• Published 21st May 2020
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The Elements of Virtue - Rakoon1

After Star and Dusk’s return from the Bermikun Triangle, a brand new threat makes itself be noticed. In order to fight it, Star and his friends will go on a journey to find the Elements of Virtue.

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The Element of Sorcery, Part VII - The Return of the Sorcerer

The Lord of Chaos was seeing Star returning to his body and reunite with Timber and then talk with Princess Celestia, expressing a not so very pleased face. He made a gesture and the image on the mirror just vanished, only to be replaced by Chrysalis and Obsidia.

“It would appear Scorpio has failed his mission” the Lord of Chaos said. “Prince Star Knight has returned from the Spirit World and now knows where to find Star Swirl’s book.”

“What?!” Chrysalis exclaimed. “No, that cannot be!”

“Honestly, I’m not surprised” Obsidia said. “Scorpio was really too much of an incompetent. First, he failed to capture that traitor, then he failed to capture Moonlight and Thorax, during the invasion and now this.”

She then saw the Lord of Chaos and Chrysalis looking at her, causing her to get uncomfortable and say:

“I’m sorry for my… babbling. Please, continue.”

“For more that it costs me to say it, I have to admit I clearly underestimated the situation” the Lord of Chaos said. “I knew the Grand Macaw would pull of something like a game to decide who send back to the Pony World with a twist, but I honestly thought Star would have fallen for it and win. He’s so obstinate when it comes to save the ones he loves that he can’t ignore what’s in front of him, but I never expected Hepheus would be able to figure that out.”

“So… what do we do now, my lord?” Chrysalis asked.

“Now that he knows where Star Swirl is, Star Knight will certainly go after him” the Lord of Chaos said. “After spending a great deal of time away from his body, while in the Spirit World, I bet he is weakened. His energy must be low, especially because he had sealed Nine-Tails in order to contain the Curse of the Poison Heart. Not to mention he will have to focus completely to break the seal placed on Star Swirl. That will be our opportunity to strike and get rid of him.”

“But… if he successes in doing it…” Chrysalis started. “Well, Star Swirl is very powerful.”

“My dear Chrysalis… you seem to not understand the situation the young prince is getting himself into, by not waiting to recover from his trip to the Spirit World” the Lord of Chaos said. “The simple procedure of breaking that curse is so power-consuming and he hasn’t yet practice it. He will be so weak after doing it, he won’t even be able to put on a fight. As for Star Swirl… I think being stuck in a tree for centuries isn’t exactly the best way to recover. Don’t worry about them, just make sure Star Knight doesn’t get the book.”

“You can count on us, my lord” Chrysalis replied, with her and Obsidia bowing before the Lord of Chaos.

Star and Timber teleported to the edge of Froud Valley, right at the top of Hatchaway Falls.

“Here we are, Timber… Froud Valley” Star said. “But… we should be over there… at the pillar where Star Swirl is. I guess my energy hasn’t completely returned…”

Timber made a concern look to his owner and Star told him:

“Don’t worry, buddy, I’m okay. I still have enough energy.”

“I for one share the same concern as the timberwolf” Kurama told Star in their plane. “Don’t forget your little trip to the Spirit World consumed a lot of your energy to sustain your body and you didn’t stop to recover.”

“Okay, first, it was not my idea to get trap there and having to engage in a buckball game just to satisfy a macaw spirit” Star said. “Besides, we have no time to lose. Who knows when the Pony of Shadows will recover his full powers and decide to attack.”

“Well, the life is all yours” Kurama replied. “Do as you want.”

Star then charged his horn with magic, while focusing on the stone pillar that he wanted to go to and teleported away with Timber. They appear there and Star was able to face the tree that was Star Swirl.

“I can’t believe it…” he said, while approaching the tree and putting a hoof on it. “This is it… This tree is Star Swirl, sealed away with a transfiguration seal.”

“Just be careful to not droll too much” Kurama commented to him.

Star rolled his eyes and then moved away a few steps, preparing himself to undo the seal. Remembering what Clover had told him about the seal, Star took a deep breath to calm his mind and concentrated on the task. Charging his horn with magic, Star gathered the magic he needed to perform the spell, while making sure he wouldn’t go too far.

After that, he started to proceed on the delicate process of separating the light and dark sides of it. The process was so much harder than Star expected, but he didn’t back off. It was then that his magic started to split into light and dark magic. Now, the only thing he needed to do was to cast them and revert the seal.

Suddenly, he heard Timber growling at somepony and then an explosion. That totally broke his concentration, undoing the process.

“Timber!” he exclaimed, turning around.

However, he saw nothing more than pieces of wood spread around… except for one that was the upper half of Timber’s head that was on… Chrysalis’ possession.

“Oh, looks like I broke your little dog twig” she said. “You don’t mind I get a hold of this piece, don’t you? I just can’t have a timberwolf ruining this moment.”

“Chrysalis?” Star asked. “What are you…?”

But before he could do anything, Obsidia tackled him from behind, casting him against the ground. Star tried to use his magic, but the effort he just did exhausted him to do any powerful attack.

“Well, it would appear you forgot to have a little nap” Chrysalis mocked. “Don’t you know that little kids need their sleep? Or did the trip to the Spirit World just turn your mind upside down?”

“You don’t know what you’re doing, Chrysalis…” Star said, with an anger look, trying to gather as much magic as he could.

“Oh, I know exactly what I’m doing” she replied, while playing with Timber’s head. “I’m preventing you from ever ruin another of the Lord of Chaos’ marvelous plans… again. Not only that, but I’ll have the gratification of ending you and get back to that miserable half-bread for taking my kingdom and my subjects from me. This will be the first step of my sweet revenge. And because the Lord of Chaos wants you to suffer and I want to savor this moment, we shall our time…”

Having said that, she charged her horn and hit Star, starting to suck his love, causing him a lot of pain.

In the Mirrored Library, Mirror Coat, Golden Paladin and Blue Sword were gathered, while waiting for the youngsters to arrive with the Pillars’ objects. While Mirror Coat was organizing his library and Golden Paladin was reading a book, Blue was passing around, nervously.

“You know, passing around like that won’t change the outcome of the young ones’ missions” Golden commented to Blue, without taking the eyes from the book he was reading.

“I know that, but it helps me calm down” Blue said. “I mean, I know my kids and their friends are very brave and they are up to the task… but I can’t help but thinking of what the Lord of Chaos may be planning to stop them.”

“A valid concern, but I think there’s no need for that at the moment” Mirror Coat said, while stopping what he was doing and approaching.

“And why is that?” Blue asked.

Mirror Coat replied not with words but by creating a mirror portal, what caused Golden to stop reading and put the book aside. From the portal immerged Jonagold, who was carrying none other than the petrified Rockhoof.

“Jonagold… how…” Blue started.

“The Element of Strength…” Golden Paladin said, noticing the element on his armband. “You managed to awake it… Impressive.”

“Yeah, an’it was not easy” Jonagold said, while putting down Rockhoof. “Ah had tah fight one ov those nasty creatures Star fac’d when goin’ tah Tambelon.”

“Wait, you fought a Quintaped?” Blue asked, impressed. “And you won? Wow, I’m impressed… those things are not the easiest of creatures. But what is with the statue?”

“It’s not jest a statue” Jonagold replied. “It’s Rockhoof himself. He was petrifi’d by dah gorgons. Ah was hopin’ ya’d know a way tah undo it.”

Mirror Coat observed Rockhoof and then said:

“Unfortunately, the effects of the gorgons’ gaze gets stronger with time. There’s nothing we can do… unless we use the powers of the Elements of Harmony… or maybe the Elements of Virtue.”

“We can do that once everyone has returned” Golden Paladin said. “With the Elements of Virtue gathered, we can free him as a test to their power and then move to Princess Twilight and her friends.”

“So we will bring to life one of the Pillars?” Blue asked. “That can be interesting…”

“Oh, but I have something more interesting than that” a voice said, with everyone turning around and seeing Heartbeat, eating a bowl full of strawberries.

“Where have you been?” Golden asked. “I thought I said no General should venture themselves outside the Light Kingdom or the Mirrored Library.”

“Hey, don’t look at me” she replied, pointing then to Mirror Coat. “He was the one to tell me to go to the Enchanted Forest.”

“It’s true” Mirror Coat replied. “I noticed Prince Gunter was going into the Mountain Dragons Caves, so I decided to send Heartbeat as a precaution.”

“And a very wise decision…” Heartbeat replied. “Having in count I just prevented Gunter, Bramble and Lord Hawthorn from getting busted by the Mountain Dragons. But not before something else happened…”

They heard wings flapping and Gunter immerged, while exhibiting his sash with the Element of Bravery and saying:

“The one and only Gunter defeated the King of the Mountain Dragons with the power of the great Element of Bravery… and also my power of flare nature.”

“Only ya ta show off in times like these, Gunter” Jonagold commented.

“Even so, defeat King Gunnar is mighty impressive” Golden Paladin said. “He’s quite powerful… even for a Mountain Dragon.”

“And that’s not the only thing I did” Gunter said. “Just look who I saved when I got the Element of Bravery.”

He made a gesture behind him and then, to everypony’s surprise, they saw Flash Magnus appearing.

“Greetings” he said. “Golden Paladin, Mirror Coat, it’s so good to see you again.”

“Flash Magnus…” Golden Paladin said. “You’re alive. But how?”

“My shield kept me alive inside magma in the Mountain Dragons’ nest” he explained.

“And that’s why we took some more time after we got out of there” Gunter said. “We drop by King Aspen’s castle for him to recover his senses.”

“Don’t worry, Gunter explained me everything… or at least most of it” Flash Magnus said, noticing then Rockhoof petrified. “Wait… Rockhoof? What happened to him?”

“After you defeated the Pony of Shadows, he had an encounter with gorgons” Golden Paladin replied. “But don’t worry, we plan to undo that with the power of the Elements of Virtue… as soon as we have them all.”

At that moment, the mirror Mirror Coat had summoned shone and Gleaming immerged from it, flying and then landed.

“Guys, I managed to get the Element of Healing” she said. “And you won’t believe what I found out about Mage Meadowbrook…”

But then she noticed the presence of Flash Magnus and a petrified Rockhoof, saying then:

“Okay, I guess I’m not the only one with surprising revelations.”

“An alicorn?” Flash Magnus asked. “I didn’t know there were others.”

“Oh, you won’t believe how many there are these days” Heartbeat replied to him. “But having in count that you have been gone for centuries, I recommend you just roll with it. That’s what I did when I wake up without a star seed… not that I had any other choice.”

The mirror shone again and Moonlight appeared, followed by Galena and Mistmane.

“The Mirrored Library… I don’t remember the last time I’ve been here.”

“Mistmane?” Flash Magnus asked, seeing his old friend.

“Flash Magnus!” Mistmane exclaimed, happily.

“I can’t believe it…” he said, while approaching. “You’re okay… And you look so…”

“Beauty and younger?” Mistmane asked, with a raised eyebrow.

“I was going to say… different” Flash Magnus said.

“It’s all thanks to this young filly” Mistmane replied, looking to Moonlight. “Not only she managed to reform an entire race, but she also awakened the power of the Element of Beauty and brought me back to my former self.”

Moonlight blushed a little with all the praises Mistmane was doing, only replying:

“Thank you, Mistmane…”

“So we have four elements and two more to go” Golden Paladin observed.

“I think you mean one more to go” a voice said, revealing to be Dusk that came in from the other entrance. “The Element of Hope is right here with me.”

“Dusk, you made it” Blue said, going to his son. “That’s great! How did it go, son?”

“It went okay…” Dusk said. “With the exception of a small incident, everything went reasonably well. I got Somnambula’s blindfold and made it turn into the Element of Hope. Not only that, but I have friends investigating her disappearance and…”

It was then that he noticed the presence of Flash Magnus, Mistmane and the petrified Rockhoof, saying:

“Oh, I hate to be the last one to arrive! I always miss something. Wait… but I’m not the last one. Has Star not arrived yet?”

“No, but I’m certain he is getting here pretty soon” Blue replied.

Mirror Coat then suddenly felt a little disturbance and he replied:

“I’m not so sure about that.”

Using his magic on the mirror he had summoned, he made it reflect what was happening at Froud Valley. Everyone got shocked for seeing Star being subdued by Chrysalis and Obsidia, with the former feeding on his love.

“No, Star!” Blue and Moonlight exclaimed at the same time.

“He’s in great danger…” Dusk said. “We need to do something!”

Golden thought about the situation about a few moments and then said:

“Prince Dusk and Prince Gunter, you go help Prince Star. The rest of you will stay here.”

“But…” Moonlight started, wanting to help her coltfriend as well.

“We can’t risk having the Elements of Virtue around that lightly” Golden Paladin explained. “Prince Dusk’s skills with his Plank and Prince Gunter’s flare nature will be a great asset against Chrysalis and Obsidia.”

“I can help as well…” Flash Magnus said.

“No offense, Flash Magnus, but, having in count that you just came out of a thousand-year-long sleep inside of magma, you’ll need more time to recover” Golden Paladin said.

“He’s right, Flash” Mistmane told him.

“Okay, Gust, let’s do this” Dusk told.

The two headed towards the exit of the library, while Moonlight observed them go. Blue approached her and told her:

“Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Dusk and Gust will save him.”

“I know, uncle Blue, but… I can’t stop worrying about it” Moonlight replied.

At Froud Valley, Chrysalis continued to suck Star’s love, while Obsidia was standing beside her.

“I can feel it…” Chrysalis said. “All that love… It’s incredible! I will become extremely powerful after I’m done with you. And with that power, I will get my throne back… and put some sense into those traitors.”

But at that moment, Obsidia was able to sense something approaching them.

“My queen… we have company” she told.

That caused Chrysalis to stop and the two were in time to dodge a flare ball casted by Gunter, who was flying by, with the former even dropping Timber’s head. The flare ball stopped and returned to the side of its caster.

“Damn…” he said.

“Look who he is…” Chrysalis said, while she and Obsidia took flight and faced him. “The griffon prince who defeated Gunnar. I have to say what you did was rather impressive. But you’ll find I’m on a totally different league.”

“Sure, because it’s harder to crush a bug than a dragon” Gunter ironized, while creating more flare balls.

“Compare to me, you’re nothing more than just a meal, boy!” Chrysalis replied, while charging her horn with her magic.

Before that, Gunter summoned the power of the Element of Bravery and covered himself with the metallic layer and said:

“Bring it on, bug queen. Ups, did I just say queen? Sorry, my mistake.”

That really upset Chrysalis who charged even more her horn. But while she did that, Obsidia heard move movement and told:

“My queen, behind you!”

The two of them dodged from a magic beam that came from Dusk, who was flying thanks to his trusty Plank.

“So much for a surprise attack” he said.

“Take care of the annoying pony prince” Chrysalis ordered to Obsidia. “Feathers is mine.”

She nodded and then turned to Dusk, while Chrysalis advanced towards Gunter, with them starting fighting each other.

Meanwhile, down there, Star was seeing both his brother and one of his best friends fighting the two changelings. Before that, he just wished he could join the fight, however, between his low energy and having been subjected to Chrisalis’ love absorption process, he simply couldn’t do it.

It was then that he saw Timber’s head regaining his energy and each part starting to assemble until he was completely whole again.

“Hey, buddy…” Star said, with a slight smile. “It’s good to see you’re okay. I was worried about you.”

Timber approached him, sniffing him and then expressing a concern look.

“Don’t worry, buddy, I’m okay. Although I wished I could just gather natural energy to heal fast, but I think I can’t gather it right now…”

It was then Timber kneeled to be at the same level as his owner and then touched with his forehead on Star’s. At that moment, the latter started to feel a great wave of energy coming into him. His natural instincts were able to balance that energy with his won and entered in sage mode.

“Of course… you are partly made of natural energy” Star realized. “It’s because of that you can reassemble. And you shared it with me… Thank you, buddy. I owe you one.”

Timber replied by licking his owner’s face, with the latter chuckling and then saying:

“Okay, okay, stop it now. I have things to do… like exterminating some insects.”

He got up, looking then to both Chrysalis and Obsidia. He could attack the former, but he knew the latter would be able to warn her queen through the fact she had very sensitive hearing. Despite knowing she could dodge that attack, Star also knew he could count on his brother to have a hit.

Summoning two clones, he started to perform his most notable spell: the Spiraling Star. With the original gathering and concentrating the energy, one clone focusing on control and changing its form and the other clone adding the wind nature, soon he formed a Spiraling Star, with the clones disappearing after that. Aiming at Obsidia, he threw it.

Expecting as much, as soon he did that, Obsidia was able to sense the attack, especially the buzzing sound. She tried to get out of the way of the attack, but Dusk, being quick in a way so that the mutated changeling wouldn’t notice him while distracted, he jumped from the Plank to kick on her and pushed her against Star’s attack, returning then to the board with a back jump and moving away as much as he could.

The attack hit Obsidia who started to shout in pain, as she was hit and the spell expanded and created its signature vortex. Noticing what had happened, Chrysalis shouted:


As she saw Obsidia, completely devoid of consciousness, started to fall to the bottom of the valley, her distraction caused her completely open to Gunter’s attack and was hit two times, causing a burn on her, while burning her energy as well. Turning to the three princes present there, she told:

“Mark my words… You shall suffer for what you did! I shall my revenge for everything you’ve done!”

And, with that, she flew away as fast as she could.

“Gunter, go see Obsidia” Dusk said. “I’ll go see Star.”

“Okay” he replied, while going down.

Dusk descended to the stone pillar where Star was and, once he got out of the Plank, he asked:

“Star, are you okay?”

“Yes, I am… all thanks to Timber” Star replied, while petting his timberwolf pet. “He gave me some of his energy. But… he would never be able to do it if you and Gunter haven’t appeared here.”

“Well, we finished our missions and Mirror Coat saw you needed some help” Dusk said.

“He was right about that” Star said.

Gunter arrived, while carrying Obsidia.

“How is she?” Star asked.

“Not well…” Gunter said. “That spell of yours really did a number on her.”

“My spell causes major internal damages” Star replied. “You should take her to Golden Paladin. He will know what do with her.”

Gunter nodded and then took flight.

“What about you?” Dusk asked.

“I’ll end what I’ve come here for” Star replied, while turning to the tree. “I didn’t walk through a stupid spirit fog and lost a buckball game just to have to back down.”

What he just said confused Dusk and Star clarified:

“It’s a long story.”

Focusing then his attention on the tree where Star Swirl was sealed, Star focused whatever natural energy he still had, combined with his own magic, charging it on his horn. Like he did before, he started to separate the light and dark energies of his magic and focusing them on his hooves. Unlike how he expected, doing that a second time was even harder, perhaps because he was doing it so soon after the first time. But he didn’t let that stop him.

Noticing the tremendous struggle Star was having while casting that spell, Dusk said:

“Star, maybe you should stop…”

“No, Dusk, I won’t stop!” he replied, while trying to keep the spell. “I need to do this! I have to get that book.”

“But you’ll wore yourself out” Dusk said. “What good will you do if you drain all of your energy?”

However, Star didn’t reply to that and then proceeded to cast the two polar energies against the tree, surrounding it with them. The young alicorn prince did his best to hold that spell, but it was very hard for him. Both Dusk and Timber were every concern with him, but before any of them could possibly do anything about it, something started to happen: the branches of the tree were starting to retreat, as if it was retreating in time.

Suddenly, the intensity of the light and dark energies started to wave, getting weaker, what caused the tree to stop being undone. Star noticed that and tried to do something about it, but he simply couldn’t do anything about it. However, no matter what, he would do the task he had in hooves, not only for Star Swirl and his own mother, but also for the sake of the world.

It was then that a sudden light immerged from the inside of the tree…

“What is that?” Dusk asked.

His answer was answered when Star Swirl’s book just came out of the tree and started approaching Star. He observed it approaching, while feeling it trying to connect with him. Despite his struggle to keep the spell going, he couldn’t help but let himself connect with it as well. When the book get to him, it released a strong golden glow and, when it dissipated, the book had disappeared and, in its place, was now a scarlet scarf tied in a Hoxton knot with a golden eight-pointed star pinned above the knot.

“That must be… the Element of Sorcery” Dusk said.

At that moment, the element started glowing and, with that, Star felt his energies returning… Not only that, but he felt even more energy coming to him, causing his eyes to start glowing with a golden glow as well. Star’s spell soon became much stronger, even more than before, and the light and dark energies circled the tree and involved it completely. A glow was seen coming from inside and, after it dissipated, the energies started to retreat and, once they did it, it revealed that the tree was no more and, in its place, was none other than Star Swirl the Bearded. Star’s eyes returned to normal once he finished the spell, saying then:

“It’s done…”

As the element also stopped glowing, Star could feel his energy returning to normal, with a piece of it having being burned away, causing the young alicorn prince to feel a little tired, but nevertheless not as much as he was.

Star Swirl, recovering his senses, couldn’t help but starting to wobble due to tiredness. Star hasted to go support him.

“It’s okay, Star Swirl, I have you” he told him.

“Who… are you?” Star Swirl asked.

“My name is Star Knight” he said. “I released you from your seal.”

Star Swirl then noticed the Element of Sorcery on Star.

“You… You connected with my element…”

“Don’t worry, everything will be explained” Star said. “But now we need to get to a safe place.”

At that moment, his Cutie Mark, along with his Dusk’s and their friends’ who were connected with an Element of Virtue, started to glow (except for Gunter, whose talons were the ones to glow).

“Okay, I wonder what this means…” Dusk said.

“It means our mission is over…” Star replied. “We have the Elements of Virtue. Now, it’s time to use them to fix everything.”

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