• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 10,107 Views, 349 Comments

My Little House Guests - Spazzy Jamz

This kind of house visit is just unheard of...

  • ...

Just a Dash More Than He Bargained For

Tristan rolled out of bed for the first time in a while without an alarm clock. He yawned and stretched, feeling fully rested. The sun peeked in through his blinds and gave his room a warm and cozy look to it. He wondered if he had even woke up in the same room that he fell asleep in the night before.

Sadly, his pleasant awakening was interrupted by a rainbow-maned pegasus busting through his door. The shock scared Tristan off his bed and onto the floor. He rubbed his head and sat up, looking at the pegasus who had taken his spot on his bed.

"Oh, good! You're up!" Rainbow Dash said, trotting in place. She squealed and done a mid-air lap around the room. "I'm so excited to go outside! I really needed to stretch these babies out!" she said, referring to her wings.

Tristan pulled himself together and stood up, glaring. "There is no way you're flying." Tristan said sternly. Rainbow Dash stopped flying and landed back on the bed. "Why the hay not?" she protested. "I'll look like a human, so what's the harm?"

Tristan facepalmed and sighed. "Because there are no such things as flying humans, Dash." he answered. "The only thing close to that are humans that control machines that fly. So you're gonna have to keep your wings to yourself."

Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. "Fine" she huffed. She let her wings carry her out of the room and back down the hall. Tristan then proceeded to shower and get dressed, choosing a black polo shirt and jeans. He pulled on a fresh pair of socks and walked into the living room, where the ponies had already but the bed up and started making breakfast. Fluttershy was making her tea, Twilight started brewing coffee, and Spike was helping Applejack make something on the stove. Pinkie Pie and Rarity sat on the couch chatting with Rainbow Dash, asking her about her plans for the day.

"Did I sleep in that late?" he asked aloud. He proceeded to walk into the kitchen and sat down at the table which was already set.

Twilight laughed a little. "Yeah, just a little." she replied, levitating a mug of coffee his way. "But you've been working really hard, so you deserve a little extra shut-eye." Tristan accepted the floating coffee and took a sip. Applejack and Spike finished making what looked like oatmeal. At least, that's what Tristan hoped it was.

After breakfast, everyone gathered in the living room for Rainbow Dash's transformation. Tristan had the hoodie and shorts ready and Rainbow Dash got under the "Transformation Blanket" as it had became to be known as. Twilight fired her magic. The blinding light came upon the room and Rainbow Dash's figure morphed underneath the blanket.

The transformation had been completed. Rainbow peeked out from the blanket, revealing a slim-face with the same style and color hair that her mane had been. She stood about Tristan's height and was athletically toned, more so than Tristan, which annoyed him a tad. She squealed again and looked down, finding that her new friends weren't exactly as noticeable as Applejack's or Fluttershy's.

"H-Hey! What gives!?" she shouted. Her wings unfurled with her horrific realization. Her wings, like Fluttershy's, they bore the same color as her original coat. Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash, her wings threw the blanket off of her, leaving her standing naked in front of everyone. Rainbow's face immediately turned a blood red, using her wings to try and cover herself up the best she could.

Tristan stood dumbfounded, still holding the clothes. Rainbow Dash glared at him.

"Dude! Do you mind!?" she yelled at him. Tristan snapped out of his funk and blankly threw the clothes over to her. She snatched them out of the air and stomped towards the bathroom, muttering under her breath, still using her wings to cover what they could.

She came out of the bathroom a few seconds later, looking rather perky. She actually seemed to forget about the entire incident. She walked beside the bar that separated the kitchen and the living room and swiped a pair of sporty sunglasses that belonged to Tristan. "You ready to go?" she said to him, sliding the sunglasses on.

"Yeah." Tristan answered. He slipped his shoes on, grabbed his keys and waved goodbye to the others.

Tristan and Rainbow Dash emerged from the discount clothing store in a hurry. Rainbow Dash held the hoodie and shorts in her arms, wearing the navy tank top, light blue over shirt and denim shorts that Tristan had bought for her to wear. She still wore the sunglasses that she took from Tristan's counter.

Once they were in the car and headed towards the city, Tristan turned down the radio and looked over at Rainbow Dash. "Remind me why we're in a hurry, again?" he asked.

Rainbow Dash looked over at him with a smile and tilted down her sunglasses. "So we don't waste any time, obviously!" she said. Tristan could tell that she was trying to be as cool as possible, but her bounciness wasn't doing her any favors. He noticed that she kept looking up at the sky as they drove.

They made it into the inner city when the weather went from sweltering sun to torrential downpour in a freak instant. Rainbow Dash's smile was flipped. She slouched in the passenger seat and folded her arms. "Not cool" she muttered.

Tristan could hardly see past his windshield. The rain was coming down hard, which eliminated any kind of outdoor activity. He glanced over at Rainbow Dash, who still retained her pose and was muttering something about "flying up and kicking the clouds away". He smiled at her ambition, but that didn't solve the issue at hand.

"We'll find something to do." Tristan finally said, trying to calm his testy companion. "Just sit tight." He smiled her direction and was relieved when she sat back up straight and unfolded her arms.

The rain persisted as Tristan drove to the parking garage. He and Rainbow Dash stepped out of the car and walked a short distance to the edge of the ground floor. It would have been great if he had an umbrella with him. Rainbow Dash stepped closer to the downpour and looked around for a place to take temporary shelter. Almost directly across the street stood an arcade. She smirked at Tristan and pointed in the arcade's direction.

"We need something to do to wait out the rain." Rainbow Dash said. "Are ya up for some friendly competition?"

Tristan returned the smirk. "But of course." he answered.

They quickly sprinted from the shelter of the parking garage and into the rain. They laughed as they dodged the few cars that occupied the streets. Once they were across, they flung the busy arcade's doors open and bolted inside, their laughter making it difficult to collect their breath.

A few hours later, the two left the prize counter at the arcade. Rainbow Dash wore a giant, ninja-styled teddy bear on her shoulders while Tristan wore a frown of defeat.

"Well, that was satisfying!" Rainbow Dash giggled. Tristan couldn't remember the last time he got destroyed at video games like that. They had made a bet that whoever won the most tickets got to keep the other's tickets as well. In retrospect, maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Rainbow Dash opened the door and stared up to the sky in awe.

"Look!" she shouted excitedly, "The rain stopped! Woo-hoo!" Tristan also looked up to confirm Rainbow Dash's observation. The streets were still soaked and the smell of the rain lingered. Rainbow Dash jumped from one puddle into the next. A rumbling came from her stomach.

"Heh-heh. Guess I'm a little hungry after all that dominating!" she boasted. Tristan narrowed his eyes, but felt his stomach rumble as well. Just down the street was a small diner that Tristan had been going to since he was young. Ginetta, the owner, treated him like her own son, even more so than her own children. Tristan suggested that they eat there and Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement.

The two entered the diner and sat themselves at the bar, which was Tristan's normal spot. After a couple minutes of waiting, Ginetta stepped out from the kitchen to greet her favorite customer. She ran around the bar and hugged Tristan, who sitting, was still noticeably taller than her. She withdrew from the hug and looked at Rainbow Dash, who gave a friendly smile and wave. Ginetta smiled at Tristan.

"Oh, you brought yourself a girlfriend, eh?" she asked in a slight fit of giddiness. "It's about time! I didn't think you had it in you, honestly."

Tristan's face turned red. He looked over at Rainbow Dash, whose face looked the same shade of red for a second. He looked back to Ginetta and put his hands up.

"Oh, no! You see, she's not really m--"

Rainbow Dash put a hand on Tristan's mouth. "Oh, don't pay attention to him. He's really shy about it." she said, winking in his direction. "It's almost adorable."

Tristan's eyes shot open, watching in horror as Rainbow Dash and Ginetta made conversation about him. His stomach grumbled again and the girls' conversation was cut short.

"Oh! I almost forgot, dear!" Ginetta apologized. "Do you want your regular Ham and Cheese?" she asked.

"No, no. Just a salad for me." he answered quickly, hoping Rainbow Dash didn't catch on. She instead nodded, ordering the same, and they both were served bottomless iced tea, specially made by Ginetta herself.

When Ginetta disappeared into the kitchen, Tristan quickly turned to Rainbow Dash. "What are you doing?!" he whispered. "Why did you tell her we were together!?"

Rainbow Dash laughed and leaned his way. "Because it's fun!" she whispered back. Tristan groaned and face-palmed. "Seriously?" he replied.

Before he could get another word in, Ginetta brought out their salads and two small cups of ranch dressing. "Funny," Ginetta began, "I never took Tristan for a salad-eater." Tristan smiled awkwardly. Rainbow Dash giggled and dug into her salad, almost finishing it in just a matter of minutes.

"Wow!" said the diner owner, surprised. "You must have been hungry as a horse!" Tristan narrowed his eyes and kept working on his own salad. If only you knew he thought.

Ginetta was bringing out refills for the tea when she sighed, catching Tristan and Rainbow Dash's attention. "Are you okay?" Tristan asked. Ginetta just smiled and nodded.

"It does me good to see you happy like this, Tristan." she answered, "Especially all that you've been through. I'm glad you found someone." There was a small tear forming in her eye as she spoke. Tristan wanted to tell her how they weren't dating, how she was actually a pegasus pony from another dimension and how, if anything, they were hardly friends, but he couldn't. He just couldn't bring himself to break Ginetta's heart like that. So he figured he would just play along.

"Yeah." he said, grabbing Rainbow Dash's hand. "I guess I'm pretty lucky."

Rainbow Dash's face went as red as the red in her hair. She smiled warmly and squeezed Tristan's hand back. They said their goodbyes to Ginetta and exited the store with just an hour until Rainbow Dash transformed back into her pony state. They walked back to the parking garage and climbed in. Once they were out of the city, Tristan turned to Rainbow Dash.

"It was good seeing her." he said. "I thought it was funny how she instantly assumed we were a thing." he chuckled a bit to himself. "I think I sold it back there with the hand grab, don't you?"

Rainbow Dash blushed a little and looked out the window. "Yeah... sold it..." she said, trying to sound as happy as possible.

The ride back to the house was almost silent. They pulled in the driveway, seeing silhouettes of ponies through the living room window. Tristan started up the stairs when Rainbow Dash grabbed his arm and stopped him. "Let's go out back." she suggested. "I want to show you something."

Tristan looked around nervously and followed her to the back yard. She started to remove her over shirt, revealing her cyan wings and stretching them out. Tristan was racking his brain for a decent reason as to why she brought him back here. She walked behind him and put her arms around him and across his chest. Tristan's heart raced and his breathing picked up.

"Ready for a ride?" she said, smirking. Tristan's eyes shot open.

"Wait, what are you do-AAAAHHHHHHH!"

Rainbow Dash had picked Tristan up into the air and was flying upward with him in tow. Tristan's legs thrashed in the air.

"PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN!" he screamed. Rainbow Dash grunted and fixed her grip on the panicky human. "Cool it or I'll drop you!" she shouted back, straining a little. She flew upward until they could see the outer buildings of the city. Tristan got lost in the scenery of the clear sky and, for a second, forgot about being up a few thousand feet in the air.

After a little more flying, Rainbow Dash flew back down, just low enough for Tristan to fall from her grip safely. Tristan looked back up and saw her give a thumbs up. "Check this out!" she yelled, and sped back up to her original altitude. Tristan used his hand as a visor to shield his eyes, not losing sight of her. Rainbow Dash stopped ascending, then bolted downward, a visible cone of some sort forming around her.

What is she...


Tristan's jaw dropped as a rainbow-colored shock wave expanded in the sky above him. He'd never seen anything like it in his entire life. Rainbow Dash, who had transformed back into a pegasus sometime during her flight, landed next to him.

"Aww, yeah!" she shouted. "Now, that's a Sonic Rainboom, baby!" She looked up at Tristan, whose gaze was still fixed on the sky. She nudged him with her head, which snapped him out of his trance.

"H-How did you do that?!" he stammered. Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest. "Years of practice." she replied. "I am the fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" She trotted up the stairs and knocked on the door. Fluttershy let her in and Tristan followed the two pegasi into the living room, where everyone else was waiting for Rainbow Dash to tell them about her day.

Once dinner was over with, Tristan took another step outside to his usual seat on the top step. He decided to not have his usual cigarette in fear that Twilight would just take it from him before he could finish it. A couple minutes passed before the back door opened.

"I don't have any cigarettes this time." he said, not bothering to look behind him.

"What's a cigarette?" Rainbow Dash asked. She walked over next to Tristan and laid down. Tristan was honestly surprised that it wasn't Twilight. Rainbow Dash looked up at the sky, then to Tristan.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about making you feel weird around that lady." she said. "I just thought it would be funny, is all. I didn't expect it to get all sappy."

Tristan looked down to Rainbow Dash. "It's okay." he assured her. "It wasn't too bad, I guess." He smiled at her, which caused her to smile. She stood and began walking back into the house. Tristan got himself up and also walked back in, preparing himself and the others for bed. Rarity was going on and on about exactly where she was going to go tomorrow and what she wanted to do when Tristan walked back to his room and passed out almost instantly on his bed from exhaustion.


Wow. I'm so sorry this chapter took so long to publish. I've been busy all weekend and I started working again after having a week off. I hope you guys find this chapter worth the wait. I promise to try and get the next chapter out ASAP. Be sure to leave comments, criticisms, or just whatever you feel like saying in response to this chapter or the story so far. I really enjoy reading the comments and talking to you guys! See you in Chapter Nine!!!