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Chapter 68.

Equinox POV

I'm feeding some of the animals while Fluttershy is out with the others for a picnic or something, Nightshade has made herself comfortable on my shoulder and rubbing her head against the side of mine. Angel though is reluctant to eat what I'm trying to give him, pushing the food away.

"She said I had to give you all food and specified what to give, whether you eat it is another matter entirely." I pushed his bowl of various vegetables back towards him. He pushed the bowl back to me and crossed his forelegs.

"Suit yourself, I'm just doing what I've been told." I told him before walking away and getting some of the kitten milk.


"In a moment." I lifted her off my shoulder and held her on her back as I placed the bottle near her mouth. Once she was done, I set her down on a paper towel on the table before heading out to feed the rest. Chickens, a bear, birds, foxes, one would think she would be overwhelmed by all of them. I eventually finished, but she didn't really need anything else done. I walked a short distance out back and thought back to my final moments of consciousness during the Dragon Migration. What were those weapons? What was that magic? The more I thought about it, the more I wanted an answer. I visualized the black weapon and the scythe in my mind, it didn't take long for a weight to be felt in one hand and my other to feel cold.

"Is it only ice?" I thought and visualized a scythe made of fire in my mind, a minute later, my hand felt wet, then warm, a scythe of flame replaced the ice one. I let them both go and they disappeared before hitting the ground. I walked back to the cottage and retrieved Nightshade, it would seem I didn't accidentally overfeed her this time. She wasted no time curling up into a ball once I set her on my lap to read a book Fluttershy and the doctor recommended, I overheard them say through the door that they think I might have a form of 'autism' if my amnesia isn't behind my emotional/ mental state.

Emotions, what even are they? From what I think I've seen and heard, they only get in the way. Twilight doesn't try to hide her disdain towards me that she still has yet to explain and it hasn't ended well for her so far. Fluttershy's fear of dragons caused her to miss an otherwise harmless event. Rarity's desire for gems caused her to be enslaved once and contributed to almost getting everypony killed. Applejack's pride almost lost her and her family everything. Somepony, or griffon, named Gilda, her anger caused her to lose her only "friend". Spike's greed almost destroyed the town, his lust for learning what it means to be a dragon contributed to Garble and the others becoming Heartless and almost killing us. The list goes on.

Are emotions even worth it? Time and time again, they seem to have only caused trouble. Maybe it's better that I don't feel anything. What am I even supposed to be learning from this book? After a few more chapters of trying to understand the author and what she wrote regarding her life with it, I set the book down and let Nightshade do as she pleased with my hand until Fluttershy came back.

"Equinox, we're leaving Ponyville for a little while." She said after entering through the door.

"What for?" I asked.

"My friends and I have our own parts to play at a wedding in Canterlot, and Princess Celestia also wants you to come along." She answered.

"The Princess knows about me?"

"Twilight probably wrote about you in a letter to her, she stays in regular contact with the Princess with her friendship letters." She explained.

"I would ask, but I don't think I'd understand if I did. Now why does she want me to come?"

"All she said in the letter was that she wanted to meet you."

"Do I have to?"

"Well-I mean, it's the Princess, you don't just say 'no'. Also, Twilight wouldn't be happy if you did that."

"Alright then." I picked up Nightshade and laid her on her bed. She fell asleep shortly after and I grabbed what I needed to take with me to Canterlot.


The city is covered in a large dome of sorts that all of us passed through with no problems. Upon arriving at the station, we were met with a few dozen guards. Several I think looked tense after they saw me, others I think looked fearful for lack of a better word and didn't break eye contact with me. Well, one actually left in a hurry, but that's not important. Twilight went off on her own to see her brother, the soon-to-be husband of a 'Princess Mi Amore Cadenza' or something like that.

As the others went off, one of the guards approached me and asked for my name. After answering him, he asked me to follow him, but didn't say where to.

(Elsewhere in Canterlot Castle)

"Cadence" POV

"What is so important that you felt the need to speak to me directly?" The drone trembled, my patience already wearing thin.

"My Queen, some thing just arrived with the friends of the groom's sister." He reported.

"And? Would you care to elaborate?"

"It looked similar to the visitor from before, but it was more unsettling than him. I don't quite know how to explain it!"

"More unsettling than the stallion that quite easily proved he could wipe our hive from existence?" I asked in concern.

"Whatever it was, it was like a walking void! No joy, no love, not even the slightest hint of negativity! It was-"

"It had no emotions is what you mean to tell me?"

"In the simplest terms, yes." He answered.

"Such a thing shouldn't be possible. Every creature, even Heartless have emotions. It would essentially be dead if another hive drained it of it's emotions. It's fully functional?" I asked my final question for the moment.

"Minus the capability to feel anything, yes, at first glance."

"Keep an eye on the Husk. We can't get rid of it right now because it's probably that 'human' Celestia wanted to meet, so don't interact with it unless necessary. So long as it doesn't prove to be a threat, it shouldn't be a problem."

"What about the Heartless?"

"I don't trust them. He may have said they are mine to command, but they almost feel like they're borrowed. It would also be a waste of love if anypony gets caught in the crossfire. If that is all, return to your post before they realize you're gone." I ordered him.

"At once!" He wasted no time in leaving, and I went to meet with 'my future husband'.

So far, everything is perfect.

(Outside Celestia's chambers)

Equinox POV

The guard took me up a few sets of stairs and through a few long hallways before stopping in front of a tall, ornate door with a sun on it. He knocked on the door and it opened after a few seconds. He saluted to whoever was inside before stepping to the side and letting me in, the door closing behind me after entering. The details of the room unimportant to me, I focused on the tall white mare with a multicolored neon mane that was blowing in a non-existent wind as she stood on the balcony.

"I would like to thank you for coming, and for protecting my student during the migration." She started, her attention switching between me and wherever she was looking before.


"Twilight, her friends too."

"Is that why you wanted to see me?" I asked, she shook her head.

"One reason, yes. I also wish to get to learn about you."

"I think you'll be disappointed, there's nothing really to talk about." She waved her hand.

"Nonsense! While not all of it was good, we learned a lot from the last human to visit Equestria."

"Cassiel, is that who you're referring to?" Why does he keep coming up?

"You know of him?" Was her response.

"Nothing besides his name, though I honestly don't really care enough to learn more about him." I answered.

"He was... Troubled to say the least. Perhaps if my student and the rest of Ponyville knew of the pain he endured, they would've been more understanding. He was by no means malicious, though he wasn't exactly peaceful either. But enough about him, how have you been settling into Ponyville?"

"Fine, haven't had any real trouble." I gave a short answer.

"Have you made any friends?"

"Friends?" She looked at me strangely.

"You have friends, right?"

"Do I need them?"

"Uuummm... Moving on. Do you remember what you were doing in the Everfree before Fluttershy and Twilight found you?" Is this all she intended to do, I wondered.

"I haven't remembered anything. I don't mean to be rude, but if all you wanted to do was ask questions Twilight and the others have asked already, you won't be pleased with the answers. I don't remember anything, I don't remember my name, I don't have friends, I don't particularly care about anything, I don't know how I can use magic, I don't have answers. If that's all you wanted, then I'll be on my way." I turned to leave, but she stopped me.

"Two more questions." She said.


"What are your plans?" She asked, seriously.


"Nevermind. Moving on, I fear the attack may draw Heartless here. If that happens, would you please help fight them off?" She requested.

"I'll do what I can." I answered before leaving. Seven of the guards along the way tensed up upon seeing me as I walked past them. Strange, but I let it be.

Author's Note:

Next up, the events leading to the invasion.

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