• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 10,107 Views, 349 Comments

My Little House Guests - Spazzy Jamz

This kind of house visit is just unheard of...

  • ...

A Good Day to Shy Pt. 1

Tristan's eyes shot open the following morning, only to find that he couldn't see anything. He was positive he had his eyes open, but all he could see was blackness. Did he somehow go blind overnight? He started to panic, but could feel something heavy laying across his face. He tried to remove it, but it was cool and smooth to the touch. Then he felt it breathe.

His mind processed the only possibility and shoved Spike off of him. The baby dragon landed on the pillow that he originally fell asleep on. To Tristan's surprise, he barely stirred. Tristan sighed and sat up in bed. It was definitely a crazy way to wake up, but that doesn't mean the rest of the day had to be crazy, right? After all, it was Fluttershy's first day out. How much of a handful can she be?

Not a second later, the door flung itself open, revealing the aforementioned yellow pegasus. She was hovering above the ground and carrying a tray with as much breakfast food as it could hold. She floated ever so carefully to Tristan's side of the bed and sat the tray onto his lap. Toast, oatmeal, pancakes, a tall glass of orange juice, and a cup of coffee lay atop it. Tristan could do nothing more than sit and stare.

"Fluttershy," he said, yawning, but still in shock, "You know you didn't have to do this, right?"

Fluttershy grinned and spun around in the air. "Well, um, y-you didn't have to let me go outside with you today either." she replied. "S-So maybe we're even now? I'm just so excited, I-I could explode!" She drew in the biggest breath she could and curled up into a ball, causing Tristan to turn away and cover his ears.

"...Pshhh..." Fluttershy whispered, mimicking the sound of what Tristan thought to be a drop of water hitting a hot frying pan. She extended her hooves in an exploding fashion, trying to add emphasis on her excitement. Tristan tried with every fiber of his being not to laugh at how adorable she was acting. It was almost heart-attack inducing.

Fluttershy landed softly at the foot of Tristan's bed and nudged at his tray. "Now eat up, Mister." she instructed. "Breakfast is the absolute most important meal of the day, you know!"

She stood and watched patiently as Tristan ate the food that was made especially for him, taking glances upwards to find that Fluttershy still stood her post. Tristan hurried through his meal as fast as he could, hoping to avoid more awkward silence. He finished the last pancake and guzzled the last drop of orange juice and slammed his glass back on the tray. Fluttershy clapped her hooves together in delight.

"Oh, my!" she said, "Somepony was hungry! Do I need to get you more?"

Tristan waved his hands in the air. He was almost too weak from eating so much in one setting. "No, no," he answered. "I'm stuffed. Thank you." He put on a big smile and moved the tray onto his nightstand. "I'm going to go take a shower now, so I'll be in the living room soon."

Fluttershy nodded and flew upward. She hovered over to the now empty breakfast tray and picked it up with her hooves. "Do you need any help getting cleaned up?" she asked, flying over to the door.

Tristan's face grew red from Fluttershy's innocent question. He shook it off and cleared his throat. "N-No, I'm fine, thanks." he stammered. "I'll see you in a sec, okay?"

Fluttershy nodded again and took off down the hallway and into the living room. Tristan shuffled out of bed and across the floor towards the bathroom, leaving a newly awake Spike rubbing his eyes. He climbed off the bed and waddled across the floor and down the hallway.

Tristan took his shower and changed into his clothes for the day, which were a purple v-neck and dark gray jeans. From his bedroom, he walked into the living room, seeing that everyone was already on about their own business. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Applejack all sat around the television, roaring with laughter at the men on the screen. He looked closer at the screen to find that they were watching an episode of a prank show that Tristan had recorded a while back.

"Look at all that flour!" Rainbow Dash squealed.

"Guys! It's not good when flour and water mix!" Pinkie Pie defended. "Trust me, I know!"

Applejack giggled "Ah guess y'all would call that a sticky situation!"

The four roared with laughter again, Spike falling over on top of Applejack.

Tristan chuckled to himself and looked for the rest of the ponies. Twilight was busy on the computer, as per usual. Tristan sighed loudly, wondering how Twilight was going to cope without a computer once she got back to Equestria. He turned his attention to Rarity, who was in a much chipper mood as she read through a fashion brochure she received from one of the shops she visited. But there was no Fluttershy to be found.

She walked out of the bathroom, already wearing the hoodie and shorts. Tristan gave her a puzzled look.

"W-Well, I don't want you to hurt your nose like last time I got changed." Fluttershy explained, a small blush forming.

Tristan's eyes widened, remembering the event all too well. He nodded quickly and allowed Fluttershy to walk over to Twilight. She took a seat right next to the chair, beaming up at Twilight. Twilight noticed her company and spun the chair around to cast the spell.

Twilight deployed her magic on the yellow pegasus and Fluttershy started morphing for the second time since she'd been here. When the light faded away, Tristan, like the others, was relieved to see that she had grown into her clothes correctly and, in Tristan's mind, had filled them out quite nicely. Fluttershy's pink hair fell over her busty torso and the shorts hugged her hips tightly.

Fluttershy twirled around, excited to once again be in human form. She skipped to the door as Tristan, trying to keep his mind away from Fluttershy's voluptuous figure, slipped on his shoes and waved goodbye to the ponies. They all waved back, then turned their attention back to the television just in time to catch the demise of yet another prank victim.

"Ooooh!" Rainbow Dash laughed. "That's gotta hurt!"

"That has got to be the biggest green ball I have ever seen in my whole entire life." added Pinkie Pie.

Fluttershy and Tristan were fast on their way into the city after their stop at the clothing store. After extensive consideration, Fluttershy picked out a yellow sweater, an off-white skirt, and some modest underwear. She sat quietly in the passenger's seat, letting out a fidget of excitement every now and again.

"So," Tristan began, hoping to break the silence. "What do you wanna do today?"

Fluttershy simply smiled at Tristan. "Oh, um, whatever you want to do is fine." she replied. "Really. I'll be happy with just about anything."

Tristan sighed. "But it's your first day out." he reminded. "You should get to do anything you want. You know, within reason."

Fluttershy looked up in thought, lightly tapping her chin. She gasped as she remembered something Twilight had told her about. "I want to go to the zoo!"

Her request had captured Tristan's attention. "The... zoo?" he asked.

Fluttershy nodded quickly. "Twilight said they had animals from all over the world there!" the pegasus exclaimed. "Wouldn't that be great? Every animal your world has to offer in one place! Can we go?" She bit at her nails in excitement, awaiting Tristan's answer.

In all the years he had lived in the city, Tristan never once had been to the zoo. His parents either didn't have the money to take him or he was too busy balancing a full time job and, at the time, college. He searched for the zoo on his phone and set his GPS app to get them there. Fluttershy gasped when the voice on the phone gave him his first bit of direction.

"I-It talks to you?" Fluttershy asked in awe.

Tristan chuckled. "Yeah, it'll do that from time to time" he replied. As they continued driving, Fluttershy would giggle every time it spoke. Tristan found Fluttershy's amazement entertaining. She spent the entire trip staring at the phone, waiting for their navigator to give its words of wisdom. She even tried to talk back to it a few times, but every time, she was met with disappointing silence.

After a good twenty minutes, they finally reached their destination. The phone even declared so, and Fluttershy gave a small squeal as they turned into the massive parking lot. They parked in the third row and began walking to the entrance. The sign above the gate was adorned with the likeness of several different animals, which only added to Fluttershy's giddiness. Tristan had only just got done paying the woman at the gate for admission when Fluttershy took him by the arm and started pulling him around the zoo.

Their first stop was to the reptile house. Tristan watched in half-amazement as Fluttershy skipped towards the different habitats, tapping the glass of each and managing to get the attention of any animal she wanted. She would speak to them, giving them compliments on their scales or breaking up a fight that occurred between two iguanas.

Fluttershy waved goodbye to each of the reptiles before skipping away to the next habitat.Tristan made an unsettling discovery as they were walking out of the reptile house: the reptiles had been smiling after Fluttershy visited them. He tried to shake it off as a hallucination and exited the building.

After that, they made their way to the bird sanctuary, which seemed to peak Fluttershy's interest. She hurried into the netted area and began instantly pointing out every type of bird she saw.

"How do you know about all these different kinds of birds, Fluttershy?" Tristan asked, surprised.

Fluttershy held out a finger as one of her new feathered friends landed gently on it. "Oh, we have a lot of the same animals in Equestria that you do here in your world." she explained. She sang a few notes to the bird and the bird sang it back, matching Fluttershy perfectly. Tristan's eyes widened as they continued to sing more, with the addition of a few more birds. Soon it became a full fledged choir, and passersby were beginning to stop and stare in awe.

Tristan took notice of the growing crowd and quickly stepped up to Fluttershy, interrupting her conducting. She looked around at the large group of people who began applauding her. The birds flew away and Fluttershy became flustered over the abundance of attention. Her whimpering gave Tristan all the reason he needed to pull her away from the bird sanctuary and into the Arctic Area, where they would spend the next hour marveling at the penguins and polar bears while avoiding the masses.

Back at Tristan's house, Pinkie Pie had been pulled into the seclusion and privacy of a certain bedroom closet by one of the other ponies. Nervous sweat flowed from her as she was met with a scrutinizing stare.

"Tristan was acting kinda weird when he came back home with you." her closet-mate informed. "You didn't say anything, did you?"

Pinkie's eyes shot open. "N-No!" she stammered. The other pony's eyes narrowed. "W-Well, I slipped and told him that one of us liked him, but I didn't say any names! Pinkie Promise!" She said, repeating the motions of the Pinkie Promise that they had made earlier.

The other pony put a hoof to her head. "You can't say anything to him." she reminded. "I didn't expect anything like this to happen when we got here, but after spending nearly a week with him, I've discovered feelings for him that I've never had for anypony else." She sighed deeply. "Please keep this secret and hope that its just something I can get over before we leave."

Pinkie Pie nodded furiously in agreement as she quickly escaped their makeshift meeting room, leaving the other pony to collect her thoughts.

What am I gonna do?

It had been a few hours since the two arrived at the zoo, so Tristan and Fluttershy decided to have lunch. Set up just between the Arctic Zone and the aquariums was a jungle-themed concession stand. Fluttershy ordered a simple to-go salad and Tristan, who was still full from his massive breakfast, settled for a simple ice pop. They took a seat at a nearby bench to enjoy their lunches.

"So," Tristan said, trying to jump start a conversation, "What do you think so far?"

Fluttershy swallowed the bite of salad she had in her mouth and beamed at Tristan. "It's great! I-It's more than great!" she blurted. "I'm having the time of my life, Tristan!" She threw her arms around him, wrapping him in an iron embrace.

"That's... great..." Tristan whispered, "But... can I... have some air?"

Fluttershy released her hold on a breathless Tristan, who sat gasping for air. "O-Oh..." Fluttershy said in a much more sober tone. "I-I'm sorry..."

"You're... fine..." Tristan said, catching his breath.

When Tristan found his normal breathing pattern again, they finished their quick lunch and proceeded over into the aquariums. The inside was dark, with only the lights from the massive tanks surrounding them and a few overhead lights illuminating the way. Fluttershy stared admiringly at all the sea life that swam around them. A group of children had glued themselves to a glass wall, watching as a Great White shark maneuvered through the water on the other side. Tristan saw the massive predator and began shaking out of fear.

"It's okay, Tristan" Fluttershy coaxed, hoping to calm his companion. "He's behind a very thick layer of glass. He couldn't hurt you if he wanted to."

Tristan gulped and, with Fluttershy gently pushing him, approached the edge of the tank. The children made way for him next to the glass so she she could have a front row seat to the shark's activity. The shark took notice of his new observer and swam close to the tank, revealing just how big he really was. Tristan shakily watched as it came eye to eye with him. If it wasn't for Fluttershy being there, he probably would have ran. But instead, he stood his ground, waiting until the shark left. Tristan exhaled, relieved that the beast had gone.

Some of the children giggled at Tristan's reaction to the shark, but was soon silenced by Fluttershy's piercing stare. She pulled Tristan away from the glass wall and they continued through the rest of the aquarium. His mood eventually picked back up as they left the aquarium and made their way to the Safari Park.

The first animal they saw was the lion. Fluttershy stood next to the railing where they were kept, waving to get its attention. The lion approached and purred loudly as it gained a lot of attention from the pink-haired woman. Tristan approached Fluttershy, bewildered at her bravery.

"How are you not the least bit afraid of that beast?" Tristan asked.

Fluttershy giggled. "It's just like a Manticore," she replied, "Just not nearly as big."

Tristan cocked his head to the side. "Manticore?" he echoed.

She nodded.

"What's that?" Tristan followed up, not sure if he was ready for an answer.

"A Manticore," Fluttershy informed, "Has the body of a lion, the tail of a scorpion, and large wings. They're about twice the size of that lion there."

Tristan's mind had been partially blown that something so terrifying existed in their previously assumed cute world. His mouth hung slightly open from trying to even picture such a thing. It was no wonder Fluttershy was treating the lion like an overgrown house cat.

The two finally left the lion's habitat and explored the rest of the Safari Park area of the zoo. Once they had been through the rest of the zoo (and the gift shop, where Tristan bought Fluttershy a stuffed panda bear), they proceeded back through the entrance gate and back to Tristan's car. The upholstered seats felt amazing to the pair, who were feeling slightly weary after their day.

Tristan checked his phone for the time. It had been four and a half hours since Fluttershy's transformation, giving them plenty of time for another activity and, very possibly, dinner. He looked over at Fluttershy, who was snuggling her panda bear. He smiled to himself as he backed out of his parking space and started driving towards the city.


Thank you guys so much for your patience. Again.

I hope this satisfies everyone's "Inner MOAR Monster" for at least a few days, anyway, lol. I'll definitely work extra super hard to get the next chapter written, revised, and out the door as soon as possible for you guys. Also, big special thanks to HadronPony for agreeing to be my proofreader. As a beginner writer, I really appreciate getting a few pointers about writing. And I also love reading you guys' comments! Keep 'em coming! Let me know what you think!

That's all for now! See you guys in Chapter 13!