• Published 7th Apr 2019
  • 1,592 Views, 39 Comments

Shadow Rising - Shadow Hound

What happens when a visitor from the north of Equestria comes for a visit. A event that will change the Kingdom forever. Secrets get exposed, dimensions get crossed And the sun may never rise again. Find out in this adventure story.

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Chapter 15 : The Gala Begins

A slow smile spread across Twilight's face.

The lights were dim, giving the room a warm and inviting feeling. The crystal decorations shone in the dimly lit room.

Twilight had to admit that the help had done an excellent job. The tables and silverware were neatly and meticulously placed, giving the room a symmetrical and organized look. Octavia played a slow, soft, and inviting melody, welcoming the guest to The Gala. It was like a dream, and everything was in place. The night was starting to set, and the window framed the moon.

Twilight trotted up to the castle’s main door with her friends in tow. Celestia gracefully walked down the stairs toward her former student.

Celestia grinned from ear to ear. She complimented with joy in her voice, “Wonderful job, Twilight. Everything looks wonderful. Now come, let us greet our first guest.”

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash. “Tell the Wonderbolts that they can go now.”

Rainbow Dash gave a salute and responded, “I will be right back.” And with the flash of a rainbow, she was gone.

Rarity responded with concern in her voice, “I hope she doesn’t tear the dress.”

Twilight smiled at her group of friends. “Get ready. The show is going to start soon. This is the first time the magic cannon is going to be fired, and I want us all to be able to remember this event.”

Pinkie Pie yelled out. “Did somepony say cannon!!” With the wave of a hoof, Pinkie Pie pulled the cannon out of some kind of a pocket dimension.

Twilight yelled out, “NO CANONS!”

Shadow whispered to Applejack. “Are you sure she is not hiding a unicorn horn on her head?”

Applejack giggled, “It is Pinkie Pie. Don’t question it.”

The crystal carriage rolled to a stop in front of the Canterlot Castle.

Pinkie Pie hopped in place and said, “Please, Twilight, can I fire the party canon to celebrate?”

Twilight snapped back, “No. You are going to scare the guest.”

With the wave of a hoof, Pinkie Pie revealed a tiny cannon on the tip of her hoof. “What if it is a small one?”

In response, Twilight growled.

Celestia laughed and said, “Oh Twilight, just go with it. Hopefully it will be more exciting than the last Gala, but what can top the Smooze?”

Shadow asked, “How did Pinkie Pie pull the cannon out of thin air?”

Rarity commented, “It is Pinkie Pie. Don’t question it.”

Shadow replied, “But it was not there a few seconds ago! What magic is this?”

Applejack reassured him, “Calm down, Sugar Cube. It hurts more when you question it.”

Twilight walked up to the carriage right as Cadence was getting out.

Twilight said, “It is so good to see you.”

Cadence giggled in response, “For once, we get to talk to each other when the world is not in danger.”

Twilight said, “The last time we got to speak with each other was on the zeppelin ride. The world was not in danger then.”

Shining Armor took Flurry Heart out of the Carriage. Flurry Heart woke up and looked at Twilight with big innocent eyes.

Twilight gleaned, “How is my favorite little niece doing? It feels like it has been years since I last saw you.”

Twilight trotted over to her brother and looked into the basket.

Flurry Heart cheered, “Yay! It is aunt Twilly.”

Twilight said, “Flurry! Oh my gosh! You have gotten so big.”

Twilight thought for a few seconds. Twilight asked, “And you speak now?”

Cadence corrected Twilight, “We saw Trixie’s magic show and nothing bad happened.”

Flurry Heart responded, “magick show. Yes pwees.”

Cadence looked at her daughter sympathetically. “Mommy was just saying magic show.”

Flurry Heart interrupted. “I want now. Now-now-now!”

Twilight grinned at Flurry Heart. “How about some fireworks instead?” she counter proposed.

Flurry Heart responded, “Yeye. Twi is da best.”

Rainbow Dash landed near her friends and skidded to a stop. “They are coming.”

A roar filled the sky as the ponies looked up.

Three Wonderbolts flew over the castle. The crystal packs glowed a blue color. Each of the Wonderbolts shot a long beam that screamed through the air. They finished with a group of explosions that turned into different colors. The crowd in front of the castle gasped in marvel at the light show.

Flurry Heart screamed, “Wooooww! I wanna do dat.”

“Yay,” Fluttershy smiled and said quietly.

Rainbow Dash looked over to see a blank stare from Shadow. She asked, “Hey dude. What did ya think?”

Shadow shrugged as he responded, “It is ok.”

Rainbow Dash yelled. “I bet I could do a rainboom and you would say it was ok.”

Shadow thought for a second. It was true that he had not seen a rainboom but he was optimistic that, with his power, he could figure it out. He debated what his answer should be until he saw the pink pony next to him pull out a cannon. After seeing her produce a weapon out of thin air like that, how would a useless rainboom be of any interest?

Shadow responded by saying, “That it would be interesting.”

Rainbow Dash asked. “Oh come on! What does it take to impress you?”

Shadow said, “I was very impressed by the impressiveness of the cannon.”

Rainbow Dash retorted. “Does anything make you smile?”

Shadow thought about his friends Pear Butter and Bright Mac. He grinned and replied, “Apple bucking.”

Applejack looked at him, blushed, and giggled.

Rainbow Dash said, “Yeah, right. Like you can apple buck.”

Shadow grinned. “Oh yeah? I bet I can buck more trees than you.”

Rainbow Dash replied daringly, “It is on.”

Applejack went between the two. “Can y’all both bring it inside? Ya’re going to scare the guest.”

The group started to walk back inside the castle.

Twilight started to follow her friends.

Celestia said, “Twilight, you need to stay and greet your guest.” Celestia waved as a shell-shaped carriage went up to the castle.

The shell-themed carriage was pulled by two hippogryphs. They went up the road to the castle. A purple hippogriff with a green and gold uniform got out and grabbed the handle. From there, he opened the door. Out stepped a face that Twilight had seen before and, in a way, she dreaded. Princess Novo walked up to the two pony princesses.

Silver stream jumped out of the carriage wearing a white dress. She looked at the castle and ran in front of Queen Novo. “Oh my gosh!” Silver cried out in excitement. “Look at all the stairs.”

General Seaspreay responded, “Go make yourself comfortable.”

Queen Nova looked sternly at Twilight. Twilight smiled back.

Queen Nova said, “I didn’t expect to see a show.”

Twilight responded nervously, “I aim to please.”

Celestia smiled at Queen Nova. “I am glad that you could join us tonight.”

Queen Nova grinned, “It was a pleasure that you invited me to your Gala.”

Twilight responded, “I sent four invites. I hope Princess Skystar got her invitation.”

Queen Nova stated, “She got it. She couldn’t come today because she is still grounded.” Her glare hardens at Twilight as she adds, “For disobeying me.”

Celestia said, “Hopefully she can make it to the next Gala.”

Queen Nova said, “Don’t count on it. She is still going to be grounded.”

Twilight stood shocked, “Still? Don’t you think that is too harsh?”

Queen Novo responded, “Don’t tell me how to parent my daughter. I don’t appreciate it much less from a little pony who tries to steal from me.”

Celestia responded, “Queen Novo, I don’t think that is what she was implying.”

Twilight lowered her head. “I am sorry that I tried to steal the pearl. I cannot finish telling you how sorry I am.”

Celestia stood silently.

Queen Novo breathed in and said softly, “Twilight, I want you to understand something. I understand why you would take it. If I were in your position, I would have done the same thing. Desperation is a cruel feeling that no leader should ever have to feel.”

Twilight raised her head. “Thank you for forgiving me.”

Queen Novo responded, “Oh, I never forgave you. You are still banned, and I don’t ever want to see you in my kingdom again.”

Twilight lowered her head. “How many times do I have to apologize?”

Queen Novo explained. “A piece of advice. Don’t cower; it makes you look weak. You need to make eye contact.”

Twilight raised her head. Queen Novo explained, “I took you into my kingdom and trusted you, and you broke my trust. You will have to earn that trust back, and it will take time. More time than a month.”

It was quiet for a few minutes. The tension could be cut with a knife.

Celestia broke the silence by saying, “Well, no matter what, Queen Novo, our home is open to you. Make yourself comfortable, and we hope you have fun.”

Nova smiled at Celestia, “I intend to.”

Nova trotted into the castle and saw Shadow arguing with Rainbow.

Nova turned to Twilight. “Tell me something child; what is the name of that stallion who is talking to the rainbow mare?”

Twilight explained, “That is Shadow arguing with Rainbow Dash. You might want to say away from him he is a little different.”

Nova stated, “Don’t tell me what to do, child. I know what I am doing.”

Rainbow Dash stated, “Yeah, well, you think you are soooo awesome. I am going to put you in your place. Next Running of the Leaves, I will show you who the real best mare is.”

Shadow grinned. “Tie your wings behind your back, and we are on.”

Rainbow Dash yelled back. “Why! are you scared?”

Twilight interrupted. “Shadow, can I have a moment of your time?”

Shadow turned around and looked Queen Novo in the eyes. After briefly blinking with surprise, he replied, “Absolutely.”

Shadow walked away from Rainbow Dash and towards Queen Novo. “How can I help you miss?”

Queen Novo smiled, “You can call me Queen Novo.”

Shadow bowed, “Oh yes, Queen Novo. How can I help you?”

Queen Novo asks, “Where are you from?”

Shadow answered, “Las Pegasus.”

A guard walked up and whispered into Twilight's ear.

Twilight interrupted. “Sorry, are you both ok? I need to go greet a new guest.”

Queen Novo stated, “We are fine. I am just getting to know our new guest.”

Queen Novo watched as Twilight galloped away.

Queen Novo looked at Shadow. “That girl is going to drive me crazy. If she is going to be a future ruler, she has so much learning to do.”

Shadow said, “Oh queen, you honor me, an average unicorn like myself.”

Novo laughed, “Cut the horse apples. I know who you are, Lycan Prince.”

Shadow asked, “Could you please keep it down? I don’t need anyone finding out.”

Nova smiled, “Oh nopony cares.”

Shadow asked, “I hope you are doing well?”

Novo said, “It takes a lot of guts to come to The Gala after stealing my pearl shards.”

Shadow sighed, “It was not my best moment.”

Novo answered, “It was not. And now, because of you, I have to deal with Seaspray acting all pouty.”

Shadow said through his teeth, “Yeah. Sorry about that.”

Queen Novo told him, “Stay away from General Seaspray. I came here to have a good time. I wanted a break from being a referee to a bunch of children.”

Shadow said, “That is not what I intended.”

Nova explained, “If you had told me in your letter that you were short on bits, I would have ordered General Seaspray to give you the pearl shards. But instead, in the letter, you said that you would buy them.”

Shadow sighed, “I will get you another pearl. I will make this right.”

Nova ordered, “If you want to make this right, avoid Seaspray. Don’t even look at him. He has not been the same since he got back from the meeting.”

Shadow promised, “I will keep my distance.”

Nova stated, “With how secretive your father is, why would you come to an event like this?”

Shadow responded, “Applejack invited me.”

Novo said, “That is how you got into the door, but why did you come to The Gala?”

Shadow sighed, “One reason why is because I was hoping to ask Princess Luna something.”

Novo’s eyes widened, “Wow. I would say stealing the shards is something your father would do, but asking for help? I wouldn’t expect it.”

Shadow explained, “Well, I am just full of surprises.”

Novo said, “You sure are. Anything else?”

Shadow asked, “Have you heard from Ambrosia Muffinbuns or Katherina Proudpaws?”

Nova said, “How cute you are worried about the Diamond Dogs.”

Shadow said, “What do you expect? I am looking out for competition.”

Novo said, “Ever since the Storm King attacked Caninia, they have been in hiding.”

Shadow gasped, “I would think that, after the storm King was defeated, they would come back.”

Novo stated with a brief shake of her head, “Nope. Rght now it looked like their old kingdoms are forming a new kingdom run by the Storm King’s little lap dog.”

Shadow asked, “How is Princess Skystar?”

Nova answered bluntly, “Still grounded.”

Shadow said, “You shouldn’t do that.”

Queen Novo explained, “She worried me. I lost my husband, and I could have lost my daughter to the Storm King. She could have been injured or worse.”

Shadow turned to Queen Novo, “Yeah, but if you keep her locked up, then she could end up worse.”

Queen Novo demanded, “What could be worse than death?”

Shadow stated, “If you keep her locked up, she might end up like me.”

Queen Novo spoke with a hint of sarcasm. “I better get home and unground her then. The last thing I need is for her to be half-wolf.”

Shadow and Queen Novo both laughed.

Thorax walked out of a black and green carriage made out of resin.

“Greetings, Twilight!” the changeling king greeted cheerfully.

Pharynx turned to his brother, “I need to go check the perimeter.”

Thorax looked at his brother. “Whatever makes you happy?”

Thorax looked back at the resin carriage. “Ocellus, come out. It is rude to make the princess wait.”

Ocellus stuck her head out and tiptoed out of the carriage.

Ocellus looked up. “Hi, Headmare Twilight.”

Thorax looked at Twilight. “I hope you don’t mind Pharynx. He just wants to keep me safe.”

“Of course. We are happy to have Pharynx.” Twilight smiled, “Did you get my message?”

Thorax replied, “I would be happy to see this possible changeling, but there is not much that I can do other than talking and seeing if they want to change.”

Twilight stated, “I was hoping that there was a way you could tell if a pony was a changeling.”

Thorax said, “I am happy to help the changelings change. It has been my focus, but they have to be willing to reveal themselves first.”

Twilight cheered, “Great! Why wouldn’t they? You are the king.”

Thorax explained, “Not all changelings see it that way. Any changelings that have not changed may still be loyal to our old queen. Also, Queen Chrysalis was never captured. It might even be her in disguise.”

Thorax looked over at Shadow. After a few minutes, Thorax gasped and then looked back at Twilight. Thorax said nervously, “I hope it is a changeling because, if it is not, only one creature has that cutie mark.”

Twilight asked, “Did you just say ‘creature’?”

Thorax hid behind the wall. “I hope he did not see me.”

Twilight replied, “Don’t worry. I am sure it is fine. I mean, he does have a bad temper, but he is harmless.” She reassured, “Do you want to tell me upstairs?”

Thorax said, “I have to be sure. I don’t want to endanger you, Twilight.”

Twilight asked, “Can you at least give me a hint?”

Thorax answered, “Maybe later. Pharynx has traveled out west. He would know what to do.”

Twilight said, “I already know he is from Las Pegasus.”

Thorax bit his lip. “Oh shoot. He did see me. I need to talk with Pharynx right now.”

Thorax trotted away from Twilight and into the main dining room.

Twilight said to nobody, “That was strange.”

Shadow leaned up against the table and whispered to Queen Nova. “Is it just me, or does the bug seem to be looking in my direction?”

Novo laughed, “Maybe he likes you.”

Shadow replied, “Then why are they whispering?”

Novo responded, “Well, you are whispering. Is it a crime?”

Shadow replied, “There he goes staring at me again.”

Nova rolled her eyes. “Well, you are staring at him too, so… You might be making him nervous.”

Shadow said, “Now he is walking away from Twilight.”

Nova snapped back, “Do you blame him?”

Shadow turned to Novo. “I am going to go talk to a bug.”

Nova sighed. “He is new. Go easy on him.”

Shadow smiled at Queen Novo, “I am going to be my normal self.”

Queen Novo replied, “I was afraid of that.”

Shadow looked at her and growled slightly.

Thorax trotted nervously over to the drink cart. His forehooves shook. When he tried to pour himself a drink, the punch spilled.

Thorax jumped when he heard a voice behind him say, “Hello, sir.”

Thorax turned around to see Shadow grinning at him.

Shadow repeated, “Hello, sir.”

Thorax gulped and replied, “Can we find my brother first?”

Shadow laughed. “You don’t need your brother. We are just two friendly creatures talking.”

Thorax bit his lip and breathed in. “I don’t want any trouble.”

Shadow poured a drink and placed it in front of Thorax, “Drink it.”

Thorax said, “I don’t know what you are trying to do, but I am not going to fall for it.”

Shadow poured a second drink and placed a cherry in it. Shadow rolled his eyes, “You're shaking. Drink something. It will help you calm down.”

Thorax replied, “I am not taking my eyes off you.”

Shadow replied, “Then I guess you know who I am.”

Thorax replies. “I have no idea.”

Shadow asks, “Then what were you saying to Twilight?”

Thorax reassured Shadow. “I didn’t tell her that you are a Lycan.”

Shadow replied, “Ohhh, so you do know.”

Thorax explained, “Yes I know who you are. You invited me to the kingdom and then threw my brother Pharynx at my feet.”

Shadow said, “Consider yourself lucky. The Boys wanted to have a cook out. They have never tasted Changeling before.”

Thorax reminded, “You don’t eat creatures that speak.”

Shadow shrugged, “Some of the other Lycans see it as a challenge. It is only against the law if you get caught. Some Lycans also forget and need to be.” Shadow rolled his eyes and then smiled. “reminded.”

Thorax said, “You still didn’t have to beat him.”

Shadow said, “He is lucky that he escaped with his life. He shouldn’t have snuck into the kingdom the way he did.”

Thorax said, “Do you blame any creature for being curious?”

Shadow said with a grin, “Yes. Trespassers will be punished.”

Shadow stirred a straw in a glass. “I do give him some credit though. No matter what we did to him, he would not tell us anything useful about the Changelings.”

Thorax shut his eyes as he promised in tight panic, “I am not going to share your secret with anyone. I swear!”

Shadow threw his head back and drank his drink in one gulp. Shadow replied, “How much do you know?”

Thorax said, “I will not say anything. I don’t know anything.”

Shadow sat for a few minutes and pondered what to do next. Thorax was not going to share with him what he knows, but the bug was scared and too afraid to tell Twilight the truth.

Shadow grinned, “Thank you. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

Shadow pat Thorax on the back and walked away.

Thorax replied, “I will do whatever you want. Just don’t hurt Ocellus or my brother.”

Shadow turned around and grinned at Thorax. “Why would I hurt others for a crime you did? That seems messy.”

“Thank you.” Thorax smiled weakly. “I am glad to hear that the rumors are not true.”

“They are.” Shadow looked Thorax in the eyes and grinned. “Now go have fun. It is a gala.”

Shadow walked away from Thorax. Thorax breathed out and collapsed onto the floor.

Shadow walked up to Queen Novo. He reached over to the table and drank a glass of cider in one gulp.

Shadow said, “See? I just wanted to have a little talk.”

Queen Novo snickered. “Impressive. I didn’t think you knew the meaning of restraint.”

Shadow looked at Applejack’s eyes. She was happy with glee.

Shadow asked, “So what were you two talking about?”

Applejack spoke with delight. “Queen Novo was talking to me about the farm.”

Shadow answered, “Ok.”

“She seemed interested in a delivery of our best apples, but Ah told her how the vampire fruit bats ate half the orchard.”

“Anything else?” Shadow checked.

Applejack said, “She offered me 100,000 bits.”

Shadow said, “What is the catch?”

Queen Novo answered, “I want to see you dance the waltz with your friend.”

Shadow replied, “No. I don’t dance.”

Queen Novo corrected, “I will even throw in an extra 10,000 if you tear up the dance floor.”

Shadow scoffed, “My father would forbid me from acting so feverously.”

Applejack explained, “But Shadow, the 100,000 bits would save our farm. Can’t ya do it for a friend?”

Shadow sighed before he answered, “Fine. I will do it for you AJ.”

Queen Novo asked, “Do you know what to do?”

Shadow smiled at her. “Yeah. I can waltz.”

Shadow took Applejack's hoof and they walked to the dance floor of the Ballroom. Ponies swayed back and forth in each others arms.

Applejack blushed. “Ah ain’t have no idea what Ah’m doing. This isn’t a square dance.”

Shadow looked into her eyes. “It is ok. I know what to do.”

Twilight trotted up to Queen Novo, “I can’t believe you got them to do it.”

Queen Novo said, “You wanted him distracted.”

Twilight said, “Great! Now I need to find Thorax.”

Shadow took Applejack’s hoof and placed it on his shoulder. “Put your arm right here.”

Shadow took his arm and placed it on her back. “And I hold you like this.”

They held each other in each other’s arms and danced with their back legs. Shadow was not sure but Applejack had no trouble holding up her weight on her back legs. Shadow guessed that, after years of apple bucking, had given her more than enough strength.

Applejack blushed. “So like a square dance,” she figured.

Shadow grinned, “Correct, but we stay with each other.”

Applejack smiled, “Ah got this.”

Shadow sighed. “I feel like a big goof.”

Applejack gave Shadow a mischievous grin, “Think of it as a competition. Ah bet Ah can dance better than you.”

Shadow grinned. “You are on!”

Applejack responded, “Yer having fun yet?”

Shadow said, “This is goofy. We don’t dance in the Lycan Empire.”

Applejack Smirked, “Good thing you are in Equestria.”

Thorax walked around the cold castle hallways. Around the corner, he saw Pharynx. Thorax called out to his brother, “Brother I need to talk with you about Shadow, Now!”

Pharynx opened up a door and replied, “The information is supposed to be a secret. I can only tell you in private.”

Thorax entered the room and noticed a broom. Right away, Thorax turned around and saw Pharynx shut the door.

Thorax cried, “Oh sweet Celestia.”

Pharynx grabbed a silver bracelet around his wrist and turned it. With a flash of bright light. Gray fur grew on his body and the horn disappeared. His hooves were replaced with paws.

Thorax replied, “This is the worst Gala ever.”

The Lycan kicked Thorax in the chest, sending him crashing down the steps. Thorax landed onto his back.

The Lycan jumped toward Thorax and landed on top of him. Thorax saw stars as his head hit the floor. A broom fell to the ground as the Lycan smacked Thorax across the face. He pressed a furry paw to Thorax’s neck. Thorax struggled to scream. His only managed to whisper, “Help.”

The Lycan asked, “Do you know who I am?”

Thorax answered, “Yes. You are Augusto the Lycan.”

Augusto said, “Good, then you know this is not personal. It is only business.”

Thorax asked, “Where is my brother?”

“He is alive, right now he is my assurance.” Auguesto stuck his claws against Thorax's face. “If you say anything to Twilight about the Lycan Kingdom?”

“I won’t.” Thorax replied.

Augusto continued, “If you do anything to put the prince in danger, I am going to mail you back your brother piece by piece. You follow me?”

Thorax promised, “I won’t say anything.”

Augusto gave Thorax a toothy grin. “Good. Now get back to the party, and don’t forget.” With a flash of light, Augusto turned back into Pharynx. “I will be watching you.”

Pharynx opened the door and pointed to Thorax. “Come on, sir. We have a party to get to.”

Thorax walked out of the room and walked back into the ballroom. He gulped down a glass of cider.

Twilight tapped on his shoulder. Thorax jumped and screamed. Twilight said, “Are you ok?”

Pharynx asked, “Sir, what is wrong?”

Thorax replied, “I am fine. The Gala is wonderful.”

Twilight looked over and saw Shadow dancing with Applejack. “He looks distracted. What can you tell me about him?”

Thorax looked at his brother. “Not much. He looks like just a pony.”

Twilight asked, “He looks like it but is he a changeling?”

Thorax looked at Pharynx. Pharynx gave him a deadly stare and slowly nodded.

Thorax laughed. “I think so.”

Twilight asked, “Really? A changeling hiding at The Gala. Should we evacuate? Is it Queen Chrysalis?”

Pharynx shook his head slowly.

Twilight looked at Pharynx who smiled back. Pharynx replied, “No danger at all. It is just a grunt.”

Thorax replied, “Don’t worry. It is just the love at The Gala that drew it here. I can talk to him later after he is full.”

Pharynx shook his head.

Thorax replied, “Or not. I am only asking changelings if they want to reform. I can not force a changeling to change if they do not want to. It needs to be their choice. You understand, don’t you Twilight?”

Twilight replied, “I agree Thorax. No creature should be forced to do something they don’t want to. However, if you need it, I can help you explain the advantages of the new way of life.”

Thorax shook his head, “It is ok, Twilight. I have convinced many Changelings to join the new hive. I am really good at it.”

Twilight smiled, “If you need anything, please let me know.”

Thorax reassured her, “Everything is fine.”

Twilight looked into the ballroom to see Shadow spinning Applejack like a top.

Twilight looked at Thorax, “What is going on?”

Thorax replied, “Just fun.”

Cronos opened the door to a small room full of cider barrels. He walked down a short flight of wooden steps. He heard muffled screaming coming from behind some barrels when he reached the bottom. Cronos moved them to the side to see Pharynx tied up on the floor with a gag in his mouth. Pharynx lay squirming on his back with his legs tied together above his head.

Cronos said, “Oh dear, I am too late.”

Cronos tapped Pharynx with his hoof. Pharynx squirmed in response. A green Jewel tied to his legs glowed bright.

Cronos admired the jewel in all of it’s glowing brightness. “Fascinating. You should consider yourself quite lucky.”

Pharynx rolled around on the floor trying to get to his feet.

Cronos replied, “You are lucky that whomever did this to you felt you were important enough to leave alive.”

Pharynx sighed.

“Oh don’t worry. You can transform once somepony removes this green Jewel.” Cronos said while he tapped the jewel.

Pharynx gave a muffled growl in response.

“Do you know what this means?” Cronos checked with his gagged friend.

The gag in his mouth muffled Pharynx response.

Cronos replied, “It means the princess is in danger. I need to hurry.”

Pharynx screamed into the rag sticking out of his mouth. He protested by sticking his legs toward Cronos.

Cronos replied, “Sorry, but if I untie you, it will put the kingdom in grave danger.”

Cronos walked back up the stairs and stood in the doorway. “Please do me a favor and keep quiet. If anyone finds you, the results will be dire.”

Cronos shut the door, filling the cellar in darkness. Pharynx closed his eyes and slammed his head into the ground in frustration.