• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 10,107 Views, 349 Comments

My Little House Guests - Spazzy Jamz

This kind of house visit is just unheard of...

  • ...

Tickled Pink (or, I'm Pretty Sure I Think I Know What You Did Last Night)

Rarity woke up the next morning a short while after everyone else the next morning. The scent of pancakes wafted from the kitchen and through her nostrils. She lifted her head from the pillow and was greeted with something that, surprisingly, wasn't a stranger to her: a hangover. As she sat on her hind legs and held her head in her hooves, she started to question what had happened the night before. The only thing that she could remember was the wine from the restaurant.

Wine? she thought. Well, if it was merely wine, then it had to be much more potent than Berry Punch's...

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty." Rainbow Dash teased. "Looks like you had a rough night."

Rarity took this offensively and immediately summoned her bedside mirror and brush. Rainbow Dash looked incredulously at the white unicorn, who was frantically grooming her unruly mane. Rarity took a quick glance at the pegasus, who was staring at her incredulously.

"What?" she said, attempting to multitask. "Is it wrong for someone to want to look their best as early as possible?"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and continued to switch the television on to the motor sports channel. Rarity shrugged off her lack of understanding and finished styling her mane and tail. Afterwards, she used her magic to fold the bed back into the couch and fold the blankets, laying them on top of the couch's backrest. She sluggishly made her way into the kitchen where she poured herself a cup of coffee.

When she arrived in the kitchen, she noticed that Tristan was already dressed and showered, enjoying his pancakes like they were going out of style. Applejack was helping Pinkie Pie crank out pancakes at the stove, who was ranting on and on about her plans for today. Spike sat next to Tristan and beside him was Fluttershy, both of them also enjoying an equally sizable stack of pancakes.

"Where's Twilight?" Rarity asked, noticing the absence of her fellow unicorn.

"She's on the computer, researching as usual." Spike replied between bites of pancake.

Rarity glanced over into the living room, where Twilight sat in the computer chair and was clacking away quickly on the computer's keyboard. "Is she not going to join us for breakfast?" Rarity continued. "She of all ponies should know it's the most important meal of the day." Even more so if you're in my predicament she thought to herself.

"She said she had already eaten before we were awake," Fluttershy said quietly, "But I haven't seen a dirty dish all morning. I'm honestly a little worried about her."

"She gets like this with her studies sometimes." Spike groaned. "Twilight would probably forget to breathe if she didn't have me around."

The four laughed, causing Rarity's headache to swell a little larger. She glanced over to Twilight, who locked eyes with her for a split second before returning her attention to the computer screen.

After breakfast was eaten and cleaned up after, everyone prepared for Pinkie Pie's transformation. Pinkie slid herself under the blanket and started bouncing from excitement. Tristan had the hoodie and shorts at the ready, and Twilight positioned herself in front of the hyperactive earth pony.

"Stand still!" Twilight barked. "I can't get a clear shot!"

Pinkie stopped bouncing momentarily, but her mind was still racing. Twilight seized this rare opportunity and fired the spell at Pinkie, who began to glow beneath the blanket. Rarity had to look away from the light, as it only increased the pain of her hangover.

Pinkie's shape morphed and the glow faded until a shorter girl with pink, poofy hair emerged from the blanket. She giggled wildly and danced around the living room, completely oblivious that she had lost her blanket in the process. Tristan, hoping to not get another scolding, shielded his eyes and blindly held out the clothes.

"Woo! Look at me!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "I'm a human! I'm a human! And look at THESE things! They feel like huge bags of jiggly gelatin! JIGGLE JIGGLE JIGGLE! Hee hee!"

Tristan didn't have to look for his face to instantly become blood red. The other's were either shocked by the naked Pinkie Pie running about the room, or laughing hysterically at her fascination with her chest. He waved the clothes about, still protecting his dignity. Pinkie snatched them from his hands and pulled them on.

Tristan peeked just as Pinkie pulled the zipper up on the hoodie. He sighed in relief as he stood to pull his shoes on. Pinkie squealed with delight as he walked to the counter to collect his car keys. She bounced towards the door, giggling all the way.

"We should be back by dinner." Tristan announced, making his way out the door with an ecstatic Pinkie Pie. Everyone waved goodbye to the two, even Rarity, who was slowly overcoming her hangover. Everyone but Twilight, who seemed more involved in her studies than ever.

Pinkie and Tristan got in the car and backed out of the driveway. As they started for the discount clothing store, Pinkie began wiggling in her seat in excitement, similar to the others before her. Tristan took small sips of coffee from his to-go mug while Pinkie Pie went on and on about how today was the last day of a street carnival in the city and how much she really wanted to go.

A street carnival, huh? Tristan thought to himself. It's definitely been a while...

They arrived in the innermost part of the city a while later, Tristan scanning the surrounding area for a decent place to park. Pinkie Pie just sat, still wiggling and talking as she had been since they left the house. The only difference was her outfit. She now wore a tight, pink v-neck, pink frilly skirt, and pink flats. To Tristan, she looked like a ballerina dancer straight off the stage. Her style was just about as eccentric as she was.

A wave of relief washed over Tristan as they found an empty parking meter just around the corner from the carnival. Pinkie nearly exploded from the excitement when they parked the car and began climbing out of the seats. The smell of carnival food wafted through the air and got stronger as the two approached the event area: five blocks of Benson Avenue that had been blocked off to traffic. It ran alongside the city park, where games, rides, and a musical stage were all set up and already being enjoyed by the public.

Pinkie cheered and pulled Tristan into the heart of the carnival. It didn't take much before Tristan himself caught the joyous feeling that Pinkie Pie had emanated. It was almost contagious. He no longer required the tugging of his shirt to catch up with the pink-haired woman, and, for the first time in a while, Tristan completely let all his inhibitions and worries dissolve into nothingness.

Pinkie Pie danced over to the booth that sold wristbands for rides. Tristan purchased them each one and then followed Pinkie over to the line for the Merry-Go-Round. She seemed more excited than even the smaller children who also occupied the line. The current cycle didn't last long, and after the current riders had exited, it was time to send in a new crowd.

The operator counted in his head as the children passed. Pinkie had just slipped through before the operator held out a hand, halting Tristan from entering. Pinkie froze and looked back at Tristan, making a small frown.

"It's okay." Tristan called after her. "I'll be waiting at the exit."

Pinkie smiled again and skipped to the closest horse. The bell rang, signifying that the ride was beginning, and Pinkie cheered. The other children around her cheered also, causing Tristan to crack a smile. The ride went around and around with Pinkie Pie cheering and giggling all the while.

If she could only see the irony the way I do Tristan thought, chuckling.

The ride ended a few minutes later and Pinkie bounced off of her horse and skipped over to Tristan, who, as promised, was waiting for her at the exit gate. They rode all the other rides together, one of which Tristan got sick from almost immediately following. Pinkie Pie drug the disoriented Tristan over to the closest food stand and sat him down at one of the picnic tables.

She ordered them both a soda and a funnel cake and Tristan groggily handed her the money. Pinkie Pie returned to the table with the food, licking her lips in both hunger and excitement. The smell of warm dough and sugar made him forget about his sickness and he graciously accepted. The two ate the funnel cakes with much content, and, in Pinkie Pie's case, quickly.

They followed up their small lunch with more games and a second round of rides, taking occasional sitting breaks to just sit and absorb the atmosphere. The sky began to turn a dark orange, causing Tristan to look at his phone in panic. It had been a eight hours exactly, but Pinkie hadn't changed yet.

"Maybe Twilight's spell lasts longer the more she uses it!" said Pinkie Pie, seeming to read Tristan's mind.

"That could be the case," he replied, "But I don't wanna take a risk. We should go home now."

Pinkie Pie frowned at this and her hair went from poofy to flat as fast as her emotions changed. Tristan was slightly startled by the new hairstyle, but kept his stern face.

"Can't we ride just one more ride?" Pinkie begged, her bottom lip quivering.

Tristan sighed and gave in. For some reason, he couldn't find it in his soul to say no. Pinkie's hair changed back into it's cotton candy-like form as she grabbed Tristan's arm and once again hauled him towards the Ferris wheel.

The two were on their way home from the carnival after the ride. Tristan had bought some more snacks for the trip home, seeing as how they missed their dinner deadline before they could make it back to their car. The sun had set a few minutes ago and Pinkie had already transformed, the light causing Tristan to swerve a little.

Pinkie sat contently in the seat on her hind legs, putting down a couple more of the funnel cakes and grinning from ear to ear. She laid herself down in the seat and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath and sighing in satisfaction.

"I had a super-duper fun time with you today, Tristan!" she beamed. "You're fun to hang out with and super nice and I'm so glad I can call you my friend!" she wrapped her front legs around Tristan's torso, causing him to swerve a bit again. Tristan smiled and petted the pink pony's mane.

"I had fun, too." he said softly. "And I'm also glad to call you my friend."

Friend... he thought to himself. It's been a while for that, too. He thought back to the first few months after his mother had passed away and the rest of his family left him. He was so depressed that he had practically cut himself off from the few friends he had and the rest of the world. He smiled again as Pinkie pulled back from the embrace and sat back into her seat.

"You're the best all-around person in this whole wide world! Not that I've really met anyone else from this world, but I would say that if I did, I would still say you're the best!" she continued, giggling. "It's no wonder why she likes you."

Tristan swerved yet again, this time almost sending the car off the road. He slowly turned his head to Pinkie, who was wide-eyed and covering her mouth, realizing that she had slipped some top secret information.

"What... did you say?" Tristan stammered.

Pinkie Buried her head in her hooves. "No, no, no." she said in a panic. "I can't say anything else! I Pinkie Promised her that I wouldn't say anything about the crush she has on you!" Pinkie's eyes widened again and she started sobbing loudly. "Why can't I stop talking about it?!"

Tristan returned his attention to the road ahead, completely numbed by this news. One of the ponies liked him? This didn't make any sense. He shook his head and attempted to calm himself, then looked back at Pinkie, who needed to do some serious calming of her own.

"Look, Pinkie," he began, trying not to flip out, "You guys are only going to be here for another few weeks. It's kind of pointless to try to date someone from a world that you would never get to see again, correct?"

Pinkie wiped an eye and nodded in understanding. Luckily for the both of them, they arrived at the house before the conversation got any more awkward. Pinkie bounced out of the car and up the steps of the front porch and up to the door. Tristan followed behind her, still in a slight case from shock. He unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door, expecting to see the happy faces of the others. Instead, his shins were greeted by fists of a a highly upset baby dragon.

"How could you do that?!" Spike cried, taking swings at Tristan's legs through his teary eyes. "You know how I felt! How could you?!"

Tristan hopped around the enraged dragon, dodging any more of his surprisingly painful punches. He looked to the others for help, only to see that the other ponies, even Fluttershy, was giving him mean looks.

"What did I do?!" Tristan shouted, still dodging Spike. "What's going on here?!"

Rainbow Dash flew up to him and poked him in the chest. "You kissed Rarity last night while she slept!" she accused. "What kind of creep does stuff like that?!"

Tristan's jaw dropped and Spike began swinging harder, his fury growing the more they talked about it. The other ponies started yelling too, taking their own verbal shots at the defenseless human. Rarity looked a Tristan in a mix of horror and anger, and soon joined in on the shouting. Feeling a migraine coming on, Tristan jumped onto the couch, hoping to end all this once and for all.

"STOOOOP!!!" he shouted. Everyone fell silent. Even Spike stopped throwing punches at him and just stared upwards. Tristan was still met by a few bad looks, but none the less, he got the attention he needed. "Let me explain everything."

He told everyone, detail for detail, the events of everything that had happened the night before, from the dinner, to the drunken ride home, to Rarity's sleeping kiss. The other's faces all softened as Tristan finished the story. Rarity's mind finished filling in the blanks of last night and she ran to the human, weeping.

"I'm so sorry..." she said, burying her face into his shoulder. "I hope you don't think less of me..."

"I'm sorry, too..." Spike added, jumping up to Tristan's side and hugging him. Tristan flinched a little, still expecting a punch.

The other's followed suit, apologizing to Tristan and adding to the heap of ponies that occupied Tristan's lap and sides. A few minutes of sobbing and apologizing, they all readied the living room for sleep. Fluttershy excitedly jumped into the newly formed bed, eager to be the first one awake for her first day out. As the ponies all settled, Tristan waved them goodnight. They happily returned the gesture, making Tristan happy that things were back to normal. Whatever that was.

He quietly exited out the back door and sat on the top step. He breathed a sigh of relief and took out a cigarette. He went to light it, but stopped for a second in thought. Aside from the paranoia of Twilight possibly coming out of nowhere to snuff it out, he felt like he really didn't need it. He smiled to himself and put the cigarette back in the box, laying it and the lighter next to him.

"Good call." a voice said from behind him. Tristan smiled again, not needing to turn around to recognize the voice.

"I thought so, too, Miss Sparkle." Tristan replied. He moved a few inches over to allow the purple unicorn enough room to sit down next to him. He was beginning to enjoy their little nighttime talks. They chatted a while about his day with Pinkie Pie, laughing all the while. Soon after, Twilight's voice descended from cheerful to somber.

"Is everything okay?" Tristan asked, taking notice of Twilight's mood drop.

"I'm sorry I brought all this on to you." she replied. "I mean the whole Rarity thing."

"How so?" Tristan asked, curious.

"Well, you see," she began, nervously. "I was the one who saw her kiss you."

Tristan's eyes widened a little. Twilight saw it?! he thought, trying his best not to show a reaction.

"It was too dark to tell, but all I could see was you leaning over Rarity and then I heard a kiss." Twilight went on to explain. "I was feeling a little restless last night, but I didn't want to disturb anypony else, so I just waited, hoping that eventually I could fall asleep." Her volume lowered. "Then I saw the kiss, and..."

Tristan cut her off. "Let's just forget about this whole silly incident." Tristan said, hoping to cheer up his late night companion.

"I feel really bad for telling the others." she pressed. "I was just stressed out by it all and it slipped. I'm really, really sorry. I know I should have came to you first."

Tristan smiled and ran his fingers through Twilight's mane. "It's okay." he comforted. "I forgive you. Everyone slips every now and then."

Twilight smiled warmly at him through teared-up eyes and rested his head on his arm. The two sat like this for a while, looking up at the moon and stars. Twilight let out a yawn and stood back up, wiping her eyes.

"I should probably get to bed." she said. "You need your rest as well if you plan on taking Fluttershy to the city tomorrow morning."

Tristan himself yawned and stood. He nodded in agreement and followed Twilight back into the house, completely forgetting the cigarettes on the porch. Twilight turned to go back towards the living room and Tristan walked a little further down the hall to his room. He stripped himself of his day clothes and pulled on a tank top and gym shorts and crawled under the covers.

He was almost asleep when he felt his bed move. Panicky, he turned his head to see that it was only Spike, who had crawled up next to him.

"Hey Tris," he said, groggy, as if he was just asleep himself. "I can't sleep, and Twilight won't let me lay with her." Tristan started thinking of how his brother would come get in bed with him when he couldn't sleep. He let out a breath and scooted over, patting a spot for him. Spike crawled onto the pillow and pulled the blanket over him, tossing and turning a little to get comfortable. He blinked slowly a few times before finally shutting his eyes and falling asleep. Tristan sighed with relief and was also overcome with drowsiness. He closed his eyes and fell asleep, the last image he saw being that of his little brother laying beside him.


Hello, again! I'm really happy to have finished this chapter up before the weekend rolled around. It's actually going to be my birthday this coming Sunday (the big two-oh, baby!), so I may not have the next chapter out until this coming Monday or Tuesday. I will, however, still try my hardest to get it out before the weekend.

So back to the story. Was it what you expected? My guess: probably not. I honestly didn't plan this chapter by you guy's reactions. I had this chapter planned out for a while, I just needed to find the right moment to bring it all together, and I guess Tristan's accident with Rarity was my best option.

Well, regardless, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Keep leaving those comments! They're always fun for me to read, and I always appreciate any feedback (positive or negative) that you guys have with the writing. Thanks again for reading and I'll see you all in the next chapter!