• Published 21st May 2020
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The Elements of Virtue - Rakoon1

After Star and Dusk’s return from the Bermikun Triangle, a brand new threat makes itself be noticed. In order to fight it, Star and his friends will go on a journey to find the Elements of Virtue.

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The Element of Healing, Part II - The Realm of the Jaquins

At the Mysteficent Forest, a young jaquin was flying around, enjoying the freedom of the sky above the forest, all while shouting shouts of joy. He had a golden fur with gradient blue spots, blue feathers and teal eyes. He was enjoying that so much that he almost crushed with another jaquin, a female one, that appeared before him.

That other jaquin had a grayish raspberry fur with lightning-shaped dark amaranth spots, dark red feather, a big tuft of dark red fur looking like a mane on her head and dark grayish amaranth eyes. Upon seeing her, the male jaquin stopped and said:

“Oh, hey, sis. How’s it going?”

“What are you doing, Skylar?” the female jaquin asked. “You were supposed to be patrolling.”

“And I’m doing just that, Vestia” Skylar replied. “But, you know, just in a fun way.”

“You need to take your role as guardian more seriously” Vestia told. “Dad sent you here…”

“I know, I know…” Skylar answered, a little annoyed. “To protect the entrance to Serenity Valley and every innocent being around from any threat.”

“And to get responsible” Vestia added. “Seriously, little brother, you need to stop joking around. You’re not a cub anymore.”

Skylar grunted and rolled his eyes, as he was done hearing his older sister making the same speech over and over again.

“I know that, but I think it’s still possible to do the job without having to give up the fun of it.”

“Maybe, but perhaps you should try less fun and more serious. Now, come, Chief Zephyr is waiting for us.”

The two jaquins flew over to a certain set of mountains with little caves all over it, heading right to one whose top looked like a crescent moon, a place called Mooncliff Mountains. Landing there, they came to face another jaquin. This one looked older and slender, having grey fur with darker grey triangular zigzagging spots, along with a mane around his neck, dark grey feathers and ice blue eyes.

“Hey there, chief…” Skylar said, with a nervous smile.

Sighing, Chief Zephyr said:

“Skylar, when your father sent you here, I saw you had great potential to be a guardian of Trotsylvania.”

“I know, chief, I won’t let you down” he said, while saluting with one of his wings. “I promise that.”

Despite his uncertainty, Chief Zephyr nodded and said:

“Go to the east side. I heard news that there’s an unfamiliar individual around. We need to be sure that they are not a threat.”

“You can count on me, chief” Zephyr said, taking flight and heading towards east.

Chief Zephyr turned to Vestia and made her look that made her sigh and say:

“Fine, I’ll go after him.”

And she also took flight.

Skylar went in direction that Chief Zephyr told him, with him being joined soon by her sister.

“You didn’t have to come, sis. I can take care of this on my own.”

“Having in count how rushed you can be, I disagree” Vestia replied. “Don’t forget we don’t know who this stranger is. The plan is to block their path and assess…”

But before she could finish, Skylar noticed some movements below and shouted:


And he dived down.

“…their intensions” Vestia ended, becoming frustrated. “Ah, he never listens!”

She followed him then.

Gleaming Shield was flying through the forest, stopping only to look around and trying to find any jaquin that could.

“They got to be around somewhere” she said, while looking.

It was then that she heard something approaching. Gleaming turned around and then saw, to her surprise, Skylar coming against her with speed, appearing to be about to attack.

“I got you!” he shouted.

Reacting in an impulsive, Gleaming accessed to her magic and teleported away. Skylar was caught by surprise with that and tried to stop, but he was with such speed that he wasn’t able to do it and ended up hitting the ground. Gleaming reappeared and, seeing Skylar on the ground, asked:

“Oh no! I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

She tried to approach Skylar, but he quickly got up and said:

“Stay right there, intruder!”

It was then that Skylar felt a great pain on his wing that made him moan in pain.

“My wing… I think I hurt it.”

“Let me see it” Gleaming Shield asked.

“Not a chance, intruder” Skylar ordered, while retreating, only for a tree to stop him.

But Gleaming didn’t listen to him, approached him and observed his wing. After a few moments, she said:

“Oh, it’s just dislocated. I can fix it in a bit.”

“Fix it…?” Skylar started asking.

It was then that Gleaming accessed her magic, focusing on her hooves and then, with a gesture, she put Skylar’s wing back to its place, causing the young jaquin to feel some relief.

“My wing…” he said. “You fixed it.”

“But of course” Gleaming Shield replied. “What, you think I should have done? Leave you hurt when I have the skill to heal you.”

And Gleaming smiled at Skylar, causing him to become a little flustered. After a while, Vestia arrived and landed, saying:

“Skylar… What happened?”

“It’s all my fault” Gleaming Shield replied. “He hit the ground with some force and dislocated a wing. I just put it back to place.”

“No, it’s my fault” Skylar said, while getting up. “I… rushed into her. She just reacted.”

“Now that’s a first” Vestia said. “You being modest and apologetic?”

The female jaquin then looked to Gleaming Shield and then noticed what she was.

“You… You’re an alicorn…” she started.

“Yeah… I’ve noticed that” Gleaming Shield replied, joking. “I’m Princess Gleaming Shield from the Crystal Empire.”

“Wait… you’re a princess?” Skylar asked, surprised. “But… what are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to find you” Gleaming Shield told. “The Pony World is in great danger and I need your help to save it.”

That statement caused Skylar and Vestia to trade some worried looks. They then decided to bring her to Mooncliff Mountains, where she met Chief Zephyr.

“Skylar, Vestia, I can see you brought a guest” he observed, as the three of them landed, directing then to Gleaming Shield. “It’s an honor to meet you, Princess Gleaming Shield. I am Chief Zephyr.”

“The honor is all mine” Gleaming Shield replied, bowing her head slightly. “But, you know who I am?”

“Of course, after all you are one of the alicorns” Chief Zephyr replied. “But what brings Your Highness here?”

“She says the Pony World is in danger” Skylar told.

“Really? What kind of danger?”

“The Pony of Shadows.”

Hearing that, Chief Zephyr adopted a looked that transmitted a mix of seriousness and worriedness.

“The Consumer of Light…” he said. “This is very bad…”

“You know him, Chief Zephyr?” Gleaming Shield asked.

“Yes, I do” he replied. “And, indeed, these are terrible news for the Pony World and all the other realms.”

“My cousin Star was able to weaken him, but he will be back, stronger than ever” Gleaming Shield said. “But we have found a way to defeat him: use the objects of the Pillars of the Pony World.”

“So you’ve come here for Meadowbrook’s mask” Chief Zephyr concluded.

“Yes, I’ve heard she came here and met a certain jaquin and the two fell in love” Gleaming Shield said. “It was from them that the pony-panthers came to be.”

“Wait, did that really happened?” Skylar asked.

“Of course it did” Vestia replied, while slapping on the back of her brother’s head with a wing. “Did you ever pay any attention to history classes?”

“So you think that she hid the mask in Serenity Valley” Chief Zephyr said.

“Exactly” Gleaming Shield confirmed. “Please, can you let me get in so I can look for it?”

There was a moment of silence, as Chief Zephyr meditated on her request. It was then he replied:

“I’m sorry, princess, but I cannot allow you to go to Serenity Valley.”

“What?! But… why?”

“Believe me, there is nothing I wanted more than help you, but I simply can’t do it” Chief Zephyr replied. “The first reason has to do with the fact our ruler, King Blackavar, is a firm enforcer of our rules that prevent any outsider from getting in our realm. The second reason is because of our duty. With the Pony of Shadows around, it is for the best the portal remains closed. Serenity Valley is close to Harmonia, more than any other realm. We cannot let him cross and put everything in risk.”

“But… the mask…” Gleaming Shield started.

“I understand it, princess, but there’s nothing I can do” Chief Zephyr replied, with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. Skylar and Vestia will escort you out of the peninsula. Meanwhile, I need to gather the other jaquins and increase patrols.”

Having said that, he took flight and moved away. Gleaming Shield, looking down, said:

“I can’t believe this… I was so close. Now what can I do?”

“I’m sorry about this, princess” Skylar said. “Maybe there’s another way to defeat the Pony of Shadows.”

“It’s not just that” Gleaming Shield replied. “We didn’t need the power of the objects of the Pillars just to defeat the Pony of Shadows.”

“Then what did you need them for?” Skylar asked, while approaching.

Gleaming Shield sighed and then said:

“My aunt, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and her friends tried to defeat the Pony of Shadows using the power of the Elements of Harmony.”

“The Elements of Harmony?” Vestia asked. “I’ve heard about them. They contain very powerful light magic.”

“Yes, but the Pony of Shadows had with him the Elements of Chaos” Gleaming Shield continued. “With them, he… transformed them into stone. That’s why we set off to find the objects of the Pillars, because they contain the power of the Elements of Virtue, whose magic is the only one that can reverse the power of the Elements of Chaos.”

“Okay, Elements of Harmony, Elements of Chaos, Elements of Virtue… That’s very confusing” Skylar said. “But I bet there are other ways to undo whatever curse was placed on your aunt and her friends.”

“Maybe, but… My cousins, my friends… They are all counting on me. Who knows what dangerous situations they are facing. They may even being put their lives at risk to get the other objects… and I’m the one who is going to fail to them.”

Observing Gleaming Shield’s sad look, Skylar couldn’t help but feeling sorry for her. It was obvious that her dedication to both family and friends was pure, as well to her duty for the rest of the world. Despite he had just met her, he could understand what she was feeling. Because of that, he came to a decision.

“Follow me, princess” he said.

“Skylar, what are you thinking in doing?” Vesta asked. “Chief Zephyr told us to take Princess Gleaming Shield…”

“I know, but we can’t simply ignore her plea” Skylar replied. “She wants the mask that can help defeat that Pony of Shadows and, for that, she needs our help.”

“But it’s against the rules” Vestia told.

“I agree with Vestia, Skylar” Gleaming Shield said. “You don’t have to do this. I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

“See? Even the princess is on my side.”

“I don’t mind to get in trouble, if it is for a good reason” Skylar said. “And this is a good reason.”

Despite don’t wanting Skylar to get in trouble, Gleaming Shield couldn’t help but feeling good for having him standing up for her. She made a tender smile and said:

“Thank you, Skylar. That’s very sweet of you.”

Hearing her saying that caused Skylar to blush slightly, and stutter a bit:

“Ah… You… You’re welcome. So… shall we go?”

And the two headed towards the cave. Vestia sighed and ended up following, wanting to try to keep them out of trouble as much as she could.

They flew over to a mountain nearby, heading towards a cave at the top. Landing there, they went inside and approached the wall at the end of it, which had a jaquin head engraved there, with a paw engraved at the floor nearby.

“I still think is a bad idea” Vestia said.

“I heard you the first time, sis” Skylar replied.

Ignoring his sister’s warning, Skylar placed a paw on the paw imprint and it illuminated with a yellow light, followed by the opening of the engraved jaquin’s mouth what revealed a yellow portal.

“Okay, let’s go” Skylar said to Gleaming Shield.

They took flight and crossed the portal, followed by Vestia. As soon they crossed, the engraved jaquin closed its mouth, closing the portal.

Watching that through his mirror was the Lord of Chaos. However, he didn’t seem very happy for what he was watching.

“So much to count on those feathered cats’ respect for their rules…” he said. “Of all the jaquins she could have met, it had to be one that not only is rebellious, but is also in love with her… It’s everything I need now, a pony-jaquin spin-off love story. Now that that princess is in Serenity Valley, there’s nothing I can do. My influence there is so weak, especially with these stupid chains, that I won’t be able to observe what’s going on there.”

After a few seconds thinking of what he could do, the Lord of Chaos remembered of something.

“Wait a minute… If I recall correctly, Serenity Valley is not only connected to the Pony World, but also to the Cursed Realm, one of my domains in the Pony Reality, full of the most nefarious creatures. Those jaquins may have sealed the passageway linking the two realms, but I bet I can squeeze one little creature through the cracks to carry on my will. And I know exactly what creature should that be.”

And he chuckled evilly.

When the trio crossing the portal got out, they did it coming out from a holed stone with a stump with an imprinted jaquin paw beside it. Arriving there, the portal closed as soon they got out and Gleaming Shield became amazed with the beauty of what she was seeing.

The Serenity Valley looked like a jungle with a crystalline river, sparkling and colorful rock formations (including a stone bridge) and, as a central figure, a rock formation that looked exactly like a palace, having four towers, with the central one being the tallest, and holes that looked like tall windows, a few entrances, but with a big one to act as a main entrance. Nearby that entrance, there were also a few waterfalls. But the most amazing thing was the creatures inhabiting in it, that seemed to be hybrids and were of many colors.

“This is amazing!” Gleaming Shield exclaimed.

“Those are flaringos” Skylar explained, referring to creatures that had head, wings, and tail feathers of flamingos, body, neck, and legs of giraffes and hair-like feathers on their heads. “And those are swift deer.”

He was referring to blue deer with colorful patters and crystal antlers that were moving very fast.

“Oh, and those are butterfrogs” Skylar said, pointing to a frog with butterfly wings that was passing buy. “And there, you can see peabunnies.”

He pointed to a pair of bunnies that had peacock tails.

“Oh great, now this has become a panoramic tour” Vestia commented, while rolling her eyes.

“Hey, this is Princess Gleaming Shield’s first visit” Skylar replied. “Why not showing her a little of our realm?”

“The fact dad won’t get very happy about knowing there’s a pony in Serenity Valley” Vestia replied.

“I thought you were worried about King Blackavar” Gleaming Shield said.

“Well, princess, King Blackavar is our father” Vestia clarified.


“Don’t worry about that” Skylar said. “But I think it’s for the best you let us do the talk first.”

“I think you mean you’ll do the talk first” Vestia replied. “This was your idea after all.”

Gleaming Shield noticed that caused Skylar to become nervous enough to start gulping. Just with that reaction, she came to realize King Blackavar should be very intimidating.

Arriving to the Jaquin Palace, they entered through the main entrance. The great wall, that led directly to the throne room, contained rock pillars that were very well sculptured and were connected to the ones of the opposite side with arches. The walls of the hall contained many nests hosting jaquin families, including cubs.

The throne room contained a very well illustrious platform where there was a sitting place made of rock with a ledge located at a high point connected to a cavern. All the eyes of the jaquins there placed on all of them, specially Gleaming Shield.

After they landed on the throne room, a jaquin came to their encounter. He was bigger than Skylar and looked like a male version of Vestia. A pair of bigger jaquins were behind him, looking as disappointed as him.

“I can’t believe this” he said. “Vestia, you brought ponies?!”

“Hey, don’t look at me” she said. “This is all our little brother’s doing.”

“Really, now…” the jaquin said, turning to Skylar and not looking very surprised. “What were you thinking, Skylar?”

“Sorry, Igneous, but we need to talk with dad” Skylar said, looking then to the high cave. “Father! Father!”

“Are you out of your mind?!” Igneous asked. “You can’t let dad see her.”

At that moment, however, a tremendous roar was heard. Many of the jaquins that were there went to hide themselves.

“Yeah, too late for that” Vestia said.

From the high cave came out the one that was the king of the jaquins. He was perhaps of the biggest there were there, with such imposing posture that made him look even bigger. He had a black fur with lighter-colored spots whose patter was one of three lines positioned to form a triangle with three dots inside, green blue-tipped feathers, with some existing around his neck, and emerald green eyes. He also had a feathery necklace just above his neck feathers that only complemented his regal posture. Just his appearance altogether made Gleaming Shield to understand the reason for the commotion of breaking the king’s orders.

King Blackavar looked down, starring on Skylar who said, nervously:

“Hi, dad…”

“Skylar?!” he said. “Ay, ay, ay…”

He flapped his wings and descended from his ledge, landing beside Igneous and looking to Skylar with a very serious stare.

“Before you get mad, this is Princess Gleaming Shield” Skylar said, motioning to Gleaming who nodded respectfully to the jaquin king.

“Ah, welcome to Serenity Valley, princess!” King Blackavar exclaimed, with a certain smile and welcoming tone.

“Oh, thank you” she said, rather surprised, having in count what she had heard about him.

“Now you must go” King Blackavar said immediately after. “My children should not have not brought you here. They simply don’t know any better… specially Skylar… as usual”

“But, dad, it was Skylar’s idea to bring the princess” Vestia said.

“And yet you didn’t do anything to stop him, what makes you an accomplice to his idea” King Blackavar replied.

Vestia tried to find something to say in her defense, but she didn’t found anything to say.

“Yeah, I don’t have any arguments there” she said.

Igneous couldn’t help but contain a laugh and say to his sister:

“I guess you just talked too much, dear sister.”

“Igneous, be more respectful to Vestia” King Blackavar ordered. “After all, she is your twin.”

“Yes, father…” Igneous replied, a little embarrassed, much to Vestia’s enjoyment.

“Actually, they brought me here because of me” Gleaming Shield replied. “They just wanted to help me find the mask of Mage Meadowbrook.”

“A mask?” King Blackavar asked. “All of this is just for a mask?”

“A mask that can help stop a terrible threat to all Pony World… even possibly all Pony Reality” Gleaming Shield said. “So I came to ask you to let me search for it. It’s very possible the mask is somewhere here in Serenity Valley, because Mage Meadowbrook once came to here.”

Despite her sincere request, King Blackavar chuckled and replied:

“I don’t know how you do things in the Crystal Empire, but here, in Serenity Valley, we have rules that we must follow. Which means there’s no way I can allow such search.”

“I told you” Vestia said to Gleaming Shield.

The young princess, determined to not give up after coming this far, approached King Blackavar and asked:

“Your Majesty, royal to royal, is it really such a big deal that there’s ponies in Serenity Valley? After all, Mage Meadowbrook did come to here, right?”

“Yes, it is” King Blackavar replied, always without losing his condescending smile and regal posture. “A very big deal. And since you’re determined to not leave, I just have to show you how big of a deal it is… royal to royal.”

He headed for his sitting place, saying while pressing a hidden button on it that opened an opening right above them:

“Serenity Valley is much more important than you know, princess. Follow me.”

And he took flight, along with Igneous. Vestia, Skylar and Gleaming Shield took flight as well and followed them, getting out of the palace. As they started to fly over Serenity Valley, King Blackavar told:

“This realm is full of light magic because being directly to Harmonia. However, it is not only connected to the Pony World or Harmonia. It is also connected to a very dangerous and dark place: the Cursed Realm.”

“The… Cursed Realm?” Gleaming asked.

“A very nefarious realm, completely ruled by the Lord of Chaos” King Blackavar explained. “It is filled with the most dangerous kind of creatures. Despite the realm was sealed by the Generals of Order to prevent them from getting into the other realms, the proximity to Serenity Valley caused to some rifts to appear and allow creatures to invade. That’s our responsibility. We patrol night and day, not only we protect Serenity Valley from any threat, and by extension Harmonia, but we also prevent these creatures from invading the rest of Pony Reality. Many of them are imprisoned around the valley with their locations completely out of limits to any inhabitant and, even if they get out, they cannot leave Serenity Valley because only a jaquin can open the portal.”

“But, if it has been always like that, why are ponies and other creatures forbidden to get in Serenity Valley when Meadowbrook…?” Gleaming Shield started.

“That you will know shortly” the king replied. “You see, princess, the rules of the realm keep us secure and I make sure that no one breaks them. Believe when I say they are a big deal. After Mage Meadowbrook, many years ago, other ponies visited Serenity Valley. But they accidently caused a passageway to the Curse Realm to appear. We sealed it right away, but not before a dangerous creature coming from it: the Nundu.”

“The Nundu?” Gleaming repeated. “That doesn’t sound very good.”

“That’s because it’s not” King Blackavar said. “The Nundu is a big leopard with a breath so toxic that can wipe out entire villages. It was the biggest battle we’ve ever fought. We managed to contain him… but with a great cost.”

It was then they started to flew over a part of Serenity Valley that was arid and deserted, not to mention all the battle signs that was around. Gleaming Shield couldn’t believe something like that existed in such paradise as that one.

“This is what remains on that faithful day” King Blackavar continued. “Nundu’s toxic breath rendered this part of the valley completely deployed of life.”

Landing there with the others, Gleaming said:

“I had no idea…”

“There is much we protect the Pony Reality from that you don’t know of” King Blackavar told. “But that’s why any other creature is not allow here… and why we follow all our rules.”

He took flight again, along with the others, and started to head back to the palace. Once they arrived there and landed on the throne room, Gleaming Shield said:

“I understand, Your Majesty… I guess… we just have to find another way to defeat the Pony of Shadows.”

“I’m glad you came to understand” King Blackavar said. “Perhaps we may help you find the mask… as long you remained at other side of the portal. After all, we both serve the Lord of Order.”

At that moment, two jaquins arrived and one of them said:

“Your Majesty, there’s a poison mist spreading through all the realm!”

Such revelation caused a great shock to the ones present, with Vestia saying:

“Say what now?!”

“Many creatures, jaquins included, have already fell victims of it” the other jaquin told. “They are very sick. We’re doing our best efforts to clear the area where the mist is, but if we don’t do anything…”

“It may cover all Serenity Valley” Igneous ended. “Father, you don’t think…”

“Nundu…” King Blackavar said.

“The creature you have told me about?” Gleaming Shield asked. “But I thought he had been contained.”

“He sought seclusion in an isolated cave after losing the battle against us” Skylar explained her. “He asked it as an act of mercy so he wouldn’t go back to the Cursed Realm.”

“The biggest mistake our kind ever made” King Blackavar said, with a darker tone than the one he had been showing so far. “It’s time to end this once and for all.”

“I can help you” Gleaming Shield said. “At least with the ones affected by the poison. My healing abilities…”

“That won’t be enough” King Blackavar said. “Nundu’s poison is not like any other. It took the quetzalcoatls to create our current supply of antidote. And we barely have enough to help every creature… and it is not even effective all the time…”

Just like before, Gleaming Shield detected another somber look from the king, but not just him, as his children also had the same look.

“Perhaps they would know a better way to deal with the poison, but they are all gone” the jaquin king continued.

“What about the quetzalcoatl oracle, Quita Moz?” Skylar asked, pointing to the image of a snake with feathers and wings that was on the wall. “He is so old and wise that can even see the future. I bet he would know what to do.”

“But Quita Moz disappeared with the other quetzalcoatls many years ago” King Blackavar replied.

“Some say he’s still here” Skylar replied, looking to the image where there were the image of three mountains on waves. “They say he is in a hidden nest way up in a lake surrounded by three mountains.”

“Then we have to go try and find him” Gleaming Shield said.

“Only a fool would waste time looking for something that isn't there” King Blackavar replied.

“With all due respect, I've dealt with my fair share of emergencies” Gleaming Shield said.

“You don’t say” King Blackavar answered, again with his condescending tone. “So you want to compare your fair share with my over fifty years of ruling?”

Gleaming Shield tried to find a good answer, but, just like Vestia before her, she just couldn’t any. Accepting her silence as an answer, King Blackavar said:

“I thought so. Skylar, take the princess to her world… and keep her there. Igneous, Vestia, you and the other jaquins come with me. We must prepare to end Nundu and stop his poison.”

Having said that, he and the other jaquins took flight and got out. After that, Gleaming Shield said:

“I know what your father said, but my instincts are telling me we have to find that oracle” Gleaming Shield said. “And I know you feel the same, Skylar.”

“I don't know...” he replied. “My father is already upset with me for bringing you here…”

“But, if this can help to save not only Serenity Valley, but also defeat Nundu without any other creature having to suffer, shouldn’t we take it?” Gleaming Shield asked. “If there’s one thing I know is that is always worth it following your instincts… and I think you know that too. After all, you told me you don’t mind to get in trouble, as long it is for a good reason.”

Despite fearing what could happen if his father got to know he disobeyed once more, Skylar knew Gleaming Shield was right. His instincts were telling him to find Quita Mox and that was the thing he would do.

“Okay, let’s go” he said. “Let’s find Quita Moz.”

Gleaming Shield smiled in response to that and the two then took off.

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