• Published 29th Aug 2012
  • 1,735 Views, 78 Comments

The Name's Shadow, Shadow Eternal... - EternalShadow54

"I wonder what Celestia would do if she captured me. Nothing I couldn't handle, I'm sure...&a

  • ...

Fixing the Bond...

"Don't worry," Rain's voice sounds in his head clearly; much different than Moon's had been. "I won't let them kill you, just play along for awhile."

Shadow couldn't quite coherently understand, the blow debilitating him a good bit. He was promptly dragged off through the woods towards Canterlot, only just able to understand a word now and then from the three.

"Shadow? Shadow!" Rain repeats in attempt to awaken his friend. "Hmm... Got it! Hey, Shadoooooow! Just thought I'd let ya know; you turn me on babe." He really didn't, but he couldn't think of anything else.

The efforts were in vain. Within seconds, he was out cold.

"So, we're just gonna give him to her?" Lancely asked, being the one carrying the unconscious stallion.

"Yes. And you both get a pay raise for keeping him alive. I wonder what the General has in store for him." Dice chuckled.

"I imagine it won't be pretty. Especially when his wife finds out." Blossom stated.

"It'll be fine. We don't get paid to care, we get paid to capture." Boss replied. "We'll be counting bits here in an hour or so. Can't you just feel the gold now?"

Within Shadow's conscious, Rain's presence forms, facing the gray stallion in a dream-like subreality.

"Can you hear me now?"

"I can feel a searing pain in my head where a mare smashed her hoof into. Other than the constant throbbing, yes, I can hear you quite clearly. What is it? Can't you see I'm currently being carried to my possible death?" Shadow said, sarcasm and irritation relevant in his tone.

"If you're decapitated, your body will literally pull itself back together or regrow the lost part," he sighs. "Anyway, now that I have your attention; are you gonna wany help?"

"I'm sure that being decapitated might hurt though..." Shadow said, kind of nervous now about the possibilities. "Ummm... How about you go ahead and get the others before coming after me. I'm sure they wouldn't want to miss the fun." Shadow stopped. "Wait! Earlier you said we wasn't completely immortal anymore. What... if Twilight knows what to do..."

"Aren't," he corrects. "And I'm fairly certain she doesn't know."

He vanishes, sending part of his consciousness back to the house. Sun is sleeping on the couch, smiling softly in the warmth of the dancing flames of the fireplace. Every light is off, save one in the kitchen. Inside, Moon sits yawning at the table whilst drinking coffee from a turquoise mug when she suddenly notices him.

"Rain? I didn't here you come in," she remarks whilst looking for her mate. "Where's Shadow?"

"In danger," he shrugs.


She bolts for the door, but is stopped by Rain's massive hoof.

"Rain! Let-"

"Shh," he hushes with a glance at the sleeping mare. "Stay with your children, and don't leave her alone with them; just in case."

With that, he returns to Shadow's body to continue observing.

Upon arriving at their destination, the three simply hoof over the unconscious body over to Twilight, who was waiting at the palace steps. She looks just like she had back in the Times of Harmony, save a scar across her cheek and the drab military coat she wore.

"Here you go General. Shadow, as promised. He's even still alive." Dice said, standing ahead of the others. "So... about our pay raise?" Twilight just waved her hoof, a stallion guard to the side giving them a large sack of bits. "You are most generous..." she states, walking off with the other two.

"Guard. Take him to the chambers. I'll see to his demise personally..." Twilight stated, still gazing out upon the city. "It's only a matter of time..."

"Wakey, wakey time!" Rain groans in irritation. "Honestly, you're missing out on the fun."

"HEY! You're not the one in a coma like state about to be tortured by a psychotic mare who won't let a little grudge go!" Shadow retorts. "Besides, how's Moon and them? They okay?"

Shadow's body was tied up to a pole in the middle of a dark room, the smell foul and down-right disgusting.

"Judging by the setting, I'd say she was waiting for you," he chuckles. "Now? Eh, not so much 'longing' as she is worried."

Another laugh, "You want I should untie you?"

"Now I'd like to see how well I can run unconscious. No, really. I would." There wasn't a word to describe the sarcasm in his voice. Shadow sighs once more.

"And what might your plan be huh? You going to just come carry me out?" Shadow mocked. Just as he said that, Twilight stepped into the room. "Ya know, just anytime you feel like I need help and all..."

"Say please or you'll never hear the end of this," he coxes. "I won't tell anypony, but if you wish to remain indignant I can withstand watching a great many things."

"Please? I really have to say please? You know, I have half a mind to-"

"Scalpel." Twilight asked, reaching for the tool in a guards hoof.

"Please help..." Shadow grunts, a bit of defeat in his voice.

The same show that played in the sky now played on the ceiling; only in reverse. As Nightrain landed, a crater opened under him, lowing the mare back. Behind the alicorn a small red fox snaps the ropes binding Shadow.

"I do so enjoy showy entries," he booms with laughter. "Would you not agree that they are quite exuberating, Twi?"

Shadow's body landed on the ground with a loud thud. He was still out cold. It was actually quite a surprise he didn't suffer any internal damage.

"Heh, go ahead Rain. Take the stubborn stallion. Everything I needed to complete has been done." The mare turned around, walking back out of the room. "This is all according to plan. Captain, commence the third phase."

Shadow and Rain's minds were still connected. Shadow spoke. "Well, landing rather hard on the ground like that felt pleasant. Mind getting me out of here since I have no control over my muscles?" he asked, attitude never really changing.

Chuckling, Rain lifts the stallion onto his back and commences running. After several minutes of twists and turns, he finally manages to find his way out. From there, he continues nonstop. It just occurred to him that Luna may have just given birth, so he had to get his friend home to Moon quickly.

At home, he abruptly lays the unconscious Shadow down before the worried Moon and leaves immediately.

"Where are you going?" Shadow asked from his sub-consciousness. "You're not just gonna leave me here are you?"

"I gotta get to Luna," he responds before disconnecting.

Moon nudges her husband in hopes of waking him.

"Shadow, hun? You okay? Wake up."

Shadow was starting to regain feeling in his body. As soon as he was conscious, a brain pounding headache ravaged him. "AGH!" he shouted, hooves immediately throwing up to his head. "AH! SON OF A, MOTHER, OH MY-" Shadow did his best to retain his language, yet ultimately failed. "BUCK!"

"Well hello to you too," she huffs. "C'mon. We'd better ge-"

"Shadow?!" Sun yelps and scurries over. "Oh. Let's get you up to bed. Moon, be a dear and bring up some medicine up, would you?"

Without waiting for a reply, the new mare carefully helps Shadow up the stairs. She stands by his side all the way to the bedside, smiling ever so tenderly.

"Is there anything else you need, 'cause I'll get you anything," she offers. "Anything..."

"No, no... I'm fine..." Shadow stated, still holding his head. "Just... need a minute to rest is all..." He was too out of it to notice her being WAY over affectionate. "Send Moon up will ya? I need to talk to her..."

"Sure thing, my King," she giggles and trots out.

However, she loses that cheery expression and bounce in her step as she proceeds down the staircase.

'Moonshadow? Why would somepony like him go for a brutal cannibal like that? Why not a respectable officer like herself? An obedient mare of the blade, strong yet kind. Faithful and true, still a virgin in body. Moon looked like those gothic tramps luring drunk stallions into alleyways like sirens.'

Once more she smiles, just to give off an honest appearance for the aggressive mare of violet mane. She'd heard them fighting in the woods. Even the bit about how the witch told him to take his daughter with him.

'Wait,' She halts alone in the living room. 'Their foals! That is what bound them together. All she needed was to bare him foals. But how to go about it... Nightrain! Moon and Shadow's rough patch seemed to draw her closer to Rain. Or atleast, it seemed that way...No matter. She WOULD drive Moon unto Rain, even if it meant by catching Shadow in a 'moment of weakness.'

"Oh... my head..." Shadow stated wearily. "That certainly was a night out I won't soon forget..." he joked to himself.

Shadow was almost completely out of it. His mind, body, even his very thoughts hurt. That mare certainly had some power behind that hoof, or so he thought. After about a minute sitting on the bed, he starts to wonder what's taking Moon so long.

"I figured she'd be back by now..."

His mate enters quietly, hoping not to agitate her husband's migraine.

"Here," she says, handing him a pill and some water. "Now I wanna know what happened."

Shadow continued to rub his head. "We went to get a drink... and..." he paused, trying to remember. "We ran into some ponies looking for me. Long story short, I think they got me." he chuckled lightly, only to groan again in pain. "Rain helped, but not before I got my face smashed in by a mare..."

"So all it took was some girl smashing your face in to end our argument," she asks in disbelief. "And I was just gonna make up the old-fashioned way."

"Well, guess who's got the headache tonight hun..." Shadow joked once more, lying down on the bed and covering his head with a pillow. He may have had a searing pain throbbing throughout his brain, but that wouldn't stop him from figuring out what was next.

"Moon, could you send that... Sun, or whatever her name is, back in here? I wanna know what our position is in this upcoming war. I know YOU don't want to kill anypony, but right now, I really don't care." The thought of being bested so easily by some lackey of Twilight's didn't settle over with him well.

"They want to fight? I say we give it to 'em..."

"Sure," she replies hesitantly.

To be honest, the idea of some strange mare alone with him was unnerving, but she dismissed her doubt. Shadow was a big stallion, and could certainly handle himself. Going down, she spots the white mare staring at the dancing flames in the fireplace once more.

"Dark Sun," Moon attracts her attention. "The King wishes to hold conference with you."

"Yes, ma'am!" Sun practically sings as she hops up to the bedroom.

"You summoned me, Sire," she inquires with an innocent smile.

"Yes." Shadow stated, repressing signs of pain. "Please, take a seat." There was plainly a chair in the corner of the room, but the mare almost seemed to jump right at Shadow, landing right beside him on the bed. A tad bit of awkwards fell upon him, causing him to inch away just a tad.

"Yes, well... I was wondering on the situation if it came to war. Is there anypony who actually supports our rule?"

"Most ponies are neutral, sad, but neutral," she answers with a shrug. "The rebels are ponies obsessed with our former ruler."

"I don't see why though," she adds in apparently dreamy, partly attracting tone; meanwhile, scootching slightly closer. "How anypony could hate such a powerful, capable stallion such as yourself is beyond my comprehension."

Shadow slightly tensed up, inching back a bit more. "Uh-huh... So what's the plan then?" he asked, wanting to know more about their current position in the upcoming battle.

"Sorry," she laughs nervously rubbing her foreleg and blushing. "I didn't mean to invade personal space. Anyway, the General had said something about this stallion called Bloodfang. If I recall correctly, they're going to take Canterlot and declare war."

"Bloodfang!? Oh great... this is gonna be just FANtastic..." Shadow plops back down on the bed, covering his face with his hooves. "So we're basically alone in this war then?"

"I dunno," she trails. "There was this creepy stallion always watching us, but he never really did anything."

"Fine..." Shadow huffs. "I have a task for you then. Round up as many ponies that are willing to fight for us as you can. We need to prepare."

"Aye aye," she perks up and heads out.

"She's a cute little filly," Rain 'awws' as the foal snuggled close to Luna.

The former princess, once an alicorn, says nothing in reply.

He smiles softly, and guiltily at her before continuing, "Keep her."

"What?" she sneers, taking it as an insult.

"I do not wish to deprive a mother of her child," he explains. "Heck, I killed to prevent ponies from taking Moon."

A snarl forms on her face at the mention of the name.

"Damn half-corn took everything I had."

"But she doesn't hate you."

"She said death was a release."

"For some ponies."

"She ENSLAVED me!" Luna hollers, causing the filly to cry.

"So Shadow wouldn't kill you," he responds soothingly and strokes the foal's mane to calm it.

"Take your bu-"

"Would you like somepony to help you raise your child?" he interrupts.

"Bang up job with Moonshadow," she spits sarcastically.

"Different situation."

"How so?!"

"I have no wife," he smirks.

Silence follows...

Moon lies on the porch, staring up at the sky. She often wondered about her colt. The image of him as a baby was always fresh in her mind. Rarely did she ever cry, but for him, and for his twin, she did.

Shadow stepped outside to the porch, weary and still groggy from his day. "Hey there Moon, how are ya doing?" he asked, half caring. "Whatcha thinking about?" Shadow really didn't care at the moment, but he needed something to help ease his nerves.

"Nothing," she replies in a distance trance.

"C'mon Moon, you wouldn't be out here unless you were." Shadow persisted.

"Contrary, I simply like stargazing," she defends. "But I was thinking about my colt."

"Dontcha mean 'our' colt?" Shadow asked. "And what about him anyways?"

"Not ours," she corrects, staring at him sorrowfully. "Mine and Rain's colt."

"Oh... I had forgotten..." Shadow stated, remembering his earlier episode. "Still, the question stands. What about him?"

She sighs and stands up.

"Say you and Sun had a filly, and had Nightrain take her somewhere you didn't know, where you'd never find her," she chokes. "Just so she would live in danger for the rest of her life."

"If me and Sun had a filly, I would care less what happened to it." Shadow states. "Still, I see where you're coming from I guess. It must be hard..."

"Yeah," she mumbles before heading off to bed.

"Night Moon. If ya need something, I'll be out here. I think sleeping under the stars will do me good." Shadow responded, watching her disappear into the house.

"Your Hiiiiiighnessssss," Sun calls. "Guess what?"

Before he can speak, she continues, "There is going to be a royal gala in support of your cause, and guess where it is? Nightrain's castle!"

In sync with his name, the alicorn walks up with Luna and the filly. Luna glares at Shadow.

"Yo!" Rain greets. "Allow me to introduce my fiance, Luna, and my soon-to-be daughter, Falling Star."

The little filly is white with a mane not unlike her mother's.

"Well, well... Hiya Luna! Hurt anymore of my relatives lately?" Shadow bickers. He turns to Rain.

"I guess ya know what you're doing huh?" Lastly, he turned to Sun.

"And great! How many?"

"I lost count," Sun laughs.

Luna smirks, "I didn't kill your precious sister."

Rain jumps in the way, "Hormones! Let it go, you'll only encourage her."

She snorts then trots past him, "I'm going to see Moon."

"Bye Luna! Have fun!" Shadow waves with fake enthusiasm. When she was clearly out of sight, Shadow's smug grin disappears, replaced with a menacing frown. "Why'd you bring her Rain..." he growled. "You know I hate her..."

He shrugs and guesses, "Future wife? Everypony needs a second chance? Love your enemies? 'Cause I wanted to? Or maybe it's because of her..." He shudders with disgust. "Her persuasiveness."

"Whatever the reason Rain, it wasn't good enough..." Shadow growls once more. "Just keep her away from me... for her sake..." he half threats, stomping back inside.

Moon is talking with the mare, "Awww, she's such a cute little filly."

"And giggly," Luna laughs.

"SO... What about this new filly I keep hearing about?" Shadow asked walking inside, throwing on another fake smile.

"Lying isn't polite," Luna growls.

"Be nice," the other warns.

"Fine... I'll be upstairs..." Shadow remarks. "Let me know when I can come out and not be sick to my stomach..."

Moon follows him, whispering a tad bit harshly, "Why do you hate her? Did she not hate Celestia as much as you?"

"Hey, hey!" Shadow sarcastically impersonates. "Guess what? Their stupid war is what ended my sister in the first place!" His mood draws back to its original grumpy form. "I hate her as much as Celestia for that reason. I'll PLAY nice, but don't expect me to be happy with her around Moon." Shadow reached the bedroom door. "Send Sun up. She has a plan for some sort of gala or something, so I need the specifics..."

"Fine!" she barks. "Sun, honey! The King wishes to see you."

Sun trots over, a little worried. With a glance at Moon, she follows her ruler up.

Staring out the window into the morning sky, Shadow notices the mare coming in. "Ah, Sun. Take another seat." Doing as commanded, Shadow turns to face the mare.

"Preparations are in order, as well as thanks. Tell me, how would you like to be my head general?"

"Head g-general," her face turns beet red as she stutters. "I would be honored, Sire."

"Good." Shadow turns back around and gazes back through the window. "Tell me Sun..." Shadow starts. "Why all the respect for me?" Never in his life had he had this kind of respect since his old captain days. Shadow didn't take pride in his past, so why would anypony take pride in working under him?

"It's not like I have much to offer..."

"You are an effective leader," she responds in a seductive voice. "Capable."

She stands.


Slowly, she pushes up next to him, whispering in his ear, "Tempting."

Shadow froze. "Wait, what are yo-"

Sun presses her lips to his, longing for his touch.

Shadow pushes Sun off of him. "Wait! Wha-" Again, she forces her lips to his. Once more, Shadow fights her off. "What are you doing!?"

"I want you," she nips his ear. "From what I gather, you are not married to Moon."

Her hooves work at removing his vest, "All she does is fight you."

She kisses him again.

"She has no respect for you."

Shadow is pushed to the wall.

"She brings your enemies to live with you."

Hooves feel him over.

"She only wanted you for a punching bag." Sun brings her face close. "A decoy." Lips almost to his, whispering,"A tool."

Shadow's body wish washed over with a sense of both guilt and lust. Something inside told him to stop, to throw her off of him, but something else stopped him, froze him in place. "Sun... I..." He couldn't even speak. He knew what was happening was wrong, but everything she had said about Moon, everything that she had mentioned in that moment...

"Take me," she pleads softly, desiring.

Shadow was faced with a tough decision. On one hoof, he could have a mare that held great respect for him and actually would treat him right, but on the other hoof, he would be betraying the only mare that ever gave him a chance AND help recover his soul. "I.. I..."

"Think about it," she says, backing off. "Does she love you or Nightrain? Who was she bound to first? More importantly, does she acknowledge poor Shade Night as her daughter as well as yours?"

"No... I guess not..." Shadow sighs, but instead of her hopped reaction, he just beams back at her. "What makes you any different?"

"I have nopony else," she chuckles low. "Nopony else can compare to you."

Shadow suddenly felt bad. He somewhat pitied the mare, thinking she actually loved him. She, just like he, couldn't understand what love was. "Well, trust me Sun... There ARE many more better than me..." Shadow remarked.

Laughing, she pushes up to him, causing him to back towards the bed.

"Convince me."

The soft patter of hoofsteps were barely heard outside the door of the room.

'Oh thank goodness.' Shadow thought to himself. That thought was quickly diminished as the steps started to fade away. 'Buck...'

She still continues her slow advance on him. "I, uhh... don't feel too good..." Shadow lied, trying to get out of the situation.

"Then let me heal you," she laughs knocking him on the bed and cramming her lips to his.

Suddenly, the door is opened to reveal Moonshadow, now staring in horror.

Shadow snapped out of his confusion. He took his forehoof and brought it to Sun's side, and with all his strength, knocked her off the bed. It wasn't enough to hurt her, but enough to disorient her at the least. "Moon!" Shadow scream, but it didn't look to no avail as she turned and ran out the door. He just stood there. "Moon..."

Sun laughs darkly, "Doesn't trust you enough to stay and listen? Pathetic."

Rage built within the stallion. "You..." Shadow turned and tackled Sun to the ground. "I... YOU... I..." Everything in him felt like killing her right then and there, but he just couldn't. He brought his hooves to her neck and applied a strong pressure, choking her for only a moment before releasing his grip.

"I'll deal with you later..." he coldly states with a ravenous growl, walking over and opening the window. "If I don't return, consider yourself lucky Sun..." With that, he jumps out the window and takes flight, trying to pick up on Moon's trail.

'Coming.... He's coming.. She feels it! No... No... She didn't want to see that lying cheating face of his...'

Stopping instantly, she opens a portal and steps through; leaving Equestria, leaving Shadow, behind her.

Nightrain flies at top-speed after the disoriented stallion.


"No! Stay away from me! I need to find Moon! I need to explain! I need to..." Shadow's speed dropped as he started descending towards the ground, his will giving out as he had lost her trail. As soon as his hooves touched, his body collapsed, but not from exhaustion.

"Heh... C'mon Shadow. You know good and well she won't listen..." He just laid there, just thinking and loathing himself.

Rain lands quietly next to him.

"Give her time," he tries to calm the pegasus. "Wha-"

A sharp pain causes him to step back.

"Aw, buck it!" he snarls.

Shadow couldn't handle it. Something like this was what caused him to lose his soul in the first place. The loss of a loved one.

"No, no, no... This... this can't be happening again... I... I can't lose her... not her..." A darkness started to fall over him, the ground turning bare as a field started to form around the stallion. "I... can't go through this again..."

"S-Shadow," Rain grunts with a painful headache.

When the stallion doesn't respond, Rain snatches him up in a hug.

"Calm down!" he soothes. "She's coming back! If she won't listen I'll force her!"

"Yo... you're not... Moon..." Shadow starts to lose feeling in his body, going numb to all emotions. He just gives Rain a blank and vacant stare. It was almost like his heart had shattered.

"Shadow," he whispers, going into the younger's mind. "She's coming back. Stay strong, for your kids."

"I... I'm not strong enough on my own... I... I just... I..." Shadow starts to fade away. "I can't..." He closes his eyes.

'Moon...' was the only thought in his mind. It repeated itself, and it never ceased. 'How could I be so stupid...'

Rain reaches for him, shouting, "If you want her back, you'll fight for her! Damn it! Stay! Lest you want to lose her!"

"I'm tired of fighting Rain... I just wanna rest..." Shadow was far gone by this point. His words were not his own, so to say. He just kept sitting there, bashing himself and what he had done. "I just wanna go home... Wherever that may be..."

"Shadow!" he slaps the little stallion. "Fight it! Fight for her! Do you want her to fall into the arms of another?! Tell her the truth!"

He squeezes the smaller up to him, trying to hold back tears. Moon and Shadow were like his children. Moon would come back to give him a chance, but if Shadow fell..."Just wait for her..."

Shadow only barely felt the slap to his face. His eyes were sealed shut, and he was starting to disappear into his subconscious. "I don't want anything Rain... I don't want to tell the truth... I've done nothing but hurt others... I don't deserve her..." With those words, his body goes limp. He lay in Rain's arms, motionless. Not dead, just completely still.

Hopeless and lost as to what to do, he carries the limp stallion, mumbling, "She would never be strong enough. He would never be good enough. She was never concieved in love. He was doomed to never rise above."

"Nopony has forsaken you," he whispers to Shadow, knowing the gray pegasus can't hear him.

"So what do we do with the mare and the filly Boss? Shadow's not here." a blue stallion stated.

"We take no prisoners. If Shadow doesn't show up by nightfall, you know what to do." a golden mare commanded.

"Yes Boss, whatever you say..." he replied.

Rain walks in on the scene.

"Luna?!" he gasps.

Blossom blindsides Rain, knocking him to the ground as Lancely quickly snatches the pegasus from his back. It was almost mechanical.

"I've got him! He's already unconscious, thank Celestia." Lancely stated, Blossom still struggling with Rain.

"Good. Our sources told us there should still be another mare around here by the name of Dark Sun, so keep your guard." Boss states, looking ever proud of her work as a mercenary.

"I'm here," Sun flies out of the corner. "I will go easily on one condition; you allow me to finish the task assigned to me by the General."

Rain stands, unfazed by the blow. "Tell me now, why should I hold back on you lot?"

"Lancely, get that body out of here!" Boss barked, the stallion doing as he was told without hesitation. "Blossom, keep that Dark Sun character busy. This one is mine..."

"Take Shadow if you want, take out Sun for all I care, but leave Luna and the filly alone."

"Oh? I love a good fight, but I do have other matters to attend to. Fine, the filly and the mare are free." She waves her hoof over to Blossom to untie the two. "But don't even think of coming after the stallion again. Finding him twice was kind of a pain on our part." She brushed past him. "Have a good day." Boss stated in an almost professional tone.

"Rain!" Luna barks after the intruders depart.

"Don't start," he warns.

"Go after them!"

"Moon will save Shadow, she isn't capable of letting me down."

The former alicorn snorts, "You do--"

"My job is to stay here with you and the three foals," he cuts her off before adding with a sigh. "Besides, I cannot save the pegasus."

"Why not?" she growls low.

"Because what works on Moonshadow does not work on him."

Luna prepares to argue further, but restrains her tongue. He knows more about those two than she does anyway. That faith Moon had always ranted about WAS necessary. Well, if there is a 'God' out there, she hoped he'd do something to save the two...

The three ponies started off back towards Canterlot, quite similar to how they had done so the first time, save it was Blossom now carrying Shadow since Lancely dumped the stallion on her.

"Why do I have to tote him around? You're the stronger underling of the group." the mare protests.

"I carried him last time, and besides, you need the exercise anyway." Lancely retorts.

"Will the both of you shut up? If it's such a big deal, I'll carry him. We're gonna set up camp halfway towards Canterlot anyway." Boss reasons, the two stopping their bickering.

Shadow was completely alone in his thoughts. He hadn't the slightest clue what was going on. Rain wasn't prepared to rescue him, nor did it seem like Sun would either. It appeared his only hope this time would be that of Moon, and by all means was this a long shot.

After about another thirty minutes of travel, the three mercenary ponies stopped for the day, each taking up a specific job in set-up. Lancely was in charge of firewood, Blossom with finding materials for tents and beds, and Boss in guarding the prisoner.

"So," Sun begins in a cheery, yet serious manner. "Am I permitted to carry out the General's orders, or has there been some change in plan?"

"Funny how we had to pretend we didn't know ya." Boss states, watching the mare as she came from out of some bushes. "Then again, we are just hired hooves. Twilight didn't tell us anything about a plan."

"We're always left out of the details..." Blossom sighs.

"Anyway, if you want, we can just let you make the delivery back to Canterlot with him. Just tell her to send the final payment to our HQ." Dice offers, stepping to the side to reveal Shadow to the mare. "It'd tickle her to death to see him sooner than later, I'm sure."

She cackles darkly, "That'll be fine, as I'll need some privacy for this."

"I'm not gonna ask..." Boss states as she hoofed over the stallion. "Just make sure he's alive so we get paid extra. Be careful though. I've heard stories about this Shadow, losing and regaining his soul. He sounds unstable."

Nodding, she waits for the group to leave before turning to Shadow. Slowly does her passion grow as she paws at his vest, carefully undoing it. Like a gentle breeze it glides off of the unconscious stallion. She flips him on his back, preparing to mount when a dog-like growl erupts from behind.

Turning around, she beholds a mare of black fur and mane, with eyes like emeralds. Fangs of venoms poke out, exposing their sharp tips covered in a green ooze. Drool seeeps from the winged mares lips as she snarls at Sun.

"Back away from my husband," she yowls, throwing herself at the sapphire-eyed pegasus.

At hearing her voice, Shadow suddenly regains consciousness, though extremly groggy.

"M-Moon?" he asks, rubbing his eyes. "I-is that you?" he asks, still lying on the ground, unable to move for some reason.

Sun retaliates instant by drawing her silvery katana, hacking off Moon's front left leg.

"Heh heh," Moon echoes a deep chuckle, and her leg regenerates via a dark, tar-like matter.

"You're buckin' kidding me," the other gasps.

Again the sword strikes, cutting deeply into the neck, but to no avail. Each time the blade made a cut, the wound sealed. Over and over she tried, now crying from the stress of it.

"Shinu," Moon smirks as she whips out her fangs in pursuit of the smaller mares neck.

Blood splurts onto the grass, spraying a layer of crimson around the two. A ring of black flame engulfed the younger as she spoke her last words.

"S-Shadow," Sun chokes, but only continues in thought.

'I never found love. I never had a home. Nopony cared. Nopony loved me. General Twilight... She wanted me to conceive a foal... Shadow's foal.... My on echance.... one chance, at happiness........ gone......'

Shadow was only able to catch the end of the fight, Sun now motionless on the ground, having just been torn, before he was able to think coherently again. "Moon, stop!" Shadow flared, halting his wife just before she strikes another blow. The sudden call to her seemed to surprise her, Sun from under just barely breathing with a gleam in her eyes.

"First off, I have two reasons." Shadow says, walking over to her. "One, I believe you aren't allowed to kill anypony." When he reaches the small, gagging mare laying before him, he kneels beside her. "Two, I believe the honor of seeing this pony dead is MY privalege, not yours."

A sinister grin formed across his face, his glare turning to Dark Sun. "I gotta say, you would have made an excellent general..." He picks her up from the ground and puts her against a tree, his free hoof drawn back. "What do you have to say for yourself..."

"Mission accomplished," she gags with a grin.

"Wrong answer..." Shadow's hoof clashed with her jaw, spewing blood everywhere. He drew his hoof back and punched again. Again, again, again. Shadow kept on and on and on, down right determined to punish her until something, or somepony, stopped him. Whether she was dead by now or not didn't concern him. He was perfectly fine using her body as a punching bag until he was stopped or give out.

"Shadow!" Moon yanks him back and glares at him tearfully. "WHY?!"

The mare drops to the ground with a hard thud. Shadow stared at Moon, confused for lack of a better word.

"What? Never seen me kill a pony before?" he inquires, a VERY faint breath heard at his side. "And why do you care?" He picks Sun back up. "Give me a reason not to..."

"Give me a reason not to leave you," she growls low. "I saw what you did with her!"

Shadow tightens his grip on the mare. Without ever looking at Moon, he pulls Sun closer. "Tell... her... what... happened... or... else..." Shadow states furiously. After saying those words, he turns the mare to face Moon, coughing blood and all.

"We bucked up a storm," she cackles hoarsly. "And loved every minute before you came in!"

That literally was THE last straw for Shadow. He threw her to the ground and was literally bashing her face into the earth, almost like her was trying to ground the two together. Never had Shadow felt so much anger towards anypony, not even Celestia herself. "YOU BUCKING LIAR! JUST DIE DAMN IT! DIE!"

"You.Buckin'.Loved." she screamed with joy between blows as she faded away.

"Now," Moon demanded. "Why?"

"Why?" Shadow growls as he stood up from the bloody carcass. "WHY!? What makes you think for one moment that I would choose her over you!? Throw away everything I have for a mare I didn't even know!? Sorry hunny, but if you didn't quite hear her correctly, she WAS on a mission from Twilight, and I'm pretty sure I figured out what it was. Now the longer you stand there thinking that what happened happened, the better chances that deceased mare over there accomplishes her mission! What she did was done to draw us apart! Are you gonna let her win? Say? You gonna believe in what you see little Mrs. Religious? Not what you know or feel?"

Shadow finally finished, taking in a deep breath.

"You want to know what I feel?" she asks apathetically. "I feel like what she said was right. Mission accomplished."

Turning away, she walks steadily back in the direction of home.

"RAAAAAAAAAAGH! Shadow roared. "Of course Shadow! Go off and run your mouth! Let the bad guys win!" He flies up, looking furiously for Canterlot. "Ya know what Twi? You want me so bad? Huh? Guess what? You have me!" He dashed towards the city, blood boiling and anger high. "I'll see to it they're all dead! EVERY BUCKING ONE OF 'EM!"

Moonshadow reaches home quickly via a portal. Guilt was swelling within for what she was about to do. It took her more than five minutes to actualy go in the door.

Luna and Rain are sitting on the couch with their filly and Haze.

"Where's Shade Night?" she inquires upon entry.

"Sleeping," Haze says in a worried tone.

Moon trots over and holds her forehead to his, causing him to pass out.

Rain springs up and immediately begins inquiring, "What're you doing?"

"We're leaving," she informs bluntly.

Now it was Luna's turn., "What about Shadow?"


Nopony responded to that. In a sense, they knew what had happened. Unanimously the two stood up, not bothering to ask why they were to leave Shade Night behind. That in itself was evident. They knew also of the rift they were about to cross; and to never again return. Without hesitating, Moon led them out of the house and on into the night.

Bloodfang picks up his children via magic. All freshly born of the mares within his army and then some. Even Rainbow Dash's granddaughter amongst the foals, all of which were female. He carefully pulls them into his sector of the Void before turning to say his goodbyes to Twilight.

"I'm am going now, my minion," he coos.

"I do so hate to watch you go," she sighs.

"T'will be our last meeting."

"I know my fate."

"Are you certain that Dark Sun accomplished her goal."

"She does not let her master down."

He chuckles at the similarity of that to his beloved Moon while the portal seals, leaving him in the Void. Assuming Twilight's theory was accurate, the hornless alicorn would now be his. And his subjects would be the fillies. Like a pride of lions, the would fill the Void. They would make it a kingdom. Make it theirs.

It didn't take long at all for Shadow to reach the place he was taken before. As soon as he reached the front door, he felt a presence all too familiar. A sickening feeling as soon as he stepped through the door, one of a certain stallion. Before he could confirm his suspicions, the essence disappeared, vanished. Regardless, the pegasus was Hell-bent to do... something.

'Some stallion you are Shadow. You insult the only one who ever loved you when you were unlovable. What you told yourself really was true. You didn't deserve her.' he thought to himself, now at the door just before his goal. It occurred that there were no guards, but little did it matter to him. Staring at the door handles for at least a good long minute, he finally broke the doors down, Twilight sitting in the middle of the room, waiting.

"You..." Shadow starts, "You couldn't let a small disagreement go could you? You couldn't just let me be happy? You just HAD to get back at me. Well guess what, FAN-BUCKING-TASTIC job!" He dashed up to her, staring deep into her eyes, piercing her soul.

"You win..." Shadow drops to his knees. "I'm tired of this. Everything. The hurt, the complication, the guilt, everything. Please, whatever it is you have to do, do it and end me. Moon's gone, my heart's broke, I've no friends, only enemies. Just..." He falls silent for a moment. "Please..."

A malicious smile creeps up on her as she chuckles, "Why? Living seems to be worse for you. My purpose has been served as well. Your life is Hell. I only have to wait to be taken back to Hell."

She stands and trots over to a nearby window, "But I have nothing against your mare, and I do not wish for Celestia to return with me. If you want your wife back, I'd suggest following through with your plan to turn Celestia back into a filly."

"And," she continues before crashing out of the window to plummet to her death. "You better hurry. Moonshadow will travel only to the other side of the Everfree before vanishing from Equestria forever. Celestia is at Bill's."

Shadow was still on his knees. "She's a filly when you die, and I don't fully trust you Twi... But it appears I haven't a choice." He stands back up. "To raise my daughter alone and lose my love, or to fight for her on the whimsy advice of an enemy. Shadow, Shadow, Shadow... Why you?" he chuckles, stepping over to the window Twilight was at. "You need a hoof miss?"

Twilight hadn't heard what he'd said. Already, she had cast herself out the window. It was time she returned to Hell. It was time to die for the last time...

Shadow looked over the edge of the window, down below. Almost in unison did it thunder as soon as the mare's body slammed on the ground, killing her on impact as it started to rain.

"Heh, never thought I'd see the day..." he joked to himself, wings drawn out as he himself propelled out the opening, much to a better result.

"She said Celestia was at Bill's eh? I don't know how this is gonna work, but I only hope that it does..."

A little filly of white fur and a pastel pink, blue, and green mane stands in the pub, whimpering. She didn't know where she was, nor how she got there. If she had parents, she didn't remember them. All she remembered was her name. Scared and alone, she began to cry uncontrollably.

Bill looks at the filly in confusion. "Uhhh..." Shadow suddenly barges through the door.

"Bill! Have you seen-" He stops short of just seeing the filly. The stallion quickly snatches her up and heads back out the door. "Nevermind!"

"Uhhh..." Bill just shook his head and continued cleaning.

The grey pegasus was flying at top speed, wings aching from the strain of the wind pressure against them. It only took moments however to reach his home. "Please be home, please be home, please be home..." He repeats to himself, shielding the little one from the wind. Without ever letting up speed though, he crashed through the front door, knocking it down and jumping up to look if they had left yet.

Nopony is within save Shade Night, sleeping soundly in her room. They'd left. Where though?

'The other side of the Everfree! Yes, that was where Twilight had said she's be going.'

"Did she walk or take a portal? Ah, buck it! Doesn't matter!" Shadow runs and grabs Shade Night, and now with two fillies, one in each hoof, he takes off once more, now over the Everfree and scanning below.

"Moon!" he occasionally calls. "Moon! Where are you! I'm sorry!"


She hears the call, but shushes everypony and comtinues onward. Another time they hear him, and again ignore his call.

"I'm sorry!"

Those two words alone were enough to freeze her in her tracks. Did he just... apologize? No. He couldn't have.

"What?" she hollers up at him, confused.

Shadow stops. "Moon?" he said, looking all around except below, which is where they were. "Moon, where are you!"

He takes quick notice and was down in almost an instant. "Moon! Oh thank goodness, I thought I was too late." he said, sort of catching his breath. "Okay, first off, I just wanna say I'm sorry." Shadow said without hesitation, even in front of everypony else. He then sets the two fillies down. "And I understand if you're angry, but please Moon... don't go..." Shadow was practically begging at this point.

"I know I can be thick minded, stupid, arrogant, stubborn, annoying, a pest, a bother..." He paused before it started to get TOO demeaning. "I mean, you get the idea. I also know I don't deserve you, which I'm sure Rain has heard one too many times by now." he said, turning to glance at the stallion. "Please don't leave me Moon. I love you, and I can't see a life without you, not one worth living at least..." he finished, tensing up a bit, ready for a slap, hit, punch, kick, anything...

Smiling, she softly kisses his cheek.

"You're forgiven." she states with a giggle.

Carefully she hands the foals over to Nightrain, who can easily carry all three.

"Now, let's go home," she says, nuzzling him.

Shadow throws his hooves around Moon. "Thank you..." he says, swelling with joy inside. It took everything in him to keep from shedding a tear. Something inside him though told him that somehow, she had this all planned...

Author note: (Edit) Yay~! Fixed them all, or at least I hope...