• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 10,107 Views, 349 Comments

My Little House Guests - Spazzy Jamz

This kind of house visit is just unheard of...

  • ...

Twilight's New Spell

When it was confirmed that Tristan had fallen asleep, the ponies excitedly hopped off the pull-out couch and formed a tight circle on the floor next to it. They were careful to not let their talking and giggles wake the human, or the sleepy dragon that also lay sleeping just halfway across the room. The midnight moon cast just enough light for the ponies to be able tell each other apart.

Pinkie Pie was the first to speak, which didn't surprise anyone. "Isn't this great, you guys?! I'm so excited! Are you guys excited? I know I am! I can't wait to see all the bakeries and throw a bunch of parties and--" Twilight put a hoof over her mouth, cutting her off.

"Pinkie! You gotta be more quiet!" Twilight whispered. "You're gonna wake up Tristan!" She slowly withdrew her hoof, revealing an embarrassed grin from Pinkie.

"Heh... sorry..." she giggled.

"No harm done, sugarcube." Applejack whispered. "Ah'd say we're all mighty excited."

"I simply couldn't agree more!" Rarity chimed in. "I'd say the fashion here is simply to die for! Oh, this could be great for business, you know!" Rarity kicked her hooves in the air.

"I want to see all the animals. Do you think there are even more creatures here than there were back home?" said Fluttershy. "I want to see them all. I mean, you know, if that's okay with you guys..." she trailed off, letting her mane cover half of her face.

Rainbow Dash folded her front legs, bemused. "We won't get to do any of that as long as we're cooped up in here!" she hissed. "He'll never let us go outside. This is going to be the most boring month of my life."

Twilight narrowed her eyes at the pegasus. "He's only trying to protect us. We need to trust him." she defended. "If he says that we need to stay inside to avoid a multi-dimensional incident, then we should probably believe him. There's just no telling what could happen."

Pinkie Pie, using a much quieter voice, returned to the conversation. "Maybe we could go in disguise!" she beamed. "You know make ourselves look like humans!"

Rainbow Dash sighed and placed a hoof to her forehead. "Seriously, Pinkie? That's probably your worst idea ever."

Twilight's eyes grew and a smile creeped across her face. "No, Dash, that's probably her most brilliant idea ever!" she announced, her joy almost breaking her own "low-volume" rule.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "An' how do ya figure that, Twi?" he asked suspiciously. Twilight simply rubbed her hooves together, smiling.

"I'll have to do some reading, but I'm almost certain I can figure something out. For now, though, lets get some sleep." Twilight insisted. The ponies all retired back to the pull-out couch, exchanging more excited chatter. They said their good nights as one by one, they fell asleep.

The alarm clock screamed as read out "7:00" in flashing red lights. Tristan groaned and slapped around the nightstand where the annoyance sat, missing multiple times before finally hitting his target. He rolled over onto his back, looking up at the ceiling. He really didn't want to go to work that day, especially if it meant leaving 6 ponies and a dragon alone in his house for the eight hours he was gone. Sadly, he needed the money, so he had no choice. He swung his legs off the bed, only to once again for his feet to come in contact with the potato chips he spilled yesterday. I really have to clean that up, he thought to himself.

After showering and getting dressed, Tristan paced down the hallway to find that the ponies were already awake and had returned their bed to normal couch form. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were arguing over who could beat who in certain athletic trials while Pinkie Pie was telling jokes to Spike and Fluttershy. Rarity was using her magic to tend to her unruly mane and Twilight was in the recliner, speeding through a book and taking notes with her magic. Tristan cocked his head to the side to attempt reading the title, but could only read the word "Transfiguration", which made him shudder with paranoia. What is she planning? he wondered.

Tristan pushed the disturbing thoughts from his mind and cleared his throat. "Okay, you guys. I'm off to work. Please don't wreck the house while I'm out, okay?" he pleaded.

Rarity tilted the mirror she was levitating to where she could see him. "Please, darling, if we wrecked this house anymore, it would be in ruins!" she said, still running a brush through her hair. Twilight stopped studying for a second to glare at Rarity, then resumed working.

Tristan scratched his head and smiled weakly. "She's right. I guess it could use a little TLC," he said nervously. He grabbed his car keys off the coffee table and started to head out when a yellow pegasus stopped him. He turned to see her hovering in the air, nervously fiddling her hooves together.

"Um, y-you're not going to have breakfast, M-Mr. Shay?" she asked nervously. "It's t-the most important meal of the day, you know." She hid behind her mane yet again. "Well, I-I mean, if you don't want to, I guess that's okay."

Tristan checked his cell phone for the time, then looked back at Fluttershy. He did have some time to kill, and he was feeling a little malnourished. "I guess I can have a bowl of cereal or something." he admitted. Fluttershy smiled and followed Tristan into the kitchen, followed by everyone else. Toast was made, the last of the orange juice was drank, and Tristan had his bowl of cereal, eating in a timely manner so he could still arrive to work on time. After breakfast, Tristan waved to them as he walked out, announcing that he'll be home around six.

"I'm going to do some grocery shopping on my way back. Anyone need anything?" he offered.

"Apples!" cried Applejack.

"Cake mix!" shouted Pinkie Pie.

"Would you mind picking up a little hay if you happen to find some?" Twilight asked, taking a break from her studies. Tristan remembered a place that wasn't too far from here that sold hay, so he nodded. He turned to Fluttershy to take her order.

"Oh, I'm not picky. Just whatever you decide," smiled Fluttershy.

"As am I," added Rarity.

"Ditto," Rainbow Dash chimed.

"DIAMONDS!" Spike boomed. His request was met with incredulous looks. Spike blushed from embarrassment.

Tristan typed the list on his phone and pocketed it. "Well, I best be off, then. I'll see you all later this evening." he called. The Equestrians waved after him, wishing him a good day at work. Tristan smiled as he got into his car. It had been a very long time since someone said things like that. He backed out of the driveway and sped down the street in the direction of the factory.

Twilight used her magic to shut the door and locked all the locks. "Okay girls," she said with a determined smile. "I think I've got it figured out." The others looked at each other, clueless, then back to her.

"Figured what out, exactly?" Rainbow asked, nervously.

Twilight smirked. "I figured out how to change us into humans. I found a spell in my 'Tricks and Transfigurations' book". The ponies cheered, jumping for joy. Spike did a little victory dance.

"But first," she said, her eyes narrowed and her smirk gone from accomplished to mischievous, "I'm going to need a test subject."

"Not me!" Spike spat. "I'm always your test subject back home. I won't do it this time." He crossed his arms and turned away. The others exchanged nervous laughter, making up excuses for why they can't participate.

Twilight shrugged, using her magic to tear a piece of paper into six shreds of similar shape. "I guess we'll have to do this the old fashioned way." she warned. She wrote the names of the remaining 5 ponies and Spike's onto the shreds with quill and ink. As the names were placed face down on the floor and shuffled around, the "contestants" in Twilight's game of chance began to silently panic.

Twilight finally placed the names in a line, closed her eyes, and surrounded the name that was 3rd from the left with her magical aura. Twilight read the name of her lab rat, and smirked at her.

All she could do was hide behind her mane.

Many hours later, Tristan pulled in the driveway. His car sported a roof ornament in the form of a tied-down square bale of hay. He climbed out of the car and opened the back door, removing the groceries from the seat they occupied. He shut the door with his foot and walked up to the front door, fishing around his lanyard for his house key. He then realized that the ponies would probably open the door for him, so once he arrived to the door, he just merely knocked.

He heard nervous talking coming from inside. He immediately expected the worst. Next came the sound of locks being unlocked, and finally, a beaming Twilight Sparkle flew the door open.

"I did it! I finally did it!" She screamed, bouncing when she spoke. "I turned Fluttershy into a human!"

Tristan wanted to ask questions, mainly "How?", but he decided he would rather see it to believe it. As he crossed the threshold into the house, a single thought crossed his mind: Wait. Ponies don't normally wear clothes... Tristan looked up from thought to see that Twilight's claims were true. Fluttershy had been turned from pony, into a human. Medium height and rather curvy, with a fair skin tone and a head of long, flowing pink hair. Her wings managed to stay attached and still carried the same color as her original coat, making her appear angelic. But not only was Twilight's claims true, so was Tristan's fear.

Fluttershy just stood there, red-faced and naked, awaiting Tristan's reaction. Sadly, Tristan could give no reaction. He was frozen solid from shock. The groceries dropped from his arm and a small drop of blood fell from his nose. Fluttershy, being overwhelmed by her caring nature, sprinted towards him, bouncing all the way. Not being used to her new legs just yet, she stumbled a bit while running, but still managed to catch him from falling too far. She pulled Tristan into a sobbing embrace, her two new friends pressed firmly against Tristan.

"Oh, my! You're bleeding! Are you okay? I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" she cried, panicking and practically in tears. Tristan flopped around in her arms, rag doll style. Rainbow Dash and Applejack burst into laughter, Rarity covered Spike's eyes, and Twilight trotted over to check on Tristan.

"You didn't kill him, did you, Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash joked. Applejack stomped the ground laughing while Fluttershy was brought closer to tears from Dash's remark.

Twilight observed Tristan and giggled. "He's fine, Fluttershy. Just in shock," she said, hoping to calm the new human.

Rarity trotted back towards Tristan's room. "I'll go get you some clothes, deary," she called. After some searching, She found a pair of black gym shorts and a green hoodie and levitated them back into the living room. "Here. Try these on. Maybe he'll regain some sense of class once you've put everything away," she said, glaring at Fluttershy's chest. Fluttershy quickly pulled on the shorts and hoodie, hoping the quicker she did, the quicker Tristan would come back to his senses.

Once she was clothed, Tristan indeed began to show signs of regaining consciousness. He was given a tissue by Twilight Sparkle the plug the still bleeding nostril. He looked up at Fluttershy, who was still shaking. "I'm so sorry about that," he apologized, "I'm just not used to seeing that everyday." He was expecting a verbal assault, but was instead given a hug.

"Oh, I'm just glad you're okay. I was so worried," she whispered.

Twilight interrupted the hug, using her magic to re-balance Fluttershy. Twilight turned back to Tristan. "It seems that I can only do this to one person for once a day." she began. "After I changed Fluttershy, I started feeling extremely woozy. I think it'll take some practice before I can change us all."

Tristan rubbed his head, trying to take in all this information. "Well, how long does it last? I mean, when does the effect wear off?"

Twilight furrowed her brow. "Well, I transformed her around ten, and it's a little bit after six, so..."

At that time, there was a soft glow. It caught everyone's attention, and they were staring at Fluttershy. She looked down at herself, watching the glow turn brighter and brighter. Fluttershy's glowing outline slowly morphed from her human form back down to her original pony state, the clothes seeming to drape over her. The glowing faded, and she moved the hoodie to where she could see out of the neck giggling. "Oh, that was fun!" she chimed.

Twilight, with wide eyes, looks back at Tristan to finish answering his question. "Eight hours."


Geez, this chapter took forever to finish. I kinda hit a road block a few times and had to re-write certain parts, but hopefully it all turned out okay. It's been a long day and I'm gonna go have a drink with the Mrs. and a few buddies, so maybe it'll clear my head of this chapter's clutter and give some breathing room to Chapter 5. Again, leave comments and let me know how I did! Comments and criticisms are very important to me, and I base most of my work around what I need to improve, so don't be afraid to call me out on something! THanks for reading and see you in Chapter 5!