• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 10,107 Views, 349 Comments

My Little House Guests - Spazzy Jamz

This kind of house visit is just unheard of...

  • ...

T.S. Squared Pt. 3

The sky had grown darker when Twilight Sparkle and Tristan had arrived at the park. Twilight giggled with glee as the two pulled up to a parking meter and switched off the engine. Twilight excitedly scrambled out of the car and stood next to the car's hood, bouncing on her heels. Tristan also exited the vehicle and walked around to meet his giddy companion, her face beaming. Fishing around for quarters in his pocket, Tristan looked over to the distant lake's edge, then up at the sky.

"What are we doing here?" he asked, managing to find some loose change.

"You'll see!" Twilight replied. "What time is it?"

Tristan pulled out his cell phone and unlocked the screen. "Seven-thirty." he answered. Twilight's bouncing continued.

"Great!" she exclaimed. "Just a little while longer!"

Tristan looked doubtfully at Twilight, then bought an hour of time from the parking meter. A faint green light appeared onscreen and the timer began counting.

They quickly crossed the street to the park, avoiding the traffic to the best of their ability. Once their feet landed on the grass, their pace slowed to a nonchalant stroll. There were a few other people in the park, either walking their dogs, jogging, or simply passing through. Twilight pulled out her itinerary and pen, crossing off a few things before disposing of the worn paper in the nearest garbage basket. She placed the pen back into her polo pocket and let out a sigh of contentment.

After a few minutes of walking, the two finally reached the lake's edge, where a lone bench sat next to the water. Tristan remembered this bench as the one he and Fluttershy occupied while she fed the ducks. A smile crept across his face and he sat down on the worn wood, Twilight quickly following. He checked his phone again and looked around. The lake's water showed very few signs of movement, and the sound of passersby chatting had changed to the subtle chirping of crickets. A few fireflies flashed around them, the only light other than the barely visible moon and stars.

Tristan glanced over at Twilight, who was watching the sky anxiously. Her head was in constant motion as she searched the sky. Whatever she was looking for, Tristan hadn't the foggiest idea, but he had found pleasure in her smile. He felt accomplished that he had turned a nightmare of a day into a nice, peaceful evening. Tristan hoped that this would be the last instance of craziness for a good while.

His thought's slowly drifted back to the burning question that had plagued him since earlier that day. He wasn't sure if he wanted the answer, but he also knew that if he let it go unreconciled, that it would just keep bugging him until he snapped. He let out a soft sigh that caught Twilight's attention.

"Everything okay?" she asked, her former giddiness disappearing. Tristan scratched his head, unsure of just what to say in response.

"W-Well..." he stammered. "Remember at the museum whe-"

A streak of light bolted across the sky before he could finish his sentence, ripping Twilight's attention away from him.

Dammit! he thought to himself. Do I ever get a freakin' break? Twilight bounced on the bench as she pointed up to the sky, which was soon being populated by more zipping white lines.

"It's happening! It's happening!" Twilight rejoiced. "The meteor shower! Finally!"

Tristan, who was cradling his head in his hands, looked up to find that Twilight's claim was true. He sat wide-eyed and jaw-dropped as the astronomical light show blazed above him. The two sat motionless, completely fixated on the brilliant display for several minutes. The meteors had became less and less frequent until, finally, the last one shot through the sky and disappeared.

Twilight glanced over at Tristan, whose expression of amazement continued to take residence on his face. She giggled to herself.

"Well?" she said, facing him, "What did you think of that?" Tristan smiled, not moving his eyes from the sky.

"That was amazing." he replied, turning to Twilight. "I've honestly never seen a meteor shower before. I mean, I've heard people-"

"You've never seen a meteor shower?!" Twilight asked incredulously. Tristan shook his head, causing Twilight to sigh a little. "You really don't get out much, do you?" she teased. Tristan chuckled at Twilight's jest before responding.

"You're one to talk." he joked back. "It seems like you're constantly studying. How do you ever make time for your friends?"

Twilight smiled and looked up at the sky again. "I was a total shut-in when I studied in Canterlot. When Princess Celestia sent Spike and I to Ponyville for the first time to overlook the Summer Sun Festival, she told me to make friends, which is something that I, at the time, wasn't very knowledgeable of. To say the least, I wasn't intending on making friends. I ended up meeting the others that day, who were bent on becoming friends with me. It was almost annoying, really. I just wanted to do my job and go back to Canterlot. I didn't have the time to make friends with all these crazy ponies. Pinkie Pie even threw a surprise party for me that night.

"But, as we've told you before, everything didn't exactly go as planned. After searching for the Elements of Harmony and defeating Nightmare Moon, I realized i couldn't be more wrong about the importance and necessity of making friends. I thank Celestia each and every day for that."

Twilight returned her attention to Tristan, who was staring back at her. "And I'm especially thankful for this opportunity to make another one." She smiled at him, despite her self-conscious decision to use "friend" instead of something that more identified with her true feelings. Tristan smiled, too, their eyes locking for a moment before speaking.

"Yeah, me too." he said. He felt a swelling sensation in his chest as he gazed into Twilight's purple eyes, the moonlight shining just enough to give them a deep, inviting appearance. The two sat in silence, simply looking at eachother. Feeling his face get hot, Tristan jumped from the bench and quickly faced away from Twilight, rubbing the back of his head while he planned out his next words.

"Twilight," he began. "I need to ask you something, and I want you to be one hundred percent honest with me."

"Do you think it can wait a little bit?" she replied. "We have a huge problem here."

Tristan threw his arms up in exasperation and turned toward her. He gasped a little too loudly when he saw that human Twilight was no longer with him, and her original pony form sat in her place, her clothes strewn about on the bench before her.

"How did I miss that?!" Tristan cried. Twilight put a hoof to her mouth.

"Keep it down!" she whispered. "We can't draw any attention to us, not now."

Tristan panicked and looked around for other people who could have seen the transformation. Luckily, there was no one, allowing a uniformed sigh of relief escape the both of them. Tristan took the clothes from Twilight and clutched them close to his chest.

"We still had a couple hours until you changed!" he whispered back. "Why now?" Twilight shook her head.

"I don't know." she confessed. "It may be from where I used up too much energy from our little meet-up with Trixie." Twilight gasped, a sudden realization hitting her like a freight train. "Trixie!" she breathed. "We need to get home! Now! I need to send that letter to Celestia!"

Tristan nodded and the two began their stealthy journey back to his car. The street lights flickered on, forcing them to take refuge in the small areas of darkness that they were left with to dodge any oncomers. They had bolted between trees and bushes for a few minutes before finally reaching the edge of the park. Twilight went to make the final break for the car when Tristan stopped her in her tracks.

"No. Too Risky" he said between breaths. "I'll get the car and bring it around."

Twilight nodded in agreement and Tristan, as calmly as possible, walked over to his car and got in. He turned the key over and the engine sputtered to life. With no traffic in sight, he quickly made a U-turn in the middle of the street and drove up onto the sidewalk that lined the park. Tristan flung the passenger door open and frantically motioned for Twilight. She responded by running as quickly as she could across the open area and diving into the car. Tristan slammed the accelerator, the sudden takeoff slamming the door closed.

The drive back home was nothing short of quick and reckless. Tristan kept the gas pedal firmly against the floorboard of the car while his unicorn passenger clung to her seat for dear life. Upon arriving home, Tristan had slowed the car down to lower suspicion of any onlookers. He whipped the vehicle into his driveway and slammed the shifter into park before killing the engine and making a mad scramble for the front door. Twilight followed closely behind him.

Tristan fumbled with his keys as he searched for the one that would unlock the door. Fortunately for them both, an orange pony opened the door for them.

"Well, howdy! Y'all sure are home earl-"

Twilight and Tristan quickly pushed past the farmhand, knocking off her hat. She kicked the door back shut

"What in tarnation?!" Applejack demanded. The other ponies in the room jumped from their sudden entrance. They watched nervously as Twilight ripped the page out of her notebook containing the letter to Celestia and rolled it up.

"Spike!" she called. The baby dragon zipped from the kitchen, wide-eyed with panic.

"W-What?!" he asked shakily. "What's wrong, Twilight?" Twilight levitated the letter to Spike, who extended a claw to receive it.

"I need this sent to the Princess." she said sternly. "It's top priority." Spike scratched his head and looked at the paper.

"I-I don't know, Twi." he doubted, "I'm not sure if I can-"

"Just do it!" she cried. Spike flinched and drew a large breath of air. As he exhaled, a green flame engulfed the letter and it disappeared. Twilight let out a sigh and sat down on the floor. "Let's just hope it worked."

"Ah don't mean to interrupt y'all," Applejack said, "But what in the hay is going on around here?!"

Twilight let out another sigh and explained their unfortunate confrontation with Trixie. The group gasped at the mere mention of her name, followed by questions of her existence in this world and Rainbow Dash's opinion of what she would have done if she was in Twilight's place. After explaining how Trixie arrived in this world, she let it slip about how Trixie and Tristan were, at one point, a couple. More appalled reactions ensued.

"My goodness!" Rarity exclaimed. "You and Trixie? Together?! Darling, what were you thinking?"

Tristan shook off the embarrassment he felt continued the story from his perspective, detailing the physical part of the event excitedly. Twilight blushed at his retelling, but felt a morbid pride for showing up her boastful rival. Rainbow Dash thrusted a hoof in the air as the pegasus hovered a few feet above where she sat.

"Aww, yeah!" she shouted, "Atta girl, Twilight! I didn't know ya had it in ya!" She landed back on the floor and was met with an expression of disapproval from Applejack.

"Now, Rainbow," she began, "Don't be gettin' all rowdy on us. Twilight only did what she had to do to protect Tristan. She didn't gain any personal enjoyment from it, did ya, sugarcube?" Twilight exchanged glances with the earth pony.

"Oh, no, of course not!" Twilight lied. She glanced nervously at Tristan, who gave an unnoticeable wink. Twilight winked back as inconspicuously as possible.

A few more minutes of discussion had passed when Spike belched out a scroll, much akin to the one Tristan had received over a week ago. Twilight instantly hovered the parchment in her direction, removed the seal, and unrolled. Everyone else watched with suspense as she read. Once finished, Twilight levitated the scroll towards the trash can and disposed of it.

"Well?" Tristan asked, "What did it say?" Twilight smirked back at him, giving Tristan his answer before she vocalized it.

"The Princess has assured me that everything will be taken care of," she announced, "Including Trixie." There was mixed chatter amongst the group. Rainbow Dash begged Tristan for more details about the fight while Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy took seats on the couch and discussed their plans for their next time they would be human. Rarity took to the computer and Spike raided Tristan's refrigerator for a quick snack.

As Tristan once again declined Rainbow Dash's request, he noticed that Twilight had approached Applejack and was whispering into her ear. As Twilight pulled away, Applejack nodded and the two ponies exited the living room and walked down the hallway to Tristan's room. The sound of the door being shut barely reached his ears over the conversations of the others.

"Uhh, excuse me for a sec." Tristan said sheepishly. Rainbow Dash nodded and joined Spike's search for snacks in the kitchen. Tristan quietly slipped out of the living room and tiptoed down the hallway. He felt somewhat bad for wanting to eavesdrop on their conversation, but with his track record of trying to ask Twilight himself, this was about as close as he was going to get in regards to having his question answered.

He stood with his back on the wall adjacent to his bedroom door and leaned toward it. He could hear their voices surprisingly well. It sounded like one of them was pacing the hardwood floor inside.

"...And when Trixie called him her pet, I just completely lost all self control! The way she spoke to him, the way she touched him... Oh, Celestia, what am I going to do?" Twilight pleaded. Applejack sat on Tristan's bed, watching the troubled unicorn pace madly in front of her.

"Ah don't know, sugarcube." Applejack replied. "When did you start feelin' this way about Tristan?" Twilight stopped pacing to think for a second.

"I guess it was a few days after we got here." she admitted. "I mean, I don't know how this emotion developed so quickly. I just feel something inside for him that I've never felt for anypony else. I-I can't explain it." Applejack gently hopped down from the bed and approached her friend, who now sat on the floor in despair. Applejack sat down next to her and placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder.

"Ah know this can't be easy for ya," she began, "But if ya tell Tristan what ya really think of him, it may not end like ya hope. After all," she sighed, "We're from completely different worlds." Twilight laid her head on Applejack's shoulder, lightly sobbing. Applejack embraced Twilight, gently petting her mane. "Now, now, sugarcube." she said softly. Twilight sniffled and lifted her head to meet the farmhand's emerald eyes.

"Nopony else is to know about this." Twilight whispered. "Pinkie Promise me you won't say a word to any of the others." Applejack nodded and went through the motions of the promise, sans the actual eye-poking. She stood back up and yawned.

"We should be gettin' to bed, Twi." Applejack informed. "Ya need the rest after y'all's day." Twilight nodded in agreement and also stood, wiping the tears that still lay on her face. Twilight began walking out of the room with Applejack following right behind her.

Tristan heard the hoof-steps getting louder and the turning of the doorknob to his bedroom. He quickly jumped away from the wall to the opposite side of the hallway in hopes of not blowing his cover. Tristan pretended like he was entering the bathroom when Twilight exited the door, not even sharing a passing glance. Applejack, who was close behind Twilight, stopped in her tracks. Tristan stopped too, looking back at the orange mare. After Twilight was out of earshot, Applejack glared back in Tristan's direction.

"Did ya catch all that?" she said, narrowing her eyes. Chills went up Tristan's spine as he scrambled for the right words to say.

"W-What are you talking about?" Tristan replied, his voice shaky. "I-I was just going to the bathroom! Haha..." He tried to weasel a smile, but Applejack saw straight through the facade.

"Ah am the Element of Honesty, ya know?" she spat. "Ah think ah can tell when I'm bein' lied to." She stared him down for another moment or two before sighing and lowering her head. "Just don't make this harder on the poor girl." she insisted. "It's gonna bad enough as it is." Tristan nodded somberly as the earth pony walked back into the living room to join the others.

Tristan rubbed his head and trudged into his room. He closed the door behind him and shuffled over to the bed, where he removed his clothes and donned his gym shorts. As he crawled between the blankets, his mind began racing with thoughts of the purple unicorn. He had finally gotten his answer: Twilight Sparkle was the secret admirer. Her words echoed through his head, almost haunting him as he struggled to fall asleep. Of all the people he could have ever imagined, a talking unicorn from another world was the one who had fallen in love with him. After hours of sleeplessness, exhaustion had finally acquired the upper hand over his mind, sending Tristan straight to sleep.


Haha, made you look.