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Chapter 36.

Cassiel POV

Before we went to see the match between team JNPR and... I can't remember. The end of it was a disaster for the other team though. Actually, a good portion of the match was. Note to self: Never hit Nora with Thunder! If electricity does hurt her, it does a lot less than it would to anyone else, and it powers her up. How much you might ask? Enough that lightning generated from the biome enabled her to play golf with all four of them in the same swing, launching them at really high speeds into the shield protecting the audience. Yeah... Bad idea... Unless I'm powering her up that is.

By the way, I finally fucking upgraded Lionheart! Probably should have mentioned that first, but whatever. It was done before match, Ruby works quickly. So here's the list of improvements:

(For those who might have forgotten what Lionheart looks like)

(It's real name is Sleeping Lion from Union X)

  1. Lionheart's hilt can fold into the grip, and the front guard acts as the lever for a lever action rifle. The wings on the back of the guard split apart into sights.
  2. The cylinder-like part is now an actual cylinder for bullets that somehow holds one or two dozen shots.
  3. The lion head at the end acts as the end of the barrel.
  4. It's recoil is somehow reversed so instead of the gun rising after a shot, it descends (don't ask how, the recoil isn't very strong unlike Crescent Rose, but still strong enough to completely reverse a swing), and recoil changes if it's in it's base form.
  5. In it's base form, the recoil intensifies greatly, adding power to the swing like how Crescent Rose and a few other weapons I've seen.
  6. Dust compatible for ammunition and enhancement.
  7. Still viable (for me) as a CQC weapon in it's gun form.

Truth be told, I was kind of hesitant on the gun addition, traumatic experiences and all that, and I have two ranged weapons. Though I did say she could help me upgrade it, and she looked to be enjoying it too much for me to say no. Back to the recent events, Weiss became uncharacteristically happy/ excited after an Atlas ship flew by, saying "she's here". I had to see this, so I followed her and Ruby to the drop off zone at Beacon. The new arrival is kind of a bitch, must be a common trait in the Schnee family. That's right, Weiss's sister, Winter Schnee is here, likely on orders from the "General". She quickly stopped being a bitch though and started acting like an older sibling should.

"So, how have you been?" Winter asked Weiss.

"Oh, splendid! Thank you for asking. I'm actually in the very top ranking of our sparring class." I feel insulted right now.

"I'm sorry... Care to correct yourself?" I asked, Nightfall as a scythe in hand. The soldiers and drones pointed their guns at me as Winter looked between me and Ruby. "So do they actually think they're a threat? Or are just pointing their guns at me because they have too?"

"So this must be your team leader and extra you wrote about? How appropriately... Underwhelming." And back to bitch.

"Uhh... Thank you." Ruby said.

"Ruby, don't thank her. If that was a compliment, that sounded more like an insult." I told her.


"Apologies, Ruby, Cassiel. I wish to thank you for taking an interest in my sister." Winter thanked us.

"Yeah... Interest..." I said.

"I have business with the General and your headmaster. But, seeing as I'm early, why don't you take me to your quarters?"

"Really?" Weiss asked, excitedly.

"Yes, I wish to inspect them and make sure they're up to my personal standards."

"Of course. Just so you're aware, the bunk beds only look unstable." Weiss warned her.

"Bunk beds?"

I entered the SR and lingered around. I'm interested in what the "General" wants. About halfway to the entrance of Beacon, we heard something being destroyed behind us. We turned around and a man in a white and grey shirt, black pants, scruffy beard, short and thin red cape, hair almost comed back, and a sword(?) on his lower back dismantling the two robots that were lingering behind us.

"Hey!" And he's drunk. "Yeah, I'm talking to you, ice queen." Goddamnit Weiss. What did you do? The remaining drones slowly began to close in on him.

"Halt!" Winter commanded.

"Excuse me," Weiss started stomping to him. "do you have any idea who you're talking to?" The man put a hand on her head and a finger to his lips.

"Sssshhhh, not you." He shushed her before pushing her out of the way and taking a few steps towards Winter. "You." He said to Winter. "Saw that gaudy ship of yours in town, I guess you're here too."

"Im standing right before you." Winter said. The man squinted.

"So it would seem." If he's a Huntsman, I feel like I should be very concerned.

"You realize you just destroyed Atlas military property?"

"Ohhhh, I'm sorry. See, I mistook this for some sort of... Sentient garbage." Concerned. I am now very concerned that he's even allowed near a weapon.

"I don't have time for your immature games, Qrow." Wait... As in Ruby's uncle? I don't know how I should feel about that if he is.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Weiss asked Winter.

"Geez, you Atlas specialists think you're so special, don't you?" Leaning more towards concerned again.

"It's in the title." Winter stated.

"Well, you know what you really are? A buncha sellouts. Just like your boss." Now I want to see how this plays out.

"I'm not sure what you think you're implying, but I've heard enough." Winter said, annoyed.

"Oh, I heard too. I heard ol' Ironwood finally turned his back on Ozpin." Now I definitely need to be around for this.

"Ozpin?" Weiss asked, confused.

"Weiss, it's time for you to go." Winter told her.


"Listen to big sister, Weiss. She'll protect you. Just like Atlas is gonna protect all of us, huh?" He stumbled backward a little.

"If you won't hold your tongue," Winter drew her saber. "then I will gladly remove it for you!" She threatened.

"Alright then." He brushed his hair back. "Come take it." He welcomed the challenge.

(Same reasons as the fight with the Nevermore and Deathstalker in the entrance exam. Laziness, typing with a controller, and I feel an imbed is a bad idea because of rules I'd expect to be on the site. Watch Qrow VS Winter, or season 3 episode 3)

So one thing after another. Qrow is in fact Ruby's uncle, he must be ambidexterous, that greatsword is also a shotgun, and though he didn't use it, he must be a lot better with that scythe than I am with either of mine. Both could probably give Glass a lot of trouble with just their strength and speed alone. Winter on the other hand has Weiss's Semblance, but can summon things. The fight could have been more entertaining/ educational, but Qrow put away his weapon and signalled Winter to come at him, she regretted this decision almost immediately.

"Schnee!" A voice rang out when her blade was just inches from Qrow's throat. It was Ironwood.

"General Ironwood, sir!" Winter turned and greeted him.

"What in the world do you think you're doing?" He asked.

"He started the altercation, sir." Winter tried to explain.

"That's actually not true, she attacked first." I guess that's technically true, though you did destroy military property first.

"Is that right?" Ironwood asked. Winter just looked down, not denying it. After a few more seconds of silence, he looked to Qrow. "And you." Qrow pointed at himself questioningly. "What are you doing here?"

"I could be asking you the same thing." Qrow said.

"I-" Ironwood started.

"Now, now everyone." Ozpin interrupted. "There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the coliseum that I can assure you has better seats. And popcorn." Glynda is with him too apparently.

"Break it up, everyone. We will take care of this mess." She told the crowd.

"Let's go." Ironwood told Winter, fixing his tie. I followed them, turning around, Ruby and Qrow looked happy to see each other. Maybe he's not a cause for concern.

(Ozpin's office)

So what have we learned so far from the conversation between these four? Qrow works on getting intel, the enemy isn't just some pawn, but the one responsible for the condition of whoever Amber is, and he had gone dark on his mission which caused him to not receive any communication from the others here.

"Despite what the world thinks, we're not just teachers or generals or headmasters. The people in this room, the leaders of the other two academies, we're the ones that keep the world safe from the evils no one even knows about. It's why we meet behind closed doors, why we work in the shadows. So you tell me James, when you brought your army to Vale, did you think you were being discreet or did you just not give a damn?" Qrow criticized James.

"Discreet wasn't working." James answered, putting his scroll on Ozpin's desk and creating a projection of Vale with his fleet hovering over it in the middle of the room. "I'm here because this is what was necessary."

"You're here because Ozpin wanted you here! He made you a part of this inner circle and opened your eyes to the real fight that's in front of us." Qrow clarified.

"And I am grateful."

"Oh well, you've got a real funny way of showing it."

"The people of Vale needed someone to protect them, someone who would act. When they look to the sky and see my fleet, they feel safe, and our enemies will feel our strength." James said, confidently. I stepped out of the SR to join in while Qrow was laughing.

"Yeah, because a foreign military known to be the most powerful, taking up residence in the capital of another country is definitely going to make everyone feel safe." I said. Qrow looked at me.

"Who's the kid? Why is he here?" Qrow asked, angered.

"Someone James tried to recruit into your inner circle, the extra on team RWBY. As for why I'm here? The more I know, the better I can protect my team, and not only do I know about Salem, I also know of Amber now."

"You tried to bring a kid into this fight?" Qrow asked James like he was insane.

"I have no interest in fighting Salem, that's a losing fight. I only have interest in my team, he tried to recruit me because I can establish myself as the 'alpha' when it comes to Grimm and command them, though the most dangerous so far would be a Deathstalker."

"What?" He asked, alarmed. I looked at James, ignoring Qrow's question as I saw Ozpin whispering something to him.

"I can guarantee you they don't fear your ships. If I could easily pull ten of them down in a few minutes, what makes you think they have reason to fear them? Doesn't help that they still have the element of surprise. Your fleet isn't going to do a damn thing against the people Salem has here, and if Grimm are going to be used again in an attack, you're going to have a lot more to worry about, especially if there are more dangerous Grimm around here than Taijita, Deathstalkers, Behemoths, or Nevermores. Best case scenario, you fail. Worst case scenario, they find a way to turn all those defenses against said people. They might already be able to after that night."

"What 'night'?" Qrow asked, more alarmed than before.

"Someone infiltrated Beacon tower. What for? No one knows. Atlas failed to protect it and no one has answers." I answered. "At this rate, the only thing Atlas has proven itself to be good for is a military mascot. A 'kid' doesn't feel your military is a threat. Do you honestly think Salem's people do when they for all intents and purposes have fear, death, and destruction on their side?"

"On that topic, let me tell you. The things she's made, they are fear." Qrow warned.

"She can make Grimm too?" I asked, surprised, but was ignored.

"And fear will bring the Grimm." Ozpin started. "A guardian is a symbol of comfort. But an army is a symbol of conflict. There's an energy in the air now, a question in the back of everyone's minds: If this is the size of our defenses, what is it we're expecting to fight?" James looked between everyone, frustration evident on his face. He took back his scroll.

"So then, what would you suggest we do?" James asked.

"Personally, I would recommend sending a good portion of your fleet back home, 'execute' Torchwick as a means to draw out anyone you can, make a public announcement offering amnesty to members of the White Fang that serve a short time in the military to draw out possible enemies, and keep a very close eye on the matches for anything like I mentioned before. Make them think you're lowering your guard, offer the hand of friendship, draw out your enemies, and keep watch for the most likely time and place of attack." I suggested.

"A trial for Torchwick would take too long to schedule, we would need the councils of all four nations to agree to that, and we can only see so much from the stands and broadcasts." James shot down.

"The cameras are an issue? My first night in Vale and the Grimm attack say getting good angles are well within your capability." James was about to respond to that.

"Then I suggest we find our guardian." Ozpin suggested, interrupting him before he started taking a sip of his tea(?).

"I'm warning you now. I don't care if you're just a headmaster or an immortal of some kind. Leave my team out of this, or I will kill as many people as I have to as long as you are one of them." I warned. He spit out his drink and coughed for a few seconds after.

"I was thinking nothing of the sort." He assured me after he recovered.

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