• Published 29th Aug 2012
  • 1,734 Views, 78 Comments

The Name's Shadow, Shadow Eternal... - EternalShadow54

"I wonder what Celestia would do if she captured me. Nothing I couldn't handle, I'm sure...&a

  • ...

Conflicts and a Mountain Cave...

"Well, it got her to wake up," he grumbles.

"C'mon Rain," Grieve whispers to the larger.



"But what about Luna?" he protests.

"Your friend here can handle it," he responds. "Now come. You haven't finished long-term payment just yet."

"Grrrrrah, fine," he snarls. "Sorry Shadow, you'll have to head back on your own."

The mare was still unconscious, but nonetheless breathing. "Heh... Wouldn't be the first time I've had to carry you home..." the pegasus states, placing her body over on his and starting off towards the Everfree.

Moonshadow paces on the porch wearily. Shadow had been gone so long, maybe something had happened. Nightrain too had disappeared along with him. Had the cat been a parting gift?

Luna notices the mare and joins her.

"I'm sure they will return," Luna comforts. "You yourself said that they are not ones to abandon dependants."

The violet maned pony only sighs and continues to survey the horizon.

Inside, Haze sits on the floor, flipping through his mother's sketch book. He knew she didn't allow anypony to peep in the cover, but temptation had befallen upon the colt. So many pictures. Pictures of places beyond Equestria. Places filled with strange creatures and alien architecture. What were these?

After flipping through many sketches, he comes across a faded photograph. Due to aging, it is indistinguishable save a statue of some large, winged mare. Who?

He gazes out his window at the sky. Mr. Rain and his dad had not yet returned. This had worried the mothers.

"Hey Night?"

Shade was sitting over to the side, playing with a doll like it was her servant. "Yea Haze? What is it?" she asks, never really looking up from her toy.

"I'm going." he states, still staring out the window.

Shade stops what she was doing, full attention now aimed at her brother. "What do you mean by going?"

"I'm not sure myself," he admits. "But I want to find the statue in this picture."

The filly snatches the booklet away from Haze. "This is mommy's sketch book... We aren't allowed to look in it..." She glares at the colt. "I have half a mind to tell her..."

"Go ahead," he says climbing into the window. "But I wanna see the mare."

"You keep thinking like that and you'll end up hurt Haze..."

Ignoring her he just out, silently calling back.

"I don't care."

Shade just chuckles. "I know you don't, which is why that if you leave, you're taking me with you."

Smirking, Haze carefully and quietly opens the window to their room and trots off into the Everfree, Shade following lazily behind.

Moon trots rapidly in circles waiting for Shadow's return. What if something had gone wrong? What if Nightrain took him 'there'? Would they kill her husband? They certainly knew how. But what of Rain? He would've come back, so where were they?

As the mare continued to pace the floor, she noticed a VERY faint figure in the distance. After about three or so moments, she realized that it was Shadow.

"Shadow?" Moon whispers and bolts for her mate, leaving Luna searching for Rain.

The stallion sets the body to the side. At first, Moon doesn't notice, but only after a moment, she realizes that Shadow was carrying a sky blue mare with white stripes all up and down her body, much like a zebra. Her mane was a dirty blonde, long and unkempt, much like Shadow's if it were in a feminine style. She was just a normal earth pony.

"Moon... Meet Joyce... My sister..."

"An earth pony?" she sniffs at the body and coughs. "She obviously needs a bath after--"

Moon cuts off and looks around frantically.

"Where's Rain?"

"Ran off to pay some stupid debt to a crazy stallion about his size if not larger that I care not to remember the name." Shadow smartly remarks. "Excuse me while I go take myself a nap..."

"Noxxis," Moon hisses under her breath before adding. "Check on the kids first will you? I'll take in Joyce and set her up on the couch or something."

"I'm sure they're fine Moon. I mean, how much trouble could they possibly get into in their room?" Shadow states, stepping slightly off balance. "Besides, I'm beat. I NEED to lay down or I'll hit the ground harder than lead."

"Fine," Moon caves as she lifts the unconscious mare and takes her in.

The next morning, Shadow had quite the rude awakening. "Shadow!" Moon screeches and shoves the pegasus out of bed. "THEY'RE GONE!"

Landing rather bluntly on the hard ground was becoming more and more tolerable each time it happened. regardless, it still hurt. "Owww... W-what do you mean?"

"The foals are GONE," she repeats, suppressing tears with rage. "G-O-N-E- GONE!"

This was certainly new to the stallion. "Say wha... g... gone... You mean... they left?" Shadow was only just able to get the words out, several feelings he had never felt in his life falling over him.

"I want my babies Shadow," she barks as she reverts to her Voidling form. "NOW!"

That bark, that yell from Moon... Shadow had been under stress far beyond that of the capabilities of many other ponies AND came through, but with this situation and that scream, he snapped.

His eyes grew wide as his facial expression drew a blank. He calmly steps out the door. "I'm going to find them. Follow if you will, but try to keep your voice at a less annoying state..."

The two young foals slink through the underbrush. Where they were was uncertain until they reached the edge of a clearing in which stood the monument to Nightmare Moon. At the statues feet lay Nightrain.

At fist, Haze contemplates trotting over to greet the pony, but concludes that it would be unwise, and so cautions his sister to stay out of sight. Only one close call and the two are able to proceed further, to the Eastern edge of Equestria.

Before them lay a bog, bubbling and oozing on the ground. Here and there, dryland connects in many paths through the maze.

"Let's go," declares the colt as he trots into the foggy marsh.

There was a soft buzz over Haze and, looking up, he saw his sister levitating over them. "Looks dangerous on foot Haze. Sure you can't fly?" she inquires, not picking on the colt but more concerned rather.

"I can barely flap my wings," he snorts.

"Why?" she asks, careful to listen out for anything.

"They're too big!"

"Then I can understand the lift off, but wouldn't that make you good at gliding?" she asks, landing next to him and continuing on hoof. "Even so, mommy and daddy are gonna be mad when they find out we're gone."

"I can't even get off the ground," he mumbles. "And they're always mad. Why would this be any different?"

"Because they'd flip a dip." Shade states, thinking about what they'll do. "And they might fight, but it's what mommies and daddies do, though I haven't seen any others. I just assume that it's normal." she was starting to think out loud.

"It isn't," Haze sighs as he continues to walk. "Mama and Rain rarely ever fight that way. So it isn't needed."

He kicks a rock with his large hoof. Why was his body this big? Why the thick fur? Why did he look like that mare statue?

"Maybe Mama isn't Mama."

"What do you mean? Who else could mommy be if mommy is not mommy?" Shade asks, thinking to make sure the sentence made sense before nodding her head.

"Well you look like Daddy," he points out. "But I'm large and furry with green eyes, unlike Mama. But that statue looked like me."

"A coincidence perhaps?" Shade argues.

He gives her a look before once more moving forward.

"Where? Where? Where?" Moon zips through the air frantically searching for her lost children.

Shadow is still calmly trotting at a steady pace, face blank as before and tone extremely blunt. He knew they were on the trail, but from the looks, they had a pretty good head start, a day or so perhaps.

"Haze!" she practically wails. "Night! KIDS! WHERE THE BUCK ARE YOU?!"

She gasps upon noticing somepony on the ground ahead, "Nightrain?!"

Rain looks up only to be knocked on his back by his former student.

"What?!" he asks in alarm.

"Haze and Night are gone!" she nearly chokes.

He pushes the distressed mare off of him and turns to Shadow for an answer.

Shadow continues following the trail, ignoring the taller stallion as his expression never changed. "Close..." is all he mutters as he walked by keeping pace.

Rain turns to Moon, but finds her to have already flown back up, and therefore joins her.

"Close," Haze mutters at the other side of the bog.

Night had already fallen and the moon rose high above the dark forest of thick trees and brush. It looked similar to the forest behind the statue.

"Night," he calls back. "Could you light the path?"

"You know that mommy and daddy will come looking for us. Wouldn't lighting a path make it easier for them to see us?" Shade ponders out loud.

"Just dimly," he responds. "Enough to see the ground."

A faint golden glow illuminates around the two, just lighting the ground a possibly a hoof in front of them. "That good enough brother?" she asks, somewhat in a half-like dreamy tone. She was obviously getting tired.

He nods as they proceed into the forest ahead. The ground is covered in a variety of flora, not allowing sight of the earth beneath. It takes only five minutes of stumbling to reach a moonlit clearing.

There it stands tall; the mare statue. She is a fellow pegasus, but of stone. Her eyes are made of onyx with a citrine, cat-eye iris. The large wings are held in the same position the Haze generally holds his in,slightly parted from the body and at an angle. Even her mane and tail were of the same style, and her fur just as thick.

Haze stares at it in awe from a few hooves in front of his sister. No cracks or chippings. No vines choking her figure. The whole statue was well kept, almost new in appearance. He reads the engraving set before the wonder.

"Vexnis, Queen of the Void," he says aloud.

The filly yawned, propping up against the figure. "That's nice..." she says, closing her eyes. "But I think it's time we waited on mommy and daddy... You got to see your statue... and I got to tag along... All works out for the better..." With that statement, she was fast asleep, snoring only slightly.

As soon as she dozes off, a green fog collects around them, glowing darkly. The figure of a mare appears beside the monument of stone, her likeness easily seen. The fur on her body was like a black hole, her mane violet, her eyes like the statue's, and her eyelashes are blue. When her lips part into a smirk, it exposes venom-dripping fangs in a mouth whose inner walls are the color and smell of rotting flesh.

"What have we here?" she cackles. "A little Voidling and his pet sister, hmm? Heh heh, your muzzle resembles my daughter's."

She breathes in his face, causing him to gag. The strange mare breathed in his scent.

"You even smell of her," she purrs while circling the frightened colt. "Tell me child, is your mother Moonshadow?"

Haze hears a faint voice in his mind.

'Haze? It's me, Shade! Listen, I can sense our parents arrival. Just hold tight.'

The filly remained asleep, or at least her pretend sleep. Just from the smell she knew she didn't want to look.

Haze steps towards Vexnis and answers, "Yes."

Suddenly, Moon charges through the bushes and attempts to tackle the mare, but Vexnis merely holds up a hoof, forcing her to halt.

Rain is the next to emerge from the bushes, but merely stares at the pegasus.


She draws up her lip into a malicious grin.

"Long time no see, little stallion."

Shadow is last to emerge from the bushes, stepping past the two that were following him and moving in a direct path towards the foals, paying Vexnis no mind. Every step he took after seeing them however, grew heavier with anger as his face clearly showed.

The pegasus never draws her attention from Rain, whom she stalks towards.

"I see you did not fail me," she smirks. "I told you you couldn't keep her away. Told you you couldn't prevent her from marrying any other."

The stallion shrinks. Vexnis was his own height, but considerably more powerful. So powerful that she rivaled even Fire Mane.

"So, little stallion, are you prepared to tell her? Tell her WHO is her real mother? Tell her what actually happened?"

Moon stares at Rain and asks, "Rain? What is she talking about? Who is she?"

"Y...you're mother, Vexnis," he stumps as he lays on the ground with his face hidden by his mane. "She is your REAL mother. The one who gave you to Fire Mane. The pony who really killed Mothwisp. The one who led me to you."

Shadow was completely oblivious to the scene behind him, glaring at the two foals. "Your punishment is decided by your reasoning. Tell me why you left." He didn't even give them a chance to open their mouths before screaming. "NOW!"

Shade was the first to step up. "I c-came to k-keep him s-safe with my magic..." she studders.

"No playing or contact with other ponies for two months. No toys, no magic, and only bread and water." Shadow growls, thinking this to be as lenient as he could possibly think. "And you little colt?"

"To find somewhere I belong," the colt replies coolly glaring at his father. "Rain is the only one who is even interested in me back at that house."

Moon's eyes grow wide as she processes the information she just received.

"So," she begins with a choke. "All this time. All the pain, the torture. My bucked up life..."

Vexnis laughs hoarsely, "That's right my daughter. I set up Grine and Nightmare in power of the Void. I chose Fire Mane as your false mother. I ate your father. I killed Moth, and I brought you to Rain."

"Moonshadow," Rain whispers to himself in a sorrowful fear. "Moonshadow. My little Moony..."

The hornless alicorn glares tearfully at her mother, managing to emit but one word, "Why?"

"To find somewhere you belong?" Shadow freezes at this statement. He knew exactly the feeling his son was having. Nevertheless, that didn't give him any excuse to do what he had done. He was only a colt, and only THOUGHT he knew what he wanted.

"Haze, son... What made you think you don't belong with us?"

"I don't look like either of you," he growls. "I can't fly, I don't fight or cause as many problems as the rest of you."

He looks off at the other scene while adding, "And I kinda like the tall lady. She looks like me and has the same power!"

"Why?" Vexnis booms with laughter. "Because I needed a strong heir with a worthy mate! But Rain has failed me on that part unless I can ever locate little Nox."

"To your own child?" Moon questions in disbelief. "How could you abandon me with such an uncaring pony like Fire Mane."

Vexnis only chuckles at the inside joke.

"Moon, Moon," Rain is barely even whispering the name now. "I still love you. I always have, and always will. Oh, Moon. Why? Why'd you come? Why? Why.....why..."

Haze trots over to Vexnis and clings to her giant foreleg.

"I'd rather live with her than all of you," he hisses.

Shadow wasn't playing games anymore. He had enough of it.


Of course, Shadow didn't exactly know what to say, but before the colt or anypony else said anything, he flashes over to Haze and pulls him away from the mare.


Never had he raise his voice at anypony in such a manner, nor did he care at that point. He was blind with fury, and the only thing that kept him from resorting to completely killing somepony or breaking down a few hundred trees in anger was the fact that it was his son.


Haze struggles to get away from the deranged stallion.


He is cut off by Rain, who gently takes the colt from Shadow. Carefully, he cages the foal in hs wings.

"Both o' you calm down," Rain commands softly. "The matter can be dealt with later."

He slowly walks back over to Moon, then adds, "Neither of you would want to do or say something regretful."

Vexnis watches the ordeal with pleasure before addressing Moon once more, "See, Daughter? Your life is miserable, for you did not follow your designated path."

The large mare jetures herself into the sky and calls out, "I am your goddess, your queen! Those who defy me can not live happily, nor can they die without consequence. I shall return to rule the Void now that I know Nightrain has failed me! You will regret this my daughter!"

At that, a black vortex of lightning opens and engulfs her whole.

Moon only stands there in shock. Her life, her whole past, was a lie. Worst of all, Rain knew. He knew! Yet....

"You!" she lashes at Rain. "WHY?"

"To protect you," he practically whispers.


"If I HAD listened, you would not have the family you do now."

Rain does not await her reply, but leaves her to take it all in...

Shadow suddenly felt really bad. Had he really just yelled at his only son? The stallion looks over to Shade, who was almost cowering in fear of him.

"S-Shade... I..."

"No! Stay away from me!" That cut deep. Moon was dumb stricken by her new information, and Shadow was left completely heartbroken, but this time, by his own daughter.

"B-but Shade..." The filly run off behind her mother, squaling and sobbing. Another family crisis on the reason of his stupidity and rage, and worst of all, he still had Moon and Joyce to face.

Moon is shaken from her trance by the filly crying at her feet. Her daughter. Her own. She couldn't see herself as goddess over the little creature, and never could she abandon her.

Gently, she picks up the child and covers the crying filly with her wings. Her gaze meets Shadow's.

"C'mon," she sighs after a minute of silence. "We should be heading home. Bloodfang is still loose in Equestria."

Shadow is a complete wreck mentally at this point. He hears what she says, but it does little good to convince him to move. The pegasus was absolutely stuck by those words from his own daughter. He felt he had failed as a father. After a moment, he only acknowledges with a sighing nod, looking towards the ground and never looking up the whole way back. To top it all off, it started to rain.

Star and Celestia gallop merrily in the yard as Luna rests on the porch with Moon. Haze and Shade had been confined to their room, and refused to utter a peep since last night. Rain sat on the roof again staring out into the distance, and Joyce was eating breakfast in the kitchen.

Shadow hadn't seen Joyce yet, and he was pretty sure her and Luna were able to 'catch up' since his departure to get the kids. Shadow stood in the living room, wondering and pacing the floor about what to say, or HOW to say it. What exactly was 'it' that he was going to say? Even the stallion couldn't think of how to explain things. Finally, after MUCH self preparation, he decides to step into the kitchen, the instance of being noticed the most eerie of his life.

"You..." Joyce growls at him, setting down her breakfast. "The nerve of showing your face to me, much more bring me back..."

"Joyce, listen-"

"No. Actions speak louder than words Shadow. What you did to me was unforgivable. Much more, I assume, unexplainable. I know you had problems with your soul and Celestia promised help, but why would you attack us?"

"Listen, you don't understand!" Shadow says, trying to persuade her to listen. "I didn't know!"

"Yea? Didn't know? Remember when you promised you wouldn't hurt me on the field? Remember that?" She bickers back.

"I never forgot..."

"Despite I didn't return the courtesy, I didn't think I had to. You WERE practically invincible after all."

"What do you want me to say Joyce? I went through a lot of trouble to bring you back just to apologize!"

"So what? You could feel better about yourself? Heh, don't fool with me Shadow. I know you haven't a soul to care." Those hit him like a ton of bricks.

"But I do! Moon helped me get it back! I can feel now." His jaw was racked by her hoof, almost instantly as it flew at him from across the table. He stood in shock.

"Then I hope you felt that..." Just then, Moon enters the room.

"Need I ask?" she more or less states to herself then asks them.

"No." Shadow states, walking back into the living room. "I'll be upstairs... tending to my jaw..." he says, a little bit of blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth.

"I bet you'll listen to reason... Moon was it?" Joyce asks. "Should I forgive him for killing me in cold blood? Because, well I don't know, it just doesn't seem like something somepony could just be like 'Ooops, my bad. Sorry.' and then expect the other to forget everything."

"Forgive and forget," Moon responds taking some milk from the fridge. "Nightrain abused me, tortured me, basically put this immortal mae through an earthly hell."

She turns to face the newcomer.

"I was forced to bear children to him, and had him take our colt far away," she continues. "I even sat back and watched a rogue demon kill Shadow, yet he forgave me."

Now she heads for the living room.

"My family and countless others have put me through hell as I have them. My own mother is the reason for my bucked up life...... but I forgive her."

With that, she returns to the porch. In truth, she was too tired to try and carry out a conversation. Needless to say, she'd spent all night with her foals, and couldn't sleep them either. She didn't know what she needed, but intended to talk about it with Rain later.

"Is everypony in this bucked up family crazy?" Joyce nags to herself. "Jeez, and I thought being a ghost was bad..." She steps into the living room, Shadow sitting on the couch and staring at the ceiling. "Lazing about as always. You really haven't changed much have you?" He remained silent. He didn't want to speak or acknowledge her unless she was ready to listen. "So... I spoke with Moon." Still, no reply. "Oh come on Shadow! Now I want to talk and you give me the cold shoulder?"

"My shoulders nowhere near as cold as your heart Joyce." Now that only just pissed her off.

"Well... So much for brotherly love." she replies.

"I should say the same about you sis."

"Don't call me that..."

Rain faces the clouded sky. It would rain, instinct told him. How did he know though? Maybe it wouldn't. God had given him one heck of a trial this time. He wasn't even thinking anymore. Or was he?

At this point, he sees nothing though he stares at a lingering cumulus. Everything has become invisible, so nothing can truly be seen. It is a state in which he feels detached from his earthly shell. As though his soul lifted out.

"Moon," he murmurs.

He'd known about Moth, but would've done anything to go against Vexnis's plan. Yes, he loved Moon more than anything. But now, she was Shadow's...

Haze glares coldly at the blocked up window. Meaningless. She'd told him to escape. Her voice had drowned out his sister's. That sweet voice. It was calling him even now. But he couldn't go. His goddess commanded that Rain come along as well.

The colt longed for his 'true' mother. To be wrapped in her dark warmth. To breath that enticing aroma. He power. Her beauty. Her presence. He desired it madly.

He thought of telling Shade, but decided against it. She'd only tell. Traitorous filly of the light. His 'parents' would never allow him to join his deity in the Void. No. He'd have to work this out alone, and convince Rain to come along.

In the corner, Shade was sitting all balled up in fetal position. Seeing her father in such a rage towards her brother was beyond traumatizing to the filly. At the same time, she had wondered how her mother put up with it, much less just see it happening. She wanted to say something to Haze, but they were told that uttering a peep would result in further punishment, so she voted against the idea. It didn't stop her from using mind contact however.

"Haze..." Shade inquires to her brother through mind connection. "Are you alright? You've been staring at that window all night..."

"Define alright," he growls aloud. "I'm living with the wrong family!"

"Don't say that Haze! Sure, we might be a little different, but blood run thicker than water brother. Mommy and daddy love us..."

"'Mama' did nothing and 'Daddy' looked mad enough to KILL us!" he shouts.

Rain is drawn from his realm of thought by the noise emitted from the kids window. Quietly, he slinks down to listen.

"Rain is the only one who even cares about me," he cokes. "Our 'parents' don't love us.We're just a burdensome responsibility used to make 'em look good to the other ponies!"

Upon the conclusion of that sentence, the stallion squeezes through the window.

"That hardly accurate," Rain retorts. "You're parents love the both of you. They've just been under a lot of stress lately."

"What did I say about speaking!" Shadow roars as he bust through the door. As soon as he discovers Rain, he steps back out, muttering. "Fine... This is an exception..."

"SEE?" HaZe snarls. "He doesn't love us!"

Sighing the giant alicorn lays on the floor and gestures for the two of them to come over while explaining, "Your father is under the most stress. He's not used to dealing with these kinds of situations."

"I figured it'd be mommy who'd be under the stress Mr. Rain." Shade says. "Not daddy."

He chuckles softly, "Your mother IS under a lot of stress, but she can manage it slightly better than your father. She's lived with this kind of stuff her whole life."

"No, he HATES us," Haze snorts and turns to walk off.

Rain notices, pulls the colt back, and holds him down with one hoof, still amused, "You two just scared them. Shadow's afraid of anypony he loves getting hurt."

Now he turns to Shade, "More afraid of yall getting harmed than you are of him being angry."

"R-really?" Shade asks, rather astounded and somewhat ashamed now for leaving. "B-because I was pretty scared..."

"Believe me," he yawns with a smile. "He was."

"Yeah right," Haze mutters.

Rain pulls the colt up to him laughing quietly, "Somepony didn't get his sleep."

The stallion rests his head on the floor, peering out the corner of his eye at Shade and asking, "Did you sleep?"

"Only a little..." she states with a cute yawn herself.

Shadow was lying in his bed now, the softness of the mattress bringing SOME relief to his nerves. In all his years, never had he ever been through so much in so little time. It seemed to him that everything was falling apart, and partly, it was his fault. The other part, he felt, was that it was inevitable and was bound to happen to him eventually. "I just don't know..." he muttered to himself.

Moon enters the bedroom to find her husband laying on the bed. All this was obviously wearing him down.

"You okay hun?" she asks in a hushed tone.

"I'd like to think you already know the answer to that Moon..." Shadow gruffs, not moving a muscle. "Where's Joyce?"

"Down stairs," she sighs as she sits by the bed. "You know Shade loves you right?"

"Her expression says otherwise, and Haze isn't much farther off..." Shadow remarks.

"You just scared them," she states, crawling up beside him. "Try explaining to them why what they did was wrong and why you got so upset."

Shadow chuckles. "Yea, me and explaining things go hoof in hoof SO well nowadays. huh Moon?" At least his mood had lightened up. "I just wish that sometimes, I could just drift to sleep, and the next morning, everything be fine..." he sulks, turning his head and facing it into his pillow.

"When we have Bloodfang, you can," she giggles rubbing his back. "Until then, you need to talk to your children, or when they wake up at least. I'm pretty sure Rain broke the ice for you, seeing as how they're all fast asleep."

"Maybe... but what if they don't listen?" the stallion asks, the backrub REALLY helping him. "I can't imagine the whole ordeal was pretty, to say the least."

"I didn't say it'd be easy, but I'm sure they'll listen now that they're had time to sleep and cool down. As long as you don't yell that is."

"Oh trust me," Shadow starts. "After seeing Shade's face, I don't think I'll ever raise my voice at them again. Besides, I'm pretty sure everypony will be a little better in the morning anyway. Hay, maybe I can even convince Joyce to forgive me..."

She smiles and turns off the light. Everything would be better tomorrow. This she knew.

Luna is feeding Star and Nightrain actually convinced defiant little Celestia to eat. Joyce too is eating and reminiscing with Luna. Haze and Shade are still locked in their room with the breakfast Moon had brought them.

Shadow wasn't awake yet. He was tired, and had decided to take it easy today. More so, he felt like he deserved it. It wasn't until everypony was halfway through before the stallion came downstairs, hair all in a mess and stammering in each step. He could barely keep his eyes open when he sat at the table, knowing everypony in the room must have been looking at him, or at least wondering what was wrong with him. The pegasus began to eat, never speaking the first word to anypony.

"Rain," Moon whispers. "Care to watch the foals? I need to Nightrain him."

"And if they ask?"

"Mommy took Daddy away to make him feel better."

"Why not," he sighs. "Luna and I can teach all four a few tricks."

Moon nods and paces over to Shadow.

"Wanna explore the Nytarat forest?" she chimes. "It's peaceful and Rain's friends won't bother us! Plus I know of a few interesting places there."

Shadow looks up from his breakfast, voice hoarse as he spoke. "Sure, just let me finish breakfast and clean up a bit. I'm a mess..."

Moon smiles and trots out onto the porch. Partly cloudy skies make it possible for flight should Shadow prefer it to walking. Now that the Void was a danger zone, their wings have become the most time-efficient way of travel.

She yawns and stretches out on the warm grass. Even Vexnis held the Voidling code pertaining to Saturdays. Nopony is permitted to rise into battle lest they are provoked. It was her law after all.

Shadow came trotting out of the house, not much better looking than he was before, but nonetheless a bit cleaner and more tidy. He wasn't sure why, but he felt it best to just leave his weapons at home. It was his day off after all.

"More beautiful yet to come!" she hums. "You wanna fly to the forest or walk?"

"Beautiful day..." Shadow states, watching the sky. "Reminds me of the day after we met..."

"You know me honey. I prefer to stick to the ground. It's not like I have anywhere to be soon anyway." Shadow grins, starting off towards the forest. "Besides, it'll be just like old times..."

"Very well," she responds and heads west.

Shadow had not the slightest clue in what direction he was going, but he was just exploring today, right? Nowhere to be, nopony to answer to, just trotting lazily through the woods like he used to do on normal occasion before meeting Moon. He still remembers almost every corner of the Everfree, the forest much more beautiful during the day, yet so much more serene at night.

The stallion passed by old landmarks that he hadn't visited in years, including his old camp, though he didn't stay long on account that Moon was with him. It really did feel like old times. Not a single sound other than the low hum of distant insects and the crackle of healthy leaves under their hooves. This was something long overdue for the pegasus.

Sadly however, all of the places they had gone through in the Everfree only took up about an hour of two of the day, and even though Shadow felt much better, he knew Moon probably wanted to go off and explore a bit farther, past the Everfree and into unknown territory, for him at least.

Reaching the farthest edge of the majestic forest, the sun still high above them and plenty of day before, Shadow stopped his advance and turned to Moon.

"Imma let you lead now. I don't know anything about the places beyond this point."

Moon trots on past him and ono a field surrounded by a snow-capped mountain range. A cool breezes sweeps over the ocean of green that rises up to the knees. Birds flitter about playfully as do various other creatures. Majestic clouds tower us in the sky, creating visible rays of sunlight. Tree tops sway to and fro before the mountains, playing various shades of green in their dance.

The mare hoists herself into the air as if the become one with the wind. It'd been almost five years since she last came here to the land in which her sons were taken, and this was but a small part. Every breath of air here was clear and fresh as was the sight. It was her favorite place to sketch with all the foreign flora and fauna.

"The Singing Banshee Mountains," she sighs dreamily. "C'mon! I want you to see the cave in which she used to dwell."

Shadow watches as Moon dashes towards the mountains, but he wasn't in no hurry, so he followed, but stuck to the ground and his lazy trot, examining and scanning the surrounding that was all around him. Never had he seen such a wonderful place so full of life. The Everfree didn't seem to even compare to all the wonderful shades of green, and the crisp air contributed in its own way as well.

Eventually, though it took him a while, he was finally able to catch up to Moon, who was standing outside of a large, deep looking cavern, waiting on him. Shadow just smiles as he continues his leisurely walk, never picking up his pace.

"Hope I didn't take TOO long darling." Shadow smirks, now at the hoof of the cave with the mare.

Ignoring the comment, she walks in slowly. It is blackened within, and very damp. Puddles of water pool up on the floor and the air becomes thick with its growing humidity. Eventually, the cme to a pool of surprisingly warm water.

"This way."

Carefully, she swims out into a small dark hole with Shadow right behind her. Do to the low hang of the opening, the two are forced underwater. Beneath the murky surface is a clear world of life. Glowing fish of odd shapes and forms twirl around in alien waterplants. Rocks of purples and greens litter the floor, and the water above glitters and shines.

They re-emerge in a cavern of sparkling crystals, appearing much like the milky way. They glow and fade in a random, repetitive cycle, varying in their shades and hues. With her head just above the water, Moon gazes into Shadows eyes, her wet mane brushed aside to reveal the glowing crescent moon scar on her forehead.

Shadow was completely mesmerized by the cavern within, but he was even more entranced by the mare's gaze. The place was beautiful, magical, and most of all, secluded and quiet. It was almost like he felt right at home here.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are Moon?" Shadow says, keeping afloat by the broad layout of his wings. "Or how pretty your mane is wet?" he adds, moving a hair from her eyes with his hoof.

She smirks slightly, and pulls up against him.

She laughs silently and pushes her lips to his, "You have now."

Nightrain stares at Shade in utter confusion. Somehow or another the filly has concluded that he is a mare because he isn't an uncolorful brute like most stallions. To top that off, Celestia thinks his leg tastes good, Joyce and Luna have gone off shopping, Star is rolling around in circles for no apparent reason, and Haze is sulking. Basically, he's on foal sitting duty.

"Celestia, stop it," he groans and the fillybegins to cry, which causes Star to scream and pass out. "Star?"

Just a he steps up to her she begins spinning again.

"Idiots," Haze scoffs.


"You yell?" Star wimpers.

"No," he soothes. "No, Daddy isn't-- Ack!"

Celestia chops down on his leg again.

Overwhelmed, he resorts to plan B; lay down and pretend to cry.

"Daddy?" Star and Celestia whimper. "You otay?"

Haze looks at the stallion nervously, not sure if he should go over.

Shade connects to the stallion telepathically because, well... she can.

"Mrs. Nightrain, why are you crying?" Shade asks innocently through his mind, which somewhat surprises him. Apparently, he was used to doing so to others, but the be connected to himself seemed a bit disturbing, especially since it was a filly.

"Mister," he responds. "I am a mister."

"Whatever you say Mrs. Nightrain." she giggles. "That doesn't answer my question though."

"Well then little colt," he jokes. "It's to make them behave."

"So you're saying that you're faking your tears? Is this along the line of that word mommy said? M- manipulation, I think?" she asks innocently.

"I prefer to think of it in this case as, 'persuasion'," he chukles. "I pretend to cry and they choose to stop what they're doing to focus on making me happy. I'm not controlling them in anyway, so it isn't technically manipulation."

Celestia nuzzles Rain' side saying, "Don't cry! Pweese?"

Star proceeds to lick his leg, and even Haze comes and nudges him in worry.

"Rain?" he manages to say. "Don't. I don't like it."

The older stallion seizes the opportunity to ask, "Your dad didn't like you running away OR what you said to him."

Shade kindly disconnected from Rain, thinking about his statement. She figured his act as a trick, which to her meant tricks were ok, as long as you don't control the other pony.

"Thanks Mrs. Nightrain! That really clears that subject up!" Shade says, skipping merrily back into the kitchen.

Rain groans and stands up.

"Now is everypony gonna listen?"

They all nod instantaneously.

Shadow and Moon were laying on a slab of rock, smooth to the touch and just low enough for the two to still be half submerged in water, yet high enough where they didn't have to swim. They had been sitting in that cave for an unknown amount of time, seeing as time didn't even seem to factor to the two. They were still being bedazzled by the amazing display above, right next to and in each others hooves.

"It's simply magnificent..." Shadow states, still gazing upwards. "How long have you known about this place?"

"Since I was a filly," she half-laughs. "I used to be friends with this creature known as the Singing Banshee."

"Let me guess. She sang?" Shadow replies with a smirk. "I don't reckon you took lesson from her huh? I don't ever hear you sing much."

She blushes madly, "I don't sing."

"No," Shadow starts. "I don't sing. Trust me, I have a voice that could kill cows." he chuckles. The stallion nudges her. "Come on. Sing a little something. For me."

"Fine," she mutters bashfully. "I'll stick with something she used to sing."

The mare stands, an aquamarine glow about her as she literally floats above the water's surface. Harmoniously, the water swirls, drips, and bounces upward in a calm rhythm. The cave begins to darken, save the star like crystals and Moon herself.

"I've been


In something

so diiistant

as if I

was pooooony...

And I've been


this felling

of hope-less-ness

in me

in me...

All th pomises I made

Just to let you down

You believed in me but Iiiiii'm broooken...

I have nothing left

and all I feeel is this cruel


we've been falling for all this time

and now

I'm lost in paradiiiiiiiise.."

Shadow slowly claps his hooves. "A voice of the angles." he states. He himself now stands, walking over to the mare. "I think it's about time we go and check back up on the kids." He takes a momentary pause. "OR we could go visit my old home. I think I still remember where it is." Shadow grins. "Besides, it's the journey that counts eh?"

"I hardly see how that makes sense, BUT I ain't gonna complain." The pegasus starts off towards where they had entered. "Coming?"

She nods and swims along after him, curious as to where he chose to go.

Author's note: Still reading? Gotta give it to ya... You're determined. If you still are reading along, I hope I'm still doing well enough to at least interest ya.