• Published 29th Aug 2012
  • 1,734 Views, 78 Comments

The Name's Shadow, Shadow Eternal... - EternalShadow54

"I wonder what Celestia would do if she captured me. Nothing I couldn't handle, I'm sure...&a

  • ...

The Archeologist...

Today for Shadow would be one most unlike many others. Never in the Times of Harmony, or so he came to calling the times of the Elements of Harmony brats, did he actually think that he would ever come to actually harm anypony, much less kill somepony. He had even begun to think that nopony even remembered where or who he was. Months had passed since meeting Thorn, Sync, and the rest of the main six, so he figured himself in the clear. however, those thoughts of being forgotten and left alone to do as he pleased were quickly driven away by the meeting of a certain mare...

It had just rained the night before, the rain droplets glistening on the plains outside of the Everfree forest. Birds could be heard making their sweet music and enticing calls of the morning, the stillness and silence of the day nearly broken by the inaudible whisper of the wind breezing along at a pace almost unnoticable, yet unable to be ignored, her sweet voice so near but so far. Deeper within the lush forest was the small, damp, and almost lifeless area of our most favored grey stallion who, unkempt in appearance and attitude as usual, finally decided to rise from a lazy resting, or what he considered lazy. Shadow rose from his rest much like he always did, except that this time it was rather early in the day rather than before daybreak before he actually decided to stir. With slight weary eyes and a feeling of disgruntlement, the pegasus stepped out from the inside of his tent and into the now mellowing glow of morning, taking only a small and quick glance of the area around that he called his home.

The stallion didn't ever speak if nopony was around. He found it best to try and retain what little thread of sanity he could still grasp and cling to. Talking to himself other than keeping the thoughts in his head wouldn't have helped his state of mind on the matter. Doing what he loved best about the camp, Shadow started up his tiny pit of fire in order both keep himself occupied for what little bit of time it did and keep away the bugs that would pester him so. They would be out on account of the rain, but he strangely had no rush in doing the mediocre task, taking his sweet and precious time starting the fire. The gentle and elegant coo of the birds almost lured him back into rest, clouding his thoughts with their majestic tune. Both shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, Shadow gather and placed his materials into the pit and pulled the two flints he kept in his vest, striking them together to try and create the igniting spark.

He struck, but not one spark came from the rocks. "Huh... that's odd..." Again, he struck. Again, again, again, and again until he started to get irritated. He had just woken up, and this didn't help the mood. After one last strike, he lashed out, throwing one of the flints out of anger and aggrivation.

"Ow!" a feminine voice sounded from outside a secluded fragment of bushes. This caught Shadow by surprise, drawing his golden blade at his side in the direction of the noise that startled him so.

"Who's there!" he sneered with anger. "Show yourself!"

The first thing that came into his vision was the ocean blue hoof that extended from the bushes, followed almost instantly by a thicket of the blackest of hair, darker than night itself. The next part to be revealed was the wings of the pony, crimson red like blood and hued lightly as the joint of the appendage connected to the midsection of her body. These were apparently just her normal features.

When the mare had completely come forth, Shadow took unhalted observation of her, examining all the features she possesed. Her rosy eyes nicely complemented her wings with their own shade, mane silky smooth and straighter than a wooden board with a protruding curl near the end. Her body was sleek, the dirt brown vest and saddlebag she wore clashing horribly with the other colors of herself. The tail was long and, much like her mane, was straighter than could be natural with one curl at the end. Lastly, her mark only consisted of strings, tangled together in a seemingly unfixable knot.

The mere intake of seeing such a strange looking mare set him aback a deal. "Who are you!"

"Heh, the better question is whether you know of where I can find a Shadow Eternal. Would you happen to be him by any chance or know of his location?" Her voice was like honey to the ears, a hint of sly deception to those who knew it best. Even the invisible aura and feeling she gave off seemed to put Shadow off, unsettling him.

"That all depends on who wants to know."

"Please excuse me sir. Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Peach Puppet, renown archeologist from the Western Canterlot University. I come in asking a great service that could only be done by a soulless being such as yourself." Her quite already extensive knowledge of him was nerve pinching in the least.

"How... do you know me..."

"Come now Shadow. Did you think that your part in the only war Equestria had ever known would be unnoticed in books of old?"

"I thought Celestia had all records stricken and that parts of history written up from her scholars."

"Not everypony believes in Hearth's Warming Eve Shadow. There are ponies out there that are like me, conspirators and such. Though, I must say that this conspiracy seems to be true, unlike most I've investigated." She took it upon herself to take a seat in front of his pitiful fire pit, poking at the ashes with her hoof lightly.

"So I take it you've come here for more than to prove a point, am I right?" the stallion gruffed, putting his weapon away.

"Just as smart as the records recorded." Peach lightly chuckled. "Yes, you'd be correct on that statement. I'm looking to have somepony... 'dealt with'... if you catch my drift here."

"No." Shadow went behind the bushes and picked up his other flint. "There's nothing you could offer me to kill another pony. I've had my fill with that business."

"I figured as such from an ex-officer." the mare sighed. "And I'm sure the guaranteed return of your soul isn't price enough either." His ears suddenly perked up. "I guess I'll just leave and find another pony who'll do the job."

"Wait!" He called to her before she even had the chance to stand up. "What are you going on about Puppet?"

"Oh nothing. just the stated fact that I can guarantee that your soul be returned upon the completion of this task." A sly smirk snaked across her face.

"I'm listening..."

"Well, I found this book on one of my excavations. It's some sort of mystic and ancient set of spells dealing with the undead and reanimation of said undead with soul resurrection. In all technicality Shadow, you are dead yet alive at the same time. If some knew what you were, a zombie might be their first thought if they thought hard enough." She stood up and came into eye contact with the larger pony. "And such a great reward for such a small price seems to me like a wasted chance at a life long trouble if you were to ask any sane pony in the right mind, wouldn't you say?"

Shadow averted his eyes from her gaze at the end of that sentence. The offer didn't overlook him easily, but she hadn't even given the slightest proof of even what she was saying was true or not. Thinking about that fact alone, his glared back up at her. "How can I be sure you're telling the truth. In honesty, I don't think I can trust a mare with such a horrid taste in fashion, much less a pegasus who puts off such a dismissive and unnerving aura."

She was obviously insulted by this. "What? Are you telling me that you don't trust me?"

"What? Did I not make that little bit clear in my statement?"

"I guess you did, in a rather rude way."

"You seem to know enough about me. This shouldn't come too much as a surprise."

"It doesn't." The mare rolled her eyes with another sigh. "Would you trust me a bit more if I were to tell you I wasn't always a pegasus?"

Shadow rubbed his eyes with tiredness apparent. This was obviously a mare who was at least determined to annoy him if anything before she would either give up and leave, or until he gave in and accepted. He didn't see the first choice coming in anytime soon, so he said, with a most touchy tone, "Fine. Who is it you want dealt with?"

Peach Puppet lit up at the hearing of this. "So, you're going to help me then?"


"I'm still going to tell you my story anyway." she remarked with a smirk.

"What!? Why!?"

"Because the books said it was fun to mess with you."

"Did the books also tell you what I did to ponies who annoyed me regardless of their gender?"

"Yes, and I don't care."


"So, where should I start?" the mare stated, toying ever so at his patience.

"How about somewhere around never. That sounds like the best place if any."

"How about my foalhood?"

"How about no?"

"See, when I was just a small filly in the town of Nyre, my fath-"

Shadow heaved a sigh, interrupting her only in this instance to state, "You're going to tell me anyway, aren't you?"

"As I was saying. Father was a self employed shopkeeper, mother tending to the farm fields of old Greenson. The work and pay wasn'tall bad. Still, the shop went under after business came to an almost immediate halt. A drought had hit across the west, and farmers were quick in selling their crops, but slow in buying supplies." She glanced a second over the the stallion who stood glaring toward the sky with a sense of apathy and a disdained expression.

"Am I to assume that you want me to just give the short version?" Puppet inquired curiously with a chortle. The other let out a loud, audible breath, wishing only for the mare to just shut up. "I'll take that as a yes then?" Shadow just grunted.

"Fine. Mother and father lost their jobs and I grew up in poverty in my early years. Eventually, however, I was lucky enough to be picked up by a kind passerby who took me under his wing and helped me obtain the job I currently sustain."

"And what of your parents?" Shadow asked, now in slight interest about this female pegasus.

"After I left, I never saw them again. They moved away when I went with Sal Mint."

"Sal Mint?"

"My mentor," she replied. "Me and him have done many excavations together. He's... all I have now..." Shadow gave a curious look before Peach shook her head. "Nothing, forget I said anything."

"So why seek me out to accomplish this task? I'm sure that somewhere else for a much better price could do the job quicker, not to mention cleaner than I could."

"Remember how finding you in the first place was a conspiracy to start? Well, just imagine my teacher's face when he sees that you're actually real and that I was right all these years! Rabble he told me those old books were, but I'll show him!"

"Yes, yes... and I can just see Celestia's face when she realizes I'm still alive and hiding out in the Everfree," Shadow retorted.

"I am pretty sure that if she wanted to know or find you that badly, she would have by now."

"And let's try to keep it that way, alright mare? I don't have the great aspiration of getting myself out there that much, and that soul deal sounds way too good to be true in itself. So, until I see proof of this book and what it can do, no deal."

"Really? You're going to be like that?" Puppet whined.

"Did I sound like I was kidding?"

"Can I at least stay the night here with you? I told Sal I wouldn't be back until tomorrow and he left on his own little exploration until then."

"Ponyville is a few miles West. Just find anypony in that town and you'll have a place to stay. I have heard that the ponies there are very hospitable. Perhaps a bit too hospitable for my tastes, but nonetheless..."

"But why can't I stay here? I just came from there. I mean, don't get me wrong, they're nice ponies and all, but they're a bit... crazy... if you get my meaning. Especially that Pinkie Pie character." The stallion shivered at the mention of her name.

"Why do you think I stay all the way out here?" he inquired, directing a frown at the mare.

"Because you're in hiding," she remarked with a feeling of knowledge.

"And because I don't like ponies."

"Pleeeeeeeeeease?" the mare persisted, showing off her version of the big doggy eyes and pouting a lip for added effect. Shadow was outwardly unaffected, but deep, deep down inside, he felt a slight bit bad for her. It was like he cared, but at the same time he didn't.

"N-no..." the stallion stuttered. Puppet took a quick notice and wasted no time in taking the advantage of the situation.

"Pwety pwease." Her voice slightly trembled, as though she was nearly on the brink of crying.

"Now that's just not fair..." the grey pegasus stated with a sigh. The mare lost not a moment in at that statement, reaching into her saddlebag and laying out a olive green mat, obviously her matress. Shadow began to protest. "Hey wait! What are y-"

"So... you don't want me to stay?" she questioned, lip still pouting out.

"Wanting you to stay and letting you stay are two different things..." Shadow muttered.

"Heh, fair enough," Peach retorted, laying her head down for the night. "Good night Shadow!"


The day broke with a soft hum of insects, Peach puppet raising from slumber with an almost nostalgic sense about her. There was no doubt that she had just dreamed about home just by the way she awoke, the ability to tell about that characteristic as easy as blinking. She quickly shook the thoughts out of her head and threw on a fake smile. Unfortunately for her, Shadow was under his tree, an old willow that had died many years ago, watching her as she awoke.

"I know the feeling..." the stallion stated with a hint of apathy in his voice. The mare was startled to say the least, having not noticed him sitting there. She nearly shrieked.

"Oh sweet Celestia, don't do that!" Puppet growled back.

"My land, so I'll do as I please with it."

Peach settled back down, slightly annoyed at his smart-flank comment. "Are you always like this?"

"What's wrong with stating the facts?"

"There'd be nothing wrong if you weren't so mean about it," she glared.

"Now who in Equestria said I was nice?" Shadow questioned with a smirk. Puppet stood up and dusted herself off.

"A colt by the name of Thorn did," Peach retorted. This slight bit of information unsettled the stallion a bit further than yesterday.

"How much about me do you actually know about me?" he inquired.

"Enough," she replied bluntly, packing up her sleeping bag.

"Define enough."

"My knowledge, I'll do as I please with it," the mare smugly remarked.

"Hnnn...the grey pegasus snarled. The other stepped over to him with a hoof extended.

"So have we come to an agreement?"

"You mean about the whole reason you came here or about you leaving? One's answer relies solely on the other."

"You know which one I mean," she grumbled.

"And as do you."

"So is that a yes then?"



"Are you done here?" Shadow grunted impatiently.

"I believe so," the mare answered back.

"I guess I'll see you afterwards then?"

"Count on it!"

"Sadly, I do..." Squinting her eyes in irritation, she began to describe, in great detail, the pony she needed 'dealt with'.

"And lastly, the scar across his face should be a dead giveaway if anything," she finished, finally freeing Shadow from the seemingly endless words that spewed from her mouth.

"And he can be found where again?" Shadow asked.


"Ponyville? Really? Weren't you just there?"

"Why do you think I didn't want to go back? Besides, he's fallen for a mare there by the name of Applejack. He doesn't plan on leaving anytime soon."

"So let me get the arrangement straight. You want me to kill a stallion who has relations with a mare in the only town other than Canterlot that Celestia personally visits on occasions herself?"

"Shadow, how much is your soul worth?" Puppet inquired with newfound seriousness. A long pause followed thereafter. This was a question that struck him. Never had anypony asked this, nor had he even wondered this.

"You can expect the job completed by the end of the week..."

"I'll be in Manehatten till then." The mare reached reached for and pulled out a compass to determine the direction in which she would head before making her abrupt leave. Though her visit was short compared to most, it certainly left an impact in a way. He had basically put his trust in a stranger, a mare no less, by agreeing to kill for her without a single shred of evidence to prove that she would uphold her end of said bargain.

"Shadow, Shadow, Shadow..." he began. "When are you going to just stop being so helpful to other ponies and learn to assert a no?"...

Author notes: FINALLY! I know it's short, but come on. Expect more soon. Been writing by hand non-stop and just was able to get this edited and posted tonight.