• Published 17th May 2021
  • 4,728 Views, 128 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era - Mister E-Nonymous

The entire country of Equestria and small section outside of the border have been sent to an entirely different world, and every creature was given a form in between human and what species they are. Even meet some new friends on their adventure.

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Episode 1: Downfall of Equestria (Part 1)

My Little Pony:
The Mobian Era

Episode 1: Downfall of Equestria (Part 1)

In the land of Equestria, things have been peaceful for all of the ponies, and other creatures. Twilight Sparkle, the now high princess of Equestria, was sitting in her throne, her royal advisor, Spike the Dragon, was right by her side as they were going through day court, where some of the nobles were trying to get some demands that didn't make Twilight Sparkle happy. Especially with the current request from one of the most pompous stallions in Canterlot, Prince Blueblood.

"I'm not leaving until my demands are requested!" Prince Blueblood demanded, stomping his foreleg.

"No," Twilight said, looking down at Blueblood. "Your request is to have Ponyville demolished. I lived in that town for a few years. Even before I became an alicorn." She unfolded her wings, showing them off to Blueblood. She then folded them back up. "I will not have one of the greatest towns in Equestria be demolished, and then turned into a high classed vacation spots for nobles only. Think about it, where are the ponies that live there going to be living?"

"Don't know, don't care," Prince Blueblood said. "That's there problem. Now, accept my demands."

Twilight scrunched her face. Then Blueblood was blasted out of the throne room doors. Twilight then shouted, "Court is over for the day." Twilight sighed heavily. "I didn't know court would be that tiring."

"I know," Spike said, shaking his writing claw. "My claws are aching from writing all day. Guess it was hard for Nyx to do this when she was Nightmare Moon."

Twilight tilted her head and nodded. She then said, "At least she won't have to do that for a while." Just then, a couple royal guards entered the throne room. "Oh, what now?"

"Your Highness, two things," one of the royal guards said. "One, your meeting with the Council of Friendship is about to start."

Twilight leaned her head back and groaned. She then said, "Blueblood has been keeping up his unruly demands to demolish Ponyville for no real reason, that his demands have been keeping me from my friends." She then sighed, putting her right forehoof to her face. "I'm just glad it's over. And what's the other thing."

"It would seem that your daughter and son have returned from school early," said the other guard. "And young Joshua has a black eye."

"WHAT?!" Twilight shouted. She then sighed. "Spike, go get both Nyx and Joshua, and bring them to me during the meeting." Spike nodded and headed out. "I better get to meet my friends." She then walked down the halls of the castle, heading towards the council room.

Twilight had arrived in the Council of Friendship, where her five friends from Ponyville, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity, were all talking with each other. They looked over towards Twilight, who had an upset look on her face.

"Whoa, Twi," Applejack said. "What's got yer tail in a bun?"

"Yes, Darling," Rarity added. "It would seem that you're upset at something."

"Well, one request from the snarky prince, Blueblood, demanded that Ponyville would be demolished, and replaced with a high class vacation destination for nobles only," Twilight said. "And he doesn't even care about the ponies being kicked out of their homes."

"Now, that ain't right," Applejack stated.

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash added, jumping onto the table. "Ponyville is our home. Taking away our home is like taking away our kingdom."

"I know," Twilight said. "But, he's not going to get what he wants. No matter how many times he requests it. I'm not going to let the homes of my closest friends be demolished."

Just then, the doors swung open, and in walked Spike and Nyx, with Joshua riding Nyx's back, with an ice pack over his left eye. The Mane 6 looked over.

"Holy Moly!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. She then zoomed over towards the three of them, grabbed Joshua, and brought him to the table. She then removed the ice pack from over Joshua's eye. "Yikes! That's one big shiner!"

Twilight used her magic to pull Joshua over to her. She then got a good look at Joshua's eye. She then said, "Oh, Joshua. Who did this to you?"

"It was actually a nasty minded unicorn colt," Nyx answered for Joshua. "He caught both of us off guard. He said that we didn't belong here, but in the dungeon or a lab for dissection."

"That's awful," Twilight said. "But, how did Joshua get a black eye?"

"He got it when trying to push the colt off of us," Nyx said.

"This wouldn't have happened if we stayed in Ponyville," Joshua said, tears coming from the corners of his eyes.

Twilight pulled him in for a hug, saying, "I know, Joshua. I know." She then sighed. "But, we can't. We can't leave Canterlot. I'm the High Princess. I can't just give up the throne to let somepony else like Blueblood take over and let him do whatever he wants to the kingdom." She then sighed. "We're just going to have to make the best of it."

Nyx looked up at Rarity and asked, "How are they doing without us? The other Crusaders?"

"Things haven't been the same for them since the two of you left," Rarity said. "They were planning on running away from home just to come up here to stay with you."

"All o' them," Applejack said. "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Dinky, even Twist. But, we all stopped them from makin' that decision."

"But, we'd say that one day, we would bring them up here to see you two," Rarity said. "Or, they'll get a chance to when they get a field trip up here."

"And I'm guessing that today isn't one of those days?" Nyx asked, getting a little upset. Applejack and Rarity looked at each other, smirking. Then Applejack knocked on the table, and from below the table, five fillies came out from under there. All of them that Nyx and Joshua knew too well.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders forever!" the five fillies said, pulling in Nyx and Joshua for a hug. The two laughed in happiness that their friends came up to Canterlot to visit them.

"Hold on, girls," Twilight said, pulling Joshua back to her. "Just let me heal up Joshua's black eye." Twilight then lit up her horn, using a healing spell on Joshua's eye. The black eye mostly faded. "It's not a perfect heal, but it's as good as I can get it. It's still going to be a little tender, but you'll be fine."

Joshua nodded, and headed back to the Crusaders. Joshua then said, "I can't believe you all came up here. But, isn't Miss Cheerilee going to be mad that you all came up here with Mommy's friends?"

"Nah," Apple Bloom explained. "Applejack and Rarity got permission from Scootaloo's, Dinky's and Twist's families if it was alright fer them ta pull them, along with us, out of school fer the day so we can come and visit y'all here in Canterlot."

"It's not the same without the two of you here," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah," said Scootaloo. "We missed having you two bein our club."

"We missed you girls, too," Nyx said. "But, there's nothing we can do to come back to Ponyville if we wanted to."

Fluttershy looked over at the six fillies and Joshua with a sad expression. She then said, "The poor things. Was it right ta have them separated from each other? Couldn't they just stayed registered in the Ponyville Schoolhouse?"

"I thought about it," Twilight said. "But none of the guards wanted to make the trip to the Ponyville Schoolhouse, or their clubhouse, over and over again."

"Oh," Fluttershy said, lowering her head.

"I'm sorry, girls and Josh," Twilight said. "But, there's nothing we can do. If only there was a way for me to run Equestria, and for Nyx and Joshua to be happy without one of them coming home with an injury."

The group of ponies, Spike and Joshua started thinking, but then something happened. There was an earthquake happening around them.

"Earthquake!" Pinkie Pie said. "Everypony get down!"

Then all of them got down on the floor, Twilight putting a barrier around all of them. Then the windows let in a bright light, which spread throughout the room, and the light was also spreading across Equestria, and a small section beyond its boarder.

But during the spreading lights, all of the creatures, except for Joshua, went through a mild transformation. The ponies, their bodies gaining the straightness of a bipedal creature, their forehooves spreading out, and gaining fingers, their haunches gaining length and their hind legs shrinking down, gaining toes. And clothing came out of nowhere, covering their bodies, especially their private areas, and still having some holes for their tails and wings. That is if they have wings.

When the light faded, all of those within the light had been unconscious. In Canterlot Castle, the group of ponies, Spike and Joshua were getting up from what happened. Twilight looked around, but when she saw her friends and her kids, she gasped. She then looked down at her body and saw that she was some weird humanoid creature with clothes over her body.

"What? What's happened to us?" Twilight asked quietly. She then shouted, "WAKE UP!!"

Then all of those knocked out in the room woke up. When most of them saw each other, they were surprised. Joshua, on the other hand, was really confused.

"What in tarnation has happened ta us?!" Applejack asked loudly.

"This... is really freaky," Fluttershy said, looking at her hands.

"What in Equestria has happened to us?" Scootaloo said, looking down at her body. "And where did these clothes come from?"

"This is a predicament," Twilight said. She then got up, and started walking on two legs. "This is similar to the Canterlot High world."

"The world where everypony in Equestria is a human like Joshua?" Rainbow Dash asked. "So, you know what's happening?"

"This isn't me," Twilight said. "But, it's like we're something in between human and pony. I have no idea what's going on." She then started walking over to the fillies, and picked them up. "But at least we still have our horns and wings. Let's get you all walking like a human. Joshua, you think you can help me teach our friends?"

"Sure, Mommy," Joshua said. Twilight helped all of them walk like humans. When they finished learning how to walk and run like humans, they all headed outside. They saw through the streets of Canterlot that all of the ponies there were freaking out of their new appearances.

"This is awful!" Twilight said. "Everypony has gone through a transformation and they're all freaking out."

"Even the statue of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow is different!" Rainbow Dash said, pointing at the statue of the three villains. Two of the three villains went through a transformation as well, but still sealed in stone. Tirek was the only one who didn't transform.

"Ah just hope it's just all in Canterlot who was the only ponies that changed," Applejack said. "Ah don't think that all of Equestria can handle this."

"It's not just Canterlot that's changed," came another voice. The group looked over to their right and saw Starlight Glimmer, and the Young Six (Sandbar, Gallus, Ocellus, Silverstream, Smolder and Yona) all transformed as well. "It affected everypony in Ponyville."

"Okay, so it affected Canterlot and Ponyville," Twilight said, nervously. "It's a good thing that not everypony in Equestria went through a wild transformation."

Then a popping sound came, and over them, Discord, who wasn't transformed either, was hovering over them, saying, "I wouldn't be too sure about that. I checked over all of Equestria, and it would seem that everypony, and those beyond its border has transformed."

That made Twilight's pupils shrink, giving a weird smile, and saying, "Oh boy."

"When I sensed it happening, it all seem to happen by a great amount of chaotic energy," Discord said.

"Chaotic energy?!" all of them asked.

"So it was you that did all of this?!" Rainbow Dash accused.

"What?!" Discord asked. "No way! This was way more powerful than the Chaos I can cause. Way more powerful."

"So, this is a work of some kind of chaotic energy, but way more powerful than Discord's chaos magic?" Fluttershy asked. "This is really confusing."

"What are we going ta do?" Applejack asked.

"Ooh, ooh! How about we asked them?" Pinkie Pie said, pointing a finger towards the sky. The group looked up into the sky, seeing some flying machines coming towards them.

"Helicopters?" Joshua asked.

"What are helicopters?" Scootaloo asked.

"Flying transport machines from my world," Joshua said. "But, how did they get here?"

The helicopters headed for the entrance of the castle, landing on the flattest part of the area. Then a bunch of humans in black suits walked out of them, but another human wearing a red suit came out.

"Which one of you is in charge?" the man in red asked, giving a creepy smile.

The man in red approached the group slowly. Discord snapped his lion paw and disappeared while the others stepped back behind Twilight. Twilight stood strong, extending her wings.

The man in red looked down at Twilight and asked, "Are you in charge?"

"Yes I am," Twilight said. "I am Twilight Sparkle, High Princess of the Land of Equestria. Might I ask what..."

She was interrupted when the man in red started laughing. He then said, "Oh, that's cute. Thinking that she's still in charge of this kingdom. But, I'm afraid that you are no longer in charge of this land. This whole land is now under custody of our country."

"You can't just take custody of..." Twilight was saying until she was interrupted.

"NO!" the man in red shouted.

"But..." Twilight tried talking again, but was interrupted.


"I'm the High Princess of..."

"I'M IN CHARGE!" the man in red interrupted again. "Men, take every creature in this land to the maximum security prison. Not one of these guys gets out."

The men in black suits held out some guns, aiming them at the Mane 6, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike, Starlight Glimmer and the Young Six. Starlight Glimmer lit up her horn, and she teleported herself and the Young Six away. The men fired and the Mane 6, Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were hit by tranquilizer darts, making them all fall to the ground.

The man in red looked down at the group, and took one look at Joshua. He then called out, "Agent Stone."

Then another man came out of the helicopter, walking up to the man in red, saying, "Yes, Doctor Robotnik?"

"Take this boy to an orphanage in the Capital City," the man known as Doctor Robotnik said. "He doesn't belong here."

Then the men in black aimed their guns towards the other ponies in Canterlot, but all of them disappeared in a flash of light. The humans looked around.

"I will not be messed with," Doctor Robotnik said. "Let's take these ones away."

The men then grabbed the bodies of the ponies and dragon while Agent Stone grabbed Joshua. They loaded them up in a much larger helicopter that landed not too far away from them.


Twilight was waking up. She woke up and saw that she was in a concrete prison with a glass door that was the only way in. She looked all over the room and saw that she was the only one in the room. And there was a camera on the center of the ceiling.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked. She then got up from the bed, and started shaking the door.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," came the voice of Doctor Robotnik. Twilight looked around the room to see where the voice was coming from. "Up here!" Twilight then looked up at the camera. "Welcome to your new permanent home. I really hope you find your accommodations really uncomfortable. You're not getting out of this any time soon."

"Where are my friends and my kids?" Twilight asked, angrily. "My kids are the dragon, the black alicorn and the human child. Give them back!"

"Oh, I don't think you'll ever be seeing them again," Doctor Robotnik's voice came from the camera. "The dragon and the black alicorn are with the other little ponies. But, you're never going to see that boy again. I had Agent Stone take him to an orphanage. So you'll never see him again."

"NO!" Twilight shouted. "You can't do that! Do you know how many laws you have broken?!"

"Nobody cares!" Doctor Robotnik's voice came from the camera. "Your country is now under our jurisdiction. I'm running the show now. You might as well give up on trying to get out. Get used to your new accommodations. Because you're not leaving this place any time soon." Then there was static, and red light on the camera turned off.

"No!" Twilight said. She then looked at the door, and fired a beam of magic, breaking the glass. She then stepped through, and ran through the halls, looking for her friends. When none of her friends were on the floor, she decided to head to a different floor, which had no sign of her friends. When she got to the top floor, she found them, in normal jail cells. "Girls! Spike!"

The group looked towards Twilight and called out for help.

"Stand back, everypony!" Twilight said. She then lit up her horn, and all of the cells containing her friends, Spike and the Crusaders were forced open. They all ran out of the cells, meeting with Twilight. "Let's get out of here."

"I don't think so!" came Doctor Robotnik's voice. Then a steel door blocked the exit. "None of you are getting out of here!"

Twilight scrunched her face in anger. She then smirked, and used her magic to force the steel door open, making the others run through the door. But when they got outside, there were a bunch of men with weapons aimed at them. Then a flying craft came up from over them. The window opened up and revealed Doctor Robotnik.

"You shouldn't have left," Doctor Robotnik said. "You're better off in your cells."

"You took us from our home and tried taking it for yourself!" Twilight shouted. "You're a villain!"

"Oh, I don't think so," Doctor Robotnik said. "I'm going to make sure that none of you are getting out of here."

"Says the guy wearing something for a comic book convention!" Spike said, making some of them laugh.

"Yes, what are you wearing?" Rarity asked. "It looks so tacky."

Doctor Robotnik looked down at his outfit, looked back at the group and said, "It's a flight suit. Designed to modulate my body temperature and reduce drag."

"And yet, you still are one," Rainbow Dash said, smirking.

"Ohoh, good one!" Doctor Robotnik said. "This will be quick. You're going back to your cells, and staying there for the rest of your lives."

Just then, the sound of something breaking the sound barrier caught everyone's attention. They all looked towards where the sonic boom came from, and saw a giant steel door. Then it was knocked over by something. And out came a blue blur, pushing away all of the men with the guns, and then hitting the flying craft multiple times, then it fell to the ground.

"Goh! Now ya done it!" Doctor Robotnik said.

The blue blur stopped, landing in front of the group, making all of them surprised by what it was.

"Guess what, Eggman?!" the blue creature said, looking at Doctor Robotnik. "Your reign of terror is coming to an end!" Just then, another hover craft with a box under it came in and landed. "Alright, all of you. Into the box."

The ponies and Spike then ran to the box, getting into the seats that were installed in there. Twilight then looked back outside, saying, "We still need to find Joshua."

"Who's Joshua?" the blue creature asked.

"He's my human son," Twilight said. "He comes from an entirely different human world which was destroyed. I took him in. That old man in that flying machine had him taken to an orphanage."

"You got a picture of the guy?" Sonic asked.

Twilight then lit up her horn, and an illusion of Joshua appeared. The blue creature got a good look at him, smirked and said, "I'll have him back to our home base, where you'll be going, in no time."

"Wait, who are you?" Twilight asked, before the creature zoomed off.

The creature looked towards the others and said, "I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog." He then zoomed off. Then the doors sealed off, and everyone got into the seats. When they sat down, some seat belts came in and strapped them in. The air craft then took off, heading off somewhere.

"Twilight?" Nyx asked. "Is Joshua going to be okay?"

"I'm sure that Joshie will be fine," Dinky said. "I just hope our families will be okay."

Twilight looked around at the group and said, "Things are getting weirder and weirder by the second." She then looked out the window. "Joshua, I hope you're alright."

Joshua was waking up, he felt a seat belt across his body. He saw that he was in a car. He then saw the ones in the front seat, one man and one woman.

"Where... where am I?" Joshua asked.

"Oh good, you're awake," the woman said.

"We're going to take you to the orphanage," said the man. "There, you'll be taken care of and given a nice family."

"NO!" Joshua shouted. "I already have a family! You took me away from them!"

"Sorry, kid," said the man driving. "We're under strict order to take you to the orphanage, so you'll be going to a loving family." Joshua scrunched his face in sadness, and then he lowered his head.

"NO WAY!!"

That voice surprised all three of them, and they all looked out of the passenger side window, seeing Sonic the Hedgehog running along side the car. He grinned at them. He then spun and cut the rear passenger door, which made the door fall off. Sonic then jumped in and unstrapped Joshua's seat belt.

"You guys don't have the right to take this kid to an orphanage if he's not an orphan," Sonic said. "What you're basically doing is Grade A kidnapping." Sonic then picked Joshua up, and jumped out of the car.

The two humans in the front seat were surprised at that. The woman then asked, "Did we kidnap a child without the full story?"

"I think we need to get the full story," the man said.

Meanwhile, up in the sky, the aircraft was flying somewhere over a desert valley. The cargo box containing the Mane 6, Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were enjoying the ride, but they were getting hot.

"Boy, sure is gettin' hot in here," Apple Bloom said.

"I thought I wath the only one," Twist said, trying to fan herself with her hand.

"This heat is making my mane splitting," Rarity said. "If only we could make this room cooler."

"Request granted. Activating air conditioning."

All of the ponies and Spike were confused by the voice coming from somewhere. Then a bunch of cool air started blowing into the cargo box. Everyone there started to feel cooler.

"Hoowee!" Applejack said. "That feels so good!"

"But who's voice was that, and why did she do that for us?" Twilight asked.

The voice from earlier giggled and said, "How rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself." Then a light from the front of the box emitted, and a creature appeared from the light.

"Call me Nicole."

"What are you?" Twilight asked.

"I appear as a lynx, but I cannot be given a physical touch to any of you," Nicole said. "I am just an artificial intelligence to help Mobian kind from being harmed. The humans are afraid of the Mobians for being different. Having unique abilities, skills and brain power."

"But not all of the humans are accepting of you," Rainbow Dash said.

"That ain't right," Applejack said. "Ya should get the rights to be rightful citizens."

"I wish it was that easy," said Nicole. "Doctor Robotnik has made sure that the Mobians are a threat to the humans. We're just fighting for freedom. Which is why we're called the Freedom Fighters."

"Interesting name," Scootaloo said.

In the cockpit of the aircraft, there were two Mobian foxes. One young with yellowish orange fur and some white fur, and he had two tails. The other one was about twice his age, had gray fur, had a white muzzle with orange highlights and orange chest fur and the tip of his single tail was also orange. His muzzle was slightly bigger, and he had black hair on top of his head, with his ears sticking out. The gray fox was checking ahead.

Then there was some beeping coming from the console in front of the gray fox while the younger was on the yoke. The younger one looked over towards the gray fox and asked, "What do we have?"

The gray fox looked at the radar that was on his console and said, "It's the Air Force, Tails." He then pulled down a CB radio with his left hand and spoke into it. "Alright, all you down there, hold on to your butts! We're about to take some aerial assault! Prepare for some evasive actions!"

The ponies and Spike from in the cargo box looked up at the speakers got worried. Twilight then asked, "Who was that?"

"That was Michael Crayton. Also known as MC the Fox," Nicole explained. "You better listen to what he says. Looks like the government has unleashed the Air Force to get us to land." Just then, there was a whooshing sound coming from behind. The straps then gotten tighter for them.

The Air Force Jets fired among the air craft using missiles. The air craft started evading the missiles before they could make contact. In the cockpit, Tails and MC were struggling to hold on. MC then got up from his seat and headed for the rear door.

Tails turned his head quickly to MC, then looked back forward and asked, "Where are you going?"

"To disable their fire power," MC said.

"But you can't fly!" Tails stated. "How are you going to handle all of their fire power?"

"I can manage, remember?" MC asked before climbing up the ladder to the top of the air craft. He then opened up the hatch door. As he turned the hatch lock, there came a tube sealing the inside from the gale force winds. As soon as he came out, the wind was roaring. As soon as he was up top, he closed and sealed the hatch. MC slowly took steps towards the rear part of the air craft. "Nicole, release my Extreme Gear, the Roaring Dragon." He then jumped off the air craft as it fired a board, heading right towards MC, him landing on it. He then rode the board towards the persuders.

"It's one of the Mobians! Fire on sight!" One of the pilots of the crafts said. Then the air crafts started firing at MC.

MC gave the missiles cold glares. He held out his hands, and through small holes in the fingertips of his gloves, silver claws emerged from them. He then said, "Time for Chaos Claw." As soon as the missiles came in close range, MC swung both of his hands, and all of the missiles that passed him got sliced up, then they exploded, with MC getting enough distance from the explosion.

The ponies were awestruck by what happened. Rainbow Dash then said, "That... was... AWESOME!!"

"That guy just sliced those things with his claws like a knife through butter!" Spike said. "How did he do that?"

"Good question, Spike," Twilight said. "And how did he get through that without being blown up immediately."

"That was MC," said Nicole. "He has a lot of power in him, but there's a lot we don't know about him. His power level is unknown to us. It's like he's keeping us in the dark about his full power."

"Why would he hold back so much power if he's able to stop those guys?" Nyx asked. "Is he saving his power for a bigger fight?"

"Either that, or he wants to fight for what's right, even if it means not having to use his powers," Nicole said.

MC was fighting off the missiles fired from the persuders. As they kept firing, he countered them with his claws. He then got close to one craft, and sliced off one of the wings of one of the planes, making them dive and spin. Then the pilot of the air craft ejected, with a parachute coming out, sending them to the ground safely. He then did with the other six, all who ejected and unleashed their parachutes. Except for one pilot. He was having trouble pulling the chord to release his parachute.

"My chute won't shoot!" the falling pilot said as he was trying to pull the chord.

Just then, MC came speeding down. He grabbed the box where the chord to the parachute was, and he pulled on it, pulling on the chord as well, and the parachute was released, and the pilot safely going down.

"I don't believe it! That Mobian saved me!" the pilot said.

"Captain, is it just me, or are we just going on these missions by false information?" another pilot asked over their intercom.

"If that Mobian had saved Higgins instead of finishing him off, I think we are all duped," the captain said over the intercom. "Has the doctor been lying to us this whole time?"

MC flew on his Extreme Gear to right in front of the air craft. Tails saw him coming in front of the ship. Tails then asked, "Is that one pilot okay?"

"He's fine," MC replied over their intercom. "We got a mission to accomplish. I'll meet you back at Knothole." MC then rushed forward, heading ahead to their home base.

Later, the air craft went past a place and landed in an a forest near a small town. The air craft landed in a place full of bungalows. The doors of the cargo box opened up, the ponies and Spike walking out. Then from outside, Sonic the Hedgehog rushed in, carrying Joshua.

"Sorry I'm late," Sonic said, putting Joshua down. "Had to stop for a bathroom break."

"Mom!" Joshua said, running towards Twilight. Twilight pulled him in for a hug.

"I'm glad to have you back, Joshua," Twilight said. The ponies, Spike and Joshua looked towards the Blue Hedgehog, and saw a bunch of other Mobians. A female chipmunk, the two foxes from the ship, a pink hedgehog in a red dress, a purple walrus, an orange coyote, a yellow bunny that has a robotic arm and robotic legs, a young tan rabbit girl with orange spots in an orange dress, a little blue creature floating right next to the young rabbit, and Nicole, all standing in front of them.

"Welcome... to the Freedom Fighters," Sonic said to the ponies, Spike and Joshua.

The group of ponies, Spike and Joshua were all worried. They knew all of a sudden that if they wanted their home back, they were going to have to fight for it.