• Published 29th Aug 2012
  • 1,735 Views, 78 Comments

The Name's Shadow, Shadow Eternal... - EternalShadow54

"I wonder what Celestia would do if she captured me. Nothing I couldn't handle, I'm sure...&a

  • ...

Making Some Deals...

Moonshadow awakes cuddled up close to her husband. Never had this sort of tranquility possessed her. Shadow's scent was now more pleasing than anything, and she did not want their embrace to end. To believe it only took those two words, two simple, everyday words, to bring about such a feeling.

She sighs as she inhales again. Now their love was official. No doubt could exist in her mind that they didn't long for one-another. Granted, she'd known before, but it was never apparent until last night. Suddenly, Haze and Shade barge in giggling and bouncing on the bed..

Shadow slowly wakes up, the bouncing of the foals taking him away from his dreams. He yawns, stretching his forelegs around Moon as he spoke. "Hey kids, what are you so happy about today?"

"You're not mad no morez!" Haze laughs.

Shade adds, "And Sun won't be my new Mommy!"

"Yea, I guess it all turned out for the better huh?" Shadow started. "I finally can live how I always wanted. A normal life, with absolutely NO reason or distraction from which."

"Actually," Moon sighs. "We still have to defeat Bloodfang."

"You know, I think I'm getting PRETTY tired of that stallion. Can we, ya know, just kill 'em perhaps?" Shadow jokes, knowing the obvious answer.

"No," she responds with a slight laugh. "He's Nightrain's adopted brother, and even if he is rather obsessive and arrogant, I don't want him dead."

"How is it that there is always a relation?" Shadow asks, meaning for the question to be rhetorical. "Regardless, then what do you propose we do? I mean, we could... wait for him to show his face again? Or head after him?" An idea suddenly struck Shadow.

"The mercenaries! They might know where to find him! I mean, yes... He lives in the void and all, BUT you get my meaning..."

"You sure they'll cooperate?" she questions.

"He hides his face?" Haze asks in alarm.

"Now who said anything about cooperating? I still owe that Golden Dice one to the jaw for last time." he smirks, getting out of bed and heading downstairs. "And besides, they're mercenaries. They have a price..."

"I'm sure," she groans before hopping out of bed. "But first, let's eat."

Shade instantly trots off merrily to the kitchen in front of her mother, but Haze stays behind.

"He has a face right, Dad?"

"Son, everypony has a face. Trust me, that's something you can count on in this world if anything." Shadow states, shaking his mane out of his eyes. His last haircut had been over a good fifty years or so ago. Perhaps it was time for another? He continued looking at the bathroom mirror after brushing Haze's teeth.

"Nah... I like it." Shadow muttered to himself.

"You like what daddy?" Shade asks, now up beside the stallion and looking as if inspecting him. Haze head on down to the kitchen table.

"I like a lot of things Shade, like your mom and brother. I like you too, don't get confused now." He lowers his voice and whispers into her ear. "Don't tell Haze, but you're my favourite." Shade suddenly beams with glee and starts hopping off cheery as ever. "Remember, don't tell 'em or I'll deny everything!" he calls, fixing his vest before heading down.

"No," Celestia mutters as Rain desperately tries to get her to eat.

"Please?" he begs.


"One bite?"


"Why not?"


He sighs and looks to Moon, "Even YOU were more reasonable than this."

"Hey!" she chuckles. "I was a regular little angel!"


"C'mon Celestia dear," Luna prompts the filly. "Why won't you eat?"


"Well, well... are we having trouble here?" Shadow says, stepping into the room everypony else was gathered. "Care to let me try?" Shadow asks, walking over to Shade's side.

"No." Celestia answers.

Shadow bends down beside his daughter and whispers something else in her ear, a smile never fading as he finished. "Okay Shade, ya know what to do?"

"Yep!" The little filly skips over to Celestia, whose forelegs were crossed and her face a pout. Shade closed her eyes and emitted a faint glow from her small horn, a light yellow aura around the once great princess. Almost instantly, Celestia starts to eat everything in sight.

"At a way!" Shadow giggles, the rest of the company within the room completely silent.

"Different," Rain comments before walking out. "Be right back."

Moon walks up to Shadow and whispered in his ear, "Watch it. He's not a fan of using magic to force children to do things."

"You should know why," she hums and returns to her conversation with Luna.

"She didn't force her." Shadow says, rather stricken by her words. "Little Shade just tapped into her thoughts and convinced her she was hungry. If she hadn't, Celestia would have persisted until everypony left." he finishes.

"Did I do something wrong?" the filly asks, the smile just a smirk at this point. Shadow wasn't going to say anything he wasn't supposed to, so he turned to Moon.

"I dunno Shade. Ask mom if having amazing magical charismatic skills at such a young age is wrong..."

She ignores them and continues talking to Luna, looking back only to say, "Just don't use your power for manipulation honey."

"Daddy, what's ma- mani- manipu... What mommy said?"

"It's where you use your powers to get others to do things for you, but in a bad way." Shadow responds.

"There's a difference?" Shade inquires.

"Yes. What I asked you to do was a good thing, seeing as it helped Celestia, but you should never let this power go to your head, promise?" he asks the little filly.

"I promise daddy!" she answers.

"Good, now go play with Haze and Celestia. I think they're in the living room." Shadow watched as his daughter hops off joyful as ever. "Way to kill the mood hun..."

"So much for raising our children strict," she retorts. "But really, don't teach her to use her powers that way. Atleast not on Rain's kids, or on Haze. Please?"

"Want I should let her learn her powers on myself?" Shadow questions, now realizing he hasn't eaten yet. "Disregard that, Imma go fix me up some toast. either one of you want anything while I'm at it?"

"We ate," Luna informs.

"Back," Rain states coming back in to see Celestia has finished. "Well, it seems somepony was hungry after all."

"No," she growls again.

With a sigh, he lets her crawl off to play with the other foals.

"The exact opposite of Star," he observes. "Maybe I'll teach her magic."

"Rain!" Moon begins with much alarm.

"Not the way I taught you," he groans. "The other way."

For a moment she is silent, "There's another way? Then what was that hell you put me through?!"

"WELL..." Shadow states after feeling the sudden tension. "Imma just... go... watch the foals... so... bye..."

"Let it go, Moon," he grunts. "It was a long time ago."

"Meet me out in the field," she growls and storms out.

Rain watches her leave and trots into the living room with Shadow.

"Don't ask. And whatever happens, don't get involved."

Shadow just laughs. "By all means Rain, you don't have to tell me twice." he says, still watching over the foals as they played a small game of tag. "Just come let me know when it's safe."

"Hahaha! You got a LOT to learn kid," he smirks. "Safety isn't in this family's vocabulary."

He leans down face to face.

"You've only met a few of our multitude of enemies."

Just then, Moon comes through the door with an indignant countenance. Instead of arguing though, she merely sulks into the kitchen.

"That maneuver will not work if you perform it," he warns Shadow before heading to the door. "C'mon Celestia, I wanna show you how to fly."

"No," she refuses with a huff.

He scoops her up, "Yes."




And so they continue as they exit.

"Why is she like that," Haze ponders aloud.

"A question I've wondered my whole life." Shadow snickers, Haze obviously not getting the inside joke. He sits there a moment, thinking what Rain meant.

"Well, this morning turned out pretty cruddy, huh kids?" The stallion asks.

"What do ya mean daddy?" the filly inquires.

"I'm confused, Moon's sulking, and Rain is... well, Rain. I tell ya young ones, I can't wait to see your older years." Shadow smirks, lying down lazily on the couch. "I imagine it'll be... interesting... to say the least..."

"So," Haze steps back. "Rain is 'rain'? Does that mean I ate part of him?"

"Haze... I don't know how that logic works... and thinking about it is giving me a headache." Moon then walks into the room, a look of apathy across her face.

'Oh wonderful...' Shadow starts thinking to himself. 'Good-bye headache, hello migraine.'

"That's not nice daddy." Shade states, a unnoticed glow around the stallion.

"Shhh!" he partly growls. "Also, don't use your magic on me without my knowing."

"Fine..." she replies, shuffling her hooves arounds, looking down.

"I have nothing against you at the moment," she snorts. "Anyways, Haze, honey?"

"Yeah, Mama?"

"Have you been practicing flying?"

"No," he mutters, scratching at the ground. "But I did eat part of Mr. Nightrain!"

Utterly dumbfounded she stares at her son, then looks to Shadow. "What?"

"Heh... these kids and their imaginations..." Shadow nervously chuckles, looking away. "Anyway, I was meaning to actually ask you, or more so your mother, a question." he says, trying to change the subject.

"Why don't you fly?" Shade asked her brother, messing with his wings. "Do your wings not work?"

"Fire Mane?" she sneers. "Fine. I'll open a portal, but I'm not going in with you."

"I can't," Haze groans and pushes her away. "I tried."

"Fair enough." Shadow states, not, by all means, forcing her to do anything she might not have wanted at this moment.

"All ya gotta do is flap 'em, like this." Shade says, her little wings buzzing as she levitated a few inches off the ground. "See, it's not hard."

A portal of black flame opens next to the stallion that Moon nods towards.

Haze squints in sadness and sulks off into the kitchen.

Stepping through the gateway to oblivion itself for yet another time, he is almost instantly greeted by Fire, the sudden mention of his name almost instantly at his side nearly makes him actually scream.

"DON'T DO THAT!" Shadow states, grabbing where his heart would be. "It's still early in the morning!"

"I wouldn't know the time, as we have none here in infinity," she smirks. "Where's my tiny wimp of a daughter? Could she not withstand the sound of thousands of agonized ponies? Cannot face the reality that some came here at her hoof? How tragic."

"Yes... well..." Shadow chokes, not wanting to say anything he might regret. "I came here in hopes of making a deal of the sort."

"You understand my terms, correct? Any eye for an eye."

"Which is why I'm hesitant to ask. Ya see... I'd like to, uh... bring somepony back, as to make amends and such..." Shadow says with an unnerved tone. "And I'm just wondering how much of an 'eye' you'll be asking for..."

"Depends on the pony," she states, waiting for him to get on with it.

"Fine. Her name's Joyce, Sally Joyce to be exact." Shadow states, assuming she knows who he was talking about.

"I know the names of everypony here," she informs. "Your sister does not reside here. Perhaps you should consult that stallion who defiled my disgrace of a daughter. He would know more of 'the other side' than I."

Again, the portal opens behind Shadow.

"Oh wonderful. Off to go speak with Rain once more. Fun!" Sarcasm and much distaste followed. He wasn't happy with the little visit, not so much he didn't like Rain. In fact, Rain was kind of starting to grow on him a bit. Of course, upon exiting the portal, it turns out to be night. "I forget that time is... different from here and there." he scoffs to himself, the light breeze cooling him off.

Rain sits on the roof, staring up at the clouds slowly passing over the moon. It would rain tomorrow. He knew by instinct, but had come out to confirm. More than anything, he enjoyed stargazing, imagining that HE was flying up there in the clouds, watching over him.

"Hey! Nightrain!" Shadow calls. "I need to ask you something important!"

The larger stallion jumps down with a ground-shaking thud.

"Eh-heh, forget my weight," he chuckles. "Anyway, what is it?"

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about a place after death other than Hell, would you? Because I just want to make a deal for a... long time friend, and Fire states that she wasn't there." Shadow projects, explaining his dilemma.

"You mean Heaven," he asks in disbelief. "A place opposite of Hell."

"Then again," he resumes. "There ARE the ghosts still walking this-- Wait! You went to the she-devil to make a deal?!"

"You make it sound like a bad thing." Shadow laughs, having obviously struck a nerve somehow. "As you were saying?"

"You might want to limit your affiliations with her," he warns. "But I might be able to find a guy who can help."

Suddenly, he smirks, "For a price."

"I was prepared to make a deal with the devil herself, so I imagine making one with you couldn't be that much worse." Shadow says, basically saying 'what do you want.'

"A dark red apple," he states with a rather stupid grin.

Shadow just glares with a frown. "Imma hurt you one day..." he pouted, turning around and heading into the woods. "Tell Moon Imma go pick an apple, she knows where the plantation is."

"Nah, I think I'll follow," he chimes.

"Which leads me to wonder why in Equestria do you want me to get the apple when you're so willing to do so yourself?" Shadow didn't need an answer, because he already knew, or thought, it was really just to annoy him.

He rolls his eyes.

"Well, first off, if I go to get it then you won't be paying for it."

Then he looks off and shudders.

"And there a squirrels in the trees.... And snakes.... And things making noises when you can't see what they are..."

"Yea, yea... I've been living in these woods almost my entire life, and the worst I've seen come through here is your ugly mug." Shadow chuckles, just messing with Rain, who he didn't suppose took the joke all that well.

"Regardless, in all seriousness, I do believe a vampony is the worst I've met through these parts, and even she was friendly..."

"Forget vampires," he says, ignoring the insult. "Bears!"

"Vam... pony..." Shadow corrects. "And what about bears? Are you scared of like... every animal imaginable or something?"

"No," he snorts. "Wolves, hyenas, parrots, jaguars, panthers, chickens, the headless horse, you, Fire Mane, Bloodfang, pythons, garter snakes, moths, beetles, rats, mice, most rodents, foxes, fox squirrels, and lemurs are a few animals I'm not afraid of!"

"Did I ask for a list? Geez... I wonder if Bill still has that two for one special going on tonight..." he mutters to himself.

It didn't take an awful long time to reach the plantation, the new owners quite fond of Shadow since the older passed away.

"There ya go, far as the eye can see. Now, all I gotta do is find a red one."

"Green, green, green, ooh yellow, green, red, red, green," on and on he continues looking at apples. "Black, green, yellow, yellow, yellow, rotten, blue, re--"

Realizing what he just said, Rain steps back to confirm his sight. "Red...."

Bored he trots off through the trees singing to himself, "Well ya got, sweet lovin', hot from the oven! All the muffins that a man could desire!"

Shadow stands at the edge of the orchard, never entering. "Just let me know when ya have had your fill Rain."

"Sorry, Shorty," he calls back. "But YOU'VE gotta hand it to me. Otherwise YOU didn't pay me."

Shadow just glanced around the edge and grabbed the best looking apple he could find at first sight. It looked red enough, to him at least. "Here, catch!" he says, throwing the fruit at Rain.

He inspects the fruit before tossing it back.

"Darker," he continues trotting around, barely paying any attention to the fruit, but rather trying to find various bugs and smaller creatures.

Shadow mutters a few unmentionable phrases under his breath, now ACTUALLY examining every apple until he came across for one of a deep crimson. It wasn't but maybe ten minutes before he found one so dark, it was literally almost black. He picks the fruit and heads back to Rain, who was still looking at the bugs and such. "Here, dark enough for ya?"

He stares at it hard before picking it up and holding it close to his face.

"I dunno, looks kinda bruised," he smirks.

"Ya know, I have half a mind to just forget about the whole deal thing and just go home..." Shadow remarks, not amused in the slightest.

"Just a joke," he chuckles as he literally sucks out all but the core, skin, and seeds of the apple. "Now. East!"

Merrily, he trots off not really caring about all his supposed 'fears'.

"Keep up slow poke!"

Shadow just hangs his head low, slowly following the stallion. "Come on Shadow, it's to meet Joyce again. Just stay calm and deal with it." he tells himself.

For ages they trot, dawn sluggishly approaching. By now they had reached another forest, this one darker in color than the Everfree. Not a sound can be heard within, but a path of glowing sapphires appears upon their entry. The large ominous trees form an archway as they progress.

"Welcome to Nytarat," Rain says in a more relaxed tone. "From here, we progress to the mountains, and then down the cave to Shaitrynkrop."

Shadow shook out of a gaze, only just returning back to reality from his wandering mind. "Huh? Oh, when'd we get here? Where are we?" he asks, having not had any sleep starting to take an affect on his mood.

Surprised Rain looks back at his follower, "Need to rest? It's safe here."

"Oh... no, I can go..." Shadow says wearily, trying his best to lie. He wasn't sure WHY he was trying to lie through that, seeing as rest would be wonderful, but he just felt it best to go on.

"Suit yourself," he states. "But up ahead lying will not get you nowhere."

A birdcall sounds in the distance.

"Chizru," he thinks aloud. "Beautiful little songbirds. Maybe we'll see some on the way back."

Shadow was basically fighting to keep his eyes open now. "Huh? Oh, birds... yea..." With a slight lean, he starts off into the forest, walking past Rain. "Come on, let's go."

He paces up next to him, "We rest in the forest, or I'm carrying you. Take yer pick."

"Neither!" Shadow retorts with newfound energy. "We press on!" Just as the words left his mouth, he crashed to the ground, fast asleep.

Rain sighs and lays down not far from the sleeping stallion. A glowing white stallion of the same stature as Nightrain approaches from within the forest. His mane is white, long, and flowing like silk with the breeze produced by his movement. He barely seems to touch the ground as he steadily glides like liquid over the ground, wings folded neatly on his sides.

"Torch?" Rain gasps with joy. "Long-time no-see, bud!"

"Still lacking in manners I see," he smirks. "We thought you'd never come back."

"I was gonna bring my kids to you guys for training in the field of 'magic'."

"Such a uneducated word for it," he scoffs. "So, you settled down?"

"I could've been talking about M--"

"Silence!" he barks. "Don't say here name here at this time."

"Ahh," Rain sighs. "Again?"


"I see."

Torch stares at Shadow for a moment.

"Who's this?"

"Shadow," Rain responds. "Wants to bring somepony back."


"Not sure where she is."


"Just a hunch."

Shadow suddenly jumps up, another energy burst taking over. "I wasn't sleeping!" he states before quickly freezing in place, an unknown stallion to his side. "Rain... Who's your friend?"

"Torch," he states bluntly. "Goody-two-shoes, pain in the a-"

"That's enough," he cuts Rain off. "My name is Torch. Tell me, who is it you wish to call back from the afterlife?"

"THANK YOU! FINALLY! Somepony who understands to just get right to the point!" Shadow sighs in relief. "Her name's Joyce, and apparently she isn't in Hell. I know because even the devil herself couldn't make a deal with me for this reason. Would you... happen to know of a way I can bring her back?"

He looks at Rain questionably.

"Hey, I didn't refer him to her!" he retorts indignantly.

"Follow me," he sighs and continues down the path. "Have Rain carry you if you have to, because I won't wait up."

Rain smirks at Shadow.

"Carry? Pffft... I can-" And just like before, Shadow's face meets the ground, this time REALLY out cold.

Chuckling, Rain lifts the unconscious stallion onto his back and progresses onward.

Almost an hour passes as they walk down the path. Only the occasional distant call of a wild animal would sound, but nothing more. Eventually, they come to the base of a mountain into which the sapphire road continues, but not turning into emeralds. Faint golden blooms of lilies dangle on the walls, illuminating the stone tunnel. It is cool within, but surprisingly dry.

Occasionally, a pathway of different light and stone will open, one of blue with amethyst path, one of orange with ruby flooring, but they continue down the original. They soon enter a large room of giant jade blooms and onyx floors. Blue flames surround a large black cushion on which a stallion bigger than Rain lounges.

The Alicorn before them is colored much like Dark sun, only deep sea blue in place of white.

"What brings you here?" he growls.

"Eh," Rain steps back a little. "You're not still mad are ya?"

"At the moment, yes."

"Great," he whispers to himself.

Torch steps in, "We have brought a stallion wishing to perform a resurrection."

"Really," he inquires with interest and walks over to the sleeping stallion on Rain's back.

"Please don't comment," Rain groans as the larger chuckles.

Shadow's ear twitches, eyes squinting tight, then loose as he starts to awaken from a well deserved nap. He lifts his head, eyes ,met with that of ANOTHER strange stallion. He froze, suddenly taking a quick notice to his surroundings with peripheral vision. Shadow is silent, gaze unbroken, but manages to mouth the words 'wow', still being observed by the other pony.

The giant booms with laughter.

"Perv," Rain mumbles. "Ge'down Shadow, and explain what you want."

Still in awe of his surroundings, Shadow slowly climbs off of Rain, mesmerized with jaw agape. It takes a minute before he is able to find his words, and keep his mind from the habitat.

"Full name," he demands, returning to a normal state of mind.

"Joyce Eternal" Rain answers for him. "Killed in the Empire wars."

"You mean the Missing Mare," he asks in surprise. "Heh. Ambitious. You'll first have to locate her, then pray to your fullest that God'll allow Grieve to perform the action."

"Here it comes," Rain huffs.

"But first, payment is due," the alicorn smirks. "Go to Canterlot and into Jewell's chambers, I'm sure you've met her haven't you?"

"He's married to my student," Rain snorts.

"Well then, you must have. Anyway, she had a cat at some point, not sure if it lives still. But I want a cat toy. Preferably any catnip trinkets and little mice, the furry toy kind, not the squeky or smooth."

"Ahem, yes. Well, I'm sure Rain might have already told you, but I need to bring somepony back..."

"You'd assume that her last name is Eternal?" Shadow questions, ignoring all the meaningless payments he knew was coming. "Her name's Sally Joyce... and she WAS my sister... or at least she always felt like my sister..." he sighs, not really in the mood for talking, especially in front of strangers. "And since when is she the Missing Mare? I wasn't informed of this?"

"Regardless, she is the mare who was classified as your 'sister'," the giant shrugs. "What I can see within your mind confirms that she is indeed the Missing Mare. She never quite moved on, so as long as you can find her wandering the ruins of that village, Grieve can bring her back."

Rain whispers to Shadow, "He likes to talk."

"And besides," the alicorn continues. "The workings of the deceased are not how you make your living. You are but a stay-at-home father, not a worker of The Order."

"Ask his name so he'll shut up," Rain whispers sharply this time.

"Then again, I do not recall it being your job either ,Rain."

"Great," he moans.

"In fact, I haven't seen you since you took on that filly."

"Mare now."

"So much for keeping in touch."

"That filly has a complicated family."

"As do you."

"C'mon, Shadow. We have some cat toys to get" Rain mutters, turning away abruptly and hiding his face with his mane as he walks quickly away.

Trotting beside Rain, Shadow states, "I might be a stay at home father, but I'll tell ya that doing so is A LOT more work than a job itself..." He was constantly slowing his pace to observe the gems all around, taking his time in following Rain.

"I'm also assuming you might be interested about my sister no less huh?" Shadow asks, knowing that he, like pretty much everypony else, had to know about his history if it should ever come to question.

"Eh," Rain mumbles. "I don't really care."

He winces before changing his mind, "Uh, nevermind. Let's hear it."

"I'll give you the short version, and please don't tell Moon..." Shadow says, asking as a friend. "Back when I was a colt, I didn't have ACTUAL parents. I was... adopted of the sort, not really taken in, but cared for enough to where I considered them my family. Hay, I lived in their barn." he chuckles. "Anyway, she was the daughter of who I considered 'father', and so, she became my 'sister'. I treated her, joked with her, and talked with her just like one, so the idea just stuck."

"Atleast you had a loving family," he snorts with distaste at a sudden memory.

"What good does it do to have something so wonderful, to only lose it when needed most..." Shadow remarks, brushing on past the alicorn. "Besides, I considered them my family, but only Joyce considered me her brother. Nopony else ever took interest in me, save Davy..."

"That is still somepony who cares," he remarks. "I had only these guys, but even then I could never leave my step-father because of Bloodfang."

Shadow's attention had been capture, for a time at least. "Go on..."

"Let's see," he sighs. "I ran into torch who was preteen at the time, and brought me here to treat many wounds. I frequented this place many times, always being welcomed, even being trained by Hale in more advanced 'magic'. Hale being the big guy you just met. Anywho, they offered me countless times a home here, but I had to decline."

His eyes drop to the floor, "Bloodfang was always weaker, more fearful than I had been. Had I left him alone, he would have been murdered by his own, biological father. Heh, my life is the reason Fire Mane hates me. She offered me the same deal as that demon offered you long ago, only I refused. Heh heh, I wasn't that brave!"

"So," Rain begins as they enter the forest. "We go to Jewyll's place. Unpleasant."

"I would think." Shadow states. "Though Imma take your word for it, since I never actually entered the place. Anyway, wanna just... fly there? I REALLY don't want to make that walk..."

"We'll have to walk a small ways into the woods if ya want to fly," he informs. "Funny though, I didn't fancy you the flying type."

"I'm not." Shadow remarks. "I actually dread flying. It really kinda annoys me..."

"Don't see why," he states walking into the brush. "To fly is to be free. Or atleast it is when you lived as a slave to a wingless alicorn." He snorts at that last bit.

"Funny thing is, I kinda miss him."

"Who? Bloodfang? I am by FAR sorry to say, but I DO NOT like him." Shadow states, happy to avoid the fact of explaining why he hated flying.

"No," he corrects before launching up into the air. "Grine."

Shadow glares at the sky, reluctant to do the same. "Well pardon me. I tend to forget who is related to who in this family..."

Unfurling his wings, the pegasus takes flight, catching up with Rain and heading in the direction of Canterlot, or so he assumed.

They arrive at the palace just past midnight. Only a single guard, rather skittish looking, is left to guard the entrance. He let's the two in without hesitation, and so they proceed to Celestia's old wing of the castle. One particular door is marked with a oval garnet resembling Jewyll's cutie mark.

"You've gotta get the stuff," Rain states.

"Mind telling me what in the hay I'm gonna run into as soon as I enter?" Shadow asks, VERY hesitant.

"The suffocating aroma of Cocoa Tria perfume, lot's of shiny things, cat accessories, etcetera..." he shrugs. "Grab me one of her silver chokers if you would."

"If I happen to run into one amongst the plentiful abundances of luxury, I shall." Shadow states, very slowly taking steps forward towards the door, "If you hear choking and gagging, the aromas got me." he jokes half-heartedly, opening and stepping through the door.

"Mrrrrrrrrrow!" a fluffy black cat greets the stallion.

Shadow jumps, the cat's sudden appearance scaring him. "That's the second time today!" he scolds at himself, clutching his chest. He takes a moment to observe his surroundings. The floor was of a very waxy textile design, the walls inside of the finest wood in Equestria, aligned in simple cabin style. The decor within consisted of very lacey fixtures, every table, chair, and curtain lined with delicate and intricate fleece, elegant in both looks and color. The smell inside was a rich hazel, a few candles just now burning out from when the last he came he suspected, the mare forgetting to put them out before going to Fire. Shadow just kind of stood in amazement.

The cat purrs, rubbing up against his leg. "Mrrow!"

Nightrain bursts in looking alarmed.


He scurries over to the cat.

"A cat!" he chimes, stroking the furball.

"Hmmm... yes, quite." Shadow says, rolling his eyes. The pegasus takes a quick look around, looking high and low for a cat toy, Rain being of no help since he'd seen that cat.

"Come on Rain, it's just a cat. Let's hurry up and find this toy before I get hungry." Shadow states, a terribly malicious grin growing across his face.

He scoops up the cat and hisses, "Jewyll abandoned it, it is now mine!"

"And Moony will love you as well little Sir Fluffums!" he purrs, nuzzling the feline. "Not tell Sargent Grumpy Hooves that what he's looking for is on the vanity table next to the water bed in the 'Special' room in back."

"I... what... did..." Shadow was dumbstruck by the name. After taking a moment to process the thought, Shadow quickly returns to the task at hoof. "So this 'special' room... What makes it... special?"

Rain blushes.

"Do I have to tell you?"

"No you don't actually, because you can go in there and get it for me so you don't have to." Shadow states, stepping over to the kitty. "And don't worry, I won't hurt the cat, lest it hurts me first." Shadow grins.

"You must be the one to collect the payment," Rain objects, pulling the cat away.

"Fine, but then you have to tell me what's inside the 'special' room and why it's special." Shadow snorts, reaching again for the kitty, this time a rumble in his stomach telling him that he was getting hungry.

He backs up a little.

"Well uh," he he states, clearly embarrassed. "It was used for um... stuff.... like what you and Moon did to umm... Ahem.. Make the foals.."

Shadow glared at him. "By the end of this, you'll end up owing me..." The pegasus looks towards the direction of the 'infamous' room, so to say. "Only for you Joyce..."

"Moon'll be happy," he offers. "She adores felines."

The grey stallion sighed a great sigh, now stepping through the door into the room. All that was heard was a few shrieks before Shadow came crashing back through, cat toy in hoof. He only shudders while he stands, an expression of slight horror on his face.

"What?" Rain asks, standing on a chair, clutching the struggling cat tightly.

Shadow scowls an evil glare at the alicorn. "You want to try me?" he asks, tucking the toy in his vest. "Because I'd love to see you go in there..." he growls.

Rain just stares at him.

"What's in there?"

"I am not to repeat the horrors of which I have seen. Come on, let's go..."

Repressing the urge to peek, Rain exits with Shadow.

"Should we drop Sir Fluffums off at the house first?"

"I have somepony I have done about three OUTRAGEOUS deals to see, so I'd like to see her as soon as possible, so to answer your question... No." Shadow says, irritated and agitated.

Rain looks at the cat then to Shadow, then back to the cat.

"If we teleport there can we?"

"No." Shadow states bluntly.

"It only takes a couple of steps," he coxes. "Then a couple more back to the cave."

"Then hurry the buck up! I'm tired of waiting!" Shadow flares.

"Whys so grumpy?" he sneers opening the Void.

They step through and emerge back at the house.

"MooOOoon!" Rain calls, trotting inside. "I'm just gonna leave Sir Fluffums with you!"

He scurries out just as Moon is asking 'Who?'.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry," he commands, charging into a new portal.

Moon steps out onto the porch. Shadow turns and waves off, calling.

"It wasn't my idea!" he says, stepping through the portal.

Torch greets the two upon their arrival.

"That was quick," he laughs. "I thought for sure Rain would want her cat!"

Shadow brushes past him. "I don't ever want to talk about that place again... EVER!"

Torch looks to Rain who just shrugs. They all head back to te 'throne room', the stallion from before back on the cushion.

"I take it you were successful?" he inquires.

"Here." Shadow says, throwing the toy to him.

"Very well," he states, picking up the toy. "GRIEVE!"

"What?" groans a gray, pegasus stallion a tad bit smaller than Rain. His hair is dark brown and long. "Honestly Noxxis, can't you ca--"

He notices the new pegasus.

"Who's the runt?"

"Really? How come everypony refers to me as a runt? REALLY?" he groans, hoof coming to his face. "Regardless, are you who I'm supposed to talk to?"


Shadow tries to present himself a bit better. "Sorry. I need to bring somepony back, and I'm assuming you're the one I speak with?"

"Another one," he whines to the giant. "Gimme a break Noxxis, why do you keep sending me on missions for these troublesome creatures? Let the dead be."

"So Rain," Noxxis says, ignoring the complaining stallion. "How's Nox?"

Rain stares off to the side.


"I see," he mutters. "Beyond?"

"Way beyond," the shorter chuckles.

"I'll let ya know if I hear anything."

Grieve hisses before looking down at Shadow, "I need a name."

"Sally Joyce." Shadow answers, unphased by his rather rude attitude.

"Missing Mare, huh," he chuckles in a gloomy tone. "Fine. Take me to her and I'll reel her back in."

Noxxis walks over.

"You gonna need a feather?"

The gray pony smiles wickedly and rips a feather from the larger's wing.

"Hey!" he yelps.

"Let's go, Runt." he snickers, trotting past Shadow.

Shadow follows the much larger pegasus, Rain keeping close behind. "So, how exactly do we do this?" he asks.

"Well first, we shove this feather up Rainy's-"

"No," Rain snarls.

"Fine. You'll see. Now where to?"

"Well, if you're looking for the village that where she had died, then we'd be heading to Ponyville, seeing as..." Shadow soughs a bit. "That's, erm, where I... Heh, killed her..."

"Not only the village, but your sister."

Rain butts in, "She's the 'Missing Mare' because she generally hides from strangers."

Shadow rolls his eyes. "Would she consider ME a stranger?"

"She'll flee from us," Grieve explains.

Shadow, again, rolls his eyes. "So what do you suppose we do? YOU'RE the expert..."

"You call her out," Grieve states bluntly. "You're small enough to look unmenacing, Shorty."

"I'm sorry," Shadow starts. "Ummm... did I forget to mention that I DO have a name? It just so happen also, that 'runt' and 'shorty' aren't it." he bluntly states. "It's Shadow... Shadow Eternal..."

"What's the Eternal for?"

"You are just like 'him'," Rain sneers, walking off to the side a bit.

"A name is just a name in my opinion, a label on others to tell the difference. I was given this name by 'father', so that's what it is..." Shadow answers in a rather smart tone. "And why are we walking? Can't we, ya know, teleport?"

"Grieve has an utter hatred of the Void," Rain snorts. "Ain't that right, Tighta--"

The gray stallion only glances at Rain, then faces Shadow.

"Payment for teleportation via the Void will be required," he comments in a recited way.

"Is everypony out to get something from me out of this today!?" Shadow moans to himself. "What? How much? It better be worth not having to walk, because I'm not complaining TOO much here..."

"Who is this 'father'?" he inquires. "His name and date of demise."

"They all demand payment," Rain mumbles. "Where do you think I picked up the practice? Fire Mane? Certainly, not!"

Shadow sighs. Apparently, these two weren't going to get along, and somehow, he knew this. "Why would you want to know about my 'father'? I only need to bring back Joyce, nopony else..."

"Payment is payment," the pegasus shrugs.

"He loves the dead."

"Much more humorous than the living."









They continue like this...

After about a full minute of the pointless bickering, Shadow can't stand it anymore. "JUST SHUT UP! THE BOTH OF YOU ARE FRYING MY NERVES!" he roars. "Can't we just, I dunno, get over the fact that it's the void and get there NOW so you two spend LESS time together rather than MORE!? Ugh! Imma end up popping a blood vein with you two..." The stallion takes a deep breath. "Objections? No? Then let's go!"

"Objection," Rain smirks. "I like Grieve, but I like fighting with him. You want to get this over with, you might as well pay up."

Shadow just twitches. "Fine. WHAT do you want..."

"Who is this 'father'?" Grieve repeats. "His name and date of demise."

"Blaten... Berry Blaten..." Shadow responds. "Demise in the Fall, a year before the Empire war."

"Sounds like one of the ponies Dyre mentioned," he comments to himself. "Regardless, we go."

A sudden mist picks up as Grieves eyes turn glowing, pastel yellow. Winds spiral in a tornado lie fashion, lifting the larger two only slightly off the ground.

"Get ready to launch," Rain warns just before the three are shot off into the sky.

Shadow is only able to blink before they stand amongst the ruins.

He takes a very quick glance around at his surroundings, most all of the city in complete ruins and most everypony who once lived there either gone or dead. "I'm not even going to ask about anything, let's just do what we gotta do." the pegasus almost pleads, stepping around. "I mean, I know that Ponyville kinda went downhill after me and Moon took rule, but I hadn't the clue it was this bad..." he whispers to himself.

Grieve snickers, "So many of the dead still walk."

Unsurprisingly, this causes Rain to shudder.

"You two COULD do something about this ya know that, right Shadow?" Rain groans. "Unless you two plan on being tyrants."

"Politics can wait. He must first locate the target."

"Tell ya what Rain. IF eveything goes over well with Joyce, I'll appoint her head of Ponyville, seeing as she was always one of those nit-picky mares." Shadow remarks. "And if NOT, then I really kinda don't care... I never liked this place, in ruins and such anyway. Reminds me too much of my old home..."

Shadow was contemplating what to say to her, how to apologize IF she remembered everything. "Heh, so what do I do? Just call out her name and wait till she comes?"

Grieve shrugs.

"I do not know the mare, nor do I know more than she flees from any who see her."

Rain stalks off mumbling, "You sound just like 'him'.

"Joyce!" Shadow starts, giving it a shot. "Sally Joyce! It's me! Shadow! Your brother!" This call is repeated upon multiple times, the two alicorns still speaking to each other as they do.

"Like who?" Grieve sneers.

"Not you," he whispers harshly. "Shadow."

"Like who?"

Rain turns with a huff and proceeds down the street, only to be blocked by the other.


"Like Grine! Alright?" the black stallion snaps before once more stomping off.

A few hours passed, Shadow continuing as such and with little luck. Eventually, the idea was becoming slimmer with each passing second, the pegasus becoming greatly demoralized.

"Time is running short," Grieve sighs from the rock on which he lay. "She'd better show soon."

"Shhh..." Shadow hushes, halting in place as soon as he heard something out of the usual. "Do you hear it?" he asks in a much lower register. Very faintly, the other two stallions could only JUST make out a distant crying. At first, it wouldn't sound any different than any other pony that might just be wallowing in self-pity, but as it neared, everything became more humid and cloudy, a fog or mist of the sort falling over the three.

"There you go," Greive smirks. "Call her in."

"Well, here goes nothing..." Shadow huffs, walking towards the soft sobbing at a steady, yet slow pace. He quickly finds himself literally only a wall away from her. Taking a breath, Shadow stepped out into the open, exposing himself. What he saw was something both majestic and horrible to him at the same time.

Before Shadow floated a completely half-phased mare of a very light cyan, no other color to the figure. There were a few distinctable features, mostly just the scars Shadow had implanted. She was an elegant mess in the stallion's eyes.

"Joyce..." The figure freezes.

Rain walks up to Grieve.


"What," cautions the gray one, feather in hoof. "I can't do i until I'm certain it's her and that she remembers his name at the least."

Shadow and the plasmatic mare just both glared at each other, both afraid to make the first move on account of the others reaction. The stallion figured that he should be the first, slowly bringing his front hoof up towards the pale pony.

"Joyce? Is that... really you?" The mare doesn't speak. Shadow takes a step forward. "Come on Joyce, it's me... your brother Shadow. Remember?"

She coldly beams at him, dead center in his eyes as she spoke with an echoing tone. "I have no brother..." The words cut him like a knife. It was her alright, but Shadow could already tell how this was going to end.


"His name."

Shadow tries to take another step forward. "Joyce..." He is knocked back by a blast of energy, the mare illuminating a faint glow of red.

"Don't speak to me like you know me Shadow! I stopped being your sister the day you put that blade through my gut!" the mare flares, winds starting to pick up.

"Joyce! Listen to me!" Shadow yells at her, undeterred by her threat.

Rain grunts.

"Now," Grieve states, lurching towards the mare.

The feather makes contact with her ethereal body, forcing her back. The spirit writhes on the ground, a fleshy substance bubbling up under her. It climbs and sticks to her phantom figure as it forms into a new body. A rotting stench clogs their nostrils. Her screams border on deafening.

Shadow throws his hooves on his ears, trying to muffle the screams. In a few seconds, everything stops. Silence. He looks at the newly formed body laying on the ground, a complete replica of a mare he once knew.

"Well... I don't think that is going to help my case either..." Shadow groans, looking over at the two. "When will she wake up?"

Grieve only shrugs.

Rain walks over to the mare and pokes at her.

Shadow pushes Rain aside. "Have a bit more respect!" he growled. Just as he said so, the mare within his hooves started to awaken...

Author's note: Hope that anypony still reading this are as well still enjoying it.