• Published 7th Apr 2019
  • 1,592 Views, 39 Comments

Shadow Rising - Shadow Hound

What happens when a visitor from the north of Equestria comes for a visit. A event that will change the Kingdom forever. Secrets get exposed, dimensions get crossed And the sun may never rise again. Find out in this adventure story.

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Chapter Eleven: A slice of Apple Pie

Shadow watched as a bead of rain worked its way down the window. In a way, he rooted for it. It was so determined even though, in all chances, it would not make it and would disappear among the other raindrops.

Shadow’s mind started to fill with thoughts. His mind was racing and he found it difficult to focus on just one idea. Shadow did the only thing that he could do, and that was to look out the window and to try to focus one just one thing. Shadow didn’t want to go back to sleep. He could sense that Nightmare was lurking around. She was waiting for him to fall asleep.

About a year ago, she only visited him once every few moons. Lately, Nightmare was making her presence known almost every night. Even though Shadow was tired, he couldn’t fall asleep when his mind was busy. And, right now, he was thinking about nearly everything.

Shadow was not trying to be secretive with Twilight. Twilight seemed much nicer than the spies said she was. Or was it a trick? Did Shadow give away too much information on himself? Did he just expose the Lycan Empire to Equestria?

It was not the first time, and chances are it was not the last. It surprised Shadow that most of the world did not believe that lycans existed. Would Twilight dig too much into his past? What if she figures out the truth. What if she thinks he was strange? It could tip her off and make her curious to look into his past. If she looked into his past she could find the Lycan Empire. Shadow bit his lip. How could he have been so careless? He asked himself.

Shadow started to feel burning down his back. It was a reminder of his previous failures that haunted him. He could see his father laughing as he lay screaming in pain. He felt like he could see his father looking down at him, calling him a disappointment. His heart rate started to race. His body began to shake.

Twilight tapped a hoof onto his shoulder. Shadow jumped.

Shadow snapped back. “What do you want?”

Twilight asked, “Are you ok?”

Shadow could feel a headache coming. He rubbed his temple and said calmly, “Yeah. I’m F.I.N.E.” In other words he was feeling Frustrated, Insecure, Neurotic, and Exhausted. This was a joke that he told himself. The joke being that Shadow doubted that anyone would be able to help him. How many ponies had experience with the nightmares that would haunt him nightly? So in Shadows opinion he was doing just F.I.N.E.

Twilight asked with concern, “Shadow is there is anything I can help you with?”

Shadow started panting. He felt like the heater was on and the train car was a thousand degrees. “Give me some space.”

Twilight answered, “Ok then. If you need anything, just let me know.”

Shadow turned back to the window. Was he too harsh? He tried to focus his thoughts on something else. He wondered why he snapped at Twilight earlier. She was only trying to help. What if AJ had seen? He tried to focus on anything else.

Hey, look, there is the bead of rain. It slowly merged with its friends at the bottom of the window. The rain was not like him. At least it could blend in.

Shadow shut his eyes and tried to focus on something positive. Think of something that makes you happy. Shadow took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds, like the smell of Apples.

Shadow thought about how it felt to run through the Apple Trees. Their sweet, crisp scent was a striking contrast to anything that he ever smelled in the Lycan Empire. He could feel the wind flowing through his mane. He could feel the warm sun on his pelt. When he closed his eyes, he could almost smell their sweet scent. His mind shifted to the time that he first ate a slice of apple pie.

It was many years ago. The story started when The King summoned Shadow. His father stood at the front of the dining hall table. Fancy cheese and fruit covered the table. In the middle sat a roast chicken. Two guards stood by the king’s chair as he ate.

King Archimedes spoke, “Do you know why I called you in here?”

Shadow sniped, “So you could eat in front of me?”

King Archimedes held out a turkey leg. “I mean other than that.” Archimedes dug his fangs into the turkey leg rather loudly and then tore off a chunk of meat. The king spoke with food in his mouth, “Answer right, and I may feed you.”

Shadow responded, “Yesterday, the hunt went well. I see you are enjoying the chicken that I caught.”

King Archimedes responded, “And that is the problem. You are too good at hunting and nothing else.”

Shadow asked, “And what is wrong with that?”

King Archimedes said, “It is beneath you. You are a prince. If anything happens to me, it is going to be your job to rule subjects; to keep them in line.”

King Archimedes held up a cup. In response, a lycan walked in and filled it with more drink. “Your country should serve you. You should not serve your country.”

Shadow said, “And what is wrong with serving the people? Because of me, we have more than enough food.”

King Archimedes responded with a shake of his head in pity, “My dear son, you have so much to learn.” He sneered, “A well-fed population is lazy. A hungry population is easier to control.”

Shadow looked at his father and sat down at the table, “Then I guess I am not going to eat.”

King Archimedes held out a chicken leg and waved it around, “And so observe.”

King Archimedes then threw it onto the floor across the room. His guards started moving toward it. King Archimedes held out his paw, and they stopped. "This is the kind of control you only get when you have complete control of your subjects."

King Archimedes looks at Shadow with a sinister grin, “So my son, are you going to get it?”

Shadow responded, “I don’t fetch.”

King Archimedes said, “Very well, then.” With a snap of his claws, his guards fought over the chicken leg and tore it into pieces, and devoured it. The king laughed at the show.

King Archimedes continued, “I will not have my son waste his life hunting. You need to learn how to control a pack.”

Shadow reached out at a plate of dinner rolls. King Archimedes yelled, “STOP!” Shadow looked at a scar that was on the top of his paw. He put his empty paw back down at his side.

King Archimedes scolded, “You don’t get to eat anything. You should have taken the chicken leg.”

Shadow winced and then looked down.

King Archimedes continued, “I have assigned you to Sarge’s team to deliver iron in Ponyville. Sarge is in charge. I hope you will see him as a teacher. Then, someday, you can earn your way into being Pack Leader. With any hope, you will learn to be a great leader.”

Shadow pleaded, “But father.”

King Archimedes responded, “What have I said about begging?”

Shadow bowed down to his father, his nose nearly touched the ground. “Yes, Father, I will not fail you.”

King Archimedes smiled, “You better not. You are 980 years old. I want better for you than chasing animals all day.”

Shadow joined with the Sarge’s pack when he left the castle. They started the mission. When Shadow arrived at Ponyville, it was a cold and wet day. The sun shined over the group. Its warmth was a welcome change from the cold winds of the Lycan Empire.

Shadow walked behind Sarge. Shadow disliked this, but Sarge told him to stay close. Shadow was very uncomfortable walking this close to Sarge. In pack formation, he was in the first paws spot. However, he has none of the responsibility. This change in the pack rules made the First Paw, a lycan named Claw furious. Instead, Sarge told Shadow to scan the forest back and forth for any problems or threats the pack might face. A job that Shadow took way too seriously.

Back in the present, Shadow hit himself on the head. “How could I have forgotten? I should have chosen a First Paw.” Shadow clenched his jaw. Then there wouldn’t have been so much confusion when Shadow was not there to command the pack. A First Paw has the power to take leadership when the Pack Leader is not able to. The First Paw is in charge of everyone except the Pack Leader. Shadow guessed that he never chose a First Paw because he never thought of anyone as really being a leader. Why shouldn’t everyone have a say in what the pack does?

Shadow looked up in confusion as he wondered; Where was I in the story?

Sarge smacked Shadow on the shoulder. “You don’t need to scan the forest every second.”

Shadow just nodded.

Sarge and the pack stopped at whitetail woods. Two lycans grabbed opened the back of the wagon and started unloading crates of iron. Shadow fumbled around for something to do but everyone in the pack was on task and ignored him, as if he didn’t matter. Shadow walked over to the lycans to help with the iron. They responded to his attempt by ignoring him. One even stepped infront of him. Blocking him from touching the iron.


Sarge stopped and put a paw down in the middle of a clearance. “We are going to make camp here.”

Shadow nodded in acknowledgment.

Sarge pointed at one of the large crates. “Shadow, you sell this ore to the buyer.”

Shadow asked, “Who is it?”

Sarge stomped over to the cart and ripped the white paper off of it. Then Sarge stomped over to Shadow.

Sarge waved the paper in Shadows face. “Read the list,” he demanded, “or are you so useless that you can’t read on your own?”

Shadow grabbed the list. “I will manage it.”

Shadow looked at the sheet and said, “Sweet Apple Acres.”

Sarge knocked on Shadow's head. “So you can read. Don’t expect a gold star.”

Shadow put his head down and sighed as Sarge walked away.

Shadow held the crystal in his paw and closed his eyes. In a flash of bright light, he transformed into a pony.

Shadow looked at the crate and picked up a rope with his teeth, and started to pull.

Sarge groaned, “As much as I would like to see you lose all your teeth, your father would kill me.”

Sarge threw a harness at Shadow. It landed around his horn. “Use this.”

Shadow said with a smirk, “Thanks. You do care.”

Sarge looked at Shadow in disgust. “Knock it off. I can already taste the vomit.”

Shadow slipped on the harness and attached it to the card. The Harness attached to the cart with 4 large ropes. This allowed the weight to be pulled by his whole body. Shadow pulled hard in the direction of the orchard, his dug his feet into the ground. The cart barely moved. Shadow stopped and looked at Sarge. “What did you put in this thing? Rocks? Can’t you get somebody else to pull it?”

Sarge reached into the cart and pulled out a leather rope, and said, “Do I need to show you what I do to lycans that don’t follow orders?”

Shadow gulped, “No, I understand. I meant to say that I would be happy to pull an insanely heavy cart all over Equestria.”

Sarge put the whip down. “Good. Lucky for you, the customer lives nearby.”

Shadow slowly dragged the cart down the road. Its wheels were too small and kept getting caught in mud forcing Shadow to pull it until the wheels finally moved.

Finally, what felt like years later, Shadow pulled the box to the customer. Shadow stood in awe after he walked through a sign that read “Sweet Apple acres”.

Shadow looked across the farm to see rows of apple trees. The air was clean and smelled sweet. Most likely, where the farm got its name. One male stallion trotted through the fields and kicked a large tree. The tree shook and dropped a bunch of apples into a basket filling it.

The pony looked over at Shadow and trotted toward him, leaving the full basket next to the tree. The stallion smiled at Shadow and said with a calm. “Howdy, partner. What canna do for ya?”

Shadow was confused. The stallion was sweaty and dirty, but he was smiling. Shadow was not used to seeing anything smile while working. Normally when Lycans work they complain. However this pony seemed to enjoy the farm life.

Shadow was slightly interested in the work that the pony was doing. The entire farm was huge. It was too much for one pony to work. That, and the profit margin on an apple had to be small.

The stallion held out a hoof. “Names Bright Mac.”

Shadow was unsure of what Bright Mac was trying to do. Before that day, he had not had much experience in pony ruled towns. Shadow took several steps back. In the Lycan kingdom reaching out a paw meant that you wanted to fight. However Bright Mac was smiling. Shadow was not sure if Bright Mac wanted to greet him or battle.

Bright Mac said, “It is ok to shake my hoof. I don’t bite.”

Shadow held out a hoof, not sure what to do with it. “Names Shadow.”

Bright Mac grabbed his paw… I mean hoof and shook it. “It is a pleasure to meet ya.”

A cream yellow mare with an orange mane and a round belly trotted out of the house. “Oh, is that the metal?”

Shadow said, “It is, but I don’t know how much use it is going to be to farmers.”

Bright Mac grinned, “I know someone in town who can turn it into barrel rings. We use barrels when we sell cider.”

Shadow thought for a moment and then said, “I understand. You are buying the metal to save money on the rings. Very smart indeed.”

Bright Mac grinned. “I see we have a business pony around us.”

Shadow brushed his mane with his hoof. “I know a few things.”

The mare threw a bag of bits onto the ground. “That should cover the cost of the metal.”

Shadow hovered the bag of coins in the air. “Thank you, Miss.”

The mare said, “Pear Butter.”

Shadow put the bag around his neck. “Pear Butter.”

Pear Butter sat down on a bench, pat her belly, and breathed heavily. “I swear I was going to give birth to a bull.”

Shadow nodded, “You are pregnant? I am glad to hear your bloodline will continue. May your family bloodline be plentiful.”

Pear Butter and Bright Mac raise their eyebrows. Bright Mac answered, “Aaaaaaaaa, Thanks?”

Shadow asked, “What is the little pup’s name going to be?”

Pear Butter hugged Bright Mac. “Her name is going to be Applejack.”

Shadow said, “It is a wonderful name.”

Shadow looked at the iron. “I am surprised that you do not lose bits. You still have to pay a pony to bend the metal and make the rings.”

Pear Butter grinned, “Lucky for us; he accepts pie.”

Shadow raised an ear, “You don’t use money?”

Pear Butter smiled and waved both her hooves in the air. “I bake him apple pies. Best in all of Equestria.”

Shadow smiled back. “I am sure that they are.” Shadow mentally questioned the profitability of such a business agreement but didn’t vocalize it. They seemed so happy.

Pear Butter asked, “Hey Shug, how about if you take a bite? I am sure you will come back for more.”

Shadow responded, “I am sure it is good, but I have other business to attend to.” Shadow wanted to get back before Sarge got mad. The last thing that Shadow wanted to do was anger him and his father.

Bright Mac walked through the house’s door holding a fresh apple pie. He put the pie down on the table. It was warm, most likely right out of the oven. How steams floated from it and into Shadow’s nose.

The smell of the pie made him salivate. Even if he looked like a pony, he had the senses of a lycan, so it was overloading his sense of smell. He could smell each ingredient. In the pie, he could smell the Apples, the flour, and something that smelled sweet.

Bright Mac said, “Nonsense. There is always time for pie.”

Bright Mac pushed Shadow toward the bench. Shadow sat down at it and looked tensely around. Nervously Shadow tapped the table. Surely if Sarge caught him, the result would not be good.

Pear Butter cut the pie and put a slice in front of Bright Mac and Shadow. Shadow watched as Bright Mac took a big piece onto his fork and put it into his mouth. Bright Mac chewed loudly and with his mouth open. Something that the lycans did. “Bright Mac chewed with his mouth open, “Mmmm, honey, your pies keep getting better and better.”

Pear Butter looked at Bright Mac. “Are you saying that they were not good before?”

Shadow whimpered, and his ears went down. Was a fight going to start? Why did he always have to ruin everything?

Bright Mac giggled and corrected himself, “Of course not. They are always good.”

Shadow looked at a slice of pie that was in front of him. Shadow watched as the filling slowly fell onto the plate. Hot steam flowed out of it. It was right out of the oven and as fresh as pie could get. It tempted him, but he was unsure if he should take any. Something that looked this good was usually only reserved for royalty, his father. He would have never let him have anything but his usual rations.

Pear Butter asked with concern in her voice. “Are you ok, sugar cube?”

Shadow looked at Pear Butter. “I am doing well.”

Pear Butter asked, “Then why haven’t you touched your pie?”

Shadow responded, “I am enjoying the scent of it. I feel bad for eating it. It feels like I would be eating art.” Or breaking the rules, he adds inwardly.

Bright Mac asked, “Why would you feel bad? We gave it to you. It is yours.”

Shadow responded, “But I have not given you anything in return. I did not pay for it.”

Bright Mac smiled. “You are practically family, so it is free.”

Shadow said in a low voice. “My family would charge me.”

Both Apples looked at each other and laughed. “You are funny. Now stop playing around and eat it while it is warm.”

Bight Mac insisted, “Well, you are an Apple now. Apples do not charge other Apples, so you don’t have to pay.”

Shadow, unsure, rested his chin on the table and watched the family for disapproval. It must be a test. It would be harmful to take it and ruin the relationship that the lycans have with this family. He didn’t want to lose them as customers.

To his surprise, they had all stopped to smile at him. Slowly he reached his tongue out toward the slice. He looked around at the approving glances that they passed him.

Lightly Shadow’s tongue grazed the side of the slice. He looked around to see a wall of smiling faces. Slowly some apple filling dripped onto his tongue.

Shadow pulled back his tongue, and his face lit up. “Wow! This tastes amazing!”

Shadow tilted his head and asked, “Why would you give me this?”

Pear Butter said, “To say thanks for the delivery.”

Shadow responded, “But isn’t that what the bits were for?”

Pear Butter responded, “That was to pay for it. The pie is to say thanks.”

Shadow’s head tilted, “Say thanks?”

Bright Mac said, “Yes. It is a gift to say thanks for the delivery.”

Shadow reached down and grabbed large chunks of pie in his mouth. He swallowed them without chewing. After Shadow ate the slice of pie, he started to lick the plate.

Bright Mac said, “You can use the fork if you want.”

Shadow looked up with a piece of apple pie falling from his chin. He said, “Oh, Sorry.”

Pear Butter said, “Don’t be. I am glad to see that you enjoy it.”

Pear Butter went on to ask, “Would you like another piece?”

Shadow asked, “Can I? For free?”

Bright Mac said with a straight face, “No. It cost 200 bits.”

Shadow put his head down. “Oh, it is ok. I don’t need any more pie.”

Bright Mac slugged Shadow on the shoulder, “No, it is free. Why do you keep asking that?”

Shadow looked back and forth between Bright Mac and Pear Butter. “But you just said it was 200 bits.”

Bright Mac laughed, “I was joking.”

Shadow looked at his empty plate, “If nobody else will have any more, I guess I would have another slice.”

Pear Butter raised an eyebrow, “What do ya mean?”

Shadow said, “I just don’t want to take anybody else’s pie.”

Pear Butter cut another slice. “I said it was fine.”

Shadow panted as he saw it fall onto his plate. Bright Mac and Pear Butter smiled at each other when they heard the sound of Shadow’s tail hitting the seat.

Bright Mac said, “It is all yours. Dig in.”

Shadow took large bites from the pie and forgot to use the fork. Bright Mac laughed and said, “Not quite what we meant, but I am glad you are enjoying it. And you better while it lasts.”

Shadow looked up and asked, “What do you mean?”

Pear Butter answered. “We are having a problem with vampire fruit bats. Granny Smith told us that the last time they visited, they nearly ate the whole farm.”

Bright Mac said that he doesn’t know how they will get by with all of Equestria relying on those apples. No more apples mean no more apple cider, no more apples, and no more farm.

Shadow looked up. Pie crumbs were covering his face, “No more pie?”

Bright Mac shook his head no.

Pear Butter asked, “Do ya want some more, sugar cube?”

Shadow answered, “No, thank you. I am stuffed.”

Bright Mac asked, “Then why are ya licking the plate?”

Shadow put the plate down and cowered.

Before Shadow could protest, Pear Butter put more on the plate. Shadow ate it much slower after hearing the grim news.

After hearing about the bats, I knew what I needed to do. These ponies were so generous and giving. They did not deserve to lose their farm.

Shadow decided that he was not going to let their farm turn to dust. That night he, and a group of lycans, snuck into the farm. They removed every fruit bat that they could find from the farm.

The lycans had removed three bags full of vampire fruit bats from the farm by the early morning. Shadow sent the lycans back to the camp with their reward. Shadow was just finishing up with the fourth and last bag. He tied off the bag so that nothing would fall out.

Bright Mac walked up to Shadow. “What have ya got there, ma friend?”

Shadow responded, “It was going to be a surprise.”

Bright Mac looked concerned, “What was?”

Shadow answered, “You and your family are very nice. I could not let your farm get eaten. I took care of your bat problem.” Shadow used his magic to hover the bag in the air. “They will not be coming back.”

Bright Mac looked scared. He listened into the night to hear that it was silent and the bats’ clattering was gone. Bright Mac looked around, and his gaze ended on Shadow, “What is in the bag?”

Shadow smiled. “They are your former pest. It took four bags, but now your farm is safe. Do you want to see the proof?”

Bright Mac answered, “No, I don’t need to see them. Why are they in a bag, anyway?”

Shadow hovered the bag back and away from Bright Mac. “I was not going to leave them in the barn. Unless you want them, I could use them.”

Bright Mac raised his voice. “I don’t want them! just get them out of here.”

Shadow frowned, “I am sorry. I hope I did not bother you.”

Bright Mac pushed Shadow toward the gate, “I am fine. Just get them outta here.”

Shadow put down his ears, “Please don’t be mad at me.”

Bright Mac said, “I am not mad.”

Shadow answered, “Then why do you want me to leave? Should I never come back?”

Bright Mac answered, “No, I am fine. I don’t want for Pear Butter to find out. She didn’t like the bats either but she didn’t want to see harm come to any of em.”

Shadow apologized, “I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or your kin.”

Bright Mac put a hoof over Shadows shoulder, “You have just saved my farm. Feel free to stop by anytime. Just next time, please ask before you remove anything from the farm.”

Shadow wagged his tail, “I am sorry. I should have asked. Are you sure I can have these?”

Bright Mac answered, “You can have all of them. Just don’t tell me how you are going to use them.”

Shadow replied, “Are you sure?”

Bright Mac answered, “Yup!”

Shadow replied, “Thank you. I shall see you again.”

Bright Mac waved a hoof, and Shadow walked down the path. “Stop by any time.”

The lycans in the pack were very happy with what Shadow had done except Sarge. They liked the Bats. Shadow was sad when the lycans packed up their camp and left Ponyville.

Shadow stood on a hill and looked at Ponyville like it was the last time that he was going to see it. In some ways, he feared that it was going to be. So many countries had fallen in Shadows life Timbucktu, the city of Trot. Shadow hoped the Apples were going to be ok. He didn’t know why, but he felt bad for leaving.

A grey lycan with a dark green mane nudged him in the side. “You’re not going to cry, are you?”

Shadow sighed, “No, Ash. I am fine.”

Sarge responded, “Ok, good, because if you want to cry, I can give you something to cry about.”

Ash asked, “So what do you think about that place anyway?”

Shadow breathed in heavy and wiped his face, “It was ok.”

Shadow watched as the farm faded from his vision. He tried not to show any emotion. Hee fought a lip quiver. His ears went down, and he followed the pack back home.

Shadow never forgot the friendly ponies on the farm. It took longer than he expected, over five years, for Shadow to get reassigned to go back to Ponyville. Shadow knew that he couldn’t do it sooner or look too excited. If his father knew, his father would destroy the farm if it meant making him unhappy. The fact that Shadow was over 900 years old taught him patience. Eventually, Shadow was able to accept another mission to Ponyville. He only hoped that the farm and Ponyville were safe.

Shadow was delighted when Sarge asked him what crate he wanted to take. Shadow grabbed the metal for the Sweet Apple Acres and didn’t complain. Sarge was interested in why Shadow was eager to deliver the iron to the Apple family farm.

A short delivery later, Shadow sat at the table and devoured a slice of pie. Bright Mac and Pear Butter sat across from him. Between them sat a little orange filly.

Bright Mac sat down and asked, “How have you been? Is the iron business doing well?”

Shadow smiled. “Everything is doing fine. How has your family been?”

Bright Mac grinned. “We have been well.” He pointed to an orange filly that was sitting at the table. She had eaten two slices of pie already. “As you can tell, we now have a little filly of our own.”

Applejack spat out her tongue. “I am not a little filly. I am 5 years old.”

Bright Mac responded and laughed, “I am sorry; you are a very big mare.”

Applejack said, “Darn tootin right. I reckon that I am old enough to harvest all these apples on my own.”

Pear Butter kissed her daughter. “I am sure you could, sugar cube.”

A red stallion walked outside of the house and peaked his head out. He mostly just surveyed the family and did busy work in the background.

Bright Mac pointed a hoof and said, “Have you met my son, Big Mac?”

Bright Mac waved his son to come over. “Say hi to our friend.”

Big Mac slowly trotted over. He looked up from the ground, “Hi.”

Bright Mac asked, “What is bothering you?”

Big Mac asked, “Why do you keep giving pies to the stranger?”

Applejack screamed, “All the pie is mine!!!!” She then shoved a large slice of pie into her mouth.

Bright Mac looked shocked. “I think Applejack ate most of it.”

Bright Mac picked up AJ and walked into the house, “Better get her cleaned up.”

Applejack shook a hoof at Shadow, “Don’t eat all of my pie!!”

Pear Butter giggled and then looked at her son. “Because kindness will always be rewarded.”

Shadow looked around the train car and thought about how true that turned out to be. However, back then, he did not get the significance of that statement.

After eating just one slice of pie, that was worth it. Shadow wished the Apple family well and good health. Shadow looked up to the sky and saw that it was gray and full of clouds. Shadow warned, “It looks like a storm is coming. Stay safe.”

That evening the lycans packed up and started walking home. It began to rain. A small drizzle that eventually turned into a downpour.

The lycan team pulled the two carts uphill. Mud and water made the task too difficult for one lycan to pull a wagon, so each wagon needed two lycans to pull them. One lycan also rode in each wagon to break the wagon when the lycans pulling needed a rest. Shadow and Ash walked behind the wagons as they scanned for danger.

Sarge rode in one of the wagons to aid in breaking.

Shadow peaked his head up when he thought he heard screaming.

Shadow turned around. “Did anyone else hear that?”


Shadow shouted back, “SOMEONE NEEDS HELP.”

Shadow heard the scream again. He was not sure who it was, but it sounded familiar.

Sarge said, “Your number one priority is on the pack. Stay in formation.”

Shadow complained, “But what if they need help.”

Sarge said, “Good! Then there will be more food for the crows.”

Shadow heard the screaming again. He turns around and goes to the end of the formation.

Sarge looked at him and warned, “Boy, if you leave, I am going to whip you.”

Shadow heard another scream. This time he was sure that it sounded like Bright Mac and Pear Butter. Shadow grit his teeth. With a new look of determination, he ran down the hill and away from the pack.

Shadow ran around the cliff until he found the source of the screaming. He was not surprised to see that the source of the screaming was from the Apple family. One cart was parked calmly on the side of the road with its breaks on. The other wagon was half off the edge of a cliff. Big Mac was attached to the cart and was pulling hard but to no avail. Big Mac had the look of terror on his face as the wagon slowly pulled him closer to the edge.

Shadow looked at Bright Mac, who was yelling orders at Big Mac. Pear Butter stood on Big Macs’ back and was trying to climb up onto the wagon. The wagon moved in protest.

Bright Mac looked to Shadow. “We need help! Big Mac was pulling the other cart, and it slipped. Now it is going to go over.”

Shadow asked, “Why can’t we disconnect the cart and let it go over?”

Bright Mac said back, “Applejack is in the cart.”

Bright Mac retorted, “You’re a unicorn. Use your magic to hover the cart.”

Shadow yelled back, “I can’t. I have only hovered anything as small as a plate of food.”

Bright Mac asked, “So what?”

Shadow explained, “If I can’t control it, I could send the cart over the edge.”

Bright Mac held up a rope. “We need to pull the wagon up the cliff so we can get Applejack.”

Shadow grabbed the end of the rope and pulled hard. Eventually, when he got it close enough, he used his magic to tie it to a tree beside the road. The rope became instantly taught. The tree creaked and groaned but held.

Bright Mac disconnected Big Mac’s harness. Big Mac sat up and let his mother step on his head so she could reach into the cart.

Shadow looked into the wagon to see that the little orange filly was between two crates of cider.

Pear Butter yelled, “JUMP OFF BEFORE IT FALLS!”

Applejack yelled back. “I CAN’T. MY HOOF IS STUCK.”

Shadow, Big Mac, and Bright Mac all put their weight on the front of the cart. Pear Butter climbed over the front and reached for her daughter. The mud under the wagon started to crumble, causing the wagon to slide back. Shadow pressed his body down on the wood frame as much as he could.

Pear Butter dug her hoof into Bright Mac’s face as she reached for her daughter’s hoof. They needed a few more inches. Bright Mac raised his head as high as it would go. The cart started to creak and groan. The sound of wood splintering filled the night between lightning strikes. The rain made it hard to see. Very slowly, Pear Butter reached as far as she could go. The wet hooves made contact. Pear Butter pulled as hard as she could.

She cried. “She is stuck. I need more leverage.” She pulled with all her might. The wagon started to slide backward. Shadow grabbed a branch and put it between the wheel spokes, so they wound not spin. The cart slowly started to drag backward.

Pear Butter screamed, “BUCK! APPLEJACK BUCK EVERYTHING IN THAT WAGON, GET YOUR LEG FREE!” Applejack started kicking. The sound of wood breaking filled the night. Pear Butter pulled again. She failed to pull her daughter up. She cried out. “Keep bucking.”

Just then, the rope holding the wagon to the tree broke. The wagon resumed sliding backward. The wagon slid backward and kept sliding. Bright Mac grabbed Pear Butter back and pulled her away from the cliff. Pear Butter screamed in protest as she watched Applejack and the cart slide over the cliff.

The cart stopped momentarily. Pear Butter smacked Bright Mac in the face. She screamed, “WE HAVE TO SAVE HER!”

Bright Mac held her tightly and said, “I am sorry. I can’t lose the both of you.”

Shadow looked at the cart and then the pony family. He thought for a moment about what he could do. Shadow debated on if he could save Applejack without using his wings. Pear Butter sobbed and hit her husband. Bright Mac teared up. Confusion and fear-filled Big Mac’s face.

Suddenly the wagon started falling down the cliff. Shadow made a choice. He transformed into a lycan, and in a bright light, he flew up. His wings unfolded. Shadow closed them again, giving him a large amount of speed as he dashed after the wagon.

Shadow flew into the wagon and used his magic to blast the crate that was pinning Applejack’s body. Just then, the cart started to flip upside down. Applejack's weightless body flew in the air. Shadow grabbed the wall of the wagon and pushed away from it out towards the forest. Shadow grabbed Applejack and then flew out of the wagon.

Shadow looked. Right below him was the mud floor of the forest. The wagon smashed into the floor behind him, sending cider spilling across the forest.

Shadow looked back to see a wagon wheel heading for him. Shadow couldn’t turn fast enough and stay in the air. He held Applejack tightly as the wheel flew towards them. The wheel hit Shadow in the head, and Shadow skidded across the floor. The next thing that Shadow remembered, his body hit something hard and the world went dark.

The last thing that he saw was Applejack looking at him, “Hero puppy?”

Shadows head fell into the wet earth. His world grew dark.

Shadow looked around the railway cart to see that Twilight had managed to fall asleep in the train seat with her list in her lap. Shadow looked out the window to see that the train was going up a mountain. Another train had attached to the rear of the train. Shadow guessed that they needed the extra power because of the guest traveling to Canterlot for the Gala.

Shadow stroked a hoof through Applejack’s mane. He started to wonder if Applejack remembered that night or if she forgot.

When Shadow awoke, he opened his eyes. His head was burning, and his body was in pain. Shadow looked outside the house to see rows of apple trees and an all too familiar bench.

Shadow panicked. Who brought him here? He looked over his body to see that his right-wing and his right arm were in bandages. Shadow pulled the bandages off his right front arm. It immediately started to burn. Shadow wished he had not done that.

He heard a very familiar voice say sternly, “Don’t move.”

Shadow jumped to his feet and hid behind the couch.

Bright Mac smiled and looked at the couch, “You don’t have to hide. I didn’t hurt you for the five hours that you were asleep. I am not going to hurt you now.”

Shadow stuck his head out and looked into the kitchen. Bright Mac poured himself a glass of cider.

Shadow panted and realized how thirsty he was.

Shadow walked out and asked, “You are not mad?”

Bright Mac laughed, “Why would I be mad? You worry too much.”

Shadow said, “You are very nice for some ponies who just found out that I am not your average stallion.”

Shadow asked, “Why did you save me?”

Pear Butter walked into the room and said, “You saved our daughter. We were not going to leave you in the forest.”

Bright Mac took another sip of cider. “We cleaned your injuries as best as we could. Some of them looked a few months old.”

Shadow said, “Thanks. It is complicated.”

Bright Mac said, “More complicated than having a wolf-pony in the house.”

Shadow's ears perked up. “Is Applejack ok?”

Bright Mac said, “She is fine. Right now, she is sleeping upstairs.”

Shadow looked at Bright Mac and Pear Butter. He said in a severe tone, “You can not tell anybody. If my father finds out.”

Bright Mac and Pear Butter laughed.

Pear Butter said, “Of course we are not going to tell anybody. They would lock us up if you told them.”

Bright Mac washed the glass in the sink. “Like anypony would believe us anyway.”

Shadow flew down the path that the lycans would have taken to get back home. He didn’t want to find them but he knew that he had to. If they searched for him and found the farm, they would attack it. So, for the safety of the Apple family, he left as soon as he could. He found his pack camped at the morning line. The line that separates the Lycan Empire and Equestria.

Sarge ran out of a tent when Shadow landed. Sarge demanded, “Who are they? I need to make sure that they don’t speak to anyone ever again.”

Shadow smiled. “I have no idea. They were just some stray ponies.”

Sarge grinned, “I was hoping you would say that.”

Two lycans got on either side of Shadow and grabbed him. One of them put a heavy black collar made of stone around his neck. Shadow realized that his magic didn’t work anymore.

Sarge pulled a leather whip out of a wagon.

The two lycans tied him to a tree. He felt them tie his wrists together.

Sarge ordered, “Tell me who they were and where they live?”

Shadow answered, “I don’t know.”

Shadow felt something strike his back. Shadow screamed in pain as he denied, “I don’t know!”

Sarge said with no remorse. “I don’t believe you. That was for running away.”

Shadow felt it again in his back started to burn. “I never asked.”

Sarge screamed, “Where did you meet them?” Sarge sent the whip flying twice more.

Shadow screamed in pain both times.

Shadow pleaded, “I don’t know them.”

Sarge yelled, “Do you know what will happen if they tell Celestia.”

Shadow screamed as he felt another hit on his back.

Sarge said, “If they tell Celestia, you would expose our home to all of the Royal Army.”

Shadow screamed, “They are not going to say anything.”

Sarge smiled, “So you were lying.”

Shadows ears dropped.

Sarge walked over and yelled in Shadow's face, “Then tell me.”

Shadow started to break down. Tears flowed down his face. Shadows back felt like it was on fire and hurt. Shadow began to get dizzy. And his back felt wet soaking the bandages in crimson liquid.

Sarge dug his claws into Shadow’s face. Drops of blood came from Shadow’s cheeks.

Sarge mocked, “You are pathetic. If you think this is bad, you should see what we went through at the academy. We did this daily for fun.”

Shadow responded, “You have a sick idea of fun.”

Sarge pushed Shadows face into the tree. “Well, we can’t all be spoiled little brats like you.”

Sarge beat his chest. “Maybe after a few more, you are going to stop acting like a pup.”

Claw giggled. Sarge turned to Claw and asked, “What is so funny?”

Claw answered, “We just got a note from the king. He said to go home and not to touch the prince.”

Sarge gasped, “What?”

Claw laughed menacingly. “Yeah, boss. He said that he would deal with Shadow.”

Sarge bit his lip. “Well, that is just bucking great!”

Claw pat Sarge on the shoulder. “Been nice knowing you.”

Sarge turned around and said to Shadow. “Why wouldn’t you just tell me what I need to know?”

Shadow looked up and smiled at Sarge, “Don’t cry too much in front of my father.”

Sarge angrily punched Shadow in the face. Shadow laughed. “Just keep digging. My father is going to have a field day with you.”

Sarge punched Shadow a few more times. Claw grabbed his hand. “Sir, you are in violation of the king’s orders. Do I have to relieve you of your post?”

Ash untied Shadow. His body fell onto the ground with a thud. Ash gave some water to Shadow. Shadow drank it in one gulp.

Shadow murmured a near silent, “Thanks.”

Shadow struggled to get to his feet. His legs could not carry his weight.

His back burned. It was hard to walk, but Shadow knew, in the back of his mind, that he would still, to this day, take 50 more lashes to keep the Apples safe. He was not going to let anything happen to the Apple family. They were nice to him before, and he would not allow any harm to come to them.

Shadow, to this day, still didn’t like Sarge. No matter what happened, he didn’t deserve what Sarge did to him.

Back on the rainy train ride, Twilight asks Shadow if he is ok. Shadow looks at his hoof and sees that he was digging his hooves into the armrest.

Shadow looked at her, “Yeah, I am fine. I am just feeling a little nervous. I guess about the Gala.”

Twilight smirked. “Don’t be. Parties are all about having fun. Ask Pinkie Pie.”

Shadow looked over to see the pink horse was asleep in a pile of cupcakes.

Shadow looked to Twilight. “I have not seen a service cart. Where does she keep them?”

Twilight giggled. “I could go crazy trying to find out.”

Twilight and Shadow both laughed.

Once Twilight was occupied ironically still making another list. Shadow got back to thinking about his past. Might as well get to the ending.

The lycan team made their way back home. Luckily, Claw let Shadow rest in the wagon. Even luckier, it was a different wagon than the one that Sarge was tied in.

When the pack returned to the Lycan Kingdom, King Archimedes summoned Shadow immediately into the throne room.

Sarge was tied up and looked down. He was an earth lycan, so he did not need any collar.

King Archimedes asked calmly, with a deadpan face, “I have asked the pack what happened, and I am not happy.”

King Archimedes looked to a brown lycan that was sitting next to him. “Tell me, Buddy, why am I not happy?”

Buddy answered, “Because of what happened to your son, my king.”

King Archimedes snapped his claws together. His guards brought out a box. King Archimedes opened it to reveal a leather whip with a gold handle. The king picked it up and continued, “Luckily, I can turn this into a learning experience.”

King Archimedes said, “I have reason to believe that Sarge decided to punish you, his future king.” The king gave Shadow the whip and said, “As the future king, it is only right that you punish him.”

Shadow took the whip and held it. Shadow said, “It is fine. He was trying to defend the kingdom.”

King Archimedes looked frustrated and said, “He had no right in punishing you. You need to show him who is in charge.”

Shadow shook his head. “No. He should be rewarded for protecting the kingdom.”

King Archimedes raised his voice. “If you do not do it, then I will whip him, and then I will whip you for not following my orders.”

Shadow put down the whip and said, “I guess you know what you are going to have to do, then.”

Sarge spoke up, “Do it.”

Shadow looked at Sarge, “What?”

Sarge continued, “You heard your king. Follow his orders now.”

Shadow picked up the whip and held it. “But why?”

King Archimedes interrupted, “It is about power. Show him that you are his leader.”

Shadow whipped Sarge rather weakly. King Archimedes yelled, “Do it again.”

Sarge looked up at the sky, shut his eyes, and barely made a sound.

Shadow did it again, and Sarge barely reacted.

King Archimedes grinned, “Again.”

Shadow did it multiple times for every time that the king told him to.

Eventually, Sarge fell to the ground and didn’t move. A guard walked up and said, “He is still breathing.”

King Archimedes said, “Excellent.”

King Archimedes kicked Sarge over, so he was facing upright.

Sarge looked over at Shadow and breathed shallowly.

King Archimedes grinned, “So now it is time for you to sentence him. Prince Shadow, what is your punishment? How about if you whip him a few more times. We could throw him down the ravine, my personal favorite. We could tie him up and leave him for the titans to finish. Maybe a vine will have him for lunch. It is all your choice. We could tie him up and throw him into the ocean. Or leave him in the cold north.”

Shadow looked at Sarge, and Sarge looked like he didn’t care. Like he had already checked out. He was a defeated shell of his former self. Shadow asked, “I get to decide what to do with him?”

King Archimedes grinned. “Your choice. Make me proud and show the kingdom what you are capable of.”

Shadow thought for a moment about what to do. Shadow looked down at Sarge. Sarge looked into the either with drool coming out of the side of his mouth. Shadow felt sick to his stomach. The once brave leader was not a shell of his former self.

Shadow replied. “He shall work the rest of his days opening and closing the gate. He is not going to be in control of any more packs. That way, he is below the rank of every pack, and he can not leave the Lycan Empire ever again.”

King Archimedes put his head into his paws. “I thought I raised you better than this. You are such a disappointment. How did I raise such a weak son? Was I too stern?”

King Archimedes pointed to the guards and then looked at Sarge, “Clean this filth up and get him out of my sight before I regret putting Shadow in charge of his punishment.”

The guards carried Sarge out of the room.

King Archimedes kicked Shadow, knocking him across the room. Shadow got off the floor and looked at his father. Tears started to fall from his eyes, but Shadow never broke the stare.

King Archimedes said, “Do not look at me that way. I can tell by looking in his eyes. You look like you want to hurt me. You have a fire inside you.”

Shadow bit his tongue and didn’t say a word.

King Archimedes taunted, “You act tough, but you never act. How can anyone ever take you seriously?”

Shadow lowered his head and didn’t dare look his father in the eyes.

King Archimedes said, “Why would you put yourself on the line for any creature that is not even going to remember you? You need to show your strength and power over others.”

King Archemedis sighed and turned away from Shadow, “You are such a disappointment.”

Shadow opened his eyes to see that he was back on the train. Shadow looked over at Applejack and brushed her mane with his hoof. She gently woke up. She yawned and asked him, “Hey, sugar cube. Are we there yet?”

Shadow looked out the window and could see the lights from the Canterlot Castle in the distance. He smiled, “We are almost there. Maybe 15 more minutes.”

Applejack looked up at him and gently booped his nose. “Cheer up, Shadow. You need to enjoy yourself. The Grand Galloping Gala is all about the fun.”

Shadow sighed, “Just thinking about the past.”

Applejack said, “You mean like how you are my little hero puppy?”

Shadow blushed and flashed a weak smile at her, “Yeah.”

Shadow looked out the window to see that the train had started picking up speed. They were done going up the hill and were now heading straight for Canterlot station.

Shadow looked down at AJ and told himself, I am the hero puppy, and I will protect the Apple Family from any harm.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this far. I know this chapter was longer than my others but it made sense to have this be one chapter.

The Gala is coming!!!