• Published 29th Aug 2012
  • 1,736 Views, 78 Comments

The Name's Shadow, Shadow Eternal... - EternalShadow54

"I wonder what Celestia would do if she captured me. Nothing I couldn't handle, I'm sure...&a

  • ...

An Encounter With Gene...

Author's note: Two in one day!? Oh my... Well, enjoy! It continues now with Shadow's deal with Puppet!

Four days passed before the stallion had decided that he should begin on his end of the bargain. It took almost no time at all to make it to Ponyville, but that was only the start. He would soon realize that actually finding the pony and completing his end of the deal would be a tad bit tougher than he had thought...

Upon reaching the rather quaint town of Ponyville, Shadow took a quick stop outside the edge, putting on his oldened Solar Empire armor. It had been literally years since he had even gave it a striking glance, much less had worn it. To little surprise however, it still fit. He never grew much.

Even if it still fit, it came nowhere close to looking even remotely good. All colors, what colors there were, had faded into a dull grey, much like his coat, and the areas that would have possibly contain an emblem or rank representation, there were only years of wear and rust. He brought it along only in the case that he should need it, but he still held regret for doing so. In basic, Shadow was only wearing a plain metal chestplate with deep marks and discolored rust littered among it.

He even considered bringing his helmet to conceal his identity, but to be remembered might be the best course of action if information was to be obtained. "Maybe I should start with the obvious choice," he thought aloud to himself, glancing toward the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

Trotting lazily, he began to let his mind wander while making his way down a trail, flowers lined beside him on both sides along the way. In the distance to his right was Ponyville, fading away as he continued toward the farm, and to his left was his home, the Everfree. Partial clouds started to cover the air, the morning sun shining its warm rays of light atop Equestria. It certainly was an ideal day for hunting down another pony.

Shadow carried along, trudging every now and again for what felt like an hour before he suddenly spotted a tree up ahead of him, a brightly colored something like a rainbow hanging from the branches, hidden by the thicket of leaves.

The stallion pressed on, keeping one eye on the figure at all times. Nearing closer, he started to hear snoring, followed by the figure twitching a bit. It took far too long, but after standing there and gawking in wonder for a bit, it finally hit him.

"Rainbow... Dash?" he barely muttered. The statement was just audible to the rainbow maned mare, stirring her from her much anticipated slumber.

"Hnnnmmm... W-who's there! I... I'll show ya..." she mumbled, eyes still closed. It was apparent she was dreaming, and shadow just could not resist. Stealthily and quietly, he snuck under the tree, keeping in mind to watch for twigs and leaves.

"Rainbow Dash..." the stallion softly whispered.

"Huh, what? Who's there?"

"Shadow... Shadow Eternal... Do you remember me?"

"Shadow? The same out in the woods?"

"So, you do remember me?"

"Everypony does. We wonder about you all the time..."

"That's all I needed to know. Now, watch out for those spiders behind you."

"What!? Spiders!? Where!?" The cyan pony commenced to thrashing around in her sleep, hooves flying in all directions. Eventually, the inevitable happened, and she fell out of the tree, landing face first into the dirt. Shadow couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Wha- what!? Where am I? What happened?" The mare turned to look at the stallion she had unknowingly given information to. She started to scratch her mane in confusion. "Shadow?" The stallion bowed.

"The one and only," he said with a smug grin.

"What in Equestria are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know. Paying a visit, looking around, searching for certain ponies, that sort of thing."

"Who are you looking for?" Rainbow Dash inquired.

"Nopony in particular, not that you should care."

"Seems kinda shady if you ask me," she acquisition accusingly, raising an eyebrow.

"Never you mind about my business," Shadow gruffed. "I just need to know where the orange one is. Applejack I think her name was."

"What do you want with my friend Applejack?"

"I'm looking for a particular stallion."

"I thought you said you wasn't looking for anypony in particular," she snorted back, rather irritated.

"Well I am now. Do you know anything?"

"Why should I tell you?" Shadow scoffed at the statement.

"I don't have time for this," he grumbled, pushing her aside and heading once more toward the farm.

"Wait!" the cyan pegasus called. "Where are you going!?" He was nearly out of sight before calling back.

"None of your business!" Rainbow Dash growled at the hearing, watching as he trotted out of vision.

Shadow began to take in the scenery once more, wondering back into his thoughts to pass travel time. It appeared they had not forgotten him, but contrarily they spoke of him regularly. "No doubt she'll tell the others I'm here," he snarled to himself. "This better not be a waste of time..."

The stallion figured it afternoon before he reached the farm. The sun had been up long and the air started to cool slightly. A short breeze passed through the orchards as the grey pegasus arrived at the front door step. Stopping before the wooden entrance, he knocked, lightly at first but more forceful in every other knock. It was only a moment before the door was answered, opened by a familiar orange face.

"Why hello there Applejack," Shadow stated with a smirk. The mare unexpectedly lit up upon recognizing him, which only took a moment.

"Shadow!" Suddenly, she paled. "W-why are you here?"

"Oh, no particular reason. Why?"

"Come in and ah'll explain." The mare stepped to the side, allowing the stallion to enter with ease. Upon breaching the doorway threshold, he took a swift notice of the pony to the side, perfectly matching Puppet's description.

His coat gleamed an icy blue, mane forest green with ruby red eyes. The tail was spiked in all directions, his cutie mark a wheelbarrel. Lastly, the most distinguishable part was the deep crimson scar across his left eye. He looked a bit worse for wear, even by Shadow's standards.

"Shadow, meet my coltfriend Gene," she introduced. "Gene, this here is Shadow."

"It's good to finally meet you," Gene remarked, extending his forehoof.

"Gene here has been on the run from a mare passin' herself off as an archeologist er somethin'. She's been tryin' to find somepony to... yah know..." Shadow then grabbed the other's hoof.

"How long you two been together?" the grey one asked.

"About three months now."

"Around the time you left my camp?" he inquired.

"About that time, yea."

"She thinks meeting you had something to do with me coming along," Gene inserted. Applejack hid a blush.

"Ah kinda feel like ah owe ya in a way."

"Please don't," Shadow remarked. There was a short eerie silence, unbroken and awkward in a way.

After a few minutes, everypony started to feel a bit on edge about the quietness. Shadow only had just released his grip on the other stallion's hoof before he spoke to break the tension.

"So..." he began.

"Well, Imma go ahead and go fix up supper," the mare quickly input. "Y'all two try and get along ya hear?"

"I'm sure we'll be able to see eye to eye." The mare made her leave, the two standing face to face. Neither moved nor spoke. Shadow knew what was to be done, but the glare from the other unsettled him, as though he knew the real reason he was there.

"Why are you really here?" Gene finally said. The other chuckled.

"I'm sure we both know," the grey one replied bluntly. The ice blue stallion peered past his shoulder, listening to the clatter of silverware in the kitchen only one room away.

"How much are you being paid pal?"

"More than you could afford. And I ain't your pal." Gene sighed at this.

"Any way I can change your mind?"

"I've got a day or two to kill." Shadow replied, pondering an idea. "Tell ya what. If you can convince me your life is worth more than what I'm being paid, I'll let you live. Sound fair?" Although it sounded completely one-sided, Gene brightened up.

"You mean I have a chance then?" Shadow just cackled.

"A very slim chance, but yea."

"I can't tell you how much I-" the grey pony cut him off.

"But you can NOT tell anypony why I'm really here, and you must NOT try to run OR beg if you don't convince me. Deal?" With only slight hesitation, the other replied.


Applejack suddenly bust through the door, ringing a cowbell. "Supper time everypony!" Hoofsteps could be heard from above.

"Finally! Ah've been starvin' ever since-" A small filly stood on the third step from the bottom, staring at the stranger. "Applejack, who's that?"

"Get on to supper Apple Bloom. Ah'll introduce our guest soon enough."

"But why is he so grey?" the younger asked.

"Hush up and get on."

"Oh, alright..." the filly stated with a sigh. "But can I-"

"No, now git." Apple Bloom left with head hung low. "Sorry about that," the mare said, turning attention back to Shadow.

"Heh, no problem," he replied. "I get that alot."

"Well, why dontcha come in and stay awhile? We got plenty to eat and you can sleep on the couch if ya want."

"I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"Ah'm sure they wouldn't mind," Gene stated. "Wouldn't y'all Applejack?"

"No trouble at all," the work mare replied.

"Oh, in that case, do you mind if I spend the rest of the week here then?" Shadow asked. "I've really nothing else to do, and I'll pay to stay if need be." The mare held up her hoof, eyes closed and smiling.

"That needn't be necessary. It's the least ah could do."

"A-actually," Gene stuttered in, "I think just one night would be enough." The mare shot him a glare, one that seemed to tear through his bold character and shrink him down to size.

"He can stay as long as he wants. He's our guest Gene, much like you."

After thanking her for the kind hospitality, Applejack lead the two in the kitchen, a table laden with all assortments of apple dishes before them. Apple pie, apple fritter, caramel apple, and may others were spread across the table.

Each took their respected seating, the table arrangement slightly offset from the usual. The eating surface was a simple wooden homemade piece of furniture, clued easily by the roughness of the legs. To the left of the table sat Applejack and Gene, side by side and eating with southern fashion. At the far top sat Big Macintosh, digging into his food in much the same style. An older mare by the name of Granny smith was dozing in and out of consciousness, holding her position at the bottom of the table and muttering gibberish as she dazed, Lastly, on the right sat a rather inquisitive Apple Bloom, pestering the weary stallion as he tried everything in his power to eat in peace.

"So, why are you so grey?" the filly nagged.

"Because I am." Shadow half growled back.

"What's with the metal thing around your body?"


"From what?"

"Obviously not your constant questioning."

"Why do you carry around that sword?" the younger inquired, reaching down to touch the glowing blade.

"Don't touch that!" Shadow barked, knocking the hoof away.

"Why can't I touch it?"

"That's enough Apple Bloom," Applejack finally intervened. "Leave out guest alone."

"But he's hiding something! I just know it!"

"Apple Bloom, listen to your sister and leave him alone, "Big Mac added.

"Fine," she sulkily responded.

"You'll have to forgive her Shadow," the orange mare said. "She ain't used to us having guest coming in unannounced is all, especially if she don't know 'em."

"It's fine," he acknowledged.

"A.J. dear, can you come help me with something?" Gene stated, rising from his seat. "Excuse us for just a moment please." The mare followed, seemingly confused. At the instant they were out of sight, the filly continued her trivia quiz.

"So what's your full name?" she asked, brushing off her brother's scornful stare. Shadow waved his hoof to indicated it was okay.

"She can ask those types of questions. The name's Shadow, Shadow Eternal, but just call me Shadow."

"Alright 'Shadow', where are you from?"

"Far away," he snorted. She seemed back on the path of annoying him, and this time, he inadvertently made it alright.

"How far?"

"None of your concern."

"Why is your hair so messy?"

"Because I don't keep it tidy."

"How old are you?"

"Older than you." Apple Bloom snarled at the remark.

"Why'd you come here?"


"What kind of business?"

"My business, now get out of it." The stallion furrowed his brows, trying to hint the questions were starting to bug him. Nopony took notice.

"Why are you so mean?"

"Why can't you shut up?" As soon at the sentence left his mouth, the mare and Gene returned, Applejack a bit less eager to eat than before.

"So... Shadow..." Her voice was shaky. "You never did say why you were staying with us." The grey pegasus turned a sinister glare toward Gene, having suspected the deal already broken.

"On a person matter..." His tone ran accusingly, never averting his paralyzing gaze from the blue stallion. The filly jumped in.

"But you told me it was on business." Shadow bolted from the table.

"My business IS a personal matter! Now shut your trap before I shut it for ya!" The room fell silent.

Every member of the Apple family sat at that table, jaws agape. Apple Bloom was on the verge of tears. The pegasus pushed his plate away from the table's edge, showing he was finished with supper.

"Excuse me..." Shadow left the room, everyponies jaw still ajar. The filly spoke first, shifting a saddened look to her sister.

"H-he didn't m-mean that, d-did he?"

"Just stay away from him Apple Bloom," the mare told.

"But... why?"

"Just please... do as you're told..."

The hinges of the front door nearly broke as Shadow made his exit. "Stupid Puppet sending me out here to do her dirty work. Stupid Gene ruining our deal. I should just go deal with him right now!" He turned heels to head back in, but there was something, or somepony, in his way. Crimson red and eyes of emerald, there stood Big Mac, staring him down with a glare that could shatter steel.

"Oh great," Shadow growled. "I bet you're gonna ask me to leave now aren't you?" The other continued his beam for a few more moments before speaking, his words cold and adamant.

"Apologize." Shadow looked at him like he had just asked him to commit suicide.

"Apologize!? FOR WHAT!?"

"Making my little sis cry."

"She deserved it," the grey one muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"I said I ain't apologizing."

"You had no reason to snap like you did." Shadow just scoffed.

"She had no reason to pester me."

"Then you can sleep in the barn tonight."

"Heh, fine," he remarked with a soft chuckle. "Just be sure that I'm awake before you go off and do your work or whatever. I guess I could help out while I'm here."

"I'd be much obliged, but not necessary," Big Mac finished, stepping back inside and slamming the front door.

The night chill suddenly picked up, the stallion just over freezing. "It's getting late I guess..." he mumbled to himself, in slight awe of the sparkling and twinkling of the cosmos overhead. "I probably should be hitting the hay myself."

He began his trot, the steel of his armor multiplying the cold by at least three. Along the way however, passing close to the house's side, he heard a soft murmur above him, a light faintly shining from a bedroom of a certain mare. Unable to hear clearly at first, the pegasus unfurled his wings silently and kept close to the wall, eavesdropping on the conversation that was taking place inside.

"I just don't know dear. I don't trust him," a male voiced sounded. It was Gene.

"But from what you told me, we have no choice but to go through with it now," a female voice responded. Applejack.

"Well, you shouldn't have offered to let him stay so long."

"How was I supposed to know he was the one she had sent? He just doesn't seem the type."

"Have you looked into those lifeless eyes of his?" Gene retorted, raising his voice a notch.

"He didn't seem the type last time I met him." Gene then softened his voice.

"Well, we can't do anything about it now, lest he gets suspicious I told you."

"I'm no longer suspicious..." Applejack and the stallion jumped at the sudden tone, Shadow crawling through the window. "In fact, I've heard all I've needed to hear."

"S-S-Shadow..." Gene stuttered with a ghastly expression. "W-what are you d-doing here?"

"Oh, I think you know." The grey pegasus withdrew his blade, a terrified mare to his side. "Business and such..." A sly grin slithered across his face.

"B-but you said I h-had a few days," the stallion said in defense. Applejack just stood, frozen by shock at the scene unfolding before her.

"Yes, and I also said not to tell anypony." Shadow was only a hoof or two away now.

"C-can't we talk about this?" Shadow cackled at this.

"Talk?" He brought his blade up, just over his head. "I'm tired of talking..."

"Hey Shadow!" a voice sounded behind him, rather stern.

"Hmmm?" He turned his neck to give slight acknowledgement, only to hear a breaking of pottery before everything went black.

Applejack was heaving heavily over the unconscious pegasus, a broken lamp partially in her hooves. Gene only glanced a ghastly expression to the mare before he himself fainted...