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Chapter 66.

(S2 E21)

Equinox POV

Nightshade is on my shoulders as I'm watching Twilight and Rainbow try to get Fluttershy out of the house to see whatever this "Dragon Migration" is, but she's resisting with everything she has. I don't see why she's so scared, she has no problems around Spike and she supposedly told off another full grown dragon awhile ago.

"Look, Fluttershy. I watched that boring butterfly migration with you, so now it's your turn to watch the dragon migration with me! You owe me!" Rainbow tried to- I think guilt trip her into this. What even is guilt, and why do I know this?

"I. Said. NO!" Fluttershy pushed away from the door and overpowered Rainbow Dash with strength I didn't even think she had, and ran for the window at the other end of the room and escaped.

"Did you know she could do that?" I asked Twilight as she approached dazed Rainbow.

"She surprised us before, she probably doesn't even know half of what she can do unless she's pushed towards that edge." She answered.

"I don't exactly get her fears. She has no problem with Spike, and she's basically done this before, hasn't she?"

"I don't get it either, and I've been friends with her since the Summer Sun Celebration, Rainbow's known her for longer, and I doubt even she understands it." She used magic to lift Rainbow back on her feet. "While I'm here, Pinkie also wanted to know if you'd come?"

"I don't see why not." I picked up Nightshade and put her on the couch.


I left without saying anything.

They actually dug a trench and dressed themselves in camouflage. Is this really necessary? If they're anything like Spike, they aren't savages.

"I don't see any dragons." Twilight whispered as she looked to the skies with binoculars.

"Me neither." Applejack whispered back.

"Me neither neither." Pinkie whispered as she looked through the binoculars the wrong way before looking at Rainbow.

"You don't think we missed them, do you?" Rainbow asked.

"No, I don't think so. We're just a little early, and I'm glad we are. This way, we can watch every moment of the migration without drawing any unwanted attention to ourselves!" Twilight responded.

"YOOHOO!" A voice yelled, a red carpet unrolling and confetti raining near the end as Rarity arrived. "What do you think? Am I the toast of the trench or what?!" What is she wearing?

"You'll be toast alright, when the dragons see you parading around in that getup." Applejack said to her.

"You look very nice, Rarity, but could you please maybe look nice in the trench down here with us?" Twilight asked her as she made the carpet and confetti disappear.

"'Nice' is an understatement, I look fabulous! Who says camouflage has to be drab?" She said with, is it pride?

"I think the point of camouflage is to not be seen, and none of those colors blend in with our surroundings." I said to her.

"Let a lady enjoy herself, dear." She said as she moved closer to the others. The dragons arrived and they watched closely, as if trying to burn this into their memories.

"Memories, why don't I remember anything from before they found me"? I thought to myself.

"Yeah, us dragons are definitely a force to be reckoned with!" Spike snapped me out of my thoughts as he started handing everypony snacks.

"HAHAHAHA! Yeah right, Spike! That's one of the scariest aprons I've ever seen!" Is Rainbow mocking him?

"What's wrong with wearing an apron?" He asked as he looked down at his white and pink apron with a heart on it. "You won't be laughing when you spill blueberries all over your scales! Feathers. That's one tough stain!"

"'One tough stain' against one lame dragon! Hahaha!"

"Is this really necessary?" I asked her.

"You leave him alone, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity started to defend him.

"Are they always like this?" I asked Spike.

"Not always." He answered.

"My little Spikey-wikey is perfect the way he is!" Rarity said as she flicked the scales or whatever those green things are on his head that go down to his tail.

"I don't act like other dragons?" He asked, looking at the ground.

"Not even close!" Pinkie answered.

"Why would you want to, Spike?" Applejack asked him.

"Yes, you have something those dreadfully fierce dragons could only dream of." Rarity told him.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Your cutest wittle chubby cheeks!" She mushed his face. Did his face turn red?

"'Cute'?! Dragons aren't supposed to be cute! Right?"

"How would any of you know?" I asked, turning everypony's attention towards me. "Not much is known about dragons, right? And the only experience you have is with the one Fluttershy dealt with." I pointed out. "Unless your library has more than you know or you decide to go with the dragons to learn about themthat is? I've seen enough, I'm going back."

(Next morning)

Twilight woke me up, something about Spike going along with my idea and I have to with her, Rarity, and Rainbow because of it. I don't understand how this has to do with me, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. They followed him in a strange looking dragon costume for days and made me get in it as well. We reached a volcano eventually and saw Spike with several teenage dragons, I left when they weren't paying attention and just watched them do... Whatever it is they do. After some time, one of the older dragons, a black dragon approached me.

"You are no dragon, yet you do not cower in fear? What even are you?" He asked in a deep, almost growling voice.

"A human according to them." I answered.

"The ponies you came with?" He glanced at their 'disguise'.

"I didn't think they'd pass as a dragon."

"I can smell them from here. If it weren't for the purple drake smelling like them first, they would've been... Encouraged to leave."

"Spike?" Is he who this dragon means by 'purple drake'?

"So that's the runt's name? How unimaginative." He commented.

"So am I not being 'encouraged' to leave?" I asked him.

"Curiosity..." He began circling around me. "You are new to us, you do not cower in fear, as if you don't know why you should. You don't give off an aura of greed, you possess power, but don't seem to be aware of it. What is your name?"

"I don't know." I answered him.

"You don't know?" He raised a brow.

"I don't remember anything before a short time ago, the ponies call me Equinox."

"Why are you here?"

"One of them decided I had to come along because Spike went through with my idea to join the migration to learn what it means to be a dragon because ponies know next to nothing about you."

"Why are they here?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"To watch over Spike, though I think the disguise is unnecessary. If dragons are anything like him, then you're not savages. The fact we're all still alive proves it, right?"

"There is one thing we normally respect above all; that is power and the will to use it. If he's as close to ponies as his scent implies, he will be... Displeased to say the least."

"That doesn't really answer my question." I told him.

"If only because of the power we sense in you, the elders will leave you and your companions be. I will promise nothing though if they try to take from our hoards nor will I promise the drakes below do the same." He breathed fire above us and walked away.

I looked down below and saw Spike get carried away by one of the dragons he was with, Twilight and the others following him on foot as the dragons flew away. They flew down along the path we all took to get here if I'm remembering this right. Some time later, we caught up with Spike, who was carrying an egg with a fiery looking shell as the older dragons were encouraging him to smash it. He refused and the other ponies finally discarded their disguise before standing up to the dragons.

"-and if you don't back off, you'll see what us ponies do when confronted by a huge group of jerky dragons!" Spike threatened him.

"But you're not a pony though." I thought.

"Oh yeah?! What's that?!" The tall red dragon asked.

"RUN AWAY!!!" Spike ran past us with the others following shortly after.

"Okay, but why though??!!" I yelled, but I don't think they heard me since I didn't follow them. I turned back to the dragons.

"You're not going to run with them?" The brown one asked.

"Should I?" I responded. I felt something cold in my hand and shook it a second before one tried to breath fire on me, an ice wall shot up in front of me, protecting me from the flames. Not questioning it, the purple one ran around to punch me, but I caught his fist and he pulled away immediately, his fist frozen. The red one burned through the ice and grabbed me by the throat as the other one was thawing out his hand.

"Last mistake!" He tightened his grip and tried to breath fire on me, but that cold feeling in my hand returned and after the same reaction, there was a sort of dome around us, his fire barely going a couple inches as a result is my guess. "What the-" he let go as ice was forming on his body and he froze completely after a couple seconds, the dome disappearing afterwards.

"Garble!" The other two yelled as a hand scythe formed in my hand. They backed up for a moment before charging at me. I hit one with it and it shattered, freezing everything within a short distance of us. I backed up to and looked at what I did, seconds later, I heard something running towards me. It was Twilight and the others, but Rainbow was the first to speak.

"Woah! Did you do this?!" She asked.

"I did." I think I did.

"I didn't know you could make ice out of thin air, that is so cool! Well- not as cool as me, but still. Give me five!" She raised her hand above her. I tilted my head.

"Five? Five bits?" I asked.

"Nevermind." She backed away.

"Equinox, how did you do this?" Twilight asked as she approached.

"I don't know." I answered.

"How do you not know??!!" She grabbed my shoulders.

"My hands felt cold and one thing led to another." As soon as I answered, Garble broke free and lunged for Twilight and I, but Rainbow pushed us out of the way and got several deep cuts on her side as she flew past us and slammed into a tree.

"Rainbow!!!" The others shouted.

"Now you're going to see what happens when ponies mess with dragons!" Garble said angrily as the other dragons broke free. I felt something cold in my hands again, but solid this time. I looked down and saw a small three bladed shuriken in each hand. I threw them at the dragons, but they shattered on impact as darkness began flowing out of the trio.

"Oh no!" Twilight said as she ran towards Rainbow.

"I could get used to this." Garble examined his arms before he began to look confused, then in pain. The dragons' began hyperventilating as they grabbed their chests, screaming for several seconds before something shaped like a heart appeared in front of them. They almost looked like they were consumed by darkness before something resembling them took their place, but they were varying shades of black and purple, a red outline of a strangely shaped heart appeared on their chests and started acting like aggressive animals.

"Heartless!" Spike shouted in fear. I felt something in my hands again, but they didn't feel cold this time. There were curved objects in each one, both almost looked like complete opposites of the other. In my left was a white one with a petal and golden thorn like design going to the end, and in my right was a smooth black one with sharp edges and a bit of green halfway towards the other end.

I don't know why, but I think I used something like these before? I pointed the black one at what used to be Garble and it fired a projectile that almost looked like a large, deformed knife right through him, the spot I hit almost looked like it decayed for a few more seconds in a green light. He screamed before ramming into me, launching me into the air, and slamming his tail into me, sending me flying towards a tree. I coughed up a bit of blood, but ignored it. I shot him with the white one, but he flew over my shot and pinned me down, crushing my arms and readying fire breath as I tried to shoot him. My hand felt empty, but cold again and I slammed it on the ground, causing an ice wall to knock him off and roll me over.

As he was recovering, the other two ignited themselves and flew towards me, I don't know how, but I quickly moved a short distance to the right and had another scythe ready. What was Garble shot a large stream of flame at me as the others slowed down, I threw the scythe at the flames and a sort of miniature blizzard appeared after the scythe exploded mid flight. The flames quickly died down and the dragons were frozen again when they tried to go right through the blizzard to get to me. I quickly pulled up the black and white weapons and kept shooting them while they weren't a threat, shattering them and causing them to disappear shortly after.

The weapons in my hands disappeared as the ice around us melted almost instantly and my vision became dark as I fell down.

(Unknown location)

Unknown POV

"You're certain your plan will work?" She asked in a two toned voice, the buzzing getting louder with excitement.

"These ponies are barely intelligent enough to classify as sentient creatures, and unless they've drastically improved their arsenal and their effectiveness in battle since I last saw them, they should still basically be cannonfodder." I answered.

"And the Heartless? This 'Raven' or 'Nevermore'? You're certain they won't be a problem?"

"Your Darkness is strong enough that they won't be a threat to you or your Hive as long as you don't show weakness, your connection with the rest should guarantee their safety. They will even follow your orders. As for the Goddess? She went missing not long after Cassiel disappeared. She's more concerned about finding him than ensuring a wedding goes smoothly."

"Your offer is tempting, my Hive would never go hungry again, but why should we take the risk?" She narrowed her eyes at me. "Why not do it yourself? What do you stand to gain from this?" She stepped down from her throne to me to try and make herself appear more threatening as she looked me in the eyes. "What's stopping me from draining you of all you're worth, regardless of whether or not we play along?"

"In order: You need the love too much to say 'no'. Second verse, same as the first. Darkness. I am Darkness, there is nothing to 'drain' unless you can live off of other emotions. Let's answer your last question with another question;-"

"Don't play games with me!" She shouted.

"Very well." I raised my hand to the ceiling and shot a large ball of Darkness that shot dozens of smaller ones all around us, missing her subjects as they frantically avoided the shots that were meant to miss anyway. The large one shot clean through the ceiling and past the roof of her 'castle' before detonating far enough away to be felt down here without causing anymore damage. "What's stopping me from firing several more of those in every direction?" My eye was glowing purple as she stared at my work in shock. After a few seconds, she steeled herself before speaking again.

"Have it your way."

Author's Note:

So Thorn and Lumina with Hunter Revenant (can swap elements) won. It was short, but it didn't look like it was going to change. To carry over the airstepping a little, he will also be able to utilize the ability from the Mask of Bakris.

There weren't really any dragon Heartless that I can remember, so I had to make the fight up as I wrote this.

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