• Published 21st May 2020
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The Elements of Virtue - Rakoon1

After Star and Dusk’s return from the Bermikun Triangle, a brand new threat makes itself be noticed. In order to fight it, Star and his friends will go on a journey to find the Elements of Virtue.

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A Bad Feeling

Twilight was at her room packing up things for her month with her family in Ponyville. She couldn’t wait to pass sometime with her friends. It felt forever since the last time they were together.

Blue entered the room and, seeing his wife packing, he commented:

“You know, it’s not like we’re going moving back to Ponyville, right?”

“Very funny” Twilight replied, while putting some books. “But you know pretty well I like to have some light reading during the train jouney.”

“Careful not to bring the all library with you, Twily” Blue joked, approaching. “Now, really, you don’t need all these books. You already have them in the Golden Oak Library, remember?”

“I know, but you know that I can’t help it” Twilight said. “Oh, I forgot I still have some paperwork to take care of. Maybe I can deal with it during the train, while sending them to my office.”

“Or you could just let Golden and the others deal with all that” Blue said, while taking her hoof. “Come on, Twily, just… relax. Can’t you just take a deep breath and appreciate the fact everything is fine. I mean, our family is finally together, Star has the curse under control, he and Dusk returned from the Bermikun Triangle… We have to enjoy the peace we have.”

Twilight sighed, as she knew Blue was right, but she just couldn’t let herself get out of her state of alertness. Deciding to follow her husband’s advice, she said:

“Okay, I’ll try to relax.”

“Great” he said, kissing her on the forehead. “Now, I’ll see if the kids have everything ready so we can take the train by early morning.”

Having said that, he got out. After that, Twilight prepared to put back her books when she felt a sudden chill. It was an usual chill, like the ones a pony would feel when feeling something was not right and something, in Twilight’s opinion, was not right. It was like she could feel a certain shadow hoovering above them like a vulture waiting for its prey to die. She didn’t like it and, despite her promise to Blue that she would do her best to relax, she couldn’t just ignore that feeling.

Before that, Twilight could only do one thing. Using her magic, she activated an hidden mechanism in one of the posts of her bed that opened an hidden trapdoor and made stairs appear. She descended them until reaching the entrance to a vault, whose lock was a horn hole. Twilight inserted her horn there and used her magic. Recognizing her magic, the mechanism of the vault allowed it to unlock and then open, revealing its inside.

The vault was filled with many treasures, most of it had been kept by Princess Aurora herself, like magical objects she had deemed too much powerful or precious to be left at reach of other ponies. Between those objects were the Jewel of Life, Blue’s Diamond Sword (which was inside a glass case enchanted to allow Blue to summon it whenever he needed), the cellblaster with the life cells and the prison-book (which had been moved from the dungeons to better safety), the Solar Crystal, Pandora’s box and key and the flower from the Oasis of the Heart’s oldest tree that Blue had given her and was now inside of a bell jar. But what she was looking for was a certain chest that contained what she wanted. Finding it, she opened it, revealed then the Elements of Harmony.

“I do hope I don’t have to resort to you, but it’s better be safe than sorry.”

Later on, the royal family of the Light Kingdom got on board on the Light Express which didn’t take too long to arrive at the train station of Ponyville. As they got out of the train, Dusk said:

“I can’t believe I finally get to come here! I’ve heard so much about this place.”

“And I’ll make sure you get to see everything, little brother” Star told. “Hey, mom, dad, can I go to Sweet Apple Acres to meet Jona? I’ll meet you later at the library.”

“Very well, we can take your saddlebags, but try not to be late. Don’t forget your cousin Gleaming Shield will arrive later.”

“Okay” the two boys replied.

“What about a race?” Star asked Dusk, while summoning two skateboards.

“More like a stunt competition” he replied. “Don’t forget I don’t know the way.”

And the two started rolling away.

“Should we worry about that?” Twilight asked Blue. “You know how those two are when they are competing.”

“Let them be” Blue replied, while taking his sons’ bags.

“Can we go see Silver?” Midnight asked to her parents.

“Yeah, can we?” Sunny asked as well.

“Sure” Twilight said, while taking her daughter’s bags. “Just remember to…”

“Yeah, we know” Midnight replied. “To be home to meet Gleaming.”

“We would love to see our big cousin” Sunny added.

Having said that, the two twins started moving away.

“Can I ask the big question here?” Blue asked Twilight, looking to the chest containing the elements. “Why did you bring the elements?”

“Oh, it’s just to be safe” Twilight replied. “I have this bad feeling…”

“Oh, I hate those” Blue said. “But don’t worry. Even if it is real, we can handle anything.”

“I really hope so…” Twilight said, still unsure if she believed what her beloved had just said.

The two prince brothers started heading towards Sweet Apple Acres while skateboarding around Ponyville, making some stunts. Along the way, Star noticed Jona approaching Sugarcube Corner along with Gunter.

“Hey, Dusk, over there” Star told him.

They arrived there and, stopping, Star told his two friends:

“Hey, guys”

“Star! Dusk!” Jonagold and Gunter exclaimed, proceeding to hug their friends.

“Dudes, we didn’t get any news from you for ages!” Gunter exclaimed.

“Yeah, we start’d tah think ya had already forgotten ‘bout us” Jonagold joked.

“Sorry, guys, but we have decided to invest a little time only focused on the family” Star said.

“Ah get it” Jonagold said. “After all, ya have jest reunit’d some weeks ago.”

“But it would appear the two brothers here had already quite an adventure” Gunter said. “We heard you went to another realm.”

“You can bet your feathers on that” Dusk said. “We got to sail around on a boat and with a crew with me as a captain.”

“Now that is something I would pay to watch” Gunter said, while ruffling Dusk’s mane. “It’s hard to imagine a little colt like you as captain.”

“Hey!” Dusk exclaimed, a little offended. “Just for you to know, I was a great captain. Right, Star?”

“Well, at least you didn’t kill us all” Star teased, making Jonagold and Gunter to chuckle.

“Very funny…” Dusk replied. “Even if it’s true, you could at least tell them about the great things I did as a captain.”

“Don’t worry about that, Dusk” Star told, putting a hoof on his brother’s shoulder. “You don’t need to try to impress us. By the way, I’m surprised to see you here, Gunter.”

“Well, I decided to have a little vacation out of Griffonstone, so I decided to stay a few days with Jona” Gunter told. “My brother came along and is now with Gust at his house in Ponyville. He and his parents have come to spend a few days here as well.”

“And they are not the only ones” Jonagold said, in an insinuating way. “I think there’s someone you have not mentioned and that is also here…”

“I don’t know who you’re talking about” Gunter hasted to say.

But it was not too hard to guess who they were talking about seeing how their griffon friend had reacted.

“So Galena is in Ponyville too, hein?” Star asked.

“How did you…?!” Gunter asked, nervously, before recollecting himself. “I mean… that was a very good guess.”

“She’s staying with Moonlight” Jonagold said.

“I was on my way there” Star told. “I would stop by Sweet Apple Acres and drop Dusk with you so I could go see Moonlight.”

“Wait, you’re about to ditch me?” Dusk asked his older brother. “Not cool, bro.”

“Would you rather be a third wheel?”

“Good point.”

“Besides, you’d have a lot of fun in the farm. Besides, Jonagold knows more about Ponyville than me and I would just get Moonlight so that we all could have some fun together. But I think things are turning out differently.”

“Yeah… I wanted to fly around, but Jona practically forced me to come” Gunter replied. “And we all know why.”

Star, who knew what he was talking about, nodded with his head, while Dusk remained confused.

“Come on, guys, it’s nothin’ like that” Jonagold said.

Before Dusk could ask anything, somepony got out of Sugarcube Corner quickly and went up. It was a pegasus colt a little bit older than Star, Jonagold and Gunter with a light goldish gray coat with a pound cake as a Cutie Mark, a brown mane and dark grayish tangelo eyes. Holding a set of packages with cakes to deliver was Pound Cake.

“Come on, sis, mom and dad have a lot of deliveries to do and I want to end this quickly” he said, noticing then the four colts beneath. “Oh, hey, guys! Nice to see you. Sorry, but I have to go. See ya!”

And he moved away quickly. A second after that, another pony got out. It was a unicorn filly with the same age as Pound Cake. She had a light yellow coat with a pumpkin pie as a Cutie Mark, light brilliant orange mane and brilliant azure eyes. She was transporting with her magic some packages as well. Seeing her, Jona got a little uncomfortable.

“Hi, Star!” she exclaimed, seeing Star. “It’s so good to see you’re back.”

“Hi, Pumpkin” Star saluted. “Yeah, it’s good to be back. Mainly because now that I’m with my brother.”

“So, you’re the famous Dusk” Pumpkin said to the younger brother. “My name is Pumpkin Cake and my parents run Sugarcube Corner. Sorry if I can’t stay, but I have some delivers to do.”

“Yeah, we’ve noticed that” Gunter said, who then had an idea.

Getting Jonagold’s attention, he started to incite him to ask her to help her. However, it would appear Jonagold wouldn’t do it. Tradding a look with Star, he nodded to him and said:

“I bet if you need help, Jona, here, would be glad to help you.”

Jona made a upset look to Star and Gunter, but he didn’t get time to say anything, as Pumpkin approached him and said:

“Oh, you’re such a sweet, Jona.”

“Well…” he said, while blushing. “You’re… welcome.”

Having no other choice, he allowed Pumpkin to place some of the deliveries on his back and he then went with her.

“You, guys, are really sneaky” Dusk said.

“Well, we have to help a friend to get the mare of his dreams” Gunter said.

“Speaking of that, it’s time for me to go see the mare of my dreams” Star said. “Dusk, why don’t you stay with Gunter? You can take a bite on some cake while I’m gone.”

Having said that, he took off and flew over Moonlight’s cottage. He knocked over the door and it opened, revealing Fluttershy.

“Star!” she exclaimed, happily. “It’s so good you’re here. Does that mean your mother is here too?”

“Yes, she must be on her way over the library” Star replied. “Is Moonlight here?”

“She’s at the back with Galena” she replied.

“Thank you” he replied.

“Star!” a little voice said, coming from Dark Cloud who had come to the other.

“Hey there, little buddy” Star said, while ruffling the young colt’s mane. “Do you want to go for a trip to Sucarcube Corner with me and your sister?”

“Yeah!” he replied.

“Oh, Star, you’re so sweet to take him” Fluttershy said. “I know you want to spend time with Moonlight…”

“Well, my brother and Gunter are also there, so it’s no problem” Star said. “Besides, I know you want to meet my mother.”

Fluttershy smiled at that gester of Star and, after Star took Moonlight, Galena and Dark Cloud over Sugarcube Corner, she went to see Twilight as well.

Later, when the sun was getting down, a party was held at the exterior of Golden Oak Library, organized by Pinkie Pie to celebrate Twilight and her family’s arrival. Many ponies were there, like Twilight’s friends and their husbands and children, Star’s friends, Big Mac, Cherry Blossom and Apple Flower. Gleaming Shield was also there, now talking with Galena and Thorax. Midnight and Sunny were playing around with Silver Wind, Gallus, Gust and the other foals. Star was with Moonlight, with the two talking about the former’s adventures in the Bermikun Triangle.

“I can’t believe you were really almost turned into a mummy” Moonlight said, almost chuckling. “And to think you’re the one that defeated the Lord of Chaos and sealed him away.”

“Hey, I didn’t have most of my strength inside the Triangle” Star defended himself. “Besides, we were dealing with a Waypoint Guardian. He was pretty strong.”

“Oh, Star, you know you don’t have to justify youself” Moonlight said, while passing her hoof over his face. “I know you’re pretty strong.”

Star smiled at her and prepared to kiss her, but then they noticed Dusk approaching, while being followed by Winesap who wouldn’t stop asking him many questions:

“Do you really have a living ship? Are you really a captain? Did you really sail around a sea made of fire?”

“Could you please stop with the questions?” Dusk asked. “You don’t even let me answer any of them.”

“Mommy says that the best way to know something is to ask about it” Winesap said. “So that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

Looking to his older brother, Dusk made him that look he did when asking for help. Feeling sorry for him to have to endure Winesap’s immense curiosity, Star approached them and said:

“Hey, Winesap, do you want to see something cool?”

And he made a balloon appear and let it float it away, hoping Winesap would follow it.

“I don’t get it” she said.

“Don’t you want to get it?” Star asked.

“Please, Star, only mommy goes after random balloons” Winesap replied.

Indeed, behind her, Star, Dusk and Moonlight noticed the balloon going towards Pinkie Pie, who was talking with Rainbow Dash. She noticed the balloon and said, staring at it with great interest:

“Ooh, something floaty! La-la-la-la-la!”

And she followed the balloon happily.

“Okay…” Star said, having another idea. “And what kind of thing would you follow?”

“I’m not silly, you know” Winesap said. “But one thing is for certain: it’s not piñatas.”

But that only made Star made a slight smile, as he used his magic to make a piñata appear and float away. Seeing it, Winesap didn’t waste time to exclaim:

“Ooh, a piñata!”

And she went after it.

“How did you conjured a piñata just like that?” Dusk asked his brother.

“I just teleported a piñata I knew aunt Pinkie Pie had around” he replied. “She never forgets to have one.”

“You are a life-savior, bro” Dusk said, moving away to enjoy the party.

“He’s right” Moonlight said, while giving a kiss on Star’s cheek. “You are a life-savior.”

Twilight was observing everyone having so much fun in that party. Everything she was experimenting was telling her that everything was fine, however the feeling that it was not wouldn’t leave her.

Blue approached her and asked:

“Still thinking on that bad feeling of yours?”

“I know what you’re going to say, but you can’t make me stop feeling it” she replied. “Not only that, the feeling only got worse. Something is coming, I know that.”

While Star was walking with Moonlight to get some punch, the former stop suddenly.

“Star?” Moonlight called, noticing his strange look. “Is everything okay with you?”

The truth was Star, thanks to the energy from Kurama he had stored while fixing the leaks of his seal, was able to restore partly his ability to sense negative emotions and he could feel some great negativity approaching very quickly. It was an immense wave of negativity full of anger and thirst for revenge. Not liking that one bit, he knew what he should do.

“Sorry, Moonlight, but… I need to get to my mom” he said, teleporting soon after.

He appeared beside Twilight and Blue and told them:

“Mom, dad, we need to get everypony away from here… now!”

“But what’s happening?” Blue asked.

Noticing the emergency on her son’s voice, Twilight knew what was going on.

“Something is coming, right?” she asked him.

“And it’s very dark” Star confirmed.

“Then we need to evacuate and…” she started.

But before she could say anything else, all of the sudden, the sky started to get dark, with the sunlight that was still illuminating the sky being devoured by the darkness that would cover the sky without any trace of any kind of light, being it the moon or the stars. The temperature also decreased, creating a sudden cold wave that made the young ones to shiver and become quite frightful.

“Okay, Ah don’t know what’s happenin’, but it can’t be good” Applejack said.

“I have to agree with you, Applejack darling” Rarity replied.

“Maybe Celestia and Luna are trying new ways of ending the day and beginning the night” Pinkie Pie suggested. “You know, making it sinisterly… funnier.”

“I don’t think this is the case, Pinkie” Fluttershy told.

Rainbow Dash flew over Twilight and asked her:

“Twilight, what is happening?”

“Something I was hoping to be just a bad feeling” she replied.

It was then that a dark mist started to appear around them, while a wicked laugh was heard. The mist then gathered and the Pony of Shadows immerged from it, saying:

“Nice party… Mind if I crush in?”

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