• Published 7th Apr 2019
  • 1,591 Views, 39 Comments

Shadow Rising - Shadow Hound

What happens when a visitor from the north of Equestria comes for a visit. A event that will change the Kingdom forever. Secrets get exposed, dimensions get crossed And the sun may never rise again. Find out in this adventure story.

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Chapter Three: Campfire stories

A purple Alicorn horse ran through the library in her crystal castle. The sound of her hooves echoes among seemingly endless stacks of books. She walked over and used her magic to picks up a book from one of the piles. Not to anyone, in particular, she muttered, “Ok, this one belongs in the E section.”

Behind her stood her six closest friends. Five ponies and one dragon. They tiphooved through stacks of books as best as they could, but it was difficult. The books were all in organized piles. None of her friends knew Twilight's sorting system, but in the spirit of being a good friend, they did what they could.

She turned to her friends. “Thanks again girls for the help organizing the castles books.”

AppleJack held up a book sideways; she looked at the pages as if they were in a foreign language, “I am not sure what help the bushel of us would be.”

Rainbow Dash flew through two of the stacks, “Twilight didn’t we just do this a month ago.”
Twilight gently levitates a book into the air and put it on the shelf. “We did, but I got another book shipment from Celestia. I have to organize the library, so they all fit.”

Twilight used her magic to pick up another book. Tears formed in her eyes. She looked at her friends with a weak smile. her friends huddled into a group around her, waiting for her to speak.
Fluttershy broke the silence. “What's the matter Twilight.”
“I was afraid this book burned in Tireks attack, but it is fine.”
Applejack asked, “Which one is it.”
Twilight smiled while flipping through the pages, “This book is the journal of the two sisters.” She looked at her friends “The book that led us to stop nightmare moon, and save Luna.” She held out a hoof and pointed to the group.
“And most importantly, the book that led me to make all of my friends.”

Applejack blushed, “gawsh, I guess that book is that important.”
Twilight blushed. “And what awesome friends I have. I wouldn’t be able to sort these books without you.”

Rarity corrected her, “Twilight, you have done it before.”
Twilight giggled “not that fast, though. The last time I cleaned up the library, it took me a week.”
Rainbow dash laughed, “And we played that awesome prank on you.”

Pinkie pie jumped up. “You mean the one where we pretended to be friends with Discord.”
The group of friends all laughed together.
Applejack smiled, “No problem, Twilight, that is what friends do.”

Spike got up. He weakly walked over to twilight, “I don’t feel so good.” Spike belched, and a stream of fire spewed from his mouth.
Twilight used her magic to pick up the letter “I wonder what this is about.”

She hovered a stack of books through the air in an attempt to clear more walking room. “It is from Celestia. I hope it is not news about more book deliveries. My castle cannot take any more books. Maybe a friendship problem. Maybe a metal for beating the pony of shadows. Maybe it is about Cozy Glow. That poor filly. I hope they can help her.”

Suddenly she gasps, “Ahhh” And all the books that are hovering fall. A stack of books fell over nearly crushing Spike. Rainbow Dash flew in at the last second and saved him.
Apple Jack pushed some books off of her body, “What in tarnation is it.”

Twilight looked up with her jaw dropped, “It is about the grand galloping gala.”
She lowered the letter to see that all of her friends were confused. “Celestia wants me to host the grand galloping gala.”

Pinkie pie screamed, “woo hooo.” And out of nowhere her party cannon seemed to appear and exploded throwing Confetti everywhere.

Rainbow Dash flew up and nearly hit the roof “awesome!”
Spike with a concerned expression looked at her, “What's the problem with that?”
Twilight said with nervousness, “How about the fact that I have never done it before.”
Applejack smiled, “it just means that she really trust you.”

A flash of light appeared next to twilights face to reveal a paper bag. The paper bag levitated up to Twilights mouth. Twilight breathed heavy in and out into it. “Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, I can’t do this.”
Her friends look at her in amusement.
Twilight breathed into the bag more and then spoke, “Do you know how important the grand galloping gala is.”
Rarity smiled, “Of course, darling.”
AppleJack fixed her hat, “Yup.”
Pinkie pie grinned “Silly Twilight.”

Twilight screamed, “No, do you know how important it is?”
She looked back and forth to her friends, “leaders from all of the kingdoms where invited. Not to mention that I will be representing the school.”
Fluttershy “Oh my.”
Twilight sighed, “That’s right. If the grand galloping gala is not perfect, then I could ruin diplomatic relations forever.”
Rainbow punched up into the air, “Don’t worry, we got your back.”
Pinkie Pie, “I will go get my party cannon Ready. I need more confetti, Lots more.”
Twilight ran over to her. “I don’t know if that is a good idea. I don’t know how anybody would feel about hearing the cannon. It is a gala.”

The group of friends all embraced each other for a massive hug. They all laughed together.
Twilight smiled to her friends, “Thanks girls, we can do it together. Together we can handle anything that is going to happen.”

----- ----- ----- -----

It was dark in the forest as a group of Lycans followed a dirt path. They took short steps; all of them breathed heavy and were exhausted. They were all covered in dirt and slowly walked toward a sliver of light.

Eclipse looked up into the sky. “My paws hurt.”
Blaze grinned and looked back at her. “My back hurts.”
Whitwolf, who was pulling the wagon, looked at them both and said, “Would you both stop your whining. Or do either of you want to pull?”

After a few minutes of walking, they notice a sliver line of light on the ground. The line cut across the path. It was dark on one side and bright on the other.
Blaze poured a container of liquid on her face and started hysterically laughing.
Shadow looks at her in bafflement. “What is your problem?”
Blaze giggled, “It is just that we are here.” She took a deep breath. “Finally we are out of that stupid forest. Finally we have reached the morning line.”

The group walked through the morning line sun starts shining on their bodies. They all squint as their eyes adjust to being in the light. The Lycans cross into Equestria from the shadow valley. They all squint as the sun shines on them for what feels like the first time.
Triage spoke up, “Oh my, my eyes are burning.”
Servo interrupts, “You are fine just wait for your eyes to adjust.”
Eclipse joked, “my eyes, what is that bright thing in the sky.”

Shadow looked up at the sky to see the bright orange glow of the sun as it peaked over the horizon.
Shadow answered “really funny, that is the sun or what's left of it.”
Shadow turned to the Lycans. “The sun is coming down. We are all tired. Let’s set up camp, and we will begin again in the morning.”

Shadow Hound looked at his five friends. They stood and waited for his orders. He thought for a moment on how to set up a good camp. Shadow pointed to a small area away from the path that was clear of trees. “We can set up camp here.” Shadow started to bark out orders. “Eclipse, Clear the debris. Triage set up a tent. Whitwolf, get something for us to sit on. Blaze, find some kindle so we can make a fire.”

Shadow could here Shirwolf from the wagon. “What do you want me to do?”
Shadow pointed a paw at the wagon, “Stay in the wagon. You are injured.”

Blaze called back, “I am starving can I go hunt us something to eat.”
Shadow explained, “We can’t go hunting in Equestria; there is a yellow Pegasus that keeps count of the bunny population.”
Blaze held her stomach, “But I am starving.”

Shadow yelled. “Start a campfire!”
Whitwolf rolled some logs over to the campsite, “wasn’t her stuff in the other wagon.”
Shadow scowled. His eye flickered in anger. Only for him to slam his face into his paws.
Blaze grinned, “I brought flint.”
Shadows ears perked up. Shadow raised his head from his paw and breathed out. "awesome!"
Whitwolf looked at her, “great idea, let's give her more fire to play with. She did almost burn down the forest.”
Shadow spoke. “It will be fine.”
Whitwolf scowled, “the last time she tried to start a campfire, she almost burned off my tail.”
Blaze snapped, “The hair grew back.”
Whitwolf grit his teeth. He held his butt in the air. There was a large patch of fur missing from the left side of his tail. He then screamed, “Barely.”

Servo held up his claws at the Lycans, “Everything is fine. Just stand back if you don’t trust her.”
The entire group of Lycans all took shelter behind a giant rock. Only Shadow peeked his head out.
Servo's exhaled and rubbed his temple, “Very funny.”
Meanwhile, blaze pulled out the flint and emptied a bottle into the fire.

Shadow tilted his head, “I thought I left it behind.”
Blaze answered, “It is not lighter fluid. It is something for me to drink.”
Servo questioned, “Drink, how is your drink going to help start a fire?”
Blaze grinned at Servo, “It is my secret. I know what I am doing.”
Shadow ducked his head behind the rock. Blaze bit her tongue as she struck the flint to the wood.

Servo walked over next to Blaze, “how is your drink going to start a fire anyway?”
Just then a fireball shot out of the woodpile. Blazed took cover behind one of the logs. The fire surrounds Servo. A few seconds later, the flame died down. Servo had ash on him but was unharmed. “Good thing I am fireproof. I love being a dragon.”

Shadow looked over to Blaze. The log she was behind was charred. “What is that stuff?”
Blaze grinned at him. “Cider. One of the few things good that the dirty, violent ponies make.”

The Lycans all sit down on the logs around the campfire. Blaze sat down on the burned log only for it to crumble.
Triage broke the silence, “We are missing all the tents. Were they in the other wagon?”
Shadow answers “take the blanket off the wagon and make one with that. Stupid Titans.”
Whitwolf interrupted. “That was insane.”
Blaze responded, “yeah, but we are all alive so now it is just a really cool story.”
Triage took the blanket off the wagon. “yeah, but not all of us made it out safe.”
Sherwolf stood up on the wagon. He didn’t dare attempt to jump off of it. “I am fine. I am just bruised is all.”

Eclipse sighed, “We are lucky that we all even made it out the way we did.”
Triage looked at Sherwolf, “just in case don’t move too much you might have broken it.”
Sherwolf looked at the ground and sized up the jump, “I am fine.”
Triage “your leg is at least bruised, definitely no jumping. Rest your leg.”
Sherwolf sat back down on the wagon. “Things are going to get tricky, though, with only one wagon.”

Shadow looked at the fire sadly “let's worry about that tomorrow. Tonight lets rest up.”
Eclipse concerned asked, “So what's the plan?”
Shadow said firmly, “I already said, tonight we rest, tomorrow we sell the iron.”
Whitwolf asked, “Some details would be nice.”
Shadow said, “We are a few miles from Whitetail lodge. We need to camp here, so we don’t gain any attention.”
Shadow got up, “What we are going to do is go around the Whitetail lodge and stay at the castle of the two sisters.”

Servo asked, “What does the Dossier say?”
Shadow frowned. “I have no idea. It was in the other wagon.”
Servo scoffed, “You didn’t read the dossier.”
Shadow looked nervous, “I skimmed it. It said Whitetail lodge and a room number. I can’t remember which one. It doesn’t matter anyway.”
Servo said, “Why?”
Shadow lowered his head, “the bits were in the other wagon.”
Everyone Sighed.
Shadow continued, “we are going to do fine, I know that castle back and front. I grew up in the castle of the twin sisters.”
Eclipse sneered, “Staying in a cold and dark castle is so not my style.”
Shadow grinned “just tell yourself it is in style and that all the hip and cool Lycans are doing it.”
Whitwolf broke in, “and how are we going to sell the remaining iron.”

Shadow responded, “Easy like this.” Shadow then got off the log. His muscles tensed up. His bones started to crack. His body got smaller. His nose got covered in fur as it shrank and horse nostrils replaced it. His wings shrank and disappeared. His paws curled as hooves took their place.
Shadow breathed heavy in and out as he sat back down. The Lycan Alicorn was now a Unicorn stallion. Shadow turned to his friends and grinned.

Whitwolf’s nose flared, “And what is everyone else supposed to do.”
Shadow put his hoof behind his head and combed his mane “Ahhhh, Cloaks.”
Eclipse sighed “The jewels were in the other wagon weren’t they.”
Shadow sighed, “Yup.”

Servo asked, “great now what are we going to do, go back.”
Shadow yelled, “This is my first mission!” He breathed in and then continued, “We are not going back. I know someone who I can contact. They can get me something just as good as the jewels.”
Servo crossed his arms, “Seriously?”
Shadow said, “Yeah.”

Servo responded, “Who are they, and why would they help us?”
Shadow said, “because I am me, and they ow me a favor. I need to go to Whitetail lodge, and send a letter.”
Servo got off the log, “I better go with you.”
Shadow said, “I need someone to stay here and watch the camp. I will be fine.”
Shadow walked away down the trail toward whitetail lodge.

----- ----- ----- -----

Shadow walked up to a lone cabin in the middle of the forest. A light flickered through the window. He entered the building. The room was small and warm. Boxes lined the walls. The only opening was a window. Through it, Shadow could see a grey, cross-eyed, Pegasus with bubbles on its flank.

“Hello, is this the post office.” He yelled.
“Sure is, how may I help you.” The Grey Pegasus said.
Shadow walked up to the counter, “I need to send a letter.”
“Pens and paper are on that wall. When you finish, give your letter to me, and I will send it.”

Shadow looked at her, “Thank you….”
She grinned, “you can call me muffins.”
Shadow scribbled his message down and handed it to her. “Here you go.”
Muffins looked confused, “sir, you still need to put it in an envelope and put the address on it.”

Shadow blushed. “Oh ah, what if you need it delivered in person.”
She looked confused, “It still needs an envelope. And we need to know the name of the pony.”
Shadow put a paw behind his mane, “Can you deliver it to a Hippogryph.”
Muffins looked at him, “Yes, but I still need to know his name.”
He scribbled on the paper.

Muffins looked at it with her mouth agape. “You know General Seaspray.”
Shadow whispered, “Can you do it.”
She winced, “well yes, but..”
Shadow cut her off, mid-sentence, “Then please do.”

Shadow continued, “He needs to get this tonight.”
She answered, “Yes, but it would have to be delivered express. That cost 3 bits.”
He reached into his bag and pulled out three bits.
The mare smiled at him. “Thank you. I will deliver it right now. He will have it in the morning.”
Shadow replied, “Thanks,” he walked out the door into the warm night.


Shadow walked down the trail to where the camp was. The mission was messed up because of the missing wagon. He thought about his plan for what to do with the meager supplies that they had left. Suddenly a voice broke the silence.
“You lied to them!”
Shadow turned around to see an old grey mare.
Shadow replied, “I didn’t lie to them.”
The mare smiled, “You said the bits were in the other wagon. You had more.”

Shadow snapped back. “They were in the other wagon. These bit were mine. I was saving them for a friend.”
The mare gazed into his eyes, “How are they going to trust you if they can’t trust what you say.”
Shadow snapped back, “They can trust me.”
The mare snarled, “Ask Shirwolf if he should have trusted you.”
Shadow pleaded, “They can trust me.”
The mare turned into a cloud of dark blue smoke. The smoke coiled around his body. Two light blue irises looked into his. “You can lie to them, but you cannot lie to me. You are too weak to protect your friends. You should have said yes when you had the chance.”

The cloud slithered into the distance. Shadow stood unable to move due to fear.
Shadow Cowered in fear and tucked his tail between his legs. His lower lip started to quiver, his eyes began to water, as he fought back his tears.
“I would do anything for them.”

----- ----- ----- -----

Whitwolf looks over the camp. The tent was up, and the fire was crackling. He and Triage had gotten his brother off of the wagon. Whitwolf walked over to the campfire and sat next to Eclipse. “So you seem to know a lot about this castle that we are going to stay at. It sounds kind of fun staying in a castle. What do you know about it?”

Eclipse looks at him. “It is not really a castle, darling. It is more like the moldy remains of one.”

Blaze flew over from the fire and sat next to Whitwolf.
Eclipse breathed it, “Well you see, it is one of the oldest buildings in all of Equestria. Nobody has lived there for a thousand years.”

Whitwolf looked confused, “Who lived there then, originally.”
Blaze laughed, “The two sisters, of course.”
Whitwolf looked puzzled, “From the old pups book.”
Shirwolf trotted over, “Ease up, on him, we never really read.”

Eclipse spoke up, “we are not making fun of him. I just thought everyone had heard that story.”
Whitwolf spoke up, “I haven't.”
Shirwolf lowered his ears, “You know what my answer is.”
Triage spoke next, “I haven’t.”
Servo responded, “The what.”

Eclipse spoke up, “I don’t have a copy of the story with me.” Everyone looked upset. She sighed, “But the story tells of how Celestia and Luna ruled the kingdom together.”
Everyone sat around her listening.
“Then one day Celestia decided that she should be the sole ruler of Equestria. Luna wanted to start her own kingdom, a group of ponies decided to leave with her. Celestia Forbid it.”

She waved her paws in front of the fire. The shadow cast on the crew. “Celestia attacked the group in that castle, but Luna defended them!”
Eclipse smashed her paws together. “Celestia destroyed Luna for her actions. And Luna was never heard from again.”
Eclipse waved into the sky. “The ponies breathed in the Pollen from the Night Bloom. And became the Lycans.”
All the friends said “wow.”
Eclipse turned around, “And to this day we howl at the moon to thank Luna for what she did for us. All so we can run free in the night.”

Whitwolf responded, “But didn’t you hear Luna is back. She has been back for a few years now.”
Some yelling came from beyond the trees, “Imposter!”

Everyone turned around, “Shadow!”
Servo said, “Good to see you again, buddy.”
Shadow walked through the tree line and walked into the campsite, his nostrils flared, “The Luna in Canterlot is an imposter. Celestia made her up so everypony would think she was a nice and pretty ruler.”
Eclipse responded, “How do you know.”
Shadow growled, “I know. She would have contacted us by now. She wouldn’t leave me, Us.”
Shadow turned toward the tent. “I am going to bed and everyone should too. We have a big day tomorrow. ”

Blaze responded, “In a minute, this story is just getting good.”
Eclipse continued, “All that happened in the castle of the two sisters. And that is where we are going to be staying.”
Shadow yelled from the Tent, “If you don’t like it, then leave.”
Blaze whispered to the group, “Yikes what got stuck up his butt.”
Everyone chuckled.
Whitwolf broke the laughter. “Sounds very cool. Whatever it looks like it has got to be better than Hollow Shads.”

Now it was Eclipse turn to look confused as she turned toward Whitwolf, “What is wrong with Hollow Shads.”
Whitwolf gasped, “You didn’t know hollow shads was destroyed, by Twilight Sparkle.”
All eyes turned to him.
“Last year when Vlad and the rest of the bat ponies came to the shadow valley. They said they that were attacked.”
Whitwolf put a paw to his chest. “I was part of the scout team that the king sent to make sure that Vlad was telling the truth, it is in ruins.”
Whitwolf growled, “All the reports say that it was that no good Twilight Sparkle who’d done it.”

Blaze spoke up, “Neat.”
Servo broke the silence, “It was not Twilight Sparkle who did it. It was the Pony of Shadows.”
Blaze looked at Shadow. By now his head was sticking out of the tent. It was clear he was listening to their story, “Nobody told me you owned a Pony.”
Servo grew frustrated, “Not Shadows Pony, The pony of Shadows.”

Whitwolf continued, “The same Pony of Shadows that almost ate the Heart of the Lycan Empire.”
Triage spoke, “I heard it was twilight who attacked us and the bat ponies.”
Shadow Hound walked over to the fire, “Nope it was the Pony of Shadows. He wiped the floor with me and nearly destroyed the Heart of the Lycan Empire. Now are all of you done telling campfire stories.”

Blaze interrupted, “Still a pony.”
Whitwolf responded, “Either way the ponies need to stay out of the Lycan Empire.”
Shirwolf answered back. “Yeah because wherever they go, they destroy everything they touch.”
Whitwolf said, “They are monsters, did you hear what they did to the storm king.”
Everyone shook their heads.

Whitwolf’s eyes grew big, “They ate him.”
Blaze smiled, “that is not right.”
Eclipse scoffed, “what roughens.”
Triage held her paw in the air, “I heard he got turned to stone.”
Blaze smashed her paws together, “yeah, and they bucked it into pieces.”
Shirwolf rolled his eyes, “I bet they are displaying the pieces on top of their castle as a warning to others not to mess with the Pony Empire.”

Shadow growled, “It doesn’t matter what they did to him. He was too loud, anyway. Nothing but a showoff.”
Triage answers, “What would they do to us if they know who we were?”
Blaze smiled at looked to all of her friends, “maybe we could join him. I bet they have already chosen our spots on the castle wall. Maybe they are already looking at us from the shadows.”

Then as if on cue, some bushes start to blow around. And a twig snapped. Triage jumped off the log and almost landed in a tree.
Eclipse giggled, “Calm down it is just the wind.”
Shadow waved everyone toward the tent. “Let's stop with the ghost stories we have a big day tomorrow. That is when we sell what is left of the supplies.”

The fire turns to a faint glow as shadow kicked some dirt on it. All of the Lycans entered the tent. The campsite was dark and unattended.

From the bushes, a small chuckle could be heard. “Mwahhhhhh.” A dark figure walked into the campsite. The only thing that could be seen was a light purple helmet and a pair of white fangs. The eyes opened to reveal purple irises.
“Sleep well My Little Pup. You are going to help me with my revenge. With Shadows Help the night shall last forever!” The figure turned into a cloud of smoke and slithered into the night.

Author's Note:

Thanks everyone for waiting. The adventures of Shadow continue. I plan on finishing this whatever it takes!