door and was met with everyone panicking louder than I can think. Not being in the mood for this I turned away from the door and launched an exploding fireball loud enough to silence them. Unfortunately that took quite a bit out of me, good thing is is in my suppressed state thanks to my mask.

"Could someone point me to Spoiled and Filthy Rich?" They both came to me in seconds. Filthy is concerened, Spoiled is looking at me like I'm beneath her.

"What's going on? Why do you want to speak to us?" Filthy asked.

"Tell me Spoiled, how did it feel killing your own daughter and her friend? I've always wondered what it was like to kill someone for a reason other than revenge." Spoiled raised her hand to slap me, but Filthy grabbed me first and pinned me against the wall.

"Is this a joke??!! We love our daughter more than anything! Silver was like a second daughter to us!" He said. Could have fooled me.

"Maybe to you, but what about her?" I asked pointing to Spoiled.

"I haven't seen Diamond since she left for school. How could I have killed her?" Really, you're trying that?

"Silver, come in here if you would." I yelled loud enough to be heard from outside. Silver came in and immediately ran towards Spoiled to punch her right in the nose, causing her to fall back a little.

"YOU LEFT US FOR DEAD! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT YOU MONSTER? THOSE THINGS KILLED DIAMOND, SHE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" Guards had to hold her back and the princesses looked absolutely livid.

"I'll change my question Spoiled." I summoned Dawn and held it like a key and not a sword.

"How did it feel quite literally doing the equivalent of throwing your child and her friend to the wolves and running with your tail between your legs like a coward? Wait, don't tell me because I already know the answer. She was a failure, a waste of money, a mistake. You were just cutting your losses and saving more money for yourself in the process weren't you?" Now she looks pissed, Filthy looked to be in a state of shock, and guards were already moving to arrest her.

"So what if I did?" Your confession won't save you I thought as the guards restrained her and forced her on her knees.

"What other justification did I n-" I thrusted Dawn towards her chest, just close enough to end her. This caused Light to pour out as her body started fading. Everyone looked on in shock at what I just did, but technically I can't be punished for various reasons.

"I'm not mad at the fact you killed someone, I'm mad at the fact you without a care in the world just joined the ranks of history's greatest traitors. I'm mad that a mother killed her own daughter out of greed, refers to her daughter as a mistake, and tried to do the same to her other 'daughter'." She slowly looked up at me, as if begging for me to stop this, to show mercy.

"Dante spoke of Nine Circles in Hell. If memory serves they are Limbo, Heresy, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Anger, Arrogance, Violence, and Treachery. Assuming we share the same after lives I want you to guess which one you're going to. I can prevent it though, but I'll have to do the equivalent of killing your soul, I'll have to destroy your heart." She looked at me with nothing but despair in her eyes before finally fading and her heart rising from where she was.

This makes 2 skeletons in my closet.

Author's Note:

Reasons Cassiel can't be punished much if at all:

Keyblade never actually touched her
No laws against setting hearts free from vessels
She technically didn't die
He's a minor
She was a child killer
The only effective means of defending everyone against Heartless

Care to name others I missed?

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