• Published 29th Aug 2012
  • 1,736 Views, 78 Comments

The Name's Shadow, Shadow Eternal... - EternalShadow54

"I wonder what Celestia would do if she captured me. Nothing I couldn't handle, I'm sure...&a

  • ...

(End of part 1) The New Beginning...

Moonshadow looks at the bustling streets of Canterlot. All the haughty rich ponies and various guards strut about like a flock of peacocks. The sight alone is sickening, seeing as how such ponies can live without paying heed to the suffering all around them.

"The city is much prettier at night on the horizon," she sneers.

"What did you expect? The city takes care of itself." Shadow states. "Do you really think we should step up and do something? I don't think half the ponies here know who we are, and I'd kinda like to keep it that way personally."

"Yeah, probably better that way," she sighs. "On to the palace."

"Eh, can't we stop by Bill's? I feel I owe him a visit."


"Follow me then!" Shadow quickly whips around and heads down a dark alley.

Moon obeys, following close behind.

The two traverse through a few old, worn alleyways, a foul stench filling the air as they approached their objective.

"Now, this might not be your favourite atmosphere Moon." Shadow warns as they round a corner, Shallow Bill's pub now in sight.

"I'm sure I can handle it, so long as the smell doesn't make me throw up."

"As long as you think you can handle it." Shadow remarks before stepping inside.

"Oh gosh," she gags as the stench within hits her nostrils. "How could anypony stand to come in here?"

Shadow steps back outside. "What's taking you so long? Come on."

Grudging, she follows in suit.

The place hadn't changed much from his last visit, sve that the des that had captured him weren't there. Bill was behind the counter and didn't notice Shadow coming in.

"Bill!" the pegasus calls.

Shallow Bill turns around. "Shadow! Who's the mare? Your wife I assume?"

"We aren't well known are we?" Moon laughs. "I'm Moonshadow."

"My Shadow, got yourself quite a catch there. You kept talking about her, but I never really believed ya until now."

"Shut it Bill." Shadow sneers, sitting down at the counter. "I'm in Canterlot on business. Figured I'd drop by and say hey while I was here."

"Ya know, those fellows you left with last time have been looking for ya ever since. Something about apologizing or something."

"You mean that group of bandits for hire?"

"That's them."

"Who?" Moon asks.

"Eh, nopony important." Shadow remarks, giving Bill a glance.

She looks at the two stallions.

"You do so tempt my mind reading capability," she sighs finally.

"And she can read minds? Sounds like you have it rough Shadow."

"Shut it Bill! What were you saying about those ponies that still aren't important?"

"They wanted to say sorry for what they did to you. Said it wasn't worth it."

Moon snorts, "Watch it, unless you wouldn't like me and one day my daughter to 'convince' someponies to be regulars."

"Listen, Moon was it? I hardly have anypony come in here anyway. Help me or not, I'm loyal to Shadow here."

"Again Bill, shut it. You'll make matters worse with talk like that." Shadow warns.

"Just trying to help ya bud."

"Well, if you see them again, tell them that I'll be around if they decided to come tell me personally."

"Will do!" Shadow stands up from the bar and head toward the door. "Nice ta meetcha Moon. You have a good evening now. Take care of my only customer will ya?"

"Not big on advertising, huh?" she scowls while following Shadow. "He's lucky I find the atmosphere too nauseating to argue."

"He knows we're not well known, so your advertisement wouldn't do him much good anyway." Shadow infers aloud. "Regardless, I like the atmosphere. Reminds me of some good times with Davy."

"Telepathy be used in many ways," she points out. "Anyway, mind telling the history between you and Davy? I've talked with him a few times before, but didn't learn much of that... Unless you count the bit about Miss Trot."

"Me and Downpour? Heh, those were th- Wait... When did you meet Davy? When was he here? Why didn't you tell me!?"

"I didn't?" she thinks for a second. "Oh yeah, you took the kids on a trip a year or two ago, remember? I ran into him in the Everfree."

"Again, why didn't you tell me?"

"I forgot to."

Shadow grumbles a bit before remarking. "Fair enough I guess." He starts back off. "So, what was it you wanted to know?"

"Your's an Davy's past."

"We grew up as best friends. He lived the hard farm life with his family while I lived the easy 'rouge' life in my 'family's' barn." Shadow pauses to reminisce. "We played so many pranks on our teacher. Heh, he owed me so many bets. We were good friends me and Davy. He was supposed to leave the farm and explore the world while I stayed at home and became the city's now defender, just like 'father'."

"Why do you put emphasis on 'family' and 'father'?" she questions.

"Because they weren't my real family. Not by blood anyway. I never knew my real mom or dad..."

"Atleast your foster family loved you, right? I never knew my father, and we all regret knowing my true mother."

"Well, they liked me, but I wouldn't go as far as love me. Joyce did, but as a sister, which you already know. And your mom isn't that bad. I mean, she likes me, so personally, that's plus." Shadow grins like a madmare finishing that sentence.

"My real mother is Vexnis, as you might recall. Fire Mane is my stepmother."

"Technicalities and such. Who needs 'em? Anyway, anything else you need to know? We are still a decent trot away from the castle through these alleys."

"What do you think of Bloodfang?" she blurts out at random. "Rain must've told you something about their past, he enjoys that sort of thing."

"I don't recall much. He was very blunt about it if I remember correctly."

"Rain was adopted by Grine, who was abusive in every way shape and form. Blood had an older brother who died during torture, and Rain spent his life taking the fall for his helpless little 'brother'. And do you know why he is infatuated with me?"


"Call it acting," she chuckles. "He wants us to turn him into a colt. He wants to live his life over, without remembering this one. Not to say he'll drop said act for us to do so."

"So, all that's happened has kinda been planned by him? And it's been working so far? Now I feel used..."

"He does it to protect himself, you, me, and our whole family," she adds. "As long as Vexnis thinks there is somepony to jeopardize our 'peaceful' home, there is nothing to fear. But turning him into a colt will seal off the Void, and we'll be at ease again. Such is the use of a 'bound pony'."

"So you're saying he's the good guy in this? I remember a few years ago when you hated his guts."

"A few years ago," she repeats. "I've encountered him afterwards. Honestly, you don't think I really go out for relaxation now do you? I've read his mind as well as Rain's."

"Whatever. You keep your crazy schemes to yourself. I don't need another headache now."

"As you wish, dear," she laughs. "Now, on to the royal study!"

"After you."

Rain sighs as he watches the foals play in the living room. He knows Shadow won't take what is necessary, and Moon can't. Both would snap and kill Blood.

"Shade?" he calls to the little alicorn.

"Yes Mrs. Rain?" she replies.

".....Mister... Anyways, do you think you and your brother can watch Celestia for me here until Luna wakes up?"

"I don't think you'd want to leave us alone Mrs. Rain. Haze always does something crazy when nopony else is around."

"Mister, and your brother will be fine, just tell Celestia to cry if he starts getting worked up. He likes her enough."

"Well, why are you leaving us anyway? Can't mommy and daddy handle Bloodfang on their own?"

"They won't be able to do what they need to," he chuckles. "Just play nice okay?"

"Well, why wouldn't we be able to come with you?" the filly asks.

He sighs, stopping just short of the door, "Because this is grown up business, and you kids... Wait a minute, who told you about Bloodfang?"

Shade beams. "Everypony seems to forget I can read minds." she states with a bubbly skip.

"You shouldn't abuse your gift that way," he warns. "Some ponies can use your powers against you."

"Will you use them against me Mrs. Rain?" she inquires with innocence in her voice.

"Depends on the occasion really," he smirks. "You'd be fun to mess with, Pinky."

"Has my mane color not changed back yet?" Shade asks, the hair kept out of her eyes mostly from the wind combined with oily hair. "Do I have to wash it out or something?"

"Don't worry, it's... out of your mane." There was still a hint of pink in her tail however.

"Yay! So, we can't come along then?"

"Sorry, but no."

At that he trots out, leaving the foals within.

They traverse for a few hours before finally reaching the library within the Canterlot castle, no guards anywhere. As predicted, they locate Bloodfang in the study. He pays no mind to their entry, but merely stares off into the sky sadly. As they enter, he does not turn to face them. They move close, but he cares not.

"So you've come to cure me?" he chuckles sorrowfully. "Tell me Moon, which of you will do it?"

"Shadow will," she answers. "But it will cost you your right eye."

"I won't stop you," he sighs and kneels before Shadow, pushing aside his mane to reveal and eye like his other, only aquamarine in color. "Please carve it out quickly, and prepare for a swarm of Voidlings headed through the halls to this room. I'm tired of living my chaotic life, so grant me a nicer one."

"Well... this is a bit forward, BUT how could I deny you a better life? I get an eye out of it!" Shadow almost half-heartedly jokes before pulling out his dagger from his vest. "So, before I do this Moon, why do I need to take his eye?"

"I am a bound pony," Blood answers for her. "This eye keeps te Void conceted to Equestria. Removing it will unleash an extraordinary amount of power, sending me back in age. That is my immortality. By using binding power, I age backwards. I am still younger than when you stabbed me, releasing the bind holding Rain in the Void for all those years. But I will lose my horn this time, and therefore my power and immortality. However, the Void will one day reopen, probably in the time of your children."

He stares up at Shadow, his vision blurred.

"Tell me, why wouldn't you deny me that kind of life? A happy one? What've I done for you to deserve mercy? You could always just take take eye and kill me."

"Ya know Blood, if you had asked me a few years ago, I would have denied you this kindness. If you were also to ask me a few years ago if I saw myself with a mare and children, I would have thought you crazy." Shadow remarks, holding steady on his dagger. "And as easy and as much as I want you dead, the choice is not mine. Therefore, I cannot take your eye from you Blood. Moon will have to do it."

He turns to her and hoofs her the knife. "I can't do what I want, lest I want you angry with me. Do what I know you will and we'll return home. I'm just glad to almost be rid of all of this confusion."

"I can't do it!" Moon protests. "I'm a Voidling, and you know how that'll turn out! I'm just here to absorb some of his power exerted to speed up the pregnancy to a week or so."

"I'm not asking you to kill him, just do what I THOUGHT you were gonna do if I let you. I'm not gonna give him anything." Shadow turns to Bloodfang. "Sorry, but you've put me through a pretty good bit of hell my friend. I almost hate you more than when I hated Celestia for betraying me. In honesty, you're still lucky I haven't did so and slit your throat after taking your powers." He sighs after saying this.

"BUT if you were a child, I couldn't harm you... Just like I can't harm Celestia..."

"Kill me or cure me," he sighs and lays down. "I couldn't care either way now."

"Shadow, blood drives us wild when NOT expecting," Moon states. "When expecting, a mares senses double in power. Taste and smell don't differ."

Nightrain steps out of a Void like portal nearby and walks over to the scene looking a bit grim.

"You two go out and hold off the approaching Voidlings," Rain directs. "I don't want you seeing this."

"Oh great, Rain's here. You come to steal the fun have you? Fine..." Shadow grunts, exiting the room. "Make it painful!"

"That can't be helped," he replies quietly.

Moon glares at Shadow once they close the door.


"Nothing," she sighs. "I'm just gonna lay here while you take care of the approaching ponies."

Just as her sentence closes, a herd of ponies with oddly colored pelts come into view. They're about as tall as Princess Cadence had been and with the same basic build, save for they are neither immortal nor alicorn anymore. Foam gathers at their ravenous mouths, pawing the ground in an eager hunger for flesh. By the abnormal gleam in their eyes, one can see that they'd been given blood.

"So... You're just gonna sit there and let me fight 'em? All alone? By myself? No help?" Shadow was stalling. He didn't want to just blatantly charge in without preparing first.

"If I got hit in the belly, it could kill the baby," she points out bluntly. "You could've dealt with Bloodfang, but since you didn't, now we're stuck out here."

A muffled scream from within causes the mare to cringe.

"Hurry," she gasps, blood pouring from her own right eye.

Shadow tenses up a bit. "O-okay..." Unfortunately, he had left his sword back at home, so he was just left with the blade in his vest. He draws and points it at the oncoming horde. "Just so you know Moon, we'd probably have to fight them regardless. I could be wrong. I dunno, I usually am." At that, he starts to walk forward.

The swarm is upon him in an instant, trying to fight their way by to Moonshadow, who is starting to writhe in her pain.

"Hurry the buck up, Rain!" she shrieks.

"Yea Rain!" Shadow yells, holding the voidling off to the best of his abilities. He takes a few more hits and bites to the face and legs. "Hurry up! I can only do so much!"

The Voidlings suddenly halt, looking around and stomping as though confused. Their eyes return to their various mixes of colors and types, and the foam reaches it's end. Each is whimpering like a lost dog and sniffing the air.

Nightrain exits, carrying an unconscious colt on his back: Bloodfang. All of the crowd watches the giant stallion as he walks over to Shadow with a rather serious countenance.

"Well, Shadow. Pass judgement on your pathetic lot of prisoners. You can execute them, rule them, or hand them over to me."

At the word 'execution' the frightened ponies scoot back a step.

Shadow almost cackles. "Really Rain, you have quite the sense don't ya?" He looks over to Moon. "Execution would be fun to watch, but over far to quick, and giving them to Rain seems... like something."

He turns back to Nightrain. "Tell ya what. Take half, and the rest I'll find a use for. If not me, I'm sure Moon will."

Moon wobbles over and leans on her husband chuckling, "Like I said, the more Voidlings around, the better."

Rain nods and signals for the ten closest to follow.

"Hey, Shadow. What d'ya think of making a village near the house out in the Everfree? You're the King, so it's up to you. Otherwise you'll have your hooves full."

"Another village? And aren't I already king? Decisions, decisions." he ponders to himself. "You!" Shadow demands, pointing at one of the voidlings, apparently pegasus. "What's your name?"

"T-Tark Fireblood," he stutters.

"Tark eh? You shall be my right hoof stallion Tark, okay? I want you to go out and tell the rest that they're going to build themselves a place to stay out in the Everfree, near a camp. Can you do that?"

The shocked dark blue stallion of white mane and Changling-like form nods and trots back over to the remaining nine.

"Let's go then, shall we?" Moon yawns and feels her stomach which has grown considerably.

"Since we have then, let two carry ya home. They look like they need something to do anyway. The other eight I'll get to having construct that village or whatever they make."

"Hire an architect or something," she grunts as the two lift her. "Remember, we each had a small portal with an unseen section of the Void in which we dwelt. Normal pony life is new."

"It's more like being a father than a king with that logic dear." Shadow states as she is carried away. "Now, let's see if I can't turn you ten into a to class bunch of ponies." he mutters to himself.

Shade was sitting on the front porch, staring out at Canterlot.

Falling Star steadily approaches Shade, never making a sound. In fact, she hadn't made a noise since birth. By now, everypony is starting to believe her mute. However, her mane had changed since then. It remained like Luna's, but golden in it's luminescence.

The other filly takes quick notice of her approach. "Hey Star! How ya... Oh yea, you don't speak." Shade lowers her head before suddenly bringing it right back up. "I can communicate through mind! Wanna try that!?"

Star watches her blankly. No thought in mind. She'd learned to not think long ago. What was the point? The body could function without such a trivial thing. That is what she had convinced herself years ago.

"You don't talk or think huh? Strange one you are. You know, I found that a lot of ponies think me oblivious sometimes, but I'm smarter than they think. I know more than what they want me to, and even so I prove, they deny themselves the capability of believeing it, other than daddy of course..." Her rambling continued like this for about another minute before she asks, "So why be so blank? Isn't it boring? Couldn't you at least nod or shrug or something to answer as well? It'd be nice."

The filly only sits beside Shade, never blinking, and seemingly unbreathing.

"Whatever. Hey, have you ever wondered where meat comes from? Haze doesn't know and mommy has just as low a knowledge of said question. Rain is... Well, you should know. He's your daddy after all. Do you two hang out much? No, you don't talk, so I guess you wouldn't. You also don't move or play much. I hope nothing went wrong when you were being born. I'm sure not, but there MIGHT be something wrong with you. You could just be this way, so how would I know? I can't read your mind anyway, and even now you still seem pretty blank. Ever thought about taking karate?" This babbling continues on for at least another five minutes until she pauses to take a breath, immediately starting back afterwards.

"Why?" Star interrupts in a small, soft voice resembling that of an angel.

"So you CAN speak!" Shade squeals with utmost joy. "And with such a beautiful voice I might add. Well, I dunno why. I just like to talk. What about you? Tell me something about yourself."

"I talk to father every night on the roof," she states. "He tells me stories of places beyond Equestria."

"Really!? Could you tell me a bit about those places? And Perhaps why you don't talk to anypony? I think they might be worried for you."

"Why should I talk? It is more productive to observe. You are not the only pony who is intelligent in both the ways of Voidlings and normal ponies alike."

"So not only do you speak, you're intelligent as well!?" Shade squeals once more. "So, you'd rather just watch then? Well, what do you do if you have a question?"

"Watch and listen for the answer," she chuckles. "It comes in due time."

"But what if you're impatient or need the answer then, like the antidote to a poison?"

"Then I'll will wait and see what my fate shall be," she replies seriously. "My immortality endowed by my father is limited by silver. Should a silver object pierce my heart, I would die. Poison is of little relevance. It is similar to the immortality of you and your brother."

"Which leads me to another question. How is it that Rain can grant immortality, yet nopony else can?"

"Alicorn hair. He has a good bit stored in order to form a horn, which is then used to grant immortality with limits based on who the hair had originated from. Your mother can do it, but does not have the alicorn hair. Also, you may wonder why your mother had to give half her immortality, whereas my father does not. It is my understanding that your mother only formed half a horn at that time. Thus, she had to give part of her power for the process to work, stealing part of her near perfect immortality to give to your father."

"Oh, I see now. But, he only has so much of this hair correct? Or would any alicorn do?"

"He never told me how, where, and from whom he gets it," she admits. "Therefore I find it best not to ask, as feels it unnecessary, or inappropriate to inform me."

"It's okay, I'm sure he'll tell me if I bug him enough." she states with a smile. "So what do you think about my daddy? Quite the character huh?"

"He's different than most ponies here, but similar to my father in a way."

"Really? I don't see it."

"You have to know his inner self, not the outer. Tell me, what does your father fear most? What is your father's past? And does he not like to joke around in his own way?"

"I... don't know that much about daddy. Every time I ask him about his past, he just seems to ignore me." Shade answers.

"Ah. Probably for the better," she sighs, then pricks up her ears. "A herd is approaching. Well over fourteen in number."

"A herd? A herd of what? Ponies? And why so many"

"I'm not sure," she responds. "Quickly let us go in."

"Almost home," Rain sighs as the colt on his back churns in his sleep.

"How are you holding up hun?" Shadow asks Moon, still being carried by the two voidlings.

"Expecting," she breathes rather heavy. "Expecting soon."

"And why aren't we heading for the hospital Rain?" Shadow inquires.

"Huh?" he grunts sleeply, having no clue what's been going on behind him.

"I said, why didn't we go to the hospital?" the pegasus asks, disregarding his sleepy tone. "Have you not been paying attention?"

"No," he responds. "I takes energy to do what I do. Making that less painful took a lot outta me. You two go on."

"Shadow," Moon whines. "We need to go."

"You two! Start taking her to the hospital. I'll catch up. The rest of your gang can't find that camp without me."

"You two better hurry or she's comin' out on you!" Moon snarls.

"Deja vu?" Shadow chuckles, leaving the voidlings to carry her on. He pauses a moment before seeing the lot of the others coming, much too slow for his taste. shadows starting to feel like his old captain self again, save the brutality of back then. At least, for their sake, he had a heart this time.

"Hurry up you lazy bunch! I've a wife to get back to!"

They quickly pick up their pace simultaneously to follow, but with their heads still low. Clearly they were going through the change Haze was, but coping better in comparison.

"Tark!" Shadow yells above them. "Come up here!"

"Yes, my King," he responds, bowing low.

"We have a bit of time to kill along the way. Tell me about yourself. I need to know who I'm trusting this lot to when I'm away."

"I'm a soldier, not very old in comparison to the larger Voidlings, and am one of the multitude of us who has been deprived of his immortality. That's pretty much it."

"I see." The edge of the forest came into sight. Shadow flies out in front just a bit, halting their advance just short of the edge. "Now listen up. The Void has been closed until further notice, so you'll have to make a home out here. Apparently I will be your ruler, and Tark here will be in command in my absence. Is there any questions?"

"What is a home?" questions a pale yellow mare of an exoctic, long black mane and brown eyes.

"Well, it's a place you stay for the majority of your life. That house over in the distance is my home because I live and sleep there." Shadow answers. "Anymore questions?"

"How do you make a 'home'?" a white stallion with two dragon horns, pale green mane, and amber eyes starts up.

"You can make one out of anything you want. I made my first home out of a barn and hay, so you could start yours with my small camp. I... might be a few tents short, about... two maybe? Regardless, you'll have a start. Anything else?"

Tark steps up to speak this time, "But who will teach us the ways of the non-Voidlings like yourself? We have lived there so long, and this world is so different."

Shadow sighs. "I guess I can, as well as Moon. But for now, you must just try and make do in the tents until I return from the hospital. The camp is straight ahead, about five minutes trot. I have time for one last question before I go. Anypony?"

"You ARE our king now correct?" the pale mare pipes back up.

"Ugh..." Shadow mutters silently. "Yes... I am your 'king' so to say. Now, go find the tents and make yourselves comfortable. Imma go check on Moon." With that, he rockets into the sky and heads out for Canterlot.

Moon smiles at the filly she holds. Another black Void pony with gray ears, but of mostly changeling form. Her mane is violet, her eyes silver, and her insect-like wings are sapphire. She is large, but rather lanky and without a horn. She makes no sound, but looks around the room in a sort of wonder uncommon to most newborns.

Shadow comes through the door. "How many?"

"One," she answers. "A filly."

Looking up, her expression grows rather sad. "Shadow? I'm sorry if I have pressured you into having kids, it's just... see, when the kids ran away and everything, I began realizing how big they've gotten, and how they can't stay innocent forever. That's the big reason I felt I NEEDED more children. I guess I just enjoy being a mother is all."

"That might have went better with me than your other reason Moon." Shadow remarks, sitting down on the ground. "I know ya don't like 'em growing up, but we gotta let them. We can't keep replacing them every time they get older. I eventually want to retire from being a parent and live how I'd like to, with you of course. Is that understandable on my point?"

"Yes, but it's still hard watching them grow.."

"We gotta do it sometime Moon. You know that."

"I know," she sighs and smiles sleepily. "Atleast now we can do it in peace."

"Heh, yea. So it's all finally over then? All the complication? The villains? Is it really finished Moon?"

"Yes. It is for us."

"Well, if you think you can get off your lazy flank with that new filly of ours, let's get home. We've got a family to raise..."

Shadow steps out the doors to wait on Moon. It was all over. Everything had been finished for him, and nothing would stop him from living his life. It was as normal as it was going to be, and he was contempt living it out as such. It was going to be simple, much like he had always wanted it, save a few adventures with his mare. He had a home, a family, and a purpose. Everything a stallion could ever need...

Author's note: Now to start on his past. There you have it. The end of shadow's story. Be looking for part 2 soon!