• Published 21st May 2020
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The Elements of Virtue - Rakoon1

After Star and Dusk’s return from the Bermikun Triangle, a brand new threat makes itself be noticed. In order to fight it, Star and his friends will go on a journey to find the Elements of Virtue.

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The Element of Beauty, Part III - The Beauty That Comes From Inside

Mistmane was a very promising young sorceress. She was as talented as she was beautiful and kind. Everypony loved her and missed her when she was sent to the finest magic school. While she was gone, she was delighted to find out that her best friend, Sable Spirit, was crowned empress of her land.

She had very fond memories of her dear friend, being able to clearly envision her, with her light orange coat with a ceremonial feathered mask as a Cutie Mark, a moderate and grayish cerise mane and moderate fuchsia eyes. She couldn't wait to return home once she finished her studies.

However, when she returned home, she found one that was completely different than the one she had left to study. The home she remembered was filled with breath-taking gardens full with beautiful flowers. But the home she was seeing now was completely devoid of any type of beauty. All the plants and flowers had just disappeared. The only things that remained there beside the buildings were creeping plants, roots and leafless trees.

Approaching a villager that was raking some leafs that had been brought by the wind, she asked:

“What happened here?”

“The Empress happened” he replied, pointing to the entrance to the palace where it could be seen that, unlike the village, seemed to be full of beauty. “She makes everypony work day and night on her palace. We don't have time to take care of anything else.”

“But that can't be” Mistmane said, not wanting to believe what she was hearing. “I know her! She would never do this.”

But, despite everything, there was no denying what was in front of her, as she saw a young unicorn colt running away while holding a flower on a vase, before the aura of his magic turned different, with another pony taking control over it, and being taken to a carriage pulled by two guards and with its windows covered by red curtains. The flower came to the carriage and got inside when the pony inside pulled away the curtain. After that, the carriage headed towards the palace.

Seeing that, Mistame calculated that pony was none other than Sable Spirit, who was really taking everything that was beautiful away from anypony else. Seeing what was happening, Mistmane was sure there had to be some explanation. So, she went to confront her friend.

Entering in the palace, she advanced towards the throne room that was opened to the guarden, with a ceiling supported by pillars. She was sitting on a throne decorated with many flowers, including the one she had taken from the colt before, while having her two guards at the base. However, she could hardly recognize the pony that was sitting on the throne, as she was wearing a dark veil.

“Sable, is that you?” she asked.

“Don't tell me you don't recognize your old friend” Sable Spirit asked.

“I don't” Mistmane replied firmly. “My friend would never work our families and friends to the bone for something as silly as a palace.”

“Silly?” Sable Spirit asked, offended. “My palace is a beacon of beauty! Anypony who passes will be in awe of its majesty!”

“What good is a pretty palace if it just hides the misery of its ponies?” Mistmane asked.

“Beauty is everything” Sable Spirit stated, while admiring the flower she had just gotten. “You taught me that.”

“What?!” Mistmane asked, confused.

“You were always the pretty one” Sable Spirit told, while descending from the throne and approaching Mistmane. “You got to go to the best magic school. Everypony missed you. Everypony loved you! I admit I was jealous, so I tried to perform a spell that would make me beautiful. You can see how that went!”

She took out the veil from her face, revealing that she had gotten older, or at least looking like she had gotten older, with her coat and mane having lost their original shade, becoming paler and greyer respectively, what caused Mistmane to gasp.

“I found if I couldn't have beauty, I would take it. I wasn't chosen to be empress, you know. I took it! Just like I'm going to take everything else.”

“I can't let you do that” Mistmane declared.

“Let me?” Sable Spirit asked, laughing.

It was then she casted a transfiguration spell on the carpet, right under Mistmane, causing vines to erupt and involve her. But Mistmane was able to burst the vines, what angered Sable Spirit. The guards, predicting a big fight, moved away and so Sable Spirit conjured a dragon made of fire. In response to that, Mistmane conjured a dragon of water. The two dragons started fighting with each other.

Despite both dragons appearing to be equal in power, the truth was that Sable Spirit was struggling with hers, while Mistmane remained calm. It was then that her water dragon involved Sable Spirit’s and put it out. The water dragon then proceeded with an attack against Sable Spirit who dodged, causing the dragon to hit a vase that fell down. Sable Spirit smiled to Mistmane, like she was taunting her for failing to hit her.

However, her smile didn’t last for long, as that shot was meant to influence whatever seeds were there to make them grow and turn into vines that quickly became big and grabbed Sable Spirit and trapped her, like in a cocoon. The fact Mistmane had won caused the ponies who watched the fight to celebrate, as they know were free from Sable Spirit’s tyranny. However,
Mistmane knew there was more she could do to help.

Despite knowing that beauty was not everything, Mistmane knew it could bring joy to those who looked to it and she wanted to bring back smile back to her friends' and family's faces... including Sable Spirit's.

She took the flower that Sable Spirit had taken from the colt and headed back to the village, where she planted the flower. Focusing her magic on the flower, she started to make it grow a little bit more and become more beautiful, while new flowers started to grow beside it. What was happening was that Mistmane was sacrificing her own beauty to spread it to her own homeland, what really happened as her own beauty started to be drained until she ended up having a wrinkled look. But that allowed to beautiful plants and flowers to appear all around. It even affected Sable Spirit, who was released from the cocoon where she was, exactly how she looked like when she was before casting the spell that took her beauty.

When Mistmane returned and approached her, Sable Spirit asked her, completely caught by surprise:

“You did this for me? Even after I was so cruel?”

But Mistmane only replied with a smile and then a hug, what really touched Sable Spirit. After that moment, she vowed to be more like her friend in the ways that mattered. From then on, she ruled with kindness and compassion.

As for Mistmane, even though she gave away her physical beauty, she dedicated her life to spreading beauty all over the Pony World. She just hoped that, someday, somepony would be able to carry on her mission even after she was gone, to not only bring beauty to others, but also make other’s inner beauty to shine from the outside…

In the present…

Moonlight started recovering her senses, wondering if what she had just dreamed was really the life of Mistmane. But that doubt vanished from her mind after awakening to reality and found herself hanging from the sealing in one of Chrysalis cocoon, with only her head out of it. It was then that Chrysalis appeared before her, flying and said:

“Just look who just woke up… It was nice of you to finally join us, Moonlight.”

She tried to get out, but the goo was too much tougher for her to break through.

“Don’t waste your energies, my dear” Chrysalis replied. “Not even the strongest pony can get out of that cocoon… at least not without magic, what, at the moment, is not at your disposal. I have to admit that little trick of yours was quite clever. And clearly Thorax revealed to you the secret of my throne. I can't have powerful ponies using their abilities against me on. Even with your rather embarrassing little attempt to steal the flower, everything has gone according to my master’s plan. Now that you failed in your mission, your friends won’t be able to stop the Pony of Shadows before he can regain his full powers.”

“You do realize if the Lord of Chaos succeeds to control this world, all the love that you so desire will just wilt away, right?” Moonlight asked. “Kind of a paradox here, don’t you think?”

“Trying to turn me into a traitor just like you, uh?” Chrysalis asked, while passing cynically her hoof by Moonlight’s face, then flying around only to land on the throne. “All that talk and cute eyes may have worked with Adagio, but not with me. You can hold your breath on that. Creatures like you, that love to dwell in the light of the Lord of Order, can easily be tricked with illusions to produce all the love that we want. And once the Lord of Chaos gets what he wants, my subjects and I will feed on their love for generations!”

And so she released a maniacal laughter, while the other changelings, except Thorax, accompanied her laugh with their hissing. Moonlight couldn’t help but feeling her fear returning to her, accompanied by also a terrible feeling of disappointment for not be able to carry on her mission until the end.

But then, after thinking about the words Chrysalis had just said, Moonlight couldn’t help but feeling there was something wrong about them and the answer for that was in middle of the other changelings, paralyzed with fear and with shining wings that served as proof, proof that changelings could be more than just love-sucking monsters.

“What if you didn't have to?” Moonlight asked Chrysalis.

As if Moonlight had just said the most heinous insult, Chrysalis quickly came to her and shouted:


She made a blow on Moonlight’s cocoon that threw it to the ground, with a pair of changelings approaching to watch over her. Chrysalis landed beside her and continued:

“The hunger of changelings can never be satisfied!”

“Exactly!” Moonlight answered. “Thorax left the hive and made a friend. He shared love, and now he doesn't need to feed. You don't have to live your lives starving all the time!”

Her words appeared to be listened by many changelings who started to wonder if what she was telling was true. However, Chrysalis was adamant to that idea and she used her magic to grab Moonlight and shouted:

“You know nothing of the changelings or what it takes to be their queen! You’re just a failed project of a siren! I decide what is best for my subjects, not some mewling grub!”

She threw Moonlight against a wall and then the latter said, directing her words not only to Chrysalis but also to the other changelings:

“I know what it's like to induce fear and intimidation and live by it! And I know what it's like to want everypony to hear your voice, to feel what you feel! But you are wrong. A real leader doesn't force her subjects to deny who they are! She celebrates what makes them unique and listens when one of them finds a better way!”

“The only thing Thorax has found is what happens to those who turn their back on the hive!” Chrysalis replied, while addressing towards Thorax.

She then proceeds to cast her magic over him.

“No!” Moonlight shouted. “Stop!”

Thorax was raised from the ground, out of the goo that was holding him, while Chrysalis said:

“Just as soon as I drain every last ounce of love from him and show my subjects what a real leader is!”

And so Chrysalis started to extract love from Thorax, opening her mouth to absorb it. Thorax could feel a tremendous pain as the procedure was being done.

“I can feel the love inside me slipping away...!” he said. “I can't hold onto it much longer...!”

“Then don't!” Moonlight exclaimed, following her instincts. “Sharing love is what made you different to begin with! You should share yours with Chrysalis! Give her all of it!”

Following her advice, Thorax did just that and explosion of pink light happened. It emitted a charge of pink waves to Chrysalis that was so strong that pushed her back against her throne with a lot of strength that caused it to crack, while Moonlight had her cocoon undone. They all looked and saw Thorax being incased in a cocoon of light that softly landed. Moonlight, getting up, approached it and touched it, only for it to release an intense light. When it cleared, Thorax appeared, but now completely different.

He was now just a bit smaller than Celestia and, despite still possessing some insect-like traits, the fangs and the holes in his legs had disappeared. He possessed an insect-like carapace that was dark azure with a moderate emerald green underside and moderate blue violet wings with a dark fuchsia elytra. His chitin was lime green with a brilliant gamboge chest and with light brilliant orange beetle-like mandibles protruding from his forehead, slightly above his unicorn-like horn. His eyes had also changed, now being moderate rose, and he also had a trio of gemstone-like objects on their chests.

Everyone was caught by surprise with that metamorphosis, but Moonlight continued, addressing to the other changelings:

“This is what happens when you give love freely instead of taking it!”

Before that, the changelings, one by one (with the exception of Chrysalis, Obsidia and Scorpio, let themselves share the love inside of them and, just like Thorax, they started to undergo a metamorphosis. The intensity of the multiple metamorphosis was so intense that Chrysalis’ throne started to crack until the explosion of light happened, whose intensity blew up the top of the hive, where the throne room was. Fortunately, Thorax was able to shield Moonlight with a shield he summoned, with his mandibles being surrounded by his aura.

After he undid the shield, Moonlight could see the result of the metamorphosis. The changelings had a similar appearance to Thorax, despite retaining their normal size, lacking beetle mandibles and exhibiting varied colors. Between them, they also had some physical differences: some possess longer, more jagged horns, while others no longer had horns at all. Others also still no longer had tails or wings and some also had the same trio of gemstone-like objects in their chests like Thorax had. They all seemed surprised by their new appearance, but nevertheless they were also very happy.

The ponies that had been made prisoners were released from their respective cocoons and seemed a little confused. Moonlight went over her best friend and helped her get up, with Galena asking:

“Moonlight? What happened?”

“We defeated the changelings with no magic at all, they found a new leader, and... they're all kinda... good now.”

Thorax, who was beside her, nodded in confirmation what Moonlight had just said, what really surprised Galena who recovered by saying:

“Well, not bad for someone who was afraid of facing the Queen of the Changelings.

It was then that they heard some movement from the crumbles and Chrysalis emerged, aling with Obsidia and Scorpio.

“My queen” they both said.

But she ignored them and just hissed against Moonlight and the others. But there was nothing she could do, as Moonlight, not only had her music magic back, but she also had the support of her friends and the other changelings. However, Moonlight didn’t want any more problems with Chrysalis. After all, if the other changelings were able to change, she could also do it.

“When Adagio corrupted me, I felt an immense hate towards Star and all the others. I wanted to make them pay and so I decided to run away and seek revenge! You don't have to! You can be the leader your subjects deserve.”

After saying those words, Moonlight extended her hoof to her, hoping for her to accept. Everypony was silent as they observed if Chrysalis would accept it, even Scorpio and Obsidia. Chrysalis started to extend her hoof, with Moonlight smiling, thinking she could have reached to her. However, the moment was quickly turned around when Chrysalis just smacked Moonlight’s hoof, with an anger face, and said, while getting up:

“There is no revenge you could ever conceive of that will come close to what I will exact upon you one day, Moonlight Sonnet!”

Having said that, she took flight, along with her two mutants, and flew away. Seeing her going away made Moonlight feel bad for not be able to make Chrysalis see a better way, but she was reassured by Galena, what caused her to smile. Turning to Thorax, she said:

“Well, I guess this makes you the new leader of the changelings, Thorax.”

“Yeah, I guess, we now have to call you King Thorax” Galena added.

“Honestly… I never expected for this to happen” he said. “But if I must become my kind’s new ruler, then that’s what I’m going to be. I just hope to be up to it.”

“Of course you are” Moonlight said. “Your actions inspired all these changelings to share love. I think you have what it takes.”

Discord then appeared between them and said:

“Okay, hurray for Thorax” Discord said, while causing an explosion of confetti over Thorax and make a crown and a mantle appear on him. “He’s now king. But can we please focus on something more important, like finding a flower, rescue Fluttershy and have some celebratory tea at her cottage?!”

“Discord is right” Moonlight said. “Let’s go find Mistmane’s flower. And… since now you can snap your claws and send us absolutely anywhere again, I think you can help us get to it.”

Discord smiled at her and so he snapped his fingers, teleporting himself, Moonlight and Galena to a deeper part of the hive. When they got there, they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Incased mostly in the stone was the mummified remains of Mistmane. Next to it, it was her flower. However, it seemed to have wilted.

“Oh no…” Moonlight said, looking to the flower. “Do you think it still has power?”

“In my professional opinion…” Discord said, appearing dress as a doctor and using a stetoscope on the flower, only for it to let go of a petal. “Yeah, this flower is as gone as its former owner.”

“Really, did you have to say it like that?” Galena asked him.

“What, I’m just saying what’s in front of me” Discord replied.

Moonlight wasn’t listening her two friends bickering, as she was too much focused on what was in front of them. Her heart was crying for Mistmane. She had dedicated her all life to bring beauty to the world, even sacrificing her own beauty for that same mission, only to be reduced to nothing more than a mummified shell. Even her flower, the symbol of the very own Element of Beauty, was decaying, as if it knew its owner was gone.

But she couldn’t let that happen. Not only because the flower was needed for her, but also she couldn’t let Mistmane’s legacy die like that. Filling her voice with her desire to restore beauty to that dying flower and so she star humming the song Adagio had taught her. Both Discord and Galena stopped bickering after they got to hear her song. They shared a confused look, but they didn’t dare to say anything.

Every single note of that song was transmitting to the flower was filled with so much love and care, along with Moonlight’s desire to restore its beauty. It was then that something started to glow and they all observed as the flower started to regain its former beauty. But it was more than that, as it started to grow even more, with its petals becoming also bigger in size and regaining a much glimmering look, much to everypony’s amazement.

That flower’s glow then became so much more intense that caused everyone to get blinded for a few moments. When that glow diminished they saw that the flower was gone, but now Moonlight had a maneclip with a pink jewel shaped like a flower.

“What… just happened?” Moonlight asked.

“Well, I’m not a specialist” Discord said, reading a book with some glasses, before throwing away the book and the glasses. “But I believe the flower just turned into the Element of Beauty.”

“Really?” Moonlight asked, reaching her hoof to the element.

“That’s amazing, Moonlight!” Galena exclaimed. “Now we are closer to defeat the Pony of Shadows!”

Moonlight was also happy for that. In fact, now that they had one of the Elements of Virtue, they were closer to defeat the Pony of Shadows and save her mother and all the others. But then something happened, as the Element of Beauty started glowing, along with her eyes. As soon that happened, Moonlight started seeing things around her differently. When she looked at Galena, she could perceive her aura, but actually much more than that. Noticing how she was looking at her, Galena asked:

“Uh, Moonlight, why are you starring at me?”

“I don’t know, but… It’s almost like… I can see your aura… No, it’s much more than that. It’s like I can see how you really are…”

“Fascinating…” Discord said, extending his neck around Moonlight and making appear some goggles whose lens he extended for a better view of the element. “It’s almost like this little thing is making you able to perceive one’s essence and see them for who they really are…”

“Really?” Moonlight asked, looking to Discord. “Ah, it’s funny… It almost feels like that is not your real form, Discord.”

That statement clearly made Discord become inexpressive, as if Moonlight had said something she shouldn’t have, and then said, while summoning a blindfold and put it around her eyes:

“Okay, I think that is enough of aura observing.”

And he return to where he was, while Moonlight chuckled and took out the blindfold. It was then that she noticed when she turned to Mistmane’s mummified body. Despite everything, she was emanating an aura, something someone who was not dead shouldn’t have, unless… she wasn’t really gone.

Approaching her, Moonlight placed a hoof over Mistmane’s face, while focusing the power of the Element of Beauty. It shone brightly, along with Moonlight’s hooves. That same light involved Mistmane’s mummified body, with the rock incasing it cracking until it broke. When the light was gone, both Galena and Discord became amazed for what they were seeing, with Discord’s mouth even falling of how opened it was: Mistmane had just returned, alive and restored to what she was… even before she had sacrificed her own beauty.

“I can’t believe it…” Galena said.

“Exactly my words…” Discord added.

Mistmane was trying to catch her breath, but then looked and saw Moonlight who helped her get up.

“Thank you” she said. “You saved me, young one.”

“After I noticed you’re still alive, I couldn’t just not do anything” Moonlight said.

“I… don’t understand” Galena said. “What just happened?”

“I… I just noticed Mistmane’s aura and I just had to… set it free” Moonlight said.

“And when you did that, you allowed my aura to restore my body” Mistmane told. “When Chrysalis captured me and started feeding on my love, I knew I wouldn’t last long, so I used my last remain of magic to bind my vital energy to my flower. It turned my body into nothing more than an empty shell, but it allowed me to survive… until you saved me, my dear. Obviously you possess a talent to touch other ponies’ heart and bring up the best in them… and that’s why the Element of Beauty chose you.”

“Really?” Moonlight asked.

“Of course!” Galena exclaimed. “After all, you were the one to restore that flower back to life, not to mention you just saved Mistmane. And you can’t forget what you a few moments before. You just inspired an entire race to adopt a new way of living and that turned them into something new and better.”

“Not an entire race…” Moonlight said. “Chrysalis and her mutants…”

“You can’t change those who don’t want to change” Mistmane said. “But that doesn’t mean you have to stop doing what you can.”

Those wise words from Mistmane caused Moonlight to smile and then she said:

“You’re right, Mistmane… And now it’s time for me to do what I can to save the world. Discord, can you please…”

“Send you back to the Mirrored Library or the Light Kingdom?” Discord asked. “Well, I can send you most of the way. And after that, I’ll just prepare our celebratory tea. There’s a lot to decide: what kind of tea to serve, what appetizers to serve, the right tea service to use… Oh, so much to decide….”

“Ah, Discord” Moonlight called, motioning then to herself, Galena and Mistmane.

Realizing what she meant, Discord sighed and said:

“Fine… I’ll do it now… You’re no fun. I just hope you succeed, otherwise I would be tea party planning for nothing.”

And with that, he and the other three just disappeared.

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