• Published 21st May 2020
  • 591 Views, 3 Comments

The Elements of Virtue - Rakoon1

After Star and Dusk’s return from the Bermikun Triangle, a brand new threat makes itself be noticed. In order to fight it, Star and his friends will go on a journey to find the Elements of Virtue.

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Conflicting Perspectives

Deciding to address her boyfriend and Star Swirl about the Stygian subject, Moonlight went to the section of the Mirrored Library where the two of them and Twilight were looking tirelessly in all the books that were around.

“Wow, that looks like a lot of work” she commented, as she arrived to their side and noticed all the books that they had already consulted.

“It is what must be done” Star Swirl replied to her in his haughty and dismissive way that let Moonlight a little uneased. “And it would be best if we were not disturbed.”

“I'm sorry, Moonlight, but we can't stop to talk” Star told her. “The stakes are too high, and we have to…”

“Banish Stygian to the Limbo” Moonlight said, in an annoyed way. “I get it.”

“Uh, who?” Twilight asked, a little confused.

“Stygian was the name the Pony of Shadows gave up when he turned to darkness” Star Swirl replied, while reading his book.

“And I'm just trying to figure out why” Moonlight told.

“Envy” Star Swirl replied, closing the book he was reading suddenly and turning to Moonlight. “He wanted more power than he had, and that desire led him down a path from which there is no return!”

“I know from experience that's not always true” Moonlight said, turning then to Star. “You know it to, Star. How many villains we’ve faced that were able to find redemption, that had their actions only misguided by motivations that were twisted by beings like the Lord of Chaos. Are you sure this is different?”

Hearing Moonlight saying that, Star remembered all those villains: Pandora, Grogar, Hepheus… and even Moonlight herself. Not to mention all other villains like Nightmare Moon, Snow Queen and Discord. He knew she was right, however… he couldn’t just ignore Star Swirl’s certainty about the Pony of Shadows.

“I...” Star started to say, unable to say anything else.

“Stygian wants to destroy all that is good in this world” Star Swirl told Moonlight. “There's no way to befriend a pony like that.”

Having said that, Star Swirl moved away to get more books on a further shelf.

Moonlight couldn’t help but feeling rather hurt… but not by Star Swirl’s words, but for the fact Star didn’t say anything to him.

“I guess I'm lucky your idol wasn't around when you decided to save me from being a dark siren” Moonlight said to Star, with tears appearing on her eyes. “I might've been killed, or put on a cell in Tartarus… or banished to limbo, too.”

With that she just flew away.

“No, Moonlight, wait!” Star called, extending his hoof, but with her girlfriend ignoring him.

Star couldn’t help but feeling guilty, but he didn’t know what to say to her… or even what to do. Twilight noticed her son struggling about what to do and so she approached him and told, while putting a hoof on his shoulder:

“Go talk with her. Don’t worry, Star Swirl and I can take care of this.”

“Thanks, mom…” Star replied to her, before following Moonlight.

As Twilight turned to keep looking into more books, she heard Star Swirl saying to her:

“That boy possesses real talent, that I cannot deny, but he lets little things like love dictate his actions in the most illogical way. But I guess adolescence is just like that.”

“Honestly, with all due respect, Star Swirl, you’re clearly underestimating my son” Twilight said.

“You think that?” Star Swirl asked. “And why do you think that?”

“Star has proved himself a lot ever since he was very young” Twilight said. “Not that he wanted to, but he needed to. That, in part, maybe be my fault. I let that he was turned into a jinchuriki. But he endured and accomplished so much. And, if he did all that, it’s all thanks to all the love and compassion he feels.”

“That’s… very admirable” Star Swirl said. “And I’m not saying young Star Knight is not the hero he appears to be. I had to endure my own apprentice talking for an eternity about how awesome he and his brother were. But I’m afraid that, for this enemy in particular, there’s no room for any compassion.”

“From my experience, even before my son was born, I came to realize that villains are not what they appear to be at first glance” Twilight replied. “Star Swirl, I don’t want to question your insight on Stygian. You do know him better than me, but… Are you sure there’s not another way to deal with this that doesn’t involve banishment?”

Closing the book he was reading, Star Swirl turned to Twilight and told her, while advancing a little:

“With all due respect, Princess Twilight, I understand you are the incarnation of Princess Aurora and that you have inherited her infinite compassion. But I can ensure you that there’s no other way to deal with a threat like the Pony of Shadows. After all, not all threats can be solved with a conversation, like I told that girl. That’s the main reason why ponies like me and the other Pillars exist: we deal with threats before they can become too great.”

Despite disagreeing in some aspects with Star Swirl, Twilight couldn’t deny that the Pony of Shadows needed to be stop.

“I understand that…” she said. “And, for the sake of the Pony Reality, I shall do anything to stop the Pony of Shadows.”

“I see… I appreciate your understanding, princess” Star Swirl replied, while continuing his research.

Twilight also prepared to continue her side of the research, but, before doing it, she said:

“But I do hope things can still be solved differently.”

Star was able to reach Moonlight and said, while landing in front of her:

“Please, Moonlight, talk with me.”

“What there’s to talk, Star?” she asked. “I think it’s pretty clear what’s your opinion regarding Stygian and how to deal with him.”

“But this is the only way to stop him” Star said. “Have you forgotten what will happen if he is not stopped.”

“I know, he will absorb all the light in the world” Moonlight said. “But even so, I can’t stop thinking that there must be another way.”

“Star Swirl says there’s no other way” Star told. “He knows the Pony of Shadows better than anyone.”

“So you’re saying that there’s no hope for him?” Moonlight asked. “Like when there was no hope for Pandora? Or Grogar? What about Kurama? Have you forgotten how he used to take advantage of your vulnerabilities to take control of you? Have you forgotten because of that you hurt your dad and Gleaming? What about Hepheus? Have you also forgotten that he killed my father? And you managed to reform each one of them… even when I think Hepheus’ place is inside of a cell in Tartarus.”

“Moonlight…” Star started.

“What about me?” Moonlight interrupted. “I was a villain too remember? And you brought me back.”

“That was different” Star said. “It was Adagio that…”

“Adagio may have been the one to pull me into becoming a villain, but my actions… they were driven by my own darkness” Moonlight said, with tears on her eyes. “And you can’t imagine what I did… I helped the Lord of Chaos and his villains extract three tailed beasts from their jinchuriki and cause their deaths… and one of them was my uncle, the jinchuriki that I captured!”

Hearing Moonlight say that, Star realized the pain that his marefriend could be feeling.

“Moonlight, I…” Star started, while preparing to extend his hoof to her.

But Moonlight quickly composed herself, cleaning her tears, and said:

“You don’t have to show pity on me, Star. I don’t need that. But… I understand what you’re going through. It’s your duty to protect the Pony Reality and I will help you. I just… wished there could be another way that doesn’t involve imprisoning someone in a place like the Limbo.”

Having said that, Moonlight moved away. Star, for a moment, thought in following her, but then he realized it should be for the best to leave her alone.

“I have to say… I never expected that coming from her” Kurama commented to Star.

“You can say that again” a voice said.

Star turned around when he heard that and come to see none other than Crosswart there, looking at some books.

“Crosswart?” Star asked. “What are you doing here?”

“And how can this oversized bear heard me?” Kurama asked.

“Oh, that was rude…” Crosswart said to Kurama, addressing then to Star. “But, answering your question, I’m your spirit guide, remember? It’s my duty to guide you on tough moments. And the fact I’m Star’s spirit guide is also the reason why I can see you, Kurama.”

“No… what I mean is that how can I see you?” Star asked. “Spirit guides, outside the Spirit World, are invisible.”

“And I am… to others” Crosswart said, while approaching. “So maybe it’s for the best if you keep it down otherwise they may think you’re losing your mind. But the reason why you can see me… I guess that has to do with the fact you managed to enter the Spirit World through meditation. That really can open one’s perspective… Although that takes some time to acquire, I guess, because of you were already very… perceptive… Well, I’m not going to bother you with details. I sensed your distress and I came to help.”

“It’s… Moonlight” Star said. “I… I think I messed things up with her.”

“Yeah, that…” Crosswart said. “It was kind of hard to watch. But I guess I can help you with that.”

“How?” Star asked. “Make me realize that what I’m doing is wrong? That I shouldn’t do whatever it takes to save this world and all reality from being consumed by darkness? That I should try to find a way to convince the pony that turned my mother into stone to stop doing what he’s doing?”

There was a pause where Star took a moment to take a breath and then Crosswart said:

“It’s funny you mention that moment. I know it must be hard for you to handle the Pony of Shadows after what he did to your mother. I guess… it must be the same thing with Moonlight regarding Hepheus.”

“But… Hepheus was being controlled by the Lord of Chaos” Star said. “It was just like her when Adagio…”

“Yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that he was the one to kill her father” Crosswart said. “Or that she was responsible for her uncle’s death. I guess she got upset because you were able to see through all that, but you don’t open your mind to the possibility that the Pony of Shadows can be redeemed as well.”

“I… never thought of that…” Star said. “But what can I do to make up to her?”

“I think the only thing you can do… is be the Star that she loves” Crosswart said, while putting a hand on Star’s shoulder. “The Star that we all love. The one that can show compassion and understanding to even those that dwell in darkness.”

Hearing that advice from his spirit guide made Star be filled with more confidence. A small smile appeared on his face.

“Thanks, Crosswart” Star replied.

“Anytime, kid” Crosswart told. “Remember, I’ll always be there whenever you need.”

Having said that, Crosswart disappeared.

“You know, you didn’t need a bear thingy to tell you that” Kurama said.

“Don’t tell me you’re jealous, Kurama” Star said.

“Of course not!” he replied, defensive. “I’m just stating a fact.”

“Crosswart has already been guiding me ever since I was born” Star said. “He’s just more present now.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Kurama told.

After taking a deep breath, Star said:

“I guess I better go help my mom and Star Swirl.”

And so Star started heading to where his mother and Star Swirl were, still thinking about what Moonlight told me and the advice that Crosswart gave him.

Author's Note:

I’m sorry for the delay, but I’ve been focusing on my stories in the FanFiction, especially because I’m collaborating with another writer there. I hope you’ve enjoyed this chapter that I worked so hard to publish on this day so special for me.

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