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Chapter 51.

Cassiel POV

(Orochi X theme)

I shot Cinder multiple times before she dashed towards me. I intentionally let her sword hit my arm so I could grab it and shoot her with Lionheart, enhancing the ice Dust with Blizzara while my blood struck her again. She backed away, leaving the sword behind to blast me with fire, I shot Aeroga through it and hit her before throwing her sword back at her.

"Get up! I'm going to make you suffer!" I threw Lionheart with Fira trailing behind at her and airstepped towards her. She ducked under Exile and blocked Nightfall when I recalled it back. She kept jumping away and I pursued her each time. Once her back was facing the hole I made in the wall above us, Neo used her Semblance to throw Cinder off balance. I took advantage of this and channelled Dark Fira into my hand as I grabbed her face, blasting her towards Neo who kicked her back to me. Cinder took advantage of the momentum and I was forced to dodge to the side. Before I could recover, she blasted me back, sending me rolling across the floor. She turned to see Neo and shot her as well.

"Barrier!" Her blast cracked it, but Neo was unharmed. "Your fight is with me!" I changed Exile into it's original form and airstepped towards Neo before airstepping again towards Cinder. Her sword broke when Exile hit it, she blasted me back again, but I got the scythe head of Nightfall behind her and pulled it back as she made another sword.

"What do you stand to gain from this??!! You can't win no matter what you do!!!" She said as she became more relentless with her attacks, forcing me back as getting hit wasn't worth it right now.

"I could ask similar of you!" I airstepped towards Lionheart and switched it with Nightfall as she pursued me. "It's not just what I have to gain,-" I shot an explosive Firaga right between us to get some distance before shooting her with Lionheart. "but what I refuse to lose a second time!" I stabbed Lionheart into the ground to recall and throw Nightfall as a shuriken with Thundara radiating from it. She blasted it away.

"You would die for that? What could you possibly have that you couldn't have gotten with us??!!" She's been fighting with one arm the entire time, but she still has her other one. I took a quick look to the others while Cinder forced me on the defensive. Yang is beating Mercury, Weiss, Jaune, and Nora are getting their asses handed to them by Vernal, Qrow is fighting Raven on equal ground, Ruby is handling Emerald, Neo is sticking to the plan, and Ren and Oscar are beating Leo. That reminds me...

"For starters, the satisfaction of killing an immortal, second being a family, third being revenge!" I pushed her back. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a certain traitor to kill." I pushed her back before throwing Lionheart at Leo, causing him to fall down the stairs, but didn't break his aura. Cinder got a good hit on my back, sending me flying towards a wall as my blood shot into her left arm, causing her to scream. That's strange... Her aura should have protected her.

"You're going to pay for that!" She said through gritted teeth, Neo took advantage of this opening and got a couple hits in before being forced to back off. I reminded Cinder I was the threat and dashed in front of her, knocking her back as I thrusted the pole of Exile into her chest.

"You have more to pay for than anyone I've ever met." I dashed towards her, casting the shotgun varient of Blizzaga along the way. "I have a better question than Jaune." We traded blows, I let her get a few hits on me in an attempt to lower her aura some more. "How empty do you have to be that the only way you can feel any amount of pleasure or joy is power obtained through mindless chaos and destruction?" I stabbed Exile into the ground with Blizzaga to send several spikes out, forcing her back again. Now is when I'm going to get serious, I didn't use my aura for most of the times she hit me.

"What would you know??!!" Her blade was caught by me using my Semblance to make her fight herself. I backed off towards Neo while Cinder was occupied.

"I'm about to bullshit through this fight." I started. "I'm about to do something that will 'hurt' me in an attempt to off Cinder. It won't do anything other than force me to 'withdraw'. Follow her and Spring down the elevator afterward. This is to hopefully separate Cinder and Spring from here. Understand?" Neo nodded just as Cinder destroyed her copy.

"Was that supposed to do something?" She rushed towards me, but another copy held her at bay. I desummoned the keyblades and started spouting bullshit.

"As the Cursebearer, source of thy power, I offer thee thy arm! With Hatred and with Scorn, by this Oath shall I be sworn! From within, destroy my enemy! Soul Eruption!" I lowered my aura around my arm, letting Fira burn it as I dashed towards Cinder, intentionally moving slow enough that she would dodge and strike me. I pretended to be out of aura as I rolled across the floor so she would go for what she thought would be a killing blow. She made a javelin and threw it at me, I ducked under it and rushed towards her with Exile as a twinblade, but stopped when I heard a scream behind me, causing everyone to look in it's direction. Weiss was pierced by the javelin, right through the abdomen. My rage was immediately replaced with dread.

"Nonononono! Not again!" I turned around, using more Darkness to enhance my speed while blocking Cinder's attempts to hit me with her fire as I rushed towards Weiss. Just when I got close enough to use Curaga and stop the bleeding, Ruby screamed as well, her eyes glowing like before. I knew it would hurt to stop Emerald from interrupting it, but I'd do it again. Silver lining to my pain? Cinder looked to be in immense pain as well, tightly grabbing her left arm. That's something I can fall asleep to.

(pause or stop the music)


(To Zanarkand)

If this is a dream, I'd like to wake up now. If this is Hell, I expected more fire and screams. If this is Heaven, I'd like to know who was so high off of whatever drugs they have that they let me right in. I'm greeted by a cliffside, water below, and the sun low in the horizon. I turned around and the background started to fade away near the trees. Once I turned back, I saw a figure that wasn't there before, all I could see was a white-hooded cape like what Ruby wears. The figure lowered it's hood and turned to face me.

(Summer Rose)

Now I did the most reasonable thing anyone would do in my position and tried to summon my keyblades. Small problem, it wasn't working. Can you blame me for my reaction? She's supposed to be dead according to Qrow!

"Don't worry, I'm not here to fight or anything." She smiled.

"How did I get here? Wherever here is?" I asked.

"You don't recognize it? I thought you might have seen it when you were staying with Tai and Yang?" I took another look around, then it hit me.

"This is your grave." I realized. She nodded.

"Where my headstone is anyway, Qrow couldn't bring me back with him. But enough of that, I finally have a chance to speak with you, and we don't have as long as I'd like."

"Come again?" You're only raising more questions. She summoned her keyblade.

"I don't know much about hearts or keyblades, but I'm sure you can figure out how I've been watching over Ruby for years now. As you would say it, my heart found it's way into hers." Her lips trembled. "I've seen exactly what they all went through. Tai, Qrow, my daughters, even Raven the few times I was able to see beyond what Ruby could."

"Okay, I don't mean to-"

"I know, but we have long enough. We couldn't speak before because of your armor and your Darkness, or at least that's what I think anyway. I've seen everything Ruby has, heard everything too. I have something to give you, though it might hurt you as well, and a message. Three actually."

"You're one of the few that don't need to ask." I told her.

"Qrow won't believe you at first, but tell him 'short-stack doesn't blame him'. Tell my daughters, my little 'fire cracker and petal that I couldn't be more proud or sorry'." Tears were pouring out of her eyes, but she kept herself from breaking down. "Tell Raven that I understand why she left the team, I just wish she hadn't, and I'm sorry for hurting her so."

"I'll make sure they get the messages." They deserve to hear this. "There's something else I might be able to do for you, though it's mainly a matter of 'if', and if I can do it, then 'when'." She looked at me curiously as she wiped her face.

"You don't have to-"

"I might be able to bring you back." Her eyes shot open. "Hearts are supposed to go somewhere else, I don't know specifically, just that they fade shortly after being separated from the body. Instead, your heart found it's way into Ruby's. The keyblade, or maybe just my master's keyblade should be able to separate you two and lock you into a new body. I'm sure there's a way to make an empty vessel if necessary." I offered. "All the time lost can be taken back, if you don't mind using the keyblade to defy nature a little?" She desummoned her keyblade and walked towards me.

"We're almost out of time now." She wrapped her arms around me. "It's a shame that you and Blake are an item, though I'm sure little Oscar will make her happy." Wait, what?

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" I asked her, wanting to make sure I heard that right.

"Please keep them safe? At least until you're ready to leave?" I already planned on doing that.

"They're not dying before I do." She pulled away and leaned down to kiss my forehead. I forgot I wasn't wearing the mask right now. "What was that about?" I asked as my vision started to fade again.

"You'll see. Now make Cinder pay for what she's done!"

(Haven, seconds after the eyes activated)

"Holy fuck that hurt!!!" I jumped awake. I looked around to see Mercury, Emerald, and Leo were actually holding their own for the most part. Ruby was unconscious right next to me, Weiss was incapacitated, Nora, Ren, and Jaune were tending to the injured. That leaves only Qrow, Yang, and Oscar to fight. I got up and signalled Neo to come down the elevator with me in a few minutes. I left Lionheart here so I would be less likely to lose it, summoned the other keyblades, casted Esuna to deactivate Blood Thorn, and activated my armor again before entering the SR and jumping down towards Raven, Cinder, and Vernal.

It's times like this that I really like the SR. Everything maybe grayed out, if not completely black and white here, but when I can eavesdrop and bypass security, it's a good pay off.

"Are you nervous, girl?" Cinder asked Vernal, grasping her left arm. "The first Maiden in... Why, I'm not sure anyone knows how many years is about to open a Vault. I would say it's quite the exciting time. Don't you feel honored?" She is making it VERY hard to not snap her neck right now.

"No. I'm not concerned with any of this. All I care about is my tribe, my family. This is a burden, not an honor." Vernal answered.

"You've conditioned her quite well, Raven." VERY. TEMPTING. TO SNAP. HER. NECK!!! The elevator reached the bottom. "Hmmm. It's certainly grander than Beacon's." Cinder commented. "I wonder what the extra effort was for?"

"Can we please not linger?" Raven asked, not wanting to stay any longer than necessary.

"After you." Cinder took a step back, gesturing them to go first, wearing a smile that just screams 'backstab'.

Vernal took a few steps forward, the floor lit up and the tree started sprouting something. One of the things it was sprouting blew into her hand, then disintegrated.

"Having fun?" You get one guess as to who said it.

"Vernal, stay focused!" Raven told her.

"Oh come now, Raven. Let her enjoy this." They continued towards the Vault. "This is a once in a lifetime experience." Incoming backstab!

"How does this work?" Vernal asked as they approached the door.

"Once the Spring Maiden places her hand on the door, it will open. For you, and only you." Cinder answered. "Then I will walk into the Vault and retrieve the Relic, no one else! Is. That. Clear?"

"Yes." Vernal answered.

"It doesn't matter to us. Let's get this over with." Raven said.

"Alright then, Vernal? When you're ready." Yes, let's skip to the part where you get greedy.

'I can't wait to end your miserable life.' I thought as Raven started to slowly reach for her weapon and Vernal approached the door.

"You know? I've heard so many stories about you, Raven." Cinder started.

'You mean besides abandoning her family for a bandit tribe? Whatever, any second now.'

"They say you're a cunning leader, that you're strong, that you're clever." Vernal reached for the door. "It's a shame that they're wrong!" Cinder shot Raven with ice Dust.

"Vernal!" Raven shouted before she was completely frozen in ice. Vernal quickly turned around and drew her weapons, but... That isn't a human arm that's currently stabbing Vernal's abdomen from a good distance away.

"It's nothing personal, dear." Cinder started walking towards her.

'Hmm... Jump out and cut off her Grimm arm now, or let Vernal suffer a little longer for her part in injuring Weiss. Decisions decisions decisions...'

"You're just not worthy of such power,-" Cinder reached her, Cinder's eyes started to appear as though flames were shooting out to the sides. "but I am." She pushed Vernal to the ground, digging her claws deeper into her as she screamed and writhed. "So I will take... What is mine!" Once Vernal stopped moving, Cinder panicked. "Wh-what is this? Wh-where's the power?" Raven broke out of her icy prison, distracting Cinder while I had a 'change of heart' and exited the SR, gesturing Raven to not react to what I'm about to do.

"Thank me later. You're more useful alive than dead, now keep playing dead. Curaga." I whispered, healing her and going back into the SR.

"You won't find it!" She threw her mask to the side. "Because Vernal isn't the Spring Maiden. I AM!!!" Raven also has that eye effect, but it's crimson instead. I could probably sit this one out, but I still owe Cinder quite a bit of payback. Cinder looked back to Vernal.

"Vernal was a decoy the whole time. The last Spring Maiden must have trusted you a great deal before she died." Cinder looked back to Raven. "I bet that was a mistake." I channeled Darkness through my body again, though my left eye hurt a little this time, I ignored it as I burst out of the SR, hitting Cinder square in the back and launching her towards Raven, who shot her sword out of her sheath, quickly following after it. Cinder used her power to propel herself over Raven, towards the elevator. I changed Nightfall into wingblades and followed after her, pinning her to the wall as she blocked with another deformed sword.

(resume or restart the Orochi X theme)

"The only mistakes here are yours!" Just as I was about to see if I could manipulate her Grimm arm, she caused an explosion by her feet, launching me back to Raven.

"You shouldn't have come down here, kid!" Raven said as I landed.

"As I said, not only do I have a score to settle with that psychopath, but I'm pretty sure I can handle a handicapped Maiden, especially since one of her arms is Grimm." Just as I was about to airstep towards Cinder, Raven lunged at her. Their blades clashed until both their weapons broke. Cinder screamed as a shard of glass imbedded itself into her Grimm arm.

"Aura can't protect your arm, it's Grimm. You turned yourself into a monster just for power!" Raven said as Cinder ripped out the glass.

"Look who's talking." Really Cinder?

"Coming from the woman that took pleasure in destroying an entire city just so she could make fire without Dust! Raven's a fucking saint compared to you!" I looked down at her arm. "Make her suffer." I tried to order her arm while she was distracted. It flailed randomly for a second as she winced in pain.

"Hehehaha! That won't work on me, boy! Salem made sure it feared me and her more than you." Raven looked at me questioningly as Cinder made another sword. I airstepped towards her and immediately put her on the defensive, forcing her to jump away after every couplet times our weapons clashed. I started detonating Firaga at the end of my keyblades after every few swings, adding more force as her weapons began to rapidly break. After a close call with my head, I shot Aeroga and Dark Firaga at our feet, blowing us both away.

"For Vale!" Neo finally joined the fight and thrusted her sword at Cinder. Once Cinder created a second sword though, Neo tried to back off, but Cinder was faster. "Barrier! Graviga!" Neo escaped and Cinder was pinned for a few seconds. I changed Exile into a scythe and charged a shotlock. Before I could finish though, Cinder broke free and shot a huge blast of fire my way. To my surprise, Raven stopped the blast and took Cinder. I changed Nightfall and Exile into shuriken as they fought, waiting for a chance to strike.

They kept breaking each others weapons as their fight grew more intense. After a short time, they disarmed one another and caught the other's weapon until those broke as well, their Maiden powers truly being brought out as fire and ice surroundeed them and must have been what was keeping them airborne. Once they backed off and started making giant swords, I throw Exile and Nightfall at Cinder, but I was aiming for her arm. They both dashed towards each other just before Cinder was hit. I recalled both, but changed Exile back to it's original form.

Once their weapons clashed, the shockwave was so strong that me and Neo were almost blown off, everyone up above had to have felt that. They blew each other away as stalactite started falling from above, one created a dust cloud so thick that I couldn't see Cinder until she extended her arm and grabbed Raven's throat, pinning her to the elevator. Just as I was about to attack, Raven froze Cinder's feet in place.

"For Beacon!" I threw Nightfall at Cinder and cut off her Grimm arm, causing her to scream in agony as she was about to be crushed. She was still screaming after the stalactite hit the platform. Raven flew up and stood on the falling stalactite as I opened the SR, pulling Neo inside. I may be able to fly, but I'll leave god awful platforms like that to the people who have been training for this their entire lives. Once the stalactite was done falling, both Raven's and Cinder's auras began to fail, so I reopened the SR to let us out.

"Had enough yet?" Raven asked as she stood back up.

"Shut up!"

"For Pyrrha and Ruby!" I started channelling Dark Firaga and a shotlock again through Exile, but Raven held out her hand to signal me not to do it.

"If you were stronger and more clever, then maybe,-" Raven scowled. "you'd remember to watch your back!" It took Cinder a few seconds to realize what Raven meant, but when she turned around to see Vernal standing back up with her gun pointed at her. I signalled to Neo that now was her best chance, and she drew her sword back out, lunging at Cinder at the same time as Raven did. Cinder blocked Vernal's shot, but couldn't do much about Raven and Neo. Raven was faster and blew Cinder away with what looked like a lightning blast to the face, but Neo still got a good enough attack in that Cinder would need stitches for how wide and deep that cut is. As Cinder fell off the platform, her mask breaking, Raven shot a bolt of ice at her, encasing her in ice as she fell.

(end theme)

(Final Resolve, I may be reusing this a few times)

"Well that's disappointing. I was hoping to get the Fall Maiden on our side by having Neo kill her, but I'll take it. There's no way in Hell she's surviving that." I said as Neo fell to her knees, crying silently. "Now I think that makes us even, saving Vernal and helping you kill Cinder. Now give me the Relic." I told Raven.

"You don't get to order me around, kid!" She refused.

"You seem to think you're in a position to say 'no', but you're not. I've still got roughly 40-50% of my aura left while yours is one good hit away from breaking. We both know how this would play out if we fought, we both know I could have beaten Cinder alone. You're in no position to deny me!"

"Why do you even fight??!! There is no beating Salem!! So why??!!"

"Correction! Strength will not bring victory! If there was truly no beating her, then why does she insist on capturing or killing anyone with silver eyes? Why does she insist on dividing and turning everyone against each other? Why does she insist on obtaining the Relics? You know the answer, but you refuse to accept it! Because she sees them all as threats to her! Summer caught on to most of that-"

"And she died as a result! What makes you think you can do what Ozpin has been trying to do for countless lifetimes? What Summer, one of the 'greatest Huntresses to ever live' couldn't do?" I really don't like that you share the same name as my master. I pointed Exile at the door to the Vault and light shot out, opening the door several seconds later, shocking her and Vernal.

"Because unlike Summer, I can use magic, I have power over curses, I can control Grimm like you saw me do to Cinder's arm for a moment, and I have the same type of weapon as her! She knew next to nothing about the keyblade, but I know enough to know it's a threat as well!"

"All you'll accom-"

"Summer had a message for you." I interrupted. "When Ruby's eyes activated, I actually met her."

"You were having a delusional dream. She's gone and not coming back!"

"She said that she understood why you left, that she just wishes you didn't, and she's sorry for hurting you. She referred to herself as 'short-stack' for her message to Qrow, and her daughters as 'petal' and 'fire cracker'!" She became slightly shaken by that, but composed herself quickly. "I'm sure someone up there tried to recruit you, Ruby I bet. She's not wrong."

"She sounded just like her mother, but that won't change the outcome." Just as she finished that sentence, Yang landed down here before I could tell Raven about Summer's possible return.

"Mom..." Yang started, not happy to see Raven.

"We were just discussing ownership of the Relic." I told her.

"Yang... I gave you every opportunity to walk away from Qrow and Oz, so you can believe me when I say this wasn't personal." Mother-daughter argument incoming. Yang looked past Raven.

"You opened the Vault." Yang noted.

"That was me actually, turns out these can open them." I gestured to Exile and Nightfall.

"What?" Yang asked.

"Thanks to the chaos upstairs and your friend here. I knew you could handle it, you're my daughter after all." Raven, you're one of the last people to have the right to say that.

"Qrow and Oz told me how the Maiden powers were transferred. The girl you found, she would've had to have trusted you if you were in her final thoughts, cared about you a lot."

"I'm sure they told you plenty, and you just sat and obeyed!" Raven spat.

"No, I'm starting to ask questions like you said. So tell me, what happened to the last Spring Maiden? Did she die in battle? Was it sickness?" Yang asked as Raven turned around.

"What does it matter to you?" Raven asked. I can see the guilt in her eyes.

"I can already see the answer, it's all over your face! How could you??!!" Raven crossed her arms.

"She was scared when we found her. Weak! No matter how much training I put her through, she never learned! She wasn't cut out for this world, and with her powers, she would've been hunted her entire life! What I did-"

"It wasn't personal?" Yang interrupted.

"It was mercy!!!"

"That wasn't your decision to make! Your first mistake was not teaching her to not fear her power! Rather than start off small and safe with ice sculptures, you went straight to ice blasts! Sounds to me like the teacher was worse then the student! You fucked up, and you call yourself merciful for betraying her??!!" I pointed Exile at her. "If a certain someone didn't still believe in you, I would finish you off right now!!!" Vernal pointed her guns at me while Neo stepped up. "Please... We both know that won't end well for you." I warned her.

"Which is it, mom? Are you merciful? Or are you a survivor? Did you let me walk into that trap because you knew I could handle it, or because it meant you could get what you wanted?" Yang asked accusingly as she circled around Raven.

"It's not that simple! You don't know me, you don't know what I've been through, the choices I had to make!" You're seriously going there, Raven?

"Because she never got to meet you until recently! Of course she doesn't know you, Mother of The Fucking Year!" I shouted as I gripped my keyblades tighter.

"I only know the Raven dad told me about. She was troubled, complicated, but she fought for what she believed in, whether it was her team or her tribe. Did you kill her too?" I'd say that struck a nerve if Raven's face as she looked away for a moment.

"I've stared Death in the face-" Her eyes started emitting those flames. "over and over again, and every time I spat in that face because I'm strong enough to do what others won't!" Very poor choice of words.

"And yet, you refuse to fight Salem even though everyone else fighting her is weaker than you! What does that say about you?" I asked. Before she could respond, Yang followed up.

"You don't know the first thing about strength!" Yang circled around Raven again. "You turn your back on people! You run away when things get too hard! You put others in harms way instead of yourself!" Yang clenched her fist.

"Most recent example being Vernal pretending to be the Maiden." I added.

"You may be powerful," Yang pointed at Raven. "but that doesn't make you strong."

"Who do you think you are??!! Lecturing me??!! Standing there, shaking, like a scared little girl,-" Raven looked at me. "and a little boy who has no true idea of what he's up against!" She shouted.

"Yeah... I'm scared, but I'm still standing here! I'm not like you! I. Won't. Run. Which is why you're going to give us the Relic!"

"And why would I-"

"Because you're afraid of Salem!!! And if you thought having Maiden powers put a target on your back, imagine what she'll do when she finds out you have a Relic!" Raven turned away, 'oh shit' all over her face. "She'll come after you with everything she has! Or she can come after me,-" Raven looked back at her, concerned and shocked. "and I'll be standing there, waiting for her." The next several seconds held nothing but silence.

"You don't want to do this, Yang." Time the fuck out!

"Really, Raven? You abandoned her before she could even remember you, you never once interacted with her, not once have you even tried to act like a fucking parent or anyone worthy of being called a mother! You only ever did one thing for her, and that was AFTER she lost her arm! You didn't even stay to fight the man who cut it off! You took one look at me before I even got up and you left! Knowing she was unconscious and bleeding out! Now when she wants to take the Relic and essentially draw Salem's attention away from you, NOW you want to try to act like a mother!" I shouted, running out of breath. "I can't believe someone like you was on team STRQ."

"Cassiel, that's enough." Yang tried to calm me down, but I wasn't finished.

"You betray everyone you meet! You're a fucking coward with more power than you deserve or know what to do with! At least Leo didn't try to hide his cowardice! But you? You hide behind your so called 'strength' that you use to 'do what others won't', but you barely even use it for yourself, and you use none of it for the people who trust and care about you! Not Tai, not Qrow, not Yang, not Summer either! The one thing you should be using it for, and you would rather run away from an 'unbeatable' enemy! But She can be beaten!" I deactivated my armor, her eyes widened a little upon seeing my face. "I'm done with you. I gave you her message, I tried to do when I know she wanted and try to bring what's left of STRQ back together. I'd better not see you again unless you're fighting Salem with us, or else I'm ripping out your heart before moving on to the rest of your tribe!" Yang shoved past her, towards the Vault. Raven turned away from me, head down, grasping her arm.

"I... I'm sorry..." You have no right to apologize or cry, Raven.

"Yeah... Me too..." She's not worth it, Yang. Raven only proved this by opening a portal and... She can turn into a bird... Not going to delve deeper. Vernal followed her through. Yang turned around to see a black feather land on the floor before entering the Vault. I was more focused on her than the Relic as I followed her through. Shortly after retrieving it, she collapsed and started crying. I knelt down and pulled her close. Abandoned again by Raven. I wish I could ask Summer if she still thought Raven was worth the effort.

(end theme)

Back up the elevator, I loved the looks on the faces of Emerald and Mercury, no idea where Leo is, not that I care. Blake's here too now, Weiss is standing again, this keeps getting better. After Emerald fell to her knees, I spoke up.

"I am in a surprisingly good mood right now, so I'm going to give you two an hour head start before I brutally murder you both." Mercury started backing away slowly as Emerald looked to be having a mental breakdown. I saw where this was going and deeply cut my arm to test something. I wanted to see if pain could override the senses and nullify her Semblance. If it does, I wasn't in enough pain. Both of them vanished as the lighting in the room became much darker. The lamps were red, and a cyclone of darkness near the elevator spawned a projection of I'm assuming Salem that flew towards everyone below. She is ugly as sin, I'll say that. The illusion ended and everyone was shaking.

"Wh-what was that?" Blake asked, horrified by what she saw.

"An illusion, but an accurate one. That... Was Salem." Ozpin answered.

Everyone had a happy reunion after Yang lied about what happened below. The police were dealing with the White Fang, Sienna snuck in and said she wanted a short word with me. Nothing serious, she wanted to know what happened and tell me she held up her end of the bargain and that she expects me to follow through with mine. I reassured her I would do what I can. The moment was ruined a little as Ozpin gave control back to Oscar and told everyone to take the Relic to Atlas.

I would much rather go to the deserts of Vacuo.

Author's Note:

Had to switch a few fighters and the timing of certain events around for obvious reasons.

Had Garnet Naturea help decide Summer's keyblade. Of the god knows how many keyblades in the KH series (including upgraded versions), I could only find 3 that in one way or another would fit Summer (appearance, name, colors, design, character). It was Lost Memory (BBS), Rumbling Rose (KH2), or one of the upgraded versions of Divine Rose (KH1, the upgraded version in Union X). I just told him pick one, no details beyond that.

Did Qrow ever refer to anyone as "short-stack"? I've only seen that in some fan made comics shipping them together. I'm not shipping them, though those comics are pretty funny. What about Ruby and Yang being called "petal" and "fire cracker"? I can't remember.

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