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Chapter 4

Author's Note:

I don't care if the music wasn't out at this time, still using it.

Cassiel POV

That was actually kind of fun not just pissing them off, but denying them their chances to mess with me. If this is the worst I can expect from others who don't use violence then this will be easy as Hell. I walked to the nearest bench and looked through my IPod for something to listen to, don't know why God gave this and wireless earphones back to me with infinite charge, but I'm not complaining. Let's see, Aviators, Audiomachine, Frozen Night, Breaking Benjamin, Jimmy Buffet, so many to choose from back when I was able to enjoy this to the fullest. Now if I'm not listening to enjoy it, I'm listening to block out everything else. At the same time I chose The Monster's Loose by Meat Loaf I saw the three girls who were able to ask questions coming to me. Good thing I started playing the song right then and there, I can't help but feel I won't like them.

It looks like I was right in that assumption, they're all trying to get my attention one way or another, introducing themselves, and now they're huddled together shouting louder than my music. If they don't get the hint by the time the singer says "I've lived a thousand years in darkness" I'm leaving. I'm being as polite and subtle as I can be right now waiting for them to get the hint I'm not interested and instead they now look like they're arguing. I lay my head down and see Diamond and Silver coming over so I paused the song to see what they wanted.

"Did you think that was funny?" Diamond asked angrily

"Yeah you have some nerve pulling something like that!" Silver, you're a kissass

"Hey leave him alone! You were the one who started it anyway so back off!" The orange one said

"How about you blank flanks stay out of this, this is between us and him. Or is he in your little club now too? Does he not have a cutie mark too?" Diamond asked. The fuck is a cutie mark? Whatever, ending this now

"I would recommend you and your brown nosing friend leave now before one of us says something you will regret." I threatened

"Do you have any idea who you're talking to right now?" Diamond asked

"I basically told Nightmare Moon, Celestia, and Luna to fuck off several times with several witnesses might I add. What makes you think I'll care about who you are?" The three annoying ones gasped and the 2 in front of me didn't believe me

"Yeah right. Since you don't know who I am I'll tell you: I'm the daughter of Filthy Rich, owner of Barnyard Bargains!" Should I care

"And how is your useless piece of shit for a father relevant to this?" She went from arrogant to pissed in an instant

"That means he could buy your home and kick your family out of Ponyville. It'd be a shame to have to leave so soon after coming here wouldn't it?" Nice try

"We both know he wouldn't do that, if he did he would be dead right now because of the several homes, families, and businesses he would have destroyed in doing so. Any number of victims would've tried to kill him or even target his family as punishment for his greed. Your empty threats mean nothing to me." She just keeps getting angrier

"You don't get it do you? I can ruin you and no one will care!" She nearly shouted

"I doubt even your family will care." Go on Silver, please continue

"Yeah, how can anypony love a worthless, ugly, blank flank like you?" Diamond asked, finally giving me a chance to let loose

"MhmhmmmmhhhmmmhhmahahaaahhhaHHHAAHAAAAAAHHHHHHHAH!" I laughed getting everyone who heard it to look at me fearfully "Aaaaahhh, most of that could also be said about you."


"Silver only stays with you for your money, why else do you think she's such a kiss ass? Besides that there's a few VERY good differences between us. I know your type so let me guess; one parent ignores you and only buys you what you want like that tiara, the other criticizes you over every little thing and demands their definition of perfect from everything you do. If you died, one wouldn't even know why their spending less or on what while the other would only see failure." Judging by the look on her face I must be hitting home on this one

"N-no you're wrong!" Gotcha

"Am I? You hesitating, you stuttering right there proves it. You can't be loved by your pitiful excuse of a family so you think, no, expect everyone else to do so instead." I started walking close enough to whisper into her ear "The biggest differences between us are I've accepted no one will care when I'm gone. I've embraced the emptiness that comes with solitude. I lost everything I ever cared about, and everything that would care if I died." I saw her eyes shoot open hearing about that one detail of my life "You never had anything from the start. No one will care much less notice if you disappeared, and if you keep up this attitude of yours you'll lose a lot more than your money by the time you're able to move out of your parents house. As you are right now you're hardly worth avenging, you are nothing nor do you have anything." I backed away and walked back to the bench as I saw her run off without Silver. By not chasing after her Silver has proven me right, and I couldn't feel more satisfied with my work.

"What did you say to her?" The yellow one asked, unsure if she really wanted to know

"I simply told her the reality of our situations. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to be alone." No point in finishing this song now, I'm thinking ACDC or Guns n Roses now, but which one though?

"Y-y-you'll regret this!" Silver said before finally chasing after Diamond

"I doubt that, bye." And with that I've decided Hell's Bells and turned it back on just moments before the other 3 started to annoy me again for the remainder of the break.

Break ended just after Rebâtir (Freedom Cry) by Aviators started and I noticed 2 idiots weren't here, it seems Cheerilee noticed as well.

"Has anypony seen Diamond or Silver?" Cheerilee asked

"I think they left." One student responded

"*sigh* Well we can't just hold off class to look for them. Everypony please open your math text books to page 58. Cassiel you will have to share with Sweetie Belle since we don't have any at the moment." After she said that the white one scooted her desk over to mine

"Um, hi." She said, but didn't get a response from me.

Opening to the page it was multiplication, surprisingly basic compared to the questions we would be asked in algebra. I actually expected more, but this just means I'll breeze right through it. I answered the 17 questions in about a minute or 2 while still paying attention to Cheerilee in case she said something important which she didn't until she called me up to answer a few questions. I reluctantly did so and gave her the answers, but like every math teacher she still wanted to see the work and not just the answer even though they were right. Class ended shortly after we turned in our assignments and she asked me to stay for a moment.

"Did you have something to do with Diamond and Silver?" Really, that's what you wanted to ask

"Not really, all I did was speak the truth to Diamond, Silver left on her own." I said cryptically before leaving. I remembered the way to Fluttershy's home and if my sense of direction was right I could have just cut through the woods to get there faster. I decided against that though since I didn't want these idiots getting on me about how dangerous it is even though I still held my own well enough against Nightmare and I wasn't even fighting back. Arriving to my current place of residence I saw Futtershy talking to a brown and black haired man with Diamond there as well. I can already see where this is going and my God do these people work fast. Do they have everything ready for anything beforehand? They have to at this rate.

"Cassiel!" Fluttershy shouted causing me to jump a little "I can't believe you said such horrible things to Diamond Tiara, apologize this instant!"

"Apologize for what exactly?" I asked plainly

"You called my daughter worthless, dared to say she is unloved by her own family, and you threatened her! She came home crying about what you said to her!" The pony now revealed to be Filthy Rich said

"It seems your daughter is also a liar as well, what are the odds?"

"How dare-" he started

"I dare and heres why. It seems your daughter forgot to tell you how she and her friend called me ugly first, tried to trip me, threatened to have you buy Fluttershy's home to kick me out of town, called me a worthless, ugly, blank flank, said she could ruin me and no one would care, and finally." I got up close so only him and his daughter could hear me "Said my dead family couldn't have possibly loved me." I backed away "If you don't believe me there is an entire class full of witnesses that will confirm everything I said. The only insult I said was that she was nothing, the closest I said to a threat was if she kept up this attitude, she was going to lose more than her money. I neither said nor implied I would hurt her." He turned to Diamond with a disbelieving look

"Is what he sa-" I interrupted him again

"None of this would be happening if you and your wife spent half as much time raising and disciplining your daughter as you do counting your money and your wife criticizing and verbally abusing her. As my dad would say, 'if you aren't going to put in any effort in raising your child then don't have one', or if I acted anything like her he would say 'unfuck yourself before I find the need to'. Her acting like this is a failure on your part plain and simple, and from what I can gather she's been doing this long before she even met me. The last 3 people I know who acted like her were killed in one case, put in a coma, and the other thrown into an asylum after being raped by her victims who the brother of one actually killed himself because of her, and she mocked him at his own funeral. If that's what you want of your daughter then I won't stop you from letting it happen. She's your problem so either fix it or cut your losses right now and give her over to child services because it's obvious you and your wife aren't fit to be parents." I turned to Fluttershy

"I'll only apologize if she is capable of giving me a geniune apology for even half the shit she did first." I turned to Diamond and decided to have some fun after figuring out what cutie marks represent

"By the way, I'm not as untalented as you think" I said summoning Dawn and Nightfall then dismissing them shortly after "The next time you pull something like this, well let's just say that while I swore to never hit a lady (even though I sort of broke that, but not apologizing because of the circumstances), I never said anything about not putting an arrogant bitch in her place when I need to." And with that I turned away and walked inside.

Fluttershy POV

Did I hear that right? Did Diamond really provoke Cassiel like this? No, he should have been the better pony and left well enough alone, though now I'm even more worried about him after hearing such awful things happened to others in his life.

"I'm sorry for the trouble ma'am." Filthy Rich said interrupting my thoughts "And WE are going to have a very serious talk young lady!" He said to his daughter

"What? Why? You can't honestly believe a freak like him can you?" Diamond asked only for her father to tighten his grip

"That's enough out of you young lady! You didn't deny anything until now, he admitted to what he did, and you calling him a freak for no reason just about proves his words true. To say I'm disappointed in you is an understatement!" And with that they took their leave, I walked back inside with only one thought in mind.

This isn't going to be easy.

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