• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 10,107 Views, 349 Comments

My Little House Guests - Spazzy Jamz

This kind of house visit is just unheard of...

  • ...

Rarity's Night on the Town Pt. 2

The sun was beginning to set as Tristan and Rarity arrived in the city. Rarity had been talking about wanting to see the many fashion stores of the city, so Tristan decided to pull into the parking garage that was beginning to seem all too familiar to him. They found a spot on the second level and parked. Tristan led Rarity to the north exit of the parking garage, which in turn, led to the more high-end part of the city. It wasn’t too long of a walk before the two had reached their destination.

Rarity seemed to be floored by the amount of designer clothing stores that had appeared before her. The mass of people walking the area looked as if they themselves had just simply stepped down from the stores’ displays. Rarity grabbed Tristan’s arm, gasping from the sight of it all. She finally let out a squeal of delight as she took off running into the closest store, a helpless Tristan in tow.

Once in the store, Rarity flew from rack to rack, inspecting every dress, blouse, skirt, and accessory. She checked the sewing, the patterns, the fabric, and made mental notes on what she could do to bring the fashion of this world back to Equestria with her. She smiled as she was time and time again struck with inspiration.

Tristan, however, took a seat on a bench that was placed on the further end of the store. He never was one to really appreciate high fashion. His phone could only give him so much entertainment until it, too, became boring. He looked up at the clock that was placed tauntingly above the door to the shop, sighing as it seemed like it moved slower the more he watched it.

After a short while, Rarity approached Tristan and informed him that she was ready to leave. Tristan nearly shot up from his seat at the bench and pocketed his phone. On their way out, the saleswoman wished them a good evening, to which Tristan simply waved. They stepped back outside and proceeded down the sidewalk. Before he could think, Tristan felt himself being pulled into the neighboring store.

Night had fallen a little earlier than usual as Tristan and Rarity exited the last store on the block. Rarity skipped out, filled with more ideas and possible designs than she feared she could hold. Tristan shuffled behind her, his hands in his pockets. The two continued a little further before he felt slight pain in his stomach. He figured that around this time, the others had probably already eaten dinner and cleaned up.

After walking another block, Rarity discovered a small, café-like structure. The closer they got, the more it began to look like a line was forming right at the door, occupied by hipsters and blue-bloods alike. Tristan looked around the area for an eatery with a slightly less wait. Unfortunately for him and Rarity, no such haven could be found. Tristan groaned, but his apathy was cut short by Rarity grabbing his hand and pulling him closer to the front of the line.

The host saw the two approaching and put a hand up, stopping them. He stood behind a dark oak podium and, in Tristan’s opinion, dressed a little too seriously for his job.

“Do you have a reservation?” The host asked, his faux-French accent had Tristan questioning just what kind of place this really is. He was beginning to get a sad, dark feeling in the pocket where his wallet sat. Rarity stepped in front of him and studied the host for a second, then gave him her most seductive smile.

“Oh, of course, darling!” she said, batting her eyelashes. Tristan stood behind and felt his face get warm. Rarity continued. “It’s under Boulevaire.”

The host raised an eyebrow to Rarity and began skimming the list. Sure enough, the name was on the list, causing quite a surprise for both the host and Tristan. The host quickly gathered two menus from the box on the side of the podium.

“R-Right this way, Lady Boulevaire!” he stuttered. He quickly took off through the restaurant. Rarity began to follow, but noticed that Tristan was still standing in front of the podium, jaw-dropped from disbelief. Rarity leaned backwards and pushed his jaw shut with her index finger.

“Come, darling, you’ll catch flies that way.” She said, still wearing her smirk. She grabbed Tristan’s hand again and pulled him through the crowded café. Tristan marveled at how much larger the inside appeared to be in comparison to the outside. It looked as if someone crammed a five-star restaurant into a donut shop.

Tristan and Rarity were seated at the further end of the room and were asked for their drink selections. As the host hurried away, Tristan caught Rarity’s attention.

“How did you do that?” Tristan asked, his voice hushed

Rarity looked at him, puzzled. “Do what?” she asked. Tristan nodded towards the podium where the host stood. “Oh!” she said, “You mean how I got the reservation?”

Tristan nodded furiously. “What did you do?” he interrogated, “Did you brainwash him? Did you read his mind or something?”

Rarity scanned her surroundings for any nearby eavesdroppers and motioned for Tristan to lean towards her. Tristan swallowed nervously and did so. Rarity also leaned over the table, their faces meeting inches away from each other. She raised a hand to Tristan’s ear and whispered.

“I looked at the book”

Rarity burst with laughter and fell backwards into her seat, leaving Tristan still hovering above the table in disappointment. He sighed and sat back down, kicking himself for overthinking it. The waiter approached with their drinks, causing Rarity to force back her laughter.

He sat down two glasses of water and pulled out a small pad of paper and a pencil. Rarity ordered the spaghetti, and Tristan, thankful that he could eat something other than salad for a change, ordered the same. The waiter nodded and, just as quickly as he had appeared, vanished into the kitchen.

Rarity sat her menu aside and focused on the boy across the table. Tristan was too busy looking around the restaurant to notice her gaze. Seeing him dressed so decently and in such a lavish place, Tristan almost seemed like a completely different person, and a handsome person at that. She giggled softly to herself and began to walk her fingers around the table.

Once Tristan had given the room a satisfying overlook, he turned his attention back to Rarity, who was staring deeply into his eyes. Her fingers were like legs, seductively walking around her side of the table. Tristan felt his face get hot and started laughing nervously.

“A-Are you okay, Rarity?” he asked, cautiously.

Rarity let out a relaxed sigh and giggled more, making Tristan slightly uneasy. “I’m perfectly fine, darling.” she said dreamily. She straightened herself up in her seat and smiled at him. “You know,” she began, but was cut off by the return of the waiter. Steam rose from the plates of pasta as he laid them before the two diners. He refilled Tristan’s water glass and took off again, without so much as a single word to either of them.

“This looks delicious!” Tristan said, immediately diving into the spaghetti. Rarity nodded in agreement and began eating as well. After a few minutes of enjoying the food, Tristan wiped his mouth with the dining cloth and spoke again to Rarity. “Was there something you wanted to tell me?” he asked, half curious and half nervous.

Rarity’s eyes widened, knowing exactly what he was talking about. Still, she tried to playing it off the best she could. “Oh, it was nothing!” she said, feeling that her fake smile and enthusiasm may be failing her. Tristan decided to not press further into the matter, but instead, concentrate on the warm, Italian goodness that lay in front of him.

The waiter returned just as Rarity and Tristan finished their pasta, bringing along with him a big bottle of… wine? Tristan began preparing his “thanks, but no thanks” response in his head. But before the wine could be rejected, the waiter had poured them both a glass and placed the rest of the bottle on the table.

“Compliments of the owner.” He said to Rarity, almost with the same faux-French accent as the host. “He is a big fan of you and your husband’s charity work.”

Tristan nearly choked on the forkful of spaghetti that he was chewing. Rarity shot a look at Tristan, half delighted and half panicky that her “husband” may not make it through the rest of the conversation. Tristan recollected his composure and wiped his mouth again. The waiter never took his eye off of Tristan as he laid down the check and left. Tristan picked up the bill and disdainfully shelled out enough to cover the bill and tip. He began to stand up when Rarity grabbed his arm.

“What’s the rush?” she asked playfully. “We have plenty of time! Let’s sit and enjoy a drink.”

Tristan looked at his phone. They had roughly two hours before the transformation wore off. He sat back down and took his wine glass in hand and raised it.

“Okay.” he said, “One drink.”

Tristan, being the responsible adult he was, abided by his own “One drink rule”. Given that he was driving them both home, anyway, he had to remain sober. However, someone else enjoyed the wine just a tad too much.

Rarity stumbled down the sidewalk, using Tristan as a living crutch and cackling to herself rather loudly. Passersby looked at them, bewildered by the purple-haired woman’s drunken ranting. Tristan gave apologetic looks to anyone within earshot and fixed his grip on Rarity. I know the wine was good, he thought to himself, but did she really have to drink the whole bottle?

After what seemed like forever, the two had finally made their way back to Tristan's car. He helped Rarity into her side of the car and fastened her seat belt for her. During this, Rarity flung her arms around Tristan's neck and pulled his face into her chest.

"I'm so glad I have such a great friend like you!" she said, her words occasionally slurring. Tristan tried fighting against Rarity's surprisingly tight embrace, but somehow could not break away from the inebriated iron grip long enough to gasp for air. She finally let go, giggling loudly as she fell in defeat against the seat's backrest. Tristan ran around to the other side of the car and quickly climbed in. Checking his phone, he realized he only had half an hour to get Rarity home before she took on pony form.

He quickly threw the car in gear and peeled out of the parking garage as quickly as possible. Rarity threw her hands up and cheered as the car weaved through traffic and out onto the main highway. Tristan checked his phone again and found that he may or may not barely make it back in time. He stepped on the gas and Rarity cheered again. She talked and giggled the entire ride back to Tristan's house.

He couldn't have timed it any better. As soon as his car pulled into the driveway, a light shone from next to Tristan, signifying Rarity's return to her unicorn state. He noticed that sometime during the transformation, Rarity had passed out from a combination of alcohol and exhaustion from transforming.

Great, he thought to himself. How the hell am I gonna pull this off?

He decided that the best thing to do was to remove the summer dress she was wearing. Although she was no longer a human, Tristan still felt extremely uncomfortable doing so. His intentions were good, but his conscious still carried a haunting sense of perversion. He attempted to shake his self-brought guilt by quickly completing the task and opened the passenger door. Rarity mumbled in her sleep as Tristan walked around to her side and lifted her from the seat. He struggled against the weight of the unicorn, but managed to get a good hold on her and kicked the car door shut.

Tristan waddled up the the front door of his house, noticing that all the lights were out and there were no noises coming from inside. He fished his keys out of his pocket and quietly unlocked the door to the house. He shifted Rarity around and proceeded through the door frame, pulling the door shut behind him with his foot and locking the door with his most free hand.

As predicted, the lights were all out and the ponies had went to bed early. Tristan quietly kicked his shoes off and tip-toed past a sleeping dragon and over to the bed where most of the other ponies lay sleeping. The only excepting was Rainbow Dash, who lay kicked back in the recliner. It took all his strength to lower Rarity gently and without disturbing the others onto the bed. He took one of the blankets that lay unused on the floor and covered the white unicorn with it. He smiled to himself and leaned over Rarity.

"Good night." he whispered.

Rarity unconsciously stirred. "Good night, my prince." she whispered, and planted a long kiss on Tristan's right cheek before he could think to act. Then, as if nothing happened, Rarity passed back out on the bed, snoozing quietly while a dumbstruck Tristan just froze.

D-Did she just....

Tristan rubbed his face and drug himself back towards his room, still in an intense state of shock. As he stripped down to his boxers and flopped onto his bed, he let out a sigh of confusion. Was Rarity dreaming of him? Or someone else?

Hopefully it was just the alcohol talking he reassured himself. Besides, nobody saw it happen but me. Just let it go.

He nestled down between the sheets of his bed, slightly more calm about the situation knowing that there was no conscious audience. He looked forward to tomorrow, where he would spend the day with Pinkie Pie, and maybe he could completely forget the events of tonight. He let the thoughts drift away as he himself drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile, in the living room, a set of uneasy eyes lay wide awake, trying to make sense of what they had just witnessed....


Finally! Hahahaha! I finally managed to get this chapter written! Thank you all so much for being patient with me. I sincerely appreciate your continued interest in the story.

So, how about that ending, huh? I wanted to add some slight drama to the story with something along the lines as such, but I wasn't sure how to do it until literally fifteen minutes before ending the chapter. Which leaves only one question so far: Who was faking sleep during the kiss? I have a pretty good idea, but you guys will just have to keep reading to find out! As always, shoot me some comments and let me know what you think of the story so far! See you all in Chapter 11!