• Published 29th Aug 2012
  • 1,736 Views, 78 Comments

The Name's Shadow, Shadow Eternal... - EternalShadow54

"I wonder what Celestia would do if she captured me. Nothing I couldn't handle, I'm sure...&a

  • ...


Moonshadow tiphooves into the living room. It was late, and she'd just gotten the foals to sleep. As she heads over to the sofa, she notices Shadow was still awake, though this was not unusual. Only a few years had passed since their encounter with Bloodfang.

"Shadow?" she says, coming up to him.

"Yes Moon? What is it?" Shadow asks, polishing his dagger.

"Luna's child will be coming soon," She informs her mate. "I need you to stay with the kids tomorrow while I escort her to the hospital, then to Nightrain."

Her gaze never wavering from him, she hops up on the couch.

"Also, Twilight Sparkle has formed a rebellion against our rule," Moon sighs. "Clearly she's ticked off because of Celestia's death. Would you like the details?"

"What? I thought those Elements of Harmony brats were dead? It's been like... a good long while since I last came into contact with them, and it wasn't on good terms." Shadow questions, listening intently. "You sure it's her?"

"You died." she points out. "My mother sent Twi back; she was taken to Hell by one of the drones. Anyway, she's back, and get this; she had a filly not long ago. Guess whos?"

"Uhhh... No. I'm terrible at guessing... you know this..." Shadow gestures. "So... Twi is back? Only her though... Right? None of the others?"

"Dunno about the others. Mother and I aren't exactly close; abandoning me in the Everfree and eating dad and all." she replies. "Twi's mate is Shining Armour. Her own brother. She cast an illusion spell on him to make him think she was Cadence; whom I killed, if you recall me saying. He went suicidal when he found out." Moon laughs a little. "Actually, let's go to Nightrain together; foals included. I have a few questions for him, and you might be interested."

"So... let me get this straight..." Shadow said, thinking about the entirety of what he just heard. "Twilight Sparkle, the crazed bookworm who follows all the rules, cast an illusion spell on her brother so he could knock her up..." This seemed a bit much to believe on the stallion's part. "First off... why?" Before she answered, he continued.

"Second, I gotta go see Nightrain? This will turn out to be a drag... Can't I just stick around here and practise my archery? I've been getting quite good!"

"Nightrain isn't 'such a drag', when you get to know him," she chuckles. "And as to why Twi did that, I'm not sure, but she has visions sometimes. I think it may have something to do with-"

A rapping at the door interrupts her. The two turn to see a dark figure phasing through; completely concealed in shadow. Clearly, it is a winged stallion, almost twice Celestia's height. His eyes glow yellow, with light turquoise whites.

"Don't knock or anything..." Shadow gruffs, standing up and wielding his blade. "It's not like we like our privacy or nothing..."

The stallion steps out; ultramarine mane and tail glowing dull yellow at the ends. His hooves up to his knees glow likewise, making his black fur appear darker.

"Mentor," Moon sighs.

He stares at the dagger in confusion, "Why the hostility?"

"Why the barging in?" Shadow says, sheathing his weapon. "Nevermind... Why are you here?" Before he answers, Shadow guesses. "Twilight perhaps?"

"No," he replied bluntly. "Your colt."

"Excuse him," Moon whispers to her husband. "His social skills are... lacking."

"But before that; What about the mare? There's lots to tell." Rain chuckles.

"Moon will tell ya. I gotta finish cleaning my dagger." Shadow said sitting back down. "Gotta make it shiny! And Haze is in bed." The stallion then turns to Moon. "Also, you lack in humor my dear." he said, back to wiping his blade.

"You lack in understanding." she sighs.

"I'm the one who told her about the lavender mare," he explains. "Though I thought I'd wait until you were around before I mentioned Celestia and Fire Mane's deal."

"Say wha now..." Shadow asked, rather dumbfounded at hearing this. "What... deal?"

Amused at having gained the gray pony's attention, he remarks, "I'll leave you guessing at most of it, but I will say you might want to keep your guard up. She can't be killed now; she's back from Hell for blood, both yours and mine."

"Celestia? After me? Pffft..." Shadow said, mocking the statement. "Like I care about what a overgrown, arrogant mare thinks..." He quickly looks at Moon.

"Not you honey." Shadow said with a chuckle.

"Shadow," Moon butts in, obviously not dignifying the joke. "We mares don't generally go for literal blood." She glances to Nightrain. "She's after-"

He nods, "The foals. And with the power of her old self combined with Shadow's. Immortallity, speed, strength, magic, flight, and the power to summon the creatures of Hell themselves."

Shadow suddenly pales, growing just a bit more gray than he was. "Well..." The stallion starts to walk off towards the foals room. "She's welcome to try... but that's where it stops at... try..."

Nightrain walks over to the stallion. "You ever hear of Teddy Cougar? A demonic killer who murdered ponies via their dreams."

"Yea, I have heard of him. And?" Shadow asked with a blunt tone, knowing where the conversation was heading. "If you'll excuse me, I have a few foals I'd like to check on... If you would please..." Shadow said, brushing Nightrain to the side.

"Somepony isn't very good at concealing emotion..." Rain grunts, then looks to the mare. "Just because they are immortal doesn't make them safe. You'd be wise to teach your mate the power of mind transitioning."

Moonshadow watches her husband, calling after him quietly, "She can't do it while they're asleep. Her power is limited, regardless of it being commendable."

The male alicorns laughs silently to himself.

"I never said I was concerned... I just wanna see my kids..." Shadow grunted. He didn't know why, but his mood just seemed to go down the drain. Maybe the mention of Celestia struck a nerve, but whatever it was, he wasn't too happy. Having a soul had only one disadvantage in his opinion, and that was the inevitable feeling of just being in a bad mood.

"Nightrain, help yourself to whatever you can find in the kitchen. You're welcome to stay as long as you want."

"You are concerned, as am I," he ignores the later remark, planning to stay regardless. "More so you should be concerning your immortality."

"So we aren't really immortal." Moon huffed, looking at the ground.

"Yes, but I will only say that any direct physical damage you sustain will heal almost simultaneous with impact. There ARE other ways you both can die, but Celestia can't employ such methods easily. Our only hope is to force Celestia to throw in the towel; her surrender will break the deal."

Moon laughs, "How do you propose we do that? We can't use our foals as bait."

"Still too young to plan things out quickly I see," he muses. "Twilight Sparkle; if Celestia kills her, she violates the pact, she automatically forfeits, she is powerless and mortal; at your mercy." With those last three words, he glances out the corner of his eye at Shadow. "Lest you should feel guilty for killing a mare attempting to murder your own flesh and blood."

"You know me... I have too big of a heart to kill anypony..." He sighed, thinking about his times without his soul. "Or I did... long ago..." Shadow shakes the thought away. "So, what are you suggesting? We trick Celestia into killing her old time student? Sounds... complicated..."

"I didn't say it would be easy," he remarks. "Daughter, do you recall how you killed Cadence and Myth?"

"I evaded the mare's charged and she pierced her little brother's heart," she answers, slightly confused. "Then I slaughtered her as she stood there in shock."

"Precisely," he chimes, returning his focus to Shadow. "She hates you well enough, and you're fast, correct?"

Within a flash, Shadow is in Nightrain's face. "I dunno, you tell me." he chuckles, mood returning to normal.

He thinks for a moment before speaking, "It'll do."

Moon rolls her eyes. 'Here we go' she thought in her head.

"Now," the stallion chirps. "I'll leave how to set up the situation to you; just don't fail." Joyfully, he slips over to the foals' room, preparing to enter.

"WHAO! Hold on a tick." Shadow says, stepping beside the stallion. "What are ya gonna do?" Care for his children was something Shadow wasn't short of. If it concerned them, whatever it was, he HAD to know.

"I'm not sure WHAT Bloodfang told you, but it's nothing to get hyped up about," he grunts. "I was going to meditate."

"Oh..." Shadow says in defeat. "Carry on then..." Turning back to Moon, the grey pegasus stared at her wearily. "It's late... and I'm tired..." Shadow begins to fix a spot on the couch for Nightrain. "If he is staying, he can have the couch. He's more than welcome to it... I'm heading off to bed." Shadow trots up to the mare and gives her a kiss. "Night..." He turns and heads upstairs to the bedroom.

"Night..." She watches Shadow leave before going into the kids' room. Nightrain is sitting in the center of the floor, a soft luminescence emitting for his body. His eyes are solid white, indicating that he is attempting to catch a glimpse at the children's future; but his expression seems troubled.

"See anything," the mare asked as soon as her mentor's eyes returned to normal.

"No," he sighs. "The colt's future remains the same, and the filly's...." He pauses. "More in likely, it will be your stallion who receives a vision of her; she apparently falls closer to his side of the family."

"I have a question, if you don't mind."

"Shoot it."

"Why the interest in only Haze," she inquires. "Granted, his natural form is that of the Void, but why not Night?"

He snorts softly in amusement. "Several reasons, but mostly because of your mates attachment to her."


"How would you feel if some strange mare that you barely knew was to spend an alarming amount of time around your little colt?"

"..." Moon was silent.

"Besides that, I find Haze interesting; Flightless, shy, cowardly, a male replica of you when I first found you stumbling around in the forest."

She chuckles, "And he's just as unsure of you as I was."

"Maybe more so," Rain replies. "I was an adolescent when I found you; only about a head taller than you are now. Think how I must appear to the little furball."

"Are you sure you're not just captivated by his thick fur and mane?" she questions with a smile.

"Who? Me?" he scoffs jokingly, that fact being partly true.

Moon turns and heads for bed, stopping only to say, "Shadow fixed the couch for you."

"Mmmm, g'night." Rain states, returning to his meditation.


Morning came, the sunlight barely beaming through the windows into the eyes of Moon, causing her to bustle. Shadow had gotten up VERY early, as he does on custom, and was downstairs fixing everypony breakfast, including the foals and Nightrain. When the mare finally decided to head on down, she found a plate of pancakes on the table for her, Shadow and her mentor talking at just an inaudible tone.

"Hey Moon!" Shadow waved. "I was just getting to know Night here a bit more. Ya know, seeing as he's gonna be around a bit regardless..." He then began to feed the foals at his side.

Moon raises an eyebrow. Surely those two couldn't be getting along. They weren't last night anyways. A more important matter was now eating away at her; what were they discussing?

'It better not have been me!'

"So, 'HONeyyy'," she half-growls. "What were the two of you talking about?"

"Oh nothing dear. Just stuff about stuff..." Shadow said, doing his best to suppress a smile. "ANYWAY, how'd you sleep?"

"Oh no, we aren't changing subjects!" she snarls.

"Nightrain, please see the mare out. She obviously woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Shadow snickers, paying her not much regard while he continued to feed the foals.

As Rain approaches, she widens her eyes and pokes out her lower lip, instantly stopping him. The two stand motionless for several minutes; never blinking. Eventually, Rain's ears drop back and he turns back to Shadow.

"I can't," he sighs in defeat.

Moon trots over to her foals and asks, "Night, what were Daddy and Rainy talking about?"

"Sorry mommy..." Haze says with a frown. "Daddy made us promise..." Shadow starts to whistle inconspicuously, a smug grin plastered across his face.

"Well... what do ya say we discuss this thing about Twilight..." Shadow said as he looks over to Rain, who nods energetically in hopes of changing the subject.

"You're gonna pay later, Rain." the mare sneers.

"Anywho," he states with haste. "You wish to know about the purple unicorn. Right, Shadow?"

"Yes Rain. How exactly are we going to get her and Celestia here at the same time?" he questions, not quite sure about if Rain had thought all of this out. "Sounds tricky..."

"Dunno," he laughs. "I'm leaving that up to you two."

Moon snorts, "I'm not helping until I know what the two of you were discussing!"

"In good time Moon, I promise..." Shadow says, growing those big puppy eyes she couldn't resist. "Let's get this over with first. Then we, or I, can tell you."

"Hehe... Mommy gonna be so surprised!" Haze said, a quick shush from Shadow freezing him.

"Hnn, fine," she gives in. "I know a pony who can help."

"Thank you..." Shadow said with a sigh of relief. "Now... who's this pony you know?"

"One of Celestia's more willing 'victims'," she snickers. "Rarity's daughter, Jewyll."

Nightrain lets out a groan. "Her? You're not serious are you?"

"Uhhh... Hello? Clueless over here..." Shadow said, obviously annoyed. "Who is this... Jewyll?"

"The devil." Rain replies bluntly.

"You just don't like her because she HATES stallions," Moon scoffs, then informs Shadow. "Let's just say she's irresistible to our undead-"

She stops suddenly, pondering an idea.

"Rain, I need you to watch the foals," she says suddenly. "Shadow and I need to go t-"

She looks at Haze and Night before continuing, "Have to go somewhere warm..."

"Oh jolly good for us!" Shadow says with distaste and sarcasm. "Off to meet the devil herself!" The stallion growls as they step outside, awaiting Moon to take them down to oblivion. "A trip down memory lane..." he moans to himself.

"Oh, shut it," she glares. "Mom likes you, so I'll need you to ask her something."

"Does it really look like I have a choice in the matter dear?" Shadow sighs, walking through the vortex Moon had conjured and stepping into the inferno below. "Heh... your mom really likes the brimstone look huh?" Shadow jokes.

Moon whispers quickly to her mate as Fire approaches. "You're gonna ask her to change Celestia into a filly."

"Well, well, well," the Hellpony cackles. "Did Nightrain send you? Figures, he would; never liked me going out for his hide."

The giant mare trots up to Moon, her flaming golden eyes peering deep into the crimson ones. "He tainted my already hideous foal with his barbaric teachings."

She sighs, "Though, I suppose you DID bare acceptable children; a golden eyed filly and voidling colt. Turns out you aren't as worthless as I predicted long ago in the Everfree."

'Wow... awkward...' Shadow thinks to himself. Upon reaching the last of that statement, the stallion steps between the two, breaking up what tension there might have been.

"Okay then..." Shadow says, now in front of Fire. "I don't suppose you would mind doing me a simple request, would you?" Shadow said. If he had asked it for 'us' instead of himself, she might not be as receptive to helping.

"I'm listening, but no guarantees..." she growls unknowingly, still focused on her 'pathetic' daughter.

"Well, see... I figured out Celestia has been... well, set free I believe. Now, if it wasn't TOO much to ask, reckon you could perhaps..." He pauses, unable to get a clue of how she might react. She had one heck of a poker face. "Turn her into... a filly?"

"..." She stares at him in confusion. "Why? Celestia was such a wretched mare; even more so than your wife! Besides, I'd prefer to make Nightrain suffer."

'Ahhht the EXspenccccceeee of OUrrr fOAllllssss?? NooOOOooo....Ahh secOnnnnd CHhhhhhhhhaaanceeeee forrhh CccccelEStiaaa...' a voice sounds in the stallion's head. 'So wEheh can raissssse her rIghhhhhutt... ASssssss ourhhh OWnnnnnnn....'

"C'mon Fire... just do it for a few days at least? That couldn't hurt, could it?" Shadow was a bit confused by the sudden voice, but his mind was set on getting what Moon wanted.

"Please...?" Shadow said once more, asking in a much softer tone.

"Well..." she ponders this.

'NooOOOOhhh,' again the voice sounds. 'CeeelEStiAAaaaaaaa mmmUSttt llllliveeee hERrrrrrr llllIFFFffffeee OveeeEEErrr.... WeeeeEee herr PAREnnnntSSSsssss....'

Shadow stops and thinks for a second. 'Wait... we?' With fury, Shadow glares over to Moonshadow, angry and unamused. "Uh... huh..." Shadow says to himself. "Excuse me Fire. Imma let you ponder that while I talk with Moon..." he said, stepping over to the mare.

"Before you start, let me say this," Moon whispers low. "YOU got a second chance! Granted, I hate her too; but Rain's plan is a shot in the dark. Besides, we could simply raise her as a slave; a tool."

"And what about Twilight? What do we do about her? And as for Celestia... I'm not sure what to think... GRANTED, don't EVER do that again..." he coldly beams, stepping back over to Fire. "So, what do you want us to do in exchange..." Shadow said with a sigh. There was always a catch to these sort of things.

Fire sighs herself. "I didn't even agree, but very well. In exchange, I want my plaything back."

"Twilight?" Moon asks in disgust.

"Yes," she growls at her daughter. "And I want you to bring me my good daughter, Jewyll."

"Wait... I thought Jewyll... nevermind..." Shadow said, shaking the possible misunderstanding. "Alright. It's a deal Fire. You can count on me!" Shadow then turned back to Moon, whispering in a lower register. "So, how we gonna do this?"

"Jewyll'll be easy enough, but Twi..." she trails off. "I suppose we could try and convince Rain to help. He's the only stallion she mentioned being attracted too."

"Again... how do you know this?" Shadow questions, a little suspicious of how she obtains this kind of information. "Regardless, where to? Where does this... Jewyll live?"

"I... heh, I've been around." Moon chuckles. "First we go to the Palace."

"The palace... really..." Shadow groans. "But I hate that place..." He certainly did, and he was prepared to whine all the way there.

"It's where she lives," she grumbles, knowing what was coming.

"FINE..." Shadow moans, rolling his eyes. "Let's get this over with then..."

"Before we get there..." she trails off. "I have two things to ask."

"Oh great... more questions and answers needed by me..." Shadow said, rather annoyed at this point, much more than usual. With a heavy sigh, he inhaled deeply and asked the dredded question. "What?"

"Do you recall when I went back to retrieve Celestia's horn? Well, Nightrain was there and told me to pay no mind to the payment," she informs. "I wasn't sure why then, so I dismissed it. But his plan to rid of her now that she's back is to capture her. So..."

She waits a moment, knowing he won't answer.

"So, he knew this would happen." she continues. "Wouldn't you like to see her suffer through his training as a mortal?"

Walking beside her, Shadow starts to consider what she had said. "Hmm... you make an excellent point... BUT I want something in return however..." Shadow said, his face turning serious. "I want the same right as he does to Haze, and want to check on her as I please, when I please..."

"Most likely, he won't care as long as you don't interfere with her training..."

After opening another portal to leave the inferno, the two stepped out just at the gates of the Canterlot palace. It didn't take long to find the mare in question.

"What?! Really?!" the white mare of ruby mane squeals. "When can we go? Huh? When? And why'd you marry such a gloomy pony? He's so gray! You say you have kids? Ooooooh! How are they? They don't look like him do they? Who's Mothy? Rain still buckin' her or are you? Well, were you? Or did that pedo mentor of yours get the jollies for you? Oooooh, details, details!"

"This... is Jewyll... really?" Shadow said aggravated, a headache an understatement with her attitude. "Honey... do you have my bow?" he said sarcastically.

"UGH! See?! This is why mares are the way to go sweety!" she screeches. "But seriously, word was getting 'round that you and Rain had a colt."

Moonshadow says nothing. This mare was getting on her nerves. That squeaky, high-pitched voice, the gorgeous red mane, her lineage, everything.

'Why? How could Fire love this.. thing? Jewyll had no power of a Hellpony like her; nor did she have the power of voidlings, changelings, legendary unicorns, great alicorns, ect... Nothing.'

"Hey, uh Jewyll... Are you coming along? Because I don't wanna sit here and listen if I don't get SOMETHING out of it..." Shadow said with great annoyance. This mare was certainly one of the few ever to just tick him off with ease.

"Listen Moon... I'll... be outside... trying to settle this migrain of mine..." he stated as he placed his hoof on his forehead. "It's... just too much for me at once... I'd prefer her in short bursts..."

"Hnn, c'mon Jewyll," Moon calls, paying the bubbly mares rantings no mind.

The fiery portal opens and she shoves Jewyll in, then turns to Shadow; never noticing the wide-eyed guards and visitors of the palace.

"Now, what was it we do next? I mean, yea, that certainly was easy enough..."

"Ugh... I don't know. I think your mom wanted us to get Twilight I think..." Shadow answered, still aggravated from meeting Jewyll. "Where would she be anyway?"

"Dunno, Rain didn't say." she trails off. "Let's run and ask 'im."

"Plus, I want to check on the kids." she adds before trotting off.

As they head home, Moon can not help but wonder why Shadow hadn't said anything about that rumor Jewyll was mouthing about. In fact, he knew next to nothing about her life with Rain. Sure, the abusive part and her discovery, and a couple of other things; but she never spoke much of the years before his 'death'. For all her mate knew, she could've had many children with the alicorn stallion. It's not as though her mentor was unattractive afterall.

Shadow followed close behind Moonshadow as they trotted back towards their home, paying the commoners no mind. What Jewyll had said about her and Rain had certainly sparked a few thoughts, but figured she couldn't, no... wouldn't do something like that... would she? He continued behind until they finally came back to their house...

Inside, Nightrain is desperately running about, trying to catch the amused little Shade Night, and pulling Death Haze off his tail. Clearly, he is not very good at managing more than one foal at a time. He eventually notices the couple are back.

"Heh heh, how'd it go," he laughs nervously. "The kids and I were just p-- AGH!"

Death Haze chomps down into the stallion's leg; tiny fangs stinging like poisoned needles.

"The little travel was rather amusing, save... about everything about it..." Shadow stated with a low growl. He stepped over to the foals, rather stern as he spoke. "Children... go to your room." They were about to protest when they noticed the seriousness in his eyes. "Now! I'll even walk with you..."

Walking the two foals, who were dead silent now, Shadow took them inside their room and tucked them in, never saying another word to them.

"What's got your tail in a knot?" Rain asks, not knowing that to be a generally rude way of asking 'what's wrong'.

"Nothing... Just a little... something..." Shadow replied, landing on the couch with a loud thud when he returned. "I'm... just tired is all..."

"Audiattum," Moon sighs.

"Quid?" Rain asks uncertainly.

"Noceo Revitum Nox," she replies. "Audiattum."


"Minime," she objects. "Jewyll."

"Oh yea, don't mind me. I mean, it's not like I wanna know or anything..." he beamed, staring at the roof. "Whenever ya decide to think I'm important again, just let me know..."

Shadow was in an unfriendly, yet sarcastic state at the time, not really meaning anything he said, but still rather picky about what he said, careful to choose the most attaining of words. Why he was this way, even he didn't know. Ever since meeting that horrible Jewyll, he'd been in a bad mood.

Nightrain paces back and forth across the floor, muttering 'Minime' to himself. That stupid mare had brought up the wrong topic at the wrong time. Shadow wasn't supposed to find out about Nox; nopony was! What should he do? Lying wouldn't help, Moon would inadvertently see to that.

"Buck," he huffs.

"Do you really want to hear what I'm prepared to tell you?" Moon inquires, facing her husband.

It was time to play his poker face. With the most serious look he could muster, his determination to hold it unfathomable, Shadow faces the mare, ready to take whatever she was prepared to tell him.


"Well then," Moon starts. "I'm cutting right to the chase; Nightrain and I had a colt long before I met you."

"Illegitimate," Rain adds quickly. "We... got carried away..."

"I see..." Shadow figured the poker face didn't hold up strong, feeling it give way. This news, though he was prepared, still kind of struck him hard, as it would any stallion.

"I'm... gonna step outside..." he said. Maybe the fresh air would help him. His steps were lead as he walked however, teeth clinched inside his mouth. "Don't... come get me..." he said, stepping out the back door.

Saddened at having hurt her mate, Moon plops down on the couch. She never saw Nox after that first day; Nightrain had taken the colt far away at her request. All she could remember is that Haze looked just like him, even a pegasus like her long lost child. He was taken to a place 'beyond our own', as Rain had put it. She never saw the foal again.

"You'll have to forgive him," Rain says softly, walking over to her. "We stallions don't take this sort of thing lightly, and neither do most mares."

"Maybe I should've explained," she mutters, her almost lifeless eyes staring at the floor.

"Explained what?" he growls. "That we were forced to? He wouldn't believe it."

She only sighs.

"Look," he continues. "He doesn't even know about Grine and I; heck, he doesn't even know Grine's name!"

"He also doesn't know that the only reason Nox was conceived was to protect Odium!"

"Who Grine killed anyway! A stallion willing to threaten to murder his son to force two ponies to mate as a form of psychological torture can't be trusted!"

"You agreed!"

"Because you asked me too!"

"That's not an excuse!"

Nightrain was clearly getting angry. His upbringing severely crushed his ability to cope with emotionally hurting innocent ponies. He noticed Haze and Night peeping in at them; slightly sobbing.

Shadow was staring out into the night sky, looking at the celestial and glamorous sparkling of the stars above with more thoughts in his mind that he could have imagined possible. He was sure she had a good reason, but he had felt betrayed she might not have told him earlier. He couldn't stay mad however. He loved Moonshadow, and she was the only reason for his freed soul, but the thought of which and the fact that the same stallion was guardian and overseer of his own child was just something else to him.

"Shadow..." he stated to himself, remembering to the night she had crashed into him. The look of her defenceless body in the meadow after she had transported them from Canterlot after taking an arrow. "How do you always seem to find them..."

The outside slowly kept croaking with the calls of bullfrogs in the distance, hidden by the dark of night, only the low glow of the moonlight illuminating the desolate plains their house was built upon, save the Everfree right to their side.

"I guess I might still be missing a piece of me back in Hell..." he muttered to himself. "Because you still can't seem to feel... and this time, not even pain..." Sighing, he continued to gaze outward, letting the sands of time slowly trickle away as the night pressed on.

The next morning, Moonshadow awakens where she had laid the night before; the sofa. Nightrain had gotten the foals back to sleep and Shadow had...

"Shadow?" she thinks aloud with worry. She hadn't seen him come in.

In a flash, she is at the bedroom door.

Shadow was still standing outside, watching as the sun arose. He hadn't moved since his last statement over many hours ago. Shadow somehow felt that if he moved, he wouldn't be able to stop moving.

Seeing as how he's not in the room, she rushes to the porch.

'Surely he couldn't have stood out there all night! Or did he... leave.'

She bursts out the door, sighing with relief and slight sadness at the sight of her mate.

"Shadow?" she speaks, coming up beside him; lightly placing her right hoof on his shoulder.

"Moon..." he coldly stated, facial expression never changing. "Please... remove your hoof from my shoulder..." She really didn't want to be around him at this time. The deprived of sleep state of the stallion was the worst anypony would ever see him in. He continued to stare out into the meadow, thoughts never even altering while he continued to glare.

"Shadow, you don't even know what happened," she remarks, removing her hoof. "For all you know, we could've been under an illusion spell."

"Please spare me the details..." Shadow once more stated with a harsh tone. "Go wake the children... I'll start on breakfast in a minute..."

Growling, she enters the house once more. He wouldn't give her the benefit of a doubt.

'Ignorant stallion; assuming the worst, but she HAD given him reason to.'

Moon cracks open the door to see Nightrain sleeping on the floor with the foals. Her mentor, her 'figurative' father, the father of her foal she knows not. Inside, she still had an attraction to her fellow hornless alicorn. Her love for Shadow and her kids prevented her from acting though.

A memory resurfaced as she watched them sleep; way back when she promised to kill Shadow. Originally, she was going to kill him inside. Seduce him, bind him to her, then break what was left of his heart by accepting Bloodfang. But love had stopped her. Now, it was stopping her again.

Walking in, she nudges each of them awake.

"Mama?" Haze asks, blinking back to consciousness. "Mama, I had a nightmare."

"Nightmare," she laughs quietly.

"Are you an' Daddy gonna fight?"


Nightrain yawns loudly, "Sooo, Pouty in yet."

"Hush," Moon growls.

"No?" he asks with a touch of concern.

Night pokes at Moon's leg, asking, "Did Daddy leave?"

"Is Mr. Rain our Daddy now," Haze chokes.

"Mama?" Night joins her brother.

"No, of course not," Moon shushes her children. "Daddy's just a little upset."

Rain brushes up against Moon, saying, "Take them out for a little while. I'm gonna go talk to him."

"Are you-"

"It'll be alright. Now go. There's a farm not far from here; I sure you know." With that, he goes into the living room.

Shadow was still standing outside, hearing Moon as she took the two foals past him and headed out somewhere towards the meadow. "Figured..." Shadow stated, gruffing in his thought.

Stepping back into his house, he saw Nightrain, sitting on the couch.

"If you're gonna talk to me, forget it... I don't wanna hear it..."

"Too late; you're trapped," he sighs in slight humor. "So, why the persistent pouting?"

Ignorant as he could sometimes be, he already knew why.

Shadow had the most melodramatic tone Nightrain had ever heard. "Oh, no reason. I mean, I can take the fact that the pony watching my son also had relations with my wife and is around on a constant basis. Ya know, no big deal and all..." Sarcasm was something never left out through that small bit of rambling.

"Now I'm SURE there WAS a good reason for doing so, though I still find it hard to believe, AND I'm positive that this won't make everything awkward between the three of us..." Again, sarcasm.

"Now before you decide to tell me everything I DON'T want to hear, how about you wait until a time where I don't have the desire to see you dead before me..." Shadow coldly and bluntly spoke, glaring such a glare that even Nightrain seemed a bit intimidated.

"Now if you'll be as to so kind, leave from my sight... The colt isn't here, and this is still my home..."

"Listen," Nightrain halfway managed to refrain from a growl. "Moon and I are pretty good at the whole 'forgive and forget; if you drop it, it won't matter', but your attitude will only worsen things. Now I know you don't particularly like me, but hear me out."

He leans down to eye level before resuming, "Cut out the sarcasm and explain WHY you care. Our colt is long gone and we are merely two ponies who grew together. She loves you, not me. Had I been in your shoes, I would care what she did. My reason? I'd LOVE HER! How could I possibly imagine it?"

Again he straightens up to his full height, "Mothwisp had relations before she was with me, and with my own Stepfather and my stepbrother, Bloodfang, WHILE she was with me."

"It may have been one sided," he sighs. "But I loved her."

"Are you trying to suggest that I don't love her?" Shadow merely chuckled. "Listen, just leave. I don't need a sob story, and I definitely don't need to be lectured. If you don't leave, I'm not below TRYING to kill you, seeing as you are immortal and all. I have my own problems... foalhood problems to be exact... that has been floating around in my mind since I heard what happened."

Shadow walked over to the front door and politely opened it. "Now... I believe you were leaving?"

"Not until I hear of these foalhood problems." he smirks.

'Tactic 1: FAILURE. Tactic 2: Operational.'

Shadow slams the door with mighty force, almost breaking the hinges. "It's a personal problem! I would think you'd understand, seeing as you're full of 'em." Shadow retorts, intentionally spitting venom in his words.

"I know my problems," Rain replies cooly. "But do you know yours?"

"Well enough to not want to remember them..." Shadow replied. "So what's the plan here? You just going to pester me till I do something? Because that wouldn't be smart." In this, Shadow wasn't lying. He was prepared to take a drastic measure if Nightrain was determined to persist.

"Now please leave..."

"I'd never be able to live with my guilt if I left," Rain sighs, closing his eyes. This pony had lived without family. He was ashamed that he'd not protected his parents. To ease his pain, he made a deal with a demon. Such a selfish pony, yet Rain felt horrid for thinking so. Empathy did not come easy to the alicorn, but it was swimming in him now. They weren't so different.

Shadow stood there, motionless for a few more minutes until he was sure Nightrain wasn't going to leave. "Fine... if you won't leave, I will..." Shadow turned and started out the door. If Rain was going to stop him, he'd better do it now, which he did.

Rain teleports to the door, blocking the pegasus' path.

"Not yet you aren't."

"Now I'm only going to ask once Rain. Move." Shadow glared once more, almost a soul piercing stare while he look directly into his eyes.

"Why? Give me one good reason I should move," he growls. "You're only a selfish brat! The past is the past; DEAL WITH IT! Moonshadow knows your past and holds nothing against you! She could have looked down upon the crybaby colt who was too afraid to save his parents, but did she? No! I know your past, and do I laugh at that colt? No! Now sit the buck down and explain to me WHY you can't let bygones be bygones!"

Shadow's hoof struck the bottom part of Rain's jaw, causing him to stagger, but only just a bit. It had caused him to bleed a little as well however. "I told you I'm not asking again..." Shadow started to walk out the front door, outside on the porch now. In the distance, he could see Moon coming back with the foals.

"Whatever happens from here on Rain, is your fault..." Shadow unfurled his wings and took flight, heading towards Canterlot...

"Your pushin it runt," he mumbles to himself. That gray pony was actually getting on his nerves! It was amusing and impressive, but that last comment.

Rain laughs.

'My fault? If this family breaks apart it is because a temperamental stallion had to go cry.'

Assuming this would persist, he may just take Moon for himself. He lied before; as he DID still love the mare. He walks towards her slowly, and he would make a far more suitable husband.

Shadow had turned course as soon as he was sure he was out of sight, heading back for his old encampment rather than going to Canterlot. "Stupid stallion... Trying to coax me into telling him my problems... If he'd only left me alone..."

He gruffed. It wasn't bad enough he had to deal with the memories of old, but now he could actually FEEL the pain from them, accompanied by the knowledge of how it must have looked to Moon and the foals when he left. "If he really knows about my foalhood, then he'd understand..."

It wasn't long before guilt set in, but he wasn't about to go apologize. If anypony really cared, they'd know where to find him...

"Rain," Moon growls. "You didn't."

"I did," he admits, slightly ashamed. "But he asked for it."

"You didn't hit him did you?" she flares. "You rem-"

He waves her off and reassures her, "I'm lazy, and fighting is work."

"Not for you!" she retorts. "Watch the kids."

She unfurls her wings and heads to the only place her predictable mate would go; that old camp.

It was about nightfall before Moonshadow was able to find the old encampment, the long time away altering her navigation skills just a bit. When she came down, she noticed Shadow under a tree beside his tent, staring deeply into a fire.

Shadow was thinking. Thinking harder than he had ever thought before. "Maybe... it really doesn't matter..." he muttered, quickly shaking his head after saying it. "What am I saying, of course it does! Just look at what happened last time..."

"Just what did happen last time?" the mare asks suddenly as she lands.

"Oh... it's you..." Shadow coldly states, staring her down with anger. "Rain send you..." he asked bluntly, reverting his gaze back to the fire.

"No," she replies with an insulted tone. "Just ignore him; he's not a ponies pony, although he tries."

She sighs and plots down next to her troubled mate.

"Regardless, he's nerve wrenchingly aggravating."

Scanning his face for any possible change, she resumes, "Please, don't run from your feelings; they grow more burdensome. But don't let them control you either."

Standing back up, she proceeds to walk off in the direction of home. Whether or not he wished to work this problem out was his decision; and one that would affect everypony. Sure, she could control her apathy and hide her grief should he leave, but the foals...

"If you do leave," she stops to say before continuing onward, "take Shade Night with you. You helped make them, so whether or not you're with me, you'll be sharing the responsibility."

Shadow sat there is complete silence for the longest of time. The decision she had faced him with was ine of great magnitude, and never had he felt so compelled to want to say neither, but he knew she wouldn't allow it.

"How willing you lose faith in your dear husband..." Shadow finally spoke. "Good to know that you'd turn your back on me. I guess I should expect it though..." He paused.

"I'm sure if you recall, the blood-pact made between us is hat bonded us together until death. When I died, that bond was broken. I honestly have no obligation towards you or anypony else if you think about it..." Another pause, the fire slowly cackling.

"I thought about it a long time afterwards. You want to know what I was discussing with Nightrain?" Shadow stood up and paced towards his tent. "I was going to officially ask you to marry me..." He opened the tent and stepped inside. He spoke loud enough for the mare to hear him.

"But those vows are for better or worse Moon. You've seen the worst, and obviously can't handle it. The choice is not mine, but rather yours. If you wish to do what we both dread happening, I'll be here tomorrow to take Shade Night..."

Shadow laid down, assuming she was still there. "Regardless... I love you Moon, and I always will. Hay, if it weren't for you, I don't know where I'd be..." He chuckled, closing his eyes. "Good night..."

This infuriated Moon. Storming in, she knocks him out of bed, "When we MATED we became married! That buckin' ritual is for legal matters! Now you listen; I CAN HANDLE THE WORST! Have I not tried to talk to Mister Run-From-His-Problems? Have I not tried to say any damn word to him? No! In fact, I'm screaming at him right now! And you know what I see? I see nothing but a colt! You lost your parents and accepted possession by a demon, I am the daughter of Princess Fire Mane; an apathetic Hellpony! Now answer me; do you actually love me? Are you willing to get up off your flank and propose right now? Who sacrificed her horn AND half of her immortality to you? Who killed that demon in you? Who rejected Bloodfang, a pony infatuated with her, for an apathetic pony? Who bore your children? I gotta say, sweetheart, YOU crossed the line! How could I know back then that I was destined for you? Tell me, how could somepony not yet receiving visions foretell this? All I need is one answer; then we can go home and forget this ever happened."

She shoves her face uncomfortably close to his and asks in a dark, serious tone, "Do. You. Love. Me?"

Shadow continued glaring back, undeterred by her harsh words. With the most serious tone he could muster, he answered.

"Give me one reason not to..." Shadow then closed his eyes and gave Moon a kiss.

Dumbfounded, she simply stared back at her husband. He loved her for sure, but... She backs away.

"So... We aren't married without a formal reception, correct?" she questions, half dazed, half still ticked. "And don't think I'm not still furious with you!"

Shadow didn't say anything for another long period of time. "You can be mad all you want Moon. I'm not going to change, and you know that." he finally answers.

"Whether you want to a formal wedding arrangement, or would just like to leave it as is, is more so up to you. In all honesty, it was going to be sentimental on our part really..." Shadow kind of laughed. "And don't expect me to apologize to that stallion back home. I still don't like him, and like you very well know as well, I never will..."

Before Moon can respond, a mare bolts out of the bushes and stops but a few feet away from the two; black katana in hoof. She's white of fur with a short black mane and long black tail. Her muzzle is black, as is the splotch over her flank. Her eyes glow a bright emerald, and her black-edged feathered wings are unfurled.

"Who are you?" she snaps menacingly. "Answer me!"

"Oh great. Somepony else thinking they can just barge right into my camp..." Shadow growled. "The better question stranger would be, who are you?"

The stallion wasn't in the mood for this. He drew his blade and aimed it right at the mysterious mare. "Now how about YOU answer ME..."

"You show courage, intruder," she snorts unyielding. "Best you leave now, lest you be with Twilight. In that case..."

She bolts up to Shadow, blade to his neck, asking again, "Who are you?"

Shadow parrys the blade with his own, stepping back and setting himself in a traditional fighting pose. "Moon... Stay out of this." Shadow said, glancing to her while keeping a close eyes on the mare.

"It's been too long since I've had a good fight."

"Honestly Shadow," Moon scoffs. "Have you NO social skills?"

Looking to the mare, she continues, "I take it you hold a grudge against Mrs. Twilight?"

The mare nods.

"Come on Moon..." Shadow says in an aggravated tone, sheathing his blade. "Why couldn't you just let me have my fun?"

He sighs, walking up to the unknown pony and extending his hoof. "Fine... I'm Shadow. Let's leave it at that. Who might you be?"

"Dark Sun," she replies, only glancing at his extended hoof. "Resistor of the resistance."

Her eyes suddenly widen. "Aren't you.. the King?"

"A title is just a title." Shadow says with a smirk. "But yes, and this is your queen." he said, turning and pointing to Moon.

"Now... care to explain what you're doing here?" the stallion said with a chuckle. In all honesty, he had forgotten all about what had happened. All he needed was a distraction anyway. "And also care to tell me why you would point a weapon at your ruler?"

"M-my apologies, your highness," she stammered nervously. "I just thought you were some of General Twi's lackeys. I found this place last night."

"Don't be nervous..." Shadow bluntly stated, rolling his eyes. "You say you found this place? Well, what makes you think anypony still came here? It's been deserted for years, save my occasional trip back."

"I thought nopony lived here," she replies flatly. "Honestly, it IS deserted; as you said. Anypony could stumble upon this place."

"I like this mare," Moon smirks. "No respect whatsoever."

The hornless alicorn trots up to Sun and states, "You may come live with us; as you clearly aren't safe here. Besides, I could use another mare in the house."

"Do we really have to bring her back? That would make six of us..." Shadow groaned. Moon glared back angrily, and after that glance Moon gave him, he wasn't about to argue. "Fine... she can come..."

"Six, plus two more very soon," Moon corrects. "Luna will come with her child tomorrow."

"You have my thanks," she nods to Moon, then looks back to Shadow. Her king wasn't half-bad looking, and she'd heard yelling before arriving back. Perhaps the two were considering divorce? Maybe, just maybe, she could ignite that flame.

The trip back to the house was a long and tiresome one for Shadow. When he finally arrived back with the other two mares, he was exhausted.

"I... am... beat..." Shadow stated. "Let's get whatever business you need to discuss over with. Don't expect me to stay awake if it carries on over thirty minutes though..."

Just then, Nightrain came walking into the room, self-absorbed as ever.

"Oh, Hey! You're back," he chimes and nods a greeting to the stranger before continuing. "Anyway, kids are asleep. The mare can have the couch. You were out awhile. Shadow, can I talk to you a minute?"

"Rain... I..." He saw there was no use arguing. "Fine... Let's talk out front..." The two stepped outside.

"Oh, where do I start," Rain groans. "I suppose I should just come on out and say sorry."

His head is turned off to the left, trying to hide his embarrassment. Such large and powerful ponies are often full of pride; therefore they find it difficult to apologize.

"I know I get.. irritating, but trust me, it's not intentional. I hate hurting other ponies," he laughs nervously.

"Look... Rain... It's no trouble. I'm tired and have had a pretty long day. I accept your apology, but I still don't like you, and I never will. Got that?" Shadow asked, scanning the stallions face for an answer.

"Heh, at least I gave ya a good one to the jaw. I guess today wasn't ALL that bad..."

"One day," he mumbles disappointed as he heads in. "One day you'll like me."

"Heh, that'll be the day I'm wearing a tutu on the roof singing a lullaby to a cat..." Shadow states. He looked out into the night for only a moment before heading back in, Rain going into the kitchen and the two mares talking.

"So... What's up?"

Moon stares at Rain for a moment before responding, "Well, I didn't hear loud noises, so I won't ask. Instead, I would like you to know that we are pitting war against Twi, but we kill nopony; the four of us will catch her troops, which sum up to... Well, a large number."

"Two teams," Sun pipes up. "The Queen and myself on one, you and the Void King on the other."

"Hey, we aren't going to war for about... at least until tomorrow right?" Shadow turns to Rain. He felt a bit guilty somewhat, and he knew exactly how Rain could have the chance to earn his friendship. Or his respect at least.

"Hey Rain, wanna go out for a drink? It's been a pretty rough day..."

"What?" Rain asks, a bit startled.

'Was the little stallion actually showing a form of kindness? Hell yeah! Plan B is a success! Well, as long as he could refrain from his meaner, demanding side.'

"I said, ya wanna get a drink? Geez... I'm guessing I'll have to buy as well huh? Fine." Shadow dashed upstairs, quickly returning with a pouch of bits in hoof. "What good are victims of the past if you don't gain something from them?" Shadow chuckled.

"Come on. I really bet you couldn't even handle one mug..." If he was going to go and hang with Rain, he was going to at least give him a chance to be social. At the front door, he turned around to look at Moon. "We'll be at Shallow Bill's in Canterlot. Don't wait up!" He turned back around and took flight towards his destination, leaving Nightrain to catch up.

"Somepony doesn't know that there are ponies who don't get drunk, regardless of intact." he comments and runs along the ground towards the city.

"So where in Canterlot is this 'Shallow Bill's' located," he calls up.

"Just to the left as soon as we enter the gates." Shadow responded. The rest of the trip there was rather silent. Shadow didn't want to talk until they got there, and he made sure Rain knew that. As soon as the stallion would say something, he'd just grunt.

Arriving at the front gates, the two stepped in. There wasn't any guards anymore. The city was basically protected by the residence if there were ever an attack. "Follow me."

Taking a sharp left down a small alley, the two come across an old, run down looking building, the smell of intoxicating booze thick. Stepping inside, Shadow looks over to the bar tender at a counter. The room was dense with a rough musk, only about three other ponies inside, drunk and arguing in the background. The decor was plain, no color or fanciness to it.

"Now this... is what I call a bar." Shadow stated, taking a seat at a stool in front of the counter, waiting for Rain to enter before ordering.

"A little drab," Rain sneers at the stench as he follows Shadow to the bar; attempting to 'accidentally overhear' the three bickering ponies.

"Rain!" Shadow called over, regaining his attention from the three. "Get over here..." He turned around to see the tender.

"Shadow! How's my favourite customer!" a ruby red stallion stated, moving his snow white and rather unkempt hair out of his eyes.

"Hey there Shallow Bill... How ya been?" Shadow asked, still waiting for Rain.

"Pretty slow lately. Those three are pretty much my only clients anymore, save your occasional visit. Where have ya been? It's been quite some time."

"Been, in all technicality, married..." Shadow said with a grin.

"Oh, so you need something strong tonight eh?" Bill asked, reaching under the bar.

"No... just the usual..."

"That's what I meant..." he chuckled.

Rain walks up to the bar, uncertain of this 'procedure'. The way his new friend spoke of Moon sounded a little rude, but he brushed it off.

"So what do you do at a pub besides drink and fight?"

"What do you mean?" Shadow asked. "That's what a pub is for. C'mon, lighten up and have a drink." Shallow Bill came back with two mugs.

"Here ya go Shadow. The usual." Bill said.

"Thanks." Shadow pulled ten bits from his pouch and gave them to the tender. He then grabbed his drink. "Bottoms up!"

Meanwhile, the bickering of the three in the background was become a tad bit more coherent.

"I told you that it's just outside of the forest!" a silver mare said, jumping from the table.

"And I say you're lying! He wouldn't be there!" another said, a stallion of deep blue.

Shadow glanced over to Rain, who was paying too much attention to the three. He stopped halfway through his drink and sat it down. "Forget about 'em..."

"Fine," he sighs, continuing to listen regardless.

Shadow wouldn't stop messing with Rain till he took a drink. Along the lines of both trying to block the grey stallion out and listen to the group, he was getting quite the headache.

"LOOK!" a golden mare shouted. "It's where she gave us the location! We are going there regardless if he's there or not."

"Wait here." Rain whispers and heads over to the group.

"Excuse me," he politely addresses the group. "I do not mean to intrude, but I couldn't help but notice that the three of you seemed to be having a spat. Perhaps I could be of assistance?"

"Maybe he knows..." the golden mare whispered to the stallion, obviously the leader of the group by her fine clothes.

"I don't know... looks suspicious to me." he replied.

"Oh come on Lancely, you think everypony looks suspicious..." the other mare said, rolling her eyes.

"Shut it Blossom!" the yellow one remarked. "I'm sorry, my comrades are a bit... dim, if you catch my meaning." The two others began to scratch their heads, thinking WAY too hard about what she had said.

"Anyways, maybe you can be of some assistance..." Shadow suddenly popped up beside Rain, drink still in hoof.

"Him? Pffft... He doesn't know anything. If you are looking for somepony, you should ask me. I know everypony this side of the Everfree..." Shadow said rather proudly.

"Alright, do you know the living residence of a Shadow Eternal? All we have are his co-ordinance, but we haven't a clue what he looks like." the mare stated. Before Rain could say something, Shadow answered.

"Shadow? Yea, I know him. What's it to ya?"

"Fifty bits for a good description."

"I have a better idea. How about you come to my camp out near the Everfree and I'll personally introduce you to him. What do ya say?" Shadow said with a grin.

"Deal." the mare stated. "But only if you buy me a drink first."

"Fair enough..."

While the three drink, Rain pulls Shadow out of earshot, repressing a growl.

"I'm not a total idiot," he snorts. "I'd just like to get to know Goldie over there."

"You could have fooled me Rain." Shadow said with a snicker. "Come on, lighten up. How many times I gotta ask? Geez... I'm starting to second guess whether to have brought you or not..." The three finish their drinks and stand from their table.

"Thanks for the drinks... Um, what's your name again?" the golden mare asked.

"Names are just titles to me." Shadow remarks. "And I haven't exactly had my share of drinks myself because my buddy here is a tightwad. I guess it's fine though. Ready to head out?" The three all responded with a nod and followed the grey pegasus out the door.

"Watch it, Garth," he growls following the four.

"So," he chimes at the golden mare, walking closely beside her. "Might I inquire as to your name?"

"Well, the others call me Boss, so let's stick to that for now, okay?" she said, running a bit ahead of the stallion.

The whole trip back was somewhat awkward, seeing as nopony wanted to speak. When they eventually reached the Everfree, which felt like an eternity, they started to drudge, wearing out from walking the distance. They FINALLY made it to camp before the last bit of night fell.

"Just make yourselves at home, I'll start up a fire..." Shadow said, pulling the flint from his vest and starting a flame as he was accostomed.

"Thanks." Boss said, removing her snow white vest laced with sapphire blue threading while stretching her wings. When she threw it to the side, an elegant dagger fell from the fabric, jewel incrusted.

"Yea, thanks." Blossom stated, unhooking the leather loop around her mace with her magic. Lancely said nothing as he set his bow to the side, looping the knot holding his crimson red cape around his neck.

"Well, Boss. Why so eager to kill our new Tyrant?" Rain inquires innocently. "Granted, I've heard he's a real pain in the rear, but why kill him? Then again, I suppose he DID murder our 'beloved' Princess Celestia."

"We were paid by Twilight to carry this out. She believes with him out of the way, it would greatly increase her chances of victory, not to mention that we get a pay raise if we catch him alive and bring him back for questioning." Boss answered.

Shadow finally got the fire started, the warm air that it emitted comforting. "There." Shadow states. "All done."

"I wonder why she sent such a pretty mare on such a dangerous mission," he said, ignoring Shadow. "Surely you're a force to be reckoned with. I should say 'Amabum obtrunca tu', a mare of great stength."

Shadow just giggled, seeing Rain's futile attempts at the mare.

"Well, you're quite the charmer huh?" Boss stated, grinning. "Sadly, you just don't seem my type. Better luck next time." Shadow almost couldn't contain his laughter. Almost. He was able to compose himself as the mare calmly stepped away from him.

"Jeez Boss, you could have let him down easy." Blossom said, chuckling a bit herself.

"If you can't show you're the boss, then you might as well be dead." she stated, sitting at the fire after walking by her vest. Shadow lay there, staring at the stars. "So, you never told me your name..."

"Who? Me? I'm nopony important..." Shadow said, paying her half a mind.

"Really? Well, I'll tell you mine for yours."

"Oh? And who might I have the pleasure of introducing myself?" Shadow asked. Rain was lazing about in the distance.

There was a sudden stillness, a cold touch at Shadow's throat. "Your captor. "Boss" Golden Dice." She giggled a bit herself. "I wouldn't scream, seeing as you are wanted dead or alive. I don't think your friend could handle an arrow to the head too well, regardless if he's immortal."

Shadow was taken aback. "H... wha..."

"Do you think we're stupid? We know exactly what you look like. Now come quietly with me away from your friend, or things will get ugly." Shadow didn't see much of a choice. He hoped that Rain would notice on his own accord.

The hornless alicorn pokes at the dirt, well aware of the situation, but instead of acting, he stands and begins walking off.

"I'll return soon enough," he states, never looking back.

Clouds gather in the sky. Winds whip relentlessly at the flesh, and thunder roars deafeningly as his wings unfurl. in one quick motion, he launches himself into the eye; sending off a torrent of lightning through the gray sky. Into the eye, the clouds are sucked, leaving the clear night sky.

Shadow saw the alicorn he considered a friend suddenly just leave. "Figures..." he whispered to himself. The blade pressed harder to his throat, Shadow suddenly pushed against a tree as Golden Dice held him up.

"You'll be easier to restrain with everyponies help, but first..." She kissed Shadow, this by far confusing him more than anything. She looked disappointed as she released the kiss.

"Hmph... no different from any other stallion..." The other two came into sight, weapons drawn. "We love a good fight as well, but we don't get paid enough to replace a member. Lancely, tie his hooves. Blossom, take his dagger."

Shadow could just sit there with a blade at his throat, unable to move in the slightest. Dice continued.

"Twilight is going to be pleased to get her revenge from many years ago. Not to mention our pay." She took her free hoof and smashed it into Shadow's face, almost knocking him unconscious in one hit. She was strong for a mare. REALLY strong. "Shame... I kinda thought you were cute..."