• Published 7th Apr 2019
  • 1,591 Views, 39 Comments

Shadow Rising - Shadow Hound

What happens when a visitor from the north of Equestria comes for a visit. A event that will change the Kingdom forever. Secrets get exposed, dimensions get crossed And the sun may never rise again. Find out in this adventure story.

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Chapter Five: Old Friends

Shadow and Applejack trotted out of Sweet Apple Acres. The trees that lined the dirt path started to thin as the road turned into cobblestone.

Applejack looked at Shadow, “I am so happy to see you. It has been so long since we spoke.”

Shadow forced a smile onto his face as he struggled to find the right words. “I should have come sooner,” was all that he could say.

They both trotted into the center of town. Applejack looked around at all the buildings. “Where do you want to eat? We could eat muffins, or we could get shakes at Sugarcube Corner.”

Shadow looked at the joy in Applejack’s face. He just wanted her to stay happy. He grinned back and said, “Anywhere is fine.”

A statement that he would soon regret. Applejack smiled ear to ear. “Sounds great, the café it is.”

After Shadow heard her say that, his heart sunk. He thought to himself, “How many cafes does Ponyville have? Maybe she is going to choose a different café.”

Shadow tried to keep his cool as he forced a smile onto his face. The last thing that he wanted to do was explain to Applejack what happened earlier that day.

Shadow’s fears came true when they sat down at the same café that he had met general Seaspray a few hours ago.

Shadow wanted to spend more time with his friend, but not at this café. If anyone noticed him from earlier, he could get into trouble.

Shadow’s worst fear was that General Seaspray would see him again and bring guard to arrest him. Shadow did not want to admit it, but he was regretting his actions earlier, something that he would never tell Servo.

Shadow looked around, hoping not to see anypony from earlier. Shadow noticed the same waiter from earlier, still working his shift.

Oh crap,” he thought to himself as the waiter walked over. Shadow quickly hid his face behind a menu.

The waiter straightened his mustache and spoke, “Do you need any more time, sir?”

Shadow fumbled through the menu and tried to decide. His voice came out, but it sounded squeaky. “I am still deciding.”

The waiter sighed, “Take your time, sir.” Then he trotted away.

Applejack looked at him, “See anything you like, sugar cube?”

Shadow frowned, “Why there isn’t anything with any protein in it. Would it kill them to sell meat?”

Applejack put on a weak smile, “I don’t think many pony’s order meat; besides, you can’t eat a steak when your neighbors a cow.”

Shadow lowered the menu. He clenched his teeth, “The Lycan’s are not monsters. We don’t eat anything that talks back.”

Shadow threw the menu on the table and snorted, “What I meant was they don’t even have any fish on the menu. Even something with nuts would be good.” Shadow quickly picked up the menu and hid behind it as the waiter trotted by.

Applejack sighed, “Calm down. What are you worried about?”

Shadow lowered the menu slightly and looked at Applejack. Applejack could only see his eyes. “Nothing. Who is worried? Not me.”

Applejack slammed a hoof on the table, making it jump, “Horseapples!”

Shadow dropped the menu in surprise.

The waiter trotted over to the table, “Madam, if you need service, just call me. My name is Savior Fare.”

Applejack blushed, “Sorry, Mr. Fare. It wasn’t that.”

Savior Fare looked at Shadow, “Sir, I know that cutie mark. Are you the gentlecolt who knows Seaspray?”

Shadow replied, “No. I never met him. Why would you ask someone that?”

Savior Fare scoffed and trotted away, “Sorry, sir. It must be someone else with a moon cutie mark that I am thinking of.”

Shadow wiped his brow and exhaled in relief. That was a close one, but luckily the waiter had trotted away.

Applejack, “If you are supposed to be hiding, how come you don’t change your cutie mark?”

Shadow replied. “I am not a changeling. I can only change things like my fur and mane color. Because I am an alicorn, my wings go away in my pony form as well. I couldn’t just get rid of the cutie mark. I could copy someone else’s but then I would-”

“Have the same cutie mark as they do.” Applejack continued. “What a pain.”

Shadow shrugged, “Such as the life of a Lycan.”

Applejack asked, “Speaking about life as a Lycan, how is the kingdom?”

Shadow explained. “Not good. The magic is leaving the kingdom.”

Applejack gasped.

Shadow continued, “It all started last year. A monster called the Pony of Shadows attacked The Lycan Kingdom. When it attacked, it took magic from the heart of the Lycan Empire.”

Applejack said, “How did you stop it?”

Shadow looked down to avert his eyes from hers. His voice grew soft. “I didn’t. The Pony of Shadows kicked my flank. I was in the hospital for what felt like years.”

“I failed the kingdom.”

“It was my father that stopped the Pony of Shadows. One of the rare times I guess that Father got off his butt and did anything.”

“But the attack left many soldiers injured. The Pony of Shadows drained most of the magic from the heart of our kingdom.”

Applejack looked confused.

Shadow explained, “It is a jewel that protects the Lycan Empire. Without it, the magic will fade from the kingdom, and darkness will swallow my home.”

Applejack responded, “Twilight might know some magic. Maybe a book from her library can help.”

Applejack slammed her hoof to the ground. “I wonder if that is what Cozy Glow was doing.”

Shadow said, “What?”

Applejack explained, “Last year, a filly named Cozy Glow almost stopped all the magic.”

Shadow looked puzzled, “Who is this Cozy Glow? Is he stronger than the Storm King? What kingdom does he have an alliance with?”

Applejack giggled. “She was a student of Twilights.”

Shadow rolled his eyes, “Is there anything that Twilight does right?”

Applejack responded, “Twilight brought Starswirl back.”

Shadow asked, “How is that good?”

Applejack looked puzzled, so Shadow explained, “That was a foolish thing to do. Starswirl had said his goodbyes. He was an old fool, but that was the final good thing that he did with his life. He died a hero, but now his sacrifice means nothing.”

The waiter trotted up to the table, “Breakfast will be over in five minutes. Have you decided on what to order?”

Applejack gave the menu to the waiter, “Can I have an apple fritter?”

Shadow looked at the waiter, “Can I have eggs, hashbrowns, and-” Shadow paused for a few seconds. “Do you have pancakes?”

The waiter scribbled on a paper. “Indeed. Will that be all?”

Applejack and Shadow nodded. The waiter trotted away.

Shadow took a sip of his drink, “So you know my past few years. How have you been?”

Applejack said, “The same old, just running the farm and teaching at Twilight's school.”

Shadow spit out his drink, “Twilight runs a school?”

Applejack said, “Yup. She started it after we beat the Storm King.”

Shadow scoffed, “Big deal! The Storm King was a fool.”

The waiter placed two plates down on the table. He then filled the glasses with water, “Call me if you need anything.”

Shadow cut his pancake into four large equal pieces. He shoved one into his mouth. “So tell me about this school.”

Applejack nibbled on the apple fritter. “It is a school to teach any creature about friendship.”

Shadow took another chunk of the pancake and shoved it in his mouth. “Except Lycans.”

Applejack said, “To be honest, most ponies don’t even know that Lycans exist.”

Shadow slurped up the egg. The yoke dribbled down his chin. “Fair enough.”

Applejack giggled as Shadow attempted to lick his chin with his tongue. He looked at her, “What? I love eggs.”

Shadow looked at Applejack, who was still nibbling on the apple Fritter. “So, what is this meeting that you are going to? Can I come?”

Applejack cheered, “Twilight is planning the Grand Galloping Gala. If Apple Bloom doesn’t want her ticket, maybe you can come.”

Shadow scoffed. “Celestia is a fool for letting Twilight plan the Gala. Twilight would be a fool for letting a stranger into her meetings.”

Applejack sighed, “Why do you keep calling everypony a fool?”

Shadow replied, “Would you like for me to use worse words?”

Applejack replied, “No. We are in public, and I don’t need anypony to complain about their fillies and colts hearing bad words.”

Applejack said, “Is there any princess that you don’t think is a fool?”

Shadow put a hoof up to his head and thought. He grinned at Applejack, “No, not really.”

Applejack answered, “Not even Luna?”

Shadow replied, “Ahhh, she is ok.”

Applejack replied, “Ya know Luna will be at the Gala too. She probably misses you. You should go say hi.”

Shadow looked down at his hash browns and mixed them with the remains of his eggs. “I have been living in the Lycan kingdom for over a thousand years. If Luna has not looked for me, she doesn’t want me.” Shadow breathed in heavily, to try and not sob like a little foal, “Or anything to do with me. She may not even remember me.”

Applejack sat next to Shadow and placed her arm around his shoulder “She might still be looking for you. She was locked up in the moon by Celestia for a thousand years. It wasn’t her fault.”

Shadow closed his eyes. He fought back some tears. “Who is an idiot and worst sister slash aunt ever.” Shadow breathed in and yelled, “And the worst leader ever! It has been a thousand years! How is she still a princess?”

A filly near them dropped her glass. The café was silent. A few of the tables took notice of Shadow and Applejack.

Applejack frowned. “Easy there. Keep it quiet when we are in public. Most of the ponies love Celestia.”

Shadow snorted, “I can take them all.”

Applejack held her hoofs up. “Let’s not start any fights. Calm down, or I am not going to let you go to the meeting at Twilight’s house.”

Shadow held a hoof to his face and his other to his forehead, “Oh no, what should I do.”

Applejack giggled “Ok, funny guy. I guess you don’t want to go to the Gala either.”

Shadow said, “I just don’t know. Me, a meat-eater, around all the ponies. The stories about what ponies do to Meat-eaters is famous in the Lycan Empire.” He looked Applejack in the eyes and grinned, “Name one Meat eater that the Ponies have as an in quote Friends.”

Applejack didn’t even hesitate, “Dragons and griffins.”

Shadow scoffed, “That’s not fair.”

Applejack grinned, “You have to go now.”

Shadow said, “I would love to sit with all your friends and talk about friendship and flowers, but I can’t. I have to go back to my team and make sure that they don’t burn anything down.”

She gave him an angry look, “You left them alone?”

Shadow shrugged it off. “Of course not. I left someone in charge.”

Applejack winked at Shadow, “Then you have to go.” She rested her head against his neck. “Unless you do not want to continue the afternoon with me.”

Shadow replied, “Fine,” and he smiled at her.

She looks at him sympathetically. “You are fine. They are going to like you.”

Shadow shoves the remainder of the food in his mouth. He then used his magic to stack the plates on the table.

Applejack replied, “Perfect. I just need to pay the bill.”

Shadow’s horn glowed, and his bag appeared next to him. He pulled out a stack of bits and gave them to the waiter.

Shadow replied, “The change is the tip.”

The waiter looked in the bag in astonishment. The bag had at least double what the bill was. “Well, thank you for being so generous. Please come again soon.”

Applejack and Shadow left the table and started walking away from the café.

Shadow: “Where does this Twilight live, anyway?”

Applejack replied, “That big castle in the distance.”

Shadow replied, “She lives in a castle!”


The sun was high at noon. The stones in the Castle of the Twin Sisters radiated heat with the sun beating down on them. What was left of the roof was not protecting anyone from the sun’s heat.

Blaze laid down on a fallen pillar. “I’m bored.”

Eclipse said, “We have not seen him all day. What if Shadow never comes back?” She stood up. “What if the ponies took him?”

Blaze said, “We need to rescue Shadow. We could all teach those ponies a lesson.”

Servo said, “Let’s not teach anyone anything. He is fine.”

Triage said, “We cannot wait for very long. We are officially out of all medical supplies, and they need more, or Shirwolf is not going to get any better.”

Whitwolf said, “Well, I am not going to stay here with my tail between my legs.”

All the other Lycans gave a resounding “Yeah.”

Whitwolf continued, “I am not going to let my brother get worse.”

Blaze said, “I bet we could finish before he even gets back.”

Servo stood on top of the box containing the crystals, “We need to stay here. What would King Archimedes say?”

Eclipse walked up to Servo and looked him in the eyes, “Darling, we are the team that King Archimedes selected. Don’t bother him with trivial stuff. He has a whole kingdom to run.”

Eclipse got within a few inches of Servo’s face. Servo started to back up. Running out of chest, he fell off the edge. He landed on his back.

Servo responded, “At least let me contact him and get back up.”

Eclipse grinned, “Darling, we are the backup.”

She hovered the crystals out of the box. Each Lycan started taking a crystal and began transforming into a Pony.

Whitwolf said, “If anyone runs into any problems, don’t forget backup is all only a howl away.”

The crowd of Lycans all nodded in agreement.

Whitwolf smiled, “Don’t break cover, only howl if you have an emergency and need backup.”

Servo got up off the floor just in time to see the Lycans all leaving through the front of the castle. He watched in sadness. His shoulders dropped.

Servo sighed, “Archimedes is not going to like this.”


Applejack and Shadow both trotted up to the castle. Shadow looked at Applejack, “All I am saying is this thing is way too big to be in a city like Ponyville.”

Applejack sighed, “Just promise me that you will be on your best behavior.”

Shadow laughed, “I thought you knew me.”

Applejack knocked on the door after Shadow had gone up the stairs. Applejack frowned. She looked Shadow a few inches from his face and said, “No funny stuff.”

Shadow looked at her back and said in a quiet small voice, “Look at me. I am Twilight. I have a big purple castle in the middle of town. Friendship and books.” He then attempted to kiss her on the nose. Applejack quickly backed up and growled at him.

A purple alicorn answered the door. “Hello Applejack. It is so good to see you. The others are inside.”

She looked at Shadow, “Who is your friend?”

Applejack forced a smile onto her face, “He is my cousin.”

Shadow gawked at Twilight, “Big Pleasure meeting, yaY’all.”

Twilight smiled back and waved them inside the castle, “Please come in. Any member of the Apples is a friend.”

Shadow and Applejack trotted down the hallway. Shadow whispered into Applejack’s ear, “That’s dangerous.”

Applejack hit him in the ribs. “Do we have to leave?”

Twilight pranced past them and trotted up to two massive doors. “The meeting is behind these doors.”

Twilight put a hoof behind one of the doors. They both swung open. Shadow and Applejack trotted into the room. Inside was a large circular table with five ponies and one baby dragon sitting around it.

Twilight called out to the room. “Now that Applejack is here, we can start talking.”

Applejack and Twilight filled the empty chairs. Not knowing where to sit, Shadow sat next to Applejack.

Rainbow Dash yelled, “I don’t know how we are going to get this done. The Gala is in two days.”

Twilight smiled, “I would not worry about that. Celestia gave me a binder with all the information that we need to help us get started.” Twilight then pulled out a thick heavy binder on the table.

She continued, “Basically, the caterers and planners are hired. They are going to set up everything everyone is just going to have to make sure that they stay on task.”

Rarity spoke up, “What are we going to do if everything is done?”

Twilight responded, “You know what the Canterlot Elite likes. I want you to make sure the décor is up to stuff.”

Twilight looked around the room at her friends, “We are going to be at the Gala to represent the School of Friendship.”

Twilight’s eyes landed on Rainbow Dash, “I want you to perform with the Wonderbolts.” Rainbow Dash smiled and nodded, “I heard that the Wonderbolts have some new technology. I was wondering if you could show it off.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, “What are you talking about?”

Twilight said, “I was wondering if you could put on a fireworks show with the CMHFD.”

Rainbow Dash flew out of her chair, “Yeah! that is going to make the Gala 20% cooler.”

Shadow stuck his paw up in the air. He asked with sincerity. “What is the CMHFD?”

Twilight Responded, “It is The Crystal Magic Harmonic Frequency Device.”

Shadow Gawked at Twilight, “What?”

Twilight said, “It uses an electric charge to change the frequency of the Crystal to fluctuate the Harmonics and create a Projectile Discharge.”

Shadow put his hooves on the table, “What does it do?”

Twilight Grinned, “It uses Harmonics to change the frequency of the crystals, and they oscillate creating a magic discharge. It then focuses the magic discharge down at a target.”

Applejack giggled, “She is speaking Twilightish again.” She looked at Shadow, “Don’t worry. You get used to it.”

Twilight sighed, “It allows Pegasus to use magic to fight.”

Shadow tried to make sense about what he was told, “So… it is a Magic Cannon.”

Twilight scoffed, “The diameter is too thin to be a cannon. That name sounds strange and confusing.”

Pinkie Pie laughed out loud. Rainbow Dash slammed her hoof on the table. Everyone in the room looked at her. “That sounds way better.”

Pinkie Pie held her hand up in the air, “Can I use the party cannon?”

Twilight turned to face Pinkie Pie, “That will not be needed. We don’t want to scare the other creatures that will be there.” Pinkie pie frowned. Twilight smiled, “But you can be in charge of making sure the Yaks are happy.”

Pinkie pie smiled.

There was a knock on the door. Spike responded, “I’ll go get it.”

Shadow said, “What a good little servant. I know someone who could learn a thing or two from Spike.”

Spike sighed and walked toward the door.

Twilight Pointed to Fluttershy. “And you can be in charge of the music. Are your birds ready to sing?”

Fluttershy pet Angel bunny, “I’ll do my best.”

Applejack spoke up, “What about food? We don’t need anypony getting hungry.”

Twilights answered, “Don’t worry. Celestia hired caters.”

Shadow laughed. Applejack scowled at him and hit him in the ribs. Shadow stopped laughing and rubbed his side.

Twilight looked as the door opened up. A red-maned black mare trotted in through the door. Shadow crouched down and hid behind Applejack.

Blaze trotted into the meeting room. “Iron ingots for sale. Gets your iron ingots.”

Shadow tried to hide his face from Blaze. He hoped that she would not notice him and blow his cover.

Blaze gasped and ran over to Fluttershy. “What a cute rabbit.”

Fluttershy smiled, “Thank you. His name is Angel bunny.”

Blaze pet Angel bunny on the head, “How much to buy him?”

Fluttershy gasped, “Angel is not for sale.”

Blaze touched Angel’s paws, “How much for a rabbit foot.”

It was then that Blaze looked over to Applejack and noticed Shadow, “Wow, Shadow. Is that you?”

Shadow got up and started pushing Blaze toward the door, “I have no idea who you are.”

Blaze looked over to Pinkie Pie and noticed a plate full of cupcakes, “Can I have a cupcake?”

Pinkie Pie grinned, “Sure! They are a secret recipe.”

Shadow used his magic to take some. “Let’s get our guest ready to go.”

Blaze asked, “Go where?”

Shadow kicked the door shut with his hoof.

Twilight looked at her friends, “That was strange. Who sells iron door to door?”

Fluttershy looked at Twilight, “That is the part that you found strange? Why would you only want a rabbit foot?” Fluttershy started to rub Angel on the top of the head.


Shadow pushed Blaze out of the castle. He stopped when they got onto the steps on the entrance.

Blaze turned to Shadow, “Why are you here instead of selling iron? We all were worried about you.”

Shadow told her, “Do not tell anybody that I was here. “

Shadow whispered, “Can you keep a secret?”

Blaze nodded.

Shadow said in a soft voice, “I am trying to get information from Twilight. Information that could help the kingdom.”

Blaze gasps, “Ok. I get it. It’s super undercover.”

Blaze makes a gesture like a zipper over her mouth, “My lips are sealed.”

Shadow smiled at Blaze, “Thank you.”

Blaze held up some ingots. “Don’t forget to take these.”

Shadow sighed. “Why do you think I need iron ingots right now?”

Blaze smiled. “You never know when you will need them.”

Shadow rolled his eyes and took them from Blaze. She seemed to accept this and turned around.

Blaze trotted down the steps and away from the castle. Shadow opened the door and trotted back in. Unfortunately, they did not see the Hippogriff sitting on the roof. The Hippogriff said to himself, “A secret mission. I bet General Seaspray will want to hear about this.”


Shadow trotted back into the main room. He sat next to Applejack.

Twilight looked at Shadow, “That was strange. Why did she seem to know you?”

Shadow put a hoof behind his head, “Must have thought I was someone else.”

Twilight asked, “Who are you to Applejack again?”

Shadow looked at Applejack, “Friend.”

“Family,” Applejack replied.

They both looked at each other and said, “Family friend.”

Twilight asks, “Are you here for the Gala?”

Shadow answered, “Yes. I have never been to one before.”

Rarity asks, “Do you have a suit?”

“What is a suit?”

The room filled with laughter.

Rarity suggested, “Would you like me to make you a suit?”

Shadow answered, “Naa. I will just get a shirt in Ponyville.”

Rainbow Dash whispered to Twilight, “Well, he is definitely related to Applejack.”

Rarity objects, “No-no-no, darling! The Grand Galloping Gala is a dress event. You simply must wear a good suit, darling. You are a friend of Applejack. I will make you a splendid suit, and I won’t take no for an answer!”

Shadow asks, “How many ingots will it cost?”

Rarity said, “It is free. Anything for a family friend of Applejack.”

Shadow says, “I don’t know. I don’t have an invite. What if Apple Bloom wants to go?”

Twilight smiled at Shadow, “If so, then I will give you an invite of my own. A bonus of being in charge.”

Shadow asks, “How many ingots will that cost?”

Twilight frowned, “We don’t need for you to give us anything. We are doing it because you are a friend of Applejack.”

Shadow asks, “Why?”

Twilight smiled from ear to ear. “Because Friendship is Magic.”

Shadow thought to himself how strange that was. “Are you sure you don’t want any bits or something for your work?”

Rarity giggled. “I am so excited! I have not made a suit for a stallion ever since I had that accident with Big Mac.”

Shadow yelled, “Wait! What?!”

Rarity used her magic to pull out a ruler. She started writing down Shadow’s measurements. “Nothing, my dear.”

Applejack leaned against Shadow and she wrapped her arm around Shadow’s neck. “I’m excited, too! I told you that you could go to the Gala with me.”

Shadow grit his teeth. All he could think about was how he was going to explain going to the Gala with his pack. Would they all be as gullible as Blaze had been?

Rarity smiled at Shadow, “There. All done.” She hovered the ruler back into a bag. “You can pick up your suit at Carousel Boutique tomorrow.”

Shadow forced a smile on his face as he said, “Thanks.”

Rainbow Dash yelled, “The Gala is going to be so awesome!”