• Published 21st May 2020
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The Elements of Virtue - Rakoon1

After Star and Dusk’s return from the Bermikun Triangle, a brand new threat makes itself be noticed. In order to fight it, Star and his friends will go on a journey to find the Elements of Virtue.

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The Element of Healing, Part I - The Tale of the Jaquins

Gleaming Shield, after getting out of the Mirrored Library with the mission to find Mage Meadowbrook’s mask, set a course to the destination that the Tree of Crisis had given to her: the pony-panthers’ oasis. Carrying a pair of saddlebags with water and some provisions, Gleaming Shield flew over the Golden Desert, only stopping to rest and to drink some water to support the scorching sun.

To her relief, she started to reach the place where the hidden oasis was located. As soon she landed and started to approach it, the oasis started to reveal itself to her, along with the fortified valley where the village of the pony-panthers was located. Arriving to the entrance, her path was blocked by a pair of pony-panthers who asked:

“Halt! Who goes there?!”

“I’m Princess Gleaming Shield from the Crystal Empire” she said. “I need to speak with Chief Strongpaw as soon as possible. It’s an emergency.”

She was taken to the presence of Chief Strongpaw, who was in his office, in his pony form, and so Gleaming told him what was going on and the reason why she was there.

“So that’s the reason for this bad feeling I’ve been feeling” he said. “It’s all because of the Pony of Shadows.”

“You know him?” Gleaming asked.

“Only from the stories my kind has passed through generations” he replied. “If what you’re saying his true, and if Prince Star Knight really weakened him, then it’s very probable that he’s now trying to regain his strength back. Because of your family’s efforts to keep the realm safe and full of light, it will take a while, but have no doubt he will come back stronger.”

“That’s why we need to find the objects that belonged to the Pillars of the Pony World” Gleaming Shield told. “The Tree of Crisis sent me here to find Mage Meadowbrook’s mask. It may not be here, but this may be first step to find it.”

“I’m sorry, princess, but I don’t know what possible information I could give that would lead you to the mask.”

“Are you sure? Maybe it’s something that you don’t quite see the importance of it. Something that may have to do with Mage Meadowbrook.”

Strongpaw thought for some time and then had an idea.

“Perhaps you’ve not come in vain, young princess” he said, while getting up. “Come with me.”

She did what he asked and followed him. They got out of Strongpaw’s residence and started walking through the village. As they walked, Gleaming Shield noted the respect the other pony-panthers, both old and young, had for Chief Strongpaw. As they crossed paths with him, they respectfully bowed their heads to him. She had already seen ponies behaving like that with her aunt Celestia and aunt Luna, but those paled in comparison with what she was seeing, what surprised her a lot.

Arriving to a certain small house, Strongpaw knocked the door and then addressed to Gleaming Shield:

“Jade Dune is the oldest and most knowledgeable pony-panther in the village. If there’s someone that can help you is her.”

The door opened, revealing an elderly mare in her pony form. She had a yellowish coat with a hourglass and a book as a Cutie Mark, a greying mane and violet eyes.

“Chief, what a pleasant surprise!” she said. “What brings you here?”

“Hello, Jade Dune, sorry to bother you, but I believe you can help this young filly in something very importante” Chief Strongpaw said, while presenting Gleaming Shield.

Inside her house, Jade Dune served some tea to her guests, saying while pouring the beverage:

“I have to say it’s rather surprising having somepony asking something about the mask of Mage Meadowbrook.”

“The Pony World and the rest of Pony Reality are threatened by a powerful enemy” Gleaming Shield said, while taking her cup of tea with her magic. “The mask is needed to defeat him.”

“And being you the wisest pony-panther, you may know something that may put her in the right path” Strongpaw said.

“I think you mean because I’m the oldest pony-panther, right?” Jade Dune asked, causing Strongpaw to become a little uncomfortable. “I’m just teasing, chief. No need for embarrassment. But, answering to your doubts, I do know a thing or two about Mage Meadowbrook… who is also known as the mother of the pony-panthers.”

That revelation caught both Gleaming Shield and Chief Strongpaw by surprise.

“Wait, Mage Meadowbrook is the mother of the pony-panthers?” Gleaming Shield asked.

“That cannot be…” Chief Strongpaw said. “You must be mistaken, Jade Dune. Our existence is the result of a blessing of the Lord of Order. At least that’s what my father and all the others have told me.”

“In a way, that is true” Jade Dune replied. “That gift was Mage Meadowbrook. But the story of our origins suffered some modifications through the centuries. But I and a few others still remember the true story.”

Centuries ago…

After the defeat of the Pony of Shadows, Mage Meadowbrook had become very weakened because of the sealing spell she and her comrades had been able to cast on him. Because of that and with the danger of having villains coming after her and her mask, she decided it was for the best if she left her own homeland and Equestria.

After gathering some provisions, she traveled to the other side of the sea at the west side, arriving to Trotsylvania Ponynsula. Once there, she ventured herself in the Mysteficent Forest, hoping to find a place where she could hide and recover her strengths. However, her plans was thwarted when Rothbart appeared, ready to take her down and take her mask.

Meadowbrook started running through the forest, always opting to keep cover under the trees, preventing Rothbart, who was in his avian form, from trying to take her.

“Where are you, little mage?” Rothbart asked, while flying around. “Come out, come out, wherever you are. Rothbart wants to play… and take a little mask as a reward.”

Mage Meadowbrook was hiding behind a tree, crawling around it to avoid being detected by Rothbart as he was passing by. She placed a hoof into her bag to grab a smoke bomb she had made, just in case Rothbart ended up finding her. She watched him and saw Rothbart passing by, while looking for her.

After he started to move away, Mage Meadowbrook relaxed a little bit, while sighing with relief. Suddenly, something hit her from behind and, when she looked, she saw Rothbart who started to try to subdue her.

“I got you!” he taunted. “Now, I will get your mask and deliver it and you to the Lord of Chaos in a silver plate… literally.”

“Think again, feather head” Mage Meadowbrook said, kicking Rothbart in the stomach to push him back.

After she freed herself from Rothbart’s grasp, she placed her mask on her face immediately and took one of her smoke bombs and pop it on the ground, releasing a burst of red smoke that surrounded them. In that smoke, Rothbart started coughing, while feeling his eyes getting irritated and full of tears.

“Is this… pepper smoke bombs?!” he asked. “That nasty little…”

Thanks to her mask, Meadowbrook was not affected by the smoke and so resumed her running from Rothbart. But, despite the advantage she had got, Rothbart was able to recover quickly and didn’t last for him to pursue her again and tackle her, pinning her against the ground. His eyes were inflamed because of the smoke.

“You think you’re so smart…” Rothbart said, while stripping Meadowbrook from her bags and mask. “But you’ve just worsen your situation. I would let you live and let the Lord of Chaos decide your fate. Maybe he would let you live. But now… I’ll just cut you open and take the mask.”

“You think I’m scared of you?” Meadowbrook asked. “I’m not. It doesn’t matter what you do with me. The other Pillars won’t let any of you take their objects. Your master will never get out power.”

“That’s what you think” Rothbart replied. “Just like you, they are pretty weakened. In fact, I’ve heard your dear friend Rockhoof had just been turned into a decorative statue by the Gorgons and that Flash Magnus is having troubles with the Mountain Dragons. I wonder how the others are doing. Unfortunately for you, you won’t get the chance to know.”

He raised one of his talons, charging it with dark magic. Meadowbrook prepared herself for what appeared to be the inevitable, but then something happened. Something, or someone, charged at Rothbart, taking him out of her. When Meadowbrook came to look, she saw that Rothbart was fight… a jaquin.

Meadowbrook had never encountered one of these creatures and got surprised for seeing one fighting Rothbart. Jaquins were jaguars, twice as big as a pony, with big macaw wings and feathers on the back of their legs and cheeks and on the end of his tails like a fan. The one that was fighting Rothbart had a golden yellow fur with orange triangular spots, orange feathers and lime green eyes. She was amazed with the strength the jaquin had, being able to force Rothbart fight at the defense.

With a powerful blow, the jaquin threw Rothbart against the ground. When the former tried to subdue the latter, Rothbart rolled over and stood up.

“Well, well, well…” Rothbart said. “What do we have here? A flying cat? And here I thought I’ve seen everything.”

“You better get out of here, before I decide to tear you apart, servant of the Lord of Chaos” the jaquin said. “This place is not for the likes of you.”

“Of course…” Rothbart replied, cynically. “Just let me take care of that little pony, take her mask and I’m on my way…”

Before Rothbart could make any step, the jaquin started to growl at him in a very threatening way. The villain hesitated in what he should do. He needed to carry on his master’s orders of taking the mask and getting rid of Mage Meadowbrook, but he had heard of the ferocity and strength of the jaquins. Despite knowing he could have a chance against him, he also knew that his fellow jaquins should be nearby and, if they arrived while he was fighting him, he would be in a very bad position. Turning to Mage Meadowbrook, he said:

“Don’t think this is over. That mask will belong to the Lord of Chaos and you, my dear, will share the same fate as your fellow Pillars.”

Having said that, he took flight and moved away, what caused Meadowbrook to sigh in relief. She then saw the jaquin approach her and then extend a paw to her, now expressing a totally different look than the one he had addressed to Rothbart. The look he was giving her was one expressing kindness and concern.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes…” she said, accepting his paw and rising up. “I am… Thank you, if it wasn’t for you…”

“It’s my duty along with my companions to keep watch of this land” the jaquin said. “Villains are on our blacklist. I’m sorry, I haven’t introduced myself… My name is Solidago.”

“You can call me Meadowbrook” she replied.

In the present…

“And that’s how the progenitors of our kind met” Jade Dune concluded.

“So the pony-panthers are the result of the cross between ponies and jaquins?” Gleaming Shield asked.

“In a way, yes” Jade Dune replied. “However, the current generations of pony-panthers are not exactly half-jaquins. We can only manifest some jaquin traits.”

“I had no idea about that part of our history” Chief Strongpaw said.

“What about Meadowbrook’s mask?” Gleaming Shield asked. “Do you know anything about it?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t know where it is” Jade Dune answered. “But I may have a suspicion. Despite there’s jaquins living in the Trotsylvania Peninsula, that’s not their true home. In fact, they watch over the portal that leads to their home. Maybe the mask is there as a way to prevent villains from getting it.”

“What place is that?” Gleaming Shield asked.

“It’s a legendary location, a realm that is said to be connected to Harmonia, the Lord of Order’s kingdom” Jade Dune told. “It is called Serenity Valley. Much like Animarium, it’s practically freed from any evil. But the jaquins protect it very fiercely, both in and out. They don’t let any stranger get into their territory just like that.”

“But if the mask is in Serenity Valley, then I don’t have any other choice but try my luck with the jaquins” Gleaming Shield said, getting up. “My cousins, my aunt, my friends… They are all counting on me. We need the mask to defeat the Pony of Shadows or else all the Pony World will be doomed. If the jaquins really serve the Lord of Order, then they will help retrieve the mask.”

“I guess you do have a point there, Your Highness” Jade Dune said.

“But, princess, what happens if the jaquins don’t come to understand the situation?” Chief Strongpaw said. “I’ve heard about them and their king. For what I have heard, he is very adamant with the rules and very stubborn. I know that because that’s the way of the pony-panthers as well.”

“And yet you let Shadow Claw be saved from his curse using the pure water of your oasis, despite that was against your rules” Gleaming Shield replied.

“Technically, the oasis decided to reward Miss Rarity’s bravery by allowing her use its water” Strongpaw told. “We, pony-panthers, are only guardians who prevent unworthy intruders from taking what they don’t deserve.”

“Even so, I can’t exactly sit here and do nothing” Gleaming Shield said.

Strongpaw, realizing there was nothing he could do to convince Gleaming Shield otherwise, sighed and said:

“Very well… At least let me have you escorted by some of my guards.”

“Bad idea, my dear” Jade Dune told the chief of the pony-panthers. “The jaquins would consider that an act of invasion. Besides, since Princess Gleaming Shield is the only one here that can fly, they would just slow her down.”

“Don’t worry, Chief Strongpaw” Gleaming Shield told. “I promise that I will be careful. After all, I don’t have any other choice.”

She headed towards the exit, turning to Jade Dune and Chief Strongpaw and telling them:

“Thanks for everything. You really helped me.”

Having said that, she took flight and started heading towards the Trotsylvania Peninsula, hoping that she would be able to find Mage Meadowbrook’s mask.

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