• Published 7th Apr 2019
  • 1,590 Views, 39 Comments

Shadow Rising - Shadow Hound

What happens when a visitor from the north of Equestria comes for a visit. A event that will change the Kingdom forever. Secrets get exposed, dimensions get crossed And the sun may never rise again. Find out in this adventure story.

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Chapter Thirteen: The Lycan Seven

The sun started to peek over the horizon. Light started shining in through the windows of the train as it entered the station slowly. The coaches gently rocked back and forth when the train stopped moving. The train let out a giant hiss as steam escaped from inside it. The station filled with mist as the steam touched the cold morning air. The pony named All Aboard left the inside of the warm caboose and started unlocking the doors.

Twilight Sparkle heard a knock on the train door and shot up from her slumber. “Spike, Books.”

Rainbow Dash giggled. “It figures that you would have been dreaming of books.”

Fluttershy whispered, “Twilight, don’t you remember? He stayed in Ponyville with Big Mac.”

Twilight Sparkle blushed as she forgot about her number one assistant. She said with an awkward tone, “Of course I remember. It is good for him to stay behind with his friends.”

Twilight snorted and casually laughed as it dawned on her that the little dragon was turning into an adult. “He doesn’t need me. I am only the pony that raised him since he was an egg.”

Twilight gently stroked her tail. She said in a squeaky voice, “He is getting old enough to have fun with his friends on his own.”

Applejack had fallen asleep against Shadow’s side. Her head rested on his shoulder and her hoof laid in front of Shadow, almost resting in his lap. Shadow nudged her with his hoof. “We are here.”

Applejack slowly opened her eyes. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light. “It took long enough. How long was I out for?”

Shadow smiled at her. “Most of the trip. Can you sit up?”

Applejack yawned, “Give me a minute.”

Shadow replied, “What if your friends see you like this?”

Applejack rolled over, so her back was lying against Shadow. She wiggled in place and rubbed her body against Shadow. “But you are so comfortable. Can’t I sleep for a few more minutes?”

Shadow looked around at Applejack’s friends. Fluttershy looked at Pinkie Pie nervously. Pinkie Pie stared into the either, and her head clicked side to side, counting off the seconds. Suddenly her head went straight, it shook from side to side, and she started to ring. Everyone else on the train car started to wake up. Rarity spat out a few needles and commented about the dresses. Rainbow Dash sat in the back of the train car, wearing a pair of dark sunglasses. She sat up in her seat and stretched. She looked straight and let out a big yawn. “It would have been faster if I flew. Just saying.”

Applejack wiggled a little more. Shadow said, “Enough playing. We are going to get caught.”

Applejack rolled over, so her head rested on Shadow’s chest. Applejack looked him in the eyes. Her nose nearly touched his. “What are you going to do about it?”

Shadow blushed, “Could we not have this talk right now.”

“Good morning Equestria!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

Pinkie Pie appeared in the row of seats in front of Shadow. Pinkie Pie turned around and looked at Shadow and Applejack. Pinkie Pie said, “Hi Applejack. Did you sleep well?”

Applejack straightened her back. She blushed and looked at Pinkie Pie. “Good morning. I slept just fine, yup.” Applejack nervously shook her head.

Shadow looked the other way and started playing with the neighboring seat.

Pinkie Pie teased, “Do you both need a minute?”

Shadow turned to Pinkie Pie and blushed, “I don’t know what you mean.”

Pinkie Pie giggled and said, “Sure you don’t. When you both are ready, we are at the station.”

Shadow and Applejack got up from their seats and walked into the center aisle.

Shadow and Applejack walked past Pinkie Pie. She gave them a coyish smile. Pinkie Pie leaned into Rarity. “Psss, did you see Applejack and Shadow?”

Rarity responded, “Yes. I glanced at Applejack and Shadow while I was fixing Twilight’s dress. This year I needed to add a few inches to it. She seems to be getting taller.”

Pinkie Pie responded, “I am not worried about Twilight. Shadow has been spending a lot of time around Applejack. I wonder if I should start planning another wedding.”

Rarity responded, “Darling, I watched him play with her hair all night. They are hardly made for each other.”

Pinkie Pie retorted, “Yeah, but she didn’t seem to mind.”

Twilight Sparkle called out to her friends, “Ok girls! It is time to get this party started.”

Shadow shouted out. “So, do I stay on the train?”

Applejack punched Shadow on the shoulder. Shadow stuck out his tongue.

Twilight Sparkle replied, “Sorry. Ok. Girls and a guy. Let’s get this party started.”

Pinkie Pie yelled out, “Woohoo” as they all exited the train.

On the station platform, two ponies unloaded the chest. They heaved and struggled with it. Shadow bit his lower lip. He hoped to Luna that the page of the magic book was still in the pocket. Shadow uses magic to grab part of the chest.

Twilight Sparkle scolded Shadow, “They can handle it. We need to get to the castle to get ready for the Gala.”

A Canterlot guard approached the group. “Miss Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight Sparkle replied, “Yes, my dear sir?”

The guard continued, “Celestia sent a carriage to bring you to the castle. We need to get started right away. The Gala is this afternoon.”

The station ponies struggled to fit the chest onto the carriage. It nearly fell a few times, but they managed to get it on the back of the wagon after a few attempts.

Rarity yelled. “Please do be careful. I want everything looking nice for the Gala.”

Rainbow Dash replied, “Why? Are you afraid of the dresses breaking?”

Applejack and Shadow snickered and hoof bumped each other. Rainbow Dash held out a hoof, and then Rainbow Dash and AJ hoof bumped. Rainbow Dash held out a hoof again. This time Shadow hoof bumped her.

Rarity answered, “I just don’t want the chest breaking and the dresses getting dirty.”

Twilight spoke to her friends. “I need you all to start getting ready right away. First, after I am done talking with Princess Celestia, I will join you.”

Rainbow Dash replied, “We have everything covered, Twilight.”

Twilight Sparkle said, “Tonight is going to be the best night ever.”

Twilight trotted into the carriage. She hung onto the frame while sticking her body out. Twilight started singing, “At the Gala.”

The station filled with ponies singing, “At the Gala.”

Fluttershy continued, “At the Gala. I am going to greet them. All the creatures at the Gala. The hippogriffs and the dragons, we will see all of our friends at the Gala!!”

The carriage started moving away from the station. The station filled with ponies singing, “All our dreams will come true right here at the Gala!!”

Shadow whispered to Applejack, “What is going on here? Why are they singing?”

Applejack grinned, “It happens from time to time, have fun!”

Shadow’s left eye quivered, and he covered his ears. Shadow’s heart beat a million beats per second. It felt like it was going to burst from his chest. All he heard was a loud ring. He couldn’t even hear Applejack as she sang. But he was sure it was good. What if they called on me to sing? What should I say? Do I need to rhyme?

Pinkie Pie sang, “I can not wait for the Gala, one of the best of par-ties. But the one thing the Gala will have is a planner named Pinkie. Who knows what is next? I will just have to wait and see. Maybe I will get to plan an Apple Themed wedding!!!!!!!”

Shadow shouted, “Wait, What!!!”

Shadow’s heart stopped when he heard what Pinkie said. He knew that his fear was confirmed. Pinkie Pie must have seen him and Applejack on the train when everyone else was waking up. What else does she know? Shadow considered what he should do. He knew one thing. He would have to deal with Pinkie Pie later.

Just then, Pinkie Pie poked Shadow. He shook his head and came to his senses. He looked side to side and Shouted, “What happened?”

Pinkie Pie smiled in Shadow’s face. She pointed to Shadow and sang, “At the Gala?”

Just then, Pinkie Pie poked him in the nose. She said a very excited, “Boop.”

Shadow blinked, and his mind froze.

Pinkie Pie responded, “Come on. It is your turn to sing.”

Shadow looked at Pinkie Pie. What should I sing? Shadow’s mind raced. What would I sing about? I couldn’t admit to being a lycan? Should I admit to being Luna’s son? What if she was at the Gala? What would I say to my mother after not seeing her for a thousand years?

Eventually, his mind settled on responding with a toothy smile while saying, “Yeah, it is going to be so much fun? I mean the Gala. It will be fun.” He then responded with a sarcastic sounding. “Yeeeeeeey.”

Shadow wanted to smack himself. Why did I respond like it was a question? And it sounded so bad to say Yeeey. Why did I say that?

Pinkie Pie sighed, “Dude, you ruined the song.”

Shadow couldn’t think of what to say, so he played it cool. “I don’t know how to sing.”

Rainbow Dash said, “Come on. You have to want something out of the Gala?”

Shadow’s stomach growled, “Food? I am kind of hungry.”

Applejack sighed, “It is ok ya’ll. Not everyone can break into song.” (mark)

The girls giggled. Shadow rests his head on the window frame of the carriage. He let out a long sigh. Applejack pat him on the back. “It is ok.”

With a smile, she said, “It is ok, Sugar Cube. You can do better next time.”

The carriage stopped in front of the castle. Twilight said, “Ok, girls.” She pointed to Shadow. “And guy. Let’s get this party started.”

Pinkie Pie bounced on the seat, “Woo Hoo!”

A guard walked up to Twilight and said, “Princess Celestia would like to have a word with you.”

Twilight Sparkle bowed her head, “Thank you.”

Twilight turned to her friends. “Ok girls, you can go up to my old room and get started.”

Pinkie Pie asked, “Are you going to join us?”

Twilight called back, “I can join you after I talk to Celestia.”

Rarity called out, “Ok, dear. We got this.”

Rainbow Dash looked at her empty wrist. “I should probably go check on the Wonderbolts. They are setting up for a show tonight. See you all at the castle when I get done.”

Rainbow Dash flew away from the group. In a few seconds, she was gone.

Master Argon looked at the small group. He slipped on a white uniform. “I am not sure about this.”

Nightmare cloud responded, “You better not think about betraying me. Not when I am this close. Do I need to show you why your doubt is a bad thing and deserves to be dealt with?”

Argon jumped and said with a panicked tone, “No, No, No. Not at all. It just seems unsafe. You want us to break into the Canterlot castle. I don’t know how many laws we have broken tonight.”

He pointed to the pile of ponies in the corner of the room.

Argon continued, “This is a big risk we are taking. What if we get caught?”

Nightmare cloud grinned, “We are not going to get caught. I have planned out every detail. My plan is perfect.”

Argon felt sick to his stomach as he looked down at the ponies on the floor. He then looked at the eager ponies from his club as they got charged into the waiters and waitress’s uniforms. His eyes shifted back to the ponies on the floor, “What if they wake up?”

Nightmare giggled, “They will not be for a very, very long time.”

Argon gasped, “You didn’t.”

Nightmare assured Agron, “Relax. I may need the kitchen staff. I trapped them in their sleep.”

Argon breathed a sigh of relief.

Nightmare cloud grinned, “Stick to my plan, and this will be my… Our best night ever!!”

Nightmare laughed and cackled. Argon was horrified to see that the other ponies in his club were laughing as well. When they all looked at him, he laughed out of fear.

What have I done? Argon thought to himself.

Celestia stood out on a balcony and watched as she raised the sun. The rays of the new morning traced her face as she basked in its warmth.

Twilight Sparkle walked out onto the balcony of the castle.

Celestia smiled at Twilight and said, “Hello, my friend.”

Celestia wrapped her wing around Twilight. Twilight smiled with tears going down her face. “Oh, Celestia!” Twilight then returned the favor. Twilight rubbed her head against Celestia and buried it against her chest. Twilight answered, “It is so good to see you, Celestia.”

Celestia asked, “How are you doing? With you in charge, I have a feeling the Gala truly is going to be the best night ever.”

Twilight nervously answered, “Well, it is an honor. I mean, I am honored that you would honor me with the honor of planning it.” Twilight breathed in, “It being the Gala, I mean.”

Celestia responded, “You need to relax. I was nervous at my first Gala. You are going to do fine.”

Twilight blushed, “Thanks. But I couldn’t have done it without your notes.”

Celestia responded, “You can use my notes, but this is your Gala now. You can make whatever changes you want.”

Twilight blushed. “Ok good because I already invited all the parents and species from the school. With how the school has grown, it seemed like a good idea, and with how short I was on time, I sent the letters before we left.”

Celestia smiled and replied, “It was a good idea. For all of the nations to remain united, we should invite them to events like this.”

Celestia looked at Twilight, who was looking very nervous.

Celestia asked, “Is something bothering you?”

Twilight asked, “Just one Applejack brought a new friend named Shadow.”

Celestia giggled. “That is good to hear. Everyone needs to keep making friends.”

Twilight responded, “I am glad as well. But he is acting strange…. for a pony. He doesn’t act like any pony I have met. He always seems angry. He seems ready to fight. I don’t see how Shadow and Applejack could be friends.”

Celestia replied with a smile, “Do you think you could be overreacting? Do you think you could be jealous?”

Twilight Sparkle said, “Maybe. But the last time I got this feeling was before the wedding. For all I know, he could be a rogue changeling. I mean, what other species can transform into a pony?”

Celestia thought about what Cronos said. His words ran through her mind. “Tonight will be Equestria’s last.” Celestia said, “Do you think it could be Queen Chrysalis again?”

Twilight said, “I have already wondered the same thing. Chrysalis has already ruined a wedding. I don’t know. Maybe, just in case he is, I invited Thorax. If Shadow is a changeling, Thorax could tell us.”

Celestia responded. “Good idea, my friend. It was very wise for you to contact him. I have an idea as well.” Celestia trotted up to a wooden cupboard. She hovered a bottle of green liquid to Twilight. Celestia said, “A leader can never be too prepared. After the royal wedding, I looked for a way to protect us against another Changeling invasion.” The mixture looked like a thick putty or mud. “Do you know what this is?”

Twilight said, “Yes. In a different timeline, Zecora used this to tell if somepony was a changeling.”

Celestia said, “Good! You know what it is. I want you to use this on him. If he is a changeling, it will burn him. If he is a pony, he will glow. Then you can tell for sure.”

Twilight hugged Celestia again. “Thank you.”

With a smile, Celestia said, “your guests are going to arrive soon. You better get ready.”

The group of ponies walked into Twilight’s old bedroom. The wood was clean, and the books nicely organized. A giant hourglass sat in the middle of the room. Outside a large window, they could see the Canterlot courtyard. Rarity gasped. “This is a room fit for a princess. I am surprised that she has kept it so clean. Being in Ponyville and all.”

The two guards put the chest down gently. The guards marched toward the door. Before they shut it, one of the guards said, “If you need anything, just knock on the door.”

Shadow walked up to the chest. Just a little closer, he thought to himself. He went to reach for the suit. He could see the pages from the spellbook sticking out of the pocket.

Rarity jumped in front of the chest and blocked Shadow with her body. “What do you think you are doing?”

Shadow stuttered, “I um, I was going to get ready. The Grand Galloping Gala is soon.”

Rarity scolded Shadow, “You are not putting on your suit until you take a bath.”

Shadow said, “But we are running out of time.” In more ways than one.

Rarity continued, “I am sorry that you are ready to party, but the suit is new. I am not going to let it get all sweaty.”

Shadow considered his options. He could either start a fight and hurt Applejack or play nice. Shadow only saw one way that this was ending peacefully. He lowered his head in defeat for Applejack. Shadow said sadly. “Ok, if you are going to insist.”

Shadow started walking to the door. He used his horn magic to grab the handle and the door swung open.

AJ said, “Oh come on, Sugarcube. Don’t leave.”

Shadow turned back, confused. “But how else am I going to bathe unless I go to a river?”

Rarity laughed, “You are quite a prankster.”

Pinkie Pie snorted, “Good one!!”

Fluttershy quietly giggled. And said, “Te-he.”

Rarity said, “You are not an animal. You can use the bathtub.”

Shadow blushed.

Rarity led Shadow to the bathroom. “It is right this way,” she said.

The bathroom was white and gold. The floor had shiny white tiles with an elegant old-style pattern in the center of them. The same white tiles went halfway up the wall. In the middle stood a clawfoot tub with gold fixtures.

Shadow looked around the bathroom in amazement. “Wow! This is larger than my house.”

Rarity tsked, “You act as if you have never been in a castle.”

Shadow looked around, “Not for a very long time.”

Rarity opened a cabinet, and inside was thousands of plastic containers with different colors. Shadow’s mouth went agape.

Rarity said, “Shadow, I want you to choose a favorite shampoo.”

Pinkie Pie bounced up and down on the time of her tail. “Choose bubblegum,” she shouted, “CHOOSE BUBBLEGUM!!!”

Shadow looked at all the rainbow of colors and sat for a few seconds processing what he was looking at. “No, it is ok.”

Shadow looked over at AJ and said, “I bet I can guess what your favorite scent is.”

AJ rolled her eyes. “Twilight doesn’t have apple-scented soap.”

Shadow looked at her and grinned. “I guess I could always be a traitor and choose cherry scent.”

AJ smacks him on the shoulder. “I told you never to mention my time in Dodge Junction again.”

Shadow smiled at AJ. AJ grinned back.

Rarity gasps. “Did you just smile?”

Shadow blushes. “No,” he denies.

Rarity said, “Well, hurry up. The guests are going to be here before we know it.”

Shadow shut his eyes and sniffed near the bottles. He pointed to one that was labeled pine tree.

Rarity said, “are you sure?”

Pinkie Pie giggled, “It is going to be a party you don’t want to smell like a boring tree.”

Fluttershy responded, “I like trees.”

Pinkie Pie said, “Come on. You can’t resist the smell of bubblegum.”

Pinkie Pie opened the soap and blew the scent in Shadow’s direction. The scent hovered in the air and danced into Shadow’s nose. Shadow couldn’t resist the smell. As a result, his tail started to wag.

Rarity said, “Darling, I have never seen a stallon wag his tail. Are you ok?”

Shadow stood up straight and cleared his throat, “Yeah. Fine.”

Rarity taunted Shadow. “Come on, darling. Be more adventurous.”

AJ smirked at him. “What is the matter? Are you scared?”

Shadow responded, “No.”

Fluttershy said, “You can do it. Sometimes it is nice to be brave and try something new.”

Shadow was a mixture of hurt and offended. He thought to himself. What a Dirty trick that these ponies pull. You know you are in trouble when the one with Shy in her name says to be brave. Shadow said as he pumped a fist into the air, “Fine! You can use the bubblegum.”

Rarity poured the liquid into the hot bathtub and it foamed up with bubbles. The bathroom started to smell like candy. A scent that Shadow began wishing that he didn’t let them use it.

Rarity gestured her friends toward the door. “Now is the time when we will leave you alone to get clean.”

Fluttershy walked, and Pinkie Pie bounced out the door while Rarity walked toward the door.

Rarity left a clean, white towel on a rack. “Take your time, darling. Today is about having fun.”

Shadow asked, “All alone?”

Rarity laughs. “You are too cute. We are not going to watch you while you bathe.”

Shadow insisted, “I am not cute!”

Rarity walked through the doorframe and shut the door behind her. “My bad. See you later.” Rarity gently closed the door.

Applejack was the last to leave. “Don’t worry, Sugarcube. I will be outside if you need anything.”

Shadow responded, “I know what to do. Go have fun with your friends.”

Applejack responded, “I am fine. I just wanna make sure that you are going to be ok.”

Shadow insisted. “I will be fine. I know how to take a bath.”

Applejack said, “That is not what I mean.”

Shadow snapped back, “I am fine.”

Applejack responded, “What are ya mad at me fer?”

Shadow responded, “You want to know what is bothering me?”

Applejack said, “It would be nice.”

Shadow said, “Hold on.” Shadow puts his hoof to the floor. His shadow extended out and touched every corner of the bathroom, and his eyes started to glow a light blue.

Applejack said, “Don’t you think you are acting paranoid? We are alone.”

Shadow looked at her and said, “Then why are there three ponies in this room?” Shadow pointed to the tub.

Applejack rolled her eyes, and Shadow slowly approached it.

Applejack shouted, “Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie Pie hopped out of the water, wearing a snorkel. She pressed her nose into Shadow’s nose. With a grin she replied, “Hiya.” She pressed a hoof to Shadow’s nose, and said, “Boop.”

Shadow jumped back and looked at Applejack. “Didn’t she just leave?” Shadow turned to Pinkie Pie. His horn glowing, “State your business.”

Pinkie Pie said, “Just checking on my friends.”

Applejack rolled her eyes, “We are fine. You can go now.”

Pinkie Pie stated, “Ok, but if you need me, just call.” She slowly dropped into the bubbles.

Shadow jumped into the bathwater and felt around in it. He moved the bubbles aside and saw that she was no longer in the bathtub.

Shadow looked confused, “Where did she go? She is an earth pony, right?”

Applejack smiled, “It is Pinkie Pie. Don’t question it.”

Shadow whispered at Applejack, “The Lycan kingdom’s best spies can’t teleport like that.”

Applejack looked at him. “You would go crazy trying to apply logic to Pinkie Pie.”

Applejack rubbed her hoof into Shadow’s back. “So, what is bothering you?”

Shadow replied, “Everything.”

Shadow sighed, “My kingdom is starving, and I am going to a Gala. I am the prince. I should be leading by example. How could I enjoy myself while my citizens starve?”

Shadow watched as the bubbles started to settle. “I mean even the hot bath. It has been a year since the Lycan Empire had hot water, and your friends just laughed it off.”

Applejack hugged Shadow from behind. Shadow blushed.

Applejack replied, “How are they supposed to know? They just thought you were joking.”

Shadow raised an eyebrow, “True. I guess I shouldn’t have taken it personally.” Shadow sighed and rubbed the top of Applejack’s head. “I also shouldn’t have panicked when they asked me to sing.”

Applejack replied sarcastically, “It takes practice. You will get better.”

Shadow sighed, “I don’t know how they are going to like me after everything I have done.”

Applejack hugged Shadow, “You are a great guy, and tonight everypony is going to know it.”

Shadow sighed and stepped away from Applejack, “Can you stop.”

Applejack teased, “Stop what?”

Shadow groaned, “Stop cheering me up.”

Applejack leaned over the tub, “If I am, then why do you still look mad?”

Shadow jumped on top of Applejack and wrapped his arms around her. They both faced toward the tub, “Because I like being mad.”

Applejack giggled and rubbed the top of her head against his chin. “I need to go before the castle runs out of hot water.”

Shadow wagged his tail. “Or you could join me.”

Applejack blushed. “Sorry. I took a bath before we left.”

Shadow let go of Applejack and lamented. “Bummer. I could really use someone to wash my back.”

Applejack smacked him in the shoulder, “Knock it off.”

Applejack looked at Shadow. “I have to go. Please do me a favor and relax. Tonight is about having fun.”

Shadow said with a straight face, “I don’t know. I think they are going to hate me.”

Applejack replied, “Stop.”

Shadow said, “They would eat me for dinner.”

Applejack insisted, “Stop.”

Shadow said, “Freeze me into stone and put me right next to the storm king.”

Applejack yelled, “Stop.” She cleared her throat. “I am the Element of Honestly, and I say you can be yourself. They are going to like you. You don’t need to worry.”

She kissed him on the side of the face then she left through the door, leaving it open a crack.

Shadow looked around the bathroom.

Applejack stood outside the door.

Rarity said, “He is an adult. He doesn’t need you to watch over him like a foal.”

AJ said, “I know. I am just trying to be a good host.”

Shadow walked up to the tub. It was full of soft bubbles. He gently started to step into the water. The warm water soaked into his fur. His skin began to burn from the touch of the hot water. It felt foreign to him. He started to wonder if he had told Applejack too much. But he could have told her more like how it had been a lifetime since Shadow had felt hot water on his skin. How his father made him bathe in a cold lake for not listening. Back then Shadow used to scream in pain from the icy water. The king would say, “It builds strength.” But hey, why would he tell her? The less she knew, the better.

A pack of bubbles flew up into the air. Shadow looked around to make sure that he was alone. Shadow blew some of the bubbles, making them soar up into the air. Shadow laughed and watched them fall to the ground.

Applejack quietly laughed outside the door. “I guess he eventually did calm down.”

Applejack watched Twilight entered her old library with a look of concern on her face. Rarity barely noticed as she made some final adjustments to Fluttershy’s dress. Twilight walked up to Rarity and quietly talked to her for a few minutes. When Twilight finished talked to Rarity she trotted up to Applejack.

“I was hoping to catch him before he took a shower.”

Applejack said, “You can talk to him after.”

Twilight held up the jar as she said, “I need your help putting this on his forehead.”

Applejack said, “Twilight, what is that?”

Twilight sighed, “I don’t know how to tell you this, but Shadow is not a pony. I think he is a changeling.”

Applejack responded. “Why would you worry? Thorax has redeemed them. And last time I checked, you invited them to the Gala.”

Twilight responded. “For all you know, he could be Queen Chrysalis in disguise.”

Applejack laughed, “He is not Chrysalis.”

Twilight said, “For all you know, she replaced him, and the real Shadow is in trouble.”

Applejack said, “He is fine. I know him. For him, this is normal.”

Twilight responded, “How does he not know what soap is? Rarity told me that he seemed amazed by the bathtub.”

Applejack sighed, “He is different.”

Twilight responded, “Do you know how long it took Thorax to get the changelings to bathe? I don’t know what he is, but he is not a pony.”

Applejack sighed, “As the Element of Honesty, It is not my place to tell you his secrets. I promised him that I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

Twilight responded, “So he is not a pony?”

Pinkie Pie popped out of a trash can. “You can’t break a secret.”

Twilight responded. “It is fine. You don’t need to say anything.”

Applejack muttered, “I will tell you though that he is not a changeling, and he, for darn tootin, is not Chrysalis.”

Twilight said, “So he is a new species? Have we ever encountered them yet?”

Applejack bit her lip. “I told him I wouldn’t tell anypony.”

Twilight responded. “AJ, do you know what this means?”

Applejack responded. “Twilight, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions.”

Twilight responded, “I just met a new creature that we have never met before.”

Twilight danced elated, “Do you think they are going to join the friendship school?”

Applejack pouted, “I doubt it.”

Twilight responded, “Why wouldn’t they? We could learn so much from each other.”

Applejack replied, “I wouldn’t know for sure. But something tells me the answer is no.”

Twilight and Applejack both heard Shadow giggling inside the bathroom.

Twilight’s eye starts twitching. “Is he laughing?”

Twilight walked up to the door, and Applejack blocked her.

Applejack said, “Twilight, he is taking a bath. He is naked.” Hopefully, he still looks like a pony.

Twilight said, “When has that ever mattered to us?”

Applejack said, “When he is relaxed, he acts more playful. But if you barge in there right now, I can promise you that it would cause another fight.”

Twilight responded, “Fine. But we do need to talk about this more later.”

Applejack responded, “It is his secret to tell, not mine.”

Applejack insisted. “Shadow is not so bad. You just need to get to know him.”

Twilight sighed, “You’re right.”

A guard walked in and announced to Twilight, “The caterers are here. Would you like me to direct them?”

Twilight said, “I will be fine. Give me a few seconds. I will be down to talk with them soon.”

Blaze paced back and forth. “Come on, Servo. Why can’t we go do anything?”

Servo said, “It is for our safety. When Shadow gets back, we can leave.”

Eclipse said, “This is not safe. We all need to eat something.”

Servo said, “We all need to stay here.”

Blaze responded, “If we all need to stay here, then where is Whittwolf?”

Servo whined, “I don’t know where he stomped off too.” He groaned, “Shirwolf, do you know where your brother has gone?”

Shirwolf turned around, “Do I look like his pupsitter?”

Servo yelled, “You all are driving me crazy.”

Eclipse said, “What are we going to do in the meantime? Other than starve?”

Servo said, “If you need something to do, go clean out the escape tunnel.”

Eclipse said, “I already cleaned it out.”

Servo responded, “Do it again.”

Eclipse rolled her eyes. “It is clean. What do you want?”

Servo yelled, “For somepup to listen!!!”

Shirwolf said, “Maybe we would listen if you would stop barking orders!!”

Servo yelled, “Stop!”

Blaze giggled, “Guys stop. He is getting howling mad.”

Servo yelled, “Knock it off.”

The group of Lycans grinned at each other.

Eclipse said, “When are we going to eat? I could wolf about anything down.”

Servo said, “Later. We can get food later.”

Blaze decides, “Well, I am going to town for some chow. Who wants to go with me?”

Servo said, “I told you not to.”

Blaze responds, “Who made you boss?”

Servo answered, “The king.”

Shirwolf said, “Last time I checked, Shadow was in charge. He didn’t say anything about us not going to town.”

Servo said, “I am in charge.”

Eclipse responded, “So you say.”

Just then, the door opened up. Whittwolf stepped into the castle wearing dark sunglasses with a wooden pic in his mouth. He had a long wooden rod with a bag on the end of it. “Hey, all. I hope you all didn’t cause too much trouble without me.”

All the Lycans wagged their tails. Blaze said, “Hey buddy. What’s up?”

Servo scolded Whittwolf, “I told everyone not to go to town. You directly broke my orders.”

Whittwolf turned toward the group. He used his tongue to play with a wooden toothpick, “I didn’t go to town. So I didn’t break any orders.”

Servo said, “Yeah, then where did the sunglasses and fish come from?”

Whittwolf opened up the bag. “I bought the sunglasses yesterday. I went fishing in a lake nearby. I did not go to Ponyville,” he assured calmly. “So, I didn’t break no rules.”

Out from the bag, he pulled a trout and held it out for everypup to see.

Blaze cheered, “All right! You are the wolf!”

Whittwolf said, “Let’s get a fire started and cook it.”

Servo started to turn around and flew to the top part of the castle. “Fine. Do whatever you want.”

Whittwolf called to Servo, “Don’t you want any fish?”

Servo called back. “I am not hungry.”

Whittwolf asked everywolf, “What is wrong with Pouty the Magic Dragon?”

Shirwolf said, “He is just mad because he is not the lead dog here.”

Blaze said, “Yeah, so for him, the scenery never changes.”

The Lycans all snickered.

Whittwolf clasps his paws together, “Ok, well, let’s get started.”

Later at the end of the day, they had cooked the fish. The sun started going down. Everyone was calm, and their stomachs were full.

Servo looked at the group from a balcony as they all sat around the campfire laughing.

Whittwolf called up to him. “You can still come down here if you want.”

Servo called down to him. “I don’t like fish. Do you have any gems?”

Whittwolf replied, “No. That would have required going into Ponyville.”

Servo said, “I am not hungry.”

Blaze replied, “Good. More for us.”

Triage said, “That wasn’t nice.”

Blaze chewed on a piece of fish. “I don’t do nice. We all had to fight for food growing up. Why should the letter sender get it easy?”

Servo sat on the top of the balcony and looked back. His stomach growled loudly.

Triage said, “You really should eat something.”

Servo flew down and sat at the campfire. “You are not mad?”

Whittwolf replied, “I caught more than enough.”

Servo said, “Wow! You are a lot nicer than Shadow.”

Whittwolf held out a chunk of meat to Servo. Servo reached for the piece of meat and drooled with anticipation. Quickly, Blaze grabbed it and stuck it in her mouth.

Whittwolf and Servo looked at Blaze. Blaze shrugged and, with a full mouth, said, “What?”

Whittwolf held out another piece for Servo. Blaze grabbed it as well.

Servo said, “Hey! Why did you do that?”

Blaze said, “Don’t talk horse apples about Shadow then.”

Servo said, “Ok, I won’t. Sorry.”

Whittwolf went to hand Servo more, and Blaze took the meat and shoved it in her mouth. “That is for saying sorry. It is a sign of weakness.”

Servo replied, “Stop being such a bully.”

Whittwolf responded, “Relax. There is enough for everyone.”

Servo asked, “Why are you so mean to me?”

Blaze yelled, “Because you do nothing but talk about rules, but you don’t give us any reason to follow you. Unlike Shadow, who you talk horse apples about, but yet you are such a little coward that you never say it to his face.”

Whittwolf said, “You do need to stop talking bad about Shadow.”

Servo said, “Why? He is a bad leader.”

Whittwolf stomped his foot, “Because he is the alpha of our pack.”

Blaze said, “Because I owe him my life. When I was a pup, I was the runt of my litter. He taught me how to fight in the cage. We fought for food. If he didn’t train me to fight, then I would have starved.” Blaze showed her teeth to Servo. “What have you ever done for anyone other than sending letters?”

Triage noticed something move in the collapsing castle where the thrones once sat out from the corner of her eyes.

Triage spoke up. “Did anyone else hear something?”

Eclipse said, “You are always scared. It is most likely just the wind.”

Triage turned back toward the group and continued talking.

Servo asked, “What other stories do you have about Shadow?”

Two shadows started to escape out a hole in the wall.

Out behind The Castle of the Twin Sisters, the wind pointed to the north. Away from the castle, two mares ran north into a large field.

One of the mares whispered to the other. “I can’t believe they almost caught us. The adrenaline rush is killing me. How are you doing, Root Rot?”

Root Rot replied, “One sniff, and they could have caught us, Lillium. Good thing the wind was in our favor.”

Lillium said, “Lucky for us, they were eating. My dog, the lazy beast, will not move after he eats.”

Root Rot said, “It is not that. We were downwind. Those dogs couldn’t smell us even if they wanted to.”

Lillium shouted, “That is like so lucky.”

Root Rot whispered, “Shut up. They can still hear us.”

Lillium replied, “We were in a rush. I hope you didn’t cut too deep.”

Root Rot said, “It is fine. As long as nobody moves the wagon, it will be fine. But the minute anyone moves the wagon, SNAP! Just like Nightmare ordered.”

Lillium said, “She is going to reward us for sure.”

They both laughed and walked to the train station for the next part in Nightmare’s plan.

Twilight walked down the stairs. Waiting for her was an old stallion and a dessert cart at the foot of the stairs.

Pushing the dessert cart was a young mare, but a tall cake blocked her face from view. An old stallion walked beside the dessert cart.

Twilight looked at the old stallion. Confused, Twilight asked, “You are not the caterer. What happened to chief Crème Brulee?”

The old stallion cleared his throat and looked her in the face. He choked on his words and said nervously, “He had to leave early. His son came down with the pony pox.”

Twilight apologized, “I am so sorry to hear that. What is your name?”

The stallion looked up. “You can call me Argon.”