• Published 7th Apr 2019
  • 1,592 Views, 39 Comments

Shadow Rising - Shadow Hound

What happens when a visitor from the north of Equestria comes for a visit. A event that will change the Kingdom forever. Secrets get exposed, dimensions get crossed And the sun may never rise again. Find out in this adventure story.

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Chapter Fourteen: The Guardians of Time

On a calm Equestrian morning, a light blue carriage with gold trim traveled through the Equestrian countryside. Pulled by Hippogriffs, the carriage rocked gently back and forth. One of the windows opened up for a few seconds.

General Seaspray commented, “I wish they would pull faster. They are taking too long.”

Queen Novo responded, “Let them take their time. What has got you worried?”

General Seaspray commented, “But what if we are late?”

Queen Novo answered, “A Queen is never late. Everyone else is simply early.”

General Seaspray looked outside through the window and scanned the countryside.

Queen Novo raised an eyebrow and pulled one of the windows down. “Honey, I need some fresh air. It is way too stuffy in here.”

General Seaspray immediately shut the window. “You can not be too careful. Not in a strange land with all of the threats around. What if a projectile flew through the window?”

Queen Novo laughed. “We are peaceful with Equestria. There are no threats.”

General Seaspray insisted, “You can never be too careful.”

Queen Novo asked with concern, “What has got you so worried?”

General Seaspray answered, “That is classified.”

Queen Novo gasped, “That is not cool. I am the queen. I can classify stuff from you, but you don’t keep any secrets from me.”

General Seaspray rubbed the back of his head. “You shouldn’t worry yourself about the details. I only mean to keep you safe.”

Queen Novo stated, “Um, Hmmm, I am beginning to think that this is related to the pearl shards that you lost.”

General Seaspray lowered his head, “I am not at will to tell you, but I will get them back.”

Queen Novo ordered, “Calm down. Pearl shards can be replaced. Now that the Storm King is gone, we can continue trading with the Lycan Kingdom so we can get more.”

General Seaspray responded, “But my honor was tarnished by a punk. I must get them back and restore my honor.”

Queen Novo, “Honey, you have all my honor. Some pearl shards can be replaced, but I can not replace my best navy officer.”

General Seaspray blushed. “I will make sure that I act in a way that deserves your kind words.”

Queen Novo said, “You better calm yourself down right now. This is the first Gala that I have been to. I want to have fun.”

General Seaspray bowed his head, “Yes my queen.”

Cronos sat in the middle of a room. Hs eyes glowed a light blue. He hovered in the air. His two front hooves pressed together. His two back legs sat crossed. His deli mustache twitched as he watched a bright blue ribbon flow past his face. He looked into the ribbon and scanned images of Twilight Sparkle walking away from Argon. He looked further down the ribbon to see the events from the Gala play out. One of the ribbons showed the world leaders happily leaving the Gala. This ribbon started to fade and crumble. The other ribbon began to turn a thick black as images of a red moon appeared.

Cronos landed on his hooves. “This is not good.”

He ran out of the room and into a small office.

“Great Scott!” Cronos shouted.

A mousy earth mare pony near him said, “What happened, Sir Cronos? Do you need tea?”

Cronos said, “There is no time for tea. All of the good outcomes of the Gala are disappearing. I have to work fast, or a dark evil will consume Equestria.”

The mare looked at Chronos and asked, “Is there anything we can do to help?”

A stallion near her yawned. “Don’t you volunteer me for anything. It is almost time for bed.”

Cronos replied. “We don’t have time to sleep. I need you all to continue studying. If I fail, I need you to activate the time smasher.”

The mare and stallion looked down to see that they were standing on a large clock face.

The mare and stallion looked at each other. Then they looked at the wall to see two giant red buttons on both sides of the room. The stallion spoke. “I am not pushing that.”

Cronos said sternly. “You will do whatever I tell you to Hora. If evil gets its hooves on anything here, the outcome will be grim.”

The mare spoke as well. “Let us hope it doesn’t come to that.”

Cronos replied, “I agree, Minuto, but it is better to plan for the worst and hope for the best.”

Cronos picked up a pile of scrolls and shoved them into a bag on his desk. “No matter the cost, we can not let Nightmare win tonight or there will not be a tomorrow.”

Hora said, “Well, it would not be because of us. We would have to be insane to activate that thing.”

Cronos stood in the middle of the room. The floor ticked away as the clock counted the seconds. Cronos looked at his two students. “I hope we don’t have to.”

With that word, Cronos’s eyes glowed a light blue and with the sound of lightning. He disappeared.

Hora looked at Minuto. “Does he have to do that? He could teleport like the rest of the magic users.”

Minuto looked around and saw that Cronos had left the bag of scrolls.

Minuto trotted up to them and gasped, “How could he be so forgetful?” She grabbed the bag with her mouth and threw it over her shoulders. “I need to bring them to him.”

Hora protested, “Cronos told us to stay here. He is going to be very angry if we don’t do what he tells us.”

Minuto replied, “It will be just a minute and he needs these. What is he going to do now that he forgot them?”

Hora sighed, “If you are going to go, then you better bring one extra to get home.”

Minuto sighed, “Well, fine. She picked Three scrolls off the shelf. “I will bring more just in case. There is no reason to get stuck among those primitives.”

She grabbed a pen in her mouth and wrote down a message. Minuto to Canterlot Castle Entrance.

Hora smiled, “Be safe. I need you to help me with the chores.”

She smiled back. “I will only be a minute. If not, save the dishes for me.”

Hora smiled, “Awesome.”

She placed her two front hooves on the scroll. Her left hoof went on the left side of the scroll, the other on the right. The text on the scroll glowed with a bright blue hue. She then tapped the scroll twice, and when her hooves hit the ground on the second tap, she disappeared with a large crack of lightning.

Hora stood and looked at the scorch marks on the floor. He sighed, “I guess I better go get the mop. This place is not going to clean itself.”

Shadow stood in front of a large mirror. He looked dapper in his new suit. Every thread was in place, and it fit his body like a second skin. Not a single wrinkle was visible, and the silver button looked like it was polished.

Rarity stood behind him and smiled, “Don’t you look just dashing?”

Shadow felt that the page was still safe at the bottom of the pocket. He sighed as he considered what to do. If he looked at it right now, it would be too obvious. He would have to read it later. But it left a small indent in the suit. It was amazing that nopony had discovered it yet.

Shadow moved his head around and played with the button. “I look ok.”

Rarity gasped, “Just ok?” She adjusted his collar, “Darling, you must look fabulous.”

Shadow put his head down. “Sorry. I am not sure what to say. I am not used to anyone being so generous. Not without wanting something in return.”

Rarity puffed out her chest. “You can start by representing the Canterlot Carousel with pride. Smile and be proud. And if anybody asks you where you got the fabulous suit from, say from Rarity at the Canterlot Boutique.”

Shadow nodded.

Rarity encouraged, “Any minute now, you can start smiling.”

Shadow attempted a smile, but his lower teeth pointed out, and it looked like an attempt at a snarl.

Rarity pat Shadow on the back. Shadow winced when Rarity touched his back. Rarity quickly pulled her arm back and responded, “Sorry, my dear. It is ok. You don’t have to smile. You tried, and that is what is important.”

Rarity smiled, “All done. Please go wait downstairs.”

Shadow asked, “Can I wait here for Applejack?”

Rarity sighed, “You can wait downstairs. She will be down as soon as she gets dressed.”

Shadow stood and stared at Rarity.

Rarity said, “You need to go down now, or I will make sure that Applejack goes down last.”

Shadow snarled, “Well played Rarity!” defeated Shadow stomped out of the room.

Rarity calmly responded, “Remember to smile, darling.”

Spitfire paced back and forth on the tarmac army base. Rainbow Dash landed on the runway near her.

Spitfire shouted, “You are late.”

Rainbow Dash said, “Sorry. The train took its time.”

Spitfire sighed, “No excuse. You have wings.”

Rainbow Dash defended, “My first mission is to Twilight and my friends.”

Spitfire said, “While we were waiting, we tested the alarms, cleaned the runway, and prepared the packs just like the princesses have been ordering.” Spitfire breathed out, “Any idea why the princesses are acting so strange?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged.

Spitfire stated, “It is strange building these cannons because the Wonderbolts have not been an active military force since Twilight arrived.”

Rainbow Dash changed the subject, “How is the magic cannon doing?”

Spitfire replied, “Magic cannon? Do you mean The Crystal Magic Harmonic Frequency Device?”

Rainbow Dash said, “Yes. I was trying to make the name 20% cooler.”

Spitfire replied, “Magic cannon sounds 200% cooler.”

Rainbow Dash replied, “And it is funner to say.”

Spitfire said, “Some of the Wonderbolts are complaining they say that it is hard to bank while wearing it. Flying is fine if they take wide turns but turning fast is impossible.”

“So I guess it is only simple stuff.” Rainbow Dash sighed, “It will have to do.”

They put a yellow power shard in the chest of the armor, and it whirled to life. The jewel glowed bright yellow as the suit powered up.

Spitfire added, “The suits are working, and the cannon is powerful. We adjusted them, so they are harmless for the show tonight.”

Rainbow Dash cheered, “Awesome.”

Spitfire said, “All the packs are set to stun.” Spitfire hit a trigger with her hoof. The pack shot out a bolt at a wall, and a wall exploded.

Rainbow Dash gasped. “Wow. If that is stung, then what is lethal?”

Spitfire smiled. “You do not want to know.”

Shadow walked down the stairs into a large room. Guards lined the walls and stood at attention. As Shadow paced back and forth, the guards didn’t even look at him.

The sound of lightning filled the room. A pink earth pony stood in the middle of the room and coughed at the smoke. The guards pointed pikes at the intruder and then relaxed when they saw who it was. She had a button that looked like an hourglass and a cloak covered her cutie mark.

The mare in the center yelled. “Sorry about the carpet.” Then she stomped out a small fire.

She looked Shadow in the eyes, “Well, hello mortal.”

Shadow’s eye twitched, “Did you just call me a mortal?”

She screamed, “I don’t have any time. Where is the throne room?”

A guard pointed to a set of double doors. “It is through the doors and onto your left.”

The mare said, “Thank you,” and ran through the doors. She pushed them open then she shouted, “I hope I am not late.”

Shadow looked at one of the guards. “She was strange.”

The guard just shrugged his shoulders. “Honestly, dude, if this is the strangest thing we see today, I am happy. The Galas are normally stranger than this.”

Shadow raised his eyebrow. “Really? What strange things happen?”

Another guard laughed and said, “Last time a pack of jello almost drowned everyone. The year before that, the garden animals attacked.”

Shadow heard the door open at the top of the stairs. He looked to the guard, “Thanks for the talk.”

The guard replied, “No problem. Anytime.” The guard got back in line and stood at attention.

Shadow walked up the stairs. “Applejack.”

Applejack stood at the top of the stairs in a green dress. Her hair was braided and stuck out from a brown cowboy hat. Around her neck, she wore an apple necklace. She wore a brown cape on her back with brown shoes. Finally, she had an apple pin on her skirt where her cutie mark was and an apple pin in her hat.

Applejack smiled. “How do I look, sugarcube?”

Shadow blushed and replied, “You look wonderful.”

Applejack replied, “And you look like a barrel of fresh barrels.”

Shadow blushed. His ears folded down to the sides of his face until he regained his composure. He forced out a, “Thanks you too.”

Shadow walked through a hallway toward the ballroom with Applejack in tow. Shadow stopped and looked up at a stain-glass window of Discord’s defeat at the hooves of Twilight Sparkle and her pack. Shadow turned to Applejack, “Memories from your adventures with your pack?”

Applejack smiled. “We call each other friends, sugar cube, and yes.”

Shadow turned around and looked at a window panel of Luna. “And more, it seems.”

Applejack spoke softly, “You know, sugar cube, Luna is going to be at the Gala. You could say hi to her. Maybe she could help you and your kingdom.”

Shadow sighed, “What if she doesn’t remember me?”

Applejack replied, “She is your mother. There is no way that she would forget you. You only get one mother. You need to speak to her while you can.”

Shadow grinned. “You have a point. But I was a pony one thousand years ago. I am not even the same species anymore.”

Applejack rubbed her head against his chest. “She would remember her own son?”

Shadow looked down and rubbed her head, “It has been one thousand years since I have seen her. So many things can change.”

Celestia looked out the window and watched the sun slowly dive below the horizon. Her horn glowed as she gently lowered the sun. Luna sat next to her sister and gently raised the moon.

Below them, Fluttershy sat in the garden with her birds as they practiced singing.

Celestia spoke as an orange glow fell on the two alicorns. “Sister, I know that you are worried. Everything will be fine. I am sure of it.”

Luna replied, “I hope you are correct sister. Are you sure Twilight is ready?”

Celestia smiled, “Yes I do. Twilight has passed every test so far. She is ready to raise and lower the sun and moon on her own.”

Luna replied, “I don’t know. It is a big job. Remember how I struggled when I was younger?”

Celestia commented, “You were wonderful your first time as well.”

Luna blushed, “I know that you helped me.”

Celestia giggled. “Only in the beginning. You did the rest.”

Luna looked to her sister. “It is still a big responsibility. I hope that you are right.”

Cronos pushed open the double doors. “Sister, I need to have a word with you.”

Luna asked, “Which one of us?”

Cronos answered, “both of you. The information that I have involves you both and it is extremely important.”

Celestia spoke with a cheerful smile, “I hope it is about the excellent job that Twilight is doing handling the Gala.”

“Unfortunately not,” Cronos spoke with gravel in his voice. “Why didn’t you cancel the Gala as I suggested?”

Celestia replied, “I have been ruler of Equestria for over one thousand years. My magic is going to run out. My magic feeds the Heart of Equestria. If I don’t pass the crown to a new ruler, then Equestria will fall and be consumed by the darkness.”

Cronos retorted, “Equestria may be consumed by the darkness tonight.”

Celestia asked, “How do you know?”

Cronos replied, “Unfortunately, the timeline has split. It seems time is going down a dark path. We are heading toward one of the darkest future.”

Celestia responded, “We must change this. Is there anything that we can do?”

Cronos took a sip of tea. “I have a few ideas, but first, we need to wait for my associate to trot in.”

Celestia asked, “How long are they going to be?”

Cronos grinned, “About three, two, and one.” Just then, somepony knocked on the door.

Luna whispered to Celestia. “I hate when he does that.” Celestia nodded in agreement.

Cronos bowed to the guard, and the guard opened the door.

Minuto trotted through the door. “Sir, I am sorry to interrupt, but you forgot your scrolls.”

Cronos grinned, “You silly filly. I did not forget them. I was merely not meant to be the one to bring them.”

Celestia asked, “What are the scrolls for?”

Cronos said, “To start changing the future, we need to reduce the damage from what will happen. These scrolls are to reduce the creatures in danger tonight.”

Cronos pointed at Minuto, “Would you be so kind as to show my sister how the scrolls work? Just send yourself across the room.”

Minuto replied, “Of course, sir.” She scribbled on one of the scrolls.

Celestia retorted, “We have unicorn guards that can teleport.”

Minuto lowered her hood. Cronos replied, “My student is not an Alicorn.”

Minuto put down the quill, “All ready!” She tapped her front hooves on the ground. After in a loud bang, she disappeared.

Cronos explained, “The scrolls will allow anypony or any creature to teleport away from the Gala even if they can’t normally use magic.” Cronos turned to Celestia and smiled. “This is something that the hippogryphs are going to accept gracefully. The Yaks will be scared by it, but don’t worry. Pinkie Pie should be able to convince them.”

Minuto reappeared with a crack of lightning.

Cronos turned to Minuto, “Show the guards how to use them.”

Minuto bowed to Cronos and then trotted out of the room.

Cronos looked at Celestia. “You have to promise me that you will defend Equestria, gloves off.”

Celestia answered. “Twilight can do it.”

Cronos replied, “Are you so sure?”

Celestia smiled, “It would be a good test for her.”

Cronos grit his teeth. “What if she fails?”

Celestia looked at the jewel in her chest guard. “It has been a long time since I have fought with all my power.”

Cronos replied in a grizzly voice, “To protect Equestria and your student, you may need all your power.”

Twilight trotted down the staircase in her Gala dress.

Fancy Pants walked over to Twilight. “Preparations are on schedule. We should be done before the first guest arrives.”

Twilight responded, “That is wonderful. Thank you, Fancy Pants, for helping me set up for the Gala.”

Fancy Pants adjusted his monocle. “Happy to help. After all, that is what the Gala planning committee is for.”

Twilight giggled. “I am just glad that Celestia’s notes mentioned you.”

Fancy Pants bowed. “It has been a rather pleasant surprise working with you, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight Sparkle used her magic to grab the handle of the door to the ballroom. Before she grabbed it, she closed her eyes and breathed out. She swung open the doors and opened her eyes to see the decorated ballroom.

Twlight Sparkle scanned the room. Various ponies moved around the room, taking care of last-minute details. At the far end of the ballroom, there was a giant table with an ice sculpture of two ponies forming a heart. Small plates scattered around the table with various snacks and things to eat were next to the ice sculpture. The band set up their instruments on stage, including a brown stallion that whipped down the keys. Octavia also set up her violin. One large Gold Alicorn and a Silver Alicorn sat in the corner in front of a giant window that overlooked the garden.

Twilight’s friends sat in a corner and talked. Rainbow Dash laughed and Shadow drank from a large cup of coffee. They stopped talking and trotted over to Twilight when they realized that she had opened the door.

Argon walked up to Twilight. “I hope everything is to your liking.”

Twilight commented, “It is ok, but last year the table was over on the opposite corner. Also, can you center the ice sculpture? It looks off-center.”

Applejack commented, “Twilight, don’t worry about it. Everypony is doing a great job.”

Twilight started to breathe in and out deeply, “Everypony still has so much to do. What if we don’t get everything done?”

Rarity hovered over a cup of water. “Don’t worry, dear. They are doing splendidly.”

Twilight gulped the water down. “This Gala means everything. Not only are the normal guest invited, but I also invited the leaders from other kingdoms.”

Pinkie Pie giggled as she said, “Classic Twilighting.”

Twilight sighed. “When did I become a verb?”

Rainbow Dash Flew above Twilight, “It is your thing.”

Twilight said, “This is my first Gala. I want to make sure that it is perfect.”

Fluttershy pet Twilight’s shoulder. “We understand, and we all are here for you.”

Applejack chimed in, “Just finish your list, and we are going to help you make sure this Gala is the best.”

Ponies started moving it. Various ponies were still setting up and putting the finishing touches on it.

Argon smiled. “I just need to go to the kitchen and make sure the food is ready.”

Twilight commented, “Good idea.”

Argon trotted into the kitchen. He found an empty room and said, “I am ready for your next step.”

Nightmare flowed like water out of a corner in the room. On a nearby table, a bottle appeared. Nightmare said with a snake-like voice, “The time is coming near. Put this in her drink when the time is right.”

Argon commented, “Are you sure this is a good idea? She is a princess.”

Nightmare gave a toothy grin. “Remember what you have to lose if you fail me.”

Argon took the bottle and sighed. He slipped it into his pocket and trotted out of the room.

Twilight created a list out of thin air. “The guests are going to be here in a few minutes. Is everything in place?”

Rainbow Dash chuckled, “Twilight do your thing.”

Argon walked out of the back room.

Twilight asked, “How is the food?”

Argon nodded as he reported, “Everything is ready.”

Twilight yelled, “Check.”

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash, “Is the Wonderbolts ready?”

Rainbow Dash replied, “Yeah, and 120% cooler.”

“Awesome!” Twilight shouted. Next, she turned to Fluttershy. “Is the bird band ok?”

Fluttershy whispered, “They are ready to sing. I hope that is ok.”

Twilight answered, “Check! I hope they are ready for quite the show.”

Pinkie Pie yelled, “The party cannon is ready!”

Twilight screamed, “No party Cannon.”

Twilight turned to Applejack. “How is the main table doing?”

Applejack opened her mouth. Before she could speak, Pinkie Pie jumped out of the punch bowl. Pinkie Pie ate a cupcake and yelled, “Delicious.”

Applejack giggled. “It is ready.”

Twilight grinned. “Check.”

Twilight looked at Rarity, “How are the decorations?”

Rarity answered, “They are all marvelous,” just as a pony placed the last tablecloth down.

Twilight looked at the band, “Is the music ready?”

Octavia stood on two legs and held her violin, and said, “We are ready and waiting.”

Pinkie Pie yelled, “Wait! Where is my flugelhorn?”

Octavia smiled, “Don’t even try to mess with my perfect music.”

Twilight chirped. “Finally! Everything is in place. The Gala can start!”

A guard trotted into the ballroom. “Princess, the first guest is arriving.”

Twilight teleported to the next floor and looked out a large window. Arriving through the front gate, Twilight watched as a crystal carriage approached the castle. A smile spread across her face. She was glad that her foal sitter and mare-in-law had made it. Cadence has been busy since becoming the ruler of the Crystal Empire. “It looks like the first guest has arrived.”

Shadow turned to Applejack. “Is it starting? Am I at my first Gala? It is finally here?”

Applejack snickered.

Shadow said, “This is exciting!”

Pinkie Pie yelled, "Lets get this party started."

Twilight nodded to Octavia. Octavia stomped her hooves and started playing with her band. Twilight opened her wings and cheered, “The Gala has officially started!”