• Published 7th Apr 2019
  • 1,590 Views, 39 Comments

Shadow Rising - Shadow Hound

What happens when a visitor from the north of Equestria comes for a visit. A event that will change the Kingdom forever. Secrets get exposed, dimensions get crossed And the sun may never rise again. Find out in this adventure story.

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Chapter 19: Lost Child of the Night

The moon’s glow swept through the Canterlot Castle’s stained-glass windows. A lone earth pony guard trotted through the colorful prisms of light on the floor in the dimly lit hallways. If he didn’t have his armor on, you could see his silver moon cutie mark with a shield behind it. His name was Mooncrest, he was thin, and his coat was a deep blue. He looked down a long hallway looking for any creature that was not supposed to be in this part of the castle. “All clear,” he said to himself. In a way, it surprised him. Sometimes, during the castle events, some creatures would get lost. The guard reminded himself about a guest that got lost in the castle for two days. The poor pony was only looking for a bathroom. The janitor was mad, but at least the pony was safe.

Eventually, Mooncrest walked into a small room past a chandelier swaying in the cold breezy room. He stopped trotting and sniffed the air. He took great pleasure in the lavender smell of the room and enjoyed it for just a moment before continuing his duty.

The guard looked down the empty hallway to the left to see that everything was good. The hallway was Celestia’s side of the castle. Down this hallway, any pony could find her bedroom and other rooms where she spent some time. The rug was red with a sun print down the center, and it looked old and tattered.

He looked down a hallway to his right. The carpet was red, with a moon pattern down the center of it. This side of the castle was Luna’s. It was not surprising that the carpet was newer. Celestia had ordered the old rug removed for this wing when Luna returned to the castle from her vacation. At least, that is what Celestia told the kingdom when Luna returned three years ago.

The guard walked through Luna’s hallway first. The hallway was empty, but the guard could hear arguing from Luna’s bedroom. Quietly the guard walked up to the door to see it was open slightly. The guard listened to the conversation.

Celestia replied, “You look so lovely in your gala dress. I am so glad you decided to come downstairs with me.”

Luna replied, “I will do my best. It would be tragic to miss the last Gala.”

Celestia replied, “Thank you. The Gala will be better with you.”

Luna replied, “Can I at least bring this?”

The guard tried to look through the crack in the door to see what Luna was holding up.

Celestia sighed, “I know how important the toy pony soldier is to you, but I don’t want it to get lost.”

Luna groaned, “Ok. I will leave it.”

Celestia replied, “Thank you. I know this is hard.”

Luna smiled, “At least you will be there to help me.”

Celestia walked toward the door with her hoof extended. Mooncrest panicked and galloped away from the door. Celestia and Luna trotted out of Luna’s bedroom. Celestia and Luna were both wearing their royal dresses. Celestia’s dress was pink with yellow trim, and Luna’s was light blue with white trim. Celestia had a gold sun emblem on the flank of her dress, and Luna had a silver moon on her dress. Mooncrest’s jaw nearly dropped at their beauty and grace.

They both walked by Mooncrest, and he bowed, “Hello, my princess.” He replied.

Celestia laughed, “No need to be so formal, General Mooncrest.”

Mooncrest responded, “Yes my…..” He cleared his throat, “Yes, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia smiled, “Are you ready for your speech?”

Mooncrest responded, “I am your majesty. I mean Princess Celestia.”

Celestia chuckled, “I will see you there.”

Mooncrest said, “After I get done making my rounds, I will head downstairs.”

Mooncrest looked down Luna’s hallway and thought he saw two blue orbs looking at him. The guard trotted down the hallway to investigate. He ordered, “Show yourself.”

With no response, he moved closer. He saw a dark inky blob move across the hallway and dart into an old room.

The guard opened the door and looked around. The room was full of dusty crates. The guard could tell that everything in the room must have been there for years if not centuries. The guard walked between the wooded containers looking for the blob. Accidentally the guard fell into one of the boxes and could hear wood breaking from his weight. The guard groaned at what he had done. Luckily nopony was around to discover his mistake.

He found the dark mass in the corner of the room. It was bubbling on the group as it slowly shrank. He found it more challenging to breathe as he walked closer to it. He could hear his heart pulsing. “This is for my Princess.” He told himself as he pushed himself to move closer to it.

Just then, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He neighed and then bucked as hard as he could. He watched his target fall into a pile of crates, and a blanket landed on top of it. Underneath it, he heard laughing. Mooncrest breathed out and barked. “Why did you scare me like that?”

Mooncrest pulled the blankets off the figure, revealing a laughing stallion named Suncrest.

Suncrest was bulky and muscular with an orange coat. He slapped his knee and pointed a hoof at Mooncrest. “What is the matter, my brother? Did you go soft? I could have sworn you used to buck harder than that.”

Mooncrest looked in the corner to see that the mass was gone. He asked, “Why are you bothering me anyway? Weren’t you assigned to patrol the garden?”

Suncrest replied, “Ay. There has been a change of plan. Now, my orders are to patrol the eastern gate instead.”

Mooncrest replied, “Then what are you doing here?”

Suncrest beamed. “I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss your big speech.”

Mooncrest sighed, “I don’t want to see you get disciplined. I can take care of myself.”

Suncrest stated, “I have time to get my flank to the gate. Prince Cronos gave us the orders an hour ago.” Suncrest fixed his mane and combed it back with his hoof. “He can’t expect us to teleport over there like unicorns.”

Mooncrest sighed. “You really shouldn’t worry about me.”

Suncrest replied, “It is my job to worry. I am your older brother.”

Mooncrest said, “Well, I am safe.”

Suncrest said, “Good luck then. Don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do.”

Mooncrest explained, “I need to go make my announcement. Get your flank out of here.”

Suncrest replied, “Don’t forget to look calm. Remember, it is your job to represent all of Canterlot. You need to show bravery and dignity.”

Mooncrest said, “Get to your train, you fart factory.”

Suncrest replied, “Go make your speech fart sniffer.”

Mooncrest replied. “No stress. It is just every kingdom watching.”

Here Shadow was, sitting across from an alicorn he had only read about. Shadow had spent days reading his father’s notes on the things Twilight had done. Twilight’s adventures were almost episodic. Shadow pondered what to do. There were so many possibilities on how this night could go. Only one filly could tell him if his father lied to the kingdom or if Luna did return. And here was the filly in the flesh.

Shadow calmly took a sip from his glass cup. “Do you think we are going to see the princesses tonight?”

Twilight Sparkle responded. “I hope so. Celestia was here earlier but went upstairs to check on Luna.”

Shadow thought back to what the rumors were about Twilight Sparkle. He had taken an interest in reading about her from the reports his father had received. Shadow only needed to decide what knowledge he could test.

Shadow thought about starting with something easy. To test to see if she would lie. Shadow asked, “Are you and Princess Celestia close?”

Twilight smiled, “Yeah. We are pretty close. She used to be my teacher.”

The statement was true. The reports did say that Twilight used to be Celestia’s student. Shadow put his hoof up to his chin. “You went to the school for gifted unicorns? Or were you her student the way Starswirl the Bearded was Celestia’s teacher?”

Twilight smiled, “I used to attend her school.”

Shadow genuinely asked, “Really? I am surprised an Alicorn would go to a school for unicorns.”

Twilight chuckled. “Oh, at the time, I was a unicorn.”

Shadow felt uneasy about this revelation. Was it true that Twilight used to be a unicorn? No report mentioned this. Can any pony become an alicorn? He had to know if it was possible. He decided to ask more questions.

Shadow protested, “Wait. Don’t you need to be born an Alicorn?”

Twilight Sparkle explained. “I had to earn it, but I guess it is possible. Flurry Heart was born an alicorn.”

Shadow felt a growing anger. If it is true, then his father would want to know. His father has spent years trying to create a powerful army to take over the world. What better army than an army of Alicorns? Shadow raised his voice, “That is not possible! You can’t just make something as powerful as an alicorn.”

Twilight sighed, “Let’s change the subject. If you keep yelling, I will start yelling, and I don’t want to ruin the Gala.”

Shadow nodded in agreement. This information is something that his father must never find out. And who knows what lycan spies could be at the Gala. And he just broadcasted it to everyone. Shadow lowered his voice, “Agreed, but please do the world a favor and don’t tell too many creatures that it is possible to give alicorn power to any creature.”

Twilight Sparkle smiled, “It is not that big of a deal.”

Shadow explained, “Could you imagine what Tirek would be like if he had Alicorn Powers? Or Cozy Glow?”

Twilight Sparkle winced, “Poor Cozy Glow.”

Shadow could see that he had hit a nerve. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Twilight Sparkle explained, “It is fine. I wish I could help her.”

Shadow said, “Maybe someday you can. Then again, you can’t save everyone.”

Twilight Sparkle said, “I don’t know. Friendship is Magic.”

Shadow looked around, “So, for a change of subject. I thought the Gala was a pony event.”

Twilight Sparkle explained, “Normally, it is. But I wanted every creature to be welcome to the Gala, So I invited them.”

Shadow said, “Oh, neat.” Shadow thought about the Lycans and wondered if someday they could attend her school. Would the ponies even accept the lycans into Equestria? Shadow grinned at the idea of his younger brother going to Twilights school. And at the thought about how it would be nice not to have to hide the fact that he was a Lycan when he visited Equestria. Shadow asked, “Why invite so many other creatures?”

Twilight said, “I thought inviting the other nations and my students would be a good idea. What better way for every creature to bond than during an event like The Gala? Princess Celestia agreed, so I invited them.”

Shadow shook his head. Her choice of words was interesting. She called the guest ‘the other nations.’ He thought to himself. Did she know all the countries she invited were part of the Kingdoms Council? The only exceptions were the Changelings and Klugetown. But the spies reported that the Council was thinking about adding them.

Twilight said, “We could all become friends. After all, friendship is magic.”

Shadow rolled his eyes. “Is that like your catchphrase or something?”

Twilight asked, “What is wrong with it?”

Shadow said, “Nothing. Believe what you want, but you keep saying, ‘friendship is magic.’ I am just saying it sounds like the name of a kid’s show.”

Twilight snickered, “And what is wrong with that?”

Shadow responded, “Nothing. It is just a strange thing to say.”

Twilight smiled, “I am the Princess of Friendship.”

Shadow smacked his forehead, “How could I have forgotten?”

Twilight chuckled while Shadow made a goofy face.

Shadow said, “It is unfortunate, though, being born the Princess of friendship and unable to do anything with your life.”

Twilight said in a very posh way, “I enjoy my title very much. I was not born with it; I had to earn it.”

“There is a list of enemies you have beaten.” Shadow asked, “How did you win with friendship?”

Twilight Sparkle explained, “Because friendship is magic.”

Shadow sighed and rested his head on the table. “That makes no sense.”

Twilight Sparkle said, “The elements of harmony helped.”

Shadow’s ears perked up. “That what?”

“Magical gems that we used to beat most villains,” Twilight explained.

Shadow raised his head and said, “That makes more sense.”

The ballroom stage lit up as the rest of the room dimmed. The ponies all looked toward the spotlight to see what was happening. A lone guard trotted to the stage and spoke. “Fillies and Gentalcolts. I need your attention because Princess Celestia wants to make an announcement.”

Twilight Sparkle clapped her hooves together, “Oh, how exciting!”

Every creature in the ballroom looked at the decorated stage. The stage sat in the corner of the room. Someone covered the stage with a white sheet with a light blue ribbon added for an accent.

Shadow replied, “How long does this normally take?”

Twilight whispered. “I don’t know, but I don’t want to miss it.”

Shadow rolled his eyes and whispered to himself, “Figures.”

Shadow and Twilight both looked up to the stage when the guard continued. The guard replied, “Fillies and Gentalecolts, it is my pleasure as royal guard Mooncrest, to announce the rulers of Equestria, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna.”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked out from behind a curtain into the spotlight on the stage.

The audience stomped their hooves. Shadow jumped at first but then calmed down once he realized everything was ok. The crowd was just happy. I guess a pony has to pony, he thought to himself.

Celestia said, “Thank you, General Mooncrest. However, We are all friends. You do not need to be so formal.”

Celestia looked at the audience, “Thank you, every creature, for coming this evening. It is my honor to say thank you for your support over these years.” Celestia spoke softly and lovingly, “I have been to many galas before.” She smiled, “It is my pleasure to see not only the citizens of Equestria, but the members of our neighboring nations.” She smiled, and the spotlight fell onto Queen Novo. Queen Novo clapped and bowed her head at Celestia in respect.” The spotlight moved to Prince Rutherford, who was chewing on a tablecloth. The spotlight quickly moved back to Celestia.

Celestia looked to her side, “It is also my pleasure to share this Joyous occasion with my sister and thank her for this wonderful night.” Luna smiled back at Celestia and blushed.

Celestia beamed, “I can not take the credit for this year’s Gala. The honor goes to my previous student, Twilight Sparkle. Without her, then this wonderful Gala would not have been possible.”

The spotlight on Celestia pointed toward Twilight. Twilight blushed in response.

Twilight replied, “Fancy Pants helped.”

Fancy pants quickly adjusted his bowtie and floated his monocle further up his muzzle. He scoffed. “I dare say, Twilight, but there is no reason to be so modest. My contribution was small indeed. Yes. Quite.” Fancy Pants then turned to Twilight and clapped.

Celestia stated, “Twilight has learned so much. It is hard to believe that, just three years ago, Twilight went to Ponyville. And, one year ago, she opened her school of friendship.”

Celestia paused and watched the crowd tear up as they said a collective “Aww.”

Celestia continued, “It is great for many reasons.” Celestia turned to Luna. “Like the ponies that can be here with us.” Cestia sighed, “I announce some bittersweet news. With a heavy heart, I announce that this will be my last Gala as ruler of Equestria. Later this year, Twilight Sparkle will take my place.”

Twilight Sparkle screamed, “What!!!!???? But where will you go?”

Shadow looked at Twilight and then at Celestia. Shadow realized this had to be why the other leaders were here. Celestia was planning to make this announcement and wanted them present.

Celestia smiled, “I will move with my sister to Sandy Shores.”

Twilight teleported a bag out of nowhere, hovered it near her face, and started breathing into it.

Shadow’s eyes grew wide. The filly looked like she would faint. Shadow patted her on the back. “Alright, calm down, book horse.”

Celestia continued. “I am sure Twilight will be an excellent ruler and that she will lead Equestria into a wonderful era of success and friendship.”

Shadow looked at Queen Nova. Queen Nova gave Celestia a look of disappointment. Meanwhile, other leaders like Tempest and Thorax looked pleased. Finally, Rutherford was being a yak and eating the flower display. Shadow grinned as he wondered if she was still mad about the pearl. He made a note in his mind to ask her later.

Princess Celestia finished, “Thank you, every creature, for attending the Gala. I hope we all have a great evening.”

Celestia stepped off the stage. Crowds of ponies cheered. Celestia and Luna made their way toward Twilight’s table. Shadow watched Luna walk toward him. He got nervous. He would rather fight a dozen Titans than sit at the same table as his mother. Celestia and Luna sat down and smiled.

Twilight asked Celestia, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

Celestia replied, “I am sorry I didn’t get the chance to. I have been distracted lately. I hope you are not mad?”

Twilight replied, “I could never be mad at you.”

Celestia said, “Thank you, Twilight. I think you will become a better ruler than I have been.”

Twilight blushed, “It is an honor, but nopony is better than you. I am not even ready.”

Celestia said, “I will help you in every way I can. If you have any questions, I will answer them later. Right now, we need to show dignity and strength.”

Twilight turned to Luna. “So Luna, how is the Gala?”

Luna replied, “It is ok.”

With a grin, Celestia bumped Luna in the ribs and said, “I wish you wouldn’t do that.”

Luna rolled her eyes and said, “It is not like I have many Galas to compare it to.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “That sounds familiar.”

Luna turned to her sister. “May I check out the refreshments, dear sister?”

Celestia replied, “Of Course.”

Luna trotted away from the group and toward the drink table.

Shadow felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Applejack.

Shadow turned around and asked, “Oh hey, where have you been?”

Applejack replied, “We were sitting at another table.”

Shadow looked back to see Pinkie Pie jumping on one of the dinner tables. Pinkie Pie cheered, “I am being quiet,” at the top of her voice.

Applejack shrugged, “I suggested we leave you alone because you were getting along with Twilight so well.”

Shadow whispered, “Lucky me, this girl is crazy. And to make it worse, she is not even a real Alicorn.”

Applejack said, “What ya talking about? She tooten is a real alicorn.”

Shadow said, “She was not born an alicorn. I don’t know how Celestia did it.”

Applejack shrugged, “Don’t worry about that now.”

Shadow asked, “What is more important than a child, like Twilight, having that much power?”

Applejack pointed toward Luna, “That.” Applejack explained, “This is the best time for you to talk to Princess Luna.”

Shadow said, “I don’t know if it would be worth it.”

Applejack grinned, “Are ya scared?”

Shadow said, “Don’t go there.”

Applejack responded, “Do you want me to introduce you to her?”

Shadow replied, “I don’t need your help.”

Applejack said, “Tonight might be your last chance to speak to her. Luna is going to Sandy Shores.”

Shadow replied, “What if she forgot about me?”

Applejack growled, “If you don’t go over to her, I will drag you by your tail and make you say hi.”

Shadow sighed, “Fine, I guess I will go say hi.”

Shadow picked up his glass and turned to the table. Twilight and Celestia were talking. Shadow said, “Hey can you save my seat? I am going to get a drink.”

Twilight raised an ear, “Why is everyone so thirsty?”

Shadow cantered over to the drink cart. He poured his drink into a flower display so his glass was empty. Shadow acted like he was looking around the drink table for something to put in his glass.

Luna giggled at the Shadow’s indecisiveness. “Might I suggest the lavender tea?”

Shadow smiled, “That might be an option. But It makes me fall asleep. But that might not be a bad thing.”

Luna smiled, “Ok. If you need anything, let me know.”

Shadow responded, “Thanks.” And he continued to look around. Meanwhile, he tried to figure out what to say to Luna.

Applejack growled and trotted over. “Hi, Shadow. Did you find anything to drink?”

Shadow responded, “I am not sure. I can’t drink Chocolate Milk because I can’t eat chocolate. I can’t drink coffee because I will be up all night.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Shadow, what do you think of Luna’s dress?”

Shadow could tell that Applejack was trying to get them talking, but he didn’t want to be so direct. Shadow glanced over. Luna’s dress was dark blue, but the stars on it glowed in the dark, making it look like a night sky. Shadow replied, “It is fine.”

Applejack turned to Luna, “I heard Celestia’s speech. How do you feel about moving to Sandy Shores?”

Luna stirred a cup of tea before she spoke.

Luna smirked and replied, “Oh, it is fine.”

Applejack replied, “Why did you make the choice suddenly?”

Luna replied, “Celestia wants to retire. I want to be with my sister. At least by going with her, I can stay with my sister, even though I will miss Canterlot. I regret many things. But most of all, the time I lost with my sister. I will not make the same mistake twice.”

Applejack said, “I am sorry to hear that, princess.”

Luna smiled, “I do not believe any creature has introduced me to your friend.”

Shadow was speechless and tried not to look surprised at Luna’s concern. His heartbeat increased. He asked himself. “Is this the real Luna?”

Applejack replied, “His name is Shadow Hound.”

Luna replied, “It is nice to meet you, Shadow Hound.”

Shadow Hound replied, “It is nice to meet you as well.”

Applejack growled. “Shadow, don’t you have anything to say?”

Shadow looked at Luna, “I really like your mane.”

Applejack slammed her hoof on the table. “Anything else?”

Shadow took a banana off the table and ate the peel next. He threw the fruit into a nearby trash can.

Shadow looked confused. Quickly he swallowed his snack. Shadow replied, “I really like her dress?”

Luna chuckled, “Thank you. I like your suit.”

Applejack shouted, “I give up.” And she stomped away.

Luna and Shadow both looked at each other and chuckled.

After Applejack was out of hearing range, Luna asked, “Did Rarity make your suit?”

Shadow said, “Yes, she did. It looks ok.”

Luna responded, “It does look ok, doesn’t it?”

Shadow smiled, “You get what I mean, don’t you?”

Luna responded, “I feel you don’t want to be rude, and I also think you are not used to that generosity and do not know how to feel about it. Tell me, Shadow, are you afraid to be happy because of the pain that losing your happiness might cost you?”

Shadow smiled at her remark. It was as if she read him like a book. Shadow said, “Maybe. What made you think that?”

Luna said, “I feel that way. It is hard to be happy about anything when you are afraid of being hurt.”

Shadow responded, “Indeed.”

Luna asked, “Where are you from?”

Shadow said, “I live out west.”

Luna said, “I would ask if you mean Las Pegasus, but you don’t seem like the partier type.”

Shadow confirmed, “I don’t go to any parties. My father wants everything serious.”

Luna grinned. “Oh no, because the fun is better when doubled. I guess your father wouldn’t want you at the Gala.”

Shadow said, “Not really. My father would hate it.”

Luna asked, “What would your mother say?”

Shadow thought about how to answer it. In his thousand-year-old life, he had many mothers. But only one mare was his birth mother. Shadow said, “I don’t know. I have not seen her in a long time.”

Luna asked, “How sad. Is she alive?”

Shadow thought about how to answer that. He decided to be honest and see what would happen. Shadow explained, “My father told me that she had died, but my father is not known for being honest.”

Luna said, “I could help you find her. What do you remember about her?”

Shadow commented. “She used to sing a lullaby about how her children would play in her garden of shadows.”

Luna looked puzzled and commented, “The Garden of Shadows. That sounds very familiar.”

Shadow could see the gears in her head turning. Shadow hoped this was Luna and not a fake, as his father had suggested. If this was Luna, she might remember the Lullaby she used to sing. But had she caught on? Would she remember a Lullaby from one thousand years ago?

Shadow said, “I wish I could remember more, but the last time I heard it was countless moons ago.”

Luna asked, “Do you have any brothers or sisters? Maybe they can help you remember.”

Shadow said, “Only a brother.” Technically a lie. But do his other brothers and sisters that are long past count?

Shadow asked, “So do you have any family besides your sister?”

Luna responded, “My brother Chronos shows up, but we are not close. Other than him, I have a pet opossum and the Tantabus.”

Luna sighed, “I used to have a son. Legend said that he would create a new empire. But we became separated.”

This fact made Shadow very curious. Did she not mention the name Romulus on purpose? Shadow thought about how to continue.

Shadow responded, “That is interesting. My mother used to tell me that I would build a new empire and change the world.”

Luna replied, “Maybe someday you can do what my son can not.” Tears started to form in Luna’s eyes, “After I lost my son, I gave up on that legend. The closest thing I have to a son these days is the Tantabus. And well, I can’t trust it with much.”

Shadow smiled and said. “Why not?”

Luna said, “The Tantabus has caused me problems.”

Shadow asked, “Then why did you name it after the old ponish word for brave soldier?”

Luna trembled at hearing that. She replied, “Not many ponies know old ponish, and the few who did are Historians.” Luna continued, “You don’t look or act like a Historian. How do you know, old ponish?”

Shadow grinned, “I am full of surprises. My mother taught it to me many moons ago.”

Luna gasped, “How old are you?”

Shadow said, “If I told you, would you believe me?”

Luna said, “I have seen some interesting things before. It takes a lot to surprise me.”

Shadow looked down at the floor, “Let me just say I am old enough to scare most ponies. I feel disappointed that I have done so little with all the years I have been alive.”

Luna reassured him, “No pony is ever a disappointment. If your mother were here, she would tell you that you do not disappoint her and she loves you.”

Shadow looked up at Luna and sincerely smiled, “And I love her.”

Luna looked confused. Shadow could tell that she was catching on. Luna asked, “Has Shadow always been your name?”

Shadow grinned, “No. I have been using the name Shadow for the last 500 years or so. My birth name is Romulus.”

Luna’s lip started to quiver. “That is my son’s name. Not even Celestia knew he was born. How did you learn that name?”

Shadow smirked, “Hi, Mom.”

Luna started to shake, “It can’t be you? It has been so long.”

Shadow grinned, “I am your son. I can prove it. Ask me something only Romulus would know.”

Luna sat down and thought. Shadow could tell she was having difficulty processing what he told her. After a few minutes, She asked, “What was the last thing I told you?”

“You told me not to worry. You said you would return with my toy pony solder, my tantabus.” Shadow said right away.

Moisture started to form in Luna’s eyes, “I can’t believe it is you. It has been so long. Why didn’t you find me sooner?”

Shadow hesitated, “It is complicated.”

Luna gasped, “Did you not want to talk to me? I understand if you were angry.”

Shadow could hear the shakiness in her voice. He said, “I am not angry.”

Luna replied, “I understand if you are.”

“I am not,” Shadow said.

Luna remarked, “You should be.”

Shadow stomped his hoof on the floor and asked, “Why would I ever be?”

Luna answered, “I took you and a bunch of ponies at night. I flew out of Equestria with you and a group of ponies, including orphan children. I used my magic to carry them all.”

Shadow replied, “It was fine. We were your children of the night.”

Luna cried, “I left everypony in a large field. It was a long trip, and everypony was exhausted. What kind of a mother does that to her,” she wept, then finished, “Her children?”

Shadow replied, “We were not alone. My father was there. And there were some adults.”

Celestia trotted over. Concernedly, she asked, “Are you ok, Luna?” She angrily looked at Shadow, “Luna, do you need the guards?”

Luna shook her head. Tears and mascara started to run down her face.

Celestia replied, “I should have listened to you. Would you like help getting upstairs?”

It took Luna a few seconds. Then she replied, “No. Instead, I need to know something.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, “Ok, but afterward, I think you need your rest.”

Luna breathed for a few minutes. Then she reassured her sister, “I am fine. You can go now.”

Celestia commented, “I will stay right here for now.”

Celestia sat by the table and quietly poured herself some tea. After a few dirty looks between Luna and Celestia, Luna gave up and sighed.

Luna looked at Shadow and asked, “Why didn’t you find me when I returned?”

Shadow replied, “Don’t worry about it.”

Luna pleaded, “I have to know. Why didn’t you come to me sooner?” Luna started to tear up again, “Don’t you love me?”

Shadow said, “Don’t say that.”

Luna said, “It is true. I left you alone for one thousand years, and you hate me.” Luna collapsed to the floor. “Admit it.”

Shadow said, “I don’t hate you. I would never hate my mother.”

Princess Celestia spat her tea out, and her jaw dropped. She was speechless, with wide eyes and a look of surprise on her face. It was then that Octavia and the band decided to stop playing. The band looked at the princesses in disbelief.

Twilight trotted over to Celestia, “What is the matter?”

Celestia raised a hoof, covered Twilight’s mouth, and made a shushing sound. Celestia turned around and gestured for the band to keep playing. Octavia nodded and started playing her string instrument again.

Luna weakly tried to stand up and then sat back down. “If you loved me, why didn’t you come to me sooner? Ponies who love each other don’t avoid each other for five years.”

Shadow responded, “You think I didn’t contact you for five years because I hated you?” Shadow snapped back. “I didn’t contact you because,” Shadow sighed, “everything is my fault.”

Luna wiped her face and whimpered, “What do you mean?”

Shadow replied, “That night, I dropped my toy tantabus. I was upset. Father told you not to leave. He said I needed to be strong. That I would survive without it.”

Shadow cleared his throat. Shadow wiped the tears off his face and said, “Because I was weak, you left. You said that you would be right back.” Shadow started to shake from holding back the flood of emotions. He breathed in. “I am the reason your sister sent you to the moon.”

Luna stood up and said, “That is not true.”

Shadow said, “Everything is my fault. If you had stayed…” Shadow fought back the moisture in his eyes and breathed in. “you wouldn’t have gone to the moon.”

Luna reached her wing over to wing hug Shadow. Shadow paused. Unsure of what to do.

Shadow responded. “I am not the hugging type.”

Luna replied, “It is ok, my son. Everything will be ok.”

Shadow started to lean towards Luna.

Luna trembled. “Nothing is your fault.”

Shadow sat down, “It was me. Everything is my fault.”

Luna tried to hush him, “Shhhhhh, it is not.”

Shadow started to feel the moisture in his eyes. “So much pain.” Shadow breasted in, “all because of me.”

Luna grabbed Shadow by the waist and squeezed as hard as she could. The hug was so tight that Shadow could barely move.

Shadow squirmed. He muttered, “You’re crushing my ribs.”

Luna sobbed and collapsed into Shadow’s arms.

Shadow could feel Luna loosening her grip. Luna whipped her face. “We have so much to talk about.”

Twilight tapped Celestia on the shoulder and asked, “What just happened?”

Shadow stepped to his left, away from Luna. Shadow looked to his right toward Luna. He replied, “So what happens now?”

Celestia replied, “I suggest we end the Gala early. We have a lot to discuss.”

Shadow looked to his left at Princess Celestia and nodded.

They all heard someone yell from across the ballroom. Shadow looked to his side to see a bright light approaching him. Shadow grinned and started to put up a shield.

Before the shield could fully form, Luna leaped in front of him. Before Shadow could react, he saw Luna’s body get hit and slammed into his protection. Her body rolled off and fell onto the floor.

Shadow stood there, not sure what to do. Shadow’s eye twitched as he realized what had just happened. He looked at Luna’s body and then at Celestia.

Shadow looked at Luna. Her sides were weakly going up and down. So Shadow knew she was still breathing. Shadow said weakly, “Luna.”

When she did not reply, Shadow said, “Luna, please.”

When she did not move, Shadow looked up at the ceiling and screamed, “Lunaaaaaaaa!”

Author's Note:

Well I guess the pearl is out of the oyster. Now every creature knows that Shadow is the lost son of Luna. Also fun to note my fanfiction was inspired by a really good fan animation. If you want to check it out you can watch it here. Children of the night.

sadly duo cartoonist deleted their channel. I wish them well. And I thank them for their inspiration.

Comments ( 3 )

Man what a heart warming chapter, I can't wait to read the next chapter no matter how long I have to wait.


Thank you. I am going to try to get it done in the next few weeks.

Take your time. No point in rushing art.

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