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Chapter 13

Author's Note:

As I've said before, Canterlot won the votes. Now after doing a coin toss because of a tied score it's been decided that the first world will be the world of Rise of the Shield Hero then RWBY. It goes without saying Cassiel will be having a field day with Trash and Bitch.

Cassiel POV

The portal lead to a giant room, can't really describe it because my eyes are adjusting to normal light levels. I heard what sounded like metal shifting around on a hard surface, after my eyes adjusted I saw several guards pointing their spears at me, further inspection revealed the Sisters were present and just as surprised as I was.

"Surrender now intruder!" A guard to my left demanded.

"Do you really think those are going to do anything to me?" I asked in an attempt to provoke him. Just as he was about to shout again Celestia spoke instead.

"Enough! Stand down! Cassiel, would you care to explain how and why you're in the castle?" She asked.

"No idea really. Training with Nevermore and suddenly a beam of light shot out of my weapon and a portal was the result. Apparently that portal lead here." I half lied, she doesn't need to know portals were the subject of the training session. "Speaking of Nevermore, where the Hell is she?" As if on queue she walked out of the portal just before it closed and took on a look of surprise.

"Your majesty??!! My sincerest apologies for the intrusion! We had n-" Nevermore started in character.

"Worry not. This is only a minor accident. So how have things in Ponyville been since the attack?" Luna asked.

"The town is full of ignorant and ungrateful pieces of shit. I'm the only reason they're alive and rather than thank me for saving their worthless lives they instead want to hold a metaphorical axe over my head because of Spoiled Rich. Those who aren't avoiding me are either trying to incriminate me, get rid of me, or provoke me." I answered.

"You will watch your tongue in the-" A guard started.

"I don't care." I interrupted.

"I believe that might be a fault on our part. We should have explained the situation to them after the attack." Celestia said and the guard shut up.

"It wouldn't make a difference. Most if not all of them know what I did and the reasons behind it, buuuut if they want to hold something like Spoiled over my head then I'll be sure to remember that and everything they've been doing to me the next time the Heartless decide Ponyville will make a good meal."

"Cassiel, please let it go. They don't und-" Luna started.

"They do understand and they don't care. All they care about is they think I killed someone. Ignore the fact I saved their lives, ignore the fact the person I 'killed' was an abusive mother who killed her own daughter and nearly killed her friend for no other reasons than money and dissatisfaction with her daughter. No, they focus on someone dying because of a direct action from someone else." I interrupted. Seeing she has no grounds to stand on she backed off. Really, for royalty they're pushovers.

"Will it be acceptable if we try to sway them?" Celestia asked.

"Don't bother. Ignorance is bliss right? Then they'll die with smiles on their faces. I have a better idea, I'm cashing in on Luna's offer back at Fluttershy's tree home, whatever her home would be called." Luna perked up at this.

"What have you decided?" Luna asked.

"I'm moving in. Reserve an area for me and Nevermore exclusively, and if I must go to school here as well I expect a lot of leeway if other students cause trouble." Everyone became shocked at this. The guards even more so.

"You don't get to just bar-" A guard started.

"Sssshhhsssshhhsssshhhsssshhh. No one was talking to you, now obey your master's original order and stand down and out of this like a good dog." I interrupted. This pissed him off enough he tried to bludgeon me with the bottom of his spear. I summoned Dawn to catch his spear between the hilt and the guard to shift it away from me and summoned Nightfall by his throat. Everyone was now pointing their spears at me, and I think I was enjoying myself for a moment.

"Cassiel that's enough!" Luna shouted as she levitated me away. I desummoned my weapons in response.

"Are we in agreement?" I asked.

"If this is what you want then we'll keep to our word. Bright Glare, escort Cassiel to a bedroom close to mine or my sister's. Nevermore, stay here for a moment." The guard signalled for me to follow him so I did and was lead past several ponies who looked like the stereotypical noble. Most looked at me as if I was beneath them, but I'll let them keep thinking that, it'll just become that much sweeter when I kick them to the curb. The walk to the room was uneventful, though when we reached it the guard did glare at me. He tried to threaten me, but doors to the face tend to block it out.

Maybe an hour passed before anything happened. A bird landed on the balcony, that's it. Sometime after it flew away did Nevermore come in.

"Plans changed quickly kid. Heh, to summarize they want us to live in rooms close to each other, command over Ponyville's guard is changing, and more. You won't be around for a few changes so I won't bore you with them. The only ones that'll affect you are a school transfer" damnit "and the location we train." She said.

"So nothing I didn't expect then?" I asked and she nodded.

"Now on to the next thing. I know I said we would be focusing on the portals, but I expected it to take longer. Now we're going to focus on weapon forms." She said getting a raised brow from me.

"Do you mean fighting styles or something else?"

"I mean the shapes and capabilities of your keyblades. Most keyblades have at least one transformation. One can turn into dual crossbows with tracking arrows while another can turn into a whip and a shoulder mounted beam cannon. That is just for combat, many can also turn into forms of transportation." She explained.

"Really? Good to know. Now what can these do?" I asked while summoning Dawn and Nightfall.

"My only hint about the transportation part will be the shapes of the blades and guards. The weapons can become longbows, twinblades, scythes, or shuriken, though the transportation part is also a weapon sort of. This is actually easier than the portals in most cases. Just will the keyblades into changing shape."

"That easy huh? Alright." The parts she mentioned are all wings. If I'm right each wing is both a weapon and more wing power, that's up to eight wings, if I can decide which wings are used I could turn these into sabres or just strange looking swords without guards. Doing as she instructed it turned out she wasn't joking, I looked behind me and saw four wings floating near my back, I looked down and saw the wings on the backs of the blades and hilts were gone.

"Exactly as I told you. Now there is one last thing I want you to do." She said.

"And that is...?"

"You are going on a tour of worlds. This is very early, but I'm starting your Mark of Mastery exam now because of your rate of improvement." She said with a light smile on her face.

"Tour of worlds? Mark of Mastery?" The Hell is she going on about?

"Your exam will consist mostly of traveling to other worlds, what you do if anything is up to you, the final part of your exam will be take place here. Observe, save, destroy, it doesn't matter. Do as you wish, as long as you have seen and experienced enough of the world before you leave. And don't worry about time, as the Goddess of Darkness I get the final say on how time flows when darkness is involved in this world." Really now?

"So in other words as long as I use the Dark Corridors to leave this world time will be significantly slower here than the other world?" That'll be convenient.

"Correct. Now I want you to promise me something." She said moving closer to me.

"What?" She bent down some and pulled me into a hug, this time though I had a strange feeling in my arms, but I didn't reciprocate the hug.

"Promise me you will return." She hugged me tighter.

"Sorry, but I don't make promises, I will however try to come back." She pulled away and stood straight up to look down to me.

"That will have to suffice for now then." She opened the Corridor, but this one had some red unlike the others "This will lead to a circular room in the Realm of Darkness, look for another Corridor like this and it will take you to another world. It won't be long before you find one. When you are done just open a Corridor while thinking of world traveling, think of Equestria to return." She instructed.

"I'll see you later then." I told her, but she stopped me before I could leave.

"One last thing, your armor I promised." She handed me a gauntlet and fit it under my sleeve."Press where your shoulder is." I did so and the armor didn't look too bad, matched the weapons too, Dawn at least.

(Imagine it with a hood and Cassiel's mask)

"It fits nicely. I guess I'm off then."

"Come back safe." I waved as I walked away into the Corridor. There were four to choose from, I chose one at random and pitch black was all I saw for a few moments.

"The Cardinal Heroes have been summoned!" I heard someone shout immediately after exiting the Corridor in an alleyway.

What did I just get myself into?

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