• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 10,107 Views, 349 Comments

My Little House Guests - Spazzy Jamz

This kind of house visit is just unheard of...

  • ...

A Day With Applejack Pt. 2

Tristan and Applejack continued down the highway towards the city, Applejack still taking in all the sights. She would occasionally look down and check her new duds, sometimes even peeking down her shirt, which distracted Tristan from driving a few times. When they finally made it into the city, Applejack resumed the excited seat wiggling. The city was packed to the gills with stores, restaurants, bars, and business offices. The only time she had seen anything close to this was back in Manehattan, but that was when she was a filly.

Tristan managed to find a really cheap parking garage and parked there. He figured he could show Applejack around a bit, since she had a pretty good window of time until she returned to pony form. They spent the next few hours walking the nearby streets, Applejack struck with amazement from everything she saw.

During their walk, they spotted a Western-themed bar and grill. It had been a little while since breakfast and the farm hand was already getting hungry for lunch. Tristan got out of the car first, rushing around to assist Applejack, who had found it much easier to get out on her own this time. They exited the parking garage and stepped right under the summer sun that was beating down on the city. They continued on towards the bar, Applejack occasionally fanning herself with her hat.

They finally made their way into the bar, the air conditioning feeling amazing after walking in the blistering heat. The waitress sat them at a booth and took their drink orders. As the waitress walked away, Tristan noticed that Applejack had relaxed a little. She was still looking around, but her smile had formed into a half-frown.

"Are you okay, AJ?" Tristan asked, concerned. Applejack tried to force a smile, but Tristan narrowed his eyes, seeing straight through her facade.

"Ah guess ah'm just missin' home a bit, ya know?" she confessed. "This here place reminds me a bit of Sweet Apple Acres. I wonder how Big Mac and Applebloom and Granny Smith are doin'..." Applejack trailed off, her voice carrying some sadness. She looked down to the table in thought. Tristan moved from his spot in the booth and scooted in next to her.

"I'm really sorry," he began. "We can go eat somewhere else if you'd like." He placed an arm on Applejack's shoulder, which made her look up at him. She smiled warmly.

"Ah, ya don't gotta do that, sugarcube," she replied. The waitress came by with their drinks and asked to take their food order. They didn't even get a chance to look at the menu. Applejack, not trying to stray away from the ordinary, ordered the fresh apple salad. Tristan, not wanting to offend AJ by ordering his usual burger, got the same. He was gonna have to get his daily dose of protein back, somehow.

Meanwhile, back at the house....

Twilight stared intensely at the computer screen, checking out websites for museums and libraries that were close to the city, and taking notes. Rainbow Dash flew up beside her, watching her work before figuring out that she was bored and returned to the mirror. She had been watching taped wrestling on Tristan's television and re-enacting catch phrases and entrances that some of the wrestlers used. She flexed her front legs in a power pose and slowly lifted herself towards the ceiling.

"CAN YOU SMELL WHAT RAINBOW DASH IS COOKIN'?!" she yelled proudly, letting loose a flurry of punches against the air.

Pinkie Pie looked up at her, giggling. "You're not cooking anything, Dashie," she explained. Rainbow Dash ignored her and continued with her new routine. Pinkie walked towards the kitchen, looking to grab something to drink. She pulled open the newly stocked fridge to find a big green box. It had depictions of abstract trees and big, red and green lettering. Curious, she looked inside. She found shiny, cylindrical containers inside, all the same size, and each with the same artwork as the box. "Oooh, shiny!" she whispered. She pulled a shiny container from the box and shut the door to the refrigerator.

Carrying the can in her mouth, Pinkie trotted over to Rarity, who was busy sketching her new designs. Pinkie sat the can down next to her. "Rarity, can you open this for me, pretty please?" she asked. The white unicorn, not paying attention, pulled the tab on the can, the carbonation letting out a loud snap, then an appealing fizz. Pinkie cheered and stuck a straw in the can. Making sure none of the others was looking, she took a small sip of the green liquid. Her eyes widened.

"Hey, guys! You gotta try this stuff!"

Tristan and Applejack, finishing their light lunch, stepped outside. The heat had dialed down quite a bit, making the weather enjoyable. He looked around the busy street. It seemed drastically more full of life than the street he lives on just twenty minutes away. He checked his cell phone for the time.

"Well, we still have a couple hours until we have to head back home," he said, "What do you wanna do until then?"

Applejack pondered for a second then smiled. "Ah'd be alright just walkin' around s'more, if'n that's okay with you," she answered, "Ah hadn't been to the city since Ah was just a little filly."

Filly. For some reason, that word snapped Tristan back to reality. She wasn't really a human. She was a pony that happened to look like a human for right now. He was having a great time with AJ so far, but for some reason, that word put a small dent in it. The question was, though, why?

He shook the matter and perked up a smile. "Of course," he said, and they walked down the street, window shopping and taking in the city's lights and sounds.

After about an hour and a half, Tristan and Applejack arrived back at their vehicle. He paid for the ticket to the parking garage and they hit the main street in the direction of home. The car ride was a little more silent than usual. Actually, it was completely silent. Tristan looked over at Applejack, who smiled warmly back at him. He wished that there would have been something extravagant that they could have done together, but surprisingly, there wasn't that much to do for her in the big city. The thought kinda depressed him.

They arrived at home, just a few minutes left to spare before Applejack returned to her pony form. They exited the car and walked up the front steps. Tristan stopped Applejack before they could enter the house. Applejack saw that Tristan wasn't quite himself. "Ya okay there, sugarcube?" she asked, concerned.

Tristan let out a sigh. "I'm sorry that we didn't exactly get to do much," he confessed, "I wish I could have shown you a better time."

Applejack gave a sympathetic smile and put her hand on his shoulder. "Aw, shucks. Ah had a great time with ya today." she comforted. "Ah was just glad to get out of the house for a spell." Tristan smiled, knowing that he did some good today. He knocked on the door, expecting Twilight Sparkle to answer the door. Instead it was a panicky Rarity.

"What the hay is going on in here?" Applejack demanded.

"Both of you! Get in here! QUICK!" Rarity screamed, pulling them in and slamming the door.

The scene inside the house was scary. Actually, it was downright disturbing. Twilight was rapidly clicking on the computer's mouse. Her hair was a few strands out of place and her eyes were as wide as dinner plates. The computer screen flashed rapidly before her.

"Studystudystudystudystudy GOTTA STUDY!" she screamed, letting out a maniacal cackle afterwards.

What the hell? Tristan thought to himself. He was about to confront her when he was knocked back by rainbow blur. Out of breath and in slight pain, he looked up to see the source.

It was Rainbow Dash, carrying an extremely hyped up Pinkie Pie on her back. They were screaming and laughing ecstatically.

"How fast was that, Pinkie?!" Rainbow Dash shouted. Pinkie looked at her stopwatch. "Point eight seconds!" she replied, screaming louder than Rainbow Dash. They cheered and did another lap.

Tristan could do nothing but watch in horror. He looked over at Applejack to find that amid the chaos, she had transformed back to her original pony state. Tristan looked at Rarity for an explanation. The unicorn just shook her head.

"I don't know how this escalated so quickly," she cried, "All I know is that Pinkie Pie asked me to open a small canister of something. Figuring it wasn't too much trouble, I opened it for her. Then she started acting all crazy and convinced Dash and Twilight to partake in it as well. They've all gone insane, I tell you! INSANE!!" Rarity started bawling. Applejack looked around the room, finding that there were two people unaccounted for.

"Wait. Where's Spike and Fluttershy?" she asked.

Rarity shrugged. "I didn't see them drink any of it. In fact, I think they both went and hid somewhere. Which honestly sounds like a brilliant idea right now."

Hold on a second. Tristan thought. He bent down and picked up one of the cans that occupied the floor. Sure enough, Pinkie had found Tristan's stash of Alpine Blitz, a citrus soda that had been found to be packed full of caffeine. He had no clue how he was going to stop this. Suddenly, an idea formed.

"What goes up must come down," he muttered to himself.

Applejack looked at him. "What was that, sugarcube?" she asked, "Ah didn't quite catch that."

"Quickly! To my room!" Tristan ordered. He and the two mares ran full speed to Tristan's bedroom. The slammed the door behind them and locked it. As Tristan wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, he heard voices coming from the closet. Tristan sneaked over and flung the closet door open.

"Oh, no! They found us!" Fluttershy screamed, covering her head with her front legs and whimpering.

"Don't worry!" Spike comforted, "It's just Tristan."

The yellow pegasus looked up and ran over to him, burying her face in his chest. "It was horrible!" she wailed. Tristan patted her head and she pulled away slightly. "What are we going to do?"

Tristan looked at the door. "The effects of the caffeine will wear off eventually," he began, "And when they do, everything will go right back to normal. So for now we're just going to wait."

About half an hour later, Tristan peeked outside the door. Everything had gone quiet, almost too quiet. He motioned for the others to come, and they followed him into the living room. The others were scattered about, holding their stomachs and groaning.

Tristan walked over to Pinkie Pie, narrowing his eyes slightly. Pinkie Pie tried to let out a nervous laugh, but found that it hurt her stomach too much.

Tristan cleaned up the soda cans with Spike and Rarity while Applejack and Fluttershy prepared dinner. Needless to say, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle didn't have as much of an appetite as the others.

Dinner eaten and the dishes washed, the ponies retired to the pull-out couch. Twilight had decided to take the night off for studying, so Spike hopped on the computer, looking for things he wanted to do tomorrow for his big day out. Tristan wished them all good night, and the ones who weren't sick from the massive soda intake cheerfully returned it.

After Tristan's light went out in his room, all the ponies turned their attention to Applejack. She was bombarded by questions, many of which she couldn't understand. She waved her hoof around in the air to try and silence them.

"Please, everypony!" she begged, "One at a time!" The chatter died down a little and Twilight Sparkle took the first question.

"What was the outside world like?" she asked.

Applejack chuckled. "It was great! We went clothes shoppin', we walked around the city for a while, and we had lunch at a place that was almost like Sweet Apple Acres! After that, we-"

"You two had lunch together?" Rarity asked, "Like a lunch date?"

Applejack tried to hide her blush. "Aw, shucks, Rarity. Wasn't like that at all," she said, "We were just hungry and we stopped for a quick bite. Ah imagine it'll be the same for each of ya when it's y'all's turn to go."

The girls giggled at the thought of having one-on-one lunch with Tristan. Spike, who was asleep in his little dog bed, rolled over.

"Can you guys keep it down? I have to get my rest for MY day with Tristan tomorrow," he groggily scolded. Spike rolled back over and fell back asleep instantly. The ponies decided that Spike was right, and that they could all use their sleep. After a couple more minutes of quiet chit-chat, the ponies finally settled down and fell asleep.