• Published 21st May 2020
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The Elements of Virtue - Rakoon1

After Star and Dusk’s return from the Bermikun Triangle, a brand new threat makes itself be noticed. In order to fight it, Star and his friends will go on a journey to find the Elements of Virtue.

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Breaking the Stone

As they headed towards the portal created by Mirror Coat to allow both Dusk and Gunter to come to Star’s help, Star Swirl said, while riding the Plank with Dusk with Star flying beside them and carrying Timber:

“I have to say it’s rather impressive for a young colt like you be able to pull off a spell like that.”

“It’s an honor to hear such compliment from you, Star Swirl, sir” Star said.

“I think that has a lot to do with you being an alicorn” Star Swirl observed. “But I never thought of seeing an alicorn of such young age. And, if you’re name is Star Knight… then I guess this young unicorn here is Dusk Storm.”

“How do you know our names?” Dusk asked. “Don’t tell me you have a spell to read minds.”

“He knows our names through Clover” Star replied. “He must have told him about us, right?”

“Very good” Star Swirl commented. “You really are as much perceptive as young Clover has told me about.”

“Wait, Clover?” Dusk asked. “Are we talking about the same Clover I think we’re talking about? The young ghost colt with flatulence?

“Who is also Star Swirl’s apprentice and one of the original founders of Equestria, Clover the Clever” Star told.

“No way…” Dusk said. “Clover turned himself into a knowledgeable bookworm? Now that’s something I never expected to hear.”

“Clover became very determined and focused on his studies all of the sudden” Star Swirl told. “He told me about how he spent centuries in the Bermikun Triangle as a ghost and how you two and a few others helped him return. I thought he was just being… imaginative, but now I see it was the truth. But, if you got to know how to release me, then that means Clover…”

“After Clover sealed you, he was pursued by Pandora” Star spoke. “He tried to trap her in your library under Canterlot, but she was able to spoil his plan and was able to defeat him, as Clover protected Merlin. She sent him to the Fog of the Lost, where he stayed for a thousand years but I was able to save him and then he told me about the seal.”

“What about Merlin?” Star Swirl asked, worried. “Is he…?”

“I don’t know that” Star told. “He was saved. Melody and Purple Smoke prevented Pandora from doing anything to him, but what is of him after that I don’t know what to say.”

“I hope he managed to follow his life” Star Swirl said. “He was a good kid with great potential.”

“Okay, guys, we have a mirror portal ahead” Dusk said, as they saw a mirror suspended in the air.

And so they crossed it, entering in the Mirrored Library. As soon Star dropped Timber and landed, Moonlight came to him, hugging him and saying:

“I’m so happy you’re okay, Star! I was so worried.”

“I’m sorry if I worried you, Moonlight” Star replied, turning to the others. “All of you.”

“You don’t have to tell us that, son” Blue said, while approaching Star and messing his mane. “We know that at this moment, the Lord of Chaos is desperate to prevent us from ruining his plan.”

Seeing Golden Paladin, Star asked him:

"Did you get my package from Gunter?"

"I did and don't worry, young prince, she'll be fine" Golden Paladin replied. "Changelings are pretty resilient and they can recover from most wounds... what she will do in Tartarus."

“Great, because we have more importants things to do" Star said. "Now, we have what we need to really do it… and bring back mom and the others.”

“Star Swirl!” Mistmane exclaimed, while she and Flash Magnus approached their old comrade. “It’s so good to see you again.”

“So am I” Star Swirl replied. “And Mistmane… You’re young again!”

“Let’s just say a young filly was able to turn my inner beauty into outer beauty” she replied, while making a nod to Moonlight who replied to her in the same way.

“But I’m disappointed to know that we’re the only ones standing out of our group” Star Swirl commented, noticing the absence of the other Pillars.

“Well, Mage Meadowbrook was able to escape the villains and live her life” Mistmane said. “But we still don’t know what happened to Somnambula. And Rockhoof…”

She then allowed Star Swirl to see Rockhoof petrified in stone.

“What happened to him?”

“The gorgons…” Flash Magnus said. “But our old comrade was able to give them a good fight and protect his shovel before they could do that to him…”

“But now that the Elements of Virtue are reunited, we’ll be able to undo the gorgons’ stone gaze” Golden Paladin said, while approaching with Mirror Coat.

“Golden Paladin, Mirror Coat…” Star Swirl said to them. “It’s good to know you’re still around. Does that mean Princess Aurora is on this as well?”

“A lot has happened ever since you defeated the Pony of Shadows” Golden Paladin replied. “A lot really…”

“But you’ll get to know all the details… after we get to fix the damages he has caused so we can move on to stop him” Mirror Coat replied.

“He…” Star Swirl said. “You mean, he’s back?”

“The Lord of Chaos set him free with the use of a powerful dark magic” Golden Paladin replied. “That magic comes from the Elements of Chaos, the dark counterpart of Element of Harmony, which are the successors of the Elements of Virtue.”

“And the Pony of Shadows used the Elements of Chaos to turn the Elements of Harmony, along with their holders, into stone” Mirror Coat said.

“That’s why you all went to get the Elements of Virtue…” Star Swirl said, observing all the elements with Star and his friends. “To defeat the Pony of Shadows.”

“And to free our princess and her friends, along with the Elements of Harmony” Golden Paladin added.

“Princess Aurora is petrified?!” Star Swirl asked.

“According to them, Princess Aurora is no more” Flash Magnus told him.

“She sacrificed herself to ensure the future of the Light Kingdom and all the Pony Reality” Mistmane continued. “But she has reincarnated and this new princess has been ruling the Light Kingdom for some time.”

“Her name is Twilight Sparkle” Blue said, advancing. “She is the love of my life and the mother of the colt that freed you. So we would appreciate if you could help us free her and the others.”

“Can’t you just use the Elements of Virtue?” Star Swirl asked.

“Perhaps…” Mirror Coat replied. “But, after further considerations, I realized that just the Elements of Virtue are not enough.”

“What?!” Star asked. “But, Mirror Coat…”

“Fear not, young prince, it just needs a minor adjustment” the General of Knowledge explained. “Because the Elements of Virtue are not the direct counterpart of the Elements of Chaos, their magic may not work properly to nullify the latters’. But it’s nothing we can’t do with a little help from the greatest wizard ever known in Equestria.”

“Always trying to test me…” Star Swirl said. “You didn’t change a bit, Mirror Coat. But you’re right about what you said: I can help fix the damages the Pony of Shadows has caused.”

Returning to the Light Castle, the group went to the throne room, where Twilight and her friends were placed. Jonagold placed the petrified Rockhoof with them and then went to the side of his friends. Turning then to the youngsters with the Elements of Virtue, Star Swirl said:

“Very well, remember what I said. Prince Star Knight, because you possess the Element of Sorcery, you’ll be the one conduct the spell. You’ll need to focus not only on the power of your element, but also on formulating the spell. The rest of you will need to channel the power of your elements and join them to Prince Star Knight’s. Remember to balance it well. You’ll need to channel enough power, but not too much that will put a lot of strain on you and risk to break the power. Understood?”

Star and the others nodded with their heads and Star Swirl continued:

“Meanwhile, I’ll add the part of the spell that will allow the Elements of Virtue to nullify the power of the Elements of Chaos” Star Swirl said. “Prince Blue Sword, since you’re the General of Balance, I may require your magic to make the spell even more effective.”

“Anything to bring back my wife and friends” Blue said.

“Very well, let’s do it!”

Star and his friends closed their eyes, as they started to channel the power of their respective elements. It was then that Star’s started to glow and soon the same happened to the other five elements which then casted a beam of light towards the former. Star then flapped his wings to gain some altitude and then casted seven beams, which each one hitting every petrified pony.

Shortly after that happened, cracks started to appear on Rockhoof and, a few seconds later, it break, releasing the hero of the past. Once that happened, Flash Magnus hasted to go help him.

“Rockhoof…” he said, while the big pony started to regain consciousness. “Are you alright, buddy?”

Once he was able to focus his eyesight and saw Flash Magnus, he said:

“Flash Magnus? What… What happened?”

“It’s a long story” he replied. “But right now, there’s other things happening at the moment.”

He was referring to the spell Star and his friends were casting. When he got to feel it was time, Star Swirl turned to Blue and nodded to him. With that, the two stallions charged their horns and casted a joined spell that fused with the one casted by the holders of the Elements of Virtue.

All that caused some difficulties for Star to focus on the spell and his friends to balance their energies. However, the fact the fate of important ponies of their lives was depended on them. It was that what allowed them to make the spell even stronger. It was then that something started to happen, as cracks started to appear on Twilight and the others.

“It’s working…” Mirror Coat observed.

“They just need to keep it up just a little longer” Golden Paladin told.

The youngsters, Blue and Star Swirl continued their effort to keep the spell long enough to release Twilight and her friends. But then Moonlight and Gunter started to find hard to keep up. Seeing that, Star realized he needed to compensate that by doing his best to focus the spell the best he could and so he did it. That worked, as the spell was able to remain strong. It was then that there was a flash of light as the stone broke, causing the spell to end.

When all the light dissipated, everypony could see that it had worked, as Twilight and all the others were free and recovering their senses. Twilight, as soon was able to focus her mind, asked:

“What happened…?”

“Mom!” Star and Dusk shouted, as they run towards her and hugged her.

“Twily!” Blue shouted as well, joining the hug.

“Oh… I don’t know what just happened, but… I do love a big hug from my boys” she said, hugging them back. “But I still want to know an explanation for why we are in the Light Kingdom, when we were just battling the Pony of Shadows.”

“You don’t have to worry about that” Blue said.

“Yeah, mom, everything is fixed” Star said, while observing Jonagold reuniting with his aunt and Moonlight with her mother.

“Well not everything” Star Swirl said, while approaching. “There’s still the Pony of Shadows to deal with, but, after witness what happened, I think we have a good chance to stop him for good.”

After Twilight saw Star Swirl, she was able to recognize him immediately and she couldn’t describe what she was feeling for being before her greatest hero and inspiration.

“But, you are… You are… You are Star Sw…” Twilight stuttered, completely unable to even finished the sentence she was trying to say.

“Oh great, you broke mom, Star” Dusk said to his older brother.


“Well, you were the one to free Star Swirl from that tree. And you know she’s an even bigger fan of his than you.”

“Come on, Twilight, breath” Blue said to his wife, while placing a hoof on her shoulder. “You can do this… Inhale… and exhale.”

Twilight, listening to her husband, did what he asked her to do and then, when she was calmer and mostly over her awe of being before the one pony that had inspired her in her studies, she said:

“I’m sorry, Star Swirl, it’s just… I’m a great admirer of your work. I wouldn’t have become the pony I am without you.”

“And she mean that literally” Pinkie Pie said, appearing right next to Twilight. “She just became an alicorn and a princess, because she finished one of his spells. Although I would have passed the Nightmare Night disguise she once wore…”

“Okay, Pinkie, that’s enough” Twilight said, annoyed, teleporting Pinkie Pie to where she was.

“For what I’ve heard since my return, you are quite accomplished as well… Princess Twilight” Star Swirl said. “And since you are the mother of this outstanding young colt that freed me, I can only expect the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.”

“Oh… thank you, Star Swirl…” Twilight said, not expecting all those compliments from her hero. “I… I don’t know what to say…”

Noticing she was getting overwhelmed again by her admiration towards Star Swirl, Blue said to her:

“Why don’t you take a moment to take more deep breaths, Twily?”

Star and Dusk shared between each other a smile, before their mother’s behavior.

It was then the doors of the throne room were burst opened and Heartbeat got in, while shouting:

“Pinkie Pie!”

“Heartbeat!” Pinkie Pie replied, with a big smile.

And so the two of them just started to run towards each other, both smiling widely. However, they weren’t run as a normal pony would do…

“Why are Heartbeat and that pink pony running slowly towards each other?” Mistmane asked.

“I absolutely have no idea” Flash Magnus replied.

“Hey, I just got out of the stone” Rockhoof said.

Heartbeat and Pinkie Pie arrived to each other and went into a big embrace.

“Oh, I missed you so much, Pinkie!” Heartbeat exclaimed.

“Me too!” Pinkie replied. “Oh, and I also missed you, Heartbeat.”

Rainbow Dash went to Rarity’s side and asked:

“This is weird, right?”

“Rainbow, darling, you’re talking about the craziest ponies there is” Rarity replied.

“Yeah, point taken.”

“Oh, Pinkie, you don’t know how much I missed you” Heartbeat said. “I literally cried so much that I flooded my room and ruined my candy, when Goldy told me what happened.”

“Is that true?” Mirror Coat asked Golden Paladin.

“I still have caramel stuck on my coat under my armor…” Golden Paladin replied. “But the reason for her crying is not what appears to be.”

“I still can’t believe there was a chance I would not see you again… without doing this” Heartbeat said.

Suddenly, to everypony’s surprise, Pinkie Pie just receive a big shock that left her mane even puffier than before. Heartbeat broke the hug, while laughing and showing a buzzer on her hoof.

“Got ya!”

“Oh, now I get it” Mirror Coat replied to Golden Paladin.

Pinkie Pie nodded her head to make her mane return to normal and then said, with a smile:

“Good one…”

“Okay, what just happened here?!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh, me and Heartbeat have been in a friendly prank war ever since the Light Kingdom was restored” Pinkie Pie told.

“But… that was seventeen years ago” Rainbow Dash replied.

“I know!” Heartbeat exclaimed. “Time passes so fast. But it has been a lot of fun, right, Pinkie?”

“Okie dokie lokie” Pinkie replied.

Rainbow Dash tried to come up with something to say, but she simply couldn’t do it, so she just gave up trying to do it.

Making a fake cough to call everypony’s attention, Star Swirl said:

“I believe we have a situation on our hooves… So we better focus on that.”

“And that’s why I never liked him” Heartbeat whispered to Pinkie Pie. “He’s such a party pooper.”

Meanwhile, Chrysalis, now alone and without any of her servants, flew towards a place she knew quite well: the hideout in Arimaspi’s territory where she, the Lord of Chaos and the other villains used to contain the Demonic Statue and extract the tailed beasts from their jinchuriki after their first one was uncovered. As she advanced deeper into the hideout, she could feel a certain presence there, one she knew who was.

“I hope you’re feeling good” she said. “Time is running out. Those annoying foals gathered the Elements of Virtue. They turned my subjects against me and took away my mutants. They freed Star Swirl and by now they’ve freed Princess Twilight and her friends.”

“Star Swirl…” a voice said, as darkness started to condensate and red eyes appeared on it.

“Oh, yeah, for what I’ve heard, you two have some history” Chrisalis replied. “Another reason for you to hurry up and get ready.”

“Easy said than done” the Pony of Shadows said. “There’s too much light in this world than I remember.”

“That’s kind of the reason why our master decided to free you” Chrisalis replied. “So that you could devour all the light.”

“You don’t have to worry about that” the Pony of Shadows replied. “I’ll be ready. And once I’ve taken care of Star Swirl and his new friends, this world and all the rest of Pony Reality will know nothing more than darkness…”

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